Aarhus University Seal



Sâmia Joca has received a productivity fellowship from the National Council of Science and Technology (CNPq), Brazil. The grant is a recognition from the Brazilian government to the most productive researchers in the field. December 2018. 

Sâmia Joca has received a grant from the National Council of Science and Tecnology (CNPq), Brazil, to raise money to organize the ll Brazilian Symposium of Neuropsychipharma (SBNP). December 2018.

Sâmia Joca has received a grant of DKK 1,658,430 from the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP) to identify of epigenetic mechanisms induced by stress which modulate endocannabinoid signaling and neuroimmunological mechanisms as new therapeutic targets to treat the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


Sâmia Joca has received a grant of DKK 7,117,000 from the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP) to find new perspectives in the use of drugs that modify atypical neurotransmitters in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, December 2018

Jessica D. Wiskus is author of the book chapter ’Merleau-Ponty on Simultaneity and Succession: The Turn to Music through Proust and Claudel’ in: Understanding Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Understanding Modernism, by Ariane Mildenberg (ed). London: Bloomsbury, December 2018. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to the Danish national newspaper Information for the article 'CRISPR: En genetisk schweizerkniv, som kan ændre menneskeheden for altid', 8 December 2018.

Luís Pedro Viegas is author of the paper 'Exploring the Reactivity of Hydrofluoropolyethers toward OH through a Cost-Effective Protocol for Calculating Multiconformer Transition State Theory Rate Constants' in: Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 6 December 2018. Read an abstract here.

Joshua Nash chaired an international workshop of language contact scholars from around Europe entitled 'European Creole Languages Workshop', Sandbjerg Estate, 6-7 December 2018.

Federica Bertolotti is co-author of the article 'Size-Dependent Fault-Driven Relaxation and Faceting in Zincblende CdSe Colloidal Quantum Dots' in: ASC Nano, 5 December 2018. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the talk 'CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing’ and participated in the panel debate at the 'CRISPR'n'Cake IV' series, organised by BioBarakken, Aarhus University, 5 December 2018.

Joshua Nash gave the paper ‘Inside(r) – Outside(r): Toward a Linguistics and Sociology of Space on Pitcairn Island’at the Pacific History Association conference, Cambridge, UK, 4 December 2018.

Adeline Masquelier gave the talk 'Boredom and Belonging: Youth Ma(r)king their Place in Niger' at the Distinguished Lecture Series at the Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 3 December 2018.

Doug Speed is first-author of the article 'SumHer better estimates the SNP heritability of complex traits from summary statistics' in: Nature Genetics 3 December 2018. Read an abstract here. 

Adeline Masquelier gave the talk 'Mapping the Terrain of African Studies' as part of a panel on 'Critical Terms for the Study of Africa', organized to present a recently published collection of essays co-edited by Adeline Masquelier entitled Critical Terms for the Study of Africa (University of Chicago Press, 2018), African Studies Association, Atlanta, GA, USA, 30 November 2018.

Franco De Angelis is author of the book Archaic and Classical Greek Sicily. A Social and Economic History. Oxford University Press, November 2018.

Magnus Kjærgaard is co-author of the article 'Naturens nanopumper fanget på film' in the popular science journal Dansk Kemi, 99, no 8, November 2018.

Adeline Masquelier gave the invited lecture 'Tea Circles: Youth, Place-Making, and the Transience of  Infrastructure in Urban Niger' at the Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 7 November 2019.

Isabelle Torrance was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant of 1.9 million euros, for a five year research project on ‘Classical Influences and Irish Culture (CLIC)’, starting on 1 October 2019. Granted on 29 November 2019.

Naicheng Wu is co-author of the article 'How successful are the restoration efforts of China's lakes and reservoirs?​' in: Environment International 29 November 2018. Read an abstract here.

Sâmia Joca gave an interview about her research to PsyPost for the article 'Cannabidiol induces a rapid and long-lasting antidepressant effect in rodent model of depression' online at https://www.psypost.org/, 28 November 2018.

Andrew G. Newby is author of the book chapter 'Overcoming Amnesia? Memorializing Finland's "Great Hunger Years"' in: The Great Famine and its Legacies: Visual and Material Culture by  Marguérite Corporaal et al (eds). Liverpool University Press, 2018.

Jessie Fillerup gave the lecture 'Pianos, Goblin Drums, and the Wizard's Monster Band: Music in 19th-Century Magic Shows., Dept. of Music, Aarhus University, 27 November 2018.

Lucia Angelino gave the talk 'Shared Temporal Field as Tool of Collective Prediction in Joint Improvised Action' at the third Worlding the Brain conference, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark, 27-29 November 2018.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to Videnskab.dk for the article 'Kinesiske forskere: Verdens første genredigerede babyer er født' in which he commented on the news that Chinese researchers have carried out genetic editing on human embryos. 26 November 2018. Read the article here (in Danish only).

Darin Stephanov is author of the book Ruler Visibility and Popular Belonging in the Ottoman Empire, 1808-1908, Edinburgh University Press, 2018. Read an abstract here.

Shubiao Wu is co-author of the article 'Innovative operation of microbial fuel cell-based biosensor for selective monitoring of acetate during anaerobic digestion' in: Science of the Total Environment, Vol 655, 23 November 2018. Read an abstrct here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the talk ’Recent advances in CRISPR/Cas9 gene correction in hematopoietic stem cells' at thehe Launch Symposium for the Innovation Fund Denmark-funded CRISPR/Cas Center​ at Aarhus University, 23 November 2018.

Darin Stephanov is author of the book chapter '‘Bulgar Milleti Nedir?’ Syncretic Forms of Belonging in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Istanbul' in: 'Istanbul – ‘Kushta’ – ‘Constantinople:’ Diversity of Identities and Personal Narratives in the Ottoman Capital (1830-1900),by  Richard Wittmann and Christoph Herzog (Eds.), Routledge, 2018.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the talk ’Gene editing is coming to the clinic’ at the 22nd Annual Haematology Forum in London, 19 November 2018.

Tomonori Takeuchi is the co-author of the review paper 'Novelty and Dopaminergic Modulation of Memory Persistence: A Tale of Two Systems.' Published in: Trends of Neuroscience, 16 November 2018. Read an abstract here.

Magnus Kjærgaard gave the talk 'Quantifying the functions of flexible protein linkers: Effects on catalysis and avidity' at the Linderstrøm-Lang Symposium, University of Copenhagen, 16 november 2018.  

Frants H. Jensen & Peter Teglberg Madsen and co-authors have published the article ‘A bigger nose, a bigger bang: size matters for echolocating toothed whales’ Published in: Current Biology, 15 November 2018. Read an abstract here.

Yonghui Zeng is the co-corresponding author of the paper 'Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria Promote the Development of Biological Soil Crusts' in: Frontiers in Microbiology, 13 November 2018. Read an abstract here.

Luís Pedro Viegas had a research stay at the CEFET-MG - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais and taught a graduate course entitled 'Transition State Theory: practical aspects', Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 12-21 November 2018.

Lucia Angelino is author of the article 'Motor intentionality and the intentionality of improvisation: a contribution to a phenomenology of musical improvisation' in: Continental Philosophy Review, 11 November 2018. Read an abstract here.

Luís Pedro Viegas gave the plenary talk 'Reactivity of hydrofluoropolyethers towards OH: a cost-effective implementation of multiconformer transition state theory' at the XIV Workshop em Física Molecular e Espectroscopia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7-10 November 2018.

Adeline Masquelier gave the lecture 'Tea Circles: Youth, Place-making, and the Transience of Infrastructure in Urban Niger' at the Dept. of Anthropology, Aarhus University, 8 November 2018.

