Aarhus University Seal


Autumn 2015

Consuelo Manetta was an invited delegate at the conference 'Danish Archaeology in a Globalised and Politicised World', 27 January 2016, Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard gave the invited talk 'Visualising molecular and medical data' at the National Danish Research Center PERSIMUNE, 20 January 2016, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Amy Iler has accepted a permanent research scientist position at the Chicago Botanic Garden, USA, and will commence 1 November 2016 after termination of her AIAS Fellowship.

Jan Alber is author of the book Unnatural Narrative: Impossible Worlds in Fiction and Drama. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2016. Read more about the book here.

Rima Obeid is co-author of the article ‘Choline-phospholipids inter-conversion is altered in elderly patients with prostate cancer’ in: Journal of Biochimie, 14 January 2016. Read an abstract here.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard participated in a Meeting of The Young Academy under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters on 13 January 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Machteld Verzijden gave the talk 'Mate choice learning behavior in male Drosophila melanogaster' at the winter meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, 12 January 2016, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, USA. 

Xuhui Dong co-authored the article 'Determining Long-Term Trends of Four Fast-Eutrophicated Lakes in China and Finland' in: Journal of Agricultural Science 2016 vol.8 no.1. Read an abstract here.

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen participated in a Meeting of The Young Academy under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters on 6 January 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jürgen Elvert attended the 56. Historical-Tactical Conference of the German Navy on 5 to 7 January 2016 in Dobbin-Linstow, Germany.

Sonia Coriani has joined the Editorial Board of Molecular Physics – An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics by Taylor and Francis from 1 January 2016.

David Petrosyan has been recognized as an 'Outstanding Referee' for the American Physical Society. A prestigious award given for reports and advice that have helped to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics, January 2016. Read more here.

Sonia Coriani is first author of the article 'Molecular response properties in equation of motion coupled cluster theory: a time-dependent perspective' in: J. Chem. Phys. 144, (2016). Read an abstract here.

Jan Alber is the author of a review of Marie-Laure Ryan and Jan-Noël Thon (eds.): Storyworlds across Media. In: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 63.4 (2015): 472-76. Read the review here.

Julieta Goenaga is co-author of the article 'Direct and indirect genetic effects of sex-specific mitonuclear epistasis on reproductive ageing' in: Heredity, 6 January 2016. Read an abstract here.

Rima Obeid is co-author of the article 'Plasma 1-carbon metabolites and academic achievement in 15-yr-old adolescents' published in: The FASEB Journal, 4 January 2016. Read an abstract here.

Rima Obeid has reviewed 10 independent original research articles in 2015 for the European Journal of Nutrition.

Rima Obeid has acted as a reviewer of grant applications in 2015 for Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), UK, 2015; The Health Research Board, Ireland, 2015 and The Netherlands Health Research & Development Organization, The Netherlands, 2015.

Toke T. Høye is co-author of the article 'Analysis of trophic interactions reveals highly plastic response to climate change in a tri-trophic High-Arctic ecosystem' in: Polar Biology, 26 December 2015. Read an abstract here.

Rima Obeid acted as an external reviewer of the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on optimal serum and red blood cell folate concentrations in women of reproductive age for prevention of neural tube defects, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015. See the final guidelines.

Karin Lykke-Hartmann is corresponding author of the four book chapters entitled 'HPLC neurotransmitter analysis', 'Behavior tests relevant to Na+/K+-ATPase gene modified mouse models', 'Zebrafish whole-mount in situ hybridization followed by sectioning' and 'Whole-mount immunohistochemistry for anti-F59 in Zebrafish embryos (1-5dpf)' in: Methods of Molecular Biology, Springer: 2016.

Morten Kyndrup published the commentary 'Humanistisk viden er afgørende for vores samfund' in the Danish newspaper Politiken, 25 December 2015.

Mads Vaarby Sørensen is co-author of the article 'Severe Salt-Losing Syndrome and Hyperkalemia Induced by Adult Nephron-Specific Knockout of the Epithelial Sodium Channel ?-Subunit' in: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 23 December 2015. Read an abstract here.

Sonia Coriani has been acting as peer reviewer for the journal Chem. Phys. Lett. in December 2015.

Anja Kamp is first author of the review article 'Nitrate storage and dissimilatory nitrate reduction by eukaryotic microbes’ published in: Frontiers in Microbiology 6:1492. Read the article here.

Dorothee Birke was co-presenter at the seminar ‘Ambivalente HeldInnen, abgruendige Welten: Kulturreflexion zeitgenoessischer TV-Serien’, 18-19 December 2015, University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany.

Amy Iler presented a project entitled ‘Population decline in response to climate change-induced earlier flowering phenology’ at the British Ecological Society meeting, 16 December 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Rima Obeid received a FSS-Pregraduate scholarship granted by The Danish Council for Independent Research, Medical Sciences, for the project ‘The effect of metformin on vitamin B12 transporters, dependent pathways and cellular uptake’ 16 December 2016.

Sonia Coriani co-authored the paper ‘Requirements of first-principles calculations of X-ray absorption spectra of liquid water’ in: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 566, 2016. Read the abstract online.

Isabel Kusche gave the talk ‘Austerität und die Bedeutung nichtprogrammatischer Politik. Überlegungen zu einer vergleichenden Untersuchung von Folgen der europäischen Finanzkrise‘, 16 December 2015, Institute of Sociology, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Ronald Fischer gave the talk ‘Unpacking collective ritual: An interdisciplinary approach to understanding cultural rituals’, 15 December 2015, the University of Leuven, Belgium.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard and Lotte Philipsen organised a post-conference workshop related to the conference More Than Pretty Pictures, 14-15 December 2015, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark.

Karin Lykke-Hartmann is co-author of the the article 'TRPV3 channels mediate Ca2+ influx induced by 2-APB in mouse eggs' in: Cell Calcium, 13 Dec  2015. Read an abstract here.

Paul W. Denton is co-author of the paper 'HIV-1 transcriptional activity during frequent longitudinal sampling in aviremic patients on ART' in: AIDS, (epub) 2015. Read the abstract here.

Ronald Fischer was an invited speaker at the Second UNDP Expert Meeting on Promoting social cohesion in the Arab Region and gave the talk ‘Issues in survey construction’, 11-12 December 2015, Beirut, Lebanon.

Amy Iler gave the research seminar presentation ‘Climate-induced shifts in flowering phenology: implications for population dynamics and species interactions’ on 11 December 2015 at Ohio University, USA.

Sonia Coriani attended the FemtoLab National Symposium 'The Future of Femtosecond Lasers - The Next 25 Years', 11 December 2015, at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Jürgen Elvert published the paper 'Warum soll es in der Geschichte keine Zufälle geben?' in: EWE - Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik. Forum für Erwägungskultur / Deliberation, Knowledge, Ethics. Forum for Deliberative Culture, Vol. 26/2015, No. 4, p. 484-486.

