Aarhus University Seal


Research activities of 2020

Jeffrey Kerby is co-recipient of a National Geographic Society grant of $25,000 as the lead of a National Geographic Society collaboration with researchers in Scotland, a 3D visualization artist in Sweden, an Inuvialuit park ranger, and a community outreach specialist in Arctic Canada to transform existing drone and environmental data into 3D Virtual Reality Content for school engagement and general outreach. Awarded: December 2020.

Ruben Pauwels is co-author of the article ‘Estimation of the radiation dose for dental spectral cone-beam CT’ in: Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 22 December 2020. Read the article here.

Sandra Eckert is co-author of the article ‘EMU reform proposals and their (non) implementation: An overview' in SAFE White Paper no. 78, December 2020. Read the article here.

Jihan Zakarriya is author of the article 'Identity, Land and Revolt in Egyptian Earth: An Ecofeminist Reading' in: ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 22 December 2020. Read an abstract here.

Tijen Tunali is author of the article 'Zapatista Voice, Visibility and Vision: An-other Aesthetics of Globalization' in: Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art, vol 7 no. 1, December 2020. Read the article here.

Tijen Tunali is author of the special journal issue 'Street Art’s Politics and Discontents' in: Journal of Urban Cultural Studies vol 7, December 2020. Read the article here.

Christian Damsgaard gave a Danish interview to Weekend Avisen to the article 'Hovedryk', published in no. 51, 18 December 2020.

Paraskevi Manolaki is co-author of the article 'Probing the Response of the Amphibious Plant Butomus umbellatus to Nutrient Enrichment and Shading by Integrating Eco-Physiological With Metabolomic Analyses' in: Frontier Plant Sci., 16 December 2020. Read the article here.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview to the Greak newspaper Kathimerini for the article 'Repatriation of six antiquities from London: The Department of Antiquities did not inform the foreign donor as it should, says the researcher Dr. Christos Tsirogiannis', 15 December 2020. Read the article here (in Greek only)

Niels Christian Hansen is co-recipient of a DKK 97,050 grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation for the SysMus21 conference to be held at AIAS, 15 December 2020. 

Christian Damsgaard is recipient of a Lundbeck Experiment Grant of DKK 1,998,986 for the project 'Oxygen delivery to neural tissue without blood vessels', 11 December 2020.

Ton Otto is co-author of the article 'From Drifters to Asylum Seekers’ in The Contemporary Pacific vol 32 (2), 11 December 2020. Read the article here.

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the article 'Tundra Greenness' in the 2020 NOAA Arctic Report Card, 8 December 2020. Read the article here.

Mark Johnson is part of the EU research project 'SATURN', which will examine how noise from shipping affects the marine environment and identify solutions to make ships quieter, 12 December 2020. Read more here.

Jennifer Galloway is co-author of the article ' Palynostratigraphy of the lower Paleogene Margaret Formation at Stenkul Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada' in Palynologi, 10 December. Read the article here.

Laure Guirguis is  author of the book review ´Benjamin Koerber, Conspiracy in Modern Egyptian Literature', in Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée – REMMM no. 148, December 2020. Read the review here.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an invited talk 'Reflections on the antiquities market: Selected cases of identified antiquities and fakes' at the ‘Webinars cycle on the art market on the occasion of the 50 anniversary of the 1970 convention’ organized by the UNESCO office in Montevideo and The Ministry of Culture of Uruguay, 8 December 2020.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview to the Swedish television SVT Hyheter kultur for the article 'Arkeolog anklagar auktionshus för att sälja stöldgods: ”Brutal verksamhet”', 8 December 2020.  

Rasmus O. Bak is recipient of a DKK 5 million grant from the Carlsberg Foundation for the project 'Elucidating genetic programs in hematopoietic stem cells’, 3 December 2020. 

Joanna Kalucka is recipient of a DKK 350,000 grant from the Carlsberg Foundation for the project ‘Framework to generate blood vessel organoid: a model system to address human vascular biology’, 3 December 2020. 

Sandra Eckert participated in the virtual conference 'Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Conference 2020', Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 30 November - 3 December 2020.    

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the article 'Aboveground biomass corresponds strongly with drone-derived canopy height but weakly with greenness (NDVI) in a shrub tundra landscape' in: IOP Science, 1 December 2020. Read the article here.  

Jeffrey Kerby contributed with his research and photos to the article 'Beautiful Yet Unnerving Photos of the Arctic Getting Greener' in Wired, 30 November 2020. Read the article here.

Katarzyna Jazdzewska is co-author of the book Nonnus of Panopolis in Context III. Old Questions and New Perspectives. Brill, 30 November 2020. 