Lucia Angelino gave the talk 'Action prediction in Joint Improvised multi-agents’ action' at the workshop on Social Cognition organized by the Dept. of Language, Cognitive Science and Semiotics, Aarhus University & Interacting Minds Center, Aarhus University, 5-6 November 2018.

Jessie Fillerup gave the talk 'Ravel's Magic Circle' at the Society for Music Theory, San Antonio, Texas, 4 November 2018.

Jessie Fillerup gave the talk 'To Clarify, Yes/No on the Crazy': Permeable Structures and Mental Health in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend​'  at the Music & Multimedia joint session, American Musicological Society and Society for Music Theory, San Antonio, Texas, 2 November 2018.

Morten Kyndrup is author of the review article '"Jeg ved, jeg er mange": Spredte stemmer i ny digtsamling' in: Standart, vol. 32, issue 3, October 2018.

Morten Kyndrup is author of the review article 'At være umulig: Antihelt på tyrkisk eventyr' in: Standart, vol. 32, issue 3, October 2018. 

Sâmia Joca is co-author of the article 'S-ketamine reduces marble burying behaviour: Involvement of ventromedial orbitofrontal cortex and AMPA receptors' in: Neuropharmacology 144, 29 October 2018. Read an abstract here.

Sâmia Joca gave the lecture 'What we have learnt from stress modelsat the course 'Mechanisms of stress- from models to disease', University of Tartu, Estonia, 25-26 October 2018.

Isabelle Torrance co-organized the AIAS conference ‘Politics and Narrative in Ireland’s Decade of Commemorations’ and gave the paper ‘Oedipus in Derry (2013) and in Dublin (2015): Political Readings of Greek Tragedy North and South of the Border’, AIAS, 23-25 October 2018.

Yonghui Zeng gave the talk 'Phototrophic Gemmatimonadetes Bacteria: Everywhere but Resist Cultivation ‐ A Story of Isolation of Its Second Member from a Stream in Greenland' at the 3nd Regional Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Prague, Czech Republic, 17-19 October 2018.    

Peter Teglberg Madsen is co-author of the article 'A 2.6‐g sound and movement tag for studying the acoustic scene and kinematics of echolocating bats' in: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 16 October 2018. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview on CRISPR/Cas9 for the newspaper article 'Stephen Hawking forudsiger ny race af supermennesker' in B.T, 15 October 2018.

Yonghui Zeng visited the Center ALGATECH at the Institute of Microbiology, Czech Academy of Sciences at Trebon, to conduct collaborative research on new phototrophic bacteria isolated from Greenland, 10-22 October 2018.

Magnus Kjærgaard gave the talk on memory and molecules entitled 'Hukommelsens molekyler' for high-school students and teachers at Grenaa Gymnasium, 12 October 2018.

Magnus Kjærgaard gave the talk on memory and molecules entitled 'Hukommelsens molekyler' for the Academy for talented young people,  Akademiet for Talentfulde Unge, Aarhus University, 11 October 2018.

Isabelle Torrance gave the invited talk ‘Prometheus and the IRA in the late 1980s’ at the Centre for Irish Studies, Aarhus University, 10 October 2018.

Morten Kyndrup gave the invited talk 'From New Ideas to Defining a Research Agenda: A New Role for IAS' at the conference 'Research Agenda Setting and the Way Ahead with Respect to Networking and Collaboration', Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover, Germany, 8 October 2018.

Btihaj Ajana is author of the book chapter 'Introduction: Metric Culture and the Over-Examined Life' in: Metric Culture: Ontologies of Self-Tracking Practices by Btihaj Ajana. The UK: Emerald Publishing Ltd., 2018.

Btihaj Ajana is editor of the book Metric Culture: Ontologies of Self-Tracking Practices. The UK: Emerald Publishing Ltd., 2018.

Tobias Wang was hosting the panel on 'Eugenik – er arvehygiejne vejen til det gode liv?' [Eugenics] at Folkeuniversitet, DOKK1, Aarhus, 29 September 2018.

Rasmus O. Bak gave a talk and paritipated in the panel debate on 'Eugenik – er arvehygiejne vejen til det gode liv?' [Eugenics] at Folkeuniversitet, DOKK1, Aarhus, 29 September 2018.

Anna Neuheimer is co-author of the article 'Modeled larval connectivity of a multi-species reef fish and invertebrate assemblage off the coast of Molokaʻ in: PeerJ, 28 September 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anja Bechmann is first-author of the article 'Are We Exposed to the Same “News” in the News Feed? An Empirical Analysis of Filter Bubbles as Information Similarity for Danish Facebook Users' in: Journal of Digital Journalism, 27 September 2018. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the talk 'Gene Correction in Hematopoietic Stem Cells by CRISPR/Cas9' at the Meeting of The Danish Society of Clinical Immunology and The Danish Society of Hematology, at the Detpartment of Clinical Immunologiy, Odense University Hospital, 26 September 2018.

Morten Kyndrup published the review 'Formen er alt, men ikke nok. To nye udgivelser af Pia Juul' in: Standart no. 2, 2018.

Morten Kyndrup published the review 'Syn for sagn for alvor. Klogskab og tyngde hos Pia Tafdrup' in: Standart no. 2, 2018. 

Yonghui Zeng gave a talk 'Culturomics of Photosynthetic Bacteria in the High Arctic: from Field Work to MALDI-TOF MS Screening to Nanopore Sequencing' at The National Research Center for Work Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 September 2018.

Federica Bertolotti was an invited lecturer at the Powder Diffraction School in Villigen, Switzerland, 24-28 September 2018. 

Christina Kkona is co-organizer of a seminar on translation at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 20-21 September 2018. 

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article ’Enhanced Tailored MicroRNA Sponge Activity of RNA Pol II-Transcribed TuD Hairpins Relative to Ectopically Expressed ciRS7-Derived circRNAs’ in: Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, 20 September 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anja Bechmann gave the invited talk 'Innovation og etik' at the Digital2018 - Robotics in Business conference, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark, 19 September 2018.

Naicheng Wu gave the talk 'Riverine algal traits as water scarcity indicators' at the symposium on 'Integrated Disaster Risk Managemnet under Multiple Climatic and Socioeconomical Scenarios', Nanjing, China, 17-22 September 2018.

Naicheng Wu is first-author of the article 'Flow regimes filter species traits of benthic diatom communities and modify the functional features of lowland streams - a nationwide scale study.' in: Science of The Total Environment 17 September 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anna B. Neuheimer is co-author of the article 'How life history characteristics and environmental forcing shape settlement success of coral reef fishes' in: Frontiers in Marine ScienceRead an abstract here.

Magnus Kjærgaard gave the talk 'Quantifying the functions of flexible protein linkers: Effects on catalysis and avidity' at The Nordic EMBL Partnership, 13 September 2018, Oslo, Norway. 

Isabel Kusche gave the talk 'Gender Quotas in the 2016 Irish General Election' at the Centre for Irish Studies, 12 September 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Darin Stephanov gave the paper presentation, 'Military Journeys and Trans-Imperiality: The Russian-Ottoman Encounters of the Late 1820s and the Early 1830s' at the 23rd Biennial Conference of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (CIEPO), New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11-15 September 2018.

Federica Bertolotti was awarded the ‘NEST Prize’ for her research in nanoscience and nanotechnology by the Scuola Normale Superiore and Laboratorio NEST of  € 5,000 Euro, 11 September 2018. Read more here.

Federica Bertolotti gave the talk 'Advanced X-ray Total Scattering Methods based on the Debye Scattering Equation for characterizing nanomaterials' at the  NanoInnovation 2018 conference, 11-14 September 2018, Rome, Italy.

