El Fantasma de Canterville
El Fantasma de Canterville
El Fantasma de Canterville
Cuando el americano, el seor Otis, compr el castillo de Canterville, todo el mundo le dijo que
esta era una gran tontera, ya que el lugar estaba embrujado. Pero el seor Otis respondi:
"Yo vengo de un pas moderno, en el que tenemos todo lo que el dinero puede comprar. Y si
haba tal cosa como un fantasma en Europa, tendramos en casa en uno de nuestros museos
"Unas semanas ms tarde, en una hermosa noche de julio, el seor Otis, su esposa y sus
hijos, Washington, Virginia y los gemelos, bajaron a su nuevo hogar. Cuando entraron en la
avenida del castillo de Canterville, el cielo de pronto se oscureci y una quietud escalofriante
estaba en el aire.
Sra Umney, el ama de llaves, los llev a la biblioteca del castillo, donde se sentaron y
comenzaron a mirar a su alrededor. De repente, la seora Otis vio una mancha roja en el suelo
justo junto a la chimenea y le dijo a la seora Umney: "Yo soy miedo de que algo se ha
derramado all."
"S, seora", dijo la vieja ama de llaves en voz baja, "la sangre se ha derramado en ese lugar."
"Qu terrible", dijo la seora Otis; "No quiero ningn manchas de sangre en mi sala de
estar. Se debe retirar a la vez ".
La anciana sonri y respondi: "Es la sangre de Lady Eleanore de Canterville, que fue
asesinado en ese lugar por su marido, Sir Simon de Canterville, en 1575. Sir Simon
desapareci siete aos despus. Su cuerpo nunca se encontr, pero su fantasma an ronda el
Castillo. La mancha de sangre es una atraccin turstica ahora y no se puede quitar. "
"Eso es una tontera", dijo Washington, el hijo mayor de la familia Otis, "quitamanchas limpiar
que en ningn momento", y tom una botella de removedor de manchas de su bolsillo y limpiar
el lugar. Pero tan pronto como la mancha de sangre haba desaparecido, un terrible relmpago
ilumin la habitacin y un repique miedo de trueno hizo que todo el movimiento de la
Haba una tormenta terrible esa noche, pero aparte de eso nada miedo que pas. A la maana
siguiente, sin embargo, cuando la familia baj a desayunar, se encontraron con la terrible
mancha de sangre una vez ms en el suelo. Washington limpiado una segunda vez, pero la
segunda maana apareci de nuevo. La tercera maana que estaba all, tambin, aunque la
biblioteca haba sido encerrado en la noche por el propio Sr. Otis.
La noche siguiente, todas las dudas sobre la existencia del fantasma finalmente se retira para
siempre. A las once de la familia se fue a la cama y algn tiempo despus, el seor Otis se
despert por un ruido extrao en el pasillo, fuera de su habitacin. Sonaba como el ruido
metlico de metal, y se acerc ms a cada momento. Sr. Otis se levant y mir la hora. Era
exactamente uno. As que el seor Otis se puso las zapatillas, se dirigi a la puerta y la
abri. All, justo en frente de l, estaba el fantasma - tena los ojos tan rojos como carbones
encendidos; largo cabello gris caa sobre los hombros y de sus muecas y tobillos colgaban
cadenas pesadas.
"Mi querido seor," dijo el Sr. Otis, "debes aceite esas cadenas. Es imposible dormir con tanto
ruido pasa fuera de los dormitorios. Por tanto, os he trado esta botella de lubricante, y estar
encantado de proporcionarle ms si lo requiere. "Con estas palabras, el seor Otis establecido
la botella, cerr la puerta y volvi a la cama.
Impresionado, el fantasma de Canterville se puso bastante inmvil por un momento, pero
luego gru airadamente. Justo en ese momento, los gemelos aparecieron en el pasillo y
lanzaron una almohada grande en l! El fantasma apresuradamente escap a travs de la
pared, y la casa qued en silencio de nuevo.
Cuando el fantasma lleg a su pequea cmara secreta, tom una respiracin profunda. No
hay fantasmas en la historia nunca haban sido tratados de esta manera!
When the American, Mr Otis, bought Canterville Castle, everyone told him that this was very
foolish, as the place was haunted. But Mr Otis answered, I come from a modern country,
where we have everything that money can buy. And if there were such a thing as a ghost in
Europe, we would have it at home in one of our museums.
A few weeks later, on a lovely July evening, Mr Otis, his wife and their children, Washington,
Virginia and the twins, went down to their new home. When they entered the avenue of
Canterville Castle, the sky suddenly became dark and a spooky stillness was in the air.
Mrs Umney, the housekeeper, led them into the library of the castle, where they sat down and
began to look around. Suddenly, Mrs Otis saw a red stain on the floor just by the fireplace and
said to Mrs Umney, I am afraid something has been spilt there.