Bogdan Iacob has become a member of the international project 'Lost in Transition: Social Sciences, Scenarios of Transformation, and Cognitive Dissonances in East Central Europe after 1989' coordinated by Centre of Advanced Studies in Sofia and funded by Porticus Foundation, Germany. November 2020. Read more here.

Jeffrey Kerby gave the talk 'what does it mean when the Arctic turns green(er)', Colgate College, Environmental Studies, November 2020.  

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the article 'Reindeer use of low Arctic tundra correlates with landscape structure' in IOP Science, 26 November 2020. Read the article here.

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the article 'Drone data reveal heterogeneity in tundra greenness and phenology not captured by satellites' in IOP Science, 24 November 2020. Read the article here.  

Sandra Eckert participated in the panel discussion 'Regulatory Responses to COVID-19 to Europe – State of Emergency or Transformative Change?' at Frankfurt Conference on Regulation, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, 20 November 2020.

Bogdan Iacob is author of the article 'Liberal Anti-communism and historical comissions in Romania and Moldova' in Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest no. 2-3, 16 November 2020. Read the article here.

Helen Van Noorden gave the invited lecture, ‘Narrative Authority in the Sibylline Oracles’, hosted by the Centre for the Study of Antiquity and Christianity, Aarhus University, 11 November 2020.

Fredrik Christiansen is co-author of the article 'Creation of accurate 3D models of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) using 3D photogrammetry' in Marine Mammal Science, 11 november 2020. Read the article here.

Peter Refsing Andersen is author of the book chapter ‘Det ligger i vores DNA’ in Tanker i Lockdown by Casper Andersen et al. (eds.). Det Unge Akademi, November 2020. 

Lisa Wu is recipient of a DKK 400,000 grant from The Danish Cancer Society, Kræftens Bekæmpelse, for the one year project 'Engaging Parents in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation for Childhood Cancer Survivors: The “I’M aware: Parents And Children Together” (ImPACT) Program', November 2020.  

Isabelle Torrance is co-author of the book Classics and Irish Politics, 1916-2016. Oxford: University Press, 2020.

Niels Christian Hansen is co-author of the article 'Perceptual learning of tone patterns changes the effective connectivity between Heschl's gyrus and planum temporale' in Human Brain Mapping, 5 November 2020. Read the article here.

Sandra Eckert gave a talk at the workshop 'European Administrative Networks', Copenhagen University, 5-6 November 2020. Read the conference paper here

Cici Alexander is author of the article 'Influence of the proportion, height and proximity of vegetation and buildings on urban land surface temperature' in International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation volume 95, 5 November 2020. Read the article here. 

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to Dagens Medicin for the article 'Forskere vil bruge CRISPR til at gøre CAR-T-cellebehandling til hyldevare', 2 November 2020. Read the article here

Iza Romanowska gave the talk ‘The lure of artificial worlds, or what can ABM do for you?‘, at the Materials, Culture and Heritage Seminar, University of Aarhus, 29 October 2020.

Kei Hiruta, gave the talk 'Freedom or Nationalism?: Hannah Arendt, Isaiah Berlin, and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956' at the Political Theory Research Seminars, University of Copenhagen, online, 28 October 2020.

Christos Tsirogiannis is co-author of the article 'Recent Cases of Unprovenanced Armour in the Antiquities Market and Its Clients' in: Archäologisches korrespondenzblatt 50 (3):323 - 337, October 2020. Read the article here.   

Karen ní Mheallaigh is author of the book The Moon in the Greek and Roman Imagination. Cambridge University Press, October 2020. 

Rasmus O. Bak gave a presentation on 'Genetic Manipulation with CRISPR' at an online lecture for The Danish Patent and Trademark Office, 28 October 2020. 

Iza Romanowska gave the talk ‘Agent-based Modelling in Historical Research' at the Taller Toletum, Hamburg, 23 October 2020.

Niels Christian Hansen is co-author of the article 'A theory of instrument-specific absolute pitch' in: Frontiers in Psychology, 22 October 2020. Read the article here

Niels Christian Hansen is author of the article 'The Expectancy Dynamics of Anti-Tonal Twelve-Tone Rows: A Commentary and Reanalysis of von Hippel & Huron' in: Empirical Musicology Review, 22 October 2020. Read the article here. 

Christos Tsirogiannis gave the talk 'The Practical Impact of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on Greek Antiquities' at the National Museums of World Culture, Celebrating the 50 Years of the 1970 UNESCO Convention, The Swedish National Heritage Board and the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO, 20-21 October 2020.

Kei Hiruta is author of the book chapter ‘Isaiah Berlin: Liberty, Liberalism and Anti-totalitarianism’ in: The Bloomsbury Companion to Hannah Arendt, eds. Peter Gratton and Yasemin Sari. Hosei University Press, October 2020. 

