AAVV. Diane Arbus-Revelations
AAVV. Diane Arbus-Revelations
AAVV. Diane Arbus-Revelations
1•.,.,,v.,,. l '<l>l ,111',l a> M. 1)1.\'<I A111<1~I'<111111 <•I'\' '" Tm U M'~',,, l'r.,r"•
ELISAUETII SUSS1'.fAr,..; Al\D 1)0()1\ ARlll.'S
000" AI\Rt,;
I xmarrrox \'lé'.\;l:F.s u·
svo,~011. s ... 1A11..vr.xr \.!11
DIRIT.TOR"' U l lfR , 1
\X'OJtt,;s 11' TIII l'.'>:IIIIUTIO:\: .\1)
A(.K'.\.O\\'l.lcOl,:\l[:\T"' \J(,
1-1'1>1\0T!.S i~O
1-..:01x Hf,
,. ' \\. ...._, P.1rk , ) ( 1
D11n1 11,xcinbr ir•hc
11 liOUSC"oillorron <.011('f hl.oJ xY l~,I
( llUJ'k unor.k-r ,1 1 p« 1 mero. '."..: Y ( l ')h(,•
nau ""''°' 0i,., ~·u,o -· t. 19-4 .,vma,,)(¡ª""''·••rrns ,oa E.ul1•1 1.1. ,aow- ~[.,,;,.u..,,,u<,, f1ll(o,TUNXl"OOI t,,.,1>1,., •tt01o1All •n-.. H,,. ,u,~. ur_.
-- ,,.. CIIIJl.,I""'- "vro...x.t.o.fflv .... "r' h i. f'.l'Sa,,,-u 11111, ,...,,. n•• 110-. lb!,,..
..ii;nS1 "'' ,.,,.,. J'~l'l•>"r ""°''l...:.lr~ L "•llbl'n ll• ... au, !ir Mw•<•·._
Photocopy ot a.n original he\ld b7
Waeh1n¡ton Univero1ty Librar1t&.
St. Lou1e, Wieeourl, US4.
Recopy1na 1a :torbidden. Perm1ee1on
to qu.ote t"ron or publ1ab muat be eougbt.
~· ... ,....-- ... "'"· <l'IUTII l< "* lu•in 1,( , .. ,.. -, L'>;(,tNI t ""(\, fu u:i,,t .... YJIOoot 1.1 ,110-, w11(, 11,n IOI 1' lloor\U.! NI ),lflll)',''itv,11 ..... Wlll.
t" 10,>. 11 1) 1 1 ur,nt 11nn •n11 nu Hc,.-Mu> t,;1 wrlll<)'; l'.on.o M ',);:0.,m~ro, U,n,._<n'\ IJ11iv.ut ,, ~. l.ol11!-. M.1.»1J111~•
1'4h1"Kfffio,w/. l'u· lllffl u'bo 1"" .JI.m, I *- ~ .tll,,-·,r tn, itltr<'ldnt
/'Mf'I,. lnt: l'• 1.W»t.t•.JIIII 11'1') 94 Rt/(J11k I 11«J10 1.n, tMtf fo,") rtu.Ji1r1,. ">
S1ucl,rncs in thc cb.ss ere ttqu11td 10 writt'. bri<1 l'S.Q)"i ()nesch book
d11t)' tcad. 1 fer rnro,nstt. in swle 1t wcll as coo1nu, preÍl¿clllt htt
macuri: \,t'fl$1b1li1y.
-n,._- 1t1bl, 1," ~Jntul ud Mm1lul h I m.1111 1\ 11un; ltkc 1ht· ,.in,
('<·..arr- Jnn11¡~ ul ;11 r.K't' nt m..n, t.1t t-..1 "uh ch111,i:, d1t\' cu JJ.111 under
,u11J. toa«1u111 !or 11 .11! ,11,J h.- .ihk lo hc-1 \< 111 "h.ir 11111:' lu.l ,t,..il·
ni 11111· •·n.- m1,I, 1iJ ¡,l.i,_,J t 1 d11rc-o1nh ,in.J t..N 11,nh ,..,P\1.atK-.:
;111,I ,¡-.....-, wuh •·,·1 ,10.l ,In.\\ uh illtl, ri,I h,1t\l "uh 1~ anJ \ltUII, 11.1dt
,l.ul. "" j 11.i,:ht. ,.,, uh 1"'111, •·uh uuh,lf'f'1111."U., "uh hllll,Ctf, ""1th Jn,r,-
Ñ,I,\" A.IM., """O 0u.... , NI .w, ,,.. c.-,1-...l PuK <I ... ,.. .. 10)9 ()o.. IU f; U IT Jn,l 1l1e11 rnul,Jn't un,.ll"'-1.,oil !I E,1:n-1l11n.i, •·~ '° \\1<1-.krfu) .1nJ ID
,OU,T a4MM:tUT , •• IM~• nh, 111.. tlAOl..'KIINOO... nn ,,~,.., ,,l)L>,r .....
h,,ml,k rh.it flw~ tw.J u, 11.1,·c -w,111t1hm to rn.ikt th..·m kn.,w 1h.Ar c-<.ffY
,,;mJ ,11 .JI,-' m.i.n 1.1111101 l""ll"t' m noll\111 A n~u mu.r lu,'t wti
d1.11 dk"~ 1" ,111 ,,rdl'f h:-htn,l l,d\·dun¡.:. u! .mJ h.a.l, .tn ,INCf wh
h1ucr tlw1 l1,m1.Clf b111 ,.,,h,lh h • ,m "' lr,•'>I m l'J" un.Jcl'>(;tnJ
-J.,¡,,~..,,.- uS, ,_.._. .. ,~ nuOWT1n..... -...... ,.w:,o [._ .. ..._..,,. ..
C Ju.u, c-r fn'"" 1 , l'lt , l"fl' ,un and "lll>lt .u1tl h~ 11110 k ,, ,11, Ar,J c,,m
du11,c n il> .alm An.J (c·n,lrt hc."C'.111w.• 1111:' \\.tl ~fl hnl ,iJ ,;b.l ti
(l)un(Jiwmr,;- \\ 111,'1 tot. n,ch1 1 , , hw ..11 d1t 1,mt \nu fn-1 rlu
lit "al •,u Ufl•\<•l'h,,r,l,ltnl tlu1 he, cuuld n, ,rt l'lt ,¡,ut,r l1k..- llll'CI' '""'"'
pi.e- .\11J h: ,n,¡; u,11 r.,f fl·mpo w11l1 thl \\url,I. h,, kit 1h.1t li "' ,,..tJon
_., .. ,.u~ 11• m,1<1 1,1 !lro J \\.1~· nt l....m~ h1mk U In !IW hmu Yuu ln-1 11 ,uJ
---- . ..·__
• ,lc·nly .1nd .kl1htr.i1dr he thri: ...· nll lu, o1lrc...l~· hmm,t .iu·Mrn ul 1hi:
••lll\t'"f\11(111$. •.,1 ti IJ .tkldm,.,, t11m ltm1h \\nrldst.rdtf ,.
-·- ....._ -
......... 1), l-.all h, "·"'" 1 ! ,.,,, ..11.J 1 h 1h, il 1 \\ ,:,.,.J fflí• 1 h
Út.lduatcs ft0m F1rld<:1Qnin Junc-
--- --- Ñ)r 1hr fitXt S(-1-·«-.il momhi $hr contillutS ukm,t: pm"ltt' paintif18
da»rt-41Tll.f18('d by htr f.uhcr-wuh Oorochy Thom¡)$()1'1, 11 f.uhion
ilht\muor "'i,o Wl'lrk«I (or Russd(s. ' omd whom shc lactt rffl'n 1<1 :4
¡,,,./;,aMJ ,,,, llfltnf/TNgtlW#.1/1.••
hke l l 1,ilJll \C\V. 1,ll,111 Jhc :>1um,1huv:hltdll"llAR <Jr1lr
\\( 'tl • ,1,o,.1ct}k1"1he UJ1'fl " l'l<1m11:thm,1Ccll'<>ChcTl,k,1ix
Ir , n \l.1~b.: lu re1 1) uu!.I tonJ 1111: ,n,h Hr..J~ l" l'lio·
l<>J,:t rhc,l 1IIC' 11 .,\ R 1 11 ,... ..., ,., rh: 1 n lurmc tunruJ.ibl 1 "' 11
i:u .io,v.1-.i tt Tir l J.., .l"li.m R,,.- ,,, i.l rhc- '\.u,~uu11 Aurl\
rem. fmm ,¡ <h11<lrtn ·, dmcu'l~ d.i.i$ ""' rhc-Ccilony Oub 10 che Grttn•'Kh
Scf('(t WcilTll"ni H~ of Ot,muon. Onc 'S'll(h req11nt írom I byu is
.Jdt'CSS('(! m W1hcr Artn. Ocpti}' Pohc~ Cotru1\1\'ll()n(f'.
ur,1,o;,..._.,, ,.. /1. l'tt uoJ.~s0/1..'<acCI N ve 111,,. • op.+fT• ..,.,.,,... .. '-"º'" .,....., Ot,IT S,r.
.....--..•T« ,., no e:., t ...: V< 19\'i
111 cwrtfflrt,W, u 11/1 J ,p,n.J lJI.W ,/ fuqr,1ft' M ,h SMP,..., .¡· "'"' )W. ljf"
lknrnn. who is 1t1t~<"d in bu ~~mm ¡ihofoi,;n.rlu 1.kdl iM1dt dark· Jv,, ,I 114,rrJ ,\lm o,..,,. ,\,No,.IJI',\ CAlfln Sr,wt Xm )ft"li ,.,. \' ,,
to ~,.,Tpl, ,.,,.J-..Nf JJ,-'Wt, ...¡ tll) lifi. I~ar-"""' ,¡ /;,(,< u...i J.,, 11 JI.,./"
entd ch(,.w:n.. On Ma) 7 stl< "''"'" 11'1 her llflllO!ntmrnt book lh•t~
lhtdl p,,,t¡, pl,J, /,}:,¡ UJXU-.)l'J.i.
PJ"~¡vu. ~t'"WT \TJ.....Jm,: r, ,,,, uh.u!I IWr rpo1~ fNf 1/x td""-" ~.. IÍttJ -
/lf'J!, 1,w:;tHtJ th.rl u~1,·'l'1ft ,,. )°" fo, IÑI pPMNM
St"llds Btn100 ~ub1«1 1dcJ1S• .tS weü .u rr1nts \ltld ~lfltKt ,-l'lttCs. Slic- l11"'1f ,1., ti.lJ 111 u bii.h ./111W1IJ b.nt J/«1Jf /'(""limMt to ,M111fr'"J "'
.t11111XJ1a tol'nit ol 1hc.- 1m..i¡."" ,·,1h ht1cf rype.,..nttcn OOtt'I ilutd oo °"'
p,Jv., wll1of!ir.m 1,,,..&11~ oftl,r Chnla Stmi P'8;tllti.T/ TA1al ,• rn,
A fll(1UttOf ilnq't'ball rrom cht bum,, rnov11t ·rbt ftldlt
\""Cl'SOQÍ fOOUl\b
.,..-:6¡... ,; b.,1n"°,.,. '""Jo far.,
Wt1l..,.t., fJ.J¡ "<"o1pc.ontd: 1b1~1rwrrt"1 ,,,,,..,,,,,,,, BrtJ:Jb m ,¡~,,,.,
btr•G J(/1,,'r,itr Mt.1NI ,1/," u1rl1., i.hJr IJll('Mt .¡ /f.,,h,1tt /~ht, .,N,I Thc füq1nn ..ssi.gni.1ient Cf)'\1ull1~ íor her S(lmc of 11W' 1Mllf'lll 1.SSUI"\ 1!u1
Ávt:IIIJt lllrd. J1JÍ11,1,J 1,lloJfl. /""l.# lt ¡:r,1fi1,q, thf91 011' /t ptop/t bho fu¡,- h.'.wc· 1r¡a,cliu1>1Wly luu.ntc-d ¡iho10,.:niph) ;UW 1lu1 ,nU lVtlllfü,1c 10 r«"
Ql."t'UJ')' her III tlnt' form or .1001htt. hum e.he J>t",,1gnu1ic: pnm1 fÁ ,11;1,,
~ ,, *'J r1«h J¡v,t ¡vm.
~ ~he wntn. lwnton; rht rrlt,no Jff ,.,,.11,wy " ¡,,w/,111· i/ ,.,._.¡,1, ""
0) th,s nmc sbc b,.s .d~r t'lturrl) tt,l.SC'tl rnJS•r-m~ lin 11'ft:lJ:t:i,- \\/uh f.l'a4./ t-¡,h lhtj h,11t fl,11'MJMl'tO'lf'Htn J")ll,INJ:.iT/IJ ,j (ÓI) .m Jtt:,.1J~
nrr mq,IIIM\, lhe ü pnntin11, '™° ful! l1tnn'I ntJ:JCÍ\'I!' a\• ,·cniul c,1 rJ """"'-b tN'J ,,,,,.,. •· And more ¡,o11:11;1ntl)· CwifJ,,'1 ,h, li, ¡...,. -•t
hornomal tt<u.n~k' m dlt' «ne« ol un l hH sine ~ phncosrapluc ¡,,,,,.,,tfW,~.,.._; '(1«11ÍJJ I l,11, ,, ..,,, l)i-,,"" tht lltjlj o/ ,s,h,J, .. La
pa,ptt, IN,·11,g a borJl'f sorne 1co .\ 1nd,n, w,dc wm11,11W1.ng 11-.e ,ma,::r. Atr a/lJ,..- 1,1 ÚJ:.lf l.l')l#XOpm fw ,\1J1t;,1UW1 ,1/M Pr.t)t". fl.tth l.11fl> rft:11
MM"t"J in AuguSC 11n1h Ont.i ilOO Al'II')' Ímm 18 East 681h Se«"'! tQ I il 'lt J•:J Jm ¡,,»11 o.t. I tMIJ,,., .,,,¡. htN lo 11g"., rd1.11t, ,wi/J )•·-
01.1rlt1 $cfff1, ¡ tor1,-u1«I n.rru,stt howc ,Jµ(cnt 10 rbe 6tb Ptte11'1(1 °1""1)9<'1N the cnd ci N9'"tmh«, ,he m«'I$ M;an·1n 1-.r,,d. 11 f'l•nttr, ir.i~,c
pol1tt sution m Grttfl•·ieh VillJf:C Albn moYC'S rC) ""i \\".ashmgton dCS&gntt .tnd famW'r:..tt d1ttctorafim•t«.11 ~1nr(l9S6-.\8>. In thr
PI- wbcft he: tS'llbhUle a s1U1.1iC> :md dukroom. ;1nd conimllltS tus e.ut) St..lb~ (lÍ illl endun1,s (ri1.ndsh1p '" ,_,...,~ md col~J,::ua,. ,hq
worit íor á,.luot1 rn.a.,!;ll11'1C1, kffruis ~ l\1n'lt (}f. i..h,r,¡r futtntr 1:unner• W1'Íll' 10 -h Otl'IC"f 1Wtlr t"\"n}" dJ) Borh .i;f't' $1nltk b)· ifQf\ic rmJ·
"-'ir, Dww: MXI AU.i.l /ilbus. Sht 1r1ll \11;11tS his <l»kmnm. anti dic í1mll) lcls wuhin 1bt:ir sq•1,Lt1Uc his1onl$:. ¡v.rt'f\tS in 1hc YlOmc,ú. dochi~
mcieu ttg'iluly mt ton;; S...od.iy bn:,¡l.:f'.t.,¡u 111 O~tlcs Scrttt Ahhoush
busu~s. an F.ch-t Cuhutt td11,;111tell'I tu sht ,-.,1s ,, .1 1-· fflCXltill
eh" i, in Í:kl • ~tion. tber do not 1,rll d1t1r pam1u unul fhf'tt' )'l'llD
b1n 111 • p051u.r,t 10 hun·
btcr <A~ O,anc noccs in• lc-m,·to Modd on ~tt"mbcr 25, 1962: I
¡,,,,JI) ,JJ-, j.r"f1-', ti,.# Al/,,• ",JI titn 111111$ ,,¡,.,,r J,,,J 1btJ 111/fmJ., Ourl ~ I t"tlt.l
iibolt 1mtS ,{Jd,q,,J'1)J1.tntJ1l "',ar<,1t l'J,tJJ"#XÍ"""/J"Nf.8.1"'1romu/wq.)•· 1 • IICT 11 n-tlncnl .ioa 1,; .10cl lnnh 1n dlt" ,n1rrnr ot e&h ,,ihct lt "
..,,.J nu¡.:1~ d•>1~ .111\ ~1,u ,md ,,u~ 1 ¡u-U p,·rlu.¡'5. rnun: h1~
In Omibcr. ~ins v.ul on die Ntw Yod,: 11.u.co lof- b¡,,rrt Tiic or,,;,.,u! th.10 en h,I\T N: n ~q:r,,, r n,, 1 , 1 h ,1111,-11~, m,,l., t1 4u h m d-c
(mn 10 r.1i¡:n htf ~I sixxl'IF:tJiib)• ,n d.- ·~ ff M)Oll llhindoncd IR F.a,w m.J.llc , 1 wtil· unh,,111,~Mr u I UI '" dunl. huv. wr ¡-..m:nl wuulJ
-OÍ tbc- wncq,c oi m ,tllkpndm1 pllOlvgttph,c CSQ)' • Co1Libon1 *"8 •·ith
JJ'l>rUH· ui er h utl r Th.,1 1h ,.11.~ •'<' 11r.. oo 1htm ,mJ 1,n .1nJ 11 1i
8crm:,nmi Hll)'t'I,, .Jie dc-doc---s • rro,rct .ibout d1t cil)' (mm dlt' pod, to h: ._,_I, v.-M ,lllll nd1 i.l ,mJ,lk d.iu lll<l lt• m ,,.,.¡ bm1I rt inJ
clY 1"'1/,J.• In.- lmn to BcMon.shc- (bbnn!IN,;. nm 1,11 ,,1n11u~h .1\\.1\ fn,1n 11 1h.. 1 ,,.,, rnmc lu.ll utdl anJ !,un, , !
I h.i,'f l'fffl lookrn '" d11 Rt:<Jlw,c,k (lh Ytlko. P.1¡,:C'lil unJcr dum ,1d1 udlC'f J.,1,.,: 1h'"' \.1) ,n 11,cc.cicm,¡,I• "lj'Hncri~
.... u.J-''-''*''.,,..&,,
11,c, ,~ OfC' ul ,:J ,he- TUUj::h (]uh ..,-.1 11.. !<otw1,11hc: ln1n•l ,~tllll'I
-·:1 -
- •
~--- •
Al a ron11nwuc1n rÁ thr Eu,11.m pn>Jrct. shr IR\'C':Sl1~1e lUld plio-
~ bod)'Wilden.. bN.llf)' conrnu, dthillUlrC'\, d,etdKU 111 die (~"'ll ,',l\lrtll" 1--.0,ll C'< ... ,n l*I'"'"'" H ... ~.\f.)IQ:V.OIV, 1"'"4. "~I ft
0.riiuati HmJJ 8o11,'«)' M1j,$10n, 8oy 5<°'-11 mttWt~. )Wth g~n¡: MIOIWl IUNV,41• 1,.1/frl ~1)1- lllA."r YOMM. ....... 1-...:t.J\."l'.o" ,. 1',]('x,
mttun.p.. a l'C.IMmlntd hocd ot'I Broadway •i'IJ us ttS1dcnti, t'IWI)' o( N¡I 1t.r, V, o 'tA"ill/f IN t>/f //r!l,i/.N. #,1)',W'<W
d~ pttformen from Hulx-rú Mmnim (lncludmg Andrew k;uuudd, 11 IJ{j'I/Pltvrl'lr l,flflfV,j, .,,, ,,,. ;t A ,. '
• Russian. midg,n w!'I() dOCI impffl()IUuom oí M~tice Ch(ov;ilitr, iand s / 11• 1t' } flt 11 /lj/l,,.,;~r,1¡,¡/o¿ A!{.,,.
Hád:uh Ttamb&n:. known p«,fmio1~U}' .1$ Coegc Lhr Junsk Cn,;,¡,, 411 ,I-" • r: r, 'A. ' tN vtt Jf¡} I!,> ;,.:./)
bor.h ol wbom api-r m che lia,,I pubhshtd irudd.11. pct crcmatooum, ~"' thfrf¡t 1, -u¿ .. , r11t;-tl1111f ,. ,~'l
tM mcmbtn. <J che Jt11,'tf Box RM1t's t()UnnJt íenuJe 1mprr""1·,.-uor • t ~/1 'lft ,t f"/11>1'/' ?,rt/ltl, f ,P.J;¡.I
!.how 1'wm1r·fo~ Mm aDd "Girl • l.n lhr maQ,;1ntx a lt1ttr <O Man·in ' / 'Jft>,, \, (Hf p C'(J¡/f¡I !f/l'J/f1;'1J:
ii.tln, W wmes:I t1.'1N'lJ J,&,. ~.,¡J, ttn'}W,,..._ ' ,,,¿. ¡; •. , ,;: IPl l'"~t:A
Htt l,men ,ndu.:k dec11llt'd accounti of htt phocOg,f',1,¡iluc <".l(pnl11,om.
f'lt 1rp¡~ /y ZIJ 1~
punc,uaicd on «t•u;,nby 1haughu .ahaut 1hr m1utt oí OOn¡.: ,. pt- l f . i,. ¡ ¡j(¡t¡,,
tognipbu, abou.t thr powtt •nd tCSJIOOSibdit)' oí thc C'fltttpri~
turd 1111 Ir
' ' • ••
tr,cn Thcn
1owk1hrir,wxt~ lw'kk A
"= ' "
fil 1tK111
•• ""
,\, J
..... -ti ..
,1 ,1
,.,a. tl
1 1 r wh,:r
1 1, t'!;'
~. tr
J. i
• 'lit" J'.9/'ll//l!.
. V
•b;,d,cy 111,fft' 1 • ~, .11.11 ,,1 I"
' 1
-~n'tt Nl )l .. o,,e,,i huu.(.u(:AJ.,..,~ .. ,. ,.,6o,"'
" J 1 > d
1,1 {11,lflo!(
,d lhN"r w
.,. 1.,...¡
' J
w ,,
' ' ""' ' ' lltl !lf j UUI •lfl I
·= Wtq llll ~nJ " ' I he: ( llf'I' rle 1 w11h
ru. un \m 1 ,n ,, houh\11 h ••ot l,,,l:r1 f
~'l)"A\ lu,~ bn:o bnttt ,., cum .1'<\~) y, , l 1r
--,,c,o•o 1'0k,..,u, .......,1o.iu\:.ú~ ,. ,_..
11111111. ,1 ,l,,c,~. luck hun u, h1 r IJ I PI,
rhou r.tph }llllt 111 tr ,~ ,, ..,, '"
11... Tl,q tw.1h 111.-,,J lt~., f,11,bl/11//iJIIX/VU «. lht J4nt .¡{;*J... • In h(c
cwreee ,ncanu.uon. Mw&rc,11w,,,,¡ 1,ow, -,mrrtJ .. uh.i.t>: " ......
J" IM IIHJ l,h 1ht U.:.tX'filw4:i11tJ IN.- ~fi• 11 Jf ~ .. uh Wlt»b ">""'
l,h •-· ,tlm,... .,.
1lr1,or. ¡,w11 1.1 u· Mr l n,,,r,.c, 0111 m.,.11..., "' hrlmn h,ir Y.llh
:; ) U,,. ut ,i,11 •hr ,.-1 u m...bn ll(',1tt11:·1 111 .,.,, nJ " llW !,ni
1ff1ouli.::.i;f"•hni•u•l.knhh, (l"HJI ch I¡• 1 toHl1I rrl,k/ul
,n.bp.urr1llf,;.n,tho,1:1n m\11<,J >eT rrl, lur, lev. 11
"' brc..1u..._..hc,,,i1IJrú ru11ro.l,,y,·nur,!11: 11
.. , , .. ,.
wii ,uuw,u> ,,., l)I) l'ltOTO l"\M'I'"1\11 \'1JTIGMJoo..,.1v: t:q .-r.JVl'I' 1960 imp«"Sario. ll'fli;l'l8('$ htr fim. en(OIUUt'r ',\"itb Wil.lttr Gtt"sory, 11 k-8·
.,,,f{ 1ht,,t. Whid, fu, l»í'f't1#d r• • "d i,rl,ul, u 11MH111,IJ rfttrr. Attd I
rti'( iou, I""""""º" t,f ,omrot'll' w,1h ~ loe m 1(11,t'J, h II be: f:Ol)C('(lU\, , ·u
...,i,t 11,h.,.1 dlt")· wr ffi.JF. SILVl'R ~POON) .u,J 1 .,...,,, ,;o mal 1 (.UII C'Allín.laD.,..,,..., d n,1. ,1,C,,.,..,.,.,· l"A.aAlll', Pmt.•,n0.1'111,\,,.,,,_ 196,,. nu, ~·
rc:n)fft'lbr:t ,.Ji.u )NU .,,uJ 11bou< Joinf: J.m)' !Arbm) in dotlltS lor .-J(IP ... u QUIKIU V.l(t...'< .. T n111 Uu•)llll,· r .. ..- Ol'I Nl:T ......... .J O..v .. ,... N.O.DII .nit
nn J \'. lt11U:11'1.N:, MIT 0"1 MlflQ.QIJU,."I' IXtA•ll'IN) ~ú (:lf'f'l toa n111 },,"'nXIII',, L"ffl.AII
(U,d/'!r'1 ll.,:..1.1rduldmú l,1<..h101"J bm ,í I Jo t01.1IJ I Jn btt wuh ,1 IN..,,. APan, 1) f(KttA.ID to .,.,.._,u Cu.l•.7'1C:• l..u.~uu:,,, a~,;o 10 MI)
~m~ of ~pln\J,JVJUr pns. hkc l1er bc:i( in~I\ t'nom1om u1nk or J ~ nl,OT TIIIT l' ... I,. 1'11J),-n.. ,.. •• •11:m.1. , ,...,, "-'" /'li,ollWG'uux, -
l~N ffi ...~ (;.Allf..lAj ~ Cfl.l.oll'il-.C JO ~n, 11.,0 ,W,c.f!IJ' l•US"'""' fl) ffff;NIU
-...h1lt' f'l'IOU',C' ,mJ 1 ..n luolm~ for rlw: fac.o ul pbtn wh"h 1 ..,.·,111M
.JtOF ,,.<Y 1,111,, 1'0 <A a,'(,J' """" ~"' 01D nu.'i!CL n,1 -~ll.,o,,wJ) • »- ""
talhrr lind tl-...u1 ~n\'lh,n,;. ,mJ 11 1 toulJ fO In ph11w,:tr.eph che ll\·ing I li,1\""" NJW ~ ca.un-
puutn;U 1hc· l..i.,i;,u1.1 lk.1,h An Fc<.,i.,,ll (Jo )'oll i.111111;.1,"'I.' 1h,: {l1p¡,in,:
in )t111r ro.J;ct'I 1 "'·1,ulJ h1h hhil.r-.
Tlw: oouoo q( vnnncrs oí :ill kinds 11,m¿:\lcs lin a.s wdl, /,. lis.t 1lu1
·~1111 in htf 196l ll{lf)01n1mtn1 book (lbt ll't..,..,.
thr u,,,,lfff'I, ,bt-t,
tht fmt, n,114/,, ro#tlJN, f-.1,t(t>Wfl,1/i,y, Sttrtt Rita) ,s a lwbingtc oí
tht mort compktc p«IJ«C su.i~tnl in 11 1962 Nocrbool: (No. 8).m
Thi\ Í$ foll&,t.'<(i b)• f'la~ cf C\"nll$ sJIC' h3.s. tnC'.Jn:'hf:d :and pla:,1$ ((1
I b,t.\'\' M llnil't' to J.."t"I onp••ht·l'l'. h is niu• m con~ to• 1wn ,\( iA.\1
.ulll .,.,,ilk around 1hc bl(l(l. M) brown )U!l{;U(' IS MI 00 t!IC' w.incc bti)
• me 1hru wmtboJ}' dM""', d'tuf l-•t J"Cfflólp " •·111 li11J mi: ,n 1lw
mtl. M.J)' 1.w1t"h u, a m"tt dn 1V111 n.11.111; 111 KT ~·m(" lnd,:in, Utcr. 1
,lrq, 1.11.J '<.&k ,1 5111 ul tiO} umr\ ;1n.l íoq.« whl'R" J .un w d...wn dm
lt'W:lffllff CJmt' ,l( .a, .... eee Jiock 1lunk tli )UU .i lot D.
-~.., "N> Au,.,..ll••n ,_. .. n ...., ...... Ju• ,6, •9'1-l'
I nnrd )~lc-rJ.i)· i:n..l ffi) 1.m1\,1..,., '"'•I\ not lr...t .cnJ J '<1.\n·111rnl ~u
u 1\ .Ali quue JwJ. tu behoe 1 ~:,:-m to lle" liv,n~ ,n 11'1(, l.q, c,t .....1u1 i,
w1th 1!1e ml.>it unuuCTo1hl1; luin.U')' m .a ¡:o,,..'nll.l\ hou~ llfl d1e «e.an
bmh .uuun,J ,mJ u1TM 11'1¡.; ,ul 111.1tduot ll){lm lumi"ShtJ ".'llh lxlC.l,g.1111v1I·
k.i cttn ~ .i.ft' • chouwnJ ttlOl'ln .1nd nJ)nk, .md mrc1N-1 ,1.n,d wusd-
OlA!<t A."tl ••on.a ~ a«'""*'• oet,,'TU~ 1'0 f.fQI IW
.i.n,.l .a lu~'W.' l lu,t ollld
11>' ,l,t,,1', ~N- ...
1(1.~ \.l~~ UC"\~f wn,._ 11.uul}' Rvl.11 '><'Cl'll tu
.. 1>'0. COl'<Ul>a<tl\U ~. tila !"~-.. 1/11<!1(.0IU> .. l<I) _(OI ._..." t,.,',l.. u, .. ,,.
br ll1t m.un~t.1)) ol lhu b,,md1ulcl .Jl'tll lhtrt 1• .mnplc ...,w·Jram.a eran• ,._,,. TIU C0MMITl1tl l'OII NoN,\"oot,nn-AC"l'ION'l 700<MIU -WAur; r011 hl,o" AMI
~I"'"'"~ 1• wh,c:11 J.unn .\fawn. d1e n-al J.i.rni,1 M.uor1 1h,11 u. rlJ~')Ofte ttr, (111, .... ..ao:a, PAIIL ~~
.. HK Mi IT "'-»fD
Tkr.v 1()11>'•0 ,11i:
'flU.tlllG,M W()()DM)tY, N J
'""'°''u M,\IIOQI es ,n
., p_..._ ,\&O!,(l an:. ,o·
lll-dw fh,¡ran,e,n. 11w,,· J,, 1hn wub buf l<"Ss ((lnvktl4llll th.m
n'lol\" gt:l(("
W',U f\. ... UHI 111,-..-t'l,II ,u·, N(woo ... 196~ *""' W'ffM , Plt(Jf(o .. "°"'
mcl\t mirle bu1 u i~ u.JI '<t h.i.n.lvime ch.u oc1e ,~m•1t un: unu 1 eee
W1:"I too mu~h. HuJlflf 11nJ Robt lottrn u, be r,i)11'l¡. ;1 l,;,nd ,,¡ cmoc,nn.
,,.¿,,.,. ~?.L
S,n«- 1962 whcn • l'lm WOJ>(«I thc- 21/, Í()fflla1,,he ~ bttn pnnuritt
bt1' \qUJrl' pK"ruro on 11 "M paper m tbc i.1ual manner. wtth • &m.
$harp tdp: frumni¿:; rht- IJIU!,.'t'.. A1 pom1 ,n 196)-lr~h n
,n.61, 1"-1101'llo(UM n1u1u.,lh, or rus hc,r .trm, ru ...n,J C"\~l)uitr ,n ,.""'' u·n
1.-kmn.l .i.n,J mll,l'lrilL) .111J a "'1t1 tlt fl•.i<.l)· jfJt"l'l<hh,¡, wh1(h \\ t tld·
Tilt' Edlnit lbuul"$ P'OfKI 1ha1 $he tw b«n puma1ng oo her -0wn li:ir I
(C",.. )'C'".&n-kl íor wltJ(h sht lw aln-ad}' tnack I nW'Yllxr of p,ccurn-
10Íhllf'I \JJwbl.
füu.Jly ~uh,i in .an 11.ssi1,:nmr111 from F.sq11m. In II lcucr d.ucd Au,:1111 9.
196). and signtd SillfffllJ, .1.J tttr' ,fllr
fr"lltd, f-brold f-b)'t.s"·ritcs: F"'
1...,,rrt A11..h h1n!C'J ur. ~') ,u. ;1. bt,. .al ,Lo.nt..11,J. 1 !.M. w,1h 1h.,· "" l'<M1J: ¡-um, ,,,, a«tpl.lblt lt-llry ht.mftrr rr/tr-ml I# i,J "1\ft.ew11) P111•11f1."-," ,n// /ld'J
1>11. solrtnn, nw•rm<llfi·l'll ,J wu h h,-. h,111 eembed Juwn 111 • .i;tc-.it "',1,,;- 1• 111 rlx w, o/$.:.so 11" /'dl"', rtt;mllns o/,t.,,- a111W111 #f toa "'"1«•;1-
mtt lu~q('. (1L1 l}.ubr;l '.\ttt"t u,.-.1 ~lof1:" o&fl)uOC' bd11•\,.J m l,n pl,y 1111 tht Jli'/1,.. /Jfo.' 11111 fQJJOJr tJJIJ jlf? fo,!¡ 1' 1111t"! INI, UC' 111/1 /IJIJ,.
-'"'l>"N:•--o nn-, •'4, "JJWt,wlg_unsNJlllt{ $400-11mt 1/,,, 11111.J d-lU /,¡¡r"" 1111u,,:raif•I mr¡.
,,«r >• 11rt 1"'"'11111rt#11, tctl .,,.,¡¡,/,olOf"-'f'IJJ, Sllt' con11nues 10 W'Cd on
M.in) Jf•r'l":m..1 uo \\ ;,.J \, lni:ilmJ;. t•J.J ,,nJ m ;1 J1lkft'l11 , um
1his pro,r« íor a.1 IC'iUc die ncxc s.,x mor1dl!), ,ouu'lj,t down bntf dcscrep,
frum m.lW l ll ,~ H·r,, hb ,, v.r ...~·I i.n.J in thc n¡IJc,,.1 .,....,,}' 1 fir,J lum
tions ol prois:Ji«titt wb;C'(u shc- ~,nm".S(,vcr.il phoc.:>gN~ •PIJt*r
1ru..,¡11,·onli}' ;I\ u ho: "'ttt' REAL 1,n·.1,~:1 1 k- w.1-1. v.('".ir,n¡.: .;on ~"~-nilC"
to h:i,~«>me ouc o/ u. as wdl a, dw- dr.afi ol III tott intmded co lttO!!'lpt-
•rn, ,,. cor,for,~· dun 1 '" '-1'l..., lotol h1m,1: M.:cJ,uk d1anJd1cr~ a11J he
ny ()flt' o( thc:m. As a SfC)C')', ho,,.T\-er, 1t ,_, fll"\'l!r pubhshcd ti,
"f'IY.m:J ,,, lx- t11d111~ "'ll'l111h1n¡.: ... h,ch '" n,,1 ,1n.1~ llr u.>.n,;,l .a
,,~ ¡¡bt,u1 hint.· he l11o.l ~ot m • f1~h1 "',ch dutt !l")" \\'llPh ... l ¡umJ't<I In .-cordancc 11,·11h arn~m,mu nuck 1he Jlff"loCIW srnn~
lum bvt !~li.aJn'r ht¡.:,,n 1h.- ..1o,,.,.. w,rh ,Jfl\ Uf),.YI>()'. ....-, 1 'A.li 11\ftnm~ llt M,u.,.,n br.id's J.U88<tSoon a..nJ IN)'bt with JOmc hdp Íl'Offt bim •
m,IJlt· 11,t., n qu1cd~ hr <'f'<'l'IN lm nlouth 1'1<.-.C \ti') .,,..,¡J,· bu1 1 ~t•l~'- he ~IO~hc bc-i1n:s 1N<hmg II pl101ogr.aphy course ,n die íall 1t PuSOtt5
t..Lld~· oprm. 11 .u 11-ll .mJ 1hc·ft' "''" ;1,¡~c \ti la.Q:c n )«Tfll,J .u tf II Hlt.llJ School l)( Dct.ign on Tl><'Sday aí1cmoon.s. Tilt' cl.i.M mclOOCS. .abol.i1
..:romnllll<W,· b UC' 1-11ccd1 wl11\h 11,1·ttn'11hnt- ;11 .ill 1l1,;) kflOl·k.t.1 ·,·m ,..,~h-c nudn1u md. ahhoo,:h shc- lw a«'n$ 10 die P.inom darluoom
OIJI ,u.,.1!1 llC'w.i.J 1buur 11 .\ti l l,ml1·or1c ~1-1)''\ l.1ltt'l.1t• ""IIHh 1) el.,.. ÍOf 1~ing f'1f))(ll$C'$, 11 ÍO('\l.$(';S pr1manlyon phocogr.aphic wignrnmo
,.."Unl llung l'O'-', ,,n ,In'" an\'bnJ)·. llt' \,Ud ¡nncmt11nlr. Su n,,v. cht ,t.nd ctniqun.
tOj"' .ut &110/..1111:. for .\1l he w.J ""id, lr.i\)' ialtt "'m. lur .i ~11)' 'A'Ílh •
1'ht Mukum o( Mockrn An indlkks l""'O ()( 1hc scvcn pru11i acquattd
hlac.k I ffl,n ;1nd :t n-,I h.ind.uu. 1h.u'\ ""h) 1 m \\~unn,i.: th1,, fin¡..--c:n•IJ;.
(~ her che yC".u bdoff..-Rt"'lircd m.,n and his wúc :u homt m .a nu.:lin
u wrurmptUtJW.l) !ti'<' b,,~\l11n¡
C'..&.mpCflC' monun.s. N.J. 196) (p. 25J)aod fc-malt 1mptl10fU;tOt'S, N,Y.C.
l961 (p. ).8)-m lt$ r.u grou¡uM·. RIIC'ttd Ñq,>IJIJIIIIO: P~.~ ltl
Tl.ut'J 1ht t1\fJ II u, Dcane wnt" 1n • kuW oí wls1ful i.umm;i.ry :ibo-H •p¡)!ym_g 10 1h(' G-usscnhcim l~11'1W.rion- íor • f'tnc-.•.JJ ol hC'f 1961 ftJ.
thm young peonte midw,1y 1hrl.)ll11th 1ht- preee. y....., f,,:,m lbt, "" lo....-1,Jupgr.at11, slie 6tcs lhis tllh1bitiún, aloo¡; wnh an carlkr sroup ~
(7111g I# JP 1111if t/,,y ~ 1Jtn/ /,r;, /« ;1NJt::,,:.:tggrt.Htt1mf JÍf#-.,JIU .tlftd 11 tho!- UniYe11iry oí Wi$1:Clf1$in,tJlim II l.isc o( wod: ai:complishcd. The lis!
all11Ji 1111J u.l,.vtlff>I, 1111 utddtlfl)' JO. ,ni/ (Nlt t/llto 1bt "*'" o/1/H 1\'f'· t,1n t'A'ffll)'·Íour o( llt'f pholographic wbtr(cs as "''tll, lfl('lucL~:
Gr.ti, &tNlt J\f'l'J &tll 11.,/104,tl(#P,1"}-J: G;RNO (G.,N.-1/1.t. 8.#tÑll,JNJII/>* 1 ;11n r~~I II n "' 11 "º' dn·.un:- í"'lflk t".ath oil1en ...nJ roJlci.d)
Rop,1;.. Pltn11rf-~'l'-· ..... trr1.l¡;11J)... Gmm,J: ~; Rfrt',.Roll l,k.- (lff\hnN, oí br,mdin 1IW' book "mul11¡>!) 1n,1t ,n mr MI .111 h.&vt"
t""'Jl5: Tn¡Jd11,.,,,.1JtJ, 1/"'1, "8twtl-~. .11"', "'<lf'1,aJ pl<>1~r"f'hmi:: .i. v.«I,; ur "'· (111,JJ h..,,: bdtt''t'd ,11 borh
th( ,cu,h ,111J mnou-r1c.c •4 rht•~,..rhm8 (,,..Ju~h I l"".udt e.al! thr
AJ ttqurs,1('1), $h(' summui~n 1hc- cicle oí htr ptN«II pos11,on. cur·
bun«th rnlltttK1nJ, 1h1•re ,llt' ihr"" 1ho11'-\11J th,n.i:1., (ar.. !) dw mcft'd.
n:1u sa.liicy. m11r11.tl st1uw, ;a.nd tht- numbc, 11nd 11gn oi htt c-luldrtn:
1bk rl,Ac- '11.·ht"' it U)'\ \fumfl'I), ,,..¡i,tt, ,lv 1rn.1.¡:t'.' uwnc (r. 1 .-.i
I .,,. ti pJ,ot-,,,.,frh,r (/ml<111tt) 11,ul l lu1v tlftJ«t:1/u,, 10 u.s<I, plJ#o!rJ•
t'1'1\h.arr.i..,.'>l.'I.! l"'oi 10 ""mt· 11 l l"',·1·111 c,u rNJ 11n)1hm,< 1 u> h:-l1t"'<J
p/J) "'7r'f·II- .ti 1& P11rJr,,t¡ Srbffl o/ 0f11J# lillotttlHr I '8"" "~'
$4000 ti,.._ I 11• M.lrruJ. ~, Yp.m,uJ• .,.,¿ h.,,.,
tu'O dnldn». 11K,rd
Uffn W lk,s-•&11:,lo...--. '*4,~1111"'-• t~'•
tlnt• .1•d ,..,,.,,. Ntrnemv'i. bool: :1lso ronrn,ns musinss on the 1Mtutt of u'l"8~ and
JI,, rt.q top {"'1&,; t fu1r Ir.mm:/ Jo J;;tl fUJI ti,, "'1or, f,- J/x Mlluk /O
,,,,.,8"• A.t I /,Jrr itrtt'l't' 111""1 l'-1 /or pl,,lot"o'tlu, TI,,"'• m1rr [O,anrl
1bt i11·ú:k. Ow •il,u, Ju;/$ t# attOJI#. l 1,J11J lf 6r .1/Jlt ,o follwi On cht n <J /"'O{am,r,J ¡,l;,,,t~.,¡,.1-. uM f1<l,rra ,,,, 1ptrt1m1/r,r, J»<i111i ,¡,..,.
