The core engine providing runtime insights to the Sysdig platform

The core engine providing runtime insights to the Sysdig platform
Today we’ll be deploying OpenFaaS using Kubernetes as a container orchestrator. OpenFaaS is Serverless Functions Made Simple, and is currently the most easy to deploy Open Source Serverless platform out there. OpenFaaS is Serverless Functions Made SimpleTypically Docker Swarm is used as the orchestrator, but the demand for OpenFaaS on Kubernetes was so high that Kubernetes is officially supported.
Precious cargo: Securing containers with Kubernetes Engine 1.8 Editor's Note: As of the 1.7 release, the Kubernetes UI no longer has admin access enabled by default. If you are not running on Kubernetes Engine, I recommend you read this article on Access Control for the Dashboard. If you are, we still recommend disabling it. With the speed of development in Kubernetes, there are often new features
This is the second part of the series about Kubernetes Networking. If you haven’t read the Part 1 yet, I recommend checking that out first. Previously on this series, we walked through the Kubernetes Networking Model. We observed how packets flow through pods on the same node, and across nodes. We also noticed the role linux network bridges and route tables play in the process. Today, we’ll expand
We, at Spotahome, are happy to announce that we’ve just released a new Redis Operator for Kubernetes. This project is able to manage a Redis Failover installation inside a Kubernetes cluster, being able to deploy, maintain, heal and delete all the pieces necessary to have a Redis in High Availability. What is a Kubernetes Operator? CoreOS Post This post is meant to explain why we found out that th
以前、bashスクリプトをテストする仕事に取り組んだことがあります。最初、Pythonユニットテストを使うことにしましたが、プロジェクトに外部技術を持ち込むのは気が進みませんでした。そこで、仕方なく、悪名高い bash で書かれたテスト用フレームワークを使いました。 既存ソリューションの概要 手に入るソリューションを探してGoogle検索しましたが、選択肢はほんの少ししかありませんでした。そのうちいくつかについて、詳しく見ていきましょう。 重要になるのは、どんな基準でしょうか? 依存関係: bass のテスト用フレームワークを選ぶときに、 python 、 lua などのシステムパッケージも一緒に引きずり込むのは嫌ですね。 インストールの難しさ:継続的な開発の実装とTravis CIでの継続的な統合も仕事の1つだったので、私にとってインストールにかかる時間と手間数が妥当だということは、重要
Our event driven system runs on Google Cloud and the heart that makes it possible for us to pass all these events around is Pub/Sub, Google’s messaging service. In many ways this has been a great experience, but some things annoyed us. One of them was the fact that it’s a bit cumbersome to use, the SDK (in our case the Java one) is not all that intuitive, it’s in Beta (Alpha when we started using
TestCafe is a free and open source Node.js tool for testing web applications. One of its main perks is that it takes about a minute to setup and to start testing (and it doesn’t use WebDriver). It works with most popular operating systems and browsers. Tests are written in JavaScript or TypeScript. In this article, we’ll cover testing Angular applications specifically. You will learn how to: Setup
You have probably heared of Angular Material haven’t you? If you haven’t, it’s a library that provides you with high-quality Material Design components for Angular. Material Design itself is a visual design language that aims for consistency of user experience across all platforms and device sizes. That’s cool but what if your company has its own opinions about styles and the overall look and feel
Who said construction sites have to look bad ?Coming from a developed country it can be easy to take high speed internet for granted. Any site, video or song can be consumed on demand with ubiquitous 4G and WiFi networks. Guess what, it’s not like that everywhere… Last couple of months I have been traveling around remote northern parts of Australia and beautiful Bali. Finding a good internet conne
In a previous post we have layed the foundation for our custom overlay. To recap, we wanted to build a Google Drive-like custom overlay that looks and feels much like the one built for MachineLabs. Let’s have a look at a preview: In the first part of this series we learned how to use Angular’s CDK to create our very first custom overlay. On top of that we made it configurable, implemented a “handl