Hale Güney is author of the article 'A New Zeus epithet found in Northeast Phrygia: Zeus of the Cedar tree' in: The Journal of Epigraphic Studies 3, October 2020. 

Christos Tsirogiannis is author of the article 'The Itinerary of a Stolen Stele' in: The Unesco Courier October-December 2020 issue. Read the article here.

Iwona Janicka is author of the article 'Who Can Speak? Ranciére, Latour and the Question of Articulation' in: Humanities 9. no. 4, 20 October 2020. Read the article here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave a presentation on 'Modulation of gene expression in hematopoietic stem cells using CRISPRa and CRISPRi' at an online symposium at World CRISPR Day, 20 October 2020. Read more about the event here.

Fredrik Christiansen is first-author on the report 'Assessing the body condition of the world’s only non-migratory humpback whale population, the endangered Arabian Sea humpback whale' for The Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission, October 2020. Read the report here.

Rasmus O. Bak contributed with expert knowledge on gene editing and CRISPR to the Radio4 podcast series Techtopia for the podcast entitled 'Den Mirakuløse Gensaks' about the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Online at radio4.dk, 18 October 2020.  Listen to the podcast here (in Danish only)

Kei Hiruta gave the talk ‘Value Pluralism and the Critical Function of Political Theory’ at the workshop on ‘Burdens of Political Theory’, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 15 October 2020.

Rasmus O. Bak contributed with expert knowledge on gene editing and CRISPR to a Zetland podcast about the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Online at Zetland.dk, 9 October 2020.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to Videnskab.dk commenting on the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the article 'Fantastisk: To kvinders udvikling af gen-saksen CRISPR hædres med Nobelprisen i kemi', online at videnskab.dk, 7 October 2020. Read the article here (in Danish only)

Sebastijan Ričko is first-author of the article 'Insights on the Pseudo‐Enantiomeric Properties of Bifunctional Cinchona Alkaloid Squaramide‐derived Organocatalyst' in: Chemistry a European Journal, 2 October 2020. Read an abstract here.

Ton Otto is author of the article ‘Ancestor Cults in Geelvink Bay’ in Tribal Art XXIV number 97, September 2020. Read the article here.

Kei Hiruta is co-author of the special journal issue 'Moral Conflict and Political Obligation in (Highly) Non-ideal Conditions' in: Res Publica 26:4, September 2020. Read the article here.

Bogdan Cristian Iacob gave the virtual lecture 'Democratization, Eastern Europe and 1989 A Global Perspective, at the Department of History, Maastricht University, The Netherlands, 30 September 2020.

Morten S. Overgaard is co-author of the article 'Avian prefrontal cortex and conscious experience' in: Science, 25 September 2020. Read the article here.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article ‘Targeted Knockout of the Vegfa Gene in the Retina by Subretinal Injection of RNP Complexes Containing Cas9 Protein and Modified sgRNAs’ in: Molecular Therapy, 23 September 2020. Read the article here.

Hale Güney is author of the article 'New Votive Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia' in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 216, September 2020.

Sandra Eckert organized and chaired the panel discussion and exhibition on the EU entitled 'Drawing Europe Together', AIAS, 17 September 2020.

Iza Romanowska is co-author of the article 'Ceramics in Cities in Context. An Overview of Published Roman Imperial to Umayyad Pottery in the Southern Levant' in  Hellenistic and Roman Antiochia on the Chrysorrhoas, the Former Gerasa. Contributions on the Archaeology and History of a Decapolis City, 17 September 2020. 

Ruben Pauwels is co-author of the article 'In vivo quantification of mandibular bone remodeling and vascular changes in a Wistar rat model: A novel HR-MRI and micro-CT fusion technique' in: Imaging Science in Dentistry, 16 September 2020. Read an abstract here.

Bogdan C. Iacob co-organized the symposium 'Public Diplomacy: From Cold War to COVID', AIAS, 16 September 2020.

Jeffrey Kerby gave the invited talk ' Towards addressing complexity in the Greening of the Arctic' at the BIOCHANGE seminar, Aarhus University, 16 September 2020.

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the blog-post 'Sharing is Caring: Working With Other People’s Data' in Methods Blog, 4 September 2020. Read the blog post here.

Tijen Tunali is author of the article 'Humour As Political Aesthetics In Street Protests During The Political Ice Age' in The European Journal Of Humour Research, 3 September 2020. Read the article here

Rasmus O. Bak is co-recipient of a DKK 2.5 million grant from Karen Elise Jensen’s Foundation. The 3-year project is entitled 'Gene editing to treat acute myeloid leukemia'. Awarded on: 1 September 2020.

Iwona Janicka is author of the review of Resistance and the Politics of Truth. Foucault, Deleuze, Badiou, by Iain MacKenzie (Bielefeld: transcript-Verlag, 2018) in: H-France Review, September 2020.