1atl'IC ~t. as a Í<loloott. slW' addi.: FOf' rxi,-,.t,. ,~~~
11 tm11,,, 111,#N• .,,J <Wli'rNlrJlt fft "'"JK''
ptffvt'JI ,uJ ·- <f,t.,jJ, """11;.,J
tr-.s,u1w.m11, ,,mg 11#11, 1.mo,td ,,__ tht 11,,ltlrt,, o/ 1/x rt11 r,r/,), Th.
f"O"P .¡JONstg R1hd1m, 11 1.mrt1 o/-&"'· .v rtllfflllf»J ''*'" IN ,/;,,
,fu!t -~ 110 V·""' ,~m In the Umt' ltner 10 him l)11ne ttJ>lifS 10
S-,lntfll, ., -· Á11tJ o/ i\ln1i4b. ;1 p,-mrtJl!IIJ' Utopú11 tMlt .ibf ¡,{11'1 10
t1J.Ji1Jl, thf,-/111 o,, 11 _,., 11/t1Jll(l &.i.wlNJ ofJ1f/trolll dl»tK trM/IJ. ITY'• 1h1s a.s "'·di:
J,JJ,t mJtlllt,,/ IJ/'ff, d M.1/llllt'tty tÍtU.tl!•
11'1t" cw1J)- 1h1n.s: 1lu1 l uiok ¡1enu11allr m dl<' w,1y cif l«!in~ kll1 ,.t p<••M·
Rc,admg htt bNxhcr I I0'11,·Md N(ffltf'OV's mcmotr.JONNt.,/ ,{ 1ht Fitmr tJ .n ~,1.1, clW' l1u 111 tn) phhl~r \.llhtc,,. t m.mm ,1,h1, h n-.-1 l1,,r a di.ti)'
l.,j, (Rutg(ts. Un1,Trsuy Press, 1')6S,-.... l:u>il of 1;1¡>tSCty c0mposrd oí uulvs~ <1nJ ¡1tflwr,, dw h;m¡,or.iq· utm¡,1100 ,1ou ,:-r.u I me liom
unfin~hcd fic1ioo. mtd1tauDM on wn1111,i. lin,oo Dr thl' 11uhil11y m do wt1.11 )uU u\· ,1.buu1 rhucm.:r.1¡,l1y, "fod1 h.;..lu"" u "0111) tt'fflJ'Of"M1
'°' l'fflllkc:1ioru. o( hi.s (t,1Jdhood ;anrJ hit íamily: cJ~ms lllld htS 1m(r· mJl,..C\ J 'i()fl hil.lntlU\ ~1(' {\\~IJ11<11 \O l114Jlfl\lS, \.tlt' Wf!fN In tht
1-m:•tionsof tbcm. 1,u.ns and 1okd ••'<I
oditt fr"8,l"tnu-d,c1ts thc ful. m.1t):1n) 1ht· "1lcn1 J1Jln,i;U<." Wt" h,H lw,J 1IJ (lllr l"r flfl 1ht- m.111N"
lowing mponw from Ou.n.r: 1\ 1hc- mnrr t'lilr-Jt1rJ11Uf')' lur 11, lur \lo~ w,-m 10 h.n~ hr.ar,~
hdnrh 1 ,,,..uJ.c. \\llh \t.Kh an Uf}:C'f'lt nn.n..,11\ to wrue \'OU not m)' l.1.,1
...,rJ .1bout "· bu, 1t hi!' me wuh J km.l of<om.1¡:iun, IWll p~Í)l.'I)' ,1t SllC i n,•itcs him (O Sf.l)' ;ac 11« plact if hr tan whn, ht is m wwn nn I ht l 2rh
d10U,:h 11 ""O\'ni)' h«ll. bu1 l l'('(tltt'h.rc w nc-.iri) C\t't)1h111;: 11, 11. l1k<- 1nd ~ • 1 poM:sa!pl, Thm11 "K"'" dt.tl-, UJJy ,a .,JJ .u"" -.11
Jama Bmwn is schtduJN ro 'flPt'""
.11 ~~iJOn Squ;are G.-rdrn in
Mmh~ tht ,&a 6ot an ¡uudl' 11bnuc h,m orittinatcs widl Oi;U1t. ,.,)1(1
ha.\ 1«11 h1m rn pt"rÍ1imunc:c ;11 1ht Arollo Tilt-atrr in H.1.tlrm.m 1ñis
1s 1hr fine o(four ~11:til'IC' p,c-ttS sht (Olbbor.uci oo ...,,¡,h l)oon
do di(' 1•lioeog:n1..,3, 1'hc arudr ii ddi)·C'd and finally llh:indoncd 11ím ..._._.,o,, no :1o1 ... ," ~. 1#.-·1 <WO...~f11ua':\ /\to l',n.Til•~--.;n.,.io.o.t,.
Bu, 1hc wb,«tdocs noc tDt.ttly if\1t'l'dt her as" lmJ t>f ""',,.,_,_,,
1t11t"""14o, le i:s Oflt oi dit S«m Rllt1 $he ~ to pho<ogr.i.¡)h, SIM'
goa. m ~ oí wslllns ooupl« among l\tr fnnt<k ami acqw.m·
t)ll(('S,I•' Otmh Ansd l'tt'alli bring .W:C'd-nd d«lining-to poik'
naktd with hrr hui.b.md, kulpcor ~lo 81Ag.giar11. T• 11"'-ftmMt
,nrh •, '*',. Ansd b1cr ~ru;.1"1t) 5111' pboc:og~pm ~,u in ,.•hich
shc is• pani(1¡'1Ult .i.nd l()ft'M"óÍhcr own 1ndi-v1d\W $('.11' JllUllkl'S pos.1ng
nahod m t.hr a.linnu1h l1w d\lll«13< <J rrndtt,tig ,n 11. phoc<ISraph
iOfflt'fhifl& .ikin 1odic:caprricf1Ct'ofbi:ins 1httt 1n1ri~IIC$ her. AhhC1ugh
sbr princs • tiumbtt' oi cllelt' picn;ircs. sbc rtgmk the ,n¡¡,ont)' oí ,hrm Co.-.T.AoC'f s..,n ••1'6, o,, .-,11. 19JIJ ur:9t/'1'...,,., °" tllJ ''"ª nu ..ru f,un• "~
u &1lurt'S m 1ht c:ttms shc prtteribcs brrsd{, íor wlu1 .shc pt:-rtti\'tS as f0..11.•,rlU:tl IIV O.. ..,.- .O "''° 11nM1 11' M1.l)f'IUQ,. .M.,,u.ot,011 U!T'I .. , ... , lloU(,I l)u.,,:1
,u,,-.i,f, 31\1) .. ,., "-'l.l'IIUl(lo. Og,I.IIU"j }llU" ls,661\<;t '"'C.ll>'JI.Nt'nO." .,...,. ..
1h«r l,d,: of croiirism •nd authe1mci1y,'"' 11111'1(;1_. IIV 9t O.'ll\&D1''USll.lltll
Among her acqi.wntalKC$ "'1fh1n tl1trommunny o( doeumwtuy Jllio-
togr,t,pbm, o(b(r era, m Dddmon ro \'(':Jkcr E,Wti, Robrn Fnnk, 11nd
Ltt F'ncdlandtr, .i.rt Gury Winosnmd. Brece D,w1dsoo, l.alt}' J1ink,
Ben f.tm,;n(ln, D..tnn)- L)'()C'I. Duanc M1(Neb1, .,-t Jod Mc)"ffl'.l"' 11it..""'
Ahhuty:h d1t 1S noc ~n OÍ A wmmut:my-aod dldt' IN)' in facr be no
com.munny 10 be 1 ¡.vt oí--d1t ciltcn •ncnds a C'olleagUC"·s txhib1tion.
'mltU da.u (lf •'l:>t~hnp U • ,;IJ('jt, (lf ffl('('tS up wi1h ()OC of 1hem whilc
tl)lfflin,i: ,br Sll'ffl$ or ancodins pubbc evene m wtuch d~ylup¡x-n ro
1llUt' MI incffl$l. Mt)'l'tOw1tt's dncnpuon of h1s c111COU1ilt'l1 w1th hC'f
m.l)' be: 1yp1eal \T', ~Jd _,.., ,1,a,
1trf,wqkltl f((;11W,,,1 &J- m.lftt:t i,,rJ
1At# ,p,raJ 11• ,_,.. .-1u• 101h t.1tb «.htr J*lt dnfr,11,:..11,rll( Jbt /»,·/ h.r,/
ffWfl, tr nul ,ht /t111•iÍ #ffft.th111t dw 1u1wuJ r. dA .. A f,1, lltfltJ .i, ,i//
lltllt .f.'fl t• hfr "-Jt ,O J« Uf'!. 811t tJ»I ¡¡·,1J tl,l'l•
HC'f bed u. tbc Ol;lrii:$ Strttl (llrri•SC' hoosc- o«up1Cl a far coreer <Id~
l1v1t13 room and •s ,1t'Jllll'IUed from t~ ttSt <I thc l'QOffl b)· a seseen oí
lftrg'IW' •uthrt,bc,ittn woodcn pb:nks h1hgcd togtthcr. PmneJ ro
bolh ~lel o/ ,he SC':rffll ffl' dil,PI\J;S, pounn:ls., 11nd • numbtr o( h«
o.TI. mosdy r«tnt. roush prims on 1orn C'urling sh«u ol phoco,i:r.,_¡,h·
i( papcr. ()d,c,c pru\t:S llff seored in boxft m 1ht adJl«ftl C'Sois,c,c undcr I
,l:lllC&1(-. Oti thc.,w, occasic11» whctJ slk shows somcorw her work. shc Tl<u;i
°Tkl AMu~,
,,,,..,.,.,., ~" n,, Jt~v •066 ~,.o,-
,~- ,...,.,¡ M.u.vos1 .....n o., 1,a
U.u.,u'I D .. to\M .u
•OCW'; (llltl19" un}
1111,Ully does fo() littt. .S,.¡.,,,..,...¡.u:w,,- ll1t,M'I} A(;.."'0 .\l<,TIW
A lett« írom Ounc w jilllld M.uhias daccd )une 9, 1966, rqxins dkol.1
sht IUfl-, to b(gu'I l'ltf G,,1sgcnht:1m pro,ttt on Jul)· 1, lt<JUC'S'~ .. To ()111101 196' ftlC)fOCib!'M Of' MOll(IU Of' THt L,-.o(.l!a ..O.- S,....,n. .. 1 Dl-»"o'lff Of'<
0.. 'nNOJMV ~r
flll l,0,- 1'HIJI M11ull(l()o; m:Al)QUAl!TJlU, l~~·l,QN
Wbotn h M11y Conccm kuct, (OOfi,m,: p¡)'fflffll arnllJtefflcl'lis, and ()f
"n-.,u,1 lunt o ~V
..... IMatfl
mm u'l a l>OSU<npc: ro 1lw- rntl<M'd doet0ir's 1,,o,J 14'0f'II: ~ norr fMm
"" (;L ...... IID }otlN ~~"
u,;r.z¡l,1 iff't h.wl, d.m1tt .,,,.¡ mv.ilrllf «1',1J11t 1hf ,;q, o,r/J 111u«.kJ 1111 \k)" And di(' l.m¡,:u.1J«u foll ul rnoot\· 11W'rt- 1, J 111'()N l.&111.'J wndo
unJIJR( dfl#ll tffl"IIM'm, Jv.1 .¡,n~JIJfl,lt!N,I tbt l'flflfi,lt111r,{ 111.bJKnlr1 • muuum wnK"Ch111.i: io de>" ith t(".ll ~, ..,t. h ·~..,.. r1ttt'1\ CHl)"••httt. AnJ
'"' '111 thr /ff'l/'M"HJ of 1ht ,A"rtf•U,L In Tlx Nrtt• )~ Ti""O l'("V)l' .. ('flU· lt1µIH1'lt' º1<'""" skp,l.f.lJ'd'. \\. h,m in) mc,1hcr 1:1)' \ht lt".ÜmJ (~,nie-
tktl -p(Of)lt Seen >\$ C11ri()S1t)',-JM:ob Ocscbin wmes,; (SI~) 1«!fl1 to 1h111sJ ,he Jc,c-¡.;,i"1 tnc-,111 o1n ut,1¡.:h1 ,l1e mcam rrofo oc'l ;1.n m,n,mtn1
ffl¡,,,,,.1 IO 1/,f f!W(J(/W ,,, l,fr.••l~ 11 o«,mouJIJ .t 1,J,JJr •Nac,1t~ of ¡\)!,: nv: ,1bw1 On.!1pu\ \l.llortl l ,uc,i,:, horiK bc,..ilWoC' l 1hml.. 1 rr.1lsm.l
\l:1mc1hin,i.:. ·lñ,·rt- i~ a la~ hut' ,1¡:,1m,r mini,l..,ra bu1 thq·
1,,1bi,,. -· -.l 1hn, J1J111tJ 1/rg/NIJ "trh ., 1,,vr 1,,m t/b.-. 54WK11""' al't' tuo
11 IKNJI '1t d.JrJ, 1/Jt p,m,,, W!kf'1 do;r10 po,r Mir.:.- And m 1he )l;m'h C'fl1Nrr.,~,-c;J ICJ in•CJkt- u h 11. .1;\ if 1 .,m ,1 ht,c.tumln,,. w.tmn., .1iuJ1
20. 1967, is.sur~Nn.u1'«,_ Ann luy 1'b.nin-who 1mt'I"\,c..,..'W Ch.t.111r w1II \\e- be w~n "t' J;r~· olJf A thuuwnd IUJI~ O.
8) dw md ~ l'oU1Tlt, shr 11t plannm¿. a crip to FluridJ 11~1 )IW )('l'f1n 10 1~i1t .út"óltt,111,wm/ 1111,ht-rt ,\l,i11-111gJ. ,_,., 1rll rcll'fWtNJ •.,.. An'ltl
rtJltd at IC$SC in pan ;IS :1.n de'.tp:' from 11~ 1-'>· ;11ma,pht>rt tt1$tn· r«uUs st,-c.nd conv(fl:11ioru. wi1h Dilln<' lllx1u1 pl,.,11gr,1pl,iq tbr
drrtJ h)• thc s.bow. Sht- nspundi 10 a lme-r from $t('w;in S1t'm. F11tt1.t1111Ut.1N Hfttl ,,, .,/1 IIJ i\l,,,.,, tlO').""' an ~ignmcm 1hat Ankf,
Se. Ft1tkr, w.nd 01ant' can11n1,1t to hope wdl hl' fonhcoming (rom
You WUlloJ ....JJ,,')' ;111,l w1lJ .iod m1\C'f".i.bk .and I Jmú kncj,11,· but }~'41 tn.11.k· 1/,1,ptri n.,~,r. lwt as t\OS(-1 l,utt t'.xpLun1,, lt 1,.11 lllft "¡/.,11•-.,,IIM
l'llt' ln·I ~111d l 11m J,l'CMllJt m flc'IOl.b l,,r I O d.&)') e,~ h l.aixlmhle anJ
ll"Nt~J "/11r '"" ,-,/t/(,r,. " r,;a/ l'JJl,1'\
M1Jm111n.J 1 ~h.1noc> wlk'IT'rt dk 1r;1H·I bmc.hurn 1tll m('. Jm1 to rho-
to,.::r"f)h \Vuh tlx· C.u~~nlinm mnnt'I 11'k' di,,,.. w,u ~rlc-n,I.J bu, tw Follo" mg 01.tl\c's rrcum w Ne-w YQtk in rarly Aptil. llil"r 1ntt'fftl.S as
m..n1· ufü .1nd kUt"l'l .-00 Vl'Ofk' dunk,11,i:. 1.un ,m t"Xptn m U'lt.r ...f1bl} 11. photogr-.aphcr f'INWl1pl h<-r 10 aucnd ai, umuuaJ n11mbt-r oí 1•ublic
IQ'\·Jblc- J eeed u, be foriom and .1noo}'ITl(IUS i11 «Jcttu be- cruh l'lolpJ'J C'\'tn1.s-. bcxh poli1.ctl .-nd SO(aal,,.,. 'nie«' indl.tdc che- Roo,¡;c t'I Nou
(.iC'1 M¡¡:1tt )·te J1)tl U"}' 10 ~•rn !\'Y lfs a ruu: rl~ w v"u l».11 at thc Nt'w 'l'ork J Mron. 1h(< 1 k.1r1 A!.SCK:tJUon Dall at dlt'
\V.tlcicl,r( UQCcl. tlk Sprn\g M<tb1lu:mon 10 End ,~ W/.ar 11\ Vie1nam
oo Apfil 15, che ma«h ro *Suppon Our McD ,n Vit'll'lam* on M,y
SIIC' kr.a,'ff fur F1. bu,ltnla?,c, on M:it(h 25 11nJ scnds M,,.iv,n Lmll'I 11.
1 ;, 1u,d 11. J turnan Hc.fn 111 Ccncr.tl Parli's Shecp', MC"Jdow m Jui-..""
po,$(..anl írom MU.mi t'ffl>Until'lg iri bnc:í llt'r &1Jcd anemp1 to m('tt
Slk hcsins <(>.lmdn111g a mp ,o $ln Fr.:.11c,sco 1111d iu.:b P.aul
with 1bt ll'#li/1 Grr.,/nt ,~,_/, PtlUl/1 Phologr.tp/,w. 0,1t1n)' Ytcgtt,1!0 S.,.lstNltní 'i lld\·1ct •
._,ho Ílsc'liwn htt bue whct whc,, chey spol« ,,,,, "~') 1/ IUI d.tuwn¡.'11
/Nmi/t ~,rJ U'".) 1.-oHiJh. ,/MJt i«11NJt / fu1t ht.mJ ofbtf' 11 d#, ~ fo/lott· lk-.at P.-ul, '"'"OUIJ II br 11 ,:oo..! thin1,: if 1 ,;,.n tu lome In ~n ¡, m cht
tl:Mt lht ~I Jx.m/ .¡-. SI~ t'onducb Wtth chis $W!'ltlUI) OÍdk pi,n,, bt·,i:mmnJt ni J11l)' 1 111vultl c~ne m no otiio.al l,lp,kll}' Art chcrt tw
/~ ,,-.,,f,J /,, f'{t,,Jtd J,rr, "11111¡ IHt,I 11 /or &tkt11.and dien ~lds ~ an IT\,lll)' 1.f,u10¡:r.a¡ .. lt'n. ú,uJJ )"fllt be- m}' ll\Uck.
ffltnhouglu. /t Gtlffltlt /,, IINJi.StJl/llllllff 6111 tlNJ lÁf lfOI 4'«(/tt 1#1 /}ltrl,1"
l.1u1u.11 AH.roi. A.'V MAtrn."' •~.-:t• ..toTO,,;,.o.r11x. 'll'OU."9IOP .., Av,...,......, )ltl*I, , 10 lMT ,.sn, srurr.oo; ft ,,_, 111, ,i,61 ,,,, un, Ko•A•D 11\'llX»o. M.uv,s hMU
('"WY VIIIIIU .. 111.w A•lDONi.. TIII rllOTOOll'1NI .. IIJt.(l(U "'ºº" ... lUX,LJ .....'"' ,::,.,.. "(~ l'-Vo'U., u......y,,. h1v,n Mll'<'!,,(,;la1<.,or,r 1)t.,i,.:1 ..,..."' .. CK..,llrffl ..... )i«., ...'"' H
GK>, .... 1.1.Wl)o
Appunid)' h15 ttSJl(ll\k pctSIMdn ber, Sbr lt',1.•-cls oa Amrril!ln A,r,,
i1ntl, 11mvmgJuly 6 uschNulf'd. ~Hll)'S m o he.Mol~ •e S91 W1ilkr
Scrm in ,hr- J 1.Ligh,-Ashbury. ••htrr Sa.lsuo.m is Ji...-ins wuh a group
o(,..~, ttSISU'.11.. Sl1r fi.Dlb 5;¡n f'r.lllC'.1SC0--•·,1h ll$ glui o( hipp>CS,
a,1.m$1$. 11nd ;nurmtiu$-ClflpttS<•~C' In a ku« to htt brothct Slk'
<onksscs: C;1/,f#in1.t.. "''hit fftt qw.,,1 ,,,r,l r'1ft111áu1td. P,.,..MJ J Jtok u
,,,_.,11,. Sht- bb.mn. ber Í•ilure re meer wnh wmtr ~y f\.o)'lc--.-
mrnd oí Ntffltrov's whom sht knows and •'ho d a mtdrnt of SJ.n
Frlacisco-oo thc l'act tha.t sJ,c- ,~IJ11'1k,1r to 1« ""J#'N ..-!ro fil, n,a.
fon.JI,ir111t rbt,,.-
Sht uidSalumm tesve dlt' c-ity W driw· 10 Sl)111httn Vl1f0f'fl1il tbgclh·
l':f. dv:n hi:-.ad
bk.k l!ast. 1ñey pere in Oklalklm.l Cicy, wbeee S:,.lmom
&nJe tOSUI)' .. wtul('. AÚt'f lw,r n!IUffl U,> New YOO,:, OiJ.nt wnres him
tb(,i,ic tbe eest of~r trsp:
Sbr 31vtS Amy, who is \l;~.ay\1;1 CU'II¡, 1t1 upsta1e Ne"'· Yo&. rh1111CC01U11
d thc- wmmn') rmsrt'S).;
dr-u UQ)' l lu,r bren 1.1r.lll}I<" .A.\ .mph111,11, n111uv-r ""' Olhllk'f .oS •h1..c
id 1..-c 111¡.:111 1 J1t.i.MN )'00 li..J c;d;cl'I all thr p1durt.,. off ffl) w.tll
~ )OO ncnkd thr lilf'C'- (') .. w<l.ty n \.t'\'m, m lu,·C' mrMI ~s.,
e<lJJ· (uol. ~ c>thtr 111¡.:ht J 'A'('fll 10 T1nk"S ~ .i.nJ )ll,;l<lffil) thclt 1l .a
l'"blig l{t( ,m.l. 11) 1ht, m,ddk of- Hrn.:id\\.1) "'\\."hule Hb:k Sc1 1 j.:\lts\
lt 1\ wh.:-l"t' che: Auut l lucrl U.\C'o.l co be- Ir luolt'd rhr v.,1) u ""'•>Otd d
IOffi("f~ )00 k!k'a' ..... ·!ull) -·di but llold.1ú X"CTI ''CT} tttl'nti)· hMf lc"I
"'º fron1 ittth .\\e 1111!., )PU. Yuu are ,,nm,tho,..., 1hc lu.:l:bíoh(' Ot 1hc:
hkMuod « 1h,s h<1<J\(' h "nd,11)' r.1n,Sorn •·uhnuc )OO l lqot 1hr ¡:~
rlr hl:: J'ftlmh•n,: 1 hnf<' )tll.l h.r.-n' mnu¡:b rwiu l lmT p • b;,¡.p..""t'\I
IAmyt )UJt nu.
• lh
/' .
.....,.. -
'.'>c:lt fl 11 rr 111 ' ... , l')l'i
l um in an cncrmous ornare whirc gorgeous ho«..·I which is on firc. doomed. bur rht fin:
is burnin,g so slowly thar pcople are sei!l ullowcd to come uud go frccly. 1 can'r see che:
fin: bur smoke h;;1ngs thinly cvcrywherc espcciull y around rhc li~hcs. le is c<:rribly
g<.·t whar 1 must savc und J canncr t1nd ic whaccvcr ir ,..,. ~fy grandmorher is around.
perhups in rhc ncxe room. l do nor know whar 1 am looking for. what I rnusr savc, how
soon thc building wi] l collapse, whar 1 muse do. hcw long I may phorograph. ~L1ybe
I don'r even have film or canr find my camera. 1 ,u11 consranety inrcrruprcd. E,,tryont
is husy and wandcring arouud bur irs quier and a lir ck- slcwed. The elcvarurs are
goldcn. lt's likl' rhe sinkin~ Titanic .. .l um fillcd wirh dtliJ,:ht bue anxious ancl confusc<l
and runnot g<:c to tne phorographing. J\fy whclc lit(' is rhcrc. lt is a sorc of calm bur
painfull}· blockcd ecsrasy hke when a baby is coming aud ch<.· atrcndanrs ask }'OU ro
hol<l back becausc chc:y .rren'r readj-, l am alruosr ovcrcome wirh dtli,..:ht bur plagucd
by rhe inrcrruprions of ic. Thcre are cupids curved in rhe c1..·ilin¡.;s. Perhaps 1 will be
unable co phorograph if 1 savc anyching includ ing thc carnera and mysclf 1 um srrangc-
Ir alonc alchough pt·oplc are ali arouud. They kccp di,appe,1ring. r\"o onc tells me whar
do. le is likc un emergcncy 111 slow motion. l arn in rhc t.')'t.' uf che storm.
t ",. ,.... 1 •
I rt·,lll~ helit·, llH' an- tlun,i,:, whu h 11:>b<, ly woulJ St't' unl1 i I phoH,-:r.11'h(-.l slu-rn
Diam- :\rhth
Di:sne Arbus's personnJ and distincti,·r photographic woric \'Qhile Arbus was intercsred in the individual pecple .s))t
is rcoted in her sophistic:attd undcrsrandingof the ref:ltiOn· phocographt-d, sht was also drawn ro the more ephemt"ral
ship beeween phorog:taJ>hct and subj«t. In a manrt('r and intuicive idea of bt"lieí :ind to che power of myrh as a
uniquc :unons her ccmemporaries. Arbos rcndercd thc meat\$ o( a$(nbing mt"<lning to cveryda)' exisren<c. In :1n
inttr.action beeween ebese rwo pareies as a self-ccesciccs aod nge and cuhurt" rhar prited r:uionalism :and rechnolog)',
ccllaborauve mttring. Shc founcl the people she phc:,. Arbus was auuncd te) rhe :tn(ie-nt, folkloric, or ra.li.snlanic
tOSr:lJ>h«I challrnging and inrriguing, and they we1t simi- aspects of <01uemp<>rnry liíc. She dcscribed some of her
lllrly Imereseed in her. For »lt tht 1ub¡«t t>f1ht pinNrr is a!u':lyl photogr-jphic subjects as íollows: That Prr•••~le 11'6.
mtJn. iH.'f10'1111111ha1t 1he pirturr. An1l m1Jrt tow1plitauJ.1she said, 4f1/'('¿1r likt mt"Jtfphors Jomttt•hwt/11,-1htr- oNI ,ha,, we M. httko,.•«I,
and Atbus°s pictures evideece her deep in,-escment in tht RN driill'", in1rn1ril /Jy btlirf, w<h 1h, aNllx>r t1nd ÍJtt'O o/ (I n.:1/
peoplc whQ inh:abit them. The subj«1s stand oítro in tht dna.wJ by 14 hirh on,. ou·» '°""ª&'11nd fflnningarr taud and tri,d;
cemee of rhe feame: they are 1ht focus of eneneicn. as direct UI thal UI/' muy ltWJd<r ali Dr'N' again 14./x¡/ is ,'tr11Phlt t11td
and frank as in a snapshot ora folk pcainring. Their postwe ¡,..ff!ilahlt ""d pouiblt and u1Jtat it i1 10 btt()mt ut>«'L'tr rtY m.a,·
is subordinare eo the ineffnble txpression of who chty are. l>r."' Bu, rhe wáy her subjecu c-vokc somerhin,g bcfond
Arbu.s ~fanctd this ernorional invesemene in ehe subj«r thc-msch·es w.is noc thc- onl)' rcmarkablc afJ)C(t ofher wock:
with a documcntary photographt(s inrcrest in ttt0rding the se-nsc of mystcry t:XtC""ndtd to thc medium ÍtS("lf: As shr
che a¡,parenrly incidenr:al yer 1elling deuail. She was íasci- said, Thm'1 a Aind ef m.-,gir port"t" th,"t t1Htf1 tb< tamtr11.
nared by how picrures chnt wcrc purportedl)' f.acrual and YON'rt fHnJ'ing some 1/ight #JiJgir u.•hirh d1>a 10,,:(:(hing 111 {the
cbjeceive could also rcgister che intangible. Each elemenr subj«t]. For Arbus. che canl(:ta J:>0$seued ian :abilit)' 10 Stt
of rht picrorial environnltnt is deliber.uc :and espresslve of things righr, ro trace a conrinuity with ian ancient past, ro
rbe p13Ce in which rhe subjc«s are depiceed. and serves as revenl a 1nyrhologi('ftl richMSs in rh<- ullt'xahed prC'$Cn1/
a clue to beuer know them. The resuh is a body of woek Shc w1LS not a scnrimt"ntalisr, nor w:.is si~ isolarcd írom
tlut serikes ehe observer wirh aJI rhc (orce o( á peI'SOnal che concC""ms o( her coruempOr:lries, In che 1967 Nrw
encounrer. Peeer Bunnell, l'I ÍOrmC'.r curaror oí phocography Di)(°l(nr<nll show at The i\{useum of ~1odcrn A", Arbus's
ar Thc ~{useum of Modem Are. noted, /J JttmJ 10 mr, tthot only mlójor museum exhibirion durins her life-1imc. hrr
diu11rbs paple wwre 1/xin 11H JMbj«ISof1htu pia11rts, is 1ht i,11rn· work was S-hown alongside rhat oí Garry \Vanogtand and
1ily ef ,Jx;,. ¡,ouw 10 J()Nlbrauta, 10 litrrall¡ JlfJP m ;,, mid-lif~ Ltt Friedlandrr. In re1~pect, these rhrec photosraphcrs
aná átma,:d uv 01k o,mrho u·hf U't 11,r..' may seem 10 hlóvc le.ss in common rh:tn rher di<I in 1967,
.... tl-L'< WIIH , • ., '1,11,,:, ~) ( •I\I•
bu1 1hcy 1111 p:i..nicipac«I in a culrure m which phorogta· also m:ade ponmas in rhe suttt. C\"C:n sin¿,Je,ímn1c-, ctose-up
phfs essennsl narure v."J.S being reccosidered, and in prcrures o( strangers anon)'mouS1)·, 1n a greu nuny cases s.he
wh1ch rhe documcnrn.ry appl'Oich was <he ehosen m<".tns ecok a mcrhodical 1¡,prooch to sck'«ing ehe pt0¡>lc- shc
Ñ'lil- daing so. In rbe ~11 paeel ch:n served 10 introduce 1he dt:picctd: she somenmes found ehem rhroogh fCk';lrc'h 2nd
work to che public. John Sxarkow$ki, head oí tht inc¡uiry or looked for a kind oí ¡>tT$0n she had alrcaidy
Otp:anmcnr oí Pho[ogmph)', ac:,k1,owlC'dged rhe common idemified. As ~ cons.c<¡\ICnct oí t.his deliberareness, htr
beneege ebese arti$t$ hnd ec 1heir documemary predeces- photosr.-ph$ rcnd 10 be formall)• heirarchical and PoS,SC$S n
sors oí rbe 1930s: /,, ,ht /J';lll J«atk a lkft' gt,th'11tion ef¡,ho· grnvim.s not found in oth« woric oí ehe rime.
t6gr11pht,s ÑJ dí,wud 1/x á«1t11t(Ntary appr"Oluh toroml morr \Vhen Szarkowski O'lf,'lnized Ntu1 0'1t'Nm<»IJ,he thtufore
pn'JNt.1/ nuh. Tht,r 111111 b.:11 l,«11 not to rtfom: lift, J,a 10 k"ou' inrroduced no1 ll íorm bu1 ian approaich. \What char.ricrer·
11. Thr,r uwk lxtrt1)'J III S)"NtP-,·1thy-111/mtJJ1 ,01 af/«11011-fo,, i7.cd ArbuS'$ work, he S0td, was the ouliook she h:td <Owacd
tht tflfptr/«fi(JJ/1./a11:l 1/N fr11if11t1o/ 1oát1J'·6 her subj«cs: 1'/Jr po,'1,.am o/ Du111t ArJNJ JÍ>o" 1h.·111111/ ef
Arbus keew thc wo,k o( che tWQ men whose photographs NJ-lht #:()JI on:ftlUI')' a11d lbt IIIOJI Q(4/I( uf NJ-111,t M rfgitJ'
Wttt ediibitcd w11h bers. bur her approoch was ckmonsrra· SO'NliN)' l'tJttarkablL 11x l»NtJI) o/ htr IIJl(lll u ef an (;ftÍ(r
bly d.it'fen:nt from thc1rs. 1ñc sttttt work of\Vinogt.md ;lnd btlonging qn/) to 11»« o/ ll'NI) tmt'l'OIIJ 1pm1.~
Pnedlander is less ob\•iously composed thru, her phoec- The origins of Oian(: Arbus·s inttft'SU :md dir«tion can
gn1pby ~ m()tt cng.ascd 111 dk! Í(nma) possibiht)' of bt found ver¡ tatly. TI1r- dnugh1cr of an upper-middlt'-Clffl
ch:u1<t. 111<.r photogm¡,hs often play upon happcnsrnncc Jewi$h Í;imily th:.at owned a Fifrh A,·ffluc clothins $rore. sht'
a.nd tht tronr oí finding whar scmn.ge 2nd marvelces con- :mend«I fühical Cnlrurc and Ficld$r()n &hools. Ikginnins
1unmons occur within thc ínune. Her photogrnph.1. however, m high school and oontinuing 1hroughout her liíe, slle read
0tt la.rgely ueccneeroed wuh scrcndipit)': r.uher, thcy art scrious.ly and (:\•en vor.i,c1ousl)', and the liter.uy work dut
more deliberare desoiptions oí che people sbe phorognpha;I 1ntertstcd her is a valuablt rttord o( her developmenr.
and her rtlatlooship to them as wuness. Unlikt most ocher 1ñe concenrs oí her librn.ry Su8,Sest thar .s.he hadan actiw·
dorumtnwy photOgntphs oí rhe pcriod, her picrurcs dcpeed interese 1n mfth. Sh,e owned noc only the ,'()lumes on
on thc subjm:s' acth'e pa.nicipation. Shl' post<! chern oc. Gr«k myrhs b)• Roben Graves but h1s boo&.: Tht \flh1u
eaber, waned (oc thtm re pese rbcmsd\·ts. She wovld OÍten Gqddm, his \'ersion o(1'1NCoM,n As,, Jame, Scephens's TIN
ta1k wich thcm; somecimcs s.he \l.'()uld visit their homes or Crwk ef GIJ!d, James Fr.aur's sc-m,nnl Tht Goldt1181Wgh. and
murn ro photOf¡:rupb t.hem Jtt't many years. Ahhough shc J.R.R. Tolkicn's Tht Hffbit, as well as a worn copy oí
h"III\ UfA •U. ,,1 ,,, """'"'4 ··~IIIUOII i,,w,o ,,, ,, ••
Ovid's Alt1,i,11~p/#Jt1, She- aJso pos.scss.ed works, probabl>• oí a single face. Oy about 19~8. however, .111 evidence oí
ll.('(1uin:<I :2 linte tarer, in which ffi)'th wes examined for its croppin!, ceased. and Arbu, ct1<:ncefor1h genernlly adhered
psyeholog1oal or philos<>phicul in1plic:ations "l'kl its rele- co che íull negaeive's 1:.argt'r ficld oí ,•1s1on, 1mplic1t evr-
vanee to contempor-;uy socict)': Arbus hed copies of Joseph dence that che phorograph was an unmcdiatt·d docume,nt,
Campbell's TM f/m, U'ilh u ThoN111nd Fam. Sigmund en a.cm.,! OC"currcncc in real nme. The intinucy Arbus once
Freuds A.a lntrrxl11tti1J11 fq PsJffl40N1dy1i1and Tht P1ytb.- sough1 írom cropping was now us-uall>• eamcd chrough a
p.11holor;y o/ lltrryday f...,ft;C. G. Jung's /\l()(Ítrn 1\ldN ,,, duece relauonsh1p wich thc subjece.
Sr11rt6 o/ u Su..,/: and ll number of Ftitdrich Nie-rz.sdw•s B)• rhe mid-fifiies she was ¡,hc)1()sl";lphing tlM.' crowds 111
works. induding T/JJIJSp.1kt 2.tm11h1111rn."' COG')C)' lsl'tnd and people in Central Park or m tht' sc1ttts-
Arbu.s became mvclved in photo!:naphr aeound thc:• subJ«O shc sh.art'd wnh 0<her Nc-w Yorl.: photogtaphm.
time- oí her marri.age to Allan Arbus in 194 l. and though such as W11h:un KJem, whosc e:ul}' p1ctufr.l, gminy áOO
1be- gtt'.ictt pin ()Í her energies weee cowa.rd rheir profes· assressi\'C, she kncw." Arbus's 1>hOt<>S~ph$ «:>Í chis tx"riod ll.fC'
sional partne-rship u\ fa.shion photogmphy. she- .simuh11.nc· m0ttdisr.u,«'(l ch:an Kh:in's~od n,on•attench·f!'toform. Yet
ously pursucd her personal work. Befere 1958. Arbus, she ,1lsos1ttSS<'d thc filmºs gnun. notas KJ<'in did co su~cs1
who wes working with a 35mm Nikon SLR, accepred che a scnsc o( forebodins bue to e-nh:mc" che fubul()U( n.nutt el
1hcn J)rt\'lliling noeion thar the- negaeive was the íidd in wlut she founrl in che ci1-y: &y siepping otT the curb,
which che anist could go h1>mmg íor 1he true picmrc b)• N.Y.C. c-.r'C'<' 1956 (p. 20), \X1oman on che strttt wi1h her
cropping ctosety and even dcceptively fot che desired eres do:scd. N.Y.C. 1956 (J>. 25). anocher C-:t.11)•ins: :l d1ild
ima.8e, Ale)(ey Brodovicch, rbe Jegendar)' an editor for like a ceremonia.! ¿;ifr (\XIQman ('.lrrying :t dlitd in Centr.11
llllrJ'"'I Ba:.,ar (wuh whom Arbu11 br1e-íly Stud1N;I), had Pllrk, N.Y.C. 1916, p. 230), ancl 1:,«' E.itec ac a Ciltn1w.l,
encocraged rhc «chrnque of c-roppmg rhe full Ireme in i>alisadcs 1>ark. NJ. 1956 (p. 7) are: just a ft:w cnmplcs..
ordc, to find rhc real prcrure withm, and Líscue Model, Ai che same time Arbus was pt(l(lucins e~ ¡,iCturt'$.. sll('
Arbus's ,..-..acher and fricnd, oleen worked in I his "'ª)'· This was :al.$() ta.kin¿; ¡,h<>to¿vaphs in rnc)\•ic hou~s. portrapng
peacrice bcrh valoeiaed che crC'lltive ,mponan« oí che art chem :AS sp;anglt'd dmam pal~es (Movic tht•.i.ttt lobb)•.
editor anJ che photogrn¡,her m recrcspece and worked to N.Y.C. 1958) or ttrording the flan.,:! bca.m of d)C projec:1or
impose a sense oí rmrnediacy, or oí a peivilcged, almosc O\•er the hunchcd fi$lH'ts oí ordinary ¡,copie ;11 1hc t()J> of' the
pnviuc, vicw aítcr rhe fue;,. In this W1.f Arbu$ oould l.>2Joo11y (42nd Strttr movie che.an•r uudienc:f!'. N. Y.C. 1958.
transform a picture oí n crowd imo :a kind oí poeerairure p. 26). Many oí che movie theatet piccurcs are dcrails oí
,11u n11·1•"1'º"ª """'•~•·•
'ilVI ( o TU T ',UIJT ,,1, II\IUI l"il'>II o,,,u .. ~ su 1.,T.,,t
,. U • 1 .. ,,,, 1(( • 1 ,1111 h (, ( 11 <
\ p, ..
1 '' '"*' ,.. ' 1 ~"> 1 NlHUI> \1
There are and have been and will be an infinitt numbcr of thll'l!,:S
011 earth. lndividuals all ditli:n..-nt, al! want ing differcnr rhings. all kno\v11\~
diíferenr things. ali loving diff(,:n..-nt thin~s. all lockmg ditlcrcm.
Evt·rrthin~ rhar has been on earrh has been diflt'renc from any crhcr rhing.
Thar is whar ) love: che: difftr<:ntntss, rhe uniqueness of all things
and rhe imporrance of lifc: .. .1 scc sorm-rhmg rhar ~ wonderful,
I sce che: divincncss m or<lin~1ry rhinJ..!s.
' .
li rl r {__.I 19{,¡
,, Ji l'lt.11\ l
'' ( )(
~nr ( rh ~.n( ( Xhool Alb1< :'\.Y )6
t' r,:o R, n ,..,,ro,1. 1 ,,.uh .1111) n rk ~ Y< '}!:,\
A footprint is mac.le by ~lshoc bur ic is nor rhe shoe usclf
U, uh raw l r ""· ,, ng lo r h m pro,,..,,1r r J , 'I ( IYO
lwo "'11 k 1 < P rk x \<
M. k 1 .... un,111ma,..,hnk ir P 9
Xrn.ntfl"(1nal,,ini:ruom U,111uv,n 1.1196
I li'IC' U!• x vr ¡o.,,b
} 1 Bn n 1 1 1nc: 1 rfer Q , , 1
(,ul 111 ;,1 v. tlh l,tp :\ ) ( )<,
Ir's Iikc go1n,i:: a
to describe ynu and cvc
eyes are blucr and
bue you don'r lx·l11;v1; i1
no ouc hcars yt
Ir's like goin,g around ,1 mirrorless ,vorld asking cveryonc you mcer
to describe you and cvcryone says c..·1'lc.ll<..·s~lr, "you have a face cven as I do and your
eyes are blucr and brg," and cven, "my smilc whcn I look ar }'OU is you,"
bur you dcn'r bclicve ir .md rhen onc day you hump smack inro :1 stonc wnlt and
no one hcars you say, "ouch," and your whcle problc:m is solved,
~o\.1.\11 1 H>AI \ll ,1,,1,¡,-.. \l.1,,,
llu 1 'r 1 '.'\ Y< )t;
\\om .... uh .1 1, ket m \\ Ji n •tclt'l ~,11 t P rk '.\ Y( 19(,S
( h1 1 WHh ;l. f •\ rn C ni ;1.I P rk , Y< ()r{,,
1 1 ir Alh1< , Y 96
\1 kcdi n I NI:\'( (){,
(11rl 1n d1m) drt"S,, Y( 196
\\cm n IU a n ~ la.H, /'\ Y( 1Y61"•
A n~ro)O)\\ tOII :,,..,_¡
Mr 1 < rl< fl I f) n
" . Phol P 196
Lo D, -cr L:>trb,. xJ >6
.. .lf thc: fall oí man <.:onsists in thc: separacion of ,l!;od and thc dcvl!
thc serpcnt must havc ,1pp1.:.1rt:d out of thc middlt: of rhe applc.: whcn cvc bit hke rhe
origin,11 worm in u, splittin~ it in half .md sundc.:ring cvcryrhirrg
,vhich was once onc.: into a pair of opposucs. so rhe woeld is a Noah's ark on che- sea of
ererniry concaining .ilJ che cndlcss pairs of chings. irrcconc ilable and
inseparable. and hcat will always long for cold and rbe back for che
fronc an<l smilt-s for rears and mucc for jt'ÍÍ and no for yes wirh che rnosr
unurterable nostalgia rhere is.
,\ hu ll'l.nd .tnd "'ik ,n 111~ \O.uod!. at ;t. nu,li~c \a.uip, ;,..J. 19(,,
ikc the
re St'".1 of
." r I pe
., '
ulbl " '.
""l '
PV• a • 1 1'P1,1, <>! <, o· l"fllllll lh "' J..• l ,..,,_..,, w a , t '""" "'()l".;l'.I "lt >,;'f, MTo
In lw • ... -' 1919
lht II
" lu hh, u ·I, m • " " 1'
·~ J
• " ••
'"" oh 1, 1 l
" • '•
"' w
I' ' l
,1, "'
l ,h
• m 1
" I J. 1 11 t l m nJI ohm
J , lm ,n f rr
In ! h\ 11
01l',UI ,,, • "~ ..... "" '" 11.1 ..... I' "''" f"9"U"'
In mf h w,
'" n
"''º ,...,., ve,,rr¡
, 111
wn, ,..,11 0111 ..,,.,11-n no 11, .._... ..,, roi:n•",ro 11v at·••u.·,
1• ,1
'" " ' ' 1 ' "' ,11n n n,1in1N<.1., ,,,,_. ce, lm 1o<il. n,.,," '('~" 11 n1 f1r111 Av,,,., "''P .,61t1 ~)un
• lu
" 1 1 '«'iU.n• :Y.off~ .......
' lm·"" 1 " 1 1#1'/WI foaMAl l'l:l•tll\l! llT 611 O!~M S1 '" ...... - ll
" rm
" "
em t.,. ,J " n,
, ..... ..,,1QMoo;..,..,,o,, ,. ~-
' .._._• .,. •""'·"''"' ...,., 1 .. ,,.,n.,. .YWl(>l
In ScJ,co:mbrt 1924. Rus.St"k'f. tnl)\'do to u~ nrw ltt".ick¡w.n('rs," McK,m.
Mcwl, md Wh1tt bw\Jing Ol'l dlC' )Ol.lth"''C'.t ccim« d Fifth A,>t·nut ;inJ
361hScrm, wtil(h \lóJ.Sorig1r'1lly buih in 1905 fut II pre:ncM.a.s()C(\lp,mt,
tbt Gorh.un S.l,w C.omp.lny4 Tiic ,....,.., ioc.iúOI\ l0111tidd. •mh ,he
txpr,ll'ISiooof Ruuek'i ;i1, .ul(p,lnffl(nt SlOft' sp«ialü.i11g in wumrn'i. f.u.!1°
ioos. 0..Yid Ncm«O\' is" kl") pl'Op()Ot'ni of 1hiJ Jt,\•t<lopmcni.