Paul W. Denton is co-author of the paper 'Administration of Panobinostat Is Associated with Increased IL-17A mRNA in the Intestinal Epithelium of HIV-1 Patients' in: Mediators of Inflammation, Volume 2015 (2015). Read the abstract here.

Xuhui Dong co-authored the review article 'Social-ecological systems in the Anthropocene: The need for integrating social and biophysical records at regional scales' in: The Anthropocene Review December 2015 vol. 2 no. 3 pp. 220-246. Read the abstract here.

Sonia Coriani gave the invited seminar ‘The molecular response to electromagnetic fields: a wonderful playground for a computational chemist’ at the Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, 9 December 2015, Aalborg University, Denmark.

Amy Iler gave the research seminar presentation ‘Climate-induced shifts in flowering phenology: implications for population dynamics and species interactions’ on 7 December 2015 at Chicago Botanic Garden, USA.

Julieta Goenaga is first-author of the article 'Within-species divergence in the seminal fluid proteome and its effect on male and female reproduction in a beetle' in: BMC Evolutionary Biology 201515:266, 2 December 2015. Read an abstract here.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard participated in the December meeting of The Young Academy under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2 December 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jan Alber was invited as a guest lecturer by the Faculty of Arts of Masarysk University to give a 12-hour class called ‘Narrative Theory in the Twenty-First Century: From Structuralist Narratology to Postclassical Narratologies’, 1-5 December 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.

Sonia Coriani has been acting as peer reviewer for the journals Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Theor. Chem. Acc., and for J. Phys. Chem. A in November 2015.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard participated in the Anniversary Day of The Royal Society in London where the new President for the Society were announced, 30 November 2015, London, UK.

Machteld Verzijden gave the talk 'The valence of experience. Learning and the directionality of preferences' at the Annual meeting of the Dutch behavioral biologists (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gedragsbiologen), 27 November 2015, Soesterberg, the Netherlands.

Óscar J. Martín García has published the article 'Una utopía secular. La teoría de la modernización y la política exterior estadounidense en la Guerra Fría', in: Historia y Política, 34, 2015, pp. 27-52.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard participated in the Eurostars-workshop held by Copenhagen EU Office, Biopeople and Cluster Excellence Denmark in collaboration with the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation on 25 November 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Xuhui Dong attended the meeting of the International Society of Limnology (PEG2015) and chaired the session "Mitigating Cyanobacterial blooms", 20-24 November 2015, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China.

Consuelo Manetta attended the conference 'XVIIIe AFMA', Colloque de Paris, 20-21 November 2015, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.

Machteld Verzijden is corresponding author of the article 'Male Drosophila melanogaster learn to prefer an arbitrary trait associated with female mating status' in the special issue on 'Learning and Sexual Selection in: Current Zoology 61 (6): 1036–1042, 2015. Read an abstract here.

Karen ní Mheallaigh presented the paper ‘Lucien et l’astropoétique: le voyage à travers les genres’ at the international conference Lucien de Samosate et le mélange des genres, 19-21 November 2015, Université de la Sorbonne/ École Normale Supérieure, Paris.

Cheryl Mattingly was awarded the highly prestigious New Millennium Book Award by the Society for Medical Anthropology, one of the sections within the American Anthropological Association, for her significant book publication Moral Laboratories: Family Peril and the Struggle for a Good Life (University of California Press: 2014) on 19 November 2015, Denver, USA.

Amy Iler gave the research seminar presentation ‘Climate-induced shifts in flowering phenology: implications for population dynamics and species interactions’ on 19 November 2015 at Dartmouth College, USA.

Oscar Jose Martín Garcia has been invited to review articles for the International Journal of Iberian Studies, November 2015.

Machteld Verzijden gave the seminar entitled ‘The valence of experience: learning and the directionality of preferences’, 17 November 2015, the Department of Zoology, Cambridge University, UK. 

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard participated in the Annual Business Conference for “Women with passion” on 17 November 2005, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark.

Amy Iler gave the research seminar presentation ‘Climate-induced shifts in flowering phenology: implications for population dynamics and species interactions’ on 16 November 2015 at Ursinus College, PA, USA.

Djuke Veldhuis held and organised the workshop 'How to communicate your research to policy makers' for PhDs and postdocs from across science and engineering disciplines at the Science Policy Exchange Centre, 16 November 2015, Cambridge University, UK.

Morten Kyndrup is author of the book chapter 'Udsigelse, medialitet, modernisme', in: Skønhedens hotel: Hotel Pro Forma. Et laboratorium for scenekunst. Christoffersen, E. E. & Winkelhorn, K. (eds.). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, pp. 65-80.

Sonia Coriani is first author of the article 'Communication: X-ray absorption spectra and core-ionization potentials within a core-valence separated coupled cluster framework' in: The Journal of Chemical Physics  143, 181103, 2015. Read an abstract here.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard published the article 'Scientific Data and Aesthetic Complexity' in the exhibition catalogue for the exhibition REVISIT: Thorbjørn Lausten at Overgaden Exhibition hall, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 November 2015. Read the article at the exhibition website.

Sonia Coriani attended the Annual Meeting of the 'Women in Physics' section of the Danish Physical Society, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 13 November 2015, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Dorothee Birke co-presented the paper 'Failures at Home, Failures at Life? Home Stories in the Contemporary TV Series Shameless' at the conference The Failed Individual, 12-14 November 2015, University of Mannheim, Germany.

Toke T. Høye gave the talk 'Resilience and population dynamics of insects in the Arctic' at the MatchPoints Seminar: Security and Governance in the globalised Arctic, 12 November 2015, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Oscar Jose Martín Garcia has been invited to review articles for the International Journal of Iberian Studies, November 2015.

Machteld Verzijden gave the seminar entitled ‘The valence of experience: learning and the directionality of preferences’, 17 November 2015, the Department of Zoology, Cambridge University, UK. 

Djuke Veldhuis held and organised the workshop 'How to communicate your research to policy makers' for PhDs and postdocs from across science and engineering disciplines at the Science Policy Exchange Centre, 16 November 2015, Cambridge University, UK.

Morten Kyndrup is author of the book chapter 'Udsigelse, medialitet, modernisme', in: Skønhedens hotel: Hotel Pro Forma. Et laboratorium for scenekunst. Christoffersen, E. E. & Winkelhorn, K. (eds.). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, pp. 65-80.

Sonia Coriani is first author of the article 'Communication: X-ray absorption spectra and core-ionization potentials within a core-valence separated coupled cluster framework' in: The Journal of Chemical Physics  143, 181103, 2015. Read an abstract here.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard published the article 'Scientific Data and Aesthetic Complexity' in the exhibition catalogue for the exhibition REVISIT: Thorbjørn Lausten at Overgaden Exhibition hall, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 November 2015. Read the article at the exhibition website.

