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最近、Parserを書く or 書いたら楽になりそうな仕事が多いのでHaskellのParsecみたいなライブラリを探していたら @lambda_sakura mpc (Monadic Parser Combinator)なるものが存在します — κeen (@blackenedgold) December 9, 2014 というアドバイスをもらったので、早速mpcの使い方を学びつつLispインタプリタ(もどき)を作ってみました。 Write_Yourself_a_Scheme_in_48_Hours でParsecの使い方を覚えたので、mpcでも同じような方針で Lispインタプリタを実装してみました。 なお、幾つか手を抜いています。 cons, equal, eq の実装がない cond の実装がない 例外処理をまともに実装していない あたりがそうです。 コードはbitbucketに上
In vocabulary outline diagrams, black arrows represent rdfs:subClassOf relationships between classes, white arrows represent rdfs:subPropertyOf relationships between properties, and empty arrows represent other properties as specified with their labels. The recommended prefix for this vocabulary is sql:, unless otherwise specified it is assumed as the default prefix in outline diagrams. All AST no
FParsec’s features include: support for context‐sensitive, infinite look‐ahead grammars, automatically generated, highly readable error messages, Unicode support, efficient support for very large files, an embeddable, runtime‐configurable operator‐precedence parser component, a simple, efficient and easily extensible API, an implementation thoroughly optimized for performance, comprehensive docume Parsing CSS file with monadic parser in Clojure Inspired by "Parsing CSS with Parsec". Just quick notes and code that you can play with in REPL. By @kachayev 0. Intro What do we have? .container h1 { color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.9); font-size: 24px; font-family: Monaco; } What do we want to get? {:selector ".container h1", :rules ({:key "color", :value "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.9)"} {:key "font
A syntactic parser describes a sentence’s grammatical structure, to help another application reason about it. Natural languages introduce many unexpected ambiguities, which our world-knowledge immediately filters out. A favourite example: They ate the pizza with anchovies A correct parse links “with” to “pizza”, while an incorrect parse links “with” to “eat”: The Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Interactive code snippets not yet available for SoH 2.0, see our Status of of School of Haskell 2.0 blog post IntroductionIn this tutorial you will learn how to parse log-like files and how to render a log to a file. Many applications use logs to keep track of some useful information to be analysed later on. Parsing a log-like file it is an easy parsing task in comparison with parsing, say, a prog
Software engineer at BitLove. A New Yorker. I love the web and a good cup of coffee. This may be the last text on building command line apps with Ruby you'll ever have to read. There are a lot of Ruby gems that help you build command line apps. Thor, Escort, CRI, GLI, Methadone, and executable, just to name a few. While results have varied, I've had my share of hangups with these gems. I get the w