Yes, madam, said the old housekeeper in a low voice, blood has been spilt on that spot.
How terrible, said Mrs Otis; I don't want any blood-stains in my sitting-room. It must be
removed at once.
The old woman smiled and answered, It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville, who was
murdered on that spot by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. Sir Simon
disappeared seven years later. His body has never been found, but his ghost still haunts the
Castle. The blood-stain is a tourist attraction now and it cannot be removed.
That is all nonsense, said Washington, the eldest son of the Otis family, stain remover will
clean it up in no time, and he took a bottle of stain remover out of his pocket and cleaned the
spot. But as soon as the blood-stain had disappeared, a terrible flash of lightning lit up the
room and a fearful peal of thunder made the whole building shake.
There was a horrible storm that night, but apart from that nothing scary happened. The next
morning, however, when the family came down to breakfast, they found the terrible stain of
blood once again on the floor. Washington cleaned it a second time, but the second morning it
appeared again. The third morning it was there, too, although the library had been locked up at
night by Mr Otis himself.
The following night, all doubts about the existence of the ghost were finally removed forever. At
eleven o'clock the family went to bed and some time after, Mr Otis was awakened by a strange
noise in the corridor, outside his room. It sounded like the clank of metal, and it came nearer
every moment. Mr Otis got up and looked at the time. It was exactly one o'clock. So Mr Otis put
on his slippers, went to the door and opened it. There, right in front of him, stood the ghost - his
eyes were as red as burning coals; long grey hair fell over his shoulders and from his wrists
and ankles hung heavy chains.
My dear Sir, said Mr Otis, you must oil those chains. It's impossible to sleep with such a
noise going on outside the bedrooms. I have therefore brought you this bottle of lubricator, and
I will be happy to supply you with more if you require it. With these words Mr Otis laid the
bottle down, closed his door and went back to bed.
Shocked, the Canterville ghost stood quite motionless for a moment, but then he growled
angrily. Just at this moment, the twins appeared on the corridor and threw a large pillow at him!
The ghost hastily escaped through the wall, and the house became quiet again.
When the ghost reached his small secret chamber, he took a deep breath. No ghosts in history
had ever been treated in this manner!
Wolves are misunderstood animals. because many people believe that wolves
eagerly kill human beings, they fear them. however, the truth is that wolves avoid
any contact with human beings. wildlife biologists in the united states say that is no
documented case of wolves attacking humans in any state. more people are hurt
and killed in the yellowstone national park than have ever been hurt by wolves in
north America.
because they are strictly carnivorous wolves hunt large animals such as elk and
deer, as well as their mainstay, small animals, such as mice and rabbits. and they
are particularly fond on sheep. killing ranchers animals has helped lead to wolves
bad reputation among people.
because it was poisoned, trapped and shot by ranchers and hunters, the timber
wolf, a subspecies of the gray wolf was eradicated in the 48 states by the 1940s.
not one wolf remained in the 1970s, after they realized a mistake had been made,
US lawmakers passed laws to protect wolves.
long ago, wolves could be found in almost all areas of the northern hemisphere
throughout asia, Europe, and north America. today, after they have been slowly
destroyed centuries, they are found in few places, principally on sparsely populated
areas of Alaska, minnnesota, Canada, and the northern regions of Russia and china.
Los lobos son animales incomprendidos. debido a que muchas personas creen que
los lobos con impaciencia matan seres humanos, les temen. Sin embargo, la verdad
es que los lobos evitan cualquier contacto con los seres humanos. bilogos de la
fauna en los Estados Unidos dicen que ningn caso documentado de lobos que
atacan seres humanos en cualquier estado. ms personas estn heridos y muertos
en el Parque Nacional de Yellowstone que nunca se han visto afectados por los lobos
en el norte de Amrica.
porque son lobos estrictamente carnvoros cazan animales grandes, como alces y
ciervos, as como su apoyo principal, animales pequeos, como ratones y conejos. y
son particularmente aficionados en ovejas. matando ganaderos animales ha
ayudado a llevar a lobos mala reputacin entre la gente.
ya que fue envenenado, atrapado y fusilado por los ganaderos y cazadores, el lobo
de madera, una subespecie del lobo gris se erradic en los 48 estados de la dcada
de 1940. no un lobo permaneci en la dcada de 1970, despus de que se dieron
cuenta de un error se haba hecho, los legisladores estadounidenses aprobaron
leyes para proteger a los lobos.
hace mucho tiempo, los lobos se podan encontrar en casi todas las reas del
hemisferio norte a travs de Asia, Europa y Amrica del Norte. hoy en da, despus
de que hayan sido destruidos lentamente siglos, que se encuentran en algunos
lugares, principalmente en zonas escasamente pobladas de Alaska, Minnesota,
Canad, y las regiones del norte de Rusia y China
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