Laure Guirguis is editor of the book The Arab Lefts. Histories and Legacies, 1950s–1970s. Edinburgh: University Press, 2020.

Niels Christian Hansen was appointed member of the Danish Young Academy (Det Unge Akademi) under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters for 2020-2025, August 2020. Read more here. 

Christian Damsgaard is first-author of the article 'A novel acidification mechanism for greatly enhanced oxygen supply to the fish retina' in: eLife, 25 August 2020. Read an abstract here.

Sandra Eckert was a panelist on 'Private Governance, Corporate Power and Environmental Politics in Europe' supported by the ECPR Environmental Politics Standing Group at the ECPR General Conference 2020, held virtually, 24-28 August 2020. 

Renée M. van der Sluis was invited to join the editorial board as a topic editor for the journal Vaccines and as guest editor of the special issue ‘Dendritic Cells of the Future - What is Necessary to Make DC-based Vaccination a Clinical Success?’, August 2020.

Magnus Kjærgaard is co-author of the article 'Intrinsically disordered linkers control tethered kinases via effective concentration' in: The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 18 August 2020. Read the article here.

Christian Damsgaard was a panelist at the symposium 'Øjet mod Øret' [The Eye versus the Ear] at the popular science festival 'Bloom - Weekend under the Oak', Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 August 2020.

Morten S. Overgaard is co-author of the article 'Comparing Theories of Consciousness: Object position, not probe modality, reliably influences experience and accuracy in an object recognition task' in: Consciousness and Cognition, 14 August 2020. Read the article here.

Christian Damsgaard gave an interview to DR Viden for the article 'Forskere undersøger 429 millioner år gammelt øje: Ligner nutidens biers' online at dr.dkRead the article here (in Danish only).

Ton Otto is author of the article 'Maloat, Sir Paliau (c. 1907–1991)' in Australian Dictionary of Biography, 6 August 2020. Read the article here.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave an interview about the global research project on music during the time of the corona to the Norwegian NRK for the article ‘Koronatiden kan ha endret folks musikkvaner’, 5 August 2020.

Jens Georg Leipziger is co-author of the article 'Impaired Renal HCO3 - Excretion in Cystic Fibrosis' in the Journal of American Society of Nephrology, 31 July 2020. Read the article here.

Anna Neuheimer is co-author of the article 'Evidence for long-term seamount-induced chlorophyll enhancements' in Scientific Reports - Nature, 29 July 2020. Read the article here.

Morten S. Overgaard is author of the book chapters 'Introduction', 'Will we explain consciousness when we find the neural correlates of consciousness?' and ‘An integral view of the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) – Reorganization of the connectivity between Elementary Functions as a common mechanism of mental processes’ in: Beyond neural correlates of consciousness, Routledge, 27 July 2020. 

Cici Alexander is co-author of the article 'Sleeping trees and sleep‑related behaviours of the siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) in a tropical lowland rainforest, Sumatra, Indonesia' in: Primates, 27 July 2020. Read the article here.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article 'STEEP mediates STING ER exit and activation of signaling' in Nature Immunology, 20 July 2020. Read the article here

Ruben Pauwels is first author of the article ‘A brief introduction to concepts and applications of artificial intelligence in dental imaging’ in: Oral Radiology, 18 July 2020. Read an abstract here.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview to the newspaper about his research on looted antiquities to The Telegraph for the article 'Bonhams ‘sold 2,500-year-old wine jug it was warned had been looted’, claims antiquities expert', 18 July 2020.

Ruben Pauwels is co-author of the article ‘Cone-beam Computed Tomographic–based Assessment of Filled C-shaped Canals: Artifact Expression of Cone-beam Computed Tomography as Opposed to Micro–computed Tomography and Nano–computed Tomography’ in: Journal of Endodontics, 16 July 2020. Read an abstract here.

Lucia Angelino gave a zoom talk entitled "Thinking of the genesis of a group behaviour and of group thoughts. Sartre's alternative framework" at the "Social Ontology - 12th Biennal Collective Intentionality Conference", 13 July 2020.

Sandra Eckert is cauthor of the article ' Aufbruch in ein neues Europa' in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 13 July 2020. Read the article here.

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the article 'Aboveground biomass corresponds strongly with drone-derived canopy height but weakly with greenness (NDVI) in a shrub tundra landscape' in Environmental Research Letters, 10 July 2020. Read the article here.

Tijen Tunali co-organized the conference 'Urban Creativity -User Experience Online Conference' and gave the Opening Speech and moderated the panel 'Urban Creativity and Everyday Resistance', held online, 9-11 July 2020.