The Nm,rrovs rncve 10 11.}} Pari; A,·tnue- ut 9()111 S1rtt1. > 'fhi1f,-.NJtJ
rwt'll&r lJklftf.11ttll), J)iant' notes 11'1 ht-t sc,-nnh·,i:radt autobto¿::rnphy
Ir li.tl htrr tlwt t eta lll)ul/ .. 11/J :1 tlu11.1 ,4,11.• Ht<r brucht<r, Hmr.·,ud
Nttncrov, td'tri ee che \.Une.' mc-1dtm in hrs ffl<'ITIOlr. Jr,,,vm.,/ o/ tht
Fitm, U/t. rl.\blis.lk'd U) l 96S: Tbt k,K u-,
Jutf?"'If.111. ,J.t ,,...,11, o,.,
1,tt 1fu11• .,,.,, 1P11AAl1~ ,1 J,,lf tfut J.roh ,,,, •r l·,mJú>t l,dmr ,. /$11l,,,
CJ«tt1 ac:a::wnpan1-nlby his w1f". Gcrcnklt, s.aili 10 Eut6pt r1:<gu1atl)' (0
1u«id thr cccrure colkmons .and <1SSd.s thc lati:st í.ashaoo cttods.. In
1927, rhr Ntmtro'l':'i bnng 1ht f'lll'Q-Chtldrfn ....,¡,h chtm.•
AI !l I f .,. 1
d \(
P•,nu··.,~, trll ! 11,
p o ...
n I
- •9H •• "'-,, .... ,.. •. .,.,~,.,.,,._.,,. ._.,.~, •~"''""'"'• tou,.,,,... !w'_oto,
1h , \'tri ) I
n 11 "
' ()!.( nu llf'O. Ot 7NI ·",¡..-·11..\/.1 IN 1yt•. , .. "'un 1r1111<,1tr c.. r,,u-. TTl)\'"l"""
"' -,,-;.n,-... ....,~.,,~,.,. u.." n..,,,.,.,,,.,.f111.uu,... ~·
"'" •• , .... 11, ,.,.11 '""'' 1)1.. ,.¡1,
Glan.t.'I\I' NOlHla, 11.o,.,
,...,. 1, 0,11·11>
Jh,,u., ANO lh\llO
,u- c.;,anl t>l NJ.MI-,
•me'''"'"'"" .., fi.
•1u.,-.,M,1:-.m11..-, Tm 11o111<h..ro1,.,,,M_...,, n,,,.,.,,,.~,., 11n-1•l1nl'OII
1'1. u .. 11i l'"'' 1n .. ,.u ..·, 1, ....11111 nci,.•• ., .. ,,. .. t .. IIT TIIII WIIJ'l..,Khl
In Sqiccmbtt, foUowm¿¡: ,n l"i'r bro1hcr's ÍQOC\rcps. she cmolls ;u 1hr
Ethit.11 Cuhurt' Sd1011I •"' 6.\rd Su~, and Cemr.J P.uk \'1e\1, :a pro-
Srffl•~c pt,...,,,c tdiool bt-gun i>)' Fdix AJkr. fou..ndtt OÍ lhc Eduu.l
Culturc Sociitt}' 0878). Otigil'Wly koo"' n .u 11~ \'(1orkiogm,.,ú School.
it tmphasim ..,,,.,1111Úd,1u,.«. /J)<J,,,,/;¡g,ul il,u./lf"'l',rl, tc.Kbtr IT.mt1frt, ,tlld ~(.~
ú,, illltgrillt'li'I ,¡·,,,.ttrtt,,I .Nti",,.;,!, .xJ<li,,un. ~ Tilt' IICINkmi( (Urri('ulum
is di:siirw:,cl 10 pualk-1 1hr f'\"Q!uuon af hunwt ci,,,1,nu<>n, from «ee
dy; dlm 10 (C)flltmporury SOt1tty Scu,;k-1:11:s "~ caeh t,:mdc 1,e 1111)· 1 hw wb- LA
fttD throush dw lcm ola J)'lnicuJar umc pctioJ ;u1<l tuhu~.
Wl n 1"' · •¡mh 111!1 11, M,I .1ho111 1 1, 10.I 1 .. "' 1, nhh 1" ~JB.
IYl"C',I n'IIJUO tli I J ~0111.11,; (1.111 ffl) lit
J'l'W to lu,r ,1 m,,uu whcn I v,,1. v, \u1m ,1.11,I I "~11 cd tcrnhh to 1..._,
Í,111hl 11 anJ ,on Ulll tu 11 1 ,,¡..,.~~ ~ uned \uroc1h n 1 ,1ul,J he mh
11.J w iotr,~ l ti.m 11 1.:1, 1 1•lt
By 1wr awn ltttOlmt, rhe uod: mukct CT.t'lh oí 1929 llO(I cite" Dep~-1
dw fol~ bave li11k Jir«t im¡.."«roo htt liÍt. <>ne ofllt1' few mtm·
ontS ~ th,· ¡xrJOd is rt"<ounicd in a 1968 r;,,Jio intcnit•-' w,ch Studi
TmtL pon1ons oi whJch -'lt lac« ,nclootd in his book llllf"J 1i111N1: "" ru,u 1M,,,, .,.,ne,~,.,.", N1-'(,.. ,, ,1n, 11/)lil. lt~wx "-"º-nv l "'-1Dt,,T111~ ,.._.._,
o,.,¡ Nm-, o/ tht Gn.11 l),¡,mm• (1?70}. Like m.111)' of 1hc mtm,c- Ull ..M., 1:S S1 .M... 11.11, Pl.o<l. Vti,;11..t, 11< 1<,JJ~ 0.. tNt "..u; OI' ffll l'ttc7mW.Anl
wn,s 1n 1ht bonl:, her rK0.111.'CnOllS 11ppcw undcr ;a pk'\ldotl)·m. Shc c-.a.lh c.. lllU.'al '"' HAt111' -~-"" "'11 (.M&IJW\ .. \l'IU,r "'"."" '·' Tnty n
'ª' ,, .,,,,
"'rrN ,'4,"1lt • >I /1 I<} \1, Sl .-~U'l·
'111Jf"'-'.,.,,.I 0t o~,11) A..-.o(ion1 t.:
hendí" fhn)' S1nt,:C"r "•· Nuuaov .uo,u, Tm C ~u Of }~11.11,, ..ur,. .1,(, 111; Sn; You; 11.u- "'* ,._.•.._
I lu,.I • tn\rtllCI\ 1 rt·.111)' lnn·J v.·hm I v.a, • .1
y111ms n:mnnh:r oran
,t...'111n.i; 10 die' f'-ld 1u 1hc ,11c- 1~ 1hc- ol1l 1'1'1,cf'\01r wlu~h "'"" •t dw1 Umt
1:mr1~. b,,;,u"' pn:1.itm..&bll rhc\ h ... l pur rhc-"" 11:·r 1n 1l1t 11," (J(C anJ
lhHI' .,....,., ,1 uv1t)' aoJ 1hc:fc \\"'' J. Jun1) fll""n 1h1:f(" .thc llnA¡.,--c li 1'101
l1Wld ot Oflc, ¡.:n\t"'"'~ Mtd f{('hf'IK I do1ú (l)l·,1.n cu ',,I\ 1 cnv1irJ 1bow:
rn,pk, hm 11.1,1 tu WT 1lu1 )UII n11.1kln'1 •e, m eh -r- ~ .,,, l:ncn.i.·. tb:at you
,uul.Jn t 1uii v,.m,la tlt••m TI-..1 ehr-R' .,. ... .i>1 l1 •1111
'nlC' Nt'ITIC'rQVS IT'IO'l't' to tht' SQn Rt'mo.. .in Ap:r,nmnu
hou~.: 1·16
Crnml Pilfk WC'lr i, Aftcr 1ht ch1ldrtn$ m,ucm;il graoJ~'\lffl'IU..,he
RW&f'i«. mcl'l't' 111 wuh ,t.-rn, l)ianc ll.OU R('lltt sh.lrt • room: I •"" n
f?' I• g11, lffJ JÍJ/tt'drt.llftl ubf11 U'I' UJ,,/mJ II IWflf, / i. w1/J /t..t• «tyA,r; fA't
h.·111' ,,t r& 11.·"I: o{ lxr tm.! u,n u·d, "' n~lm. ,,,d Mlmp ~dtpA.,,rt
11 .11,if,11/, d.11t(f11g~ Ñ/1 11 Ht1"" wt>r&J.,, 11/I. 1i
Onlr I rtmcmbcr bn,cll('r ,..,.,,_, n :,hnl lñ " 11, lk"fl ..,, !,H,I un
(.('mr ...l P.u-k \\i-M .hc "''" pr-rlu111o l • .1 11,111.dd 11.1,,· bc.Ti1 •J 11,·hKh
\lo.a." rhree ),:,.1.1'\ ,.!,c-r rhc- Cr.nh M) bt1>1l,,.r .inJ 1 "'ºir ,b1111 · •11 1,1.Jr
ut thc .tfl,lfffflC'llf l1011w ,..,.¡ICfl' Y.(" 11\'C".I \\t· 'MA' ,l~\Ul "''"uf, F
tur 001 .i¡,;c- Ur muu h.a.,'C k,ukc,J I b11 ~1...,111..._l ...hJx,.1,:11 hr 'A~.& ¡t.:~•I
l111111h.iill ¡,li,1\tf" 1.omt ..111'1(' l.,t\'f. Am·'A,11\. l"'U 1,un 1.,f r,.1111 11111, c,Jltd to
lum 111id he- JiJeú Jk..i.J dl('f11. 1 ltlTl('1nlxr 11.,·lm¡; 1cmfiLJlh· r"":,u•I th.ir
bc- ,hc:mlJ bt· si.1mm11ni.,! h), )'l" lrnov., 1uu n:i,::ul.ar (b,:,~~l U1q 11crc-
uldirr 'liu I ullt'I.I r" him. An,I h1: ,.unc- 11\1'1' Jnd 1 '('!) ..,,re ,Jf JuutuU)
&.epc ffl)' J,......r11.t• \O I wc.,1,111'1 cntc-mlf'( ,h,~ 1-1,n oi m.1nh ~h·u
whnh •l'f"ll'Nllh Lnm,~tn! ut d,c,r dcm.indmi,: hn MUIC"¡ 1 d,iu
tt"tr•·mhc-r h,.-... mu,h tb:r f.'UI. h ""~ ¡,n,b.Jil~· ltM .a lcw ,l,,ILin. 111Jf
m..iJc. ,1 J¡_.,h fr,t u <"cf di,r lov. \fon~ 11,,1ll ,1n,I m~ hmchr.'t mi.Ir•
,t w loUc,.... 1111.·m bui lw: ".t, 011 ri,lkr ,l...,.lt~ ,\nJ l. 1,h· Mime 1Jflrt ot
n111.1 • ·lll)ll"""'""1. •H .... lll"10 IUT1IAIT o, J-1.,.. .. .,_ o,(,I. ,>. A.'!0 o._._.;r •••,U: 6,, l!<ó 1,µ,,,.
Ou.,• i..on• "'1.10: 0.-,r"' rM ""'""' I ,n,,nn,_·•• A .(11) • .,,, I .,,nu ,,, , ~,..,,•• blli.u1 (i1~h m M~n. :.inn.·111 hlm. f't"'\H.arnnlium. Ll}'Ul~, "00111
Vl't "DPU11t,ll<WaJIM\-,~··•• ·0Qilffll1Altl"\lt.ll.1 .tfl/'-PU.tlf,L -,f(4a--..,...., .. ,,,..,.., .. ~n:o,T1~._,t<''" '"' o,,.._,..
CUO'h.o.t. hoa. ...n """ 6.v,, nun
fr-1Jx "'tJ#'lttRg.¡"') rm,/f«INlf 1,J,o Ú1t l.,IJ ,1'tJ Mho ¡J,, tl,11 ZOJ"t /0 S'o.. .,. thitflt 7
1, .iflJ uh.Ir Dtf' ¡,.-11Jtt 1,ua rwmJ.hJ flj. ''
..Sbt mi/d iho.! )""' ullh rht 1hf«ttta1 o/ uh.Ji ,ht fu./ to U) ,mJ u,th... thc "Ji.n., }, :d "' r·r-e !. _;i_ e~ nr,~ . J"
11") sht /~tJ .,,,J,¡,,,p...Sl1t N:.ll hlr ,, u.o,rJn{NI fil• ,lmrt!Jrbm,mt .. IK11 .. e1~-;c : ..el; l.é e :l' r ,t!u:it: ! ,.:! l)J"t l:',
,eir..- .,:. ~.l.e t. c...:·r-1n- en 'c1· • r, i -
)1.1.11 ti .it, b 1/,t,t, tht¡ 'rr do.tNJl. 1"'6 INJJ f..r,ih.J.hlo lbt ,1,ll#'l llx} 'rr Jmrllllf. :'e xnóe!!.! y cr ,.lt! "'r t" . er '-cll/c. il!
""'" ,,,,, .,,, t,,,J,,11J ,~ tJPIWJ .•. Htr /Jit J,,J 1J,.,1. Y.o.v (f!N/J .,1-11 ,.,,,. ¡I/ Mrk 11 c.1 v~r" rccd ,, Htt-. e~· o~!crt.
btr ,,,,J ftf tht flr,? o/ i.hitt ,bt u,n 11 .tld•r,rg 11ttfotd lt ll.lJ ro ir.,~J,1,r,J
ir cx..:e.-~nt, '.,},o l,.,f ..in• :·rien I in Lh1
rrt"<n• ..!'.\ó e r 1ie', '1Jel1•ccn'.l'clled
t> cn,:e Jt: t"erv ~en r-..Lc. "~ ir : ;lerc ~e
10 n,h ,,,,,.¡ #ta:¡t.,Jb« .•. I 11N11l- ,~ 1N11g f ~ _., tJ lk J,t:b ef
btr,.,,.,,.,,,,, a,rJ at llx J,1•1 mw ,¡.fl"*"of •,..,1111.,., .tlA· 11 tr.NJldNI•
in ull Pf'tt1q .• C·iYi'.l~f
•.e th:., ~ ¡trc"r
n dt ccn·~.i
.Je .1t •trc.:1r- no ce-
/). IHtJ1>W o/ tht 11111-11 '""º""' l.t~h1. I r,111 1111/ ht.,,. it <W'OJJ tht ,.1111 'Í 1h, "* .l'H.ol e.
11.;,,. ,.,.,.,, .•
l ler 1940 IU.lt~)IOJtr.lphr ..«'l'rU pttOCcupK'd wuh (I\ICStlOOS q( loy.dt)', '..1Hié; ,,
111Chcn11cnr, und C1lf.1r.lJ..~:
'"C1'1~t tic ... rt: .,,,:;:<J> t .., rtJ.
\\t U1o1.,l 1u ¡.:o 11111• dio; po1tk m lik' .ith·mn111tt In rJ,1\ ¡;:.im,-.. ,mJ chmb
' .~ •.,,r .•l ..;.:, u 1 ·e: ,.Ji,~r.e l'olr t ·< .• !")-
rnJ..~ \\.'hrnc\·,:r lhl'n· ""·'' .,,mnhm¡. • luilc ,Lu1,:..-11,u\ ur d.arm,- 111 · "ter •.e ~ ~ 1\,, t" ...e e 1 !' 1' • 1 e it !c,rx rl "!
in .,. ... ,l'nrf". 'f,o ir~~ .,r, ! 11\ u~tn,oe.
J11, l1lr 1umpml( u,..-r ., w.dt •n:,1~cc bn"'tt1' tt>\.t ,,r 1-.l.1)111~ • u,.l
un 1hr t(".l(h,·r 1,r 1, ••,m~ out· ol dlC' '\ll"llfl¡.: >=•ti~ J \\uulJ l'lt" die" k-,l<lrt ,, ...11,,n. ..,.. NtllU"'""-TCA•O-t:11ACA.1Cun·11, i.:1,ouc..!>11'11.1,¡..l O i,,,.
111'11l 1hc- Ílr,1 u11C' ,., di, 11 1 .... .o 11,.lv..1~, <tlfhi1kml 1h..• mo,.1 .i,mn,i; bm l?ll •JA" ~•r :,Y, 19.V lat1,,.¡(jK11 P no~t U tui, A,cu,..M,:, ljH o.,._,,
e. 1., lHI ,,...uu ur tlll .. ro,t1 -·. J,ti\a1Uii
I am 1un: 1 w.,.., motl' .a.lro1,d fh >.f\ d-c 11d1t'ft.
1, ttl.)~1' ,~ (;, ua, "l
thcit C'hildrm.
Al'<ll11 rh . 1,~ l'\rt\nnc· i.uJik ni}' J« «kd 1 "'"~ (nl'..tl\f (11 be ,m olrtM
..,J 1 'A .a, t,: l\'t"JI ..trt I~,. •M Mio.! ol b1f: box uf t•sl~ ,111< 1 rtlo. 1111f\l¡:c;-fl'lr1l1 ,1n, 1
r'll"t),htnJ;C I p.amrt.J anJ ,In: .... t\tt) oou· 111 ,1 ..,h,lr- tur ..w,¡IYI i )'"'
11, ,1!1 A tl!'JCb:r u,,,h,out adn11umg 10 .111~tir1r tlu.1 1 ,li,!n"t hke u, p,um
ur Jo,.,· .u ali .anJ I J ..Jn·t kn,,..,.. v. !~1 1 \\'.l~ ,lotn1t I U\l.J tn JV.I\' ,m,J
I.. LL.... un, OIM,r IS nu f.(lil' .. 'lkr•m• HtllGIIUT......_
......t>.M<JfJllll. ILl, A ..,..,.
11nh til1<11 t•• be a .uiJ .111 ti-e •·l11IC' 1 h,unl 11 ,1.0111 J,J11"1
¡,::lt",lt an1,1 · ,,_M•1u,u,"'°""''«•n1t•. ~ llr,u,,,.,1a,.,., ,9.s.1 1111u, llr.MJI o... ,..,..,u.nrn
rc,ilitt 1h..u f ,f1d1ú .......lll (() br MI JUM .I! ¡1JI l"h1.· hornhk 1t11rit,: \',¡)( Ul~M ""' ,o.'\ MI l"QII kt.,u1¡, •t1W".tl u.,o;,. 1'11nH, f,\ ... 1 t\n1<111 1110 "' JI• \>le>
lluc .ill 1hc- rO(our..1J.nnr1u I J,:Ut nuJ n.- dunl d1.11 tuill) 1 w..1111....J 1n cb.\n ~, '"' "''" ,1•\•.HJU• ~
l.'"IC" ;1n 11111>1 .,,.J
m«k ui,r 1,;n-p prt1rn.lm,1: ch.<1 11,kol ,t ,m,! mMit· mc-
hk II lc,.." ..i,d "',. u111,I I h.m;..-J 11 l>n.11K1: u w,MÚ l11C' d1,1.1 ""'" bt·m.i:
.111 .11111.1, f"'< l)·b,:,J~ u l1hin : m1· h,;th ,11' .in.l , n, ....nm¡.: m1.· .and ulll•
,:t.11u41111,.; me ,m,J 1 ,, ,m1lm~ .ul<.I rt:.111)· 1 11,1,ll-J u .md I l1J,lii"t
dclfC' onr ,m.i:lt' ¡.:,• ..,I f"K"t' t1í ....,,,l h Y,.i.\ che 1r.11tl.,1 J•l<"ll'O~ in ch1•
'AOriJ b,.1t ,·\'rll 1ho,1.i:h 1 ,..,\\ j'fl"fetlo.lm¡.i) l~·l1t''nl III ti. ÍOf ,1ht:1ut lo'IU
p·.in I h.id vr.,011~ ul bc-m.i,' a t,:l'NI W ,mm .10,.I I 111ninl 1111111)" cnu·
,:11."1 lr>',',i,11\1 11 Y, l'!f"n I v. J~ll C llO ,INl\t .lt ,ill
- • .,... ..1-m.111t.••- , u,,,,~ SU.00..
AccorJinl: to Stc,,...,m Sct'fn: \r1hr.o,,ht ¡,uf,-.l 11¡, l,t,. br11dt fo,- tht fi,ir ,,,.
1ht ll.lf SIIIJlfPiJ Jlol Ú<i1ttl u·/wt -'IIJ~ t/Jt J,.J. Wt 11m all l')lllf t, 6,rr,-
1'JURli,'1Mff.,I ,111J,/ /~ fu./ Nil IIIIIWU 111 1J,.,1. o:rc¡,t ,n J !il/lJ efW!m."
,he- ~pcnd.s most uf hrr 11n'(' xloo.:-. rc-.Wmg; A/1~gb I tMÍP:llJ t..Jf /'fOIIJ
ef 11 /or ÜJ otl'/41 w1t. I th,d I U.JJ "'"") luJfll>... I /,q,,,r, t. wl111r t/f
~t.)11••·· hWl~t N n,1 u .. ,,-.,.~· 1ltwwn 'ITII n, .... coi·..sM 1>..,111, 11,,u
G•111u01 1, t~u nsn~. wn,. 0ri...,, .,,,-•11.»n. Jh ...... .,,,un . .,,1<l)lt1,.·,aonw1,"f).. M«•u Afbn Arbus(bom 1918. Nr•· Yo,k CityJ. wfio uworkintt in t.ht
.idwrmmJ,: depamn,rm .11 Ru»e-k's. Dl,id Nrmrf'O'\•'.s pnner, MJX
\'\'f('lllSlt'm, n Albn Atbusl uncir b)· nun-iasr. Afbu~ h.id .aut'odtxl Cuy
Collt'~(' 095 ~35) bu1 ldi bd'orc ¿t~UJtitll: :1 'Oity bt-gm to see mdi
Olhtron &turday afo~tnoons (o, ....·.alk'.\ rn ch( patk « tea. Togt1hrf tbe)·
,mtnd txhibuions 111 Tht Must~un nf Moclt-rn An. mdudrn.g
Pbolop_r,,¡,/,) IIJJ9-l<J.F Cl 937) and W,,t#:,r Eu111: ,h-m1• Pbtloir;i;f,,
(19_~). Af1tr ;1 whtk. 1h1.·y ~mmttting 1n j('(ttt, M wtll I• tM•
foo1111"X tht u-orld, &it' um rr.ill) .duJ)' 11'-wor,4,,,11/lia, Alu.n ttealb
In 1938 Du.ne 11utndi Cummu!J.:ton, ;i. '"mmcr Khool fcar 1ht ani 1n
""'t'$1Cfn M~hmr11'.\. Vtetor D'Atn1to, her .1n Ct".ic:ht, 11 Ficl<lsl:oci,
.....,., U,rj AT u."" ¡i,. Aa1,x,e,,.., \.t-llr. UloUt •o- lu,11Y ltlf.lrTI Dt •.,, ·, t,\l,"I• rccommt"'nds her 10 1hr progr;1m Sf.. h.,i t.'(itptH»:.1/ 1,1'1/II) 11NJ sho .. ,"
f,,C,(M A« ..... ·- .... lt'WNH Al ú HtCl"'lt,lmi. 11)\11 Cou-1c '~ l.. Ali X I urn ;JefiJ111r JNfft .¡"""'f'OlthM, "'°"' J,r,/ Í""" 111 /MIMhffJ. 1-lrr Jl)lt fl b,¡.hl)
"-'">J4.." ,¡·._,_.1,1t11r 1-111e1S-..tCNU 19w
1J,m/J1,1/ 11,d htf' flft,,,,,,,.,..,¡ ,x¡wrmOII 1111u¡11t.. Wt ¡,.,,.,
trttJ r~ tkld"/' bt,,
f't'um u,11-t dm,u1gmg l,t,, ~.1/ 1,1/11 ,,, -'"'.> 1,1,,,. '
SIIC' 1$ St'l«ctd íor Elbrn 1.tnro" ·.s &nMlr l::ng.hsh Stn,m.ir, WCltl.g Widl
nmt· or 1m oditt sw,clnm;, indOOing Str•·;m Srrm 11'1t iiOOC'n!l lit
u.round .a r.ablr W1th l.enn:,w .ar 1hc htal of i1, wtiom S1cm deknbn rhis
'W.I) Hru.u,.¡ Óit· Jwa,J.áJ.ldmd ,.;.111... (who) i,lui9, UWTfl.ma. .. {.and),1
/1.1"'/hn--mef,,, /111 hrrJtt r«i:-t " 1th., bNJoflil.•-"4&•"" ,,_ Ht t..t~ to rt/J
hit ')CI JNd baaNJt ht Ju.l /""fll.'/"11.1 1, rlh b11 ')'O,. Tbt {MI 1/,,11 ltt 1,;tid, *lt',
I b,.ucJ r,urmn.i, ,.mJ I qu,1 r,!!lu ,,lfcr h1gh scbool bc,:;am,c- 1 wn
,,ntmu.111~· 111IJ "º"' urnhc 1 "'"' u m.1.Jt. me: ft't'l ,hd,)·. l remem-
ber I h,r«J dk \nldl ol thr f"',11111 ;an,I rhr no1"(' lf '11.<iulJ m,¡1,,,..- "'hui
1 ¡,ut m\ h1u,l1 In rhr 11.1¡~r Souit11mn I Yiuul<ln"r fC".tll) lo,,k li\it
1uu lm..-n 111 ch1, horriblr 1qu1~h tquuJ, ~<1111,h. 1 ,hdn"1 •·Aru 111 be
tolJ J v..1, cunfu I lud 111(' '°';rN; 1h.1t 11 1 .....u w et·rnfü: .11 n u
',\.l\lll ',\Oflh<IDIII.I,!.
~1 •n·•ff• fl_..._
,100, ~ m 01•"t Ntw,
THf \r• )' • 1,"l , ,.,..,~
A'<OAU.._._ A•"t ~
u ""''· """" "''"'-' n,r 1941
Mnrics Alliin Arbm PI\ Arril IO, l!),U. m ;l S.ITMII (('ITfl'IQII)', Tii,e,
Rc.'\'f~ l)r. lsr«I Gc,l<h1tm raform~ 1hc- v.l:'t!dm1t m hit sn.ad}· Ji ;ro
\Ve1,1 S9th ~r«1 111(' (OOplc ~¡'fflds thc1r dl.lff-Y,ttk hoocvmoon on
.a fnrm m C..o!umbu f'..ciu,ny, Nt ...' Y(lrf,.
IO IX" .m .lrp1 1<,;hmo11n On II v-.x-ation 10 Mont.iuk, All.m mi«,; ,1.
'IC"f'll"!o uí f.u.bion ¡,llQlo,=r.tph\, \.tS1flS O,.,u'IC ;&.S ;l mu.lrl. wh.ich rmr,rr
D.l\ iJ Nt'fflmw w lu~ 1hl·m ,u rf1mQ~r.irhc:n for Rus.sd;"s flcY,'!>J'lllCr
c-rtm, ¡lfl 111.d f'IICICl>,1:r!IJ'b) Thl') nk.'<'I Sc1C"glm: ;Uld lroM umc-
umc show h,m their •·orl: A«o1Jm.i,: to All,m, 1hc rho1ograrhc:rs
who 1n1r~c her most in 1h1s p,:nckl, m ll(Muon m :,.11,r¿:hn, llJ't
,\buht-Y. lh.a,I}', Timoch}' O'Sulll'.ul, P.iul S1rn,id, Otll 8nnd1, ~
1:u¿..'enc: A1ge1
Daa.nc <X'\·elops a frimdslup wuh Puu H11l, ,..hom shr mcns :&ta
pany. In l lilrs own -..·ords. sht tus come 10 New York from V1rg1m.t
111 /,1," lwJ>mt,411 ltf, 11t (i~,11. ,d, Vill"l,'t, .,,, by 1/x,, 1htrt nrr 11'1 - IU.ffi I)&_.._.,:¡_ º"'IIU 1ir.v,.1;u«>0."', 1941, .o.'ID IU -"71 /i,I.M'4 11" 111• 4,Uff'\ 5k.."-'l
COftP) 1s L.."1>1.o. o,c,,. 1-µ.i
IJ,n,u.1m. e H1II " "''C.lCk1ng .as • faWion modtl and as:,, weuer. Dianc-
btcr dtstribn her dm W.I)': SIN " Offfll/N#J/t «.P.'#tx... hrr 1h111lt111t.
1411q. JJ¡tlfP, ,1rr a/1 Jhm 111«'>1}1 uwlm,g 111,o,/r,1,:,to1,,I) ,nrJ f,111. , , (6111 ,u,¡
Cft(/, t~tlhrr Cf.Upl 46J 111 il dJNtt, IO tA'tt:I, 111 ~· 111 hw, ll> tltlU tW) la
Stit al-so makes .;1; s«its rlut c:han tht pro~ms of her
o( stlí-pomailS
prcgruncy (p. 15}, wht(h $he ¡mnr-t 11nd s.tnds (O All.m 11« ktttn to
lu.m 1nduck dct.ultd dntnpuoru oí phn<ogr.aph$shf, tw seeo. :ll"<f
ol'ttn the phocograpli.s thmu.ch-cs, torn ímm rhr ¡»gN o( maguinn
Among these ere some ot R,Cbatd A,·t'dot.l's first fuhioa pl<"turb foc ,..-,.,¡ DIM<t.. »l OOC,-.U )LU'·-n.on•m• kfll ,-.r.v,rr JMtc.,rru. 0,,,,.,,¡, IW)
lllf'W'l'I Au....04A•lll\-V Ol:l('.tl.\J(,t ,.OPUJ,,J.~"t!Ul' 19.16
ll'"P1""1 8.r:""'1',U
' .
In U:nion m 19-11, l lo,t.•Md NtlTlfflW muri<S h88)' (i\brg~) Rus.scll.
On Apnl 3.dae.aghitr Doon is bom Tiic nigh1 beíeee. Dia.tlc'd1p,,;•,,...,.Y
to Ncw York Hospnal .;1;lont, ltaving bchilld • eore Íot hct p,.rtnu
{wtúch O,i.vid Nn'tlctovu,·es and ltuer ihow~ fO All.1n) ll.Sking rhtm J,onorable llfir!Jar¡¡t
nQ( ro ~sir btr thtrt: /'" ,- ,t ha,.,..,,
l,u!,y... u»n l '"R'I 6.Nr ,..,l,11 I
JoR't 14.Jlfl .o:IR)'*' 1\ ¡¡',(,; ,J ¿. .-'q """"
Jn • twiJ11,•rmtn no(t dattd AJlfil 8 shc wr1tcs Alfttd S1ttglu1;
Out !:MI,., ,
1rl 11, ~n.f M.'(fl lml fumo 1 ,ml'I 1.11 1 1 ·r
po t ('li 1,, 1 ,IL, r r,_,u,:r11111110 001 1 dc•1 r "'• "íl r l I I,;, t• 1h r uf
,; A',--4 w~
~;., ,Y u- w-~ f':7YM"a 'Y ~8NM,
Anq cd U,, t11Ut& hit•
o;.w.,,-,1/- u. -¿.,,,
hur ''°' f) ,"<'ry .ll''t .nJ "''Uh'<''> brau1,h,I J,uu!J,.flo I J..,..< uut l
~ .,..,/j"'~,J .,....,..., ;,JI ~~M#f,#1' 'Y~
lC l•lflllC tlOO d 1t \hC'donn.t IC'l"l ll!wlhtn • (Ir. 1J n .m,11 tli'I 111
,,,.,¡ ~~~,, .... ¿. ;',(,¡ -""""'
IULh ,,JJ, lv.f'. tC'lt..1\ allOlll 1-l'r
1 =r,n 1al ,;n-c t •hansn uiru f npr,. f('lt 1t fo m 1•rt •11.1n ), 1hc11 COI .. 1
M> <
.... hcn 11 Jid.n.1 (Offlt'1 nr«tnl II lrnm bmh 1 hui I m ~!.MI 1 ,l"ln1
, h,m , r ,n I SIlttl 11;111 ·c,J I uu\.l nw1tlt bt1ttr .id m Ir v.." \l"
Daa.nc <X'\·elops a frimdslup wuh Puu H11l, ,..hom shr mcns :&ta
pany. In l lilrs own -..·ords. sht tus come 10 New York from V1rg1m.t
111 /,1," lwJ>mt,411 ltf, 11t (i~,11. ,d, Vill"l,'t, .,,, by 1/x,, 1htrt nrr 11'1 - IU.ffi I)&_.._.,:¡_ º"'IIU 1ir.v,.1;u«>0."', 1941, .o.'ID IU -"71 /i,I.M'4 11" 111• 4,Uff'\ 5k.."-'l
COftP) 1s L.."1>1.o. o,c,,. 1-µ.i
IJ,n,u.1m. e H1II " "''C.lCk1ng .as • faWion modtl and as:,, weuer. Dianc-
btcr dtstribn her dm W.I)': SIN " Offfll/N#J/t «.P.'#tx... hrr 1h111lt111t.
1411q. JJ¡tlfP, ,1rr a/1 Jhm 111«'>1}1 uwlm,g 111,o,/r,1,:,to1,,I) ,nrJ f,111. , , (6111 ,u,¡
Cft(/, t~tlhrr Cf.Upl 46J 111 il dJNtt, IO tA'tt:I, 111 ~· 111 hw, ll> tltlU tW) la
Stit al-so makes .;1; s«its rlut c:han tht pro~ms of her
o( stlí-pomailS
prcgruncy (p. 15}, wht(h $he ¡mnr-t 11nd s.tnds (O All.m 11« ktttn to
lu.m 1nduck dct.ultd dntnpuoru oí phn<ogr.aph$shf, tw seeo. :ll"<f
ol'ttn the phocograpli.s thmu.ch-cs, torn ímm rhr ¡»gN o( maguinn
Among these ere some ot R,Cbatd A,·t'dot.l's first fuhioa pl<"turb foc ,..-,.,¡ DIM<t.. »l OOC,-.U )LU'·-n.on•m• kfll ,-.r.v,rr JMtc.,rru. 0,,,,.,,¡, IW)
lllf'W'l'I Au....04A•lll\-V Ol:l('.tl.\J(,t ,.OPUJ,,J.~"t!Ul' 19.16
ll'"P1""1 8.r:""'1',U
' .
In U:nion m 19-11, l lo,t.•Md NtlTlfflW muri<S h88)' (i\brg~) Rus.scll.
On Apnl 3.dae.aghitr Doon is bom Tiic nigh1 beíeee. Dia.tlc'd1p,,;•,,...,.Y
to Ncw York Hospnal .;1;lont, ltaving bchilld • eore Íot hct p,.rtnu
{wtúch O,i.vid Nn'tlctovu,·es and ltuer ihow~ fO All.1n) ll.Sking rhtm J,onorable llfir!Jar¡¡t
nQ( ro ~sir btr thtrt: /'" ,- ,t ha,.,..,,
l,u!,y... u»n l '"R'I 6.Nr ,..,l,11 I
JoR't 14.Jlfl .o:IR)'*' 1\ ¡¡',(,; ,J ¿. .-'q """"
Jn • twiJ11,•rmtn no(t dattd AJlfil 8 shc wr1tcs Alfttd S1ttglu1;
Out !:MI,., ,
1rl 11, ~n.f M.'(fl lml fumo 1 ,ml'I 1.11 1 1 ·r
po t ('li 1,, 1 ,IL, r r,_,u,:r11111110 001 1 dc•1 r "'• "íl r l I I,;, t• 1h r uf
,; A',--4 w~
~;., ,Y u- w-~ f':7YM"a 'Y ~8NM,
Anq cd U,, t11Ut& hit•
o;.w.,,-,1/- u. -¿.,,,
hur ''°' f) ,"<'ry .ll''t .nJ "''Uh'<''> brau1,h,I J,uu!J,.flo I J..,..< uut l
~ .,..,/j"'~,J .,....,..., ;,JI ~~M#f,#1' 'Y~
lC l•lflllC tlOO d 1t \hC'donn.t IC'l"l ll!wlhtn • (Ir. 1J n .m,11 tli'I 111
,,,.,¡ ~~~,, .... ¿. ;',(,¡ -""""'
IULh ,,JJ, lv.f'. tC'lt..1\ allOlll 1-l'r
1 =r,n 1al ,;n-c t •hansn uiru f npr,. f('lt 1t fo m 1•rt •11.1n ), 1hc11 COI .. 1
M> <
.... hcn 11 Jid.n.1 (Offlt'1 nr«tnl II lrnm bmh 1 hui I m ~!.MI 1 ,l"ln1
, h,m , r ,n I SIlttl 11;111 ·c,J I uu\.l nw1tlt bt1ttr .id m Ir v.." \l"
On }lllU.ll)'2~ J\11.m ~ dssdu.rgtd from thc army.~ He tttum.s to New
Yotk. For • Íl"W months el.e Arl>ln íamily COIIUlll)CS (0 11\'(' with tlk
Nffl'l('t(l11Sat 888 P;ark A,ff11.11t.
Allan describes dktr exprm.•nce 1n 1hr busil)C:S$ u a kind o( balaocm~
Ell(fltu.llly, 1hey ITM)',\" 10 an apin.mfflt oo Wt":St 701h $1rttl anil, with aet bt-t'O.'«-f\ thu,n¡,h ,u)d desJ1'1tr F.Jtl,_,,,h rntrf'¡/ '- rl,t ~.n.t»u u,
D,md Ne:mN'CW·s tif\¡lt)(1al htlp. rene scud:10 spece 111 108 W~t )•hh um piJI rh1,11i11gfor. Artd r/ tbt pi(IIITtJ ,,, thtw goo.1-i. -bi<h 11JM;1l·
Strttt and f"U'l'h,ut, «¡u1pmrn1 fu, 1hcu 6..shaoo pootogl'l)ph)' bUSlncs.s !J -·"'' 1/"" u..1, IO/f/fft1'1tttt o/ Oui!'J (A,·t'Jon}-thr uwJ u.'Ollld 111/ Jltfrl
n.c,, rnu:me ,..,uric on ,he Rm~k's llC<:ouni us1n.g 1hc ctttfi1 fint "Dia1,c- f"OJllbJt IIK.IIN. '' 0t ll\ l)i.;1;nc p!JU lt Et-.,,, /ru• ;ÚJt, r,fttr II IJ.d r.,1"'J
& All.11'1 Atbus." t1kt 1,~ lltfdtJ 111•, w /.,1,m,w,, h.:,J ""'1pli/lll(fltt,I NI M.rM't 1J.<1Nltd, ,!NI
tl,t /llfllt.V ti ,11 p(Nf, t•J,, #1t,J, ,11.,J ltMJOdy 11-ght 11 t.·.1¡ .tJ /,.,,,J~J 1114\l.t.
111 lddiuon to d,c- oommrrci:.tl pho1ogr.1ph)' o( thnr p.trcncnlup both
1ht11 ,J.r 11t1t1 "81 uo11 htt " 11Ur-,1.d1, 1,,.,111 ...... J\lbn coocludcs: t\,rd
Ounc me! Alb.n con11n,x to m»:c picrutt1 11kli11.dually, wluch they
11 /;,twtJ'tl' U't 1hd 11 ¡,inNl"t M• ltW. u.1 rr;11/J,it ,:o lo ,J,r¡. l.l·'rJ 1111, 11¡, .,//
$how-coNlJICyN('Wn:all, Aumg Cuntor of Phocos;t'.l¡ihy (194)-46),a,
The-M~umofMQdcm An."' a,ght '"''"f..si II U:'t urr ¡1111 IU.'f ttr•Nftt,J,1011,//y 11,1111/ol'IIKJ, t,tl;/f)
1111lum,u11r pl.»lo,:,,,,p&n.•
Thty lit both a111d mulm. 1'hc boob III tlw:ir libr.ary Jt thc umt',
1MCnbtd by Oia.,,e on 1he Oylcaf ·ounc and All11n Atb1n.,* el'l('ludr 1ñtJ' tYlf.'IN: Nat1ty
O,mt~ (l~lbmy). wtio, w1rh some hdp from
thrir fricnd P~ i H,U. is aplonn;; a modchn¡: carttr Nancy ttalls her füu
wotla b)• Plato. Mat<:us Aurd,us, Tiiom.u Aqu1nui, Spmou.
mn:,un1tt w,1h OM~ lt t.,u Pl)JIOlOld úx uwy u't att ... P.-JJ1 l/1/1 AJ I""'
Sclq,cnluuer, Kitri:<"g;i.t.rd: Oo:stO('IISky. Me:-lvillc. Conrad, Go,;ol,
Don.nr, 81al:e, R1lkf', u,d Yt.Jf$.,H - .s lnl ,( foihioN JJ,o,ot,-.,¡J,,n r• 1« .,,.,¡ l 'd btm u.Jh,.-x llf' .nJ dou• r. 1tltII
mld tht Nt:Jd iv.,,,.
1111 wy ln.t U.Jt A.rN'I, Th.t1i ulx,, I ""1r<td rhiJ 11_,11.,, 1ht
mw,. Sh, loohl ~. ¡,rt,fo,,,,J, a..J l l-1.1t111, i11f~/1111), I )1111 hwt,¡,, 11,r Mffl" dt,..
19471950 ttlltfl ,o lx p, ft,t,t.1s. I INIMri tlx ltltlÍJ.O uwd, u.11 ,try Na(.! .,,J lihrk. lff)'
11m/1, ,,al_,"'""""_..,,. k1tb ""'""*'' ')'O. lrl'J 1Jffl"'1 ,,,,J ,Jp,,, Hr lltm'·
Afitr Jt"~ntl montltf;. l)iall(' .1nd AJlan g.¡thet tOgrtlll'f scene IJi thcir ntu.J,,. .:,,,d 1,, i..n ,..,, at., lwr-, IN/N.I "íU J/1/J,,,, 1ht MGW.m I h,J IN#'11t
r-i.hJOn pl(lurt:' aOO r.ake 1hem re AJcX'.lOOtr L,btrm1n at Cood~ Nllt tht Jlm1. A1.V ú,n, sht u.,Jhr/ nt' I 1,,.ttntJ to 11,"1 rhtf,,m./Jxp nfl,, rhm.. •
Allata ddtnhes Lberman's ro¡xirue as or1h1111.1ui< ,tltd ,...,. ,.,/1;,NU.v
Howanf Ncnwarov, who ~ bttn h,·ing 1.n Nrw Yock w1th hn w1!r,
O:w o( tbtir íim regular d,etus is GJ-.llieir m.cun <OIIIIICt !1.1 tlut
PC"SSY, s.incc thr md oí 1hr w.u, ,.,'C)S"k1n¿c AS an cduoroí dlt' l1tffll)' ptrt·
mag;u:,nc is 1ina Frtdcriclu. tht are Nnor. 1ñey 11.lso ....-orl: ÍC)(' Vogw,
odiol FNfJHf, publishn his lin:1 book of poccry, iht'"'"'-'""·'11,t 1.1~.
$rrtW1«1r, wd -.fvcnism.g '-8('tl("1ts.
m 1947 ..... Thc Sffllt" )T.Lr, Rcrltt Ncn,cn:,\·, rttt'nily gniclU:U«l (rom tbr
Oftm dependen, upon lln un.ag,nautt US<' t,I props and locahOIU, 0.dtOII School, ffi:ltTIC'$ R<>y Sp,1rki11""
d1C11 uylf' u che re,uh of Oune·s u, dir«tion •nd All~Jl's a.mcn
11,r Arbou.i fatmly ,pcnd, n1mmen on M.anh;{s. Vineyard (19-18 lllld
WOfk... TM) ttffl aif,4·il}J ,Ji.r put"'°, Allllll tttalk F, 1om1 "'"''º"· u
tw,{;/a't ""* 41 ,tJH»,1 :JII J,/t,;, .rJt,/ #1,.'tlJ pt," «tri .¡ thn,, MffT ÓUJlftÍ. U
1949) witb Alot o\nd Annc El101 and thf'ir (bught(r, Mt)·, ancl on Lal.c
Cham¡,lain ( 19~) ,.,,th Nancy and D1Ck Srll:uny and Nancy"s fü·r·)Uf·
Thty •tt ~mircrs and s.orncwhat balilcJ studrtia of thc worJ.: oí
old da.11gl11rr. Poni.••
m&n}' phoiiognph«s 1n che fa.shion lidd: Looisc Dahl·Wólfe 11nd
M1111n Munk11.st1, ;u we:-11 u Pu.u! 1 foynmgen.J luwe,John Rawhnss. In 1950. Alt>x Elm, mttrs J:anc WinslO"O.· ill'ld separa.1cs from h1sc
lrv11lg Pmn, and Rtth:ird A,·edon ._. w,fr, Atu\c.•
""' -
.14. 1 2 f~tl'Jl..
.,,, ........
~ .L,¡w_] -
-"t"S,-"4-', ,.,,_..,,¡_ -
.,,_.,.... Jl'-,U..,/-.;.,__ ...__ ....____
°"""'."CI.A --~
- ..-.
