The Board of Directors, the governing body of the Society for Creative Anachronism, focuses on the SCA’s mission, strategy, and goals. They establish and maintain the rules for all of the Society’s activities and administration, and the Board acts as the final arbiter in the interpretation of these rules.
The Directors meet in person four times a year, along with the Corporate Officers, to discuss and vote on the business of the organization. Additional business is conducted via conference calls as needed. Directors also travel to participate in panel discussions at interkingdom and larger kingdom-level events.
Directors have an initial period of 6 months in training as a Director-Elect, and then serve on the Board for three-and-a-half years. All the Directors are members of the SCA who are familiar with, and participate in, SCA events and activities.
More details in: Summary of the Duties of the Board
On this page:
Ombudsmen | Board Nominees
Meetings | Minutes | Hosting Meetings
Board Committees | Contact the Board
Directors are assigned duties as Ombudsmen for Society Officers, Board Committees, and Kingdoms. They represent those individuals and groups to the Board, and promote communication and coordination between the Board and the functional personnel of the Society.
SCA participants with concerns about a particular Kingdom, or Corporate office or function should contact the ombudsman responsible for that area.
Directors’ Ombudsmen Listing
Candidates for the Board are nominated by SCA members and participants. Nominees remain on the list for two years, and the list is published for member commentary online and in Tournaments Illuminated. Your suggestions for nominees, and input on listed nominees is welcome, and helps the current directors in their evaluation of potential board members.
List of Nominees
Past Directors of the Board
Meetings are currently being held online using webinars, and you can register to watch.
Please note: Virtual quarterly meetings on held on Sundays. Live quarterly meetings are held on Saturdays, to accommodate necessary travel. Saturday meetings will still be both streamed live and recorded for viewing later.
All meeting dates are tentative, and subject to possible change.
View Agenda for upcoming meetings. The deadline to submit items for a meeting’s agenda is usually the 1st of the month in which the meeting is being held.
Hosting Board Meetings
Groups interested in hosting a meeting should contact the Executive Assistant ([email protected]) for information on meeting requirements and how to submit a bid.
Please note: For meetings not held in San Jose, California, the procedure is to rotate the meetings among the different parts of the Known World. This scheduling is done one to two years in advance (often before a Kingdom Calendar is populated). While Corporate Operations reviews the Kingdom Calendar before scheduling a meeting, and sends an email to the Kingdom Seneschal long before a meeting is finalized, it is not possible to guarantee that conflicts will always be avoided.
Minutes of Board Meetings
Minutes of Board Meetings can be accessed online. (A link to Board Meeting minutes is on the Marketplace page.) Minutes are posted after they have been approved by the Board at the following quarter’s meeting. You can also purchase a subscription to paper copies of Minutes from upcoming Board Meetings from the SCA Bookshop (they are called “Board Proceedings” in the store).
The President of the SCA publishes Board Meeting reports within thirty days of each Board meeting. These reports contain the summaries of Society Officers’ reports, summaries of Board Committee presentations, and Requests for Commentary.
Recording of meetings are uploaded at a later date to the SCA YouTube channel.
Communications Committee Chair: Brigid Costello communications@marla
Contact the Board
You can address all the Directors at [email protected]. Correspondence concerning a particular Corporate function, office, or kingdom can be sent to the director who is the ombudsman responsible for that area.
Mail for members of the Board may also be addressed to the Corporate Office:
The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
P.O. Box 611928
San Jose, CA 95161