Everything you need to become an Angular expert 3x Award-Winning Courses Learn the smarter and faster way, with industry best-practices and real-world scenarios for you to become the ultimate Angular developer. Brought to you by Todd Motto, multi-award winner, world-wide conference speaker and workshop leader. Google Developer Expert
In the first post of this series I looked at how kubernetes employs a combination of virtual network devices and routing rules to allow a pod running on one cluster node to communicate with a pod running on another, as long as the sender knows the receiver’s pod network IP address. If you aren’t already familiar with how pods communicate then it’s worth a read before continuing. Pod networking in
There are four steps you should take if you are running Tiller (Helm's server-side component) in a cluster that has untrusted users or pods. These steps are done at installation time, and will substantially improve Helm's security. The easiest way to install Tiller is with the helm init command. Run just like that, it will install a version of Tiller into the cluster. But the version it installs h
Explore our wide range of quality products tailored to meet your every need Analytics Discover, interpret and communicate meaningful patterns and insights from data. Business operations Enable and optimize efficiency within your organization with these solutions. Cloud Enable rapid, on-demand access to shared computer processing resources and data. Cybersecurity Let's put security everywhere, so y
Explore our wide range of quality products tailored to meet your every need Analytics Discover, interpret and communicate meaningful patterns and insights from data. Business operations Enable and optimize efficiency within your organization with these solutions. Cloud Enable rapid, on-demand access to shared computer processing resources and data. Cybersecurity Let's put security everywhere, so y
I’m working on Kubernetes since now almost a year and I realized a few things. The first one is that “on premise” clusters are not so common. I notice that most of blog posts, official presentations and communications rely on the public cloud, and to be honest most of the time, Google Cloud, or AWS. But what if you want to build a Kubernetes cluster on your own without these clouds, even worst wha
When running workloads on Kubernetes in Azure you probably want some insights in how your cluster and pods are behaving. In this blogpost I will setup Prometheus and Grafana to get a dashboard going. This post assumes you have a Kubernetes cluster running and configured kubectl to connect to it. Installing PrometheusLets start with deploy the configuration for Prometheus using a config map using :
Background We recently partnered with Litbit, a San Jose-based startup, on a project to autoscale deep learning training. Litbit enables its customers to turn their “Internet of Things” into conscious personas that can learn, think, and do helpful things. In order to accomplish this goal, customers train their AI-empowered personas using sight, sound, and touch sensors (among others) to recognize
I’ve been working on a simple web application written in Go, hosted in Google Cloud, using Google Kubernetes Engine. It turned to be such great experience, I couldn’t miss an opportunity to share it. It took me less than an hour to setup things for the first time, reading the documentation and trying to figure out how things work. But, once I finished, I could deploy a new version of my applicatio
OpenEBS helps Developers and Platform SREs easily deploy Kubernetes Stateful Workloads that require fast and highly reliable Container Native Storage. OpenEBS turns any storage available on the Kubernetes worker nodes into local or distributed Kubernetes Persistent Volumes. Get StartedWatch Demo
Companies and even governments and other organisations nowadays start to evaluate blockchain technologies more and more, and the former picture of a typical slow-in-adoption-dinosaur-enterprise-company is already changing as it has clear benefits to invest in a more modern and scalable infrastructure like Kubernetes to run their mission-critical workloads. A system like kubernetes can also be used