Thomas Tauris gave a invited review of 'Formation of Binary Neutron Stars' at The European Astronomical Society - EAS2020, Leiden (NL), 3 July 2020.

Jens Georg Leipziger is co-author of the article 'Viewing Cortical Collecting Duct Function Through Phenotype-guided Single-Tubule Proteomics', in: Function, 2 July 2020. Read the article here.

Thomas Tauris is co-author of the article 'Properties of OB star-black hole systems derived from detailed binary evolution models' in Astronomy & Astrophysics, June 2020.

Michael G. Flaherty is co-editor of the book 'TIME WORK Studies of Temporal Agency' in New York: Berghan, June 2020.    

Lisa M. Wu gave the talk 'Opening the borders of symptom management: Investigating circadian rhythms and light exposure in cancer patients' at the European NetIAS Lecture Series, held online, 25 June 2020.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave a TV interview on the  international trade in antiquities to Euronews, for a live show running at 13:00-13:30 CET, 25 June 2020. 

Bogdan C. Iacob is author of the op-ed article 'From the Outside Looking In: Romania during the Pandemic' for the the website "Cultures of History Forum" created by the Institute of Advanced Studies Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena. Read the op-ed here.

Dennis Konnerup is co-author of the review "Constructed Wetlands in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Review of Experiences during the Last Decade" in Water, 18 June 2020. Read the review here.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on his identification of four illicit antiquities' objects at Christie’s, New York, to the French newspaper Le Figaro for the article 'Christie's retire de ses enchères 4 antiquités soupçonnées d'avoir été pillées', 17 June 2020. Read the article here (in French only).

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on his identification of four illicit antiquities' objects at Christie’s, New York, to the The Times newspaper for the article 'Auction Houses accused of listing looted treasures after Christie’s withdraws lots', 16 June 2020. Online here.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on his identification of four illicit antiquities' objects at Christie’s, New York, to ArtNet for the article 'Christie’s Quietly Pulls Greek and Roman Antiquities From an Online Auction After Evidence Suggests They May Have Been Looted', 15 June 2020. Read the article here.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on his identification of four illicit antiquities' objects at Christie’s, New York, to the newspaper The Guardian for the article 'Christie's withdraws 'looted' Greek and Roman treasures' 15 June 2020. Online here.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on an illictit trade case of a bronze horse to the Greek newspaper Kathimerini for the article ‘Η επίμονη διεκδίκηση του χάλκινου αλόγου’ [‘The persistent claim of the bronze horse’], 12 June 2020.  Read the article here (in Greek only) ­

Thomas Tauris gave the seminar 'Radio Pulsars" for Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 11 June 2020

Hale Güney is author of the article 'New Funerary Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia' in Zeitschrift Fuer Papyrologie Und Epigraphik, 2020, Vol 215, p. 115-134, 9 June 2020.

Ruben Pauwels is co-author of the review article ‘Cone-beam computed tomography in dentomaxillofacial radiology: a two-decade overview’ in: Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 5 June 2020. Read the article here.

Joanna Kalucka gave a Zoom talk entitled “Metabolic and Transcriptomic Heterogeneity  of Endothelial Cells” for Universitätsklinikum Bonn & Universität Bonn, 5 June 2020.

Christos Tsirogiannis gave the talk "Ethical Dilemmas about Illicit Antiquities", International Committee on Ethical Dilemmas, ICOM (via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions), organized by IC ETHICS – ICOM International Committee on Ethical Dilemmas, 1 June 2020.

Sandra Eckert is author of the article 'EU Agencies in Banking and Energy between Institutional and Policy Centralisation' in SAFE Working Paper No. 278, 1 June 2020. Read the article here. 

Christos Tsirogiannis gave the talk "Legal and Ethical Problems on Selected Illicit Antiquities Cases" , Trafficking of cultural properties (II): the International, European and Italian perspective and the judicial cooperation, University of Palermo (via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions), 29 May 2020.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave an interview on music and COVID-19 to the national radion P2 Klassisk Formiddagsradio, May 29, 2020. Listen to the interview here.   

Renée M. van Der Sluis is first-author of the article 'Plasmacytoid dendritic cells as cell-based therapeutics: A novel immunotherapy to treat human immunodeficiency virus infection?' in: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 26 May 2020. Read an abstract here.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave a Skype-interview about the global research project on music during the time of the corona to the national tv broadcast TV2 News, 22 May 2020. 

Niels Chr. Hansen gave an interview about the global research project on music during the time of the corona to radio P4 Østjylland, 22 May 2020. Listen to the interview here (in Danish only).

Niels Chr. Hansen gave an interview about the global research project on music during the time of the corona to the Danish newspaper Politiken for the article 'Derfor er folk vilde med Phillip Faber: Folk hører happy-go-lucky-musik fra deres unge år som aldrig før' in: Politiken, 22 May 2020. Read the article here.  