Sonia Coriani attended the Annual Meeting of the 'Women in Physics' section of the Danish Physical Society, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 13 November 2015, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Dorothee Birke co-presented the paper 'Failures at Home, Failures at Life? Home Stories in the Contemporary TV Series Shameless' at the conference The Failed Individual, 12-14 November 2015, University of Mannheim, Germany.

Toke T. Høye gave the talk 'Resilience and population dynamics of insects in the Arctic' at the MatchPoints Seminar: Security and Governance in the globalised Arctic, 12 November 2015, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Jürgen Elvert gave the academic keynote lecture on 'European Ports. Maritime Repositories of European Cultural Heritage and European Civilization' at the Maritime Security Conference on 'The Challenges, Benefits and Opportunities of the European Union Maritime Security Strategy' organised by the European Defence Agency in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus, 11- 14 November 2015, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Anja Kamp gave the lecture 'Eukaryotic players in the marine nitrogen cycle' on 11-12 November 2015 at the Institute for Bioscience, Microbiology, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen participated in the Annual Meeting of The Young Academy under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 11-12 November, Odense, Denmark.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard participated in the Annual Meeting of The Young Academy under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 11-12 November, Odense, Denmark.

Tomasz Wojdacz is co-author of the article 'The influence of DNA degradation in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue on locus-specific methylation assessment by MS-HRM' published in: Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Vol. 99, Issue 3, December 2015 (e-pub ahead). Read the abstract.

Morten Kyndrup published the two reviews 'En rigtig røverhistorie: Vældigt plot i spinkel tekst.' and  'Hun får for lidt: Alle ude ? ingen hjemme' in the literary journal: Standart, Vol. 29, Nr. 3, 2015.

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen co-organied, hosted and gave a presentation at CoLuAa XXIV, the Annual Meeting for macromolecular crystallographers, 5-6 November 2015, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark.

Ronald Fischer gave the talk ‘Optimal Functioning: A social Psychological Perspective’ at Instituto Dor Pesquisa e Ensino (IDOR), 3 November 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Anja Kamp was appointed as Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, the Section ‘Aquatic Microbiology’, 2 November 2015.

Alexander Panayotov was an invited speaker at the conference Mapping the Jewish Diaspora of Late Antiquity, where he presented the paper 'Jewish Everyday Life in the Early Byzantine Balkans', 1-3 November 2015, University of Haifa and Tel Aviv University, Haifa and Tel Aviv, Israel.

Sonia Coriani has been acting as peer reviewer for the journals J. Phys. Chem. Lett. and J. Chem. Phys. in October 2015.

Btihaj Ajana gave the talk ‘Ethics ant the datafication of borders’ at Profile, Predict and Prevent: Data-driven policies, markets and societies, 30-31 October 2015, Université Paris II, France.

Jan Alber participated in a meeting of the research group 'Medieval Narratology' (funded by the German Research Foundation), 30-31 October 2015, at the LMU in Munich, Germany.

Amy Iler gave a public lecture titled 'Climate change & biological timing: Winners and losers under novel environmental conditions’ as part of the lecture series 'Friday in the Gardens', 30 October 2015, Holden Arboretum, Ohio, USA.

Consuelo Manetta was an invited speaker at the conference ‘Pittori, tecniche, trattati, contesti tra testimonianze e ricezione’,  and gave the paper entitled 'Pittura funeraria della Bulgaria nel contesto storico e artistico della Tracia tra l’età tardo classica e la prima età ellenistica' (Funerary painting of Bulgaria in the historical and artistic context of Thrace between the Late Antique and the Early Hellenistic periods), 29-30 October 2015, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy.

Amy Iler gave a research seminar 'Climate-induced shifts in flowering phenology: implications for population dynamics and species interactions’, 29 October 2015, at The Holden Arboretum, Ohio, USA.

Ronald Fischer went on a field visit to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he presented his work on values and discussed options for conducting a study among Native American tribes in the Amazon basin. The goal of the study is to examine moral and social value orientations in traditional societies. Brazil, 27 October – 5 November 2015.

Amy Iler gave a research talk titled 'Temporal variation in pollen limitation of three subalpine plant species' at theScandinavian Pollination Ecology conference in Silkeborg, 24 October 2015, Silkeborg, Denmark. 

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard headed an art and science workshop for children at the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen in relation to the conference Young Apes organised by the Center for Biocultural History at Aarhus University in collaboration with the Science Club at the Young Academy, Royal Danish Academy for Sciences and Letters, 23 October 2015.

Jürgen Elvert co-roganized and attended the conference Grenzenloses Europa? Vom Kalten Krieg zum Gemeinsamen Europäischen Haus – 30 Jahre Schengen and gave a paper on 'Grenzüberschreitungen: Vom Zeitalter der Weltkriege zum grenzenlosen Europa', 21-24 October 2015, Görlitz, Germany.

Consuelo Manetta was appointed a Research Staff member of the new research project on Collections of Antiquities from Nemi, Rome, Italy directed by Francesca Diosono, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Institut für Klassischen Archäologie.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard received a grant from the Lundbeck Foundation together with Petrine Wellendorph from the Young Academy at the Royal Danish Academy for Sciences and Letters to support a mentoring Science Club for young school children to high school and university students, 20 October 2015.

Jan Alber is the author of ‘Innovative Eighteenth-Century Fiction: The Case of the Speaking Objects in Circulation Novels’ in: Anglistentag 2014 Hannover: Proceedings. Ed. Rainer Emig and Jana Gohrisch. Trier: WVT, 2015. 187-202.

Jesper Levinsen is co-author of the article ‘Quasiparticle Properties of a Mobile Impurity in a Bose-Einstein Condensate’ in: Physical Review Letters (115, 160401), 13 October 2015. Read an abstract here.

Btihaj Ajana organised, chaired and participated two events ‘Fabricating culture, curating identity’ and ‘Co-Creative Practice through Film’ at the Arts and Humanities Festival 2015, 12-25 October 2015, King’s College London, UK.

Toke T. Høye gave an interview to the newspaper Jyllands-Posten for the article 'Varmen i Grønland får sommerfuglenes vinger til at skrumpe' at jp.dk, 8 October 2015.

Jan Alber participated in the conference Narratives of Romanticism and gave a paper called 'Narrating the Orient: The Brief Eastern Episodes in Romantic Poetry', 8-11 October, 2015, University of Wuppertal, Germany.

Mads Vaarby Sørensen gave the talk ‘Impaired Aldosterone Responsiveness in Corticosteroid Binding Globulin deficient Mice’ at the 8th International Symposium and Annual ADMIRE Cost Meeting ‘Aldosterone, MR, and Salt – What’s new?’, 7-11 October 2015, Zermatt, Switzerland.

