Nginx Whitelist certain IP's
Note: This article assumes that you have installed Nginx on your server.
- An Nginx server.
- Access to a Linux privileged user such as root.
Login into your server via SSH and switch to root user.
Go to your Nginx site configuration.
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
Open the configuration file where your site is located.
Note: This and the following steps may change depending on your configuration. We will assume that you are using the default one.
nano default
vim default
Add the following directives with your desire IP inside the server section.
server { allow; # here goes the IP you want to allow deny all; # ... }
You can also write the directives inside the http section to apply it to multiple virtual hosts.
http { allow; # here goes the IP you want to allow deny all; server { server_name; # ... } server { server_name; # ... } }
Save and close your file.
To save:
Ctrl + O
EnterTo exit:
Ctrl + X -
Restart Nginx
Note: This step can change depending on your OS.
systemctl restart nginx
Updated 11 days ago