__ ~
llou.Qruu(~1l (>r A1,1..,, ""º n-011o..,-.1<Nll Au..., A••l._ •11,..-w
,VftA,\lDr-;nu.,unu.11·)1· i<!<ollM•\ '"' ,.ANILl'Ht
• ..! __ .. ..., .,......,
-·"""'" ... '--
In ehc: SJ>tU)S, Otme ..nd AIWl ,ubh;c ehrit srud.o (ora )'mi aod Sil-11 Kit
P.uis 011 d~ 11( IH ¡.·,,,.,,.,. •'irh 1htir SIX·)nt-old daughrtr, l)o,()n, lUI(!
lhm bluc Fon! t,t,JJ.n Al~ l!f1ot rúl'B ro rhis crip llS thcir ,.,1,1,,.,,,r.,/
'"""""·•• bu1 a«otdlt\S co Alhn: U'í ""' ,,.,J/1 r111T1m1g 111,"'}-"' In a l,tof.
m lrom tht sh1p. 01.Ult' dcscribn ,tic, cr•u1~1l11ncic •V:r.i,;I'
1, ri.
,11•·• J1
• "' '
I m
uh, .. ,.uh
•• ,,
' bu1 nu'
"" " " "''' ""
.a il I dr n .uiJ ,IJ f'f(ll!&.
e m
l{Qb' rh
¡ r 11
,1n ";i¡ 1"' 11mrn1 ,n ni
11,q· arm'C' 1n Fr...n«on M..ay 7 11w)· ipmd rbe ~ncr Jllll oí LI~ sprmg
11nd swnlTIC'r m P;1m w,th britf mps by (IU co Bv.rgundy (to \'lSn !>a.u
liill, who d li1·1ng un a f.um thtn-, writievt lkr fi.11, 110•-cO, 10 Veru1ll<,,
t<> Bntuny. and. for .l ftw wt'(b in Junot. n, Spiin mu'ot wri1cs Aloe
C.nlOOC M1:,,., A'IO lnt1• CIUJl(;f.t, "°" A Oui,, A.u< :l aie<'f.\Cf or1rn,
hM.t, 19\I
u lw bttn Jlllh,1 wundrnul m,,mh fll'lt k• c-.tti 11,.,d~ rr.lin,1:, I ter mc-thod ,,t ,IC',dupn,::a m.i.i.:uifk' rro;«1 in 1hi\ ¡limad. (ro,m 1l1t
bn.-.au'\C" it m.ikn w dnat die, (*.IUl'f L( 11 \\.(' 11,nl '" wdl, •• om- on.,:u-u,I ,Jr,o. to el~ I'~· n:sc--atth . .u'IJ purw11 uoonslSlrQ1 Wlth lht'
~,JJCJvomr1h,n¡.! ¡'liofu;¡r.iphu1,: .nJ rt'\IChrJ ¡ kmd ,~ f'('.lk ol ttttm.i; w,1~ ,hr 1.-ccr •l'f'l'llltl~ htr 1....-11 J'l-'"['\()ll,11 .... -u&
tcn1m1 tJ,.. lllltt' ,( ,,...
_,. c , .. ~ ., '.'<., ,. , '.'<,,,., , .. l thml; "'1'. w,111"' ·u111Jt en M1Lm hnl"" 1,. io,f VnJ! rhm fiC""'" ,Lin
..,,,n¡, •h ~•Jn'C' kit \'o,:l.lt', 1lio:, "' 11") l',b 111 t-lun11,c !<C C,l.inn.rr
In l~rmbe-r tht•y tt'!III a 1~ oin, farm ,n frMUh, OOt51,k ot Ri>fnc. M,·J11.,.h11C', 1 h.t•T lnw"( uir11rlc1~J" """'•· m.,mm,..:h IN1e11n J \'<!p!r
&nd mAlc- .:1m1n~1u fo, IA~n tu am,KI thc tic-,&rb) M0it1tO)Of"1 c,l,r.c !ull ,ol lunhc-r o~;nlklll\ ,..·Jm h n1.11 ce nu1 nr.11: J.t,h d11·1r ~1'
Sc.hur,I .r\hhc,u¡,:h 1hc- mp ru liunlf't' '" 11111:nJÑ w pro•tlk 1hcm a .r\npu,, 11 v. lu~1:1, 1hr \',,-,,e, l>&;:•"\•ltl(l( lu IS a,11 0011" ..hu,hurl~ Je,:
rnpc, lrum ~luoo rtiocoti:r•1"1,·, 1t , .. ;abo 1"ol.'t'fl .i.s .,.n Of'f"IM11mi1)' fo, 111,1r) "' uh <w. lftlC' -u:i·.ulll' 1 h,11 IIIC'+ ..-111 lhr ¡ 'lihl1Jt ~ ,11111 ¡,,uJ kw ...
nt"J1 c,f tht-m w punur dlt',r ,,wn 1oJ1,...J1MI rll()(o¡:r..ii"1)' m.1\ ,1,, on .-ir ,,...-., ollC' le1,,.h ,Jn wlm h "'" ll.ld, bc,.11uv rl \', 1¡.11t ,r,•oo I
'.'utid.}· "'"' JJm, ... 1 ,,unnl • n,,c ~"O<n~ ,..-,1h vut ,.um·r-,1, m•l our J:fr',U
IM' 11. 1,1)(1 ,oeher ~.umr rr..luhl) ..,,u h all Jt.pni..l, un •fl 1b,:r w,
1;•.m ~111 $Ol'nr.,¡ d.- rcJ c ..¡11' ,1,.. ,!,1,J. ... h14.f111 I ,,1.1: u 11! 1 ,.., l>n,10
biJI' blu. 1 o,nl Mlll 11~ ~. 111<0 ur.., .,¡ 11~ 11r,11h, lull t,,,....n\ .cod ...... 1l.
1,1111 1nlDlml ,,1, •••pcrJtoan ,-.e d.- ¡-wt c,I \'rtiun ,,¡¡¡. uh, "'1lJ dw·nq;:
1n~ .,.mun,I \'\11.11 \ffmc..1111.AI 1h11<1,.mJ, lll .JulJn,n , ..111(' 1". r..mbhn;.
11.111<111 ,,t I he ( .1thul11 .luir, h 1, r,.._, h,.c 10, ::1.n:. u ... h J1.lll ,u l.... cl1i,
001 ,, C\T'l' 11, ..,l anJ (t •.mn) an.1 cn,.,.,dcJ """111,l uv. tUllll""~ 11aJ
-u"•• fo(.Ou•• "' s, .. ,,,. ,.,,.. h.o.,tu>, Fno, '"' ,_.. ,.,,,.
~hm,:. vi dw1 "'T h..J to nullnl'« m • rrJJ u1m1·l1~v..o~· ..,. ¡Wfl ""'~
v.MUeJ to,;<• humr in ..Je, 1"-lt to J1,,1.,-c, 1h1rt) hilJtrn wl,u,i;. hnnw ,,u \\.:l'hj~ b, 11\jt ill FrJ\4'illt, die) tt\CÍ\'t lrom P,11, H1II dl<'rorrt('kcnl lfW\,
rl1e- n•it ui dk t.at •·nh 1n- ~r1¡,c ot her tirsc nc.. cl. TI" i\'r"'" 1\l1lt <.;,rrl, f¡~bl,s.li,:J 1n 19S'.I' b}· 1fw:
-un, o ,.., (,, • ••t 111 """ n,.,o S, "'.," •••" 1 • ,., •"· n,.-, .,... • •. ,11,, Kl\cn:,J.. J>~. l-loo.i:hum M,ffi,n). l>u.nt bk:I kllP'IITI oo.l)' wh.ii lilll
lu.l 1111,J hrf', 11,.,J 11 \li-;K Wtf\11 .1 dJi/J t.: l.,. lJlf1J 111 /.t11U.1•) 1.Jf fo, rJ.. ~11
.¡,, frrr1,•.J• Di.me rtSf'(IOOS 10 di(' m.1n1.1~nipc
Jrunlc v.·11h 11 lt, n,,c t 1n11l.1rl,h 111 rNn\ h,J..:5 ,._,, 1111:'l'l' dv. c11".I na fn'I·
Ulk tu 1IIC' b: ·111ru11,i:1 .ll 11ruw, "M1n·t,· 11'--"ll't'I J.,,;- -11.J ,t, JlCtlb
_.,..1 phK l«I ar>c.l Wt,vm JW.I}' .m.l •ll 1hr rnd 1 """' "' g.l J t111 ..11:hc II lllll\l
......, J,cJ Kt•Jo.l II IY. l(t, ... -ifh 1111Cff'llp(M-. ,11o,J th 1.1,mn1me1. 11.\U
r-,.knf up .en}· 1un. h\ wr, -1, ,,oc ,,. ,1.11uh111~ ,n d11. ,..,h,.,c ul II bur
l,l, 11, u>m1n11..1N b) luu. l ffll.'>< 11~ lu,ui • ,,¡ !f\ f'-"'· 1.111,n,t ~•r,:rt
hnn.u,n , .. w
A°'''' I\Jl<II ,, ...u,, .,,,,r.,, ..... I~: runl A HIU" h'VI, "'"""'"~ r1 '11" h. • .l.:.., ('l'ffl rht uJ.l..u.Jtt n-d\'tJ .md 1,,:J u¡,. cah
I•~"' ,n. 11... 1.• ~- r/JUff/ ll!.""",_.,, "'"' ~,..., , l*lll
d11l-.a..l cu ar1uchtt, to tlw "-"ndl<J} 1.6\rtl,,,r ,,r tr.aikrl .-,Js u¡ wuh I
p,Kl.ip- -11"1 tJk.n. 11 hu1n,.- ft._..,¡II\ m.Jt"'f'k•a. {d,r: rm1-b. u~ ¡,la:e
mr,.h,n.1,,'1. ~n~'"""' .11-.d rhc m.inrlcx.z, .all511'fl•r ,,t ln ,-bun 1,rn-11n,
Ai thr ~l"f';t fÁ thr-ir m11m honk :i(ISltW,thd. dK') btttin to s«I.: ,-:.irN->:,·, 1bm¡.." )••U IIIIC'
J,,c¡.:~1 C'C4 .1od \JJtllCI)· l>;pt<t111.i;: 1lrrr)·J •Jl 1urn
~me iw.1.i,:-nmt"l1c, ch.\1 t'NI)' rn.blc- tlwm to prolons die,r sto) u¡, m vinr U1\n1Cn<c 1-smlW e !t) lumr b111 ,1 , 11~ ,, 111 i,,lJ,,v.-.,J •
dk'II '"1l) tlungi ,11"-I k"-'l"-1 rlie,; JII , ,l,lt.-ni r' n "'"1 ,..,...,r '-'<l' !
\\·e hóaHi 1v.v ,lll,\l,&;.flnllfllh bue \'S'•I, urn; 11,un l;1,hu,n ~,mn.rlC', rnl-
"'''º ,or~,,u........ 1 ........,,.1, .. , ,u..,''"'
lN;11<on of p,umm,i;, w,1h che, wu~,.1or ll~ otlllt1'. "'fTlC' nr,1111~ l!!'-"''"'
(n,m thc {11\h1oon, 11(11;' Cm ruk,r "'1~ lud.; ..,,,. l1,,1.1·c U> •wur 1 11m ,n bw v. ,1h • u,IJ .111tl AIL
Rot11C' (\w1') ÍOf f~(f',I C'<l\11rmrn1 ) llu, m,,·.iM V>ffi< n:ft. ffll.JIIC")', bu1 III Ru111(' hMt, llu \Ve h.oH he~, -...,,.t1.;111,1: ""11!111111 Jocu.i;: mu, h •-orL
moft' 1m¡,or1:.1111 l lu•T ~tt11l 111on, i.l,·.o ... h,~h dq- l'l",i;hi ,oc th;1r I nw.on 'clr'f' ~u..1.1,·nh· v.crc .w\U>C~I ~...,a-.d ""'",:1m111u, .t111I 1MrnccJ
w, rnuld J., hctt ,,r m Sp¡m TI,n bn,J,, bt.m,: .11,:t•fllt llJl{ll•rtumt) V"\"rl.al m,,rt ,rn.J 1T1; ll· .o1ll 101u ,)1 J'ft1'1t:1rk11" ..m,J huninf 1 ,r ~ ~
mt-.u11 ,.,r «xJI.I ((lffle' Jw,~ .i., \'ui,:u,:· pl1oto.11r.q,lk'n. lfl~H..t nt "'-JU1pmcn1 l:,n,1ui,e ,1 JI n 1t "''rn,.;IJ ,c.1, !ur~c-t Bu, wJdcnl). drrr
(.;lunour rlklt<>,!ll'llrhrN who J,wn.-Jr«I t,-. -1 ...·hilt. anJ ..1,,0 ..,uhl"' b:.... I\J.\'lflj: and ,1h1.1 ,1:l~il1, 'M "M1.i:nmc111 h.n l'" n ,.aiKtkd AnJ WC'
U\ to •U}' u.md "'"' ,.,1n ,p;rc die 11u,.l11• bac.l 1M.-) lso ,....lmh 1k,n, dlC' .irt rd1lf"l,'f>.I an..t l"',rr1t1<,I .tr 1hc Y..t\11' .il IJ,rn I phu1CJi:r.1pl"'I ,n "f,_"a
r,n-.bkm ni h.i1,n¡;:: fO br)I: ano.l mar uuJm ~f'IC· thc lin.r IV.o n1o,,111h.. bo,1u1c ,,e v.,'l'l l>rt- ....1 ¡.u,n.i: hcimc ,lm l ,.,din¡.:-, Jn-,11) m)' 1 1·
.,.,., ,.,, Nll:t. . t\111,p l 'd 5'1'>1' w ,m·r{h 1hin¡.;i <1UI bu .ind {v.uuMJ "'°'"' ,h unrr:....._..-..i,1, H«1 1 .lorú ,h.-.1ol :,..y ur ( .t,mr.il P rl ar 1 11, ,,t ~
CrJ ~o,., S¡~un AII chu IF d-q .irt llllffl:\-1<>1 c.... ·h,,h I w,,, rnl, clunl; bi Ion ru mi.·)
-un,., ,,.(.,u••,.. ""'•" ._.... 11, ... 1tu.... ,_ h,...._.,...,....... , ,~. ,.,.,. tnno .-.,r.,, u ... ''"'" lo..-•ll. IJ•••• .,, ,.., ,.,..,
Afma number oí chan,s¡r1 in plans. dlt') m~
lu.ly on M•rc:h 2) a.11,d
s..il homt from Franc:r to mumor tbm fuh100 phou>gr.ipl'1y bmmni.
lbq· ani,~ in N~ York oo Apnl 7 m UITIC' co ~Ut'r.l Akx Ehnc :md
J•~Wirulow's .. ~d1.11g....
By mid-M2.y 1lwy lu.,T mu«! a niplrx ~t}19 Ean 72nd Sittet, "',.
~iJdulg o-·ntd by thc- K'Ulpu,t Paul Maruh,p. llie- si\ldio llnd do1di·
room arr on 1hc- .K'COll<I Boot. wnh • bakony D\'f'rlool:ing • spatt. whue,
tWCMfot)' füú'& ro()n), I\JOf\S eee w.-11 ol rhc li,·11'18 room ,s • buile-in
btnch -.•i1h cush,oos aDd marl:,ko 11\$('1 colr« rablt1 Jes,,i:ncd b)· chm
fo«MI Arthur We,mmn. Oial'IC' 'A'hld d1t Eliou.. ""'ho art hontymoM·
w,; 111 Europto: O. '-H ,, /kt'{tttlJ iwNt1/Nl ,.,, ,p,11 o/tk thM, 1J1Ni/1111
,{ tht Jo,Jios l'tn.1 "itJ //J,t /~'ffMt ¡J,,,fl;JtJ) ;TI 111g/n,* ~"' no.a Oi.o.,• ~'$ cu,-...n uo rn (IJ' lW1i m• Au111b' ".IO'l)
il.o.lll!'f tt.ow"" ..... ol-..,,r} JI.u.o..-. ..ou,ii,<; ,,.,....,.T "'""w;;irtn AMV
TI..n; .,ll" ffUAl \lftlplc 1•1 .U.UIT\. hkc- (NJI r.11.l,.1111 li.:Jn~m. w.1km,iu¡,
1n dw m11rnu1g "1lh ,m1 \1011111~ 1hmu,:h uur um...i11, .ind dllf un¡,:lc,I
")', •nJ 10.>kmg in ~1ur ¡.:lnru- l,,1~ k1tdll.'U. --',fl<I 4"1' l,..,d~ u.&ott.J
wu,b nÑuou,, .in.J dk bl,,.J;.1..;A.1.C /\U.u, l,..u!. n,m,i: •:iut tJt tl'k I b,lll\, .m.l
thr ,cfflt'r.aJ JrJ1¡.:hl tJÍ fo-.J1n~ tluf ll'Jt' dN.IJI."{", r Ju,j fÍ:h \1(1 WfflncJ I))'
m.,1,,,n;; ~oulJ in.u n.1l11r 11\lo 'MM h ¡,lc'J);lm '-Ufl'fl\C"l. Albn ,~ foll cll
trlt't}:} ollld \.'-'llrJF .. .111,.I u¡~1n\1'-1TI .• nJ b,.ulJ1, ¡a.n,¡I ¡,uoh ;inJ 'Alff'
ll11nJ:'-.md li:,.n odwt, w11h .a wt"ilt· ,1.,uor1nk"flt 1( 1111'-11,p:~t«IiJ,;,U.
I Jn1 lull ~ hur111;1t1 kdmt bn;:.au,,c, "t ll,,01 )« lw,lh ,l,{1rN11.t~·. onl)'
?I.Jl'lC) h) <lf'l"Ultmmt .m..l J .l .... i'c teel n1U1.J1 hke r.1ll.:m,1: ~r "·hrn 1 \tt
Robttr 8f'()'lll'n. an .:cor •·nh ,.-·hom 1hey b«otrk fnmdl, mo"'CS amo
lht od.ghboon.g apanmcnt wnh bis w1~ :md W.1ish1tt. He tt'OLl.ls the
i\tbus home- u II rtÍUgt" 1n wh1ch he s.~nds ,ltn0${ u mUC'b 1im< 11$ he
does in lm O'll·l\.io()a occ:as1on, d1t1r J1Ufl10111\d l1vtng room pn:,'l'Kk 1h(
W'llin& (or 11i'Orbhop prodllCTion,; ,n which hit lm a rolir. Throogh h1.m,
Di&n1: ttnc,.--. htor fncnchlup with Piddnoo <U$Stn11< St<Wllt1 S11'm.
now, Joerttnwm('t fü•in.g ,n Los A~les .and 1 (ri<nd ofBrown·,.~
A Díani: ..id AJb.n Arbua. phocogn,,ph oí a farhtr anJ )0)(1 on • JQfu 1~«1
b- \~.wis inc:l\ldcd b) f:d..,-ud Sct-id't'fl 11, Tbt Fa•1l7 o/ Al;.1,r ulub1·
non at Tbe MWNm oí Modtm An. ·,
.Althou&h W N$ be-tri photogn1phmg tifl(t" dlt' fllfly 19.fOs. Oi11nc
aa.,,1100 •ppArtndr fue clx- fii,1 1imr, scans numbttif'I$ her ni:.i;;ttn'n
and oorl't$pO(ld:eng shttu bt"guuung wuh I 1, Sht" wdl m,unuin
th1:h)$ttm for rht" tnt oíht"r oacr. Among 1ht"fil')c ttf d,rse 11t a Ít'W
tolk r:L 2v, &qllitt no:gamff m.dr •.-d1h a Rollciílcx_ Sltot" $00n alw.loru
thi1 lorrrw U1 fa>'Of oi dM" 3)mm N,b>n ami only rtmrnsC<> 111n 1962 fl.tU. flA)II ()P ))- ....oTOGa.. ... (lf' A WOk.o.S IS A (.,."U, lt\ YC. TIU U(!
IKTA.-.(;U 9tllfl.'•TIII .,........ 1\if-...1u m1 W:•YTIUf 0i...... c;l,Olff"O......-n w,i_,.TlO
•btft tht' sqwtt "'1_:ins e-o bttomc • h:illm11t\: oí htt m.:uUtt U)'lt fH ... 19'4
Dut,t1g ch,s penod, shrt'Xptt1mtnu wich (roppins boch htt emagn .and
bcrprmu. Sot,)tof dlt' pnnn lltt mount<J-On mat bmrd, mmmrd l1usl1
ro tht cdgu and nmrtd &J <>bt«U.
ec:rouii, IOr Lht rMuins Lr.ans«lftm11on 11, her ,'()fl: :inJ, tl'IOft" \it_:t11ti·
CU1tl)·, in litr ltthng #>Oui pbocogr.i.¡'1un.g. O... ól $t"\"Cr.i.l \'l'l'StóilS
aiTtrt'd bJ· Modcl goes as follow-,.: OIN J.,y l 1.1ul Jp htr. .,,JI th1,r/: Jhu •-ir uni M<ll'II n11 •n• ~ .. u .. •• no "'"' e,.,.._ •. ~ Yf 191(,. !M•~• fLil'
C"..uu'Y, ..-.,_._, u .. ..,,(, oe,,, 11,11 ""ª NYf 1,n-6 1/IU.l,tl "fl.l1 l.'1U....._L m
.,.., ,~ t'l'Wri.JI. I ·O,iii141/ity -,,n M9i.g/ro.w1/it 11111rrt, »111 /iif
• <"•••,,,.,.~:,a ~ .. ,u. 19yS,
H, 111 u·,°'"" Ml "'' ..... ,o fu
B,,J,,md,-:11 ,119 ~,.., ,~Jon di/fm,11,.," AJ¡.._ 1/Nw~. Ot.¡Nt ,i,1/
ltftfftg t«rf 11"/M-/',r ~ 111.., /,/r l«N .,,,,w,-Rf,l /,Jl(Nlfl810 'W l'III
T..iktt • k'Cond tot.in.t w,rh 1.isetu: Model. A((()Min¿t to Mod<'I,
01.anc- Írtq!Jtntl}'~ks 10 look .at h<'r •'Ofk aed Modcl .alw,.1ys ttfo~.
At my r..i.(t, Ou.ne "'~Id wttl)' bave ,ttn d'lt' nh1bm1,n 10
Pb«'f:'41'hm IM 11.t Nti. Yor.t 111 The Mu\eum oí Modrm An, w·luch
iiKhldtt Modtf'J work.•
In i ltttff tO her fnmds l)·nand Bob Me'il'O"C'f, who are- hvm_¡¡: m Nt\'I'
HaYlO ••h.tlt hr lS w-orkins on his doccor.a1<'ck-t;ttt 1n 1>hy~ (f'Qtl, Y,lc.
«-11,11,i: h11111c b..u t'\t•n 1,I <~J,mb 111 rh1•u>¡;r-JJ,l1 IA<" brmt: u, chr
IXr.lll whM1 1bt w.1,n mólkr )''"" l~I w 1>1run1; )'00 nu,i:lu , .... ,m 10
[Ultf'C' 1 ,1m foil af .1 wns,r o( rmmi\t', l1k(' 1 (1Ífrn lu,·t, el~ fttlmJt
oi ,!,.,~.~ l't"inl-'. ,u 1hc bq¡:mnin,1: IAno.l 1 1'11111 ~ ,fh:·,1m.. wh.c:b nu.olt-
ru1«1 1Cn~ ,., d,~ unw ind .... 11'C'1i I v,11'1r up 11 MJ.ucn.J 1u1J ,h,11·
u·nd. mcn t.0me1hrn,s: hlr lill,1r1tt rll'\ln>) wrrl) undtr Ekib w,11
nn l1kt .tl11,;1n. 01 eoi.uw, ht"II -.1}', tku\ bbv11Xh)
-u"Y'ff• ,o IIOoo ,_.,., ,._,,.. i,c,.,.,.,v.ooc,, ,.,,,
""' •
T,,: '~
' .
ttrJ,.'111." 6t .t'"br.,-,.,,1/m IHk u foltkJ ..,. .... ,,., mltt,JJJ, hh-.
Ád "'"' 10 f'rJS J.,. /1111 /,.k;I ,k 1#/1"1 l'n .•.
'\X'hrn l 1n 1n tf. m.1,lm,u1 l0t,l I í,moo o1n<l 1lttu I lu Jm
t I n1\ fa<
l1rs hc-.1J 111,1 lmi;- !,mu, ur,111ut1 ,.¡ m loe" 1 1<11,1 me fo Mt R:M,.,
•11 d1 1 d11f ~n 1 ~rl') lime- hr f:º' 1<,o mod t, •rr) v.nulJ lu,m til<."
uo aoJ ur,r,n lon•tr .111<1 nudm.an lA'oul I Jrur t·•cn 1hm¡: .m,I
ulu1 auiJ .l.;hl1 h<'\\'&\.lbc r1,,,r),r11u.rm1.1rio~11b.1t11h,,whe
•.u ,.m.J.!t 1 ...1 m, l,lkw.ciJCht ,lumru,n ul 1t 11 ,,.,, ,m,J
}t('l.l 111 eh lb,
-l.lnoa NI ,..,.,.,..h•<.11,}o."'l.40 ·~ '""'°'
1 <loo 1 ~ 1hr 1hu11~r 1ñ.. 111 ·,· A,, 1 11 l1h 1,. m, f:c-ml,
( """.,¡
~l'IC' na<l1 onr furnu. unl) Mr l.,nd ul v.n1n.o1u ... h h lu, I'"' 11>1n he
rlr IQ Ju •·11!1 1ht lmJ ol 111.111 dlt'\ ••l l,lr I lllU Uf!I 1.C<' nr
hriiinJ rhtafh« ft l,.,b l1kt" • k I' me, 1'1<''111 J,.,m
, .,
h~1:iU'91ú, -
o, run°'nr ,.,lhW', 0.,1,;,""' .JffilAD"" "1\u W1rn1.• Jol.'a.....,n,- bqt11n. Jl,1,..t ,t(,o. /unl
C.x,i,c:.oTIIL j(!St.l.lf Cu 111"; /N;Nf} ~ l'Al'lSO, C...So (),,i M 11..U..
forfuq ,¡, ,.,,, 1/ud· o/ Mf. fl ,IIN IO ¡,,,.b ,nrb ,&..., +\111..t.,, ..,,.¡ tN}
l"Nlflll /Jt-,,n,,J1t111"6Ngl, lbt, ..,, Mtpwr; 11., 1/ito,J' 'Tht IW'II.' pm,t(l
'" J
ftll rn ,1 h !, <>Ul ul V.,lfU 11 i l1>1."' 1 "'.t\ """'I: ~nil l W t1¡¡;h1 h
mc.1,1 •,mn dun , IC uh¡t,.f 1, 1 lu¡ )' ,r mi, 111 om 1t111 ,JJ c,r
ur 11;:-t 01 ,,. ""'" t :.1.nJ l '" 1hr 11 111 n l •wnn tn .h ;UJ¡I
"''" ,.. •);• I'''"" f 0('\[f\ 101,
-un••n,M,..,,.,.,._.... .o.,.., ••,rfe
,\1 1hc- l-ll~ttu<1n o{ Ch.ulit LU('.1$, m.t.l~cr oíl l11l,c1ú Mu.vum (11,,
1,re.11 .\Ir. R.C. /.1t,,11 ülJO lo....i11 a• \.f·~Oot. l"","'rMYH Extr,fMilt/lJO').
INIJ,k ""'-" ,,&,J hh l 1h111l ,,,,,, , ,ni/""""' ,,. "b"•·· .>.· ' ~\·~u.
numbn oí ,nulJ·t()'A·11 ci~wn., fai~.ilnd u.rtuY.a.ll., incl0011'\,-t \V1nh',
C1tw) m Wnc 1-km~te-.id, Üll"l8 lslJn,t Worid o( M1rtJ1 úu·mvLI in
-~ -
,.,.,,. t,,,.1ht a,J 14/,1u ,J.,,r
m,,1,,. • 11\trc urc 1ht m,1,J:1cW\s Ja~ R11.nd1 CTht lun.wng R11nd1>.
f&c.. ~ who ,uls,o an uptn paDJ-S)'<holoSy, llfld M, lboumt (.hmrophd.
"!- -
011 1
,;.-hos(, C1, die s.t}'8, 111(/,,./a,, In,/! o/ r.y/.slttlNt il trui Ó) J r~,M tr1<'1 .
.. ,,,.1, u 1/x 11,¡,,,,.t,11.,.. 1,,¡ tl«¡.. ,... hkt u,,,,. rtfNl/;kt' lff 1ht J1J/Of."'
M t·~ ),_ sho-v.· ...-bom ,ht l 1sccns 10 rq.:ul.u-1) litt.1t1Sl'of h1s unp«,.iiccablcp;mopl)·
el ,:1.a1{0.ul(I Jc"":J-'1 Mndidl, "''~ P""-º m TM Ntti ~#ffl' lftffl 1ht
work '- á kmd1"<1 ~,mih.ilicr
f:ach sulxuhuft' iltr bc,1tins to n¡,lott> curm c1t,11 l() bt, nor on.l)' 11 tcrti·
ti.u,,0..,1tr.wi,., . ..._"''"'u.:.:.YC. 19",o:,,r11, 'fflUAO•O.""•""~ 11~··
n...,-m Fu"<..t""'"' U1....,-·sM• -u h ,.,onv,,ornO.-.U, r<'<}IU' 1ory unco ,udf, bm .t k<)• lOd«1phrnni rhc ruks cf ilOOlhtt, ªPl'ólttll.dI
°"'""' <rwrn,_ u_Au.....,. -.io,utt_. ..
.._ "· , ...
TlYNl\ltll WI .. n ...... -. ufkunnittlt"o.l, iubn1ln~ w d1;u dtr "'wlJ, IIS ,.J'lt putt Jt, '""VJ ... /tOI
i.,w_ ,,.
110-1:,,l',M,"IA .. (Ni v..ur, wm.v IM't.au .,.... •v>11r1,•,u .- ..
INlk'h J&JJI .,, "- ,, 1tb ,,,,~ 11 B)· cl'lt Jilmt- clmc-n• ..,.¡lil, look:,; 1,1:c a
-- - en ..... 1 •ID.111 ...... ,,n ........_ .l'l)JllU ..,,_oJ •. <ll I OUl,ND,.. ..
,.. • .a"""'° ,u "" '-"'"' ,,,r ,,.i.u. llal.U.p- lM f>';f .. , .. o.u • ,.,,,..""- '""" .... dCllJ «id <>Í1cn 1t1:1m 001 e<> bt • h.ddm dclQI" toan unlil:d)' subfttt dlt
•1 m•fh I f .,,. .. ,l<Trfl>f'IIJ "-WISA..nJ'~ U,1 ""fUf-TQ; <!t ... nr,,t.-.'1 - ~n·, thou,gh1 m í",ltiuc. 111
-· - -· - ~
- 1
'llr,~1 •m, ,'-An U1111 "', .MnatN.. N Y.C. '9)? ',l'oof.11 ,...,.,, nu ••• O!
( 1\UU .. Lill"-A,,k ..,M!OIOtll 11,...... t'l.Wl .. U• .. MI,...,,_.. •• 011 U l'IA u-n._,
n> )hll''l.' ¡....,.,,:,~cuu :,.'("'IJflU• t')6o, º"'"' ...,n). •/.(•un w ~ ""'
,,,, '·" .,,o,,.,. l'l:.<ll.l ••Y'(.. IM.lf.l.11 nru, .....,.~,.,,,.....v.....,..,. nu .,., a, ""..- 1
'"'"~,,,,,,u~,,...u t'4
""' lt,11'.1 ,, IUNl'ln tllr 11fHW1 8/J..._ ..,._ lfl/11 n,r 11 .- ...
ou L'-'U
,,..,.,,., ..,., r,.,, ,.., •" ...,,,. ...,,, •111t,. ,..,,.
UD , -, .... ""'-· ,., r'40 l<lffl',(01'\ ,.,. .. _ .. ,,"
01 .,wm
- .... 19,n ......
l.-·-· - - -
;,l<ff,.., e W'l,lrr .,.. ~...,.,., .-,,11.1 ,,,, w,u •,., ''" ~ ..... ,1.,., ,.,, ,.,_,,.,. in
,.,,_,.. •.,1 , 1.rrruuu ., •>lltl. 11 tn.u •Ulif ,1 wu tt.1.u.r-.\. ,. ,, • ..., ro• e,,., r·
"'""'" 'Jt._.,u,,,. "" • "'""' ,.. ,, IU/1 ~H ...IT t•'Tlnll lM '11.'<tl. ., ... ,. "" rw, (i.,..r,
1'> ... , .,,.,u, n,n-,....,..,
through tM.. .-prin¡r, tomttimc'S on t-M t.Jilfir.. 1 ... nio... 11.l 1 ~. (OOII k
til!ll'I the g•rdte lltd~: and 11,·Jicn. füe del
O\'<f and ardtnt boy •bom I l.c1 11ttn IIIAli
bfSHI to J¡l,oo,m ~ gt.« ~I Of)it~ llW 6°1"Jl .. ugttff r~ lo,.'t''•door. ( <rWliri11g•L.tc
¡¡;,.. Jt wat litllc lh•t d111drt11 M,I' \li 1,..J tdí onl,- L.t 111111 in ,., act11al lifc •nd
¡i\-e flldl oUIC'r .uid our kisa laekffl w,u,.,111 11. l1&1l 11ot lattn OPl"fMo:d t,u ltnllu,r • tliioci,
• ., _. 1, ti, .. part, anJ J 111U fü·iog ll to tll( 11111. I ,..., ,
--.,~-'-'.~~ I
41 .A • ... ~- t)
~ -u ·-
•• f.l ~ /\~
..... . ..,,, <
A· .
•• •
n.o -·"""
. .........
i:--1 .. -.,
.. ..._..
.. w.
-.. __
i.. ..
-·..._. '""-
•• ,_
, .. _
M..t,(11 ,~ 1,pl,c ~u..-1n, e~ III.II.UIIUM.ff
• ,~ .,, 1"1, A•n , u ........ "" "'""'' ., Auont C...U. i,,i "•
!iTEJ'l'J::N\\'OLP 28S " u ,.,.n.ou """" -.,,. ....,.. ~
lll'l,11 u:111,.-,M:"1 ..--- ....
-·- ·-
t .,,.
Mfll)WN N ..,. nn1 an.lU .. l'QOIQI .. ..,
1 •u no--,u I ptl"C'ri,....t, tbat ¡ood Jootiqg
•nd •rdtnt bn.v 11hom J lllld _., mak .. ->
v,.un,-•9wNona-.• No,,..,.,.._
........ ...,.w
U.,:r'l'lf !or Jii"c'• door. J ••• lñi.,i. a liit of 1111"
K'lí onlr- l.,¡,1 Uu1t En m7 .nlW lileUld bciog
luid not Lttn t:iq>~I to• len11o)o, • tllll'Ualldlh
Jlllrt, llfl¡f J Wü li..-ing it lo tJio (ufl, J ru Ylkh•
f.rljf it .grow unMOlcottd b7 any othtr part '*'·
Jt ._. aol ptrturhfd ti, tbi: U1iM,ff, _. tortw.:d
by tlio Strppmwo!f.IIOr d•ar!ffl OJ' U.. potl, lh.
,-.~,, or tlio moralUt. x-1 -..
nv-' hut 1Jit JO-'tt 111(1 ( b,,,,..üwJ 110 olJM:I' .. ppi·
1lfV a.od no otl"'r 1ull'('n~ thM
had •lrudy taugftt me to lknoe 11
UKl it wa, En::ima first, úie IDOtt bta
111, •ho oa •111 a11t11mn '"flli~
iA,1; clm #"''C i. btr brown l>ffa,b
a,p oí pa .....ion to dri11k.
J Ul'td thrvusli mUffl i11 Pablo-'I
Uld not a 1bou...DdtJ1 11.ut a11 bt
AO ll~ gltl1 t W '"'"' lo"ffl W'fTt
,:.u-e me what ,lw alooe bad to gi
J ,rt,1'C wlia.L .!1t •lo. I¡_.. t.o., to
lcn"t, murh ha1t¡lina., mudt il,d
bt-wilclr"'ltlltr loo, and uill'~ fril
AII thc lo,e Uiat 1 h.d .itd Íll mf
~111 ia my ,:.~ durintr t
d.lftlllt. ·nl('r~ Wfft d,utc and ttf
om, that blu«I, d.l.rk on~"
Tlw,- ~"' l!.irin,;- h.itt. inwud ft'
' I ~ ,..
,:-~ ••
, • lhu,,.,.
r M.U\l-"I I~
H1 1 • irint"• .1
"'. Yo.. fh.M• llnc," (O
~1'1' U,>ri(Wj ~"(;t l"t..
•L<VY<Vn I •r1t1cPun Tlo
n...nu..aa 1 ( .,,.h"*' " Su
Ou.1<"" h .., 19) .. I (,1v,., ro
Jlu_,., tt M... • ,.. l'IIO.JI u¡ r
.,, t'lt
........ -
n.,._..._ • -'·- ... - ._.,., .....
...__ _,,....,...
......... ,.....
__. .. _,..._ ......
...;.. ':':... ,. r:.::.,-=-: .. -'t ._,_
,_.,..._ ...
-....... ..
YO ........... ,
. "'
.,._ ----"
, '--"'-.
_ __ .. _
·- -_ e-...--
-·- .. _ ,.,.....
.. _ . .
""' ... _ .....
--. _--·-·__ tt:,~
... .....
·~..~-'·:. : .
.. _...
-- . ... ·-!le:I'
Mar wm hroel
. ---
.... •-'t ....
":=--_._ ..
.._. -..:;.'4
···--·-_ ·-
._......... _. _..
.. ,,._,
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........."-.. --.......
,,,_,¡ (o:,.ty bv.1"1.1• N Y 196otW'l.
..twU1oot. (.Nr.o•}~..cr JUl~<W111l; MUICAND'l'All, LAclo MOIAI.C., IN MI\ M(tna aoow *"
111&, I:< A UTltl, m ~
1-U.. A,,-11 "IOI. 19(,o. 0tM<I TIIC1fl- w·11"· CIM-CH,hC.,.~I.. TMUtlfflU.I. ,·.VdjC.....
OJJU:11 A."T}A~'UI lffl ffl'.ol)IN A.-~ •Vff:ar I •)lJ~ni,:;~'°' t,· A IW'O.,.
4'"11: (lt •Y QS"... . 5"1¡ TIU nlQTOOll,t,Plt 1111( ,MW?,; ()to A.'<WClll:I, 01 ~ ....... l.'OCl.ffllCSG 1:0,- llff IIOTTI. .:,CO, IS l'fl'O.
l'n l.t)· n1gh1 1 "''<111 1111 11 Ch11J'1.-I ,n,,...u1 11 .... int .. ,u·.uu ...,.t .u,.
rwr ublc, thel'l' v..u .1 u>Upl,e, .mJ die' \loum.m \1..1., "" 1t1<-l'l'J1bl.. \p.lihl.
,ttv rl.111\a11,I f"'k Mkl mtdr.llc,ij...,..J hl,t· lill1.111 ,:,Ji. lile ,m ouc ofonlcr
rii«lun,ul Jnll. !ilw \lo.l.• <',llm,i: tl<'r U-"f,ml wllC'fl J l;u-nc· ,n .anJ ,1.mt-· furrJ{Dl)O_C..lll<ln ,.,.- UVl!l:n"~ ;\,IW,J;lliM "' 'Ot:t Wou.u'• 8UI.J1'ec,.,.o..,, 196,:,;•
..so /tJQrtJ ,,, -,: WJnl 11n PMl'N1'i • (#O~i h.,(,MIJ,T IN o...i-,:·, MAi' 16m
111'¡.: •·hd,,.. ~'lt w J\ e.&1111,!,l 11, ~-ctl n>tAA•m ltl( l'' l'') ICk.l' 1 hr 'f'(ll>f'I ,itot
19(',o ""'°'1''TiMl:.'1T llOOlt.
to lw-r momh Tht m.1n •.n ••·') ull 11n.l 1h1n, ,:r;airiul t.. 1hc·rl) 11¡.!,k llft,':'IJ'-
dnrlul, .1ll.1hk, 111IJ...1t1•c-. w,1..-n 1h1:~ ¡.:<lf 111• l1t hdJ hu lwt f.ut her u>
<l..aritt INo ,1n,d hrt l.1c:t' J1,ln e C"'lff dut1,i:c. \M lcw,,l;nl 1rrnbl\· pi.un ,m,I
Jaultd, l1kr wmi,>l'lc ~'1:11'1.1" \1>1<11,s, ;11'111 .dter Jic pic 11110 111:r a.o.u 111:
~111 O\'U hke .a. cm: ,1.nJ k1\~-J her
I un un d,c U.a.tn m N~· jfr.c). •cq· ~l't"Jl)' ,mJ Ultl) n,usc,.J h)· 1hr h.u
ol wh.&t i~ Ulll ttk wuwl.,-...·. 11, mtu ,:r"" .mJ. oo~t, ,rll°"'· muJ
,r,cl som1;Ull'IC'\ ponk C'.lflh. Tbe •·1..JJin¡,; \lo.IS. noc •et)' ~·OO. Tht briJe
l·~ibJ hke a f.uh1<1n r,.!11 .. 1 11.11,.I 1h,\ tt .a hlinJ ,¡,oc lr,r me- on,l 1hc
dnm:h \lo,u lil.:r .an .ur¡,,bnt hm,11,11 h111 l lC"l:I btncr 111,1 .,.,·.ilbnll :imnn¡;t
_,.,..,,.._ NI J,1,.ott,1 ........ An• ,,_ ·~
hd; h 1, l,M' a l'l'IC"fl) ·>:••·n ..... nd in .1 ,:.atJtn. flt''l."I' SJ.v.· sud, .a. ,:lot,oin
plact M)· morn H d1r cole. oÍbllX' Kt <R\lm Li.,1 m¡;th1 llllf'fl' 11,.1.s.1
W'll<I M<ll'fl'I ÍÍl'\l thi= sutl w,1, 1"'k .11-t whnc .i.rnl w1l,t .01,J 11Jt,:J,!)' .u1o.l 1hl'
•IOO .., .., hrrtt ,o f'\'tr,flM "'•• thrr,nJI'., hlo .... m,;, v..hitfill,ll. n.1nn,n,.:
and thr lt"II !lt.,mml'I'\ le,1rcJ o11lll ,;IJ!J;IN.I wuh 11.111 +ln¡,•,n¡; likc
wl.n "''°""
chr,t l•rl, 1hrn ,1 l'ílll~ 1,,, 1h.u ehr «~ '11,·fíe ílónJ"-1
I w-alln! humr ,lo!.hul_it throu,i:11 11""'" ui ~ m1d ulf ,t«p. lmt"'1
•1th ,-i~r ;1n.J ,....,·irl,n¿: lile mkl, kcl111,1: fo, 1hc pi.lle .,.,.,kt'c p,u \ICJ•
di.-·n olt tht· eurb m.ain ir .,.,,1~ mn tkt1• unJn to_._ TOIL.)' ,~ '(kw,.