Ronald Fischer went on a field trip to do data collection in Southern Thailand during the Annual Vegetarian Festival. Conducted 1066 interviews and surveys with participants in 53 rituals at 7 shrines and 2 cities. Thailand, 6-25 October 2015.

Jan Alber gave the guest lecture 'Towards Resilience and Experimentation: The Negotiation of Indigenous Australian Identities in Contemporary Aboriginal Prose' as well as participated in a PhD seminar, 6 October 2015, University of Oslo, Norway.

Anja Kamp was assigned as Reviewer for the journal PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 24 September 2015.

Karen ní Mheallaigh organised, by invitation, the panel ‘Wunderkultur, fiction and the landscape of the imagination’ at the Fifth International Conference on the Ancient Novel and delivered the presentation ‘Did Trimalchio dream of electric sheep? The reader in the Wunderkammer’, 30 September- 4 October 2015, Houston, Texas, USA.

Oscar J. Martin Garcia is a member of the research team which has received a grant of EUR 20,000 from the Spanish National Department of Economy and Competitiveness for the project ‘Social Mobilization and Local Power: Rural Spain between Continuity and Political Change (1968 - 1982)’. Duration: 24 months. PI: Daniel Lanero (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain).

Dorothee Birke was awarded the Helene-Richter research prize by the German Association for the Study of English for her book-length study (Habilitation) 'Writing the Reader: Quixotic Novels in England, 1752-2007' on the Annual Convention, 24 September 2015.

Jan Alber participated in the yearly meeting of the German Association of University Teachers of English and organized a panel entitled 'Reading Multiraciality in Anglophone Narratives', 23-26 September  2015, Paderborn, Germany.

Djuke Veldhuis is co-organised of and chaired at the conference Forging of cultures in the circumpolar north - a comparative perspective, 23-24 September 2015, Aarhus Denmark.

David Petrosyan is co-author of the paper 'Long-range quantum gate via Rydberg states of atoms in a thermal microwave cavity'in: Phys. Rev. A 92, Read the abstract here.

Karen ní Mheallaigh attended the Geodynamics of Exoplanets workshop on 18 September 2015, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Mads Vaarby Sørensen organized the symposium 'To pee or not to be' at the SPS, Scandinavian Physiological Society Annual meeting, 18-20 September 2015, Aarhus, Denmark.

Karin Lykke-Hartmann participated and was chairman at the SPS, the Scandinavian Physiology Society Annual meeting), 18-20 September 2015, Aarhus, Denmark.

Alfonso Blazquez-Castro participated in the workshop ‘Geodynamics of Exoplanets’ 18 September 2015, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Paul W. Denton is the co-author of the article ‘The Depsipeptide Romidepsin Reverses HIV-1 Latency In Vivo’ in: PloS Pathogens, 17 September 2015. Read an abstract here.

Jan Alber participated in a research group meeting on post-postmodernism in contemporary culture, 16-18 September 2015, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

Oscar J. Martin Garcia has published the guest column ‘Washinton y la Zarzuela, un matrimonio bien avenido’ in the Spanish newspaper Público, 15 September 2015.

Jürgen Elvert is author of the book chapter 'Horst Günter Krenzler (1933-2012): A life for Europe' in: Christoph Herrmann, Bruno Simma, Rudolf Streinz (Eds.), Trade policy between Law, Diplomacy and Scholarship. Liber Amicorum in memoriam Horst G. Krenzler (European Yearbook of International Economic Law, special issue), Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London 2015: Springer.

Jessica Shadian gave the invited talk entitled ‘From Politics to Governance: Carving out a Political Space for Indigenous Polities in Arctic Governance’, 10 September 2015, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, USA.

Lotte Philipsen participated in the Ars Electronica Festival 2015, 3-6 September 2015,  Linz, Austria.

Marie Braad Lund participated in the workshop ‘INTIME (International workshop on New Techniques In Microbial Ecology) 1-4 September 2015, Nüßdorf, Attersee, Austria.

Xuhui Dong has received a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) to work on the mechanism and prevention of the ecological regime shifts in shallow Yangtze lakes with Professor Xiangdong Yang (PI) from Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project title: Resilience change and critical transition in lake ecosystems from Yangtze floodplain. Budget: CNY 4 million. Duration: Jan 2016 to Dec 2020.

Oscar J. Martin Garcia has received a grant of EUR60.500 from the Spanish National Department of Economy and Competitiveness as a co-partner of the project 'International Relations and the Modernization of the Spanish Educational and Scientific System, 1953-1986'. Duration: 24 months. PI: Lorenzo Delgado (National Council for Scientific Research, Madrid).

Rima Obeid gave an interview to videnskab.dk for the article 'Forskere: Put folinsyre i danske dagligvarer' explaining the significants results of her and her co-authors' European study on folic acid deficiency: 'Preventable Spina Bifida and Anencephaly in Europe', online: 27 August 2015.

Alexander Panayotov went on fieldwork to Greece and Bulgaria to study inscriptions and archaeological artefacts as part of his AIAS project "Minority status and identity: A case study of the Jewish minority in Byzantium", 10 August-11 October 2015. 


Spring 2015

Consuelo Manetta gave a joint paper in Bulgarian entitled 'За интепретацията на един мраморен фрагмент от Севтополис' ('About the interpretation of a marble fragment from Seuthopolis') at the 9th International Conference in Kazanluk, Bulgaria (ДЕВЕТА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ „ПРОБЛЕМИ И ИЗСЛЕДВАНИЯ НА ТРАКИЙСКАТА КУЛТУРА”, КАЗАНЛЪК), 28-29 August 2015. 

Karin Lykke-Hartmann gave the invited talk on 'D801Y mouse model' at the '4th Symposium on ATP1A3 in Disease', 27-29 August 2015, Washington DC, USA.

Sonia Coriani gave the invited talk ‘News from the CC world: x-ray absorption, ionization and (maybe) more’ at the conference Open Shells. Open Questions. A conference in honor of H. J. Aa. Jensen, 25 August 2015, Middelfart, Denmark.

 Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard was an invited speaker for the Novozymes Science Infusion and gave the talk ‘Visualising science: Challenges in molecular animation and graphics’26 August 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.

 Djuke Veldhuis participated in the Anthropology Mega Seminar 2015 on 'Genres: Modes of Ethnography in the 21st Century, 24-26 August 2015, Sandbjerg, Denmark.

Jürgen Elvert is author of the paper 'Leopold von Ranke: Der Historiograph des preußischen Staates als Geschichtsschreiber Europas?' in: Historische Mitteilungen (HMRG) 27/2015, p. 139-145.

Xuhui Dong is co-author of the paper ‘A century scale human-induced hydrological and ecological changes of wetlands of two large river basins in Australia (Murray) and China (Yangtze)’ in: Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 12, 8247-8287, 2015. Read the abstract here.


Oscar J. Martin Garcia is co-author of the article 'The Engaging Power of English-Language Promotion in Franco's Spain' in: Contemporary European History, Vol 24:3, August 2015.