Isabel Kusche gave the talk 'Finanzkrise und politische Krise: Griechenland und Irland im Vergleich' at the conference 'Taking back control. Zur globalen Finanzkrise und den Ambitionen einer Steuerung des Finanzsystems', 6-7 September 2018, Schader-Stiftung Darmstadt, Germany.

Tomasz K. Wojdacz is co-author of the article 'Chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with heterogeneously or fully methylated LPL promotor display longer time to treatment' in: Epigenomics. 5 September 2018.



Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article 'Interferon priming is essential for human CD34+ cell-derived plasmacytoid dendritic cell maturation and function’ in: Nature Communications, 30 August 2018. Read an abstract here.

Naicheng Wu visited Shanghai Normal University and gave the talk 'Watershed ecology and great protection of the Yangtze River', 27-29 August 2018, Shanghai, China.

Peter Teglberg Madsen is co-author of the article 'First-year sperm whale calves echolocate and perform long, deep dives' in: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 24 August 2018. Read an abstract here.

Naicheng Wu gave the talk 'Incorporating trait and metacommunity theory into lake research under multiple stressors' at International Society of Limnology 34th Congress, 19-24 August 2018, Nanjing, China.

Joshua Nash is the author of the article ‘Am I a generalist or a linguist?, or how relevant are emotions and refracting methodologies to the academy? An interview with Joshua Nash’ in: Refract, 1(1), Fall 2018. 

Anja Bechmann gave the invited talk at the 'Collective Behavior, Social Media, and Systemic Risk' (CBSMSR) confernce within symposium #5 on 'Communication, Contagion, and Political Psychology', 17-18 August 2018, Princeton University, USA.

Dorothee Birke is author of the article 'Economies of Space: The Value of Home in Contemporary British Theatre' in: Proceedings Anglistentag 2017, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein et al., Trier: WVT, 2018, 159-167.

Doug Speed taught at the PhD Summer course entitled ‘Next-generation sequencing data analysis for medical and population genetics’, University of Copenhagen, 10 August 2018.

Alfonso Blázquez-Castro is first-author of the article 'Cell cycle modulation through subcellular spatially resolved production of singlet oxygen via direct 765 nm irradiation: manipulating the onset of mitosis' in: Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 7 August 2018. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article ’A high-fidelity Cas9 mutant delivered as a ribonucleoprotein complex enables efficient gene editing in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells’ in: Nature Medicine,  6 August 2018. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article ’Improved Lentiviral Gene Delivery to Mouse Liver by Hydrodynamic Vector Injection through Tail Vein’ in: Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, 6 August 2018. Read an abstract here.

Joshua Nash gave an interview about his research on the Pitcairn islands and linguistics for the radio broadcast entitled ‘Evening with Peter Goers’ on Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Adelaide, on 31 July 2018. Listen to the interview here (from 35:50 onwards). 

Peter T. Madsen is co-author of the article ‘Variability of the inter-pulse interval in sperm whale clicks with implications for size estimation and individual identification’ in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 26 July 2018. Read an abstract here.   

Anna B. Neuheimer is first-author of the article 'Temperature-dependent adaptation allows fish to meet their food across their species’ range' in: Science Advances, Vol. 4, no. 7, 25 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Luís Pedro Viegas presented the poster ‘Reactivity of hydrofluoropolyethers towards OH: a cost-effective implementation of multiconformer transition state theory’, at the 25th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena (GK2018), 22-26 July 2018, Lille, France.

Anja Bechmann was invited speaker for the plenary panel at 9th international conference on Social Media & Society, Copenhagen 21 July 2018.

Shubiao Wu is co-author of the article 'Effect of flocculation pre-treatment on membrane nutrient recovery of digested chicken slurry: Mitigating suspended solids and retaining nutrients' in: Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol 352, 20 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article 'Is the academy too close to Silicon Valley?’ online at THE, Times Higher Education, 19 July 2018. Read the article here.

Isabelle Torrance is author of the review ‘C. W. Marshall: Aeschylus’ in: Sehepunkte, 18 July 2018. Read an abstract here.   

Frants H. Jensen is co-author of the article ‘Heaviside’s dolphins relax acoustic crypsis to increase communication range’ in: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 18 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Frants H. Jensen is co-author of the article ‘Modelling tissue and blood kinetics in coastal and offshore common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus’ in: Frontiers in Physiology, 17 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Frants H. Jensen is co-author of the article ‘Resting metabolic rate and lung function in wild offshore common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, near Bermuda’ in: Frontiers in Physiology, 17 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Luís Pedro Viegas presented the poster ‘Reactivity of hydrofluoropolyethers towards OH: a cost-effective implementation of multiconformer transition state theory’, at the 11th Congress on Electronic Structure Principles and Applications (ESPA-2018), 17-19 July 2018, Toledo, Spain.

Isabel Kusche gave the talk ‘Non-Programmatic Politics and the Impact of Austerity’ at the 19th ISA World Congress of Sociology, 15-21 July 2018, Toronto, Canada.

Isabelle Torrance gave the paper ‘Democratizing Classics in 20th Century Ireland’ at the Celtic Classics Conference, 13 July 2018, University of St. Andrew’s, Scotland. 

Joshua Nash is the author of the article 'Linguistic spatial violence: The case of the Muslim cameleers in the Australian outback' in: Refract, 1(1), 2018.    

Dennis Konnerup is co-author of the article 'Physiology, gene expression, and metabolome of two wheat cultivars with contrasting submergence tolerance' in: Plant, Cell & Environment, Vol 47, Issue 7, July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Federica Bertolotti is first-author of the paper ‘When Crystals go Nano. The Role of Advanced X‐ray Total Scattering Methods in Nanotechnology’ in: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 10 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Isabel Kusche gave the paper 'Big Data in Wahlkampagnen. Zu Veränderungen im Verhältnis von Politikern und Wählern' at the workshop 'Maschinen (in) der Kommunikation', 6 July 2018, Technical University of Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany.

Joe L. Scarpaci is co-author of the article ‘Artists as cultural icons: the icon myth transfer effect as a heuristic for cultural branding’ in: Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 27 Issue: 3, 6 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Jürgen Elvert is author of the book ‘Europa das meer und die welt – Eine maritime Geschichte der Neuzeit’. Verlagsgruppe Random House: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich, Germany, 2018.

Shubiao Wu gave the talk 'Development and Validation of a Simplified Nordmann Titration Method for Monitoring Volatile Fatty Acids in Anaerobic Digestion Processes' at 7th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, July 2-5 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.

Naicheng Wu is co-author of the paper 'Effects of hydrological variables on structuring morphological trait (cell size) of diatom community in a lowland river' in: Ecological Indicators, Vol. 94, July 2018.​​

Darin Stephanov gave the presentation 'Scaling Belonging: Reflections on Sociocultural Modernization in the Russian and Ottoman Empires' at the 2018 Australian Historical Association (AHA) conference 'The Scale of History', 2-6 July 2017, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article ’Global transcriptional response to CRISPR/Cas9-AAV6 based genome editing in CD34+ Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells’in: Molecular Therapy, 2 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Asad Jan is first-author of the article 'Activity of translation regulator eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase is increased in Parkinson disease brain and its inhibition reduces alpha synuclein toxicity' in: Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 6:54, 2 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Magnus Kjærgaard presented the poster 'Disordered protein linkers: Predicting effective concentrations using polymer physics' at the Gordon Research Conference on 'Intrinsically Disordered Proteins', 2 July 2018, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

Cici Alexander is first-author of the article 'LiDAR patch metrics for object-based clustering of forest types in a tropical rainforest' in: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 73, 2 July 2018. Read an abstract here.