M H.a¡n r,...kpc:ndmu'. l),¡)·. Hu .... n W l11dccrcndrt)<.t I nw.i.n
--.t..au NI~., •. _., .~c...,,.,,.,,...,. llln, S,oco.o.....u, ,.,...._,._, .. •• •""6
Yotf'fU.I) 1 wmi 1111 wee 111..J brdr.ii,t,.1.:IN rn thr Jlft'l1mm.mn re- dlC' m,t.~
M1'1Hla.(1lflír\t v.·h<-rc: 1hc) \lorf\' (hoou,1,-: n11\S. 11.-.· )"rl., 1t)', ·11i., u1t·
q:,lflll't tl 1uJ.i.:1n~ ',\-cft 1 ~"-·n.u11,1)11~·m .a b..idun,:- \UII !. l"C1'1Clfl.llnp
ll!IIIIC'\rnm,:¡.:09m .uiJ \. calcru •foch llJIUnt(I.I Juublt' \lo'iul dlC' 1111h(,r
1'11,oca1(j:(lt1n (WtitN h w .. t ,1bc,u1 101 h...u~ QI mttn,.,..~. ,...,.!,.,~··
1~ ..rid pnfonnr11¡.: •·lu.t tllt')' Wkd 1br,r 1.Jrm .anJ 1br rorlf' ¡:1rb
lool;r.J ,o Nuu,11'11 b)• d,c ..tfon III IIC' 1htlml;'h't\ c lu.t tl!C')· w111im1,1).
h nl&it d,c [;lf.il inut11L:,.., wtmh ·wnc 111 l'.kt d,nnM"h~ _our ooh·
111o.ls..mrm JJy n. 1h,u ¡.:,,J ¡u 1:t• m 1, l"''""1JJ11)•1\>n·
hu¡-.:: t,4 .i"I r.·m.·1nb,:nn¡,t .. rurnmuJuy 1,f <ltr.otn\ (lhc mlc vi H1;1,.J1J
1~un,i,:u,u1 .,.ful,·,..,. ...«- ,n .. hi 11,rw '"' ,nncr,,v'1 uKln1nl ,hun ~11,riM., J"lhlt'ohc-.1 lv, ~krr ..._ \VJtbllt)(,
-unu ,oM.o.or,!!o ham.Jl'l" ,,_ ·~ Ln.luo, l 'X•O) 1 w1.,uJ ..rn) ,1 d10:to: ,..,r,; any ~11 .n~·'4)1(tt rounJ ~u.1t
H<IIIII\' .... !mh .... ulJ pru\·t<k mr 1br -x,usr 111J oppt) fo, 11 \1\11 .. AJI)
1 \l¡'l"flC 10 tht .a.,.,,rnihlm~ of th ,ulllmh, .!,1j '-11 • 1, v.nmrn •n l<in,:
,n1¡>0Mcn. ar l'('(lf''" uh mcml,hl) lnng 1...-.ml~. ur u!lft '4ho bdw•r ,n
,-,rl, 11,
ªf"-" 11110:..,t ""ith ,:,r,111,:r uli. .1J-.I 11,,1t. IY,:r,..1~ 1H1m1 u¡, h11•11
dlC' 11111n11l1f111 1.·11,l ni th,: ,..,,M, ur 11-R' 1rm<ilri'l.lhOfl\ ot k.-q, IIOfll ,n
m.,.,í'ffl rllt1r k~ .u 11.. 1~·\ m nurmc· Nnlr ,11'1.'"
11,J :111,te" t \'(1~1\
rhC'1f 1,~,n~ r..:,n, clf C'•nh.ohn ....l h,J"-" ,'! "..-1, ,.l,d,-,,.11~ ur h.i\r J,;.,d
.,,...l ,:ul, wuh ~A(Rll> IH.Ak.l wnutn un 1h1;11 ktc hr1;.a.\t «m <ll
1hon .. lh..n¡,h,;lf):."U.;nf11,,..t.,f'hCu•r.a¡•li I.\U) ,0<1·111 11,h1t d1,,1
•·1"'1 $tlfllf IC'\j'('(l.tl 'lloll ,kC' l..,J~ ,,, noticb ... ,... •J. n1eu11 lo, .., cnJ
)ln·r 1.m,!ct 11,,llt'f.t>I .tffr.tct l,IJlllr ttmarlol,lt" (<J\IUmt O( UCl~f, (ll lOll('I..(
lu¡'f'C'11"- ~1111 u, m N<I
dnllJ:" to 1111. 1'"1111 cif m,-.c-,lin~"" J).,n'e 1r..-.iJ.lolc al><>UI ,1. ut ho:d11,r tu
11nw,rt, 111111'" .... 1llf11 ~'"' k1ok up tn,m rlM· i•b~ tlw: \lt"»1,1I,, ,111111. "''·ti·
LSM r11,¡;h1 1 wtnt 1,, .a lhun h ,LNc un IIC'lll) ""-'1 1~,t Ol'1,:hhu h<• ..1 k,d, ,knn1!11tlt ,,. 11\C' v.1••h ,\11JWJ)' f11,,.. ,n· }lJU' anJ v.l ,s "'' ·.,11~ ,,o' 1
,í ...-l•wn .are .g..u~ lnh h v..n 1cn,hh· ,!.o,\,; 111.1l'lrk1<11 llin, 111¡;,
1<ll'!lC' ,m 1,11.. ro.,1¡,1,J-,I ,11th ht<,I
'M)' 1u1~ t:º)'- ......l)ho.l) rw,:ro, x,'f1'C !tu.Je I r,:,c,rk 1111 !u.Jm,i: ~ •r11I -unu to t1.:,.-_..,. :,.-,.,,-,t,...,. ,.._. ,'jlN'"
il,r rrau ...hu v.,Jf1· thr" lull nx.111.1 • 1tl ' , ,,-J ,,. n n.! "' ,.1 ,,,
1hni11,:h 10,.l .a.muo~ dll· ,L11 - lil,, .,1, ... ,, lun; ,,. ..,,111,,." In tts.ponSit to the- ~I shr iubm,ts to Brnton a"'1 Har~ 1n
-un'U ..,,. .. ,,,.. ....... ._c.._. so .. ,. ... o,;6<, No..-tmb«, E.,q111ft im1gns htr the- $torf. Ptt'$11mfflly at her te"qUNt,
Hayes provides ha a br1eí1'o Wliorn lt Mra)' Conctm ku« oí -«mi·
.1 ,L rL J.,,)· wh,, h ,1..; 111 r,un a 111- ,uuoo
1k ..•mJ uh ch.u ,un-1 ....-~ •,n,1,dc·rfol, rn·l'\"l"C' "',nl..111¡;: ~ri,I m1J~,nf
..1,.J t.ai~111,1_1 d11·11 crdm,,.. ~ .ood nmmn.i: d•·1r hiullB chr,,u~h 1hl'lr 1n.1t
ldkJ lwt .n..l J 1.,w 11111: .,f \"Uf
ta..,·r 1,1!,I n.- .ab.nu '4 1tb f lll I' ,
~..-m~hl111.I nwu
ru, 1,ul 1 , , ·11,.,1 • ,-.,u .1t.1·rt
.10<! .t 111.111 lik.-
.,o- 1 " 1hn11·
•.u-,.11,.,c.,.. u1u¡ .. , e, Tbr l:<«ru.rics prt0ro1py ht-r 1hn:,t1g:hout moi,;t el: d~ Jirn h:r,1{cÁ 1hr )Uf
-uno l'O w....... ,,.,.,.,.,~0<-4 ~·on11•u ,p J.nd l«Outlt lot lbt conttncs of thttt el htt noctlxd:s(No. 4. No. ) • .anJ
No.. 6). In 10fflC' caso, hrr M!llreh 1J mcrdy a nuurr of l:ind,ns p(llnicul
Arou:nd m..d,No~mbtt sbe appN.1$ to be oo tlk ver¡t o( ~lusing I
e.•ndidues shc alttady knows, l,kit }« Allcn, • (omonionin ÍTom
ntW prob;ibly llnl.lChtt Nikott.. Albn re(".alb l,cc :.t,$klfl& hiM 10
J luhenl.. '1.lso lmown as ti~ BackwatJs itan.uo U•A.ll<N il.,
I lflltJI b.111f ltJtidfi1'C ÚIIIHI, be P)'S. Ntth1Ng J,,arp
(N.-• JM1.11-,-11"'ll1rtt Df,,J ,,r11> tlx /111111rtu·11b,11,r¡< o. ,Jx¡,.t11,,n ,hr
ICSI iOrnC kolllM'S! 11.U
tt011glJ /r,r /,w. 111 1br dl.S$llt1i&tt1on Wtlh lwf fthllOOSlup {0 (h(, CJTICf;)
,,mes oo a ~C' oílw:r appoitumtn1 book. and in onitof htr nottbooks:
w,11 t«'IU :u Y:ariouS m•crwb rhf'l)Ughour htt ceeer, ot'u·n ~1su;tl11'6 :an
TIN Uadt,.mb 1\tllll': tbt ..,_. u,t,,, (.{,(fil 1« .,&,, bt 111TJ... 1NM1.-,l1a.-,...u1) In
impe:nd1ff$ d1olllsr 1n brr -.'Oek. Oa dus 0001Sion, h:.wing bom:,.,.,"('(I
Ol.hcT <ases. loo,.ti'\8 111(" pcos,&e ~ de$C;ribcs ai afiv,,ft:ht -, t~K.J,-.,,.
lsr,c.J'$ c:untr.t in ihr imenm,11' shc wmd.:
K.J, c~-J.u, rtqu:irtS l'l'IOr'C' insrnui1y.
I n ni ffl)' r,,,-.. ,,1mot-f"J. h 11) :\l,w111,·l11k l rnil)· ~ )"""' lut ,..hM h I
,twik y,,u. lt w,.·m1, ,,, 111,· ''íT)' hru·, r"OT'ft ,nt..llc<lu.,J 11,I anuo. r.111, li\¡r I fo11.1.J \Vill1,1m ,1.,_ f.. 11 • ...--.n (11 lurr~ r. 1r11tiri 'A'IIO ",uunl~· 1111,.l
-,.rnu ,oM,.-.,,. 1..._..._c.c,. Sonilof• t<,I»"' lo,>1.,ns, l1kC' ~ '°""r whn h.01, l11r¡:;ou.·n h,,. o....·n ICU'rl 11r an .ui.uhn~nm
.,..ho ,·1,lll:' u ,...~, 1ibwf,·1, pn1U,J, Jo,rn1,,l.d,lr ..1"1 111lru lile 1-11
TowW ch( end o( 1ht- ye-,u, in prep.mng 10 ....-nre a propuW to EJ.f11m un¡,riru.1rlnl m.cn~·r. 1hr wotl.l" íull of fiu1n111I d1Jrillttn lcxJ..11,,i: ti.-
on, thr wb1cn rÁ«'(ffl1f1CS.dit L't1)()«S: l 4.N, ÑtN J,JJ "" ,,, ,Jx p.WK lf,. ,r ~°"~
J,~"'1J;#j K;,Ó)I 111-'n-{11.I 1\11tst11M -{ RttMr&Mr C-1,,ml(lm ;utd
'WHlffJ i\Lrf.a1«,f CimOlal ",d()JJ ¡\f,._,,,. attd A.tttnfota ami I - "G'8
uith "llfflJ...
m Shr also .kn(!s a lruc:r 10 htr bnxhrr, ,..,ho tw httn On Jaowry 19, '!he cr..:,·cb to Waihu~u)ló1 w1th MllJL'. ~ut'A'<II Landar,11t11
tC.Chln& t1 Bttlningcon Colltse- in Vtrmooc, ,o wh,ffl shc 8"'t:S tht f'ol. 80-y.,Nld llf,fe "'*'
4 /1t1 h,gb 11.6,o ¡,rrwWJ 10 IN U"''' s- 6«mnr ht
l.oW11\1; dtsmpoon o( what sht bopc1 codo. th,dJ ¡,top/< M-'Ollld /,ff ,. t/nt114."' iJ,lll
I m v.,d.,n , 1 ion~ •h,n~ fl ,..,, d1 e,: ,nn,, 1 tu\ .. 11> lun~ cl•,u¡.:ht 11-, U>t•J.. nw I\J \'\:.'l\l1111¡.:tun t,,i d~ ln.ou¡.:ur;11111n (ol'John F. K..norJ~·l.
O,, of radlef pn'f'k who ,mbl) brlu,,-c- m -n ·thHl}r l:"\'1)'•~ Juohcs. .. -.1lkm,: 1111 rtllll<' .. ,l\ tn,m oo C"11,I 1,j thr 1r.a.1n en dw 1>1llff, rm·
Dear Robort. and Harold,
About eccentrlco •••..
Ed1th Sltwell oa,ys 1n 'What le the orett1eet der'ln1t1on:"
~. ,ANY DUllll ,BllT. PRFlPlANT COlllfEN'l' ~N·LIFE,ANY CRIT!C!Stl 01' TaE'l!ORLD'·S ·,.
~,'.l;ONTC>RT!,Oll;BEJ¡Olol!i:S ,ECCENTRICITY.Or, 1f tllat· word has too double an
:~~f.edge~ we could use· sorne othore: t.he a.noma11eo, the <.tu1xot1c, the ded1cat
· · ·ed,who bel1ne ln the 1mposs1ble,•ho make thelr mark on t.henwelves,
who-1f-.Yo.u-wero-go 1ng -to-mee t.- thern-f or-t.he-f 1rs t-t.1rue-wouJ.d- in ve- no-
;need-of-á-carna t lon-1n-the1r-but tonhol e, . ' . ...
· L1ke the very lrate lady who appeare at n1ght pull1ng ~·· :,~•·•(I
.· '. red klddies exprese wagon tr~rumed ...,1th· bel le and f.llled w1th alle/:'~··.;':;; •., ,... 1".·'
!~ ..catsfJ!?, ,fj,,~cy,~p'ata· o..nd dresses. Arul .a ;man· 1 n , !lrooklyn called Th<!'-~111.5(0 ..."'~
~. ~~:;
~~·:,farber"'\who ,\ele orts h1.msolf to )!ara ..·and eays h1:1 la dead and· weara···a
..-, -·¿,
... ~..'
... ,,. 1
... '
n11 rel)lico. <>f '!'he Sp1r1~ Ot '7 .And there Is a man ·eho
h~s 82 akelet.ons a.nd ?.6 ~u~mloe 1n ble bnsoment as ~ellas some?ne who
can •rlte the Gettyaburg Address on a human halr,atthough that ra1ght be
rat.her hard te aee.All wc nced aro a t e» cr t.hc m?et lyr1CK1,mag1co..l,
mcr..aphorlcalJ11k.o the m:.n 1n ~lew JortJey who hao buen collect.lng e'trin,c
t or ?.0 yeare,w1ndine. t t, ln a. ball··ithl~h ·ls by now 5 reet. ln d1a:neter,.: ...
•'•l~L1ng monatroue··and; sptend1d 1n n rc. l1v1ng room.And I nave heard or :.;._ .,
·;"',:.a:one-eyod: l3dy miser- who can be rounfi .in the Aut.oma.t.·• ·
• ,· ,.., -', , ...
·/~ • · : .'.r- These· are 'tho Cha.ractere In A Falry Tale For Gro••n Upa. '
.t "louldn '·t\ 1t. be tovely? '"
~~(~-....· ... / -·
• Yes ... • ' .
· rJJ~1ai}!; ,,•• .. .'
,, .
- ... _.- .... -4
..~. ·
- ' . ,. ;
.. • 1
,-.. ,,. Dl'_.M> UTrU.1'0 ltt>lou.Tfll-'<'TOel .v,i~H_.llllUI HAl'U ,.-, THt üor;:a.vn,,O Nl()¡-,cT, f'lll(A !l:,C,,,JJ... H eo6,).
_.1,G A tN:ia ts MH 19',o No'nlll(lOlt (:,:.0 ) J ftTtl .. s l!.UUO. tl"1'-~ """'""~ l't!J I.ITf'ra.-
d.1.1ti'Un!,; h,i m,,saoo Thc (ll.1n .,., ..l$ lof ITIC' 10 f'!iotQ¡tnph him bcin,i:
rhc- l·,m Man T1,~l1Akl' Thc l lanJ oí Q,...1¡.:h1 O E.iwnl1<, ...Cf Whcn Hr
\\'a\ ~u l.clfl¡.:(1" Pn,\u.ltm l,u1 we tuul,ln"1 ,:i-1 d"""' en,11.1,i:lt ln"Cld
""'l' skr1 oo t,.,:-,ll.ht"> u, 1:n,on St:1111,n . .tn,I hr ,l,mhrJ rhr
\V.i.,hm~wn M1.mumc 111 u<i .. bliu,1«1, ,ali 6->S )ltp1, t•I 11. wkmnh
1ld1H:<Ji11g hi, or ..umn ro (jl'(1r¡.:•· \'\'.i.,hm,i:ma Jt rht- buuom. for an
11u,hcnu: uf du: 11,c ¡.;uAtJ1, ,n.l m1.
--n,.. hu c-.u: tlNU'OA'> # ..........s.,,,_._. ,<JH
t ,....-1"',.tw.t .., •..__. me, s.,,~·,n¿.: 1h.:11 r ....1.uo:- e\"'" a q,,tmu.d m.1~,u:mc ,mJ ,ti.u l .i.m 11n11r,
111¡.; to M,11..r .i íool u( htr but ~hr b.itei' 1h,s mJn ,1.nd hr 11 no1 \l}imual.
in 1.-;c he '-' a rrcu a~cm ;.,nJ du, mc"1t1tl,!: the 1.i:,tJ colJ her to!,.,:- .. •I\'
<il JIIJ• bdl wh~h K h1i iumc ,:in..11 k ull.:n.l \'t'') n,cr .iboo.u me- m.d l lr
-...,J ot me. ,he u ,nnutmt ••1nJ 1hc b1\h·1~ ,,.. ...,~ cl'l(f clic ldtf'l"'lfll'!IJf
1lw Nll ,,1 h~ mhc m.:idr nunifn1 10 mi· plllJ(ogr.arlo .and ~l'k "q'IC ,mJ
iht' blnSN mr JoJ ~iJ ne:,'""' tQ1.11d hun 11, ;1111.I I 11,1,:rtt,.I
-,on-u wM,n,., ... ._.1,<•oot• '"'''"
1 \fl<'III thc Y,tTll'nJ ot cbc-11,unh holtJ upwm,~ ... tvuc l'*••·h't' llll!l.n
.ad,,, .,.., 1hl· ,nr oí th.. OJJ Pwpk ..~ uJ..1n,: ,... ..JJ..i .1.n..l ('>11in¡;: ~ I.IN
tun1 /!..., \, ............ nt(IYO(¡...,.., °" J,,c:K l)lv.Q.•..... n.. .w.,,u.rn no.. ,... ,... ;mJ I liniwnl u .i,1d 1ht')- olfC n'Kll>I tc.-mliull) rk.a.~ ,1,nd, "'~n, 1 l .un
.,i,,,.,.,. l'n# J"°' r,~ ,n-r, ...,rrv HU.''- 16<ioo.ool. rmml
U...."'t ...,_nn, • , .•
Mue. $Tl'.*Jol( 011 i...a,·,a1t, Tlo 1.-tn Tuo ... ...,....U TI> lh A (iU•'Tt.DtAI" TKt; TI:JIT b"¡•1n¡. u, ~,..,, on .in(lfhrt '"~1¡.:11m1·m ur ,,.·o, t.1m1l.11lr lc,11¡.:; r.an¡.:c
l'\-nl l'I ni&. fHlll'OIIV 19(11 SM4.•t (lt hnvn "'~in» .., fU.ll!l'K
'"" ,u ....... k,nih, n,i:lu .iw.a)·, for 'lt.fod1 l l\,l,'t' W\crAI ,ld1< mu, ,,k.ó. 1 h.l\l' ~
l'<•JC,UY-" '1 4l.lfU.\fl ,..,. A-.Ol,4\ ((<'olQl'~rA 11.l.fVffl,U:.,TU1 m "111UT fllll' (11:
in" •l•lt"\'rcmpcy t·:uncJ U.Ut't'\l'r ,ullc I lim,-hcJ dit 11»J~nmca1. ,..,,tk.
fr,. l,lt•l'f. 4'\0 u,u '11 #lll Yff ''"""-' Al A 1",,·. flJ-'1 ,.,,. .........,- r,n, lfl'll
,,n n ,u A .,.,.._..._ • rn~-.1. NIIII .. ,u,~"• n; ......_ "'IJ.: ,U ·I ot S/IM rn1Jc<5'" '1 lllffll'm,c he.in .in,! ¡.'0011.~ fo, .a -..1.U, .inJ m
d'C' ffl<>\l(S .,..Jkff" 1 dkn Jueú v. ne 11> l.1\ anJ kd111~ ,dwm.1tth
h11.111uJ .inJ l-lr1.\n.l
• u'ff•• "'1~~ Au,,.,UdwoJ<, ... ,,,ri,
l vp.i,ttc w'" w,1.11~· l.{'l"fn um·c biu .dl(1,· ..Jm111N 1hn pr..,b.thl)· l'l.m
lo k..1,'C" OUI Sionric ,.mJ C-,uf\1111, b.. l. r,I ~J"'-C ;mJ I Ul(I I JuJn I knnw
d I wuuld .lJ,:m.' io !et 1hrn1 hAw u m dl.l', t.w: .\l(\ln._,·h1k \l-&r, m
a.lln.l cl1n11'" M)' hcd M,c 1<1 puhlu.t1 11 (10 /1,'7"' 11.a..wrJ 11 11•1
don t ll llK h m \.1 h.1,r 11\.i<lr 1hrm 1um1• .ui,.I ufod1 \\o~..11.1 hr v.,,ciJrt.
fuJ but unl1hl~ w.as 1t ~.inJs 1io ont• 1w. bou,::111 11 .ui,.I C'Oo(f\t•nr hkn
11 .u-..1 ltt Í<IW' l;,HI I m ,::!;1,;I tn ,1,'f• d1ink1n¡.: ~liou1 11 l,i C'Jlnl' ¡,r.il't' "
'Tl'J' 1.111,i-ulm,:
In bit' Au¡.:w1, af,rr 001ifpn,1. lllt'r du1 ElqNirr h:as dc(¡.,kJ nQI co
publtsh 1hc l!<(cnttio. H•)'C'I wmrt. ;U;k1n1: lwr 10 rkJt..., IN'
rrhlnt •.• .1161tMwJ""¡,..,¡,.. thr IC'11cr of .K('ttd11:1.1ion he md gi,'t'f'I ber in
Al lhl$ fWICIUrc. I~ fue IIC'W pro,rcu .are bri:mnm¿: {() fill hC'f AQC('•
boob .\!IJ :.lflf'OÍOlfflCflC boiil:. fOf S.bou-Khnlukd to J.rbu.1 m
OmJw-dlr Jlll' dOW11 somc:1hm~.&bout .t quickic: hof-rot n'I0\'1t'C'OO'I·
t*J)', &tthctypecal hcrotS 1.nd ...¡t11a11s, .u "'·di llS tlx.itn.,,I tht/tl"" ,,,,J
th11,.1J:P(n .rNJ .othfn ,,,,J
..,Jn,p ,lft,/ d.J«t /0~1.sNJ ,;11JitiHJ. JNJ
,bt """'' .. -rwtJ .¡IILl'Állt,t bdtnt ¡,,,.Ttlll.1•
l 1rn lirot bue ~ull 1,ia f"'4< ,rr,J .unl ,ukm~ .11 \AM ,1pm 41\tl .1¡...am I h.i,t
,. ne- ...Wls!tll'I• t l .ami ~ \l't.al n'6tt l'f'lklmi; Ol"C'lo - ,1 lle""'' ~IIIC
" '
(,4ft!U (lfT' TIU lhlN,\ .. f'll'o(;l."'HI()',, toi·i, (:U lfl'<>. Mfl 19'11, (l• <rlt<I.M 014l>I
• ••'ft• ,,. 111 • ,.,.,.l'I.,•'-•"'''" "'•, 11...... ,. S,111,.. t,,,, •• (.unv • ·" r"II! <IIP.ltt>*'
•<"1 ...., ... 111111" l>IIO llt IOf ,'<J>,11.11,,,v• trffr.fT A rullf •A ,.,, ..n .lffl
TIN"•>I 1 v. ,i-ku 1 1 IOKROR 111 t,lm
1' " rtfll<,#IIW ,U ., /UU IIM<. llf.•U·ll"l'll.t'· 11''Lllll111<..: 111fl,101111.11 J{! at A 11,,1 •W.M.
,h ,h. 1 V,
"·'u 11 " nJ 81:T llt 11'.°''IJ 10~'1'1 ,1/o'OU.tAN n, ti •O •"0
11'.ltrf ,4 .. V f/. .. 0
lt,- 1'111 1.,U,1,/\'AI JQ 111 U.N MIIJ .... k I IPI! ..... •HJ. Al- _,
un Ot-.GIIOI t ..,._,
UOlutJJ rl<H
' 1 "'11 bewl
l ,111 n
Aff•uu,,..~o, .. n<,,.,,."n ,.,.,,,,r, ,,....,.1,11c.,rr;th~ttu,,,..,.N.NV<; 19"'>1 l ..
dn11 ,JI 1 "" " 1 ~ '. i ,Rt\li \U .... C.Ol"TIO:-'. Jl(I[ lllll.0111 .. "'"'" TMll ""'" ., ll!J (Mflll
JJIU• lll lT ,\((Wl)l"<,
t.u.nc ,w ,O'
711 ,r11u ,..... .. {N ... .1.u.001 -..rr,, 1nl AOWIIIIO .. rllAT 1111
,nu IIU 'º'" 1111' ~,,,,,.,.,. IUU,.,J
.,. ..___, 1.,1,·G'l11 '"'" fG r1'14f .... 1 .., .....\UO
..h ,J fl 1 1 \ .. ,, n w OOU.., X Y.C: 19'>1 •
ttr 1 f CMll.0 lll'ITM,.
Th '
O\ )11 I H ir 'W. u • wh.11 1 M;, r, n,I
,w r,I,. ni hnur, n • w.n• wl w.11 h,n
1" ! W'C I flU.1-flO' t il"IC' he 1 .u¡.J unu
di,,..,, 11 Ir.,
1 d 111 'lf'
,11 m ,h
!11 -nc •
11W' wocd hcwmr usclf SpAwns a K'nd of thoughu Oft thc COM«ttOCI
btotv.ttn (ni and horror, \1$ i( sht "'~ in Sf:'aKh ol. • dffini1ioo; #lrXNty
U tht/ou,(&nwid{nml, W wrues 1n her appoincmeni book oo Jul)' 16,
1961: 11.nd 1.11 a ooctboolr:, """"'" 11 fur 1#1.t"f J.-" ,.,11Jr, aDCI l.:uC'f. 1/
itl#>NI) Ir,,.,, {t.w o/,,,,,,,
afrJJd honor IS rht '*"'"'" .¡-,,r&z, ,hnT IJ ..
,,,,J JO«
u{r111,J ,(.111 'OlC complrteod usig-nmdl1-which s~ subm1u.
10 Shl.• .n S(pctmbtr. ~ whi(h is ne,·i::r Jl'lhfohtd-tt mhcidc..:I
lhcse Art N1shmurn 10 fk.,:uik Us Wh1k We Wai1.· M in tht ese
o( htt othtr ~·he' proj«ts ci tM pc,r,od, <'Ó phoc<1grnph i$ aro:>m·
~ by iu ~·n 1ex1, Tiiere ,s a IM"IIIC!Jess mm, 11 llinldlm woman, u.
mooster m.tknip aron MOCkli11¡¡: his own handiwotk, rwc hul'n:lft pin·
(Ushi()m, ~ 1ht World m Wax Mw& u Caney li.llmd:
~fl m h.111 lt lllll ~11t m 1f\kr
v r¡ 1oJ I~ fur ,t ,r l..!.1
111, .imh1
lc.J J
" " rum¡ WJ l.cJ
1 ..i1 ,1 11') 1 1 Dr .in • l. Ju rpt h 11.. 1 Ulll bur
h n 01111,J ll'rll' ól ,J f ,pion l II I r, ¡
11,J 1r h11rd1
___ .. __
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... .~~-:.'="".:=..:::::--
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.- ..
----·-... -----·
- -·- -
---·-- -
... ...... .
-··-------··-- -
......... ...
-----·-.. ··-- .
as• rorruntic uut1gl,.
. .. "
1. d
"" ,.'
1 m, 11 r, \1 (l\t l't'd 111,1{
hhrJO ·h \1"" h hnh· hk,
l t,o:- n J:foum) Pub!
•~ "
• ll j' 1kJ,<1, ol
' b.11 d1t (lllt ~
1h1 ' "inru,
., ,,
ob1111,U) l t. 1\ ÍI ur ,1 • UI ~ti.ir d !u
lll,1 111111 IO I
11 1, o1n.J 11~k -.uh il b
' 1 ~ ¡ 1-.;ilu r rh ' ' 11
hn1nJunru 1~ 11 J rlun!l ,\... mr, 1 ("ni
" "1
1 111 1111 1
J I no irrl
¡, " "
bkt' h..r.\ h, r,I un nu n ntr- hnJ le lll \ 1
• .. •• "
il, '"' lf h, n.! 01\ 11
111 1 1 nuJd, ht , 1 ti .n I~ \\ JI ,mtoh>\ IM'
Guggmha.M ;;tan<. ,ndud1nt EJ11,·.uJSmchc1\100 Gr.te M.iyerm the 1'flll11ttw1. Not ,,, u,ry dx4' 11·,1,- I• ,&-u 1rrM#J 1t.J,. s....,w u-bt 1t.n
phologt1rhydc¡:wtmc·m of'Tht' MUSC\lm of Modttn AJ1.m alld W;1.lktt ~;-&,, 11n,rd /O!'"° N111t1W 1N('(OUJ. 1i.,,.1,1,,,, /tdú,.xtolfll'td u/l .,,,."la1Mfl.
E,..i», wboitl sl1ir mtt'IS 1hrough MlllVin lw-.ad.1~ lu l.u" &ptrmbrr, fol. 1/np b«"NH ,f )INI /«/ 1fu-11111NI01!4.ll«.II/J JtlJ 11¡, ,, h,ul #j dJJlaN,,'tlb.ti
lowing an aftttooon •'ith lh·J.flS, sht writ(S 10 th.al\lc: h,fll S,11" fo,-,.,,,.,. ,w, . t,011(> rr.,.¡,ttl M lr>{I/J(T b«,· lll'II )H -, «Nllt f(> AINli """ t1'1tr.
mu:, 11.J Ú,, ,,"''""' o{''"' ,sfrtntfill»l, /l'f ,_,. m'RJtl (lit;/ tootl'tf1(ll~
,.,..,,¡11 /f.11111(t/ • iWll#K 1«ia¡ 1,1m/tJ»Mil, l 11>'.1_." hui, Frrllfh lri/1 ,1,.s,
Jvriq j., 8#(1, /,dp lit tbt JW'OJ«f.lM
ir"14 tlx tn.mkr"W' «rrrM,11110 .¡w,r- r,M•t... Judgms b)· thc too1e,1u
o(htr ,ppocnunc111 boo&:sand noccbooks.. thc: <Ofl'C has bttn bttwin.g m
her nund for more LIWl a )-,, 1'besc irc somc 1,u(,:s fron, O«obrr 4,
1961: t/J, 1111/f#Í ÍfTIPIU, fft11-11/, .triJI°"'""'],Í#I/J#IM,/,-if#, .,r!NPIJ•it¡, fig·
9/0II,. roJ WHffJ, WMtrNJ,, JruMJ. d.1,/1 drtm,,,, 1r;1/Jt»f. dna'IIU, JINtrl·
11"'11 W
,j .t/.'Wf,u, )M' lo#ll't lfWII·
ui.l, 11") put-r Jht 1"'11. e- PATI HIU
'"')t/JJ11& Jht di¡}, / 1"1,d Jht M,lllttJ ti t•/Jt Jldl Pt-t'/«t-fo, - t'f.SI l\'f'-
J..tto/1 ~ ,._ tÍJr#ftb. Ttmf,111g.1• Ol\e
Surli;o....1'<, midb showm,s.ber TIU1 w.,,
Uf:&,lfl, a 1954 bouk ol phc). thin~
,o.i;rapltt by lbtiu~ K1nst"y• .u v.dl ~ ,hr 1929 Augus:t &.ndet book,
lanlil: h z,,,.1 Sht uo,1 flwrJ. hit rtpo,rs atld. baiC'd on her rtSf(lnK", I
hn rhe imp~ tJu.t dld u: d~ flnt reme ~he- AA seen Sa1)1Xr':1 wcrk.
lo a IIOfe éned Janu.1ry 2. 1963. Oi;U'le íollows up on 1h,:ir mttt1n.g: ............... ..,.....
T/wt 11<.W MM, tl,.11 fiflfl hfl# / WM )11# d (Oll¡'>/t-of t90Jf¡/1¡ ,qo. She ,S.oe'I, ()n
(O W. Mf the mk ot 1ht D.ar111S Kinsty book und for A11¿tmt S,.ni,kr's
...... I"
,...._.., "'""
_..n i...J'-'flC>.,.
TI!l Clllllt.--
,...,, 'O\(t> 4'0 •o• -
Fou.ncb:non rtq""'tS C1Wl'IJ11l-s o( che 1,1,pphr2n1$ work Tberc ¡¡pJ,e-.i.tS m .~, 1 ~,,rw,, ••~Wll'.!'1 un ,.....,.._.,,..._(h,Nfl lw" 1.,,S, '.ofJ'IIO()I[ °"-'• ••nu
be no tt'(()rd oí the phcnogr..qlhs l)eant diooosn co )ubtnn for m·ir,,.• by IH·~~ ·- 111 .. 11urnu Ion(),. f"NI
& .... .,,u- Rif 'i (JI TIII D.tt.u11lNIYU#TY OII'
(10(."'(,0I) ...,_..,, ,yt,n At .. ,,,, ~ ,.,..... l'•tt-nn ., ...... UIU '""'"" 7}tr DITI"•·
tht Fo11tid.t1,on·, A<h•1SOt)· Ju,y. 1\1 111t)' fl.l(C', ll ít"' da)'S ::r.fttr ddl\'C'nn!t l'l!fT.1no\ 11 ll',,U" J1II( ,.,v, a<•,. ~ nu ,,.,.-11. "'"-'"' "11• PQt:J<I 'To C.uo. Ml., ~
Hn"ll*'I'; >'tlll'rnu, ·o,s n ....._,,"iG TlhJ .,..,, En•-"-"7' W<.UJl>tl
u Tl,1
hu po11u «>the uflkn m proon, slk" snkb Modtl a JlOlt(llrd, co rcm1nd Mn••-"n\, Mu.1..u.i o, An h _,..,,. '«ll"N1" ,._,.,,n
h(,r tlu1 mt Sf'l(ltl,.SOB' tttomtnt'nchuant 1tt dl.k'.
J)r,ir L,,;Ut, die ~)y.f nh'm h.i,e tumm1111'(\l .i.ll phoiu ...u,d pi n fu ltq•
chrm OOI) um,I J.111 U 10 I ~twu now t\ 1ht ume .... 11f111h1·~· (11,l1<1e'\'o:t
tbn ~J 1n.J.:c- up 1hr1t \1,llcc:11,e n1u,d I brnu~ln rhcm cfktt and 1ts
111 ,,JJ ¡.-1 • ~m;ill 'C'tu ... c1I offKr. hl.,•. ¡,...J¡.:1·11k 111 d.&)· 1n • N<J drt-.im
--1tul> ffl b!O"Tl'lMoMl.J•M..-4U '• 0,6\
chrw do«n ,n 111. mcm of 11,IK1m i.~ \'"1$iU and tlk~ 1,c)u,s on: )11.111
cmv...J.,,,./;•g "'"· ,/t,,o,,'1 lj'lllil.! INlíh r11gl11h lni11N1il#: e"'" h..lJ mor/
Nrt,/IWJ qa d,;,IN. fur1w11,Nht111.,it,J.. J&u.-1; Cl>nJ/tfthtr.M {wuh whom,
«corwns 10 her nocdiook. sJ11e lw. 1hr follo11,·mg tl'.Ch.iO&t'",
,..,., .¡,., T!m IJlf·, U'J ""1f'r,) ;, f,.J .¡,iPl111x /N••> ,¡pK;,t J¡.iktl
t,. , . ur
t.lillfX, ffr!,l1Jb h.,rr. ElmJx1h. ..!MtN11/11II) f,tlt N~./ IJ..,.. , u11lt ¡ot,,11
t1...drwJJ 11111rhh .J Sl,,rlq T t,glJ Jdl. Abuut P('fl(lopc- TttC'. ch(. th1r·
ltm-¡tAt-o&d dau.s'ttrr of Ron;:ild atl(I M.11t1tct,. Trtt, Ow~ ••me5 s.im·
Pr, w_,¿,.,¡,.,.
Wi1h d.- ~IOfl el rhr S1h"'tf Sp)oo (anochcr pro,«t lh.ic, as II tun'IS
ou1, is publahcd), her rn.JP1'U'IC a.uignmen1.i m th•-s f'(fl()J-lor
She tpM1.k dlt' firu v.'ffk ofJul)' ;I( S...nshill(" P.ul:, 11 Íllmd)- nud,s.c oimp ),.; .t.1f.~í~S1
m NCYi )ecv)••"I / b.1J 11/i.iil)I u,1,r."l 10 go Mt 1 100 ~ J1Jn'1 J.m 1,ll :111)'· 'flS. !At:' tl~G·1 '"! Ef$;N1C-Hf~
«Jy. shc"w)"'i tner 11 u.ts" ''"'[" J1t/;J«1far""·''"' A }'l'IU' or cwo b1t'f. m 7";1.1,,(iJC;•I
m u1m,p1 to )('(\ll't' ;u:'I ;i.s.s.isnffi(fll Írom Eupurt on 1.be to¡m. $he wrun
f""'11rJ F..c.~ or A i,oun ro J.o.wu ~htWIJo). ,acu.~i..a<r cit m.- Gur.,c.,.xmu><
acm largdy ~ oo hrr nntl'-" fmm chis visit. h begins: T/xff 11.ot •wh
tt fl, r" w1,ht hlJ· ltJ /,*" &1,-,ll.111:g r,uo ,111t fulh1mr.1lfftt u11btut1 H,,ig 'ºº'"""~""'~ '"'"
flillt '"" "'*' l/ n:(,0
~fflttllTIM )~K.I bc-,i:mto v.u11,.kt. ll•l'l'l: aj .1n tmpr, ror bonk Uf .l. ru~-,.
hubm r,1111ndrrlo:-1C. thc l.1M' l:,i,1t1,,n Cll>IC"I muJ m ¡1 f'Ul.111 .. tl) twAV
""·~·. kfflrl' gu~· ;lj),;1,., \\ lu1 J.mJ (•f l'n"', l,:l\c milk• .11'kf MtW,rn,
b:.ob,t", die ood1<,w.c uncll,. eht ,,.,·oo,J, lciok m,.UIJ:.}' h 1\ ._, ,1 ''-')
lak ,n d11: G.anlro ut r,Jt,n. 111!.r ,hr 1-.tll, AJ.un .1nJ f\·r l\l<.I N"~,;:.I
,Ir l.urJ m fui¡:i\c thrm; •nd G,.,I, 111 111, l,.,un,,ll~ <'"-'"J'ff'.Allon.11.1..l
....J. ,\U t1t:h1. ch(,n. ST,\Y :-1.. ~· m clk' li.udc11. &·t üv,li,.,.._I
pr,ytt31~ Mu,;k ,1 ur AnJ 1hc~ JiJ.
-·NOJuoc,. '"" :,,.').·1>1n e;.....,,,·~"""-., •...,.., ,~,,.na., ,c. br¡c1tt-
~'hi::n Doan ~'"'C'$ w anend Rl"l.'d Co\Ltge in Ott,goo. Suunl'll' (Sudie)
Vaor,, sa.len1 (X 1-f(>'lro·Md Nrmtmv·, und rtten.1 gr.adu,te ~ Hollins
Collcp- 1n Vir¡ul». IOOYd .neoOoon's okJ to0m.. Sud~ V,oor iJ WOO:ing shc- has obu ..111t'd from fnc-nds and rhrou.gh r~.rd1 thc name, uld
IIS •<q,)' fflltor ar Random Hous,c and rhe plAA 1$ for hct (0 livc w1tl1 d'M' addrnSN of P<'(}Sllc- 10 ronr:.c:t. Slk' almidy lus rhe addr('SS of photog·
f.uruly Mld be :&\'l.ll;;1blc-whro nmkd to cakt- Cltt of mnl'-)'Nl'-Old Amy.••• Bph« Ctareeee Jolu, Laughltn,1" ,,~ work 10(tttSts her and wuh
whom sbt lw corrnponexd. h ,iho indudcs.-¡,roblhly dunks col.«
Fr~.Uander-tht 1unw oí Lorc1:11 (l.arl')') 8orenstitit1 (lt d from
Bottiucc-,n atid hJS i»nMr, Al R~. that Fricdl.a~r putth&K"S d,t
Cuit b•11c...- ..,,'XI lll'ClOll' S-1.-.nrv.N YC. ,~. 1'1.M..151fJD e,, "/ul(.'<mu, • n,...,.,.-, l.oDY ... •n ,;c,o .\tMO!M..t •:m1 ..'°"''"n.••nor... N,iw ou, ..,.,_ t.,,. 1964 Tlt.o , ..
,~ ... An.l~•"6-1 ~y l'MOffx..a.u.t ,..,1<1-u1In" U....,.• BO'f 11.U NJW 0.u_.s,; l ur
Shc u~~ ~n. for IU l<'ilM ~n uf d,e um,c,. w11h Ounn)· Stller1 and
Robffl 8,o,t.•n in 1ht-ir hotM :1( J.i Malibu R<Md. BUM)'goes w1th hn
o,a her vis1t to Stt che Bishop ,ad drs(ribcs die n:¡'.'ff1el'ltt' a.\ "beee-
bmiki~.- 1'hil ¡,trÍKIIJ "Kflhtr '"'"~,,, ~ lid) lrl'l»l ,,, $;1,r41
8.df¡.,,-,1, T/,t 1tbolt (/1"JhOII o/ "h.,1i J.INt ¡¡ff,} "/,J1i tMUIK. "l,,,1i ,r,.1/
",,J 110ollJ nntJI. And )n. as. Bunny obkou: l>,.mr ria, ,..,, ,,,,.,,,,
lwirh 1hf. fü~hnp]:1ttJ 1,/v i..s, ,1.{.f# 1mift(,J/1¡,mirr,JOtbt..s111rJ/x .11,1t1Jrd
iJ HM1t J/Jt r;f«\Í btJ' 1111/Jr J,,7tJ# k/lH 11111 //R.tr f111H1/tJ "-. •• ÓIN,{ 1h,,
btr; ltt
¡/rm ,{ 11 UJJ tfut D1.1M J,,.,J ttffi htr 1,y 1.fuJ 1,c "J'bty Mffl' t.nT1ft(,1/ly
j,IIJ ""'t,,r. lht ,,,.,, 11,lf ª"º ;,,r O,lfiMJ",Ílll.t?' '"'~ "'-' º'"'"'· 11 ""''
Mr..,,, /Jl:r Jv bitr,· cwd/J ubtn ,ht r.u, lx.,Jn/-1.0 1/;,, ahso/Ntt ,,,1,.ft o/
tbt um.k. I tltttr IMt. if J,,, fuJ II pln-1 tMIN's •un" pl.¡111-.1 dtiirt ft"
~'fl# far¡;,111~ lhn-r, BNI,b, 11fu:,l)J--./ 1*"'""'·*""
~ nobo 1t.1th h,ur <ol ¡-1-,.¡,111"'1(ni1 prnl; h,,ldi ,1.11'41 .1. \l)tul,wn
uuucn:ru,ttd 'ltollh ml.Ulrr lftJ1-1md ,...,...._.,, her ~l.., ull 1111')' ~ .11 th,:
nwm of JotM.H Clin" :-.flC' K .;.illnl füJ10¡, Fthd Pttd,:11v.1n ut '011:
í..1dw:,,lrJo11ht tm11,•. Om11<1¡'"-""«kC'. In.: CJm,1. ,hr dc,.:L&n,,., h,n \Urn·
llll:('nl htt 1hm- 1u .....,,.J H.uh,.r.,, Cdifom , .1ll 1hr '11..1} hn(I\ A\tor ,
()ilttffl.. IU .&'lto.ul 11,~ ~onJ f,"1110~ ,.-1 IA"trnlhi:r ~th ul 1h1) \,;,,11
A.taxding u> i.l,r t.t'XI, thc- Oúho¡> ..duio"'·lfflb-n I lv1 O.ri~ ~ KhC'd•
uW 10 oom< on« bd"°"". 1n l?H. bct áJ. shc goes oo 10 otpl.1.1t1.
EJ"')tAl11& /Nptsd, "" '""""" iJtrJ ,.,~ilt~"· C-'it,wu .i"" t'10 "'f·"""'·
And, 1nd,e 111,•o«h ol che f'l11;1I ~n1el'l(C'OÍ '™" pi«e, ,; Clwm dotJ tOll1f "°'
tlm tiflt,,. 4MN Jht hlk' Bisho¡>l ""' 1o,111 ri/1 H, rb,a.n: On dk'
Dt<unber }rd PXt hh pl,I;~ (1( 1-n 196-1 llflll01n1mrn1 book l'>unr
l'Nhs • noce to, lk'tk-lf: C.:sll rht BiifHr
11>.,urJJ rJ .\l.a' \)/n1 1, nol'! • 01,rl"I~· rh~,i,,d T h·r J""~·~hi.. ~··· h."
ln11 llf'l"Tll'I !ihr ha \("tn ,.,,,11n, AnJ 111<· h,a hr.arJ \·11tu.... 11 ,lffr n11 ~o ""i:..n o, n.11 .. ancu o;;,. )IM Wu'f .., ,1 .."'".\llll 11< sw .... J""' ..
