InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architect. View an example
OBJECTIVE: To understand the various optimization techniques underlying the machine learning methods that have become so popular in real-world applications Continue readingOptimization methods in ML Let’s discuss the concept of statistical significance, and make LTV predictions using statistical methods. We’ll discuss when it’s not enough Continue readingData Science for calculating LTV
Not a generic list of programming mistakes, these are the lessons I wish I learned earlier while developing Go. I’ve spent the past two years developing some of the most popular libraries and applications written in Go. I’ve also made a lot of mistakes along the way. Recognizing that “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. -John Powell”, I would like to share with you the mi
The start of September brings a close to the Go 1.4 merge window. From now until the release in December, only bug fixes and tweaks will be accepted. A major piece of work that landed in Go 1.4 cycle was the rewrite of parts of the Go runtime from C to Go. What may not be widely known is the main Go distribution1 includes a C compiler whose primary function is to compile the C code in the runtime
Slides available here: The Go programming language continues to grow as tech giants and early adopters celebrate successes. Join the core Go Language Team who will be in town for OSCon and local PDX Gophers at Esri R&D on Tuesday the 22nd, 6:00PM. We're excited to host a talk night featuring members of the team who are building Go and its ecosy
When invoked with the -analysis flag, godoc performs static analysis on the Go packages it indexes and displays the results in the source and package views. This document provides a brief tour of these features. Type analysis features godoc -analysis=type performs static checking similar to that done by a compiler: it detects ill-formed programs, resolves each identifier to the entity it denotes,
Additions: Numeric values are automatically recognized in more cases. Date / Time / DateTime values are automatically recognized in reasonable formats. See Time Strings for a list for accepted formats, and how to convert from other formats. Added join support! Multiple files / directories can be loaded by listing them at the end of the command. Directories are read by reading each file inside, and
Go: 90% Perfect, 100% of the time. "GoCon Tokyo" 31 May 2014 Brad Fitzpatrick Hello! 2 "60% of the time, it works every time...." 3 "That makes no sense" 4 Starting a new project, picking a language... 5 Disclaimer Personal experience only My opinions Fake, fun numbers (e.g. "90% Perfect, 100% of the time.") Maybe it's 91%. All languages are both wonderful and terrible <3 6 2010 7 Idea: Camlistore
CFP Now Live Submit your talk by November 15th for Data Council 2025 and mark your calendars! 📍 SF Bay Area 🗓️ April 22nd - 24th, 2025 The "No Bull💩" Data Community Since 2013 we've been bringing together the brightest minds in data to share insider industry knowledge, technical architectures and best practices on building the cutting-edge data processing systems and tools of the future.
Более 20 лет выводим сайты клиентов в топ Яндекса и Google, увеличиваем объем органического трафика, количество звонков и заявок. Выполняем весь комплекс работ по развитию и продвижению — от оптимизации посадочных страниц под требования поисковых систем до проработки коммерческих факторов.
Gobot is a framework for robots, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT), written in the Go programming language Meet The Code Gobot makes controlling robots and devices incredibly simple and fun. All you need to get started is to install Gobot: $ go get -d -u The "Hello, World" Of Things This program connects to an Arduino, and toggles an LED, every one second. package main
Introduction to Go 1.3 The latest Go release, version 1.3, arrives six months after 1.2, and contains no language changes. It focuses primarily on implementation work, providing precise garbage collection, a major refactoring of the compiler toolchain that results in faster builds, especially for large projects, significant performance improvements across the board, and support for DragonFly BSD,