Federica Bertolotti gave the talk ‘Planar defects and dynamic disorder in lead halide perovskite nanocrystals unveiled through reciprocal space total scattering methods’, at the European Powder diffraction conference in Edinburgh, 2 July 2018.

Luís Pedro Viegas gave the talk 'Reactivity of the atmospherically important hydrofluoropolyethers towards OH: a cost-effective implementation of multiconformer transition state theory' at the 24th IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, 1-6 Juli 2018, Faro, Portugal.  

Frants H. Jensen and Peter T. Madsen co-authored the article ‘Click communication in wild harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)’ in: Scientific Reports, June 28 2018Read an abstrct here.

Magnus Kjærgaard is first-author of the article 'Oligomer diversity during the aggregation of the repeat-region of tau' in: ACS Chem. Neuroscience, 28 June 2018. Read an abstract here.

Katie Barclay gave the key-note presentation ‘Happiness in the Family in Nineteenth-Century Ireland’ at the conference ‘Happiness and Nineteenth-Century Ireland’, Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. 28-29 June 2018.

Andrew G. Newby gave an interview to the Finnish newspaper Viispiikinen for the article '150 Years Ago People Died of Starvation in Kivijärvi', 27 June 2018.

Amy M. Iler is co-author of the article ‘Experimental warming in the field delays phenology and reduces body mass, fat content and survival: Implications for the persistence of a pollinator under climate change’ in: Functional Ecology, 16, 1206–12, 27 June 2018. Read an abstract here.

Federica Bertolotti gave the talk ‘DebUsSy 2.0: A powerful tool for characterizing structure, microstructure and morphology of nanomaterials through the Debye Scattering Equation’ at the annual meeting of the Italian crystallographic association in Rome, Italy, 26 June 2018.

Naicheng Wu was invited to teach at the summer school 'Ecological state of the lake during restoration measures', 24 June-08 July 2018, Poznań and Wągrowiec, Poland.

Naicheng Wu is co-author of the paper 'Relationship of land-use pattern and physiochemical conditions and phytoplankton communities in a German lowland catchment' in: Fundamental and Applied Limnology , Vol. 191, June 2018.​ Read an abstract here. 

Iryna Mazhak presented the paper 'Socio-Economic Inequalities in Self-Reported Health in Ten Eastern European Countries' at the Sixth Annual Conference of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies “Social Policy in East and Southeast Europe in the Past and the Present”, 21–23 June 2018, Regensburg, Germany.

Andrew Newby curated and launched the Great Finnish Famine exhibition "Nälkä!" in Galway, Ireland, in collaboration with History at National University of Ireland Galway, the Academy of Finland and Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, 21 June 2018.  

Naicheng Wu gave the talk 'Flow regimes filter species traits of benthic diatom communities and modify the ecosystem functions of lowland streams - a nationwide scale study at the Annual Meeting of The Society for Freshwater Science, 20-24 June 2018, Detroit, USA.    

Dorothee Birke and Isabel Kusche presented the poster 'Digitized Self-Recordings: A Socio-Narratological Mapping', at the conference Autobiographical Memory and the Self, 20-21 June 2018, Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark.

Anja Kamp is first-author of the article ‘Intracellular nitrate in sediments of an oxygen-deficient marine basin is linked to pelagic diatoms’ in: FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 19 June 2018. Read an abstract here.

Isabelle Torrance gave the paper ‘The Postcolonial Politics of Greek Tragedy in Irish’ at the American Conference for Irish Studies, 19 June 2018, University College Cork, Ireland.

Dorothee Birke gave the invited talk 'Doris Lessing', lecture series Nobelpreisträgerinnen: 14 Schriftstellerinnen im Porträt, 19 June 2018, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview for the article 'Mavepuster til fremtidens genteknologi-håb: CRISPR kan muligvis give kræft' online at Videnskab.dk. 18 June 2018. Read the article here.

Katie Barclay gave the key-note presentation ‘Precarious Emotions: Quantification, Big Data and the History of Emotions’ at the conference The Future of Emotions: Conversations without Borders, Third ARC Centre of Excellence in the History of Emotions, University of Western Australia. 14-16 June 2018. 

Rasmus O. Bak is first-author of the article ’Gene Editing on Center Stage’ in: Trends in Genetics,  June 13, 2018. Read an abstract here.

Federica Bertolotti organized the AIAS Workshop 'Nanomat@AU: Forefront methodologies and advances in nanomaterials characterization', 13 June 2018, AIAS, Denmark.

Peter Teglberg Madsen is author of the article 'The evolution of foraging capacity and gigantism in cetaceans' in: Journal of Experimental Biology (2018) 221. 12 June 2018.

Doug Speed gave a short course and a presentation at GeneForum 2018, 10-12 June 2018, Tartu, Estonia.

Federica Bertolotti is invited to give the course 'The Debye Scattering Equation: a Total Scattering approach for characterizing Nanomaterials', 8 June 2018, at the Crystallography Summer School 2018 organised by Interdipartimental Center  for Crystallography, University of Torino, Italy.

Frants H. Jensen co-authored the paper ‘Bottlenose dolphins retain individual vocal labels in multi-level alliances’ in: Current Biology, 7 June 2018. Read an abstract here.

Cici Alexander is first-author of the paper 'Locating emergent trees in a tropical rainforest using data from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)' in: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 72, June 2018. Read an abstract here.

Luís Pedro Viegas gave the talk 'Reactivity of hydrofluoropolyethers towards OH: a cost-effective implementation of multiconformer transition state theory' at 13th National Meeting of Physical-Chemistry/2nd Symposium of Computational Chemistry, 4-6 June 2018, Faro, Portugal.

Katie Barclay presented the paper 'Thinking romantically in the eighteenth-century Scottish community’ at the History of Emotions Conference, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. 1-2 June 2018.

Dorothee Birke gave the talk 'Houses of Horror: Addressing the Anxieties of the Housing Crisis' at the conference Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Drama, German Society for Contemporary Drama in English,  31 May - 3 June 2018, University of Hildesheim, Germany.

Joshua Nash is the author of the book review 'Hawley (2015), A Storm of Songs: India and the Idea of the Bhakti Movement' in: International Journal of Hindu Studies, Volume 22(2), 2018.

Andrew G. Newby gave an interview to the Finnish newspaper Ylä Karjala for the article 'Wreaths In Memory of Famine Victims', 27 May 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ‘Og derfor er de ten trussel mod private virksomheder’ online at Jyllands-Posten.dk. 18 May 2018.

Morten Kyndrup is author of the article 'Finsk finurlighed: En historie fra det virkelige liv' in: Standart. 32, 1, 16 May 2018.  

Naicheng Wu gave the talk 'Watershed ecology and Ecological Civilization' at the 1st International Youth Scholar Forum, 15-17 May, Nanchang, China.

Morten Kyndrup is author of the article '"Jeg er fugl, ikke ornitolog": Kirsten Hammann letter smukt, men landingen fortaber sig' in: Standart. 32, 1, 11 May 2018.

Joshua Nash is the author of the book chapter 'Minority contact languages, small islands and linguistic ecology’ in: Handbook on Minority Communities and Languages, edited by Gabrielle Hogan-Bruun and Bernadette O'Rourke, 2018.

Joshua Nash is the co-author of the book chapter ‘Diachronic fetishisation: Ruin porn and Pitcairn Island language, archaeology, and architecture’ in: Ruin Porn: Developing perspectives. Palgrave, edited by Siobhan Lyon, 2018.

Anja Bechmann was invited keynote at Trust in Media Communication, 29 May - 3 June 2018, University of Münster, Germany.

Katie Barclay presented the invited paper 'What is an Irish Emotion? Emotions in the production of nations’ at the Emotions & Irish History Symposium, University of Sheffield, UK. 29 May 2018.