Amy Iler gave the presentation 'Evidence of phenotypic plasticity and spurious relationships in responses of flowering phenology to climate change' at the Ecological Society of America's Annual meeting (100th Anniversary), 14 August 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 

Lotte Philipsen participated in the annual International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA, and presented the paper 'Aesthetic Experience by Proxy: Science Description and Science Fiction in New Art Practices', 13-19 August 2015, Vancouver, Canada. Read the paper here.

Machteld N. Verzijden presented a poster at the 15th Meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, 9 - 14 August, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Amy Iler  has been invited to join the editorial board for the Journal of Ecology as an Associate Editor and has accepted, August 2015.

Xuhui Dong gave a talk on 'Reference condtions and historical variability of shallow Yangtze lake' at the 13th International Paleolimnology Symposium, 5 August 2015, Lanzhou China.

Sonia Coriani gave the invited talk 'CC response methods for NEXAFS, photoionization and more' at the International Workshop 'New Developments in Coupled-Cluster Theory', 3-7 August 2015, Telluride, Colorado, USA. 

Jürgen Elvert published the paper 'Wie viel Gemeinsame Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik verträge die Europäische Union? Ein Zwischenruf aus historischer Sicht' in: Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande, T. 47, 1, 2015, p. 97-108.

Xuhui Dong presented a regional synthesis on the aquatic transition that has occurred in Chinese lakes at the pre-symposium workshop 'Aquatic Transitions' at the 13th International Paleolimnology Symposium, 3 August 2015, Lanzhou, China.  

Sonia Coriani is corresponding author of the paper 'A computational protocol for the study of circularly polarized phosphorescence and circular dichroism in spin-forbidden absorption' in: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 2015. Read the abstract here.

Jürgen Elvert is author of the book chapter 'Deutsche Mitteleuropakonzepte der Zwischenkriegszeit' in: Michael Gehler (et al): Die Dimension Mitteleuropa in der Europäischen Union. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag 2015.

Alfonso Blazquez-Castro is co-author of the paper ‘Photoactivation of ROS Production in Situ Transiently Activates Cell Proliferation in Mouse Skin and in the hair Follicle Stem Cell Niche Promoting Hair Growth and Wound Healing’ in: Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 30 July 2015. Read the abstract here.


Jesper Fredenslund Levinsen is first author of the article 'Strong-coupling ansatz for the one-dimensional Fermi gas in a harmonic potential' in: Science Advances, 24 July 2015: Vol. 1, no. 6. Read the abstract here.

Karen ní Mheallaigh gave the invited paper ‘The reader in the laboratory: Kyranides as a case-study in textility’ at the conference Triangulationships: between authors, readers and texts in imperial literature, 21-23 July 2015, Cambridge University, UK.

Rima Obeid gave the invited talk entitled ‘Plasma trimethylamine N-oxide is related to glucose, cholesterol and methyl group metabolism’ and two short presentations ‘Preventable neural tube defects in Germany’ and ‘Unmetabolized folic acid in serum after single folic acid or B-complex supplementation’ at the 10th International conference On Carbon Metabolism and Homocysteine, 7-11 July 2015, Medical Faculty of the University of Lorraine, Nancy, France.

Anja Kamp attended the conference ‘Molecular Life of Diatoms’, 7-10 July 2015, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

David Petrosyan gave the invited talk ‘Photonic quantum gates via Rydberg states of atoms in microwave resonators and waveguides’ at Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2015), 6-9 July 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.

Paul W. Denton received a grant from DFF, The Danish Council for Independent Research, for the project 'MGN1703-induced intestinal HIV RNA and cytokine mRNA production changes in TEACH trial patient cohort', 30 June 2015.

David Petrosyan gave the invited talk ‘Adiabatic passage in dissipative Rydberg superatoms’ at the international conference on Rydberg physics, iCoRD 2015, 28 June - 3 July 2015 in Durham, UK.

Karin Lykke-Hartmann is corresponding author of the article ‘Distinct differences in global gene expression profiles in non-implanted blastocysts and blastocysts resulting in live birth’ in: Gene, 25 June 2015. Read the abstract here. 

Cheryl Mattingly organised the AIAS Conference The Human Condition: Reinventing Philosophical Anthropology and gave the talk ‘Ordinary Possibility and Improbable Futures’, 24-25 June, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark.

Jessica Shadian has received a grant from the Leverhulme Trust (International Network Grant) as a lead co-partner of the subproject: ‘Local & Indigenous Perspectives’ under the: ‘Project on Indeterminate and Changing Environments: Law, the Anthropocene, and the World (the ICE LAW Project)’. Duration: 36 months, Amount: £124,925, PI: Philip Steinberg, Durham University.

Mads Vaarby Sørensen gave the talk 'The renal response to acute high K+ intake' on 25 June 2015 at the Department of Bioscience, Section of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen was awarded with the ST Science Award 2015, a prize given by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University in recognition of his academic work, 22 June 2015.

Marie Braad Lund gave the talk 'Genome Evolution of Vertically Transmitted, Extracellular Verminephrobacter Symbionts of Earthworms' at the 'Animal-microbe Symbioses - Gordon Research Conference', 21-26 June 2015, Weterville Valley, New Hampshire, USA.

Ümit Akbey was invited speaker at the See-Drug Conference and gave the presention of his work on functional amyloids with the title 'Structural Biology of Functional Amyloids. In Biofilms, Fibril formation and Infection' on 19 June 2015, Patras, Greece.

Alfonso Blazquez-Castro has completed a research stay at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) in Colorado (USA) as part of project 'Timing of plant reproduction, flower albedo, & soil moisture: a positive feedback between vegetation and climate change?' with colleagueAIAS fellow Amy Iler, 19 June -7 July 2015. 

Jessica Shadian gave a presentation on ‘Arctic Governance after the Land Claims Settlements’ on 16-19 June 2015 at the Northern Borders Conference: Co-hosted by Yukon government, University of Yukon, The University of Victoria. Yukon, Whitehorse Canada.

Oscar Jose Martin Garcia was  a member of the Scientific Committee of the III International Conference `Strikes & Social Conflicts. Combined Approaches to Conflict’, Strikes & Social Conflicts' International Association, 16-19 June 2015, Barcelona, Spain.

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen was appointed a member of the Young Academy on 15 June 2015 at The Royal Danish Society of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Martin Holmstrup was awarded a 'DFF research project 2' by the The Danish Council for Independent Research (Technology and Production).

Rima Obeid is first-author of the article 'Preventable spina bifida and anencephaly in Europe' in: Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology 2015. 

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen has been awarded the highly prestigious ‘Early Career Grant’ from DuPont, and has been selected as one of nine ‘2015 DuPont Young Professors’ on 4 June 2015. Read more about the grant here.

