Saskia Sassen
Saskia Sassen
Saskia Sassen
En ingls
2011 - Cities in a world economy (Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Pine Forge
Press, 2011) updated 4th ed., original 1994; Series: Sociology for a new
century, ISBN 1-4129-3680-2.
2007 - Elements for a Sociology of Globalization [or A Sociology of
Globalization] (W.W. Norton, 2007) ISBN 0-393-92726-1.
2006 - Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, May 2006) ISBN 0-691-09538-8.
Awards for TAR: Winner of the 2007, Distinguished Book Award, Political
Economy of the World-System Section, by ASA; Winner of the 2007
Robert Jervis and Paul Schroeder Best Book Award, International History
and Politics section, by APSA
1999 - Guests and aliens (New York: New Press) ISBN 1-56584-608-7.
1998 - Globalization and its discontents. Essays on the New Mobility of
People and Money (New York: New Press), ISBN 1-56584-518-8.
1996 - Losing control? Sovereignty in An Age of Globalization (New York:
Columbia University Press) Series : University seminars Leonard
Hastings Schoff memorial lectures, ISBN 0-231-10608-4.
1988 - The Mobility of Labor and Capital. A Study in International
Investment and Labor Flow (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1988) ISBN 0-521-38672-1.
1991 - The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1991) 1st ed. ISBN 0-691-07063-6.
2001 - *The global city : New York, London, Tokyo (Princeton : Princeton
University Pressm 2001) updated 2d ed., original 1991; ISBN 0-69107063-6.