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on his research into the illicit trade of antiquities for the article 'A Double Seizure of Antiquities at TEFAF 2020. An Interview with the Experts, Officer Bouwknegt and Professor Tsirogiannis' in: The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime, 21 May 2020. Read the interview here.

Niels Chr. Hansen received an IMC seed funding grant of DKK 29,700 from the Interacting Minds Centre for the project on 'Music for social convergence in times of spatial distancing', May 2020.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave the poster presentation 'The lontano effect: affective connotations of offstage instrumentation in orchestral music' at the online conference  Brain. Cognition. Emotion. Music. Kent, UK, 20-21 May 2020.

Kei Hiruta is author of the article 'Value Pluralism, Realism and Pessimism' in: Res Publica: A Journal of Moral, Legal and Political Philosophy, 20 May 2020. Read an abstract here.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave the online talk ' Musical escapisms and a crowd-sourced database of #coronamusic' at the online MUSICOVID network event, 19 May 2020.

Rasmus O. Bak was awarded a grant of DKK 2.9 mill by the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project entitled ‘Generating a new class of cancer immunotherapy with genetically engineered plasmacytoid dendritic cells’, 17 May 2020.

Joanna Kalucka is co-author of the article "Role of the GLUT1 Glucose Transporter in Postnatal CNS Angiogenesis and Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity" in Circulation Research, 14 May 2020. Read the article here.

Fredrik Christiansen is first-author of the article 'Southern right whales show no behavioral response to low noise levels from a nearby unmanned aerial vehicle' in: Mammal Marine Science, 13 May 2020. Read the article here.

Hale Güney is author of the article ‘Phrygia’dan Tanrı Apollon’a sunulan Yeni Bir Altar Adağı’ [A new votive altar to Apollo from Phrygia] in: Colloquium Anatolicum, 13 May 2020. Read the article here.  

Thomas Tauris is co-author of the comment 'Comment on “A noninteracting low-mass black hole–giant star binary system"' in: Science, 8 May 2020. Read an abstract here.

Bogdan C. Iacob is author of the article 'From Africa to the World: Romania’s Global Turn in the 1970s' in: the Journal of Studies and Materials of Contemporary History vol. 18., 28 April 2020. See the journal here.

Fredrik Christiansen is first-author of the article '‘A population comparison of right whale body condition reveals poor state of the North Atlantic right whale’ in: Marine Ecology Progress Series, 23 April 2020. Read an abstract here.

Morten S. Overgaard is co-author of the article 'Strategies for mind, brain, and culture – a cure for the replication crisis?' in: Nature Research: Behavioural and Social Sciences, 19 April 2020. Read the article here.

Anna Neuheimer is co-author of the article ' Match-mismatch dynamics in the Norwegian-Barents Sea system' in Marine Ecology Progress Series, 9 April 2020. Read the article here.

Niels Chr. Hansen is co-author of the article 'Decomposing Neural Responses to Melodic Surprise in Musicians and Non-Musicians: Evidence for a Hierarchy of Predictions in the Auditory System' in: Neuroimage, 8 April 2020. Read an abstract here.

Joanna Kalucka is co-author of the article "Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Maps Endothelial Metabolic Plasticity in Pathological Angiogenesis" in Cell Metabolism, 7 April 2020. Read the article here.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article 'Genome editing of donor-derived T-cells to generate allogenic chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells: Optimizing αβ T cell-depleted haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation' in Haematologica, 2 April 2020. Read an abstract here.

Lucia Angelino is author of the article 'A frame of analysis for group improvisation on the bridge between Husserl’s phenomenology and some recent readings of the predictive coding model' in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. vol. 19, issue 2, pp. 349-359, April 2020

Ruben Pauwels is author of the review paper ’History of dental radiography: evolution of 2d and 3d imaging modalities’ in: Medical Physics International Journal, 31 March 2020. Read the article here.

Lisa Wu is co-author of the article ' Cognitive impairment following radiation to hippocampus and other brain structures in adults with primary brain tumours' in Radiotherpy and Oncology, 28 March 2020. Read the article here.

Jeffrey Kerby gave a streamed talk ‘The changing Arctic’ to several thousand school kids for National Geographic Explorer Classroom, 26 March 2020.   

Doug Speed is first-author of the article 'Evaluating and improving heritability models using summary statistics' in: Nature Genetics, 23 March 2020. Read an abstract here.

Jeffrey Kerby gave an interview on his research to the New Hampshire Public Radio podcast, Outside/In, ‘Kettle Bog’ episode, 19 March 2020. Listen to the podcast here. 