David Petrosyan was awarded a Certificate of Recognition for his dedication and professional excellence as a referee for the journal New Journal of Physics by the Editorial Board of the journal on 5 June 2015. 

Djuke Veldhuis attended the Cheltenham Science Festival as intro speaker and chair and collaborative work with visiting scientists on 2-7 June 2015, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.

Morten Kyndrup gave the presentation 'Kunstens (egen) værdi' at the Unity Seminar on Art and Culture on 4 June 2015 at Trekroner Fort, The Ministry of Culture, Copenhagen.

Alfonso Blazquez-Castro is co-author of the paper ‘Reliable screening of dye phototoxicity by using a Caenorhabditis elegans fast bioassay’ in: PLoS ONE 10(6): e0128898 (2015). Read the abstract here.

Karl-Erik Andersson gave the presentations 'Pathophysiology of the aging bladder and ischemia','Potential future treatments of the aging bladder' and 'Trends in pharmacological treatments' on 3-5 June at Nordisk Urologisk Forening (NUF), Malmo, Sweden.

Jan Alber published the article 'The Social Minds in Factual and Fictional We-Narratives of the Twentieth Century' in: Narrative, Vol. 23,2, May 2015. Read the abstract here.

Martin Holmstrup is co-author of the article 'Long-term multifactorial climate change impacts on mesofaunal biomass and nitrogen content' in: Applied Soil Ecology. Vol 92. Read the abstract here.

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen attended the DANSCATT Annual Meeting, the 44th Danish Crystallographers' Meeting, as participant and chairman, 28-29 May 2015, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Lotte Philipsen co-organized the conference 'Aesthetics, contemporaneity, art' with the Nordic Society of Aesthetics and gave the paper 'It’s (a)live! Real time and contemporaneity in new art', 28-30 May 2015, the AIAS, Denmark.

Karl-Erik Andersson gave the presentation 'Future therapies for OAB' on 28-29 May 2015 at the Swedish Enuresis Academy, Trolleholm, Sweden.

Marie Braad Lund is co-author of the article ‘Evolution of the tripartite symbiosis between earthworms,Verminephrobacter and Flexibacter-like bacteria’ in: Frontiers of Microbiology, 27 May 2015. Read the abstract here.

Jessica Shadian was an invited speaker at the 8th Annual Workshop for Women in International Security [WIIS 2015]: Rethinking Foreign and Defence Policy in Canada: A decade after the International Policy statement, on 27-29 May 2015, Goodes Hall,  Queen's University, Kingston, Canada.

Jan Alber gave the paper 'The Gothic Novel and Other Types of Experimentalism in the Eighteenth Century' at the workshop 'The Many Faces of the Gothic' on 26 May 2015 at Aarhus University, Denmark. 

Jessica Shadian participated in the book workshop 'Beyond Geopolitics: Arctic Governance from a Global Perspective' from 19-22 May 2015 in Potsdam, Germany.

Djuke Veldhuis gave the talk ‘Paradise Lost? Measuring the social, psychological and physiological effects of rapid modernisation in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea’, 19 May 2015, Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Jessica Shadian  took part in the debate about the Arctic drilling controversy as a specialist on arctic governance on the news show Inside Story on Al Jazeera, 19 May 2015. See the debate here.

Karin Lykke-Hartmann gave the invited talk 'Translational studies of sodium pump knock-in mouse models' on 18-19 May 2015 on the 47th Sandbjerg Meeting on Membrane Transport, Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark.

Karl-Erik Andersson attended the AUA Annual Meeting and chaired the sessions: 'A Decade of Pharmacotherapy for OAB: What Have We Learned?' and 'Bladder and Urethra: Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology II',and gave the lecture 'What is New in the Pipeline?', 15-19 May 2015, New Orleans, USA.

Jessica Shadian  attended the conference 'Canadian Foreign Policy Traditions and Transitions' on 13-15 May 2015 at the Bill Graham Centre, Munk School of Global Affairs, Trinity College, University of Toronto, Canada. 

Sonia Coriani joined the Editorial Board of the peer-reviewed international journal Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, published by Springer.

Ronald Fischer gave the talk 'No pain, no gain? Complex multi-level dynamics during an extreme ritual' on 11 May 2015 at the Interacting Minds Centre for the Study of Cognition, Communication and Choice, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Jan Alber gave the paper 'Ideologies and Narrative Strategies: The Narrators of Benang and Midnight's Children' at the conference Ideology in Postcolonial Texts and Context organized by the Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien on 14-16 May 2015, Münster, Germany.

Ûmit Akbey gave the presentation ’Structural Biology of Difficult Proteins: A Solid-State NMR Approach', 8 May 2015, Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Structural Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Toke T. Høye is co-author of the paper 'Ecological specialization matters: long-term trends in butterfly species richness and assemblage composition depend on multiple functional traits' in: Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography 6 May 2015. Read the abstract here.

Joseph Scarpaci reviewed the book Tourism and Oil: Preparing for the Challenge by S. Becken in the journal: Energy research & Social Science 5 May 2015. Read the review here.

Jessica Shadian has been appointed as book review editor for The Polar Journal. Her appointment will begin in July 2015.

Morten Kyndrup published the review '”Det er overfladerne, jeg længes efter”. Spredt, sært, smukt hos Amalie Smith', in: Standart 1, 2015.

Jessica Shadian co-taught a PhD course in the Pan Arctic PhD programme in Arctic Extractive Industries from 3-8 May 2015, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.

Karl-Erik Andersson participated in the 5th annual Canadian Urology Forum ‘Challenges and Dilemmas in Lower Urinary Tract and Pelvic Floor Disorders’ and gave the talk ‘Future Therapies in OAB’, 1-2 May 2015, Toronto, Canada.

Jesper Levinsen is first-author of the article 'Strongly interacting two-dimentional fermi gases' in: Annual Review of Cold Atoms and Molecules, Vol. 3, May 2015. Read an abstract here.


Ronald Fischer gave the talk 'The psychology of human values: what value research can tell us about humans, society and culture' on 1 May 2015 at University of Newcastle, Australia. 

Rima Obeid attended an expert workshop on 'Critical nutrients for children - which challenges remain?' organized by the German Child Health Foundation and gave the presentation 'Folate and cobalamin intake recommendations for infants and children: Knowledge gaps' on 29 April 2015 in Münich, Germany. 

Davd Petrosyan gave the invited seminar 'Correlations of Rydberg excitations in optically-driven atomic ensembles' on 29 April 2015, at the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.

Rima Obeid co-authored the article ‘Folic acid causes higher prevalence of detectable unmetabolized folic acid in serum than B-complex: a randomized trial’ in: European Journal of Nutrition DOI 10.1007/s00394-015-0916-z.

Karin Lykke-Hartmann gave a talk and presented a poster at the Neuroscience Day 2015 on 28 April 2015 at the AIAS, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Alfonso Blázquez-Castro gave the invited seminar 'Single cell laser photodynamics: femtosecond lasers as tools to modulate cell physiology' on 24 April 2015 at the IMDEA-Nanoscience Institute, Madrid, Spain.