Anja Bechmann gaven an interview for the article 'Forskere advarer: Vi må ikke panikke og slette for mange data' online at DR.dk. 26 May 2018. Read the article here.

Rasmus O. Bak has received a grant of DKK 200,000 by the Riisfort Fonden for the research project 'Correction of genetic errors'. The project runs for a two-year period, 25 May 2018.

Shubiao Wu is co-author of the article 'Phosphate removal from aqueous solution using iron oxides: Adsorption, desorption and regeneration characteristics'  in: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol 528, 24 May 2018. Read an abstract here.

Michael Bang Petersen organized the workshop 'Why Do We Care? On the Deep Origins of Solidarity' at the Matchpoints Conference, 24-26 May 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark.  

Katie Barclay was co-organizer of the symposium 'Family, Memory, Identity' at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark. 23-24 May. 

Sâmia Joca is co-author of the article 'Attenuation of glutamatergic and nitrergic system contributes to the antidepressant-like effect induced by capsazepine in the forced swimming test' in: Behavioural Pharmacology, 23 May 2018. Read an abstract here

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ‘AKTUELT PORTRÆT: It-ekspert i JP's fondsstyrelse’ in Jyllands-Posten. 18 May 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ‘Fake news er tillidshacking. Og derfor er det en trussel mod private virksomheder' in Jyllands-Posten, Business Section. 18 May 2018. 

Anja Bechmann was elected a member of the Jyllands-Posten Foundation board. Jyllands-Posten is Denmark’s largest media company. 17 May 2018.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview for the article 'CRISPR-conversation' Synthego.com. Read the article here.

Michael Bang Petersen is author of the article 'Falske nyheders magt: Hvorfor tror vi på dem, hvorfor spreder vi dem' in: Økonomi & Politik, Volume 91(1), Pages 86-94, 2018.

Micael Bang Petersen is author of the article 'Reproductive Interests and Dimensions of Political Ideology' in: Evolution and Human Behavior , Volume 39(2), Pages 203-211, 2018.

Michael Bang Petersen is co-author of the article 'Partisan Goals, Emotions, and Political Mobilization: The Role of Motivated Reasoning in Pressuring Others to Vote' in: Journal of Politics, 2018. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the invited talk 'CRISPR-medieret gen-korrektion i hæmatopoietiske stamceller. [CRISPR-mediated gene correction in hematopoietic stem cells]' at the Department of Haematology, Aarhus University Hospital, 16 May 2018.

Anna B. Neuheimer gave the invited guest lecture 'Statistical modelling' May 2018, at the Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Katie Barclay is co-editor of the journal 'Emotions: History, Culture, Society', issues 1, no. 2 (2017) and 2, no. 1 (2018).

Yonghui Zeng is co-author of the paper 'Common presence of aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis within the genus Limnohabitans' in: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Volume 84(1), 2018.

Katie Barclay presented the invited paper 'Teenage Love: Independent Emotions and the Scottish Lower Orders' at the History Seminar Series, University of Souther Denmark, Odense, Denmark. 15 May 2018.

Dorothee Birke gave the invited presentation 'Reading as a Social Activity in the 21st Century' at the conference Modes of Reading, at the School of Communication and Culture, 14-15 May 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Michael Bang Petersen gave an interview for the article 'Politisk polarisering nærer konspirationsteorier' online at Kristeligt-Dagblad.dk, 14 May 2018.

Federica Bertolotti is co-author of the article 'Exploration of Near Infrared-Emissive Colloidal Multinary Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals using an Automated Microfluidic Platform' in: ACS Nano, 12 May 2018. Read an abstract here.

Søren Dinesen Østergaard gave the talk ''Is the Clock Δ19 mouse a valid model for bipolar disorder?' at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry on 11 May 2018 in New York, USA.

Michael B. Petersen gave an interview for the article '»Bekymrende« tal: Mange danskere i tvivl, om vaccine giver autisme – og om månelanding fandt sted' on Videnskab.dk, 8 May 2018. Read the article here (in Danish).

Nikolaj T. Zinner gave an interview for the article 'Hvad er antistof?' online on: Videnskab.dk, 7 May 2018. Read the article here.

Søren Dinesen Østergaard gave the talk 'Is ECT dangerous?'  at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of ECT and Neurostimulation on 5 May 2018, New York, USA.    

Anja Bechmann gave a talk at the workshop 'The Next Generation Internet: Building an Internet for Humans' at the Internet Week Denmark, 4 May 2018, Aarhus, Denmark.

Tomasz K. Wojdacz accepted the invitation to join the editorial board of the journal Clinical Epigenetics, 4 May 2018.

Darin Stephanov conducted a research trip to the Turkish Prime Ministry’s Ottoman Archives in Istanbul, May 3-17 2018.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article 'Priming Human Repopulating Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells for Cas9/sgRNA Gene Targeting' in: Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, 3 May 2018. Read an abstract here.

Isabelle Torrance gave the talk  ‘Sophocles’ Antigone and her Brother: Case Studies’ at the Research Seminar on Classical Antiquity and its Heritage, 2 May 2018, Department of Classics, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Asad Jan was awarded the best poster prize at ‘Neuroscience Day 2018 - Rewarding Neuroscience’ on 1 May 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Søren Dinesen Østergaard was chairman at the session 'Reward and punishment' at the ‘Neuroscience Day 2018 - Rewarding Neuroscience’ on 1 May 2018 at Aarhus University, Denmark.    

Tomonori Takeuchi has received a grant of EUR 2300 from the Global Collaborative Research Project with Brain Research Institute, Niigata University for the project 'Enhancing everyday memory with novelty'. 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ‘Danske forskere fører an I ny protest mod Facebook’ online at DR.dk. 28 April 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview on 28 April 2018 at the Danish Radio Broadcast P1 on the subject ‘Forskere vil have adgang til data’.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the news session on 28 April 2018 at DR TV-Avisen on the subject 'Forskere vil have adgang til data'. 

Isabel Kusche presented the paper 'Parteienwettbewerb in der (Finanz-)Krise: Irland, Griechenland und Spanien im Vergleich' at the Meeting of the Political Sociology Section of the German Sociological Association, 27 April 208, Bamberg University, Germany.

Joshua Nash gave the talk 'Preposition Trauma' at Aarhus University's Research Day, 26 April 2018.

Federica Bertolotti gave the invited talk 'The Debye Scattering Equation: a Total Scattering approach for characterizing nanomaterials' at the Total Scattering Symposium, 25 April 2018, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Anja Bechmann is co-author of the article ‘Facebook shuts the gate after the horse has bolted, and hurts real research in the process’ in: Internet Policy Review. 25 April 2018.

Dorothee Birke gave the talk 'Narratorial Mediation or Narratorial Presence? Rethinking ‘Diegetic Narrativity’ in Drama' on 22 April 2018, at the Annual Convention of the International Society for the Study of Narrative, Montreal, Canada.

Isabelle Torrance is author of the book review ‘The Reception of Aeschylus’ in: Classical Review 68, April 2018, 25-8. Read an abstract here.

Michael Bang Petersen gave an interview for the article 'Vil 10 procent af danskerne virkelig omstyrte samfundet' online at Videnskab.dk, 21 April 2018. 

Anna B. Neuheimer gave the presentation 'Timing is everything: Why fish do what they do when they do it' at Forskningens Døgn, April 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Peter Teglberg Madsen is author of the article 'Memories' in: Marine Mammal Science, 34(2), pages: 556-562. April 2018.

Peter T. Madsen and Frants H. Jensen co-authored the paper ‘Echolocation click source parameters of Australian snubfin dolphins (Orcaella heinsohni)’ in: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, April  2018. Read an abstract here.