Today’s post marks the first in a new series bringing you the latest changes to the Elixir language. We’d love to hear from you about what you’d like to see in future posts so join the conversation on the Elixir Forum thread. So what’s in master? Let’s have a look: Disagreements about formatting are a thing of the past! As part of 1.6 we’ve added a code formatter to Elixir. The formatter is availa
Elixir can be a beautiful language, it has Ruby’s syntactic elegance, Lisp’s metaprogramming, and many functional features of languages like F#. The user has license to use many idioms and features: pattern matching, macros, behaviours, protocols, GenServers, ETS, etc. Working successfully in Elixir means choosing when to leverage a particular language feature for its ergonomics at the cost of gro
Adobe Photoshop が Web で利用できるようになりました。 詳しくはこちら。 Photoshop の生成 AI 機能をお試しください。詳しくはこちら。
In my opinion, Heroku is the nearly perfect place to deploy a project. It provides support for a lot of technologies out of the box with minimal or no configuration. Similarly, Sidekiq is what I strongly prefer whenever there is a need for background job processing. It ships with all the right set of APIs to deal with background processing and more importantly a great monitoring dashboard. So, Las
Class methods are the source for continuous discussions and disagreements among my colleagues. While some consider them precise and helpful, others feel they are actually pesky and that they tend to make code harder to read and manage. As for me, I find that the truth tends to lean to the latter; I embrace Ruby’s OO nature and I like to think (and read!) in objects. Having said that, sometimes cla
When I used my first ORM, I wondered “why didn’t they include a random() method?” It seemed like such an easy thing to add. While there are many reasons you may want to pull a record out of your database at random, you shouldn’t be using SQL’s ORDER BY RANDOM() unless you’ll only be randomizing a limited number of records. In this post, we’ll examine how such a simple looking SQL operator can caus
Ruby 2.4 Let's say that we have a string Projects::CategoriesController and we want to remove Controller. We can use chomp method. irb> "Projects::CategoriesController".chomp("Controller") => "Projects::Categories" However if we want to remove Projects:: from the string then there is no corresponding method of chomp. We need to resort to sub. irb> "Projects::CategoriesController".sub(/Projects::/,
Replacing RSpec controller tests, part 3: Removing business logic from controllers After the Rails core team announced major changes to controller-level testing upon the release of Rails 5.0, I wrote a couple of pieces in Everyday Rails about how to shift testing responsibility up, to either request specs, or browser-based feature specs (or system specs, in the current Rails testing landscape). Ho
Rails 5.2.0 beta: Active Storage, Redis Cache Store, HTTP/2 Early Hints, CSP, Credentials It’s been too hard to deal with file uploads in Rails for too long. Sure, there’s been a lot of fine plugins available, but it was overdue that we incorporated something right into the framework. So now we have! With the new Active Storage framework in Rails 5.2, we’ve solved for the modern approach of upload
All Elixir code runs inside lightweight threads of execution (called processes) that are isolated and exchange information via messages: current_process = self() # Spawn an Elixir process (not an operating system one!) spawn_link(fn -> send(current_process, {:msg, "hello world"}) end) # Block until the message is received receive do {:msg, contents} -> IO.puts(contents) end Due to their lightweigh
Over the next few blog posts I’ll be covering some quick easy refactorings that could help you tidy up your Elixir codebase. We’ll go over some patterns you might find in your code and look at simple techniques you can use to hopefully make your code neater, easier to work with in the future and more readable. In this first post I’ll cover functions that start with a conditional. In following post
activesphere For many problems in programming, the most straightforward solution is to transform a list (E.g. map/filter/reduce etc over it). Once in a while, there will be problems which could be solved with list and transformations, except that the list is big and consumes lot of memory. Let’s say you want to export records in database as a csv report, it might not be possible to load the entire