Xuhui Dong attended the workshop ‘Aquatic Transitions - Integrating records of aquatic change: existing evidence and missing data’ at the British Geological Survey as invited national representative of China, 22-24 April 2015, Nottingham, UK.

Julieta Goenaga is co-author of the paper 'Male seminal fluid substances affect sperm competition success and female reproductive behavior in a seed beetle' in: PlosOne, 20 April 2015. Read the abstract here.

Karen Ní Mheallaigh organised the conference Adventures beyond Thule: the Wonders of Antonius Diogenes in antiquity and beyond and gave the presentation 'Wonder-women: writing and reading women with Antonius Diogenes' 21-22 April 2015, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark.

Jan Alber is the author of the review 'Christoph Bode and Rainer Dietrich: Future Narratives: Theory, Poetics, and Media-Historical Moment' in: Anglistik 26.1 (2015): 180-81.

Paul W. Denton is co-author of the article 'Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Romidepsin Inhibits de novo HIV-1 Infections' in: Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 20 April 2015. Read the abstract here.

Consuelo Manetta gave the talk '“The Different Faces of the Sky”. Decorative culture, floral,astral and mythological representations within figural coffered ceilings’ on 20 April 2015, at the AIAS Fellow Seminar.

Joseph Scarpaci published the article 'A Tale of Two Cities: Hialeah's Economic Ties with Havana' in: Focus on Geography Vol. 58, Issue 2, pp.49–58, 20 April 2015. Read the abstract here.

Jessica Sheridan attended the Annual Association of Geographers (AAG) meeting as a panellist in the session 'Author Meets Critics: The Politics of Arctic Sovereignty' and presented the paper in the session: Governance of Polar Regions entitled 'Not thinking like a state: Territoriality and Inuit governance', on  from 19-25 April, 2015 in Chicago, IL, USA.

Morten Kyndrup participated in the NetIAS Annual Business meeting at IWM, Vienna, and gave the presentation 'AIAS ‒ a very young and yet very classical IAS', 16 April 2015. He furthermore attended the EURIAS 2015 Annual Meeting, 17 - 18 April 2015, also at IWM, Austria.

Alfonso Blázquez-Castro gave the invited seminar entitled 'Single cell laser photodynamics: femtsecond lasers as tools to modulate cell physiology' on 17 April 2015 at the Center for Molecular Biology-Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain. 

Jan Alber gave the paper 'Transmedial Meets Postcolonial Narratology: An Analysis of Zorba the Greek Yolngu Style by the Aboriginal Chooky Dancers' on 17 April 2015 at the European Narratology Network Conference in Ghent, Belgium.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard published the review ‘Data visualization: Mapping the topical space’ in Nature 520, 16 April 2015. Read the review here.

Lotte Philipsen presented the paper 'Imagery or Agency? Bio-art, bio-aesthetics, bio-activism' at the conference More than Pretty Pictures, 14-16 April 2015, at the AIAS.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard co-organised the conference More Than Pretty Pictures along with AIAS Fellow Lotte Philipsen, 14-16 April 2015 at the AIAS, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Jessica Shadian gave the invited talk 'Rethinking Arctic Sovereignty: Carving out a Political Space for Indigenous Communities in Arctic and Global Governance' on 14 April at Basillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Djuke Veldhuis attended the pre-conference workshop 'Sense and Sensibility - Visual Design Principles for Scientific Data' on 13 April, and attanded and chaired at the conference More Than Pretty Pictures, 14-16 April 2015 at the AIAS, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard organised the workshop ‘How to plan your poster’ at the More Than Pretty Pictures conference, Monday 13 April 2015 at AIAS, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Jürgen Elvert attended and chaired the annual meeting of the editorial and scientific boards of the journal Historische Mitteilungen, 10 April 2015, at the Institute of European History, Mainz, Germany

Ronald Fischer gave the presentation 'The ambiguous role of extreme rituals in the context of intergroup tensions: Reflections on the Lim Ko Niao Celebrations in Southern Thailand' on 9 April 2015 at Religion, Cognition and Culture research unit, Dept. of Culture and Society, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Alfonso Blazquez-Castro is first co-author of the paper ‘Direct 765 nm Optical Excitation of Molecular Oxygen in Solution and in Single Mammalian Cells’ in: Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119(17): 5422-5429, 9 April 20105. Read the paper here.

Jessica Shadian gave the talk ‘Rethinking Arctic Sovereignty: Carving out a Political Space for Indigenous Communities in Arctic and Global Governance’, on 8 April 2015, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada.

Jürgen Elvert gave the introductory lecture for the lecture series on 'Acting and negotiating in European (Integration-)History', on 8 April 2015, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.

David Petrosyan is first author of the paper 'Filtering single atoms from Rydberg-blockaded mesoscopic ensembles' in: Physical Review A, (Vol.91, No.4), 6 April 2015. Read the abstract here.

Sonia Coriani is co-author of the paper 'Circular and linear magnetic birefringences of xenon at λ=1064 nm' in: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142, 124313 (2015). Read the abstract here.


Rima Obeid is first author of the paper 'Cobalamin coenzyme forms are not likely to be superior to cyano- and hydroxyl-cobalamin in prevention or treatment of cobalamin deficiency' in: Mol Nutr Food Res. 28 March 2015. [Epub ahead of print]. Read an abstract here.


Sonia Coriani is co-author of the paper 'A study of the valence shell electronic structure and photoionisation dynamics of s-triazine' in: Chemical Physics, Volumes 450–451, March 2015. Read abstract here.

Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard published the book review 'The Case of the Green Turtle: An Uncensored History of a Conservation Icon by Alison Rieser' in: Journal of Latin American Geography, Vol. 14, March 2015. Read the review here. 

Jan Alber organised the workshop 'Ideology and Form in Anglophone Narrative' and gave the paper 'Reading of Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children' on 26-27 March 2015 at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark.

Paul Denton gave the presentation 'What can animal model tell us about HIV latency' at the symposium 'The search for HIV - Challenges and future perspectives, 26 March 2015, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jan Alber gave the talk 'Indigeneity in Contemporary Australian Literature and Culture' at Fellows' Seminar on 23 March 2015, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark.

Karl-Erik Andersson participated in the European Association of Urology (EAU) Annual meeting, 20-24 March 2015 and gave the presentation 'Parasympathethic and sympathetic systems and the lower urinary tract', in Madrid, Spain.

Consuelo Manetta gave the talk 'Rivestimenti pavimentali con raffigurazioni astrali.  Indagine su un microcosmo musivo' on 18-21 March 2015 at the  XXI Colloquio AISCOM, Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Karen Ní Mheallaigh gave the presentation ‘Meet the Moonmen… Astrobiological speculation in the ancient world,’ on 18 March 2015 at the Stellar Astrophysics Centre (SAC) at Aarhus University, Denmark.