Jessica L. Barker has received a grant of 49,200 DKK from the AU Interacting Minds Centre seed grant for the project 'Inter-group cooperation: from ants to humans', April 2018.

Anja Kamp is co-author of the paper 'A confocal microscopy based method to monitor extracellular pH in fungal biofilms' in: FEMS Yeast Research, Volume 18, Issue 5, 19 April 2018. Read an abstract here.

Toke T. Høye is co-author of the article 'Differential arthropod responses to warming are altering the structure of Arctic communities’ in: Royal Society Open Science, 18 April 2018. Read an abstract here.

Michael Bang Petersen gave the invited talk 'Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn!' on the Psychological Allure of Fake News at The Danish Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters, 16 April 2018, Denmark.

Tomonori Takeuchi has received a grant of EUR 250 K from the ONO Pharmaceutical, Japan for the project ‘Enhancing everyday memory with novelty'.

Michael Bang Petersen was co-organizer of the conference 'Mind and Democracy in the Age of Social Media” sponsored by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science and hosted by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 16 April 2018.

Michael Bang Petersen gave an interview for the article 'Danskere deler fake news og er klar til at omstyrte samfundet: »Nogle mænd vil bare se verden brænde«', on Berlingske online at B.dk, 15 April 2018.

Michael Bang Petersen gave an interview for the article 'Nogle mænd vil bare se verden brænde' in the newspaper Berlingske, 15 April 2018.

Isabelle Torrance is author of the article ‘Greek Tragedy and the Celtic Tiger: The Politics of Literary Allusion in Marina Carr’s Ariel’ in: Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics at Boston University, 25 (2018) 69-99.

Shubiao Wu is co-author of the article 'Nutrient recovery from anaerobically digested chicken slurry via struvite: Performance optimization and interactions with heavy metals and pathogens' in: Science of the Total Environment, Vol 635, Pages 1-9, 9 April 2018. Read an abstract here.

Michael Bang Petersen gave the presentation 'Fake News and the Psychology of Conflict: How Zero-Sum Mindsets Shape Beliefs in and Exposure to “Fake News” in Eastern Europe' at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 5-8 2018, Chicago, US.

Anja Bechmann is co-author of the debate article ‘Frygt fremtiden. Eller stop på ingeniørerne’ in the Danish Newspaper Jyllands-posten, 7 April 2018.

Katie Barclay presented the paper 'Loneliness and Community in Early Modern Scotland’; & Discussant on ‘Religion and the Body in the North of Europe, c.1400—1700’, and on ‘Mixed marriages, binational and interracial couples and divorce from a comparative perspective' at the European Social Science History Conference, Belfast, Ireland. 4-7 April 2018.

Søren Dinesen Østergaard is author of the article 'Increacreasing Male Preponderance in Suicide Coinciding With a Reduction by Half in Total Suicides in the Danish Population Should Raise Awareness of Male Depression' in The American Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 175, Issue 4, April 01, 2018. Read an abstract here.

Søren Dinesen Østergaard was appointed a Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital Risskov, Dept. of Depression and Anxiety on 1 April 2018.

Christina Kkona gave the talk 'The Unexpected as a remedy to the crisis of predictability’ at the ACLA Annual Meeting, 29 March - 1 April 2018, UCLA, US.

Michael Bang Petersen is co-author of the article 'The Behavioral Immune System is Designed to Avoid Infected Individuals, Not Outgroups' in: Evolution and Human Behavior, Volume 39(2), Pages 226-234, March 2018. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article ’Time-Restricted PiggyBac DNA Transposition by Transposase Protein Delivery Using Lentivirus-Derived Nanoparticles’ in: Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids, Vol 11, 29 March 2018. Read an abstract here.

Jessica L. Barker is first-author of the article 'Learning about larceny: experience can bias bumble bees to rob nectar' in: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 29 March 2018. Read an abstract here.

Doug Speed gave the talk ‘Better estimation of SNP heritability from summary statistics’ at the North England Statistical Epidemiology Group on 28 March 2018, UK.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ‘Cambridge Analytica: Whistleblower skød stormen i gang’ online at Bureaubiz.dk. 22 March 2018. Read the article here.

Frants H. Jensen is co-author on the paper “Challenges and Solutions for studying Collective Animal Behavior in the Wild”, published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, March 26, 2018. Full paper available here: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/373/1746/20170005

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article 'Facebook’s digital empire hard to shake despite Cambridge Analytica scandal' online at Politico.eu, 25 March 2018. Read the article here.

Anje Bechmann gave an interview for the Danish radio program 24syv Aflyttet on the topic 'Facebook psyko privacy - når vi bliver manipuleret af os selv?', 25 March 2018. Listen to the podcast here.

Doug Speed taught the course ‘Statistical Genetics Short Course - Methods for analysing complex trait GWAS data’ on 22 March 2018, AIAS, Denmark.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article 'Firmaet, der legede med psykologien i et helt land' in Kommunikationsforum, 22 March 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article 'Researchers say it was easy to take people's data from Facebook', in NBCnews, 21 March 2018. Read the article here.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ‘Den ondeste sag i Facebooks historie’ online at videnskab.dk, 20 March 2018. Read the article here.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the TV-show DR DAGEN about Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. 20 March 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ‘Den ondeste sag i Facebooks historie’ online at videnskab.dk. 20 March 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the TV-show DR DEADLINE about the historical downfall of Facebook stocks. 20 March 2018.

Andrew G. Newby in collaboration with Nina J. Kofoed organized the symposium ‘Religion and Social Welfare. Lutheranism and Societal Development’, 19 March 2018, AIAS, Denmark.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article 'Ytringsfriheden er den store knast i at knække fake news' on MediaWatch, 15 March 2018. Read the article here.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’Ytringsfrihed er den store knast i at knække fake news’ at Mediawatch. 15 March 2018

Michael Bang Petersen gave the invited talk 'The Design of the Political Mind' at the Central European University, March 14, 2018, Budapest, Hungary.

Dennis Konnerup is first-author of the article 'Waterlogging tolerance, tissue nitrogen and oxygen transport in the forage legume Melilotus siculus: a comparison of nodulated and nitrate-fed plants' in: Annals of Botany, Volume 121, Issue 4, 14 March 2018. Read an abstract here. 

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’Ekspert-gruppe ruster Europa-Kommissionen til kampen om falske nyheder’ online at the Danish newspaper Mandag Morgen. 13 March 2018. Read the article here.

Peter Teglberg Madsen gave the talk 'Menneskedyret homo sapiens' at Public Lectures in Natural Sciences, 13 March 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Anja Bechmann is co-author of the article ‘A Multi-dimensional Approach to Disinformation: Report of the independent high level group on fake news and online disinformation’ in: Bruxelles: EU Commission. 12 March 2018.

Jessie Fillerup presented the paper 'Musical Temporality and Theatrical Magic Shows' at the Nineteenth Century Time Symposium, University of Toronto, March 10 2018.

Jessica D. Wiskus is author of the book chapter 'Time as Chiasm: Listening for Ideality through Sibelius' in: Chiasmatic Encounters: Art, Ethics, Politics by ed. Kuisma Korhonen et al. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (2018) 25-35. Read an abstract here. 

Andrew G. Newby gave the talk 'Brothers from the Nordic Tribe: Scandinavia, Finland and Famine Relief, 1857-70' and chaired two sessions at the Nordic Challenges Conference II: Narratives of Uniformity and Diversity, 7-9 March 2018, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Magnus Kjærgaard is author of the article 'Det sker i hjernen, når vi skaber minder' online at videnskab.dk, 9 March 2018. Read the article here (in Danish only).

