Under 'Data Source', click on the dropdown and choose from your combination of 'daily/monthly' or 'future/historical' MACA data
This action will populate the Variables and Date Ranges below.
Second, select your desired combination of climate variable and the specific model/scenario, where the variables have the format:
For example, pr_BNU-ESM_r1i1p1_historical
corresponds to variable pr (precipitation), model BNU-ESM, run number 1 and scenario historical (1950-2005). Note: other scenarios are rcp45 (RCP 4.5 2006-2099) and rcp85 (RCP 8.5 2006-2099) and all models are run 1 (except CCSM4 which is run 6). If you need help understanding what to choose, look at these pages:
Note: you can select more than one variable. However, for a region the size of Colorado, you can only select 3-6 variables at a time,where more variables will take more than 8 hrs and will be rejected as too big. See scalability requirements.
Date Range
Lastly, choose your date range.
Click the 'Done' button to resume to the job processing page
View of GDP Page
Once you've clicked on the 'Edit Data Detail' button, you will see this:
Once you've selected a data source, your page will look like this.
After you've selected the data, click 'Done'.
Acknowledgments: Thank you to David Blodgett (GDP) for important contributions to this tutorial