19(,~ • ..-.uc11 i.-.01.'0,00"1 o, ••n n•coui- 11~ ..·H~ Ov.M wun,.u<M."I"
b nv.l(Ulmr ,01<r III Jin )llUf pin.a uncrm¡; rhr-o1l.n frum 1&.flu1hc,r
°«''r~ Íllf JI\I 1'.of.\' ffl~l:lll!ffll. fM.(I- Vf,o ,nt.t"IWIU\TM..,.IUID(llf ~-
un l1U TI lfr ..n,J TI !Ot 1 ,lu1ú !.no"'' wi.~, Hl' ..... ,\ ullm,.: l'l'<tDUO' ......-HUUO:.. IN nN ''"""',,...,°' 'nuU,,r ,.""(, -""•"' / ,..,._tnDr.Tl-
..J-.11,t. ~ .,..~1,, h111 t<lw li.11<-..., "'ho He...,..._~ 1 knt·w 1b.1 m wme ltW'•
1li.rougho1.11 tht ttSt of d11r rcar. htt pr,)JtetS <0t11umc co O\'ffl11> Pcq1'e
and 'Oicu Pns, an .lea 1h.u mUM lu,oe been mtendtd originally -sa INl!·
IUH'IC H<ll), rnul1, 11'1$tC'MI 11'111( ,~ , ... '() 1"1IOIQ81'1phs OÍ <'llrt\1\-..J fCT•
Íllmltts:TattO!lt«I lady wuh htr do~ (p. 294)and Curus Íat bdy(p. 171).
(111t11JJA u.&."I\·..~ l'Ul'OIJUa .. l>"ll 111a PLT ~I .. tAOOdl.l.Ol' Tiiie ......,._.~,,.
mu ~ ,, OU.'1• º" TIU ,-,o...,. o, lNt flU!<"f. ,_, e.u.o n,U$ol J-..,.u
\'l,),llfllU'S ~
"°°"- ~ ,nn, .. -t>U .,.
n\llllQ, ,MTm IS Tifr. ,-,-
onu... , e.._u. c:..ui..
OI' 1)1..slfl 196,t '""°"'"Tiollt.._,-
\\"'Otlcls shC' has )'t't 11.nt<mpied to t:ic¡>IOtt, ¡J1b1M.1E:h 11 a.lso p«JVN ,o b(,
1Ufl,()fl,I;ebe mort' ¡>rodutt"T.m Spt-akins o( 1he npt<tl('fl(ic: ~
)'t:an U1cr. sbe Jr:st,ibn rht p.1rk ,n ttrn» ol :a kmd o( compln: tu«·
ul('h1C;1l sonaJ ,;«ignr,h)'
(hi.')I; \\'i.'l't'
n,v. 11wn- -·~·ll' lt\b..i.ln J¡,.,..·n .innchtt, ~u,· IUUJlh .un.a11n"I) h,1,d.
I NJ SttCI J•mit: llth:t" .1.1\,,I he hal l,,lld WIR' dia1 h..• v. uuld be pl10to.11.Dfihnl
,1,11J •'t' lu..l fn1n..llirJ 111f. ''t'f)' n111,,:~· h,n\ ..,J Oc.11.1" who l,d,;1, lilt> ~l1tl
)atu,.>tt ill'kl llil$ pmb.1bl)· ''C'f)' klur.mh ,u•-e- 1-.rtn d™nbOO b)· Junic ;n
.i ,n.aJ dtit:, anJ a numbc:r U ¡,m11'wnaJ dur-.odC"f\. (lflC' ti chtm 1 tilootn-
111nal 11) be 11-u.1 ,f. u rour m,¡lfhrt ,,.,,liuld uy, )'IU ,!1.1n·c l.llfl,.., ,.,,1u1
10 Ju with )'OUhdí. )(IU w•1ulJ dti ic ac I lubrrú MUku1n
Y01.úl .dtwcnd, \Utnc,,.,,11o1t hke Orphcm or AIKt'Clf Vn):11, 1n1a che ccl ·
bt wh1ch w.n whtrt> lluh.:n·, \1uW\lm ,.,""· .C..om,n,c ,n.1<> 1hc- 11n.h<ol)·
ll111(1f'Nrt1t glarr n; u )uu'J kt )11lU1C'lf J11,,1rfcJ .ind l,1urnoed ,1nd
Utt1chn:I 111 \e\Tnl d1'l.ronm¡.: m1rror. ,111,J ,di ,1.n,und )"()ll lil,,t' Oowrl"\ ..
thoo\and IOI.IW1Hf\ ol ltm,un Jht'n";acl,,ns, ~ it 1ht "'~"1~111-l ,¡uitc 111·
tt.Ally ~.t,J-:J ..'"'"') dowtl thtrt> t"lff)'thu1¡.: u d1<ln"t nm.l
Sllt' gors on to desenbe che s.how. wh1th n "' """''"'' J,f.t tht u.11oir1.,.
rbt ,r.1,r and ~h eoe o( tht r,tr(ormtrs: Q\.ultt. che imprcsar-io Mr.
R.C. Lucas. ht ,f tbt 1,lttlmllJ "'' .,.1,o 111/l.«l ltb II J/111/rr, s. ,um 11,u/
f'oo;n.ofT °"
SOJcll or -nu- rn-.wu,u(lfl ·U1••• •l"~(l,,1n· ..... • f••"ul.rr tllf)(,Nrl
.,, }111 o/ti fe n,r¡r,I ,w;itd ,nrh a l:t:#kd 111:11.r... : 11n<i
K#'7 111 fflCt CoNCiO TIOI j\l)i{.;llf eu,,.,
ll''OOGlr. l'luN(:r~ W.oG(I; "IIÍ'(l(kA'J IIU .... ,'{Q. ()(,,...
O~.w,q \Y,,.111. (whoJ 11•úki1«/ ,,, thr 1ruf11l ro,1 J.1,J,,m .,,¿,,.. htr M~~ .. JIU Snto""')t
o.o~ eaovei,i...i. Is
.... (,Jtll ..... nt>l;.o.'llf>H.. -uSi,,,1H, lHf ....
To.-. e..t:o:G,,U)U"" .01.1 ~ t "i10t. vnru o •1..~
J?tMIU ..J la,¡ tMllrlrtO'N; and Albett·Albtru, .t rm:11,m J,.,lf &tir 11,d
do 1.n7.!t ,n bNi "" to1tld 11,.11/01, 11 #111 u·m tOt:II bdllf"' if ur Jid1t't
Advis,ocy Ju.ry. AJd1wgb nway oí 1ht p1101ogfll.(IMpmurn.ably ,n,'Olvr
...,.,. lf b.71, "'"1 Ji.'/lfW (if'OII,,,¡ 1hr N#: aBCI Ptrteo • ., •-'t.'h"'"
.mb,«"U mcnuoncd m her luc ol accompl1$hmc1us (/Jc:;1#8'/1111, N11,iim,
¡.w bit" '"Hit brMJrl/ 1-1 M'r roYIIJ rl•Jhu," bt'J wy, -t, ¡1111 /,oé,
8llfi11q11r, ,\Luq,NT.dr. p,m.,,, C"r,m,,l, Tr1plt11) 1ht1t ,s appMmdy no
/tú 1t. "}; and Ramoo lbuict', ltglm •.;-.,.(,,hol did 1ht lfWt u ,rb
'*'"" º" '"" .,_
tt'('()«J el cht sp«ilic l11'14;CS shc sdttti.w
¡¡, ,.,,, for 16,,,, ""' "" tl#rt .... , o/1,,.,, (1.t,l t{ ""
x,,dr Jw,., Prp.u..C.kt Nrtl,... m Shc ttSun\n 1tad11f18 ac P1.rj(lnS on 1"\ltSchy11Ímnuom. 'nie firi1 <:la» o(
tht stmtSttr mettt 11.1 "lnt' MuSC"Um r.J Mcxltm Att on Fri>nwy I al)() tht
Atld twUWI>· s.he alto mmuons ~ f-lttkl« il!ld f-1,s Tramed
coffC$JlOl'dini pi,gc in hc-r ~ppollllfflC'1'11 book COOlaiDS $Of'n( rm:u.ndc.lS
~ uid Ancfy P«1mxh1ps. ,,he)i$ ~ly the multiling,ial Russi:an
(or chc ot0l$i0t,: ;i _,,IIWI. ""'' ptt,t{,. llnlf11t11, RN as,1,._-.r1,N
""'4$<1 Aftdtt"' Ra(ouchtffi .and thc 'A';&t~r g:lass t1111S1cian, Harold
Smich; ud. ol tOUr'SC'. Censo che Jun,:k Ctttp. W~ bid"""""" ,uul ,11,, On Matth 16 shc retc1vcs nacif.a11on fmm J11mC" M.uh1u nf h(t $('(:·
1,.,,_rtlfllt ,..-tp. $he adds. Wbil1 if ti'trwt/dt,.t fllU."JJ tri/" 1,irf /,0,,, ond Guss:enhc,m 11w;:ird (m thc amwni cl tht $7.500 s.hc ttqursud)
•ir./4} 1/,-•,rn..,. ,.,/«J t• J~ .,.,,1, tu•hr,ul, ,- 4iwn,·tbq a.rid ukini onct 11¡;:,iin for hcr acknowlcd8Mcn1. SIIC" ,·mrs: ~.-,,,\Ir.
-,ArllJ,_-·,.i .. M"1h11u, (Tlm 11 -, d'(4,ro"lt.lgnffNIJ- Wfíth 11-, I"'), •116,,,,4,. 11 lmh
<ltl't ,1,,J IÍkll l(W' JN,'J/1 lwn' lh.Jl "")'J (~ -,1tl/1, fNÍtl ,r,,J pt 1' Jilfr.V•
'.\ki.L :.ti Scwntr hem,:: wh.u u 1, chtoy dnn'r lwdl) nult 'rm lilie- rtur .lll)'•
min ,nd dw: b,i,1, J'tt"cf1f rrn<-111,hng or proj\lc ~ rich t'IIOl.l¿th flíl\l,,1. Ou.nn¿: ,he e.irfy p,m oí 1ht )~' $he cornpk-tC'$ t,10 m.aga;unc- a.s.s1gn-
41)'l ClJ h.& llv:,t td.u1•n ,1,...ir untr..J uf 1,dluis d1cm 10 clic Ym,.·.J mcnrs. FQr e,q_..,,.,•s.July l966 asu,. shc don ll ponnn oíSrmd... 01il!U
JLU dq used m lf mu kd like 11 )~11.1 an ¡.:Q c111 a,~ ca lhl~n-s Du« Fm,cr (Mn. Chl.clidd T.a:ylor). 1ht 1938 11cbutantt o( tht )'C'.&r, ac
frciJfu, >lfl.)"A,Y No ont" 1httt C'll(tpf tht' ~ 00 tht' 11.;t,lls ti .t.11 her home m M.«lr,dd, 1',US$:l(hWtttS(p.. 261),l• Ñlt CJ.}> Fdku'sNN'
dic: r-qilc •t.• U!m to be tht-tt /U Mr Sdloll:fcr thi: 0•1,otkr ¡,uinn ou:c Y•.+. ffit plio{Of¡nphs J~cs 0,t()wn. -lht hfflb1 ,'Ofkm,i: man m ,how
mm bie-in,11,.,Til1chrw Jrt mt'\t' ,b~~ .11 J ,fmw, nttn 1f )\M.111,1:Sf ... ,m to bus.incu.'" T,-o o( 11\cw pim1m (p. 9) :md 1), 178) m pu.blishtd fo t1v:
pi co e~ hnfvr,(ltn 1t~ ,.x,nh it M111d1 20, 1966 i$$ut o( rht ma~int aJons with tbt an,dt ·J.a.mtS
Orown Is Ou1 ()(S1gl11.'" by her t,,.,,'fflt)'-otlt'•)~ cbugh1tt, l'.>oori,.,.,
UlNTACt S11an •+111 or 4 «M.-1'\.1 o« 4 t0l101 11< n1._ n.uci: wco,-o •-.oo,.
01, lWOf' ... ~ CL-...Tl• O'UI' o...,.. no··~ ...--TII.L M.O,.,,, ....... s .....U 01 rwt .. "OM.,.....
Odtlr A.diw: -.nd ha., íou.Dd ber to be- ,. pot1 pl,,11111/ ,aJ 1«nt1<1lJ,r..1/tb
.,.J fn,, ¡,... ~11K,-,Ut IÚJI.Jtl, A subkc1utl'lf IIOOIÜOl'I ,11 dx bottom
of thr INm. ptOOíibly wrium by Mathm, tttords thc- fan that D,.,.,,,
ArlwJ tófl/JJ I*} 6., 1·66 t• ~, 1bt h.11 .l,qumis.'-""
OnJuly ).almoM a mon1h Ieeer, l'>ianr wm~ t() Mathias ll6lin: 1,,,.
-,r,1,r.,u1k11rr .,,,,¡ ,i,,.t) ,, _,,,,, ,...,.,tn1,,,1 - ,10,i:11 ,1,.,,, , ,.w,/J
Jwn J,W I tb,.! I bwi· - ll.lJJ ,r,tJ -.rm o/im..,_ 11,,i,1. So 11.•ld >•
p .Jw.tJ 111 ~ ....., álfh -, llllff' ,( 1ot""' wuh ;,, ~f!lb «~.1'1 1"r:o cos11:etmv-r,ar.MU°"" ,,, ... t.<11.1. o.,_ ieo.n~ Stt•n •oi,.o., "
COC.'.ft..l t!i M0.A.'i0.UTl'1' )'-"h
"º p/ Attd
~l'°"IIT AT ~
},btbaü teplil'i tlll' followulg d,;y; Dto1r 01<111t: /1'1 / á'Olf'.,
údf! tntti/IV' 11 ,r/r.1Jt J,- )l»ll' J«t.¡¡r. I dllf' 11/,o,,t 111 b.nt "') #U.W rfJd!·
•I * 11uMI ro •1• 141,ul,« I ,.,,,
.111 /0## ,, J« )°"·"'
11 iJnot until Ju.l)' 2'9dig1 ,lk 1S~t to sa11'.SÍ)' hu mtdial n,qu11tmm1.
Mxhw wmct.: / ,1,,, Jdixhud to .Lro1o tÁTI )OII.,,., N/1 .:ur.l .JMl/1 .111J JMI
,- Mtf.# "-'s Vmt hiJ .. .l., lllit' dUt'
for tht OOffltnrll(n'nrl'II o( hrt pre-
1"(1 1t. ollk..tly gMn ll.S Jul)· IS, proliv.bl) ,n o«kc 10 6.ti111~1t' 1he
,Pf:'C'nctnca1 bool: (or July 1lll(J A"'-'usc· sl'lt seeres 1n filt't to bave )l'lf'lll
.t.i:nol.t tbe mm,.• rteee moni111i tttUpt'l",lllll,I;. ~ sht' b1er s\lmnurim
1ht r.q,t'fttnet' tn a oocr to St""'ª" Scttn: 1 M,11bt,rrib/111rt Mlfb Jxp.111·
Ir, l.nt - r.lmh rohtrtd Mt to Jcp.u, /11r tbr« •ORl/n bNt utJuJ l /w,,rd
-,J/I ,i.,.1 # b.:,n, 1#i,, fuppJ / rw,/J b,1rd/J t,,il,'1111-,NJ{.N
A!rtr ttSUming v...,.
in 1ht r,11. $1'1t cnooumm ~•n('O(I('. sht comes to
k!IO',\' p,,1t} wJI ancl wt.om il11t phCltOJ<r.i.pll.\ sc\'"ffld utnc:s dunnJ< 1hc
roorttol cht next r~,)"'01r'S (p. 2'0, p. 291)::,
.. ...,'ti", (n,md, .md (ormrt f1c-lduoo cbssnu1r) M.6t b.11 g1to"" ltg,,/
,JrM MilJl.11 /lltJ ¡botogl'olpln ,nr Íffv/llt¡r,g_, -.·} _, t¡NlJh-.t/Jt. ..:,..,
On :&n01lll'r ocn,1nn ~he"' wmN S.,11tl:ow,l:i: l fotg,1 11> pt l,,sr} fr,,,r ,-
r!t rdu:Jt for tht 11Jur l'PNp/t ,- u.,m ~'"i to 1'1t1't1t. U.~lt/ JOM hr¡, 11 fer
.,,_; ,t IOMtl«-J.111t,t ~;,u lfJlrilt _,.,t ÑliNI, ,s 1.1fM,{i1J H111,A-i
8)· twfy NO\ffn.btt sbt ,Del Sutl:ow$l:1 Sttm 10 luvt n'*5t an 1niu;J
id«tioo o( 1-ictu.m to rnduck u, tht show, bui dll' is W,·ing SC'('()(ld
Co-rf'"""TS.u,, 'º-~º' .....
u. ou1111•J,l'I N.""n 0t IUU'OM- , ....~...) Tou C.Mt•,; MAJIII)o., fHt IIO'n'UM l.1."'1U ,.._w, "'"'º fOl'IIIGIIT no.ui-= wi;uc -,-...........
l:lMM lt'I O()Mu,1,V,TIOC'< QI' (;.r,1...;" nun ,<i 'l'!Jt ,\''J•~T!i.,1,1T11(MJ!.ltt tr n 1'IO'I" (;U.A• .-,u-.....u "ll 1110 ,o_ 'nll u,.,,u \K~ nu,·nc, or li:,1:snc.u rw1s,,, 1to:1.1u.
¡,.:J. •-.nn.. (;U.AT{;...._ l"ln.,"1.JlrJ,i n'n [0,..lf.--..
rNo ,6.)o,·ni, .,...,..._ -"'•Jtu, ,-,n-..1(.f..,ti,.-r.,
h4. O l,:~,lllf; DQor'ó, ,1JtO«O 1- fMll ll(rr,'(IM .... Ul'T. 0,.. Titll l)r(;itMBU H JMil!()r HH .. ~U,.'f IIOOII. NII
ll'l(¡I; ro"º..,.._,., ,t, ..,,, ..... 111..... l"'DT!,c)OII.
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llt:Rt:'iltf. UIB(Jfí t1ilo~199,¡ ÓO tqU&!!y ~ f.o 19}9 M9."" ~ Abbou • - J"""" 1us .. rhr '" ao;t.-m,1,¡1111, i...--:o,pd ,,._, ..,pu,,
fue hn adK<'ll(J d dwFl'l"Dth ~1.hd t~ AmUIOIII f'b(,10,tn¡>hcn (ood..Jm,; Mari R.•7 and - íuhioo rho,Oj¡1'4¡>h)' They '<r('ft - p- .. hll
111#1, oAd W.. lwr (Qtll~'t. Dri-ioe,«9dti(-, 'IA'al~ F-.·•nt..1 •nllt1 Nr0-Ti•.1Uetlllh~ 111r,wJ OUI 111 bit sut(W.Íul M>u;nm,no br cho!
Ufflffl!MJ' l'f'Ollt(1 (N~ ,...,.. ... .t. .. nlllrndtd uh1bic11Dn, ..! dw tiN •I ,o ....., hu,ld,111t Pll Htd ............. ~"""11' dq,an- Whtn thr lfetttd
~,.,.._ p(lll,..c of •hr t••y"i 11•1lff«mlwc:11nuy !ic,m A,bi,n, t.l((ly modlN 1tthn...- •••h Abb(.it Sn,1~tmff'fd Wodd ..:l."'-, 11, A,h<.3 ~ • S.1111A1
- ~-o<(h-«Mur, lkywu ........ ...d otWnd 19,46 ,11 dw Ncw Stloool (.,.. So,c .. 1 R-n;:h CofJ,, rflnlot1nr""• 'Wholt ht - oc, llutff>.o. thr
dic,,1-•tcllllld ~C,1llh-,,;aloo1"1011Jt.,..- 11,hfn, il.r '"~hl ¡,ho!Of1Dpb)' Ítffll l~_l) 1111?)~ All:iulc,i' fine duld, I~ .,,.., toom ia Ne-- Yod(
M(~. O....,.. .-.:,. \W _,n,,_. c,.
°'"" ·~•tu•-
<rM,c LI,~ AbbocC.,.., ttl-N"(IIW l;l(hlbot- OI, 1 1.. 19-16 Aot.v. - ~"' onc1 ,,... couri..
..w.,, (19}?) lfMlÁ<cmÑ ._ ~rnon11 MoMA ur.o, ard Thr ffl.ohh•h..t a MuJso OII '1;'"' )4• h Stft« 11-,: thr
~ an,su Mld publ,a,c- lw.~ron•~,....i •hr Ncw Yo,i PllbL.: l.iiw-uy (19119). "'14 bt,Rmn,._ ,n hy,l,nr •o;- #;; Alb,n Nbw. • c-11 N•u rt-'td
wbon QJfllffl(• IO tlw 1.!111,Ñ $g," 19':'6 rubb!>c,J llof ÍIM ,)i -,..1 ponfola:,a '1/ lwr dlltcn unJ« ..un.,., ~nJ,t,,., -": ~ ~
&to 111 Sf,,1111fdd, 0..0.. ,,id w-i ,a Clr<tt.J. photo,(r•rfi., ~ w ~, a ... ardtd ona11y hononi,y luly ,n et..~ .nd "-t• la 19, l 1h(1r 1ttond
llbbote artmclm Ol,in Srállf' U-.17 (Gol~1 dq(,..... and (IUllofll. ,nrl~ ,bit- l~ftl(l1 prrn· th,ld, .....,. ... ,.. bum
fc¡r • ftl'. tbtll _. 11) ÑfW l'o!l c.,. ,., .....- flltnt't OiClftt • 1hr ~ o/ Am and LN111"t 1tw Albuia (Ot11,nutd 10 (oll.ti.nrf _,I 191,6
•M•llff· •h1<h ,!,r 1110<1 at.nd<.,t,id 111 optfl 1 ~ (I~)..... "'f~h¡p .. cht AMcf,.MI ,\,«kn,y •hr6I>-- kí, ,htbu•·nm topu...,._..0.-11-'..
IUl'f "111<1.0 In 1')21 ~ -..J 111 l'~tn •ftftT. (,o,u.
191} tn 192), ,.1,.. worl.it,;I ,e;• da,..._ .......un1 to
and lnMOlllltt OI A.111 ....,j l.n1tn (198}~ Allan (ORUIIIJIÑ thr u..J,o DfWnl,... .-\lk 11......
-ir lws-•1111 • nlfff • •n •~ Oft thr m;on,.
,he- ...._ U'lolt, M.... Jt.y, ...tio W nutil,.a.d • Ml 111 .l\Sll 11 19\6,1 ~tol (..,. A!ín.t fRrndac,on «• 6,on!ld 1w brgon ,ra,n,.,. .,.,,ti, ,\,(,..
~-lr,nn11\Nd1C1. In 19U.Wld1Mmtt., Ullo'Wffl•I)' ....... a lU'.A ,n<..-.,_ dovin ,n 19'? ~ whl) N<i oo•ditd -, f'")tlllllfflt -~
..,J or,tncd htt- ~. w, 1hr Nt dio lbc .J t,,,:,n hR ~ dn13n Carttf M 11.-,.r; 1ncluJ1111,e: M,)IH.ft(«Wf) a.í, ard Grnlclmr '• J Ir
llbbcJc• lo,iJ hn ÍIIM ~ 111 1926 M S.- ,n 19(il -kon.c ~ IHll l~1lltt • ...
"- ¡¡,, ..,~ .. >"""'• .i..,...
che, plkty lli. S..f\"J. l'nm...,.. • l'U>l -.f nt,,t,. 'H"'"'" to ,n ,J,rtt,oe t>'-"'"' huñ T- ynn !..("
-·""" ._ ·, t111den1
.. 1o11h unw ~ pafotnwd ()ir-O« RIN4w., s-
""' lw, rioc'lll...- • - #OICI .,..,, Jw ard ffld" ~ hrad • co-, dittttON '11 Ju,¡c"°'" u,,J ,pp,:,.,.rÑ ,n .."' f.n1 ll'IO'llf', lfl) /..Jl'1
llld~ 1bit- oflll1Wt11..t 1?28 tfllfffl ... t... l ("l:hlbl• tlw -.¡;u-. • l""'*'IUf' Am,rl b¡>< until 19~1 r .....,11911,~
111Dn, Flht • r.,,,., 111 Scuc'.(1111. Grmway. lfl 1y2r .i. A""(I P"'f' IO'Ql'lc 10 .....,. o( dw en'• "'°"" p,ug1t,."w la 19)$, ••,tult l'ffflWllflJI clow. 0.- onJ All.aa
111t1 ..i ph11u1pjph(J ~ A(Jt(t, .lOO lñu dw Ul<lolf, -lu,l"'W A,.Jy "-'".uJIOI,J- ltOICflqudt,
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tO c.t,~
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ffl pun. hi.1 a«ai,:
Co.ctllo,, a fd.
- •lw ut'II, .t.o,c,«. ,t, p,,., U9't0) -..d 1·.. • r- ~u• erlol ~>Wly - OII,., "" lo. a,·,n.11 wuckoc, A 'fNI h1tt o.lw,t ""'1¡¡twrr Ann
~ 11,.o fom :.;....., l',>rl J..,.. ,11 19JO A.bbm d<rttl ~• oum«'OMl Condt :,:,... publ""c'°"" u • .,~ ··•bom
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J--lt1Jo,,,.-IGZ.. N'1.,*111d Sht ,l..t.11 ,hr _hor In 19')1 Allllf.l lounJcJ lluth AMd Or\y:n Sl..din l'lffdmiA on .,c•A•S•Jt 1191.?~\~ u, ~l)o
ol n, •-'.t <f Alt"' 11964,J. IJn,al 19(,JI .._. 11'1-
.\fl>l(',lffl ol Modt:m Nt «q,i,ftd 1k A1g,n ardoRT -•....!~
And ..... <lnQtntJ. ilu"lltff•<" mw,,nn,
nm~. 1nd bodb. Rodwd A,,dc,n
*'"""'""' rb)'N cht te* o( G,"P}' Soboioo m • ;:()01 sup
r,odll(tl(Wl<l Anhur M,Ue1'i ra ,,,..... ac ,>.t Lo,1111n1
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•t'i W(Wli: d~
ellr l'rnd, clonltnt11t1,._
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l'!.Jhowt" ,,i. l.ol ......... Atbul 1nd t>WOllar.-
0.,tllo ·~ 111 Cat..o,,11...
bfp <0 S-1W,.,.. cht ocy • A1.(" tw,ct Pa1,.. Slw- Y~C.y. llun..W o.w·oe, c:i..,onH',lh~ .00 .\ltHI :-. t1< 19,..1 r1 ,tw v<onJ clau¡¡h1n (1(
f'lft*'.•1*..t.,.. ,mpon;an, J_.. ,n 1ht c-rly 19l0!. -S fRCt.....i C•ll' Col~ o( Ncw Yotk ,oc tlw '«<" rJ 0.- ..nd Albo! A""6 5JM,,. 1 ~,on.o1,-0f¡.
aad, ,n 19.\.t. .....,,11, llfflt)'•l•••••ll H,tcbcork. ,tw íJ1«n. A. yaor and • ho.lí t.,r, hr k'i •nd _., 10 nph« •'- w-o,t h.15 ~ppe,w"9 ,. Tb, t,,N , .........
1.·,.,.,., s- .
m·, "'"""' '"'-un ol mc:,d,irn 11thllffl111'f, pro.
du«d .,. ('d>,bi!iM tftt•dtd A- ... , Clhn fl;f- Ji!ir
Cml•..- T.6, U"- \"'-"'-*frlwT¡\,.,_ F-
01011..t h, Mu w,.,mm11 and
O,-·, úr.htr. Al!. lllltt 0.-
-1c 11 111:btk',.• -n·, 'f!«'•.ltyUIO.lfl tlu.l -
NmwNWII Ru,K\:·,
Vn•f)' F~,. Rrlf,'lt.
r,_ ,~v ... -,
.nJ 'fl,, N,r, );.I
Ol.hn ¡,uliht.i .....
AÍttt ~u~,1111 h••ll t1:hool ,n Ntw Yllffl. C:...y, .tw
.-/ f,Jr,.. 1 kc ~phK l'fOl('(t - N- l',..,k, •..,. ...... - ,llar<""' -i lw ....... "- n..,. C"'(flCudJy ~· 1 yn, •• (',o,,Uud ~
k- 111 Ci,a¡,q ~.. lW - lf)ORIMdby lht ~f'f mur,oN ,n 1?,H Ow.n.11 • Pi Vm111.1111.1h(n MIÑin:I ·~ -.9 <Gfflf'Ol,s•- fo,
N(.. I)c,ih f.Ñffll A" f'!Oit(l. n,, n!i,I,.,_ Mcnauk. l.on1t IJ•nd. lor ph(,cllft"""'"' bon' oc, ellot •- '"" 11 eht Eltrkl« CoUu,t o1 M•lf ,n eo.-.
op,u~J •n 19)7 .. n.r .w.._ • tht C..7 o( Nl'I' ÍMhl(III JIIC'Cllf'f k1111ffl ffld .."'11 et.in. f"l.1\1'"° - 9,c- 10011 kfl mWJCÍ'Ot tlw • ,_I J;ltt_ MuJy1n,t ¡,ho,
Yort.. -trat'" dw (Wl • .:..I ....,_,."' - v,11 ~ ~ w n,...1<1 Ne,nu.:,.. • p,olleff in dw ..,.. ri !"- IQ¡ID¡,hy lw a t'W"of 111 1ht ~ fil thr ...,_........., o/
f,11r Arll, 11,,,wl)I! 111 1~li lobr mornnl eq Ntw \'od.: el M A...... P~ 19,1 -1917, a '"ffllf'«· Amdt"'-.«'"· )Cul; J. ~ -, ltichw ~ ....
C.17 to -1. • • ...,.,;UO,n> tDC' '-"- rf,ac•n· "'"' C>Íhde:..a.- -i.
pl,rc )f>II P.tl¡Wo¡o. 1"1> 1un lun ia,, brp,n Íltt• '° p,,.r,;Jh, m ~.
,n 191". -S R.dt.nJ A,..._ -. _, llllllrn. ,\ltff ~·l'ltt "' .......
e Jllllnoy
oa ~ -a
Gdln,. •
"'""'°" "'* • •ht bw 1~. ht eprn¡,d clw
luat ... , ..,_.1,1y 1,1yl, &.e.- Mt T6r\'i.Ct.rp ,.,.
born 111 Nrw Yod: C.1:, lftd "'"...Ji,J 19'!0. bi h.. fonal Jtoiór d.-' tldl.utty 11-.,.J
'(),, tlw$c-." IM (,- l'>Rlhn 1991 ,ind locu.d Dr'«-'!11<;1... on llj{lh ~hooluuhr Bronx Ut -i .i- adWl"dt tllc' -....a-.1 nMioc-ot di
.i w,m tk .ud tbt Ntw Yill'l ..n and ml!M( 1«W1t
.. ~_., ... c.. , \•,u...-
.u, td110t ,n dutf (11 ,\1.,JIW, h,. ,chouh l+l\'.'111} a,,J ~,o·, ~ tculpwn lht ~.
ª"' m.a¡r.wnt. 1a.....i..i·, tWma<t .. lltdolilttwtld ,cllkr>' ~ -.t .11t1..n' • m 1hr wthlffl .-,(
A...,. Arbul tw p.bln.h.d two l,,aolt r!l<JIOfl't•· >-11in 11.dd'""' ..... d"° ,n.,.p.,,nr·, hHnrrcid,wc ln ohr wllffloo. o( Thr M,-
qf)íodffll ""·
,.;., ,V. PJ..., l.ú,, 11- U'>YIS6J, ..ii n.,.......,ior> q/ l'>U /a~~ if,,nnl ,)o( ll S. ltkldlln, .M#llllt' ""'""
~Ir •nd dlt.i l!Ollutwl ""fll,w; 1oJ 1'6r ~09"•rit.·t'l mur- <'- Aíttt l.R\f~T J. 8UJJKQ 11,~,-1,-.,}• •• bam 1mo
hr ~ ~
I• --· ,f Ba.t ,.,.1199?). •
IIIDD!I UN -1. n ,n •lir !"'.._
"'°"""" ,..,,"
<'Ollft11u11, d
'O.'«ld w~, 111-.:,ttv,-J ION"' Yólk .Jai,-w ,n .,,..«ranc Í-•fJ •n Nt"' Odit,o.U,
Alintf llfcJc,,+uh\ ll<n,¡¡o Uht,n,,;or, • tht NfW l.oo.ul-.. ,\(,:tt a'lroll.on,; •n ct..tl ~ ., d•
n., M-,,nfl Modml Ar1. •hr Cc,111111!,ut M ii1n1M ~haol fu, Xl(UI ª-"
Hr ,.... e h,(f rf>o,lo,;~~· Collq:c- f"
111( ,,,__.w;, Cúnct'pl- he- ~
fi All.1111111\r$pll(n .W\lloftlm o( Ani on u-,. ff {w l{,-,w; L.- ímm 1flc- I,« 1?10. 10 196\, a,,. d(on, 10 •-tw phoc"IIPl>lrf 0., l5?fl llrlio(q
Klrual. .J llw "'- nW>o,N Ion r,hol:Oftt.,.i, ... an,I fur \',pi íronl 196610 I~ W~ •rrom•- lllnllbrtdrht- Nc--OilnM.
_.,,... polf> ~ •• 1bc- l"oult\i $U((I laf In I~)•.>, A...-.lnn «.>mplr1tJ h.. r.m binll. e-,. .....t by W«k:1 '«'• I W - -.l,.'°' •
........ ~ '""""-l"""n" ~tl 1bc-T"'"'-- a.....,,....,, a ,,;,l11111c' d 111111,ain ótt,pwJ b)- • 1"'*"uonai rho!Qftas,htf 1pn.al11,.,. 1n ~
~"rhK \\·Olbhop on h1ly, 11,f S...1 '"" 11~,ec• ""'"' '"' t.,.,~~ .. In 1%1 hr ...- fltll,xq·, ,n1~M1NI -n. ~,.....
~t..1pb1C Wo,1;,!q,, w,d tht lftetrn•oon;al IOd )"'""" 8ald.. ,n <Olllf,lffÑ ,,'.tlu•t Ptn...,,¡ nf.llbldhtJ b:, a JC!l\'I o( ...,lflfll!C", 11ul<lty tt'OIK ~·
Ct.tt ol ~uphy ,n Ntw Yorl 1196-h., • wo,\ ,t,o.,, 1ht ,.~.1 ·~111, """"'"""ni ,..,,,()# ,-,,ucn .. ........,.n St«ro,lk, ,hr ory'•
dnt,l(ntd ti,- h .. lfor\lllrfM: u,l)a'loraO)t M..,.-,11 lwld ,~ r...JC'tloi11 J.Mr,c1.-
000~ ,\Jl8l',.., <• 19,n> •t tbt fito1 J.u.«,i.n d /awdonmn Aibut m di., I~ -t n"me...J!y ¡,u,· ln 1',I(,(,, ,.._,,,.,....,,..,Ltt h~ ~
0..W ond Albn ,\,t,.,,.. :lo$.t hn 11K11fwi, .... ,Ir! llot rhawd ch( f,~ •- wi, et hO' ,..onWóo dn+tcntd 11)' t+,ih•r·•u .. flc-ll«q ,W..l'Ult ncpco"l'I &- t :,,.n,-
lw~ Thr ~ol ~ Ait.. '«-'•h. llllrblt brwl, ,1,.,, .¡M11f'l-vol/"1119701 Ocw.tl •nu11un ck,lin. Four)'ron ~r •htn 1bt
Man.,•~ • .._.~tJ r-o roo·~ hooL:.,:,i ,\VNIOfl Ju«,,rtnl d.- -" el },ikqll!lt- 11<11,11 M_o,_ OÍ M0Ju11 N, .-,.Ñ MI ...W.1- (!
W,111(,(hN'twotl. ,_,.__.,\..... "-~·~
0'7.b. W O.... A..,_.
,"-t,.,w ir .... U~HJ S1w
Lwt,5u.. Md bl\'.r td11tJ O-, ,( a ~·
ti'*" '-r,1,-. (19~0).. TI.- ~
and ati.b11- 11
11',cJt.ndn', inoJttu p,,no. o/ •""- phocop,phl.
l\cllno:¡ ............... rlf ft'«lftl'lmd ... """fr «
• fliool,J ... ~ • ,h,A;I "·"- ..... 11. d.- l1w Mllllnf• d MQdmi Ani hdprJ l...n.: b •ht •tro>-
.¡,.~ Y...._ C-, O,-, A.,_,
(.'11,tJ..I n1 - oi 1hc dwll-ullkn,,..n rt,o!01,tta11lwr .-,( 1.lw
d.- m,,drrn, l"t)'(~•<dpor1n,1-nAIKnilolf fu, "'
....,,. l!,fflffl•- ol «*'*f'Ot'II)' •n..,.... HII( ......
flffl-. iot •h11h W WffllC tht Aic-.Ml l!ltlk ¡¡.....,_ 111 ,., &.ir l '1'60! ••i<I "''Y ·~(),. Arbu,., •h01cqu,l'N • frw f'll•• iol hn- pm,o,nal (d.
11) N,,. YOl'l 111 19(,.t, ond m """'°" ,_.
Ahn .IS'(nd•'llt 1 )'t,11' • Jt-1 Cdlfp Jbe !'1urtl!J
Ulm 1.......
1.. ~
~c,st,pw,d /unn,on fflll"'lf f'Nl"'•n,
~n,I m,llt,,ry i.t.Jtn. lft ., ... ª"'"""'
lr..t- fr~&..:kt (Olltollun Id l"'m
~..., hu ~"'""' ·-
8dlix'tf'• -i.
«l••W. e,, t:. ). IW1,,,<
i.r •"'•n.c -~ ~ c,,tW,c,.-M'fQ ••d1 htt 0onn Arbw, •hom.!rJ.itu_,.,..,. 1•rt ~ I,.,,,,,.,¡¡, f'-...,,. J- ,¡,, N• 0rtt.ni
-hN on wnnl ~ •nidn. ..«ll.nba1n1 ,¡... OI ,oll o!w ,uht(n, Mttt ..,_ thony •...,...._ A,~ lf,J./.,lt., IJ"mu, (.-...,., 19u (191'0, 199(.>.
..... J-s-11ko..1«~: u....ur..;.. .J A/'00,f<l,ttJ kft-<1_,.. (/1htw r,hof:OftUJ}M .mol
"'-"-<SrwYcd.>,Mllffh 2C'l.19(4-.t ·11.,.... 1'11 IWW+n,i, .. TJ., ~-11?991 MOBl.ltT er:-.ro, ,. ,9 ,,i ,...
bon. '"' w....
~LQM ll&o,wO'o-. lJJM-n.r '«'~ olMi In l'J.,., d,r A- C'".ai..-,M- ,11 fOl'I \loortb, ~-'rf'Ull, •""' ,,..._n ío,J,rea,.ono'Qt wt11·
...~ l>IM\') -, Foun..-t I I.IJ."Plllc'ol. ('",od, -.1 tht Tta.01, «>n•~IOlll'd Affiion Is) r-c,dllH" hri la'1$'C ,,. Jll(h ~,·A•d-winrnnJ foliM • "'- n
0.- IÍ t 11~; Th IMJ. f-", 1- ottol:f (IÍ l'(>fflloof ... • \I..Jy q/ -'e~ Anwoun K,,._Cl'T'?)..l'i.o., ,_ ""'""""0~1. Nl4 .,~)
.~. )MtllM'! 19.19(,oJ. In 1%9,..ttlw ~ tohW'ftl.. Ht '""OtW i,c r,..., J....,. l!ld ~~ fttl ( 199-h. Afwr p-...Suan~ ÍIOrll d1r Unovtn.1y fil
,_IÍ~a'-1, *brsm ~w+d, R,clwt\l ~).l ~ ,n W•'nH«n WtMnn O(;lln T11r ,I_ 11 Tn...,, ... .._i 10 Se-,o Y«k C11),. ""OlttJ 01o • -
~ oa fin nrw l'"ltf«, 81110 rbo!Oft.... ~- lliot. 1,r,,¡...1')l(.fClf'l""C'IJ ... 198). (ht 1«·~ Jc.ptT tn ª" -.f #t IIIICIIIJ al C......
1.1:,, "--
ll'IIOCII-.itna.fflll ~ui<al-.;t llCl(MI ICll'Ul.t.. 'nli"Y ,\mon c.tm ).1......,,.., tht •co-.-1~,v: l"'hl•· lfn1'<t'r...1y. thnl,. 19\4 roi,k,. tJ.c..rul f'Cil'"óc.
f""'I ..... kr ~ 1111'""--.d 1!.- p,nn•• ,t,h. tau .... ..,.. <koi,11nt,,1 b, .MU\'m i.,.1 To J.cc-. ,n tht11r dr¡,atfln(m ,r t.,.,,. ma¡;u,,.. fil'JI • •
Jl"O~ m. eni ofn. $""1itt 11m1., _....,.., A~n$on tw p,id,""-1 ,_ ,.,,,..a
_m,111n., f'•d.•• -"º"' ., •'-•
-•ª•'"· -*"'""
10 11-,. '«'olÍ, ~ • M
O, Jft){QII ...... -.1 ""-11141 10,.,4 -199, n'»h. • l,c,oi,. tlw -«W!lf"ln!N lin ,...,u(....,... ,11 111)-:i. t!Nu.inr,;,nrnh.udeodi.-
°" lk
~ i.,-
c...a n,:h1, Vi«~ úir ,m, .. v t,i;l11b.ll- .e ,tw \X'hml(J' M.-inof 1,,-.,....,, An.
-"'· ""c-nrl(iul~
la IY1J oht -.tia~
W 1hr.., ..
r,o.1111.°(\j, bool,. b,,,,inl..,
...,1 R•lu,,J 11..o•
th ~4'? 1199)1 f,-
~·- f:I f!~,y IIQ!II • _,,, nu,c&(IIW IO ,
41~1al1J ""'"' ,q,llo:,111.a,('$-oMf .... ..,11\J , .....
l•llt) 1<> 1991, A'WOll't t\l,t(il!U,I •111\ ~IN 1d1pi,r•')' !~ non, non1.C111)11, aaJ ~-,,,.y
hfful" lffllllll,llft', 11111 '- phol-.urh• ('fll,.kJ lll•t n,; lu~i-,:ly m f.l,,,#Jllt, thr ft,nt., h!C"tNJ ,nJ #U
6",1on """ Nbu. .ao ~ • i.., 1?)9 ond ,oon
,, 't ..J,,WJ T#.f ,,_,.., .¡ ~ ~-,, .,.;/14, In l??l. ondcr dw cJm.lt>h,¡• ol Ti• ""*'
"°"' ,..._
ll\,l~fl< be<- - ddw tt1011, ~t,J ~~
"-~ f( ~ ~U) U?HJ,1 ch-k ¡,i llad,f ll,..,.._ T~ ,-:! A•'f«W ,o r,,.. ,i,íl lk;t;,nno"it Wlfh 11>(¡1 MMm.J ""''- <n N.- \•,:.t,.•,
~-· Otow- .......,... ... ,nn,11111 0?6?-'.'0J l""'O'N<• ~ ,n 1htli,,1101ye>Ídw-.g.,.,,,i.- ..._ (! tht tt,p,i, -n., Vm1C1I ~ $Q
IICIII. &. tlw- mnl- l'jll(la ~ •11<1 ,\•lJon «itlobuncnS
.,. • .., ,..1.......... ~ f'fllll ikh11'· Mll H.\1111 Oí.U \\O C19n.yll1 w•• bor11 ,n
,W(n.-- IÍ • lo'°'** \\'"11hm'"' 11- dtt cu,.. «
l>l<llf ~Ji"'dwc nllfd ffl • wn,l.w "ff'"l"('h e-,- .. °""6, tht only <hold OÍ,_
U:.,,,,,)llly 1 ?(,O'J. ar-, ,-..tM A1bui. .. ,b n:pllr
-.,rmwnu ~l, IW.} whm hr Wt thr rn..p,,,..
no., ,ndudnl C.htr,nf" Ornw•~ lc,c 0..,.,,1 ....1 In lhr p,ly 19j(lo.•fiN • fftt .,( <Ollrp, lw m,:,.cJ
llffll"" ~ "YIC•lllf ~ ~
lloocdc- Sh•dJ~ fot C.,,,. !Utui, '"'º" t0 thr r...., eo..., .,..,
n-o,n,.,IJrM'(11fJ .. :-u... n,,¡_
111 1ilu>ldl7 19(,0... H• f.nulforl
M ,......
ffi)."'"'(la""'*' frl·
In .Jc111- to h\ol rroduct.. 't MIO(ou-, .. ,.h ('.,ry han'UI l*1 1 hn. Uolü'U11n ..J 1W •"m' ,.