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on his identification of illicit antiquities to the newspaper NRC Handelsblad for the article 'Twee oudheden in beslag genomen op kunstbeurs Tefaf' in: NRC Handelsblad, 17 March 2020. Read the article here (in Dutch).

Thomas Tauris is co-author of the article 'Early neutron star evolution in high-mass X-ray binaries' in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 13 March 2020. Read an abstract here.

Peter Teglberg Madsen is co-author of the article 'Energetic and physical limitations on the breaching performance of large whales' in: Deep Sea Research, 11 March 2020. Read the article here.

Lucia Angelino is author of the article 'Aux limites du reel: renversements perceptifs et reversibilite entre registres auditifs et visuels a l’oeuvre dans les proménades sonores in situ' in: Nouvelle revue d’esthétiquePresses Universitaires de France, 10 March 2020. Read an abstract here.

Bogdan C. Iacob is author of the review of The Great Cauldron: A History of Southeastern Europe by Marie-Janine Calic (Harvard University Press 2019) in: International Affairs, March 2020. Read an abstract here.  

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on his research into the illicit trade of antiquities to the newspaper article 'Twijfels bij Tefaf: zijn oudheden op kunstbeurs legaal?' in: NRC Handelsblad, 9 March 2020. Read the article here (in Dutch).

Iwona Janicka is author of the review of Against Capital in Twenty-First-Century: A Reader of Radical Undercurrents by Jon Asimakopoulos and Richard Gilman-Opalsky (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2018) in Anarchist Studies, 1 March 2020    

Kei Hiruta gave an invited talk on ‘Value Pluralism, Realism and Pessimism’ in the Research Unit for Ethics, Legal, and Political Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas, Aarhus University, 2 March 2020   

Renée M. Van der Sluis is first-author of the article 'Diverse effects of interferon alpha on the establishment and reversal of HIV latency' in: PLOS Pathogens, 28 February 2020. Read an abstract here.

Micah G. Allen gave an interview to Weekendavisen for the article 'Mavefornemmelse' online at: Weekendavisen.dk, 28 February 2020. Read the article here. 

Sandra Eckert is author of the article 'Beyond legislation: reconsidering the locus of power in EU regulatory governance' in: The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 27 February 2020. Read an abstract here.

Kei Hiruta gave an invited talk on ‘The Legacy of 1956: Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin on the Hungarian Revolution’ in the Research Unit for the History of Political and Economic Ideas at the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas, Aarhus University, 26 February 2020.

Micah G. Allen is author of the review article 'Unravelling the Neurobiology of Interoceptive Inference' in: Cell: Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24 February 2020. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave a lecture 'Gene technology - How much can we do today?' at Folkeuniversitetet, 20 February 2020

Jens Leipziger is co-author of the article 'How Does Aldosterone Work in the β-Intercalated Cell?' in: The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, February 2020. Read an abstract here.

Lisa M. Wu is co-author of the article 'Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of a Bright Light Intervention in Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Survivors' in: International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20 February 2020. Read an abstract here.

Joanna Kalucka is co-author of the article 'Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of Murine Endothelial Cells' in: Cell, 20 February 2020. Read an abstract here.

Borbála Kovács is author of the article 'ANALIZĂ Impozitarea veniturilor salariale în România post-decembristă' in: contributors.ro, 19 February 2020. Read an abstract here.

Thomas Tauris gave the talk 'Neutronstjerner og sorte huller' at FolkeUniversitet, Aarhus University, 19 February 2020.

Jeffrey Kirby gave an interview to Wired for the article 'The Arctic Is Getting Greener. That's Bad News for All of Us' online at: Wired.com, 18 February 2020. Read the article here. 

Bogdan C. Iacob is author of the book chapter 'Southeast by Global South: Balkans, UNESCO and the Cold War' in: Alternative Globalizations. Eastern Europe and the the Postcolonial World by James Mark et al (eds.). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, February 2020.  

Rasmus O. Bak gave an invited talk at 'the 4th Bone Marrow Transplantation Forum', London, UK, 11 February 2020.

Thomas Tauris gave an invited talk at 'Compact Objects for All', Lund University, Sweden, 11 February 2020

Peter Teglberg Madsen is co-author of the article 'An autonomous hydrophone array to study the acoustic ecology of deep-water toothed whales' in Deep Sea Research, 7 February 2020. Read the article here.

Frants Jensen is co-author of the article 'Dynamic biosonar adjustment strategies in deep-diving Risso's dolphins driven partly by prey evasion' in Journal of Experimental Biology, 3 February 2020. Read the article here.

Ton Otto is author of the book chapter 'Clifford Geertz. Mod en fortolkende antropologi' in Klassiske og moderne antropologiske tænkere by Kirsten Hastrup (ed.). Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag, pp. 397-422, 3 February 2020.