2017年11月25日紙版発売 2017年11月25日電子版発売 伊藤淳一 著 B5変形判/472ページ 定価3,278円(本体2,980円+税10%) ISBN 978-4-7741-9397-7 ただいま弊社在庫はございません。 →本書の新版が発行されています。 本書のサポートページサンプルファイルのダウンロードや正誤表など この本の概要 Rubyの文法をサンプルコードで学び,例題でプログラミングの流れを体験できる解説書です。 ほかのプログラミング言語で開発経験のある人が,Rubyを学ぶ際に効率的に学べる内容を詰め込みました。 プログラミング未経験者向けの「変数とは」「配列とは」といったプログラミング基礎知識の説明は最小限にし,そのぶんRubyの特徴(他プログラミング言語との違い),Rubyにおけるリファクタリングの要点,テスト駆動開発やデバッグのやり方など開発現場で必要になる知識を解
Rails Developers Meetup 2017で発表した「Rails❤️SQL」のサンプルコードです。 スライド スライドはこちらにあります。この記事とあわせてどうぞ。 Rails❤️SQL #railsdm // Speaker Deck 1. ちょっと凝った検索条件 Formモデル target_none?やxxx_selected?は独自のprivateメソッドです(コード例は省略)。 class ProjectSearchForm include ActiveModel::Model attr_accessor :keyword, :project, :customer, :member def result scope = Project.all if keyword.present? conditions = [] if target_none? || project
2016年9月2日紙版発売 2016年9月2日電子版発売 Sandi Metz 著,髙山泰基 訳 B5変形判/304ページ 定価3,608円(本体3,280円+税10%) ISBN 978-4-7741-8361-9 Gihyo Direct Amazon 楽天ブックス 丸善ジュンク堂書店 ヨドバシ.com 電子版 Gihyo Digital Publishing Amazon Kindle ブックライブ 楽天kobo honto 本書のサポートページサンプルファイルのダウンロードや正誤表など この本の概要 オブジェクト指向設計の名著として名高い“Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby”,待望の翻訳版!使いこなせるようになるととても便利なオブジェクト指向ですが,「なんとなく」の理解で使っていると,大きな罠にかかってしまいます。本書は,保守性を上げて
8. Delicate Chatとは? ● Phoenixを使ったシンプルなWebチャット ● 特徴 ○ サーバサイドのElixirでの実装が「Erlang In Anger」での「してはいけ ないこと(アンチパターン)」を活用して実装されている。 ○ そのアンチパターンが原因のシステム障害を体験できる。 10. ● 「Erlang In Anger」から引用 ○ > Don’t use dynamic atoms! ○ > If you use the xmerl library that ships with Erlang, consider open source alternatives or figuring the way to add your own SAX parser that can be safe . つまり、アンチパターン的には、xmerlを使ってそれにユーザーの
Why Siberia is a great place to mine bitcoinsCheap electricity and frozen winters to cool massive computer servers RUSSIA’S recession had taken its toll on Yuri Dromashko, an entrepreneur from the Siberian city of Irkutsk. His property investments had floundered. A karaoke bar was flailing. A venture to make machines that print magnets from Instagram photos failed miserably. “We were all crying,”
この記事は一休.comアドベントカレンダー2017の5日目です。 宿泊事業部 Platformチーム*1の id:minato128 です。今年一休ではクラウド移行に伴い、メール配信の仕組みを大きく変えました。詳しくは一休✕bitFlyer C#をつかったサービス開発の裏側でお話したスライドがこちらにありますので、興味のある方はご覧ください。 新メール配信基盤への移行 /ikyu-mail-platform // Speaker Deck さて、宿泊予約やレストラン予約のサービスを提供している一休では、メールをユーザーに届けることはとても大切です。特に予約完了メールが届かなかった場合、(メール以外の確認方法もあるとはいえ)予約が取れたことに気づかず、最悪ユーザーが2重に予約をしてしまう可能性もあります。*2 そこでメールを届けるために、どのようにメール配信基盤のモニタリングや障害が起きたと
Send feedback Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. SCENE 1: The Kubernetes logo is surrounded by leaping fish and a Greek key border. NARRATOR: Smooth Sailing with Kubernetes. An online comic to learn about Kubernetes and how you can use it for continuous integration and delivery. SCENE 2: Jason on a beach, dressed in ancient greek armor. Sword in
Elixir を触って1年程度の若輩者が、学んだことを可能な限りアウトプットする Advent Calendar です。 去年は Erlang 一人 Advent Calendar をやりました。
A date is set for the emperor of Japan to retireBut other royal reforms have stalled IT WAS an understandable request. Last year an 83-year-old Japanese man, who has survived prostate cancer and heart surgery, asked to retire. Yet it took much debate and a change in the law before the government could even set a date for him to do so. When it finally did, on December 1st, it deferred the event for
An army of Chinese shoppers dictates the fate of Australian brandsHow firms Down Under came to embrace daigou THE first daigou, meaning someone who makes purchases on another’s behalf, were Chinese students studying abroad, who hauled desirable products home on behalf of family and friends. Adding a commission helped them pay their tuition fees. The spread of social-networking apps such as WeChat,
The Philippine government declares war on a beloved vehicleIs the jeepney a treasure or a menace? VENETIANS have their vaporettos, Londoners their double-deckers, Japanese their bullet trains and Filipinos their jeepneys. None of those other vehicles, however, is as dirty, dangerous and uncomfortable as the jeepney, a Frankenstein’s monster of a minibus that was first cobbled together some 70 year