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Binary parsing is a significant part of almost every application: interactions with databases, data-interchange formats, integers and datetimes in string representation, etc. Making optimizations to those domains might result in substantial speed-up across the whole application. In the previous blog post I mentioned that we intensively use the MessagePack format where possible (soon our mobile cli
Dealing with binary data has always been a pickle in OOP language. Pattern matching is very fundamental to Elixir making the functions much more descriptive. I was very pleased to see that the pattern matching was not just limited to tuple, list etc. but extended to binary data as well. This makes it very easy to write or parse binary protocol in Elixir. In this post we'll take a look at how to do
View Source Binaries, strings, and charlists In "Basic types", we learned a bit about strings and we used the is_binary/1 function for checks: iex> string = "hello" "hello" iex> is_binary(string) trueIn this chapter, we will gain clarity on what exactly binaries are and how they relate to strings. We will also learn about charlists, ~c"like this", which are often used for interoperability with Erl
この記事は検証可能な参考文献や出典が全く示されていないか、不十分です。 出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(このテンプレートの使い方) 出典検索?: "最下位ビット" – ニュース · 書籍 · スカラー · CiNii · J-STAGE · NDL · · ジャパンサーチ · TWL (2024年8月) 十進数 149 の二進数表現。最下位ビット(LSB)をハイライトで示している。8ビット二進数表現のMSBは十進数の128に対応。LSBは十進数の1を指す。 最下位ビット(さいかいビット、least significant bit、LSBと略記)は、コンピュータにおいて二進数で最も小さな値を意味するビット位置のことである。LSBは右端ビットとも言われる。十進数に当てはめれば、「一の位」に相当する。 二進数の特定のビットを示すために、各ビットにはゼロからn(そ
C programming language allows developers to directly access the memory where variables are stored. Ruby does not allow that. There are times while working in Ruby when you need to access the underlying bits and bytes. Ruby provides two methods pack and unpack for that. Here is an example. > 'A'.unpack('b*') => ["10000010"] In the above case 'A' is a string which is being stored and using unpack I
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