Sandra Eckert is author of article 'Wirtschaftliche Interessen im Recht? Selbstregulierung und Strategische Prozessführung durch Europäische Unternehmensverbände' in Der Moderne Staat vol. 13, February 2020.

Thomas Tauris co-organized and contributed a talk at DKGWEM-2020: Gravitational Wave Science in Denmark at the Niels Bohr International Academy, Copenhagen 31 January 2020.

Thomas Tauris gave an interview on his research for the news article 'Astronomers witness the dragging of space-time in stellar cosmic dance' online at Phys.org, 31 January 2020. Read the popular science article here.

Thomas Tauris gave an interview on his research for the news article 'Igen har Einstein ret: Hvid dværg rykker rumtiden rundt' online at Videnskab.dk, 31 January 2020. Read the popular science article here.

Thomas Tauris gave an interview on his research for the news article 'Bizarre Cosmic Dance Offers Fresh Test for General Relativity' in: Scientific American, 31 January 2020. Read the article here.

Thomas Tauris is co-author of the article 'Lense-Thirring frame-dragging induced by a fast rotating white dwarf in a binary pulsar system' in Science, 31 January 2020. Read an abstract here.

Thomas Tauris gave an interview on his research for the news article 'Ein schnell rotierender Weißer Zwerg verwirbelt die Raumzeit in einem kosmischen Tanz' online at: idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft 30 January 2020. Read the popular science article here.

Jens Leipziger is co-author of the article 'Renal Autocrine and Paracrine Signaling -A Story of Self-Protection' in: Physiol Review, 30 January 2020. Read the article here.

Lisa M. Wu was appointed a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine, January 2020. 

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the article 'Leopard predation on gelada monkeys at Guassa, Ethiopia' in the American Journal of Primatology, 29 Januray 2020. Read the article here.

Peter Teglberg Madsen is co-author of the aticle 'Energy compensation and received echo level dynamics in constant-frequency bats during active target approaches' in Journal of Experimental Biology , 28 January 2020. Read the article here.

Sandra Eckert gave the talk ‘ Zeich(n)en für oder gegen Europa. Europapolitische Narrative und Bilder’ at the workshop 'Dialogues d’Europe', Goethe-University Frankfurt, 28 January 2020.      

Lucia Angelino is the author of the article 'Collective intentionality and the further challenge of collective free improvisation' in: Continental Philosophy Review, 27 January 2020. Read the article here.

Renée van der Sluis is co-author of the article 'Combination Immune Checkpoint Blockade to Reverse HIV Latency' in: The Journal of Immunology, 27 January 2020. Read an abstract here.

Sâmia Joca is co-author of the article 'Ketamine effects on anxiety and fear-related behaviors: Current literature evidence and new findings' in: Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 23 January 2020. Read an abstract here.

Doug Speed and Søren Dinesen Østergaard are co-authors of the article 'Genome‐wide association study of the sensitivity to environmental stress and adversity (SESA) neuroticism cluster' in: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 23 January 2020. Read an abstract here.

Peter R. Andersen was awarded a "Research Infrastructure” grant from the Carlsberg Foundation of DKK 350,000 for cell culture of germline cells. 16 January 2020.

Sâmia Joca gave the talk 'Effect of cannabidiol on depression' at the 12th Annual Meeting for the Danish Society for Pharmacology, held at University of Southern Denmark, 15 January 2020.

Paraskevi Manolaki is co-author of the article ' Towards implementing Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services in Cyprus: A first set of indicators for ecosystem management' in: One Ecosystem, 15 January 2020. Read an abstract here.

Christos Tsirogiannis is author of the article 'Nekyia "'Woman on a Balcony' at the Jean Paul Getty Museum"' in: Journal of Art Crime, January 2020.

Sandra Eckert is corresponding-author of the article 'Private authority in tackling cross-border issues. The hidden path of integrating European energy markets' in: Journal of European Integration, 11 January 2020. Read an abstract here.

Sandra Eckert gave the talk ‘Is Brexit leadership impossible? Theresa May’s difficult mission as a negotiator’ at the workshop ‘Pathways to Power: Female Leadership and Women Empowerment in the European Union’, University Osnabrueck, 9–11 January 2020.    

Christos Tsirogiannis gave an interview on his research into the illicit trade of antiquities to the newspaper article 'Die Dateien des Dr. Tsirogiannis' for the newspaper Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.), 9 January 2020. Read the article here.

Nikolaj Thomas Zinner organized the conference 'Quantum Community DK', AIAS, Aarhus University, 9-10 January 2020.

Frants Jensen is co-author of the article 'Whistling is metabolically cheap for communicating bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)' in Journal of Experimental Biology, 6 January 2020. Read the article here.

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