"""""'· .iw .....
tnbui""' Nól)"' mi (l>I~
"''° .....
knl 1nckf,(ndtn1ly. (Ofl•
10 N.,/Jr,q; S- -.J P.,
h.. ,ch(,of ,n P,,....,"'".,....,, M_.......,h. A, J,m:·
u)I'q/ ,hito toor,m,1 ¡0y H.nu Gallny t 19))-S')).thffl
low ~o, 0.-.,J :,.,.......,.¡8- ...J Cl,.J,
u•>(ó'7),. • fil.,. d1,mtJ b:, Atthu, P-rn11 dlll - h1111
,O:-• "1.ia IMlf!ICl¡J ln1m l~ft o.e..,,,. W•ll;n blft Gr«ol G,U,,y (1')60-.ó)). lw Nl\rrp-.la ont ol .,. Ac.drmy ..... <d fo, ~ """ -' ~ •lll•IIAI
1<1'ffnpi;ar Stmon ,..... r.. d11tt1o::iMI Jdiut •wh
fo,. Un f'ltJ_ TW F1-: M<-.10-.,. 16,, R.u(w.
... ,_i.,.....1 1111 N'(W \ºorlr bt- d... l11tt,.....,...I
111,¡, bl,~ pUNnb m Amma Dril...,. th..n\1,..
-.t •nol ttl"fl(ntN ..,.ny toi ll1r _... '"'f«U"'
1hr f('l'IJIOIIIIC \\;'noetM n.J
c..,,.•"., u,,.11 ""
fftnlo l>lm,.,.. A G- fÑ.>;,, /t.l,.11951)1,
mn,c,r r'f'll,..,. 111 zon 91<" .. "'"""tr wr.1.-g ~ mi' .~ -.n,-1.u a,mn (,1 dlC' ,,., oncloJ.11¡
Tul,tli, U'911:i.. Dwlt ~ Cl'ilm. -.1 n.,
-i...-r...,- Jamn JQllfno..-. Don.Id J..JJ, Cll(I OIJN.but~. u.- .. <,..,,f1'C){ll>. i.-ton • 110M1 ti,, Phll,p ª°'.._
...... Dan ll.thll
RIOIARll .\\ UM" i• 1910 ,i k-.. lor 1- l'Of· Whtn Albuo mtt Nanty Ch1i,1~ -5
m,u q{ lli..cff M"._, M11U11~. M.t+lyn tldloni,J in ,t.- -t, 1 ~ thal <otdr +ntfaale,J
l'\I :¡ 81.\r-.flU\f c,1>111-10001 ·-•
,-N,W, ~ ouo.tt d P#it ""°"' .. pum .. ond
t- •·
a11 ff'tJll1-
M-.r, T.tu Pwnd, lloll. O.-..,. OwlJ(hl O
(......,_,, AfldJ \\; uld, ond ti~ O.oUf'} ~""'
•1r h. had nu-.
.UCI ,-.mM W.llnn ,t,, K~
IMIIIWll l'av, .ond ~ l.tthr, • _. .. tlw
nrfi,N Robm 1'<-w.i .-s ._ fk,,c fonlllk Atlm
.M,b ..W
"'** ~ Yort pUny (1?)$-47) ..,_(J
Cul'Clptall ind lr."'"1('.111 f<1P .ni! tn~
an Fol- h,1
~ 1n11onun ~-
Ollwn, 1hito Mm~.-
An, Cl'l'O>.,iw '«'h,uwy .MUKU111
1.t>Mocu~ ol
G,~ -.tJd.. Krtou.- hn"~ 196) IN l'Pi
8dWI) -ltJ 1,-. .. ._.:r"" 111 .... ~ ..... ('~
Plf,-, 1'}6.1nii,hmon,
ts.. ndu•• •n~ hit 1•U~? ,.,,~ • ...-,,.
P,,,,.,...,. ,9,,~,99)O?'»)
•"-" U99l); ioncl • pMOO...S -lltOU. 14«. S..:IW llfa11 m Pu1dw.w. Ntw Yc,,rk. ~"
<unmvnl .and ,l,m:ced d~ ~UI-IM ,n
c"..lllb-.!,v, Mu-..huMCo, 0M -·-
onJ •r,tt '"""°" • • «I ¡,ubl,tll
"d•tillfl; ttlftlllut al M ll:
""-' tll,u. 1nJ _.bt"n of thor Sllldriw:-.'-on· •ll<I ll'l~nrtaun 04 Mauath'IIWII'- fo1n111ic (1/
H"4,e,1 o( pmbko anJ podn•N•m - ,hr
V.okm CoolJdlaung c:..m..,.,<ff' ..,;r.,t, J•- T«MOlo;tir u,nn. n,.. - d • 1>i.r, ..mo,,d• c:i.u"ll' ~ dn Ao11ta,. m :-:i<,. fnacr 'l"biN,r ~nd
o.w-·~ c:m:. dw fllOl'(C •• pubt~ • . ..-........ ¡>N{rww• .Mr1(n-q • ..i,.. ted (,- 1ht (QI!~ ......
«htt rb@l<>t:uph,dPu,11•<r-,inn"- ~
P---,(196,4). • B.A ,,.,.,_.,'" in 1?-,IJ-' ...-.. ,n,mn:l1o«l1dm'1·
In dw C-muMC pn,odlñll N,,¡-..;.,J,, -.t I.J!Afw,
,.,.. MU\',n lind, LU.11'1.all enre A,1,... -.;I (d ,\ 1'-"1"(111•li- Ñtoft. ht ~ • f(li;I¡ dlll'!lb+
1nd 1o,11;111IN dw brg-.flí d Modrh Wff1"' ~ 4oc:·
~•r-~ncJ ,nJ ~ ·wi.,,·, ~ 11\J ,nd d:u111 IMll'Qlf".lt111 dlC' Tffllll MQIIR(II.
n.. w"~=h l'ffd.,«,: c;,,,_,J_,,, ....i O.nil>t, 1>o-.. boM by l1lf tnJ of 19,11.,,,..e-ad d bt-,,. \lmt""'l' 11:1'._.U pholo>fbphtt
Tht 1-lot)' í,,t111tc,. uncttduNI tru1 by '""'""1:'- ....11 ,ht di-. lit'*• -P Af1tr lritt ...,,,. 10 1hf R.-,bom r-n
1~ to
l'..-v. M,:Jrl, J>(" rm,11:r-,c:('<] in 19}8 IO thc Unl~
Arhu, abo.ri •hf-• WllOW l.(,i. AllJll'rl lOOC~Y· J,r.'dop fl~hM,.IOfl M .,. army i.1,ora.
1ory "' V.r,c:mOA.•htff lit ~rrn1 1hr l'ffl tA 1k .. .., Su.ro. !i,1i., phorogt,phcJmi WallS.o,,r,,911 ,h ('olf,
a, whow d-1 ollthaW, •ff>OCII; Ollwn, V...
Ptnley. Ja:,nt lhllilfttlJ. •AJ lmm,a·, uwnJ. A toklon,: ,k-roctt ol rlior11t1upiwr, M-...-c,-- l,.,...'Ti" l!Mt Sodt, 16! ~, ~ hl-1. Modrl -W
Uu..ol,nh T,yJ« -i 10 N- York Csty ,n die 1ilafflnin ol l ?46 10 'x ll.111/'1"1 6,..;,-. fN>m 19,.H co 19)} a11<1 p,,l,t,.lwd
In 19611.dl.fl'looll lflc.rc..l thc ~ nomo- O-y ....t ~ W(OOd ffll&Onl w 1.ht i.t,l<itl ¡.'hol.og,-•plla 11.rf lim pho!OJln.phl m lht m.ga,.,nr ,n Jut:, 1?,11, •
Ohtl..i • tolwnn .. G"- d:uc ld•«d IOO'fk,(n r~ ~''""' Tbruu,¡¡b t'.o,, HUI, Wf'lofn,y Mm" (i b,e.b,- .. pttV"n<f'CI !R 'l lo,w Con')' hi.Jld (;oe.
r,)ufll g,tl1 oa ho. 00 .,,........1 lon'p 1hr,r -11 Sl>t _. -.i btí~ 011nc- llld Alloll AdlUI, ..tlo nw. •r • \11: AfflOIIJI lw• bvor,cf iub,Ku in l.hl: 111tly
munc,I"" dunl lu:iblnd. tht bofr,.ioit" ~ Quttii• 111.r hc¡;,nn,11¡1 t.hror Qtttn
-~ ., ,a.._~ 1')iQi "'fN' ~- ldlr AJbrn.AR...11 .. ohf W'·
Ctiulwl )t..rk li11-. and mq\ff 10lonJo. ~. lnfftly 1?,17 .W<1ft'>~ -S H,ll .,'""m;,......J -'h.,lf ..._n 11 llubffl t <UaJSrftfl ~In Cattu.._
s- 'r'(d-. '""'''"" ~ _, ,h( dit-n•1<ne. t1s..mmr·, '* d1e Do<o-nr, 1k ..t. .
URWITA \IU-',M.\11 t11 '9l9'> - bom ,11
..,J lt(,
Ofl - phc,tó,c:'"f'hK p(ll('OI,
1uJuw <ht c_._ "'°"" ..a.,,..,....i~, Thr .WIIW\lmd~ Afl
1ui..w., ~ alld ni,ltd ,n Jadaonv,11,r, Floncl> ltllll)o)f!IIJ' rhocoSllll,a" (o, Anloaiw1tt 1' 0-...'111 ptn,r111,r,d hrt 1il101olt(nph, ,n ,o ~· al11b,,r-
$hr 11...S-(d in 19)7 (._. Th(- úhd W,lkll"l"&tiool ,nJ V,eenu J. S<1•lly,Jr ·, 71.A~ar.r/ 11-.,,, ,¡ ~Ul(I IR l '),10, llldud•"S /,, ,1.,J o..r
.¡ F.,.,
I!& S.l'hlbutJ(. c.--«11:ut, •nd .Í1,rr ¡,..,"$ .- .. h 111:r Nlt.f'#t't. kJ.J, /J,,,.J, '~'~', (19)1). M'"'""'1 H'>f.8•. TI,, '1-1> tt/ 1,1.,. U?lH, an,I ~
11 ....... hrr • ~ mll"fC'J • '11'" n111C1;«n 10 N('W ,nJ IMI i,rp1'111fd1n I~. wld íoil- ,t<t - •-,...,.,,. ,.,.,,.....,.,. uJ • ,......, , .... 419)7)
York Gty 5M -. Arbut. J1,11n11 her (..,., ~ ,n ¡,.1.nm-,ry w,)f'b,,J "' .1 ...... 1-11 Tho: Att l111,u1""olCh~or,prullfJ Moddl6elC
A• tht lot,imn-, oi dw K<ir-. ·-:.,..,. Mnc-r.'I)'
,ola:, IIIWCllfflnhdM- ,,. 194}. •hoth wa ~""'
In 14»,-.«l M..nlull mNdrd ¡,o.117 ct...tn ,, JW•T "11 ¡,horOi(uf'hy for ICXIIU -.i írom lt)I to ,ei.r.r L,,¡rr by I lh>w .i thr úlén.. ~ ¡J
~ U.!>'fflll'f _, • tht :,.'- S<hool (or 19') wotl.<J • • (1vil..n r'•Y'"'"' ,n n,¡t,,•Vii.at,n d'r U".ft,c,,rid Hono,.S,.. r-..i. Mo:Jcl W-.
S.X..& ~ lllld, ••lh • (nrnJ, c,p-nrd , ..,....11 rnc-al\-11 a, 1bw Army ltncwc .. •™'
OrY\'lof,mnM ~ m~1;.u • 11lir Nrw o..i.,..,. MlltOfllm ti Ai, and
~ olJ,id Tiw 8,-1 S.u.Jio. Slw 11,tY ..._ o.id .,., f.olot flrt>v,r,V")I_. ln 19), hr-rrw,,f h11 J'l1'• 1ht folkwq M-..111,,. (tot11, ("_,,.....,y (19$1....ZJ.
l''i' Hr,allrM....._S\'C 191'>1 161 )l.ai<tlluM.M!,.-i•h;.MltlM'lm. U 1.. 1, "'• 1..n ••boa, S YC l?(.J
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©Estate ofDiane Arijus
"I Work From Awkwardness."
F muu ,11 hn t I roum :-.:.Y( ') 1
Mm JI ,. 1 r..J.. ut1 l 111h AHu ",'\"( l}(,J
f1001> 1967 ro 19'J 11.-ii,n, wcirl:N ~·rimw Min Rotwr-. NflW l\'I.>~ from tht chNi!tt, fl«,,t-n ln. lln ~ J'Ol"oom .. .....-m, ,h(n ~r
...,.., Md p..ibli<hrtel"" boob. l'l\cltt h, . ...... _--""" rft loo .........._ an.d ..,!.., {On.Un(l't •• 11. Ñ•lot •1 1''-' 1.-., .hW:, .,,_ t\1,•i,m•
"A PU &i11Ch1na u-,.- hf l'")dutcd •n rhf l'n,!'fd •nd • ac -" OII u •11t<Ooel@:r......,.. 11~), 11,r tocw -0 (OIIIM:< wllh ;\,rlxa_ _.,-
Se." ...... ~ '""""bcd.••*""' ..
...- Ro, lár-h,rmw,n,. Albmo (i-•ru•,
,iw1... 1
Wi!lcm \,\\("\' (llRl\íOf'HllMl~ (.ll ,-,,,.1.._ W(,rl,;..J
rfl,ol09to,pho "" - ftti,-1.
Crool- publflllwd ~ A~n F_,t'"•
J.. KOOl'li._., .SOi 1.t'9.:,u, ....i ll.dwd ~- He • • mo.1(1. ~'"· ,..me~. ,m,d «llll\llllt ~Uln.itt 111,, t.-4. ).-L.t r- ., Non-mbu 10.
doo p,N,Jwd rnn• rc,r,i..,. ....J •n•m bonl¡._ Ootn "" e~ Oh.o, .iw .,t.-nJnt Ckw-""'1 196R1 /u N,110, ol N•" ,~ U~lll-, •
In 19(,0 Buac..,., MUr....J dir Mnfto(on. -iww Cot•• Ú.lt u;.,;,_ ·- u-"ffl;o(y,chta in. f'NMOÍnn,n,., .......,.,,n.-. ffllln.ehlr, ht pnn•Ñ. ~
11'd...,...... "''"' p,.n 11111, ..,J 10,1cdw,r tlw,· r-.t 1llor ontd·l~-...! co Nno- Y«k ('.1,y •tw-ri, lb( odwr "'"'"'· Arbul·, r,onn,u d ú-..,~l,r kiol.,
1,W..1 da,,,J¡hlll', Pauu,.,... a~~- Afi,r1 llr '"~ t.;..l..,y Slw •·• bndly ~ ro Ntw Yorl .n AIA"; l'fl>rl,r W'hD Tlunk Thq wol< l.,l;c- Odlf,r
ckliwJb,, Nt•Y01k~ln l~t.,i.. u...,..b,e.. ... ,,, lt,d,anl li(Q,,,ny Qu-,1,1~ -W # 1 ~1t· <N•"· Octebn 196<)~ W,th hll t.w-r n;,I,
n-' bo(k ~ Írffl{f whrl'f, ,n 19ít?, tl.an(h,n, )din ltobrn v.,...-m mo&I .nJ ,-1 ¡,,, Dww ....S lr-,;:un ., Tltt i-- Su-.1.o) 7...,., ,1'.o.c,.,u•.
......... J--. 8 Shtt.oaJ ldlfll p....Jrm ol s.-.. AIIM Arbw 1'lw ¡,,i,.-• .blll!ht" Doon, ....t Ü~ <O.•J-....f Arhn.. r-,J,,,nrrt /,pil
Clw0>1ophrnc:,1údo'-"''""• ......._ • ...,.. •ht ...._ 'lit 1969 mr to Elll(IIPd •ludo ff'lllltÑ 111 thitt ,,.,,
Cono,ntn. LI.J 1 ia l'f'l:Off'l,C' mJ 1,und~•l>,l dlt' -
\'reirr,$in,pon,-Or.m,f-.prn-.¡Y,;()f.~ anunun¡c ...t htnmc- ckM (,W11Ck. <llnu,c1rfl.rfllron u.,s ultff· •n1dn an.d • wr,n fil ronna, q( .,.._. ll.- •
10 liirl ~ ·-· 1)-'lll(h... Of'ffl(J ¡-. l?'JO """' ,n. ,.¡..._,p,nn._ •nd k.,o.t ~ ., Mldlll'IC"Tlüt~111h Wu M-nulu, ....-l't paMMCd
v>kl'lf r- ,n P.oru. -t ,htrl G.almt Jul" Vm,c,. bcum.- F'Ol"'lu 111 /,iw1,c.e, 1'llr anotodut,,,d ehr A,t,,:a. ,.,m,mouit, "'o.,.,., A...,
,"4,,uw r.,f n90s-ll
,n dw 10-11 OI ~ bach d. ..tlo(h f>!OmCMÑ ..rll>l"t &m+t-, 10 ,tir I CJ,,,;r, • W ,( <..,.,,,...,
dw- -.:,,r,n.t fn. ,.,~) ~ ~ .... n.nt 11t °"'""" •
...s ......
-wk,n, •,tluonrr • ...S 1tw.l lurr rnmi Ulotww 0:-•I • ,,J,)rn ñl d,~--
Soon J,~ Chm,~ -'
Jj) Ntw Y,:,rl,..
}l'&rl , ~me, "''* (lf 71tt .... "'4,,i.• ••
J")ll ,,... 1 -·· 1 ?fil u. ,.hm "'""" on. ,io ""
AU:Xn UROOO\Ht 11 (1~,,,.,1 - ,tw .an ,hr #W1 M-,.• llwrn,. ,ht- Ru,...n~ /ll•'l:•l('- """foohn '"""'""""l l'llblor-.s..n 1998W
J.r..tlllll' t/ U..,.) a..- Ñr l'Wfll7•íiW )flft- Hr
- .abo .. pro(,mo, QI .¡¡~
""'•'" ..._, QIW "'thr
ro 1Ndl Jd.J¡:n .., 1 1>Nf...,;'°"""' J....;,..t,nt ,n.
t'OIIC·P"dr filnt~ ..S f.lm,,hmnw. •bo lll(lr.J.
fd ..,.. • • J...cc-, ... Rli.!ul r• r,,..,fnJ T,w
09·U ....6:i. a ttlrbwnl 1hon. wkn.c ii!t11 ,No, r,...
M -ll'\l al ~ I~
rm,. ,,wlW,ov¡ TI.
<'.:loc:bton 11 ,hr-llord
.,,,,.-, b w,'tn!
,n.d 1ht íJ.nl1 ,lf..t,/
bJ/tJ'O. 11,, H.-r;-4+, ./1
~ 8orn ... ·-· - _..... ~ .,...,., ... .,~, 111rn J..,,c,r J'f"--n h,- RM• Chn,o..n., •nJ (;,_.J 096'• 11,r _. .ato tbt C'd,tor fil• Odtn «
Md brpn 11.. C.tfft'f ... ntoflS u.q;r ""11 ilf' Xf,f:C'i l'nllk ~'ti(bl'l)ol,;, M •fll"' /,llolli\ NOII ltum dw- 1>11.!IN'on el lllfllan.d. Cnx,l-.tn.n. "n1ntn.(ly ,_h.
l}Q¡ih,1(-. ffld 1l,t li.lllco ,t._.,. 8"(,ff _...,l\ll JO '°'
1?)(), ,tw ".'O., me" ,ln,ll...... co,.1- 1w ot"'tnl •111•t.....&:on.1i,.. l~IDrtbJil,,~. Xonlll 'O'i'ale,o.)
thr l'n,1,eJ~lft oft 19\0, hr ....:WkJ M ~- J,,ir(. Off-Oi',810.11d••ay p,tw.l..cMtll.. oll(luJ,f16 Al Cutnollrll cOlol - .n.d (Olllp!'.*1 R.CJbc-n S,o,n.,
tOf 1\)1" tht lffllch otcJ,Mt- 1,1- Aux Tl\'lli .,,.... M •he-'""- 0,onc, ,,_"
Qu:at,wn., ud ~n.i.d >lffl't pO,trn lur MU1 m, \J("TOM l)',\MICO«.,o,4-II~, .,...,.. t,..,nd,f1Jld'°""°'
\'~h.l.t PriMcll!pl • .nd Au Bon M.lldll In \I.\Rl('.URt {0Sltl.l O "''" born ,11 P«>iu. oi t,hraóor, •• 1W M- ot Modtffl Arl fMoMA)
l?}O Bnxk,,,11d, i..pn. ,....,.. ,..,. 10 ~ uu...i. ,hrff 111,n.Orrl,. -,d i, ... Mt ....... ,1,,,-uor • ..J 1.. 1.,, Shr
l'f'llt' t.tr ... °"'P" Llbontoir 'l'1lll WOfbbot, .... J;DIIIPIÑ (-. 0.1\lt Colk.f;T lll I).¡.,._,...
(rorn 19r
"' 196'}.D'Am-
•t..lt ,.h ... ,t;
-· "'""" nrlr "' ha
1ht f~ St'.hool •
<Oftllc,Nf'l r.. .,..., ,Nn ·- .w..sn •• ~ M..-nJÑ .... u...........,. "' \·,,...... ;. Al,,. ... ~nJ lll'"r'l'Wlr, &.... \'o,l.
,cbool• aJ r11~t1 1«o1,on,. 111(111<1•~ 't'..S, rK'91W 1 -tú ~rtt •• ,..,.," Íl'Offl úch<lttt 111 t960d'Alllli«l lM h" ..,.,f.-,
M...brl (1'}09-*"\
Una"""'''1•t!w s..,. $.-hoc,I fu, li«-.al a-h. md Un...-,nr,y ol A......o Slw ~t"<f •• •n •n-
Olí· • ~h iittaool on ct'lclitr. íwnd,eJ 1:lw \'tt,o, 4'At111to
chl'Col(of...,;w-o{An ~1~··~ 1-,..., ~
o{""""" •nllucn.uJ ll!"'f.,.i ,:,n.rrar- ni rhcic•r.. 7J.. H.,,..,.
tl~··.yon • nUl<!Nt" d ~·---
In. 196.J IM 1-w • mtlDN'r
1110M ~
dit «
ln..1,1...i, o1 An, ..1.. An 6,a'Jl\',&'llm·
,..¡w-t,,,""-1 World '«'., 1
aN .cllocl 1,..,1, (Wl •
ª"~ """"'°"·
,-,. ~ an 41ffflon,. ,.,......._ or,i,t,Ad i-JO&n CcMn R(J'fm;,,y Cooepon.-. l:adnl --r t-:htJ .... N1('('1..w 11.ttbor ., ,liir
lm111 "'- e;.,.., W-,IICJltfffl'l. -1 Manm tinci kd:,m U:•-.. ...t Robffl ,._')u1ffil:IIJ.
Al an: J.tfflor ' °"' 19)'1 -·I 19)S •• u.,.,.,,,
by Et.a ~
.... ~ .a., "-' •'*"
r,t<bmnf "'°
b.,, ~ ..... 1.....
....urn na.:! of Lionit hbnd. In ..i.t,uoa ro h,, -·
- Mld o"MMut.- , .............. d' " ..... WM .1.. ·~ °'
a-.,,, 8~(h ·~"' ,l)f ·~~,U~· ..,.,.. 1 ._.._ fflC" Ol"ijlo-t°'l lhr fOlr oi Lw,w in
-hc,r oi nu- l,oc,b 11111 •11 .,.i...,M....,, ,n.rlud·
Olffl, .ta.e..a ~ .....i fo....tly ~'"'" Anhur M,11,,,, A..ff# JN f'.ol/il':>6-11 ~ ·~ m ~ c-,N~ TM;li¡~ JW .... , n'Ml. 191 il, ....... ,,.
W.....J,hrnv,i;u,n.r 1~ .... ~J.c(,d lo, >n(,0, , -bcr «
81\»J.....,.J>b>" -.t Mjtu, , ~ .-,. A11Ntr tlud,m.on., A,...N.rrr A. N- 0.,-"
tlt(,n, A411'flCillll IO lun.ljoetn -.i-ptde ffl<~I>. ............,,ll lhr ~'ncd ,.1.,,.. .OoM<W•
1(1111,1 ((Ni(h C,w,i,,1 T-1,,tz •• Ait.- (19"2). H .. ift-1Q11t1, _..
8n-.- 19-1? ..S 19)1 8,(Jo,,"(h -J fdlow N•lff h,, •- ~ !lw worl,eJ ...,,,. )"""'*' 11.úN,,,.. .,., !u, •pon,ltrlc1 • ....t.o ..... .-141to Pr,:,. lllld i....h,11,11 >lidn
lffl'll ,"..clwy prj«N ,twr.- •- e( ""1,"'-, • ,_.,. upc-nm,iwi~ «lffll-'ln.r. Ammc• nw,m~ Loh. si.. ~ .,, prn(ftW .., eot-bl• u-rw,,- •• rht
... o{ lhr ........ .,. ,... " ffl(fl <>•Ñ ... ,he- """' a il~I f,I 1llr Ñh#"t Ñ...S:..,. ...,¡ vu,/wd ""'I""' SdlOOl Lhtal) • Tncbtn úoil'ICC'
W,llfhOI. ~IC'l,III'. ~ ......,, <0 81M-k Moon,aon n1abl..W • lf#,I ro,ni« ipc,w,IWll.fl • IKft>ll"f
Colk,t .. Nvtt:h (MIJl,111, •hrtr hr !ptCM l•'O Bf.\ ITJTU:1(19\IHl,1 • ., bom"' Roo.Ir jfflnll) .no! hn1 AIIW'fllifflmt ""'1. In 11tc- coun,r 111 k,t
119)6-}II) .tudl"flS .« •,th )tMf Alb(n .... w,p f,f'l -~r (:"Of'lr"ff f,~ bu «J'C"(Alotd • •idt
hut ffiCl'<'nl 10 N,.,.. '((1,11,: 10 1'1uJ)" ~n A \t:udfM
w!ldltl w11II 5(haw,nu.., fJ,c,t mowJ to ~" oí"'ª"'ª li,n(f"i, .. p •._. S<h<d"' On,¡¡:n..w • ., r,n,ic- Clf dom,~ .n 1lw (.. Id, '11 n1tffl .. nlll<'l'l1, 1k
YQ!fc <;,,y m ehr ~ 19'10! ....! -l;tJ • tlw hm-dby 1,,..,1 m 1?61 .. hi• •"•""'- .111 J,m•or• ..ru, .nJ llttt-.tuf'I". l•duJ•l\.fl Atbut •nd 1h1tt
Aoooo.cnl ..._ """" (;a,lkry, ....... IOI' dw- 11,r,,,r',~,- Ah('f i....,1 •·nt......i '"" >"""' bu,. Pu!u,... hu,r wu\llff>_ Ir,. 19~11,IIC' ~ • ~
.M.!Kh ol T- :,(,rw)lfflSm-t<t ,--1?.U 11) 1\161> t•neSr, .rdanlllhn ,..,..,-. R-..tlt.Anwl,¡o,ndy tu(• ..J .,. or, l.ht ~ Goc," d dw St.t, d Ntw
....... • ~· r,,c,i. thc-n an C'd•t«. • r.• .,,,...... (,r,tJ,d lwn 1llC" '~'°" ol i>.-n In -..1 1,,,.,..1 ,·oc1.r..,. 11)M 1?J.L ,o
- -- ..... rot, ""'"'lt' 4'- p,iWc, ,...,_ Jrii...J 19',0. m..o¡t.Wllt" ~ Atb<,i (~ndy «w1....t1~ fi--"hood on kpl
Ht11n.M••"""• mol 1),.-¡to> llnff,o,.-. Qtkr fnfJ• kodtu-n ,t.lfl'llf'd u..,,,..., n........- fnr "" r,-an rn,1un from ,lw m,ol.1?10. 11nnl hn Jn1h
-J \hr lrf,"" ""r 1?1110~11 _. i-..:..h ,1&1: 1 ,11¡1«hooJ.. •ho ""*n• ,r, l'(lntt rrac:•I«' and
~ u.·, ,!un 1-111)' rut,t,c,c- ttt
fflO<'f .n.p.,obt •,ti, G-kit.- Set,_ Sol flW" bu, ol>t - <"I ,tw '-n;J,, ol '(T(t>1Icl,ant.t,I, élrfe""•-
"-' Y"..,.. u~n.• !MMf"' •kh o....., ....t b1umc- 4 \on>n!una .i1 J,ow,oe "1t Condf "-'"'1 ,-. ,. • .W«tor ol dlf 1.,a,-,'ffl.' <om-tff on
AIIM/u'bcli,~I "" auehor·, ¡,ht,toshlf'h, S«- Pubt.c.t,_ •-flcn .Jt,.~ .».. thr ~
'"~f Nud,,., Policy CLCNJI~.• A;&(W)nal ~t ~·
.-/lo,,il,,ll9W);fffU.,,,_<."_,.,,,,_, ,(C._, ""Sdf ~,...- ..,_ 19a 1981 t-r,dc,i •,.. •n ,..-.-. .....- 11-w 1111 19'11 thoc ..-c, 111(-·
119'11: •rwi n., c.-,,.,.....,,1
1,1,,6, 11-.. GtJ, d,twru oi ll.Jlt,._ s- .
.-h,ch mt mkta.i;lll'fl '"' 11 and ti'"'"'*IOl>aJ ~ ta riomott r-r •tld J, .. ,.
r.. 4-n-.Jlll6m um) 11~· ...., ,u;••• ,..
t?81 si..- ,..llJlh1 ~n f-
lo 19~. •h(n lllf .,._.. nuwtttn, U.X fflorl AtbuJ, 19~ 1-...i l\)$)11dwSchoolorV~Att• Wlwn
MI( ll,\l.l ru,,,\(:.,,\1'r._ IY·O> ..... tio,11 ••
• r111-,-...1J ídlow ""mlllff !.l'<Ñtn• •• ,.,..
c..m11111on S.hool ol ehr /un - Noft~.
,n 19'(1 Ait;,u. ~
""~4'». ltitkr rv~
hrr -'Y l>""ful.o. A '- .(
- ol chr ri;w w;i-, &ulí~. Nc-w York. •nd a 1 ~u. ,e""""'
)fa.ochuwm. 1:ho, ..,J AtbuJ -l!f<I írwnd, for lmo•n 10bnT hm> i,old. le ;, - ,o 1.t.r ((likruOl'I tr. and ,u!h(w \X·!ulif Mud)'"IJI pa,r,un_¡c ,e ¡>"*"
o/ dw ~·~·• 1,-,,0,n An Mw,rum. ',),"Mh· !.thoul ot ~n 096J-(.61, lit- -. #1 .t,lffllll'
• IIOl tbf!'I' ~ Art.n. ...n-.J .a plfflOl.hrr 10
U,o,, td,,,,ghlltl", 1'1.MJ, ffOffl h,• f,,,. m,u:ri~t to Anll( llljllOII, 0.C: "'-""' .. hc,d 1~h •·hQra hr •·• -~u«d w
O..U.. fu-., ol 1ht- l\l60o .,n,1., .. 11 ~ U>Oc, h1• I• ldd,uon 10 hn ~·• _.... l'"1"1du doo ......,. a,m,.._ ,ntluJ..!\s llobrrt fnllk dld Atbw.
~ ...Ji, J- W,r,,i!o- l!IIOI', •1111 1hcu 1-0 dul• Jc,,,:IWJ tlllllm ('CJIO'ffl,. tioob ....J ,,.,., ,-clc'!I,, .nd J~ .... s.-t,- ...O-"' l,f Jut,,,,, t f,i,c:d1111
,c P,non, ¡n di,r fall d )9(;)
ffl 1,"""' IN..-.d ..,.,1 n,lbt,o,->tf<I on bd.~ .t.ac.. ~n 1hr,,1n.-.l ,---·~ 1tw,_ol IJ/,,,.t
•hr 111)1111 fil ffltlfl'IC "",¡,,,., __ Aílft """"''"" 10 -' fll,,, k,, l.ht llolWlg Sconn 11',l~(i. ,nJ
A•f<loa·, O,.,,, f(., Ctt:-,.).«,,_. u....,, l..-1~
ª""""' l,!rn h" t;Ndu,,r.,on Nld br(on, 11,,o ~
u..,,..,....,,-i ~·Jwu
,n 'l'.k
Pl•llh!IJ Pf'OfnM. ht worttJ
tbr l11llwd Surn ,n 19,(i, 1hc Ooon \P(n< • d!acl,- ,n
Sordll,mrton, M'*""'h--.-u. 1htn -i to \'~11:,. 1191'(1). ),,!~ <1hO~tlN <,;J; 09:<Il. ,1 rN,W•'t -o(. • tht 'lo'lllll- o( l'.)66 ÍOf J\tl,n l,tf,u1M • .la,1,-
t.l,i«iu,,, •hm dwt' h'Y «»,1,,- .- oi (.(,k l\,tur I lyoo. rllolot1"'c>h~. •lll.l d•Kqt- ,0,,l·l•m and rr«"""1 -.1 -.t1,p,ntoNI ~
n¡,hy I kr foul ~.,- f'R>f"l-1 • • IN ~111n oi Jut,,,a~ '*""'''""· '" 1?69• .fi« •tNtow.l1t11& ........
Ytu ..t_a f\ .\\' ílgQ).·~)J lt lf'Judftl M tht i-J• 1 ~... ) ,-. d11t f""'lltt lfflW ~ (IOIII #ltr "" .m.út1e ~~ •1 \"*• F'-,pn 1.,.t. hun1lflf1hr
-1.i '"' JotunlOIW')'1 rodo,_ •• ...__.,,on rt,o- Jt.lli d t..n«r F(!fltr·•rrnonol •rth,.-.. o/ ~r1-k, 411( m boolc ~Ql ,J,n.,,cn 'w•h Ma1T1(1 lu.l h,
""""'Y· ll,1 19JIJ publo,_ ~ .,.t.a,.,_ •• ..e.t.
m.¡tuu,n, (011",-J.11< .., -i i*C'l~IOJ'ht 11 ~ w-~rr,I -..ble- 1Mf1$1461 boob,
°""'ª" n, ,_
T1lr M- f:/Mo,lnn A11 .S.,,ocffll tht cl.,,l't I,_ ~ ,n l.ht AJ.we.$..~ot,Gu11l,t.l
., l>,,_li,thcdJD,,\,Jn.
1.,1,.,..,. ·~ Clul..
f.~ ,.~ ..
•nd A>llll,t r..t.tt'I
JI>, •• ff,,;J;J, 1-./u, .,,,-•,jj
e- - bo.11. ~ tou,l ond ~.. wia .. '"° º'""""°
wt-..rbi,/Km,!..-.in:h AÍ1n., )t'# M W,U_ Cdkg,t, t'I.A\' FflJU:.lt !• ,g.,111 ,. c1.,...,,a: ti t!ot F,rll..c1
09~(;1. .J 11...., \írvJ/n (1981) by Drbofth
1,rmc,ml 10 Nrw Yorl eor-wm11111 8y 19l8W Ma_¡c.unw Cc-n1..,, lfo.. 'ttíll)' oi C.hfor,... •• lly 19@ 1 1\1~ W hu: ÍIOI Oll<""pmoll nhtb,.
1r,,J ~ 1111• thc ('.lfflCrr,, """ una wtc-c"""' ..; h" !St>d.dry. c;,..11.,u Si'.hool o( Joum,l,1111 ,. 11» 1 u,;¡n .. c,o...i,,, -1 l'kmom c.uny, N...,, l"ót\.
lfJ "'' ,cr-dlP" ol 011kr l'.11,.-...,..17, fnúr lxg.on ti... ,OUI• NulnnWO 1d,)-.i ¡i:toup .,_, lol~ 11t -'1'11 •
~ .. _. ~ 111 .. ,,..,,, 11'-p
-li•hr'"'~ ,,in.-i.,,...i,.·~ ... ,_,, ~.u.... ,_,...." fot t.;fa $,iif!J,J",nt.1iw. M»w•,.. ,n Pl*otre r- Y~ 0988:), 1hr
w,tb ll~llfTl.11ttª"'' «""- O<l ti.- s...... ~
Lib bit G,-,cb
\',lu,« n,omn"'1r llffl 9-hn,
r..-- i-,.J c-m¡,loynw111 ,n hukl.,n Dfi,,,no
~rh•:,..'..- Ow. l'rorn I')), ro 1')3'.' hr WOt'bd
,n 19\4-bd
dn'tl9f>l'W""• o/J,.,f1 lll•1trAftl lty l'}ST hr •• ÍN•
"''"' N:11ot .i bplor -S . .11or>,r w11h 11..uWI IJ)n.
•nm," «111\fflll'*II)' '"
<1nd (....., 1lw N..... \.oel fonncWIOl'l 1k /uu
U'JIJ6. 1911~. 1992'1 [)n;r1«- ~ lll«ffi • • r-tr.
s .....Yflrl.
pNNlll},- 111 ... S-h • • ¡,hotogt:ll,ht, Jobm 6rn1oc,, 1nd O.vid Ntw......,, ,r-,,...med '-· flllNpll B ~ htM ~ ,.. 1hr
b cht •
lt..-.:tlttncnc (111" olk,dthf A,-W G,"6rnlú ,.--, -Wy o(llfl • - c-rincdly bU<lcd Sut-,
J\• l-.zru? )--,
hem Slnanqt Mmai~n•ioo f,..n colt.hoo•l'nl Wllllf koumr,11 (Olltlll!IJ'OPl)'wr,un 119',l1,1"7btod nc,,,ddut ,n1tpiwtt1Muiwed(_,
'º ,ft'#t ~nd """<":.-"• Vi.J.mu Nal>ol<,w, ,....,, 'll'•.W,
-'1111 rllc- pon
............. Jm1n ~
.nof f6GtOICNl>hlf J'°'1""'I o/ 1bftt 1~111 l,m,
_. (Jn,rl ... l Wnt.1JUI;.
Wllolo•AW>ona.. •hoth ~ni-w!tyb«.....-1..d V, Otw d !lw .idwlf(U fi rht- ,-mm, ""ralJ M.\lt'V flt,\"1~i11 t~HI 1, t.--n b llf'f ,:t,nnl.
.,·,.. r,..,.¡c.,_,.,1,_n,.,n i....,..n • Ne-- Jountial,ll'l'I. !Id ..nurnt.al S,,.nJ;oy lo.J;ul'M.... -111'"'"- du.,,11,..._ P.•M•f115, lod
l• 19}8lnmbtpn,_.....,.,onwho,.,y.,.,. w~ ro 11!,t •'*- \'...t lltu.U T.... • 1wt¡,ric1 IIIOllOJ'f>mts • • ,tw ftt'lpotnt ol ,_ JIIM Simon
,rq:tn, "" d,N'<ia M....... hrttl pubtnloÑ - ol _...,.._.. drw -k oi GloN .)!- ..nd 1'bm Wdlí, Guwr,lk,,. M..- .. 1 .......,uOG Fdlo..,hlf'I
tk ,~ • "'\\'".úktt [..--: Tht UnpoMCI flwu..t · -.to ,ht ~- ArntMn ~.,..,_ Hr pal,lia!wd U97), 198)) -.1 - tl«ctd w tht .-\_...,
• u..,.-, H.,_,_ ,n 1'>62, blll ,- ~f •Nf w..w., -i-n ... ,otff>,_
oi._·,u- .9>.wn .nd "'*""'1 ffld INuru,.. ..t l,,u .nd 1.r1tffl ,n 1984
~ ,n • b,x,l;, • ,eh ~n "6'11). by J•- "'""· Tlot ~ , •.,.,.,. '"'liny ,l,lumm1DtT'hr T_. S.ory oi Sllt IW5 .,-o,1,¡ la - J)llhl,c 1olkoiom. .W.
(nl>fltd \C...., lln Cd.t.lCI ?66l 1hc-a.., ..t 4'td:s.~-·'--'fil ,t.r w~ 1:>w.Jr 'IIJI ,hor H,na.1,,ora Mu...u1a•nd Stv!p,..re G.t.lrn,
Tlw M,t1q.,¡111_,.W\llftlm (Jlf An. Tht M--- ot MUWVlltce MoJrrn Are I Mo.\lr\) ~1-r br Ath~fflWM ,n '"" Atn 4191,1'.11, ..,J a J,ohn, O ..,.J
)loJml An, .ild tht Wi.cl!c)' .\fuwum vi Amrtit- wwW lw •ndOO('ll ,n ._1, i,r,f'O(Qnl M,g,MA r,.hil,,, C..~ T ,...._Anl,...-
An ~ i, tbt ,ub,«1 d r-o 1a1tot """"'°'nirh•t ,,,.,..._.,._,.• ._ t-:-,-,,
PMll<t"-'1',09Hland 11,, &m m Abt~ \X'~fndlnJtt~.
"""'" H•Jdffl Hnra,., ,""'7 t,·,.,.J O ?')OJ 4"'1 F~ ,f .\l.,. 09)j) 1111 1\161 thc NI: t.(;wtul ~ophymt.¡ihwhc,ol,-1.l,n..,..._...,,"""""'
i.nda :,.00{.hl"H ·"""' ,.,.,,,.. l•--, (2()()0), .tn ~ «pm,cd • m~e,.-, "11,,l,"-• R....., 11> (",al~ 10 tnlOII In drif l.-. ~ Ñ1 Úflef1
nh,botion ,4ulo,( ,! .. , ""ump,,ucJ • W¡t~ p,n,,n11 r,•.i PMfft.·~ Ólhtr ""'-'iOI' #luwum "-•
~hwl. llr ...... ftlk,w ..... ~ ~ '"'~
ffln;lllf«1"T III dlt' S'1'\lht-11tf \IJ,atllffl Qi ¡\" •wld 1,,11,)w, ,ncluJ,,1111 R"""1 r,.,-1 "'"' l'..-.t ,. •~ el Ati.itl.-: ft«Ollk. wbo h,ITJ hllll • ~
D.::,tn • ~ Ma:y f,v,l ._ ,,. tl,c, l'nHtd ,,.;• ., s..,..,, M.:.hnlffl ci hnr """ llnv.eon 091U>\ mv...- lqrtndl.. ín:,m Jc,hn Colt- le A~
l'ol•" ~ ... - w.'"' ll'IIII olJ ... t,t1dt,,I '" N#lltt F,,d ""'°'"C r,-, :,.:•IOIIOI G-ilkl') of An. f,-IJ,,t. ·~ 11....IJ - ffllU;r m:onl'{>M'f
ff"l>Ol:1,-. with fwr ffi<flhrl. lfw A.,,,,toun-burn '11'..twm¡;e ...... DC. 099-lt. , 1 ll""" r,....J u.u l"~nlB fnl ~ k(A. .. Ati.nt.cl«oe,h._
~u o..-
L>t~okr 'A.'.. lt III h,¡th i<hool ).-11'/·K..,c;..w. M-- f(,ll. ..,, l;.#,<11, C.Mun) A11rt "'°"'llf 10 s...,
Ynrk ('.ny '" 19)4,
dlr icud..J ..oJrf1I d.ntr wllh H..,-• llo>I•, 11,rn c;:0001 fntsll,eQ, t,,,pn 10 worl¡ fo, ~. t.w,.;n.
t.ir« •,m Minllt Gnh.om -S J-' &..ioo. _. ,..., t-"• l't.el n,n: INM ••l<I
A!IM Arl111, ,,. tlw b1• l(.G,U,, ... c../1<,-i .............. T'hn,o,:h ~ J•JW•
y,,u úl lhr ,...,.mn d..u.r rfOiftt..,, fbtH dw 19)0, •"'- llf- .. ,.,. ••"1dtoollJI fl'Offl 11.il phoco,:nphy - ,1.,..,11 bra,I he- '*' Ulil b«-fflllc íf'ot11dr. ••1111
~ t>ffl«, fdlfl~I .. ~IÓC\11 Colloe;t:r lll 10 ,,__ ,..-tu,n. 11,. r,,,,. htm. l',df \ll 0.,,.,, W.tlktt h.tm, Gul) W,.,.,_i, m,j A,t,,.,1 ['fffll
Nn, 1-tain In 191'11 ,ht ,,mJ,rJ ,len,~116 -.:1 il ?S•)1. • i•ovn1n""k•Qf
rl.,- TJ,,, &~r
abru•- « ~
c.,_.,,__ ..... .,. folt-W br Th (,,. ,¡
·, "''""" ahouc Fnrdlln,l«'t rfir,ol-ottl'lrt,, U ,tiro_
l"IM•IIII -h )b,- il«brYnn •t llllr ¡\- AH wn b,o..l,_,o.,rn\¡c mal ...... ,'f ""f'IJ moucl
1,11, J., .. ,ry; cS...... ••t.b
* .