Djuke Veldhuis gave the talk 'Partnership for enhanced engagement in Research (PEER)’ and lead a workshop on 21-26 March 2015 at the National Academy of Science and US Global Development Lab programme, Lima, Peru.

Jessica Shadian discussed her recent book The Politics of Arctic Sovereignty: Oil, Ice, and Inuit Governance, the first in-depth account of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) on 16 March 2015 at the Arctic Speakers’ Series, Munk School of Global Affairs, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Rima Obeid is co-author of the article 'Folate status and health: challenges and opportunities' in: Journal of Perinatal Medicine 2015. DOI 10.1515/jpm-2014-0346.

Orietta Cordovana gave the talk 'Marginal areas and the development of the first western territorial state' on 12 March 2015 at the Aarhus Seminars in Classical Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark.

David Petrosyan co-organised the AIAS Workshop 'Rydberg Quantum Simulators' and gave the talk 'Spatial correlations of Rydberg excitations in resonantly driven lattice gas' on 11-13 March 2015, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark.

Alexander Panayatov presented the paper 'Jewish everyday life in the late-Roman and early Byzantine Balkans' at the Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period on the 10 March 2015 at Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford, the UK.

Rima Obeid gave the presentation 'Diagnosing vitamin B12 deficiency in the clinic and in the general population' at the 52. Scientific Conference of the German Society of Nutrition, Halle/Saale, Germany.

Jan Alber gave the paper 'Ideology and Form: The Negotiation of Aboriginal Peoples in Contemporary Australian Prose Narratives' at the Narrative Conference organized by the ISSN on 6 March 2015 in Chicago, USA.

Toke T. Høye gave the invited talk 'Species responses to arctic climate change - the devil is in the detail' at the 4th Oikos Annual Meeting on 6 March, AIAS, Denmark.

Amy Iler presented the talk 'The role of phenotypic plasticity in shifted flowering phenology under climate change' at the 4th Oikos Annual Meeting on 6 March, AIAS, Denmark.

Mads V. Sørensen presented the poster 'Reduced renal K+ excretion with compensatory hyperaldosteronism in KCa1.1 channel β2 -subunit KO mice' at the 94th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society on 5-7 March 2015, Magdeburg, Germany.

Ronald Fischer gave the presentation 'Cultures in ASEAN Countries' for the Human and Social Development Program on 6 March 2015 at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand.

Djuke Veldhuis gave the talk 'Stress and happiness: Adventures in human adaptability' on 4 March 2015 at the Artic Seminar Series, Aarhus University, Denmark.

David Petrosyan is co-author of the paper 'Quantum technologies with hybrid systems' in: PNAS, 3 March 2015 (1419326112). Read an abstract here.

Amy Iler gave the talk 'Climate-induced shifts in flowering phenology: implications for population dynamics and species interactions' at a research seminar on 2 March 2015 at Utah State University, the US. 

David Petrosyan is the co-author of the paper 'Engineering the dynamics of effective spin-chain models for strongly interacting atomic gases' in: Phys. Rev. A91, 023620, 2015. Read an abstract here.

Ronald Fischer went on a field trip Southern Thailand from 28 February – 6 April 2015 to conduct an ethnographic study at the annual Lim Ko Niao celebration in Pattani, Thailand. He also worked with staff at the Prince of Songkhla University campuses in Hatyai and Kathu/Phuket to develop projects on a) the social dynamics of religious ritual and b) value transmission and maintenance in transforming societies. Moreover, he gave a presentation to staff and students at the Human and Social Development Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.

Joseph L. Scarpaci gave the lecture 'The Cultural and Economic Setting of Caribbean Migration: An Example from the Cuban Diaspora' on 27 February 2015 at Comparative Literature, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Anja Kamp presented the poster 'Contribution of diatoms to anaerobic nitrate metabolism in sinking aggregates' on 26 February 2015 at the ASLO Meeting in Granada, Spain.

Jürgen Elvert participated at a board meeting of the 'Stiftung zur Förderung der Schifffahrts- und Marinegeschichte' on 26 February 2015, Bonn, Germany. 

Joseph L. Scarpaci gave the lecture 'Rapprochement Between Cuba and Washington: The Economic Ties that Bind' on 24 February 2015 at Dept. of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Amy Iler  gave the research seminar 'Climate-induced shifts in flowering phenology: implications for population dynamics and species interactions' on 24 February 2015, Purdue University, Indiana, USA.

Paul W. Denton participated in the 'Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections' on 23-26 March 2015, Seattle, WA, USA.

Sonia Coriani is co-author of the article 'TD-DFT Investigation of the Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectra of Some Purine and Pyrimidine Bases of Nucleic Acids' in: J. Phys. Chem. A, 20 February 2015. Read the abstract here.

Joseph L. Scarpaci gave the talk '¿Nuevos horizontes? An Economic + Political Outlook for Cuba in 2015' on 19 February 2015 at NETLA (network for Latin-american studies), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Joseph L. Scarpaci gave a lecture before the CPN NGO, Nordic Latin American Network, titled 'New Horizons: Political and Economic Outlook in Cuba in 2015', 18 February 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Joseph L. Scarpaci gave a lecture on iconic branding to the Marketing Anthropology program in the College of Business at Social Sciences on 16 February 2015, University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

Ronald Fischer is co-author of the article 'What kinds of value motives guide people in their moral attitudes? The role of personal and prescriptive values at the culture level and individual level' in: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46, 211-228. Read the abstract here.

Amy Iler gave the research presentation 'Climate-induced shifts in biological timing: Implications for population dynamics and species interactions’ on 12 February 2015 at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA.

Jessica Shadian was selected by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) to be part of the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) Technical Committee responsible for developing standards for oil and gas operations in cold climate regions that will help ensure safe and effective Arctic oil and gas operations while also ensuring protection of the environment and the people working and living in these regions. See more here.

Consuelo Manetta gave the talk ‘“The Different Faces of the Sky”. Decorative culture, floral, astral and mythological representations within figural coffered ceilings’ on 12 February 2015 at the Aarhus Seminars in Classical Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Amy Iler gave a research presentation at the USA National Phenology Network entitled 'Plasticity in Flowering Phenology', 9 February 2015, United States Geological Survey, Tucson, Arizona. 

Martin Holmstrup is co-author of the article 'Membrane properties of Enchytraeus albidus originating from contrasting environments: a comparative analysis' in: Journal of Comparative Physiology B. Vol. 185, Issue 4. Read the abstract here.

Jan Alber gave the guest lecture 'Transparent Minds in the Movies', 6 February 2015, University of Trier, Germany.

Jürgen Elvert participated as consultant at a workshop on an Oral History Programme of the European Council, organized by the European Council on 5-6 February 2015, Brussels, Belgium. 

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