Here’s how you can find out what’s going on in the SCA:
Announcements Mailing List
Sign up to receive Announcements from the SCA in your email.
Announcements are sent by the Board of Directors to keep SCA participants informed about officer postings, Board meetings, rules changes, requests for comments, etc. An Archive of previous announcements is also available.
Follow the SCA on our Social Media venues:
- SCA YouTube Channel – videos of Interviews, Round-table Discussions, Board of Directors Meetings, Town Halls, and more
- Some kingdoms (and local groups) have YouTube channels with videos of courts, tournaments, events, interviews, classes, etc.
- also see: the Known World Entertainment Guide listing (a Google Docs spreadsheet) – for links to videos of interviews, Kingdom Courts, entertainment, and other recordings from 2020-2021.
- Society for Creative Anachronism official page
- Society announcements; kingdom news, events, and entertainments
- Some kingdoms (and local groups) have Facebook pages to share news and other information
- SCA Virtual Classroom and Artisan Display
- a place where teachers and artisans can share the virtual resources they’ve created to make them available SCA-wide to continue to foster a learning environment.
- @scasocial on Pinterest
Pinterest Boards on various medieval topics: different eras of Costuming; Arts and Sciences; Heraldry, Medieval Life, and more!