Michael Bang Petersen gave the invited talk 'Naturvidenskabelige Årsager – Humanistiske Effekter' at The Danish Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters, 8 March 2018

Shubiao Wu is co-author of the article 'The intensified constructed wetlands are promising for treatment of ammonia stripped effluent: Nitrogen transformations and removal pathways' in: Environmental Pollution, Vol 236, 7 March 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ‘Du sælger ud af dit privatliv, når du beder om karriererådgivning på Facebook’ online at the Danish newspaper Mandag Morgen. 7 March 2018. Read the article here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the talk 'Gene Editing by Synthetic and Chemically Modified sgRNAs' at the PhD course Genome Engineering, 6 March 2018, Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Katie Barclay gave the invited guest lecture 'Family, Memory, and Identity in Historical Perspective' at the Institute for Advanced Social Research, University of Tampere, Finland. 6 March 2018.

Jessica Dean Wiskus gave the talk 'On Memory, Nostalgia, and the Temporal Expression of Music' at the Art and Phenomenology Symposium, 5 March 2018, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.

Søren D. Østergaard is co-author of the article 'Clinical validation of the Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS) against independent global severity ratings in older adults' in: Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 4 March 2018. Read an abstract here.

Tobias Wang gave an interview for the news session on the Danish Radio DR P4 Østjylland at 8:15 and 8:25 on his research on Eugenics, 2 March 2018.

Søren D. Østergaard is co-author of the article 'Patterns and predictors of conversion to bipolar disorder in 91 587 individuals diagnosed with unipolar depression' in: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2 March 2018. Read an abstract here.

Joshua Nash is author of the newspaper article 'A bridge too (bloody) far?' in: Placenames Australia, 1 March 2018.

Anna B. Neuheimer is co-author of the article 'How Life History Characteristics and Environmental Forcing Shape Settlement Success of Coral Reef Fishes' in: Frontiers in Marine Science, 1 March 2018. Read an abstract here. 

Katie Barclay is author of the article 'Producing ‘Cruel’ Welfare Systems in Historical Perspective’ in: History & Policy. Read the article here. 28 February 2018.

Yonghui Zeng is co-author of the paper 'Flavobacterium cyanobacteriorum sp. nov., isolated from cyanobacterial aggregates in a eutrophic lake' in: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 27 February, 2018.

Tobias Wang gave a talk on 'Kroppens opbygning og funktioner' at Folkeuniversitet, 26 February 2018 Aarhus, Denmark.

Søren D. Østergaard gave four talks entitled The Mortality Rate of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): Results From a Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis; ‘Teenage parenthood and birth rates for individuals with and without ADHD’; ‘Patterns and predictors of conversion to bipolar disorder in 91,587 individuals diagnosed with unipolar depression’; and ‘The validity and sensitivity of PANSS-6 in treatment-resistant schizophrenia’ at the World Psychiatric Association Thematic Meeting, 25-28 February 2018, Melbourne, Australia.

Jessica L. Barker gave the talk 'Inter-group cooperation in an environmental dilemma', 22 February 2018, Wageningen University, the Netherlands. 

Federica Bertolotti is co-author of the article 'A comprehensive structural and microstructural investigation of a new iron–telluride nano phase' in: Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 21 February 2018. Read an abstract here.

Jessica L. Barker gave the talk 'The limits of parochial altruism: insights from evolutionary biology for promoting inter-group cooperation', 21 February 2018, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. 

Tobias Wang gave an interview to Videnskab.dk for the online article 'Aber med store næser scorer flest hunner', 21 February 2018. Read the article here (in Danish).

Federica Bertolotti is co-author of the article 'A comprehensive structural and microstructural investigation of a new Iron-Telluride nano phase' in: Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 21 February 2018. Read an abstract here.

Tobias Wang is co-author of the article 'Komparativ fysiologi: Hjertet og kredsløbet' in: Kaskelot #219, February 2018.

Anna B. Neuheimer gave the invited guest lecture 'Marine Ecology' February 2018, at the Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Tomasz K. Wojdacz gave the talk 'Epigenetic biomarkers: from discovery to clinical use', 21 February 2018, Małopolskie Centrum Biotechnologii, Jagiellonian University, Poland.

Magnus Kjærgaard gave the speech 'Disordered protein linkers: Predicting effective concentrations using polymer physics' at The Biophysical Society Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 20 February 2018.

Andrew G. Newby gave the invitated talk 'Charitable Donations to Disaster Victims: Case Studies from Nineteenth-Century Scandinavia', Manchester University’s Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, UK, 19 February 2018.

Tobias Wang gave a talk on 'Genetics and Evolution' at Folkeuniversitet, Campus Emdrup, Denmark, 19 February 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’ Menneskelighed er nøglen til at få success med IoT-teknologi’ in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. 18 February 2018.

Dorothee Birke is author of the article 'Fictions of Personal Memory: The Precarious Character of Remembering and Identity in Kazuo Ishiguro’s When We Were Orphans (2000), Penelope Lively’s The Photograph (2003) and Julian Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending (2011)', in Vera Nuenning/Ansgar Nuenning (eds.), The British Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Concerns – Literary Developments – Model Interpretations, Trier: WVT, 201-216, February 2018.

Rima Obeid is co-author of the article 'Probiotics Affect One-Carbon Metabolites and Catecholamines in a Genetic Rat Model of Depression' in: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 17 February 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anja Bechmann is co-author of the article ‘Research Findings and Policy Recommendations for Stakeholders and Policy Makers Tackling Information Disorder’ in: COMPACT – Social Media and Convergence. February 2018.

Katie Barclay is author of the article 'Marriage Regulation in Historical Perspective' in: Australian Policy & History. Read the article here. 16 February 2018.

Dorothee Birke taught the seminar 'Reflections on Digital Culture in Contemporary Literature, Film and TV' at the University of Freiburg, 15-16 February 2018.

Søren D. Østergaard is first-author of the article 'The Validity and Sensitivity of PANSS-6 in the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) Study' in: Schizophr Bull., 15 February 2018. Read an abstract here.

Peter Teglberg Madsen is co-author of the article 'High rates of vessel noise disrupt foraging in wild harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)' in: Proceedings in the Royal Society B, 14 February 2018. Read an abstract here.

Peter Teglberg Madsen gave the Candlemass talk entitled 'Hvalforsking på dybt vand', 11 February 2018, Sandbjerg Estate, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Tobias Wang gave an interview to videnskab.dk for the article 'Forunderlige søstjerner lyser op i Arktis’ mørke dyb' at videnskab.dk, 10 February 2018. Read the article here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the talk 'CRISPR – DNA-saksen der bekæmper arvelige sygdomme' at Folkeuniversitet, Campus Empdrup, 8 February 2018. 

Armin W. Geertz is author of the article 'Det religiøse menneskedyr' in Evolutionspsykologisk grundbog, February 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the radio broadcast DR Digital on the subject 'Digitalt: Dine data er våben vendt imod dig', 8 February 2018.   

Tobias Wang gave an interview to videnskab.dk for the article 'Fisk lærte at gå i havet, før de kravlede op på land' at videnskab.dk, 8 February 2018. Read the article here.

Tomonori Takeuchi was awarded the Novo Nordisk Foundation's prestigious Young Investigator Award of DKK 20 million (EUR 2.7 mill). The project runs from 2017-2024. The grant enables him to establish both a research laboratory and a research group at DANDRITE, Aarhus University. Awareded in February 2018.

Federica Bertolotti is co-author of the paper 'Ligand-induced symmetry breaking, size and morphology in colloidal lead sulfide QDs: from classic to thiourea precursors' in: Chem2, 6 February 2018. Read the article here.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the talk 'CRISPR – DNA-saksen der bekæmper arvelige sygdomme' at Folkeuniversitet, Aarhus, 6 February 2018. 

