Data Servers Serving up MACANorthwest Knowledge Network (University of Idaho)The MACA website provides specific directions on how to access the MACA data on NKN: GeoData Portal (USGS)
Google Earth Engine (Google)
North Carolina State Climate Office (North Carolina State University)
Climate Tools Using MACANW Climate Toolbox
PINEMAP Decision Support Tool
CONUS Climate Console
Earth System CoG
Code for MACANCL Code for Computing Forest Stress Drought Index (FDSI) ProjectionsCode (written in NCL) for computing annual projections of the Forest Stress Drought Index (FDSI) utilizing MACAv2-METDATA is being provided by Imtiaz Rangwala and shared on Github. R Code for Accessing MACA DataThe North Central Climate Adapatation Science Center (CASC) has released an R packed called Climate Futures Toolbox (cst 0.1.0) with the goal to provide easy climate data access (MACA v2) to support climate scenario planning.This package allows you to: Climate Change Studies Using MACAU.S. Forest Service
Seattle Public Utilities: Water Management
Portland Water Bureau: Drinking Water Management
Southern Nevada Water Authority:
Regional Approaches to Climate Change(REACCH)
Integrated Scenarios of the Future Northwest EnvironmentThe Integrated Scenarios of the Future Northwest Environment was a project funded by the Northwest Climate Science Center to produce a consistent set of future projections of climate, hydrology and vegetation for the Pacific Northwest, USA. MACA was used in this project to produce the following climate datasets and to forcethe VIC hydrology model and MC2 and 3-PG vegetation models. Hydrologic Response of the Columbia River Basin to Climate ChangeThe Columbia River Climate Change project was partially funded by the Bonneville Power Administration(BPA) to produce streamflow information for the Columbia River and coastal drainages in Washington and Oregon State for the 21st century based on a large number of climate scenarios and model experiments. The research team consisted of researchers in the UW Hydro | Computational Hydrology research group at the University of Washington and the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute at Oregon State University. MACA was used in this project to force several hydrologic models. Dataset of the aridity index, relative humidity, average temperature and vapor pressure deficits projectionsA dataset of projections of the aridity index, relative humidity and average temperature and vapor pressure deficits utilizing the MACAv2-METDATA have been calculated by Imtiaz Rangwala and are hosted on USGS's Science Base Catalog. This dataset provides downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for nine ecologically-relevant climate variables for the north central US region between 35.5N-49N latitude and 88W-118W longitude from 12 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 5 (CMIP5) climate model simulations (6GCMs x 2RCPs) which are downscaled using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method. These projections are available as five different (approximately) 30-year climate normals between 1950 and 2099 as monthly values, except for Aridity Index which are annual values. The five periods for which these climate normals are provided are 1950-1979 and 1980-2005 in the historic, and 2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2099 in the future. |