Corporate Office
SCA Inc., P.O. Box 611928, San Jose, CA 95161
800-789-7486 or 408-263-9305 (Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm PT)
Member Services:
Louise Du Cray, 800-789-7486, [email protected]
Insurance Certificate Coordinator: [email protected]
TI Advertising: [email protected]
SCA Marketplace: Nataalya Urosevic, 800-789-7486, [email protected]
Website Issues
Please email the SCA Web Team at [email protected] if you have encounter any issues with the website, or have comments.
Board of Directors
Letters for the Board can be mailed to the Corporate Office address above, or emailed as follows:
- If you want to address a specific Corporate function, Society office, or kingdom matter: email the director who is ombudsman for that area.
- To address all the Directors, including sending comments on any announcements or proposals before the Board, email [email protected]. Please do not include any attachments, as it will cause the list to automatically bounce your message.