Tomonori Takeuchi gave the invited talk 'Dopamine-dependent memory boosting by two distinct novelty systems’, February 2018, at the National Institute for Basic Biology, Aichi, Japan.

Tomonori Takeuchi gave the invited talk 'Dopaminergic memory enhancement by two distinct novelty systems', Febuary 2018, at The BRI International Symposium 2018, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan.

Rebecca Simmons if co-author of the paper 'Effect of screening for type 2 diabetes on healthcare costs: a register-based study among 139,075 individuals diagnosed with diabetes in Denmark between 2001 and 2009' in Diabetologia, 5 February 2018. Read the article here.

Anja Bechmann was an invited delegate and presenter at the Social Science Foo Camp, at Facebook, 2-4 February, San Fransisco, USA. 

Isabel Kusche gave the talk 'Observing Pathologies: Conditionality Instruments and the Greek State in the Euro Crisis' at a Conference on Institutional Pathologies at the University of Witten, Herdecke, Germany 1 February 2018.

Rasmus O. Bak gave the talk 'Precise Genome Editing of Hematopoietic Stem Cells' at the Dept. of Haematology, Aarhus University Hospital, 31 January 2018. 

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the TV2 news broadcast ’Falsk porno åbner for en ny bølge af propaganda og falske nyheder’ at TV2 News Online. 31 January 2018.

Armin W. Geertz is author of the paper 'Hvorfor, hvorfra (og hvornår) kom religion?' in: Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift. 31 February 2018. Read an abstract here.

Yonghui Zeng presented the poster 'Searching for Novel Photosynthetic Bacteria in High Arctic' at the 2nd Workshop on Field Studies at the Villum Research Station (VRS), 30 January 2018, Roskilde, Denmark.

Machteld Verzijden and Ronald Fischer are co-authors of the paper 'Dopamine genes are linked to Extraversion and Neuroticism personality traits, but only in demanding climates' in: Nature Scientific Reports 8, 29 January 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anja Bechmann is co-author of the article 'Are We Exposed to the Same “News” in the News Feed? An Empirical Analysis of Filter Bubbles as Information Similarity for Danish Facebook Users' in: Digital Journalism, 2018.

Thomas Tram gave the talk 'Mørk energi' at Folkeuniversitetet, Aarhus, 29 January 2018.

Andrew G. Newby curated the historical exhibition 'Nälkä! The Great Finnish Famine', Strokestown Park Museum, Ireland, 26 January 2018.

Doug Speed taught on the course 'Statistics for Interpreting Genetic Data', on 11, 18 and 25 January 2018, University College London, UK.

Morten Kyndrup is author of the article 'Poesiens distance: Nya udspil fra Lone Munksgaard Nielsen og Annemette Kure Andersen' in: Standart. 31, 2017, 3/4, s. 59 1.

Rasmus O. Bak is first-author of the article 'CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in human hematopoietic stem cells' in: Nature Protocols, 13 358–376, 25 January 2018. Read an abstract here.

Andrew G. Newby gave an interview to Irish radio ROSFM on his research and the forthcoming exibition 'NÄLKÄ! The Great Finnish Famine' opening at Strokestown Park Museum, Ireland. 22 January 2018. Listen to the interview here.

Thomas Tram gave the talk 'Mørk energi' at Folkeuniversitetet, Copenhagen, 22 January 2018.

Armin W. Geertz is author of the article 'Religion: dumhed eller kulturel uomgængelighed?' in the newspaper Politiken, January 2018.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to Videnskab.dk for the article 'CRISPR-status: Så langt er vi nu, og her er udfordringerne'. 20 January 2018. Read the article here (in Danish only). 

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to Videnskab.dk for the podcast 'Hvad er CRISPR?' on his research in CRISPR, gene editing. 19 January 2018. Hear the podcast here (in Danish only).

Isabel Kusche is author of the paper 'Struktur als Generalisierung – Systemtheorie und Konventionen der Rechtfertigung im Zusammenhang mit digitalem Filesharing' in: Soziale Welt 68(2/3): 301-318. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak has received a grant of DKK 96,860 from the A. P. Møller Foundation for the Advancement of Medical Science for the project entitled 'ddPCR system til forskningsprojekter i kræftudvikling', 17 January 2018.

Dennis Konnerup is co-author of the article 'Waterlogging tolerance, tissue nitrogen and oxygen transport in the forage legume Melilotus siculus: a comparison of nodulated and nitrate-fed plants' in: Annals of Botany. 17 January 2018. Read an abstract here.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’Europa-Parlamentet frygter russisk indblanding i europæiske valg’ at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. 17 January 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’Amerikansk senatsrapport: Rusland har spredt falsk historie om dyrebordel i København for at svække demokratiet i Vesten’ online at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-posten.dk. 16 January 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’EU går til angreb på falske nyheder’ at the Danish newspaper Berlingske. 16 January 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’FAKE NEWS’ at the Danish newspaper Lolland-Falsters Folketidende. 16 January 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’EU går til angreb på falske nyheder der truer demokratiet’ online at the Danish newspaper Børsen.dk. 16 January 2018.

Anja Bechmann gave an interview for the article ’EU går til angreb på falske nyheder der truer demokratiet’ online at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-posten.dk. 15 January 2018.

Yonghui Zeng is co-author of the paper 'Sandarakinorhabdus cyanobacteriorum sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from cyanobacterial aggregates in a eutrophic lake' in: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 15 January 2018.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to the national newspaper Jyllands-Posten for the article 'Crispr-krise: Immunforsvaret angriber verdens store genteknologiske håb', 13 January 2018.

Anja Bechmann was appointed as an experts to the new High Level Expert Group on fake news and online disinformation by the European Commission. The Group will contribute to the development of an EU-level strategy on how to tackle fake news, to be presented in the spring of 2018. 12 January 2018. Read more here.

Thomas Tram gave the talk 'Præcisionskosmologi: mere end tankespind' at Astronermers' Day for primary and secondary school teachers, 12 January 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to Videnskab.dk for the article 'CRISPR-krise: Immunforsvaret kan knuse verdens store genteknologiske håb', 12 January 2018. Read the article here (in Danish only).

Morten Kyndrup is author of the article 'Aesthetics and Judgment: "Why Kant got it right"' in: Nordic Journal of Aesthetics. 26, 54, s. 75-85 11. 2018.

Morten Kyndrup is author of the article 'Et rigtig dårligt forhold: Voluminøs roman af Pablo Llambias' in: Standart. 31, 3/4, s. 4 1. January 2018.

Isabel Kusche gave the talk entitled 'Griechische Statistiken. Zur Beobachtung von Fakten in der Finanzkrise' at the public outreach event '10 Minuten Soziologie', 11 January 2018, Leuphana University, Germany.

Isabel Kusche gave the talk 'Erosion und Restabilisierung politischer Macht in der Staatsschuldenkrise: Spanien und Irland im Vergleich', 10 January 2018, at the Research Colloquium on Sociological Theory,  Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany.

Rasmus O. Bak gave an interview to Ugeskrift for Læger (The Journal of the Danish Medical Association)  about his research in geneediting and CRISPR/Cas9: 'CRISPR er på vej fra mus til mennesker', 8 January 2018. Read the article here.

Magnus Kjærgaard is co-author of the article 'Hsp70 Inhibits the Nucleation and Elongation of Tau and Sequesters Tau Aggregates with High Affinity' in: ACS Chem. Biol, 4 January 2018. Read an abstract here.

Cici Alexander is first-author of the article 'Influence of micro-topography and crown characteristics on tree height estimations in tropical forests based on LiDAR canopy height models' in: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, January 2018. Read an abstract here.

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