!d,oal, -1 1d ll.on, /"""' O'Jr6ol, ...t ,1', .,.,¡ ,M) IJ."'1lfl. (1?6)--Ul"! • \hnn '°'""1 flll!tlt,J ~- L•«k ~,-·
Ho(ffijinn Thl, Wllr rr-
IW mmwd 1ht S.-11& pbc)- "-• 1m 11111nr r,1,... ,Jt,o,i. ,~ u- n,..,.....,. Nbtu.t)- l'](,JJ:u.J '"" y-.-1-"'C• ~
'"'11:nr,hr, aobtn fu,.k, •uh •hom J., haJ ,.,, ,.,...,__, (1911~) and lull,ltllf;fh 6r,,c11rn !Ar •n -~- (O l'f'o!Ji,nJcft f,,w pun1ol,u, ·1.n-
chi!Jttn. Polhkl aM ~- '(l(',1liioii1 _, ~ t:•b.ffl' "'- 119~zt.• n.....,.m-r flll.rlN •n· J,tonlwdrr ht,ffft Pllhl\Of""""- 11?"'.'\) 1l,t fol.
·~ .w..'l f.-..111< ht,;•n ,o 1-'or "''"'"'""' "" "' film .i- ,ti, llolh"',l 51_..·. l~l -.:<)t!J, 1c,.-.._, TN'- írl!'di....irtt,J,icJ ..t .. r4nllffllflr pul~
~ •od r'-''"· Ulfl, 11111._ttt ••(1,y, ,ll(otr(•U<· A-..nw,.,1 1""'1- vi¡;,.--, v,.,,nJ ¡vrtfoho. .,,,..,llw (Yffllo
•1\11 1nt10 hH '" "" 6-.r ,n,,n,n,11 .,..J "" rd- (WI Jn Au¡c..c 100.? frul ff'l:~"11ht r.J..-.....t Sr-lrmJ l'horott,-,,1•hf e l'n ,IJ
~UH 111..J -- )L,fT h ... l. fl'lrf Ad,uo ,n lltiit i.1... 1>.1w11 )tnW írut11 ,i... M..co....n <:,;,11111r 11.. lll ,t,., 1,c,. t',IW. f..,..n-in d,,._rfd and l.lrrr
m.J-1,W.. <hAA1Jh ,ht.,., dnltt R~hard fttllamy moM 1ffl'n1 film" P..,.,.
R-«ll.lOZ-1-.t b,., lMn1 ••ll'*IÑ .nd ~(.! dw pho,11,t~ "''"'""'"
•hfll,YN"""'diitf,~o.. ll'lh~tn1 f'IICll••i:nlltl•y "llobu-. Jt..., 1,·,,,_w. l.-- 'lrmt, E.nrr,,ne ) Bdlo,cit, 1hr &><11mrn1•""" el N"'
M.a:y Fonk !,ne ntub,l'.f'd hu l(Ulpun m 1hf ~•M•r200h, dwCo«w•fullH)-olAn. (),tc,r,nu l'N·lr(tllt d,11n,c:1 ~,.. )(ery,,lk H•
19kll. 111 11tiit T•IW¡!:" ('..Jlny ,n.N..,.. Y,o,k. and hlJ ,,,,..,,n, o c. l'""'"t, nhi!,,,,.J,..,.¡ rvbloilw,J ,bot, 1m.tltfl ift CJ.
IX- ...
htt t,,,, ·-~ ~- ~· thr S<('f'ht-1, llaill(li s,.,,,,IIJ; ,...,_,. J>~ ,._ J6r ,..._
G.lktJ ,n. 1W,) ,,., 1•ro tJ.. u,~1,, nu IIIRIO. ..\
ª""""" t.r, -
1%1 f- 11\.\ !a 10-n1tq,n n • '"'-· N,J.1.,,1,r {),,,..,,, ,,,.. .. 1911 0\l'r{I. 195161
d•-•1111 ~• ,t.r Nrw \d,ool lt>r So(....t I"' -·- ,tt d.!tt!ot -.1 11 lll.1W hnld úl d.- 'f('l\ Affl\l• ...,...rfol • iro,- u I n ...U.n.dff'1 ¡mm, ti
R <.~~,mM--
19~? ,1,,r~ 111dud. -1r mltd mi~-.. tirm in~ l~. l.oqr Rtll«.r¡·, ll(Jlm,.... -t ..... 1mc,e,,c dit lm! c,i hn
(d hfl! ·~ ,n. , " '"""""'"''· lrotr r..., ,.... n.loo· .. ....., "-'. (.,~- ~·nt ~·«111 Ñkl> w lt"""' f,w,n.t. io •l'Jlf'ff•.,.,. lht,r a..~o,,..__.I ,nipon.on,,, ...1
hll-. S-r l968 i.hr lw tt.j Hj¡:111# ~ n &lw \),~,rld h,.f,,u t<h-..J-.-.,1 ,n AUII\IM19,i'J l"l •"'"''JI" d ~nm¡,ll"'<•n
7_..J,~ c:;..i:1,.,-. •no.l. -.. 199<•. •hr OC Moort u...tn lll lkfl .... c:.«n"""'1. ~~l.. ,11k ~" oi .,icJi..ldrt ..... """ M-lll:, " ....................
C.U.-.,.N>lti ,n N"" l'otl. (,, •._ M.o,y •wik "'1*4•· ,hr ¡c...,.-nl ..,.....,..,ol
v1..nn l'ul>lrtluft,f, "'u-<¡( ,n 1SlM ••di 1 •kl •'- at 1k ~ E.,,,c-
NI ffll,111 Jtoorn r,~nk ,n 191',9 ...J •ít« lltf J..uu c.~·, tu,.,. r11hl1.'lhtn. Alla ll~lrr úfflr m H,,..... ,., R1,cbn1rr, Nf'fl" \•Qt1e. and •nrlvd•lltl ''""
IIIUI..J l....o T~odrt. • ~nl
1•- ~ ro--,,. lllt• r-,,lf ,n,..-,.«'1.1
m 1hr v-N s,..,~ o.,.._,.• ll,IOUl~iho- w,d, L-otr, W,eottr-t..t
11 • _.;..., 1nu•-, ~ff ttl .,.htf't b,r ú1kl Mil,, • ¡uh m 1?.l-1 u H.-.ne Athu1 ,tu, Jt,hn Su~ (lfJI-.J 111 1\167 lut
,_,.,.. "" 1ntlwu,_ 11uhlic-•-,,. f'rfdrn,;l.'loai•-W~-Col~. 11,r M....-.,m ef )w.kti. Ar1 lli. """'' l..¡¡r "-
lN1 Jir, ..-dllldl¡¡; • ,unollln r,d,c.1,nlufl 1lom br1 f't'l""J'«'"r
'''"'" • ""°'""'...""'' '"" ,t.,.,.....,,.., wifl •• Mo.\lA ,11 lOM
,\14"'-""1, r.o W'(,11¡ on
lt08f:Rl ~1U.,~
lii-trf "'"' i.-i. fo, .... b.ld. ol b&.r.l.-d·
·~o11~· ,..,...,
W lttl oJlOOI _..... tn<t>tJ 1111 N<"" \"ud. C'..-y .:slw 11 \Ji:tllJ> 11 \\t., 1r~)).,.• 1fll"ffln«01 f_,,,,..,.,
rh*lv•pb.1, 71w
•~ ,., p...,,•
O\tt9J. liru Jd,,
,1.,.....,,.., t,r_,.,. iowll iM1w11, ~· ,dr;or, ioGú-, • •~ fOOM 1961 ti) 1')1} ()iw (4 tht "d111«1.1(M dio: t.,,r.
lr,n,,.n. .. 1'.'n,. J.,.,m.!»m. hr t...,..
l.i< n9u:¡-¡ A 1omr•b· ""'"- enJ on 1 •rh Alrundn l.abrtn\.oll h,trd htf .. •tt --
,_ o(,_ )ffl'I "r,nutt IIW:,-.s, 111 MM chr UnmJ
J.t,'" _....., ol .,, «•m<~Iltllcowd11r 09H-)f.l
··- "" t,1,..,. .,...... e P l'ffldn. ,,un-.t .n.ocks f,- Tn.m w.oW.-, :,,;.,,,...., .\ohilCT.
Gay 'Ltnr, Trny Sr,,,,~ ...J l¡,ymc,nd C.t,..,,_
ln 1?4~ 1':.Jn-1<b """""' - ~""'' d Gt-
ÍtOm dw Jot. Súnon ('..,}(¡c<"flhnm )C.,-ul .,J P"r -nr ~·• 111,,ou 1hto, t'ine 11)1:ft,. Wlulr -.ott.ns .,. • "'"""'" N,u,e kit .,. """" •
J~k ._,_
lk ~
n,, '*"' o11duJn • ,n.ro.bc->n. t.,
J"INflC• • l¡-n,¡--1 Y'' ........,,••
,nclud"'' 1hr illla(n,ro, M..ic.. r Stndi1. •nJ Dl,nt
...S Alt.n l,,t,,,,._ •lluw fou rd11orul ¡,hou,.,:nrf,r.
~~.. ro,\ r ..r. r,ti.... ,11y wrnc~ t, T.AloN:. ll~Vá
WM dw u,1J.-11nl l,,i,.,. ,nrco ,ht .:rwn "'""' •
n,.W klClk •• rwn dw ffllM ,...,..,. .. """ ol ~ ,n-,,,,. ~:.--.in l>t.....,. h,. '-'tt l>IOl'f. f'"'I• floH• •llll k1111ft • ollf.11.,lirmon Ítwn 1ht UQP•
Amtllfl r- p ,c11,om ...t ~ 10 dr·r- (<;t..-. M.y l~l't. Thc: f'l"""OI .. 1oomh C'- ullt'. 1111' """!,"'& U11<lr, -n,, \'r111(11) jciwnty Sm
orc-<- •nd <Ul'V'tntlOOt'(n ~t,- ruf,- bl ÍC'llluml 1hr Ad...,.... """"'11 ... «ht-r tovr'n ,,, MOONIW"lln o(• MOOlrN W1th,a 1hr H.-.on fl 1lw
bllltd In tn-n.l 1...-,-t ni~-., T/t, ,t_,,_, •,Mt ..SM,e. Jll(.-11'rA,b,,,,n:...ticn111rd1hnro-n <;.,iy• (.1"1¡ 19001, ((Wllpi('lr .,..,1111 Alt,g,'1 o-n ~p-
tlldwu a - (1( 1k p::.,c· '«'«IJ W,u II Hú - r,:,nn•t fQ,r 1hr -,-. K...,..-n • • nbdllWl «!,((lol 1,00,, vnrd .. thr t .. a,,-., b lw• -" qf ,ht t 961).
~~ rrank " .i.., oht
leduJ,nJC ,......, 1-..u, ll'J')<J~
,.,,hn, ol ..,..t,o •ri11ncul.<d ""' ........ fmitnl-l.'1 lrl, Cond, ~ m [11,;._.., "°'"*V.ttt... ,._ thr - el •
...... UI 1911 tobo:«,,w pt-cJ ..o, .. t.,,,J,,,• ,,_ lloulhnñ. S.¡1111.1 ""-"•..,..) ~ m W.11.'itOII•
Tlw ,.,_.¡,"1) JUWU9'Jli, .1111 Ff,..~ t, cwri. J..-ul /lh('f htt ¡;,,., ~ C-'l>dtd. ffl(' fnO'Ñ fO S..km. Nor,h Ylol,_ ll•yn ir.J..enf "' 19-18
H .. udonr n ~I on TI,, ll.citlf,i h,.,1,;
C'..:ilt<,_ •
thr N•t><l<IAI c.;~ "A"
b.c I t..n,¡'""- :,,-...., YuA. • hcff ~ 1,. n ,(doy ln.-.t1, '«'Ar
f-OtN 1 ·""""'"' Al,"' ~ dw •""*" •
-·...-.. lw s.....kJ • il'lb .a. ,11 M,..,, •• I'..,.-. •
funk w• t,,.,,n ,n 7..incb, :;.,.,."l!,l.tnd, -.,1" tht- U l"A.IU)L\\l)f.lt(• 19_w!,.•hr•,,.hor oínoont •omP"ot"' ... ,r-,,..-,
n,im. '" 1'»6 ht -i ..
*Pdtnnll(d"fP"'l*'rJ l11mo.r!l to• lnc..al rl-<w;· th.tn '"'dl!T bldt.. el: 1>holoJt1;nol'ffi, , .. 1,,.,,tu~ n., Üf,t,,.. .,..,,.rt
ht ..-uiW """ b o.r r..11;c-, ..J Jlobfn
~. I~ ~· I• 1•J-1~ hr ~ dw .1-•- .\C-- fl911ik t,h " Ow,f..,..J e;.,, flt.,.on "'""'" Atnnld G-11,(ncb. d1r íwn.:i,fl.lt rJ.rOII
dniinn A~ Brod<Pncth • ...,.u h,n,I_. t,,)(lk QI P~_,,Jw ', Ultlff>ll.-k ,.,.,6-,jlS, (19®)1J; ""'"°'·
hri ..... 1c1 - ,--Kit ....... and «111...-W J>hc>- \h.11..i.at-.......,. "' ..-h1<h 1k .,,i"' •l"l'"n ... 1y .. I IJIJ'tl,ÑolÑ • wltthOII o1 nu)•
bt "-' ..,..,.,m
b- llund"'8 d on,clft ,n ,,.,,,,., "--· • r.,.-,~; 11,--, ,(
'* •
ton 11» ~ntrall)- -.,rn.-,t wbtrnt-d 1lnl S•olmr, T'""'-' tJ,,,v.,J>f#
1~ • ~
,- ....,.l. ...
.dl • ,n J-
"' ~
11.r~. l,ifo. ,.,.__ /,1,('...Jr,, ,nd
..i 11,, , ......... Ti-.
1m c..-., -.cuuw r,,t,1,ilwd
.......,.s., rny .enn,. A lrll.-.. nl •ht Ammc-•n
Ae.tJrfll) o( "-'" ,1,nJ Stwllttl .. eee l'.199.
Frot<J&andtr !,. '" ....... afflOll,C _,. «h« ..-.d~.
w fo.1,w n«-91
,,. ,~ ir-4•1> 1•ro,
11~ ....,..'fd ,o c..&óofni.
,.!!in.. hr td ~" tlw .J11on.-.,r NCJ,/,nu IN,l-
"lubtff f,-,,1..• ek '"""' -. í,ne .ms-,:ano 1""'1n1.... 1J11...- Nu,"""I t;n,d,,....,'""' lor cfw Aro ldk,nh,,.. a,- l lt 1...JrJ hK .--, wr,111111 bool;;, on Aír,u,
Tbt follow,n, )fff fnnk 41Uttd ,n. ,, """"""' 0960. 1962. 1911). tht ~ of rlw C,ty of l':.rrt ,lldud,n11 Th ,~,, PJ...:. • F-,1, non-i1 •rJ dw
"'1Mcr~. n11·aud !ir l:,J ... anl "ir6<htrl •• Thr U~IJ, ,ht [J...-u,I "°'"'"n.-...-rll Mt,:W r.,., l.iínunr J'Ol'hnmout 11111 ó.,,~ N_, .¡O...... f•.,,, U'>')(h
r llioN~
US\'ilt) H.oycú ~
1 ?116 aNT •
llnt t<l'Ytd • thco
i..ht-,, • ._. .• ~
i,.,.,."' r-c,
lcw 14, ffllP•
thco film c.,,..'l.n '* ,lit Alw
aic iol lbir 7- StMh llt)'DOIJ,I
'«'alktt foqltl f,-
• ~"'r
l!>H 19 196J IW" •orktd u
•., d,"""... "- A,UIU-u att:-i... tino¡•
•111 f'KOfJ ro.-m t. elrlt With 1ot,1tt ol ,w. 1nd
hrwl 1-..p,I ~n ..W f"!Rllflfl: - p-
i..._thl!n • ~ a-
"-n G'°"' ""'-
,._ .,........ ,..,.. "• E,,..,' .. "' ,,.,,., ,~-.
,._,tuui A"""--UM8'.J, boot" ha•
...... ,-.g, ..t ~plu 1hoc i.,.¡.
lk,cnpuon -h .,,.rm,1,i.m
111u. t•
,011> •• , •t""' ..J
mdllok ll,t s- ,\IJ,
...-1 •.,..
c,,.r. lt9)7t,
Sc:hool ol Dt,.,.tn fl?)~i. Sdwd « v,.,,.¡ ""'
0'61--611. -1 ~t Un1on School ni M
'°' ""'
t~ -h
l,fi,,ir, -,¡111:illf
Lou,:lol,n III Apnl 196l
()\lbl~ 1'lot Pull
""""09li0l, -t l'.J.w TJ...¡ I "-o· (1'162). ...... b 11963-691: _. ,n 1961 buond11t1"' • -m tb>t, C-.udr, • dw crpri11t {I( hu l>OfllWI• of ffltMIXl. 1o4
.-~,c.t eo Atbi.il 'nlf 1- - 1• ~~ YQrt ,nr••>«rgurf'r -lt A•tobl.1>1>..,hodi Albul ..-.,. 111 a.,o.,i,d lhr ·- ~ .. H( ... ·- <-"'"*
t,ly III dlf rorly 1']4lh ~ H,tl • ,., btg,llwl,n,: hn «(.UÍCll'II Jtun• •1t•'II I~ podoM;e,J many ~ "-.: ti,, •·os ~ 11 ft 1101 "-' hr:,,,
l:lllttf -' 1 '8ifloon mo.irl )tw ,IIJ A,W,, ,,rlMolWJ r-.¡,11,y r,,bhuhom, ,nctlkl,-'1,1: No1l,i11~ PP-1 thry _,.. ,111tud.....,,l. bat eliocJ l,Uly _. ,,, pmon
Ir-*' b ,h1nr rw, i196-'1. h,- Jlwha,J A•~ """ ,n, by J._ ,_ ftV1ó i-s~ whtn AtboM 1,-W 10 :,;t'lf O!s.:-
fa ehr i.,c I?~ 11,11 k6 c..c.c_.. W~oo 8•1Jwm. lff ttoeJi.ndtt'> U/ f>,,,,.., fl9701; ..t to rf,o1911ra¡,h )lard1 <,,- ctfmr&11IOll,f. i.."'- M
t•"ffl"T for Ncw Y«k G.iy .J '*- •Jol,n ,tw 1;t\l •• ., ti""'-º• "'"'"-"' rubl"'",inn.. ffln lk 1ubtc« ol -"" -.:tJf'M. J (,. ....._h,.,..
lol,rn ~ blllooll moJrl. f/1,e-11 iCTII m d,r ,...,... ()..,., .-\,6., (1?72) *IIJ O,.,.w A,,., ,U..U.,,_ Wfl'i qf IIIIIICU rr,••n. «"Ph"""- ~ an,I rotfflf")ft•
-~· ..._ 9w-1l,c, bq,n htt t...-rary <"~. il~I lnthr I~~.,.¡ i.o. lln(l-•l.111,1:-<rnm«,I· drntir •• J'"V'ftd by n... H,,e....,. N- ()d...,..
~ • -111:r .-hi(c tolu11111, f« s..- Wlun.1- •..eh ,'¡-toe, a.1-i.J IO lnduck lirlt Gitl«t-; lht Lnu,_ St•r Un.'11\'l'lol)' ,11 81o1on
-,... d,m..,. IB Nrly ,_ ""' •"""1 "°''" .... nt,,b!ol(IOl4e,.,,cn lcw ..,..., ,rl,to,~.....,, •hin ...... p ._. l,hnry "' 'I0.000 vol-.
.v...t...;Jlt H,U Lnr .an.al Jd ~ • .., tJ,10, .a- ,«.luJ,113 ~ ......rtl """""· ... ff(fOl,1)«11'1"1' •t ,iw l"r,oobn'"'"''"· t.llthl·•~ bu,,cJ ,n. ftttl.,(11.w
• C.tl..,..,.dwn • 1941 lobtn MNn"Y. • rf,ql'lfl·
ttpwr<t.~ p11.,-,_, u,- 1•no•-.t ~r,pa,tt,J ,n
Mmnc.,,p)lftlnw,,,.~ o( llm; f>"'1~.l:rl•. l~·f97J «llltctc)' "' ,,,.;l
fl<n11, • etw .Wul~ t.•Urf'l. Nt'lt 't'Otl., .id
.Jw11otc_, bf O,;a,nc Md A!l.an Ar\,u~ (~ Wl'n.,. &c.,u,..,
•-i.. . .i.... ..i htt ,,,,. ......~
.O P•1t 10 IIIOJd ioc ~
.IIJ -""'
MM othrr -U•l(n
,hr ~ .),11,!M0,1,a 91 ""· T"-,1>U?"'11. ..JI• W
11- .. - ,, . .., U!l!IU, ·,411rh ~
C.nn ~(..-m. Forl ~'orth. T(M.!,, • rr• afln
•• dlolt AtMn
tu lf, U.\lfl l" ,91V ••
Ncw Y""-,..tWhcf e.ne .... .,_fi ,.........,¡,la
•I Ti. MVtc'Uni oi Modtm "" '" 1 '>-H kit IIIOIT
~-nbaad.iw:... r,m.... ,u .,...,.,.,a,.-'""" l~•hdnd, 1han l~ ~ t("«llury thit ha•rcopi,w1d ,l,r ,..,~ o(I,~
ltJ} ec, 1918 ....i rompl(tl'J k, t,,.. ~·ilwfd h,-1 dtl,u:ntd A""6, onlr rc,n:íol,o. A ._ ,f ,_. oo hcT nau-,. oey) "'"'°''
,n bt.1~•11,,it mi
h,,,k. r• l>rt Mtl.C,,.-, ¡,J.,., 119\ll ~tl?'.'Ol TI,r P"f'l~ ... t...-"""""-rn!N "'"" ¡,htot•'l(n1•h•, -9 ,lwi • dun<mtnoary (,!m~
lhll llltMd 1-;f,¡ W d"' l,'n,1f'J 51:alff 11> oh, ÜIT rt»n;:-OTtJ ~h M Ml,t .. orar fflr 1l,r J- "- rro-odfd il111t -~-
19'0! -1 l"Ñ ,n Nrw Yorkand m ~OO.
• ~lt,ar
¡,r,11.-. .... • •n olt,h,1,nnlramr (1111 Oft'! - OI 1lw liool<. tl lf:., ,( \#, ... ( l 'l6.,, co htt fin,
~LI brpn 10 ..uk A NI Nt•'II on 191) -,,d i..l Jd:,nituctM: be.,- 1h111 won lifi1 p-,~ u thr \"ftllf(r
lkff Nltbit*- 11 1hir JIU K~ Goll(,ry ,11 NfW ( I.\IU.\l l JOII\ L\l 1,IIIJ\. 11....,~-~),..., botn FoJno r('lt1...,1. """'""" roan.y orhn i-t ,nclud1n,;
Y-', C11y. Ow ol 1ht ~ '91 ·RIM' 111; Uw ., - l,.,b Gar'"'- to,,i,._, •nd '" 1910 ~ "" lu.a.d<m.- A••r.l _,...,.,_ 1<11 hnl .-y and
...uh .. , tam,ly10NcwOrlHm•hrt1tlw t.. ..J b llw
lffllllnl...S b ll!'1 .....,.._,. ~ UWl(r.rh', .....S fui dw
qr,,.utY e"- .tl,,r dtfl'IOIIIH•f>J ro,;,kl be- ohr.11MJ 11'\I oflw< t.fit 111 •lw mad·19Xk br J,_...,...1 •hr In thr l')\O,, a,,J r-ul1 "'6. •t.ilr -'i,n,c ,n
pl)lt'} .....& ¡>tl:lW ol 1hic- ~N"nch S,'Mb61,u1., .. •di M
d9,;td '"°"''
...... h dot - oí 1oncr ,. • rn11e ""NIJl•no 5lw ¡:,ro-
bcd., ..,,,b K~.
[..dpr Allan r,~
enJ I krm,,n Mct,,,u,. . .oJ brJt::- 19
w111t ut•J•.W 1-nh •nd Goth ..: r,mun. ,·wnr.uU)
llo>IJJ-...:.xl, 1..-odt Wrot.t • \IIJ'll(lft littkr fut A,t,,,,i·,
fou G,;u~1m Sel~
"""' <.h,I ""' "'(TI unul 1.,,, ., , h( ~
(lbit ,_...
\'fNlllft J>IOIKI.t.r fW 1f°""1't. 11 ffl tw,pllljl -"'• "f'IO[ .. IOfl Btht"~l,1n,o(1 .. &),,u.• Ü:<IU •UOlit htt ~ll'ltllJM,r,n llftd l't'l-il'& ,
..... •hi: .....,.... ol w,rt.t publ..brd ,oo,,-.
,lld.dao¡i; I' dr Mtl\Wu't l'.nt ttJI, "ti,,
l.-..,:hl,11 lwld • •Uin)' O, ,oh. il'<d l'}l-4 ht
on.luJ~ • rk-!bllof> ,11 • NtwOtlwo• Nnk. NI by"
'" ti I"'"" Alm
'\\',lkN l.,am, ~-)
- l>y "'"' ,o f"..aliíom.. 11'1
c:.,&,;l,p, ,( ,\wp.,Ñ ~¡,,,.t,Mn hN. fran«. ·~~ 1hr-t.,, l?lOI hr .... kM<o"n.-ur,.,, ..n ,1111.ot· l,c\•n•~ hl"'tbti!II~ m~
~ 198J) 11,lr, mott rr,:...,,
"!"IM""' .,... ,,. ..,.. bobtlOf>l,ilr. Dr 19)4 hit t..d u• t,u,...u tl!t ni m"'""'' ~ ...._ •
•hr t:-i ~-n -.1
21))) .e llw 11.,h• '°'''
M-.. ltn1«rntl'f oí
, •...,..., Ch.dotetmlk n... ..,.... tc,1111,:,J Ir.,//
tial.......llli of pbuti15h1>hy .aoJ toon bcg.i (UUit•
1pondu1¡i: ....1i. • -ldt nQP o( 1n,"' an.i •mtl)
fumrt, i11i(luJ111« tlw IWI ffflO!pf«l•T • dw MI
Fr.nc:•- M,...,.., el M«lr"' lln 11'.&c tm>rl,,d "(flOIII
fmm .W...Jatt, hau,b.Wh11, ,., .w... Jtay, 11...td u-i
,...,_,ldakd~-dhnYma,tln~• dw ~c.-1..-.,11 1.,. publ,wJ ,_... ~
"'11., hrr ct,h,n¡.-.. Un .ut....rl ,, ul dw rollc,:11001 twm.n, c-.noir BrrlRlllo. .-J ~ ConlcU. lht *-el.\ -11• ..,.0l~"'IJI·
el 1hr CooJ,n,t l-1. NnoClllill OrtM.,;n M-.;m., ~ al.., lwpn tn ,wa• m P~ - « 1""*'11P1>1 ... ,nr:li..l,113 ,,. • l- 0981-.
Cl'JW. 1?)1!, t•S. ~~ W)10l, O. U~-11. ,od
$,su..,_. l111mur-..t1hr Mulik'dr 5i'ftl. .~• C:1o1 (19',lh, C-• (lOOI-. ,nd "1 -
l.lfo (19-IJ. 1')60), &mClf\l o,hu j,,u1N!1 a..t ••an•· .,.....,, ,,,iumrc,I p,ou,,;~ u- ....tn....(l(()J).
t.l.~\IS I\R.U:I 119,,..141 •. .,.. •s-•mtr. ~., 4'~· ¡t,lllk J'llhl.O•-
IIW.$ff4W <kl•¡rn(f,and ,nlbtimeul tr;(btt aun ,o Lwp,1111 ~ lrom 19\6"' 1940 ••, ,1 c,... .\IJ'\.\\llfR IJIUJl\t;\\ 1•9"-991 - bcwn m
)tnituw. :,;~ York. h,, ootl\1 •tc~ [lt11l'd Sm-otr ¡,hl,c,g·upn b thr u ... 1N ~.en Alft'l't ,-..,.., R-. fflJ ,dKdcJ 111 Ulg-5 ..t .........
C.. Srhool 1n ~fW Yo,k Ciry Uc r«~fd • ~ ol ~ f«Ofd¡ng (ffll,(IW!- ..-«\ on, ,.-.._111,r: ,n 19.',0 ..,,,li •6t.crtt 1n ,..~Mld
IU'A 1...... s,....-l'nivmicy,nl'»OanJi.l9)) dwll,_,""° Jt,-,.1 ~ ~- N('W Orl- ,_,.,...,...Kt !,-, 1hrloabonnr. Hr ,,ud.J P,.-•na
and \'l<bl...,.,;, Mn" "'l'P- Hr Uot, "'1.- i... th.tty·
.,. .M.tl.A. ,n ,:r.,.t,1C ~n (rom Yalt lf•1t"fn,1y w11h dit (Ubt-,c r-onttr /laJtf l..h(,ct. •fdlolfflllf'( •
l• l* hratl .....,..l'<I,br c,.,1..,..1,orn ..t ,..... ·- ...·- ol thr ~-·· llllloitlcn)lt..c:C11• tlw ~ <ko 6,a,u>t•An•.1lrotn-'i,:,J • ~n IM-IJl-
uioffllfllC Muprt1 l\)fi(,r ht.id (1929-,,81~ lind 1u,yard111«w~. 111 19}6 hf Who, f+11,1 ont-renon ((t 1hit l'f'OOWned Jtl•tc"'"· '-ndt1-. f"fOftl l?H 10
~ MI Jift<r« 11 SniW- llt l\n? /11 tt.n,v•, ..,... o( rflo!Of!nl'ffl, •1 1ht h,uo; Odpdo MUM\lm ol 19'6 1.,btmYR ..-.-. -•s,_ an J,f«'tor• \•. thr
&r.--(1961-6))&.r ffptlN lla!I')" '«',eit.w«ftlOI N-Ol'"'-1-dw N.-.~r....,11 Ml.lSNIII~M~ pl"l(ln\lff ........b..wJ ""'N' ... .w....!ffl ht """'
• ....._,. IIIOO<M«h ..-.1h •hcNn 1.,.1 ....., s-udi<d didl bar,..,_ 1,u,, nh,btcN 1tia ~ oi old l()flr-,,h): d'M .,.,.. lkflr, lucu ,noJd. Mf t.rft Ur
Jt Yalt linrl llrai......,J l'-fw; n.,....,, -
phulot¡t:o- Ncw Ork- •,ch
p.,,. at ehr Jubirn
r•"" 11•¡:c•·· rhllfo,...,.., ol
...._.,. (.ollrf) ,o N.f... Yorl. e.ir
ltf, ,ht ,,_hly., 191610d(vorrlmnwlr ,.,_.
1*1, lo,;MJ11~. ,nJ a.ho •mm ""'11 .... rll$ ..t .,.hl~, -.& •li:N 1hr Nu, «wpMiOII ti
Atbut. IW:ltn fr•nk. t« frlt<li...tr•. i...,..,.
k,,'(n, IA,~hh• I,..! ,11"'" !Jfo,e...,,. - 1...._ ,_ hunJl'ffl I',.-« tm1¡1:~,«1 co th, U•itd Sou .. I• l,i.tl
.id A.aly Wathul, .k,t\!; -..,di .wbLJwJ -m IOlo .......,, .-:. 'moflll O!lwn. ,tw .,.., ln,rn""' ni Ubttnlffl btunw are .t.1ncc<>1 ~ ~ir-- lit t..ld th11
wch• Mu,,. Munk.o'1,. ll,t11hÚl1w,t-6--"' (:hic>II') uiJ '"' Pflo!.Jrtrh .. Muwum ni /In r,,¡,1,00 lot '"""''J.-'J"'M',
unul 1w- .,._cJ
lw <ldw tub,rftd---. ~i,ht..-"dm, ...,,..,.¡ 11Nnll1T, oipnb,1111hit ponno.1.1 ....
Nn11r-·, f*III" ard """''
-ttt. rt'l't"I
(- • dP-keee- tb
,._. M.41 UW91, .,._., t, .\lo"'1n J...t, and ~ of
/,.nn""°"' ""} m~fÍ>'t' bool( lllld fldi,h11- UJlffi
M)'k a,ld ~
.ron c:o b:Mt1au, m thr (di ti pni.:.,o Tbt t~
11"\'fll ~
.Id Mltod
l'rptMnUI\S thr ......,.mtlll
o( 111f. Jq. Mmo6I
.\f,J,/ ??0>, 1-,I "f'IIII thf wt1K'J .,.; ....... o{ ...... ol dit Cl'- 1nd ~ •1,pee, im¡u,ntly., Í(lfl)' ,,,.~ "'"' Sandd, Jt.h, "" ,~ -
- ~ .a ,..._. N.f-l'O't'·l wtou.~,. npn-ially •• ,'d....., .,y
col5tn-. .-...-i
Nac.-1 Gallny o(c..n..:i,., Olf.11•'). l* 1?'11
by lht
r. ... ,-1'_ 09~! ibt>oc.,p ek puhll(Moon ol ,,,,,,, ., 1"f
C•"? 12(1(lll. • -.,olww ~ ch>c _...
MoJrl 1-,d,I ~...,.,. "' dit Nt"W Scbool ÍOf 619~
*• ol '"'P""·
e-- ~. . .
$«ul ·-h ÍC'Orll Jt)J dof°'lllh l},r l,>':°O, .... Rf'.\ÍE f<iNllto\ 191..'I"! •• • 1-n ln 1929 S.ni.kt totn1•ltl.M A116t: ,t,, 7..- U9l'I).
""""- ,o 11"'"'1 p,..._,.
,t.._.. ,11 h« hnmr Art:u. ,oon.,..... , ... bnd"""'". •nJ
POf"lt>ltJ, 11-c • f""l'K'W ....... pnd l'"t'fCI d .. ,~'"' <.w
111ffM!d che- r- ol _.ni~ ,n l?,6 anJ 1hf ~ -S on.Jy ,11'""'~ C'.MJ el <'-tudr -.1 pibfühtdOl)ffWIQII. W.ch•tri1 b,-llni.....tAlf""'
l')¡.-.J X ..r,,.,..,,., .J,r ~t'J
- •"!IU Nftfflt' il'olftCb Modct l.o«r """..t • • Íl'OIII llo.f;li Khcd
,n,1nt • bttc,m1n11 • t<ulj'l'Ot. N..inu.... conunurd
u.,w,., •""' ..i -ha: d ,l!w
ffl(ttntf&w/,.tbu.,\ 196},.S.-~ -1 &rlr. A'-.Jtql,,n U9'2'}).f.a• ,( O... T-
M.-..1 ITtlotnhip. 91,f •lio _.,_tJ A,t,,ai • htt .,...t,n -b 11,t >,lnoe:an r-1Cf lt.11f- '1'.m.11)
5.,,.,,,, '"'*"' onrrJ rhf«no:wy't fflOICJ,w~ pul,-
196) "1t 11.t nhoboe- ,oho .e llw .W,hr-,uk"' -nd •ht t'l'P"l~••I ro,,,.,.ou Joh11 IH.M) ¡,.,.,-. Tk ~tn.plforw.otlltki(_..,. .,..,llodl
Sd~ J thr ft11t Mu. t.,·11,.Wll1y o( w,_..._ ll..Mr$8r, la l!M7 W =mt'<I 11.oy Sr,irl¡,... bm • u,nl by S.ndrr 11) _..., Gr,- t(luNy 4od ""' ron-
Alrliou,pi Modtl lu..t -.,>pt,e,J 1WVt<Nli11II) di 19'19 ••1•Cf o( J'l)l.'UIJ,r fluoOII ...t cht • .,,...,, ul - t.hm fo,m co thr N111.ond .!«..t.M--' J • rt~ ttll"I·
111.J.n) bcd., ,111,luJ,ns s,., ,u.,.. H9S4>. Y'"- rty AÍ!tt l?W>,hr S2.r1•<0CIÍl9ulfd.U-.WCOfUn
lcr • ("""'l!Btnhr:iaiMb>Wlhir,. Art.. N<O..QftN lwt
,o ""PP'r • 1%\, ..s .iw wn •......Jnl • ~lloonh,p ,;,.,,"'• ,~-119)'91 • ...t l"""- ...,¡ , .. - fl',l(,O>.
In 19)• tllt -' ~"" ~ iq M,d11tpn •1111
..w 6tlt""'"' ,hr l,c,ol.; .,........ 11uc " - r-•tlr
l.hr ,11,•J""'""'"'' ni 1hr woct; ,t. •m,mJ ,a,w
1ht lolkw4111 JWtl lor • ¡,,o,i,c, m1111NI 'G'-
The lfflll'dO. ·~
.Jo>plc,d , ,.._Id, Los.o. NfflW'tl°fO' tolbbonrtd wi1h
Sj,orL,. rro,b. •1111 l'tUn fumuul\' fmbtJ..kJ Wilh
'"'"' ..i ..rlt
van•-· .""º ot ffld ,-11«1...i.
In 1977 (;nrf,io lnrcm,1,-I ~¡ih,,d
~,o o{ ,_,... phc,c0$r,¡ln P'""Ñ br lithard
• pon.
ohtlb. ~ • ...t - 1ho1 ,._,
ohm .......... Nfml'"'"'•moo1 ICUlo-.1
n.t•""' 1111
V.•ht, lkt,µ,-
10W1IW E~~'°
..... WJt"--•11~1
119911- üriatt 11<' <fff'~ h.., do(1onrt o11 u,m¡.,w... .... •hr ......
.it.. lllm Se:... .,,11offl Atbu, 1•'*0,:nirtwcl ro, tht
~ ...Xk ~lll .a.o ..,..~ • -1.
li~ 11,uocy from bnadn, UnnCf'oiy ,n 1988. 1'l,r /,.u-¡tYIC .-Jr-, A!din il ""'""ni ,n. ~
~1 .. rom. , l,it~ C.ndh.- p,,(",f..c, l-.nc~ " ,~ Plio,c~1'f'huchr .!>.on,ml11nwS~ X,fc.._,
V"A (1987~ tl>oll1 • ,.....n•h11: W'\'fl'IB 1ht .n11wrt ill 'l,IOn1 VitJ(IIIY, ~ JOIIU, .,,d Í!Oflll 191~10 Ku!rnr
-· m thc' 19(,0,.. f.i,s <> b>f{ -..y aboiill • M<w_, ~.
_,,.._..IÑ·••lt l'"(t- .. &onl U-.,N-
Htmpiflttt,•o \).4"11111-0 C • MOfPI •• ,...l'<J
ion" ... ....,~· J Arrall(tw.n
s.,&c,- - ..... btt-- "'""" ..,•• ,...,...... tond :\l'.JL Sl'I.II.IR.l-1" ,.,_.u a•...,.,.._~•t.iw
•hr wni<e ~ 8 Morx.,,n • M.iy t 961 •iliNI .. ot1. h.&. ~ ¡,ubl"""1 m ~ _...,,,,..
••h 1,.,1,u,. by l t.n.ld Hayn ~ lld;,c,rt BNicon a,
1hl'y l(lollN hotl'I .a.! ,_lw IMhrt J"(•f'ii,n • Ntw ,:_'fil"'· l'•M) f.,,.,, Wint/,,nJ TA, ,-:n. ) ........ llt
bfwr,,,. t'o, 1,x1y-ic,,,,, m.ll't tond thtrc .S..,.. MO<¡tMI Jrrwy 10,,,·.,J d1t ~ ol eht OCWll-llundmd..,..,W muncam • wu,d,o 1n Nrw Yod. C,ry alld •-18
.... Atb,n ,-IN
1twu: fflal<h. wi- ~
p.at,1,s!wJ ·0oom -,
+w,.11,, h1t ...._,... fn,m Umo"°"· Ntw IIAl!lr,,;hl~. «>
'«-'Mli1n.,.tllfl, l).L »blflll'!'I bl o,pn,....t •hr '"'"""'
f'ho(Oft..,..,f ot
•l,o ,hr ta:lu,."~
°"' M>OOI °"''11. Sttl.dl •
Jo! n,, faca,, ql 0...-
,_ Aluli$ lt ·i)" ,11 Nowmbn l'}r{,?, thr ~, Atlicn., • IC\p,,c,.;t,,1.,y hf h,a, W 1,l'l(r rhr f"U o1
b che' C--mm1t fo, Amoo, oo,- o/
mcl...W /,.1buu ~nph ol liot ,-,1>1C1 • a litt~ÚI
111ett «ietw1111e _,......_ ..twdulflf en (l)II~' co
lhc' Nt-·1 "'"',ol
Íl'l)ffl lW'1•fll f'OIIIU ... 11-r, aoo. m (IIJllleJ. Stlk,l'l ¡r..i..1.J ,n 1963 r-
~. alld N,,,h.-,lt,, 1 &t " ,tw hrn> o( Mor¡.ut'• 1.olklon O>IJr,f!f" ol l'n111•n,: .,,,.. • d1j'l(lml lll pilo.
tlOW.\111) "iF'1fRO\t,9--,1>_.• • port. _.1,~.
..,..,,~ht, mcl nuy,i., ~nd •hf 1h11'd l«I i...u.1t o( N~ 1%2 rtut~ iot i~.,,..
m.,.;-:uillf', ·DQom ,o,:flPlr J'rom ~ 1,:,0 """' "- 19'1 lw
dw u..i.ttl ~d (1988Ji!OJ. Tiw ..,eh:i, ol íowmn
atd P... ,o,, Alor\l:lh -0"' ~,on.1'• iMn.d~u1> worknl "' ,tw- 1.-·MN SrJ11n • • N>I,.,_
eo 1hir
n<,,- ..,,t:h Atbw. -•nuid ol,ni,u11la,1 h11 1hlff<,- fa.a.. phcc0&:r'f'htr H,tu S(tl;:ul: fflN Adw MJ
Pt.. • 1?78 ...... ,u.""
......_ fil p(lttl)'. ht- the: o/ dw f\ibl'"
NanoMI Book A•ll!d. klf
71. c.,,-., ¡,.,_.¡,,.. ...J ~(1917J. Tht<ilJ.
p1- -~ Í(II ""'"°'IS U)
...,. ... Jnof, In 1?6? ""'"'\ht-, • •wk on hrt
l'fpOl1 Mf lhr vlttOiff ,\tu\~n 1.... 1 Mi R•cl'"'d 1,.,n1oe·, ,...,1,01 ....t whw-
'l""nd7 tlltOU(d ,n he• 1r1 el.o» u ...,i.. ,e
l«ood C11.AArnlw.n1 ku.,....1,,p. s.1u._ m.-.,N 'll'""bnh tl'I Glfffl••h Vol. ln ,t,. - o1
"" "'lh,tt d,,ldm. (!/ e«i-i.. ,.J 0..,.¡J ~·<fflrn1't, N'buo ~ San ff"~ co ,uy •' lo, e-. 1bnl • l 'PI l,r ltb tlit eily C(I woifl: foc Úlr ec-- u.llOlol'I
1ar ~ r- c1., s.xw.r b lch,a,1 c.- h,.""11W AWOlo .,,d 4Nnro (oom 1W V,c-c,_ rf,<,cQ:SN1lhtt aw., .- w~'V:(nhr, .. itioo111111-.
torlctiNon. Sthriol ,11 IS,}l, 111C't> ~,Vfld a 6.A m
(qpih ÍIUII ,._,..Jtd ~y oll ls,.tl N.t~
'«'., u,d,rn ~nmS Atbul • • f'Mlogt>¡,flx lffl-• ,n ~ ,IIJ l'MI\. Aftff !,.lt..A1 J,,..1, ,n
n.c11Nl(N> ho-"""" S.... fDncllCO -,Id lbl A11¡¡.<k,,, July l?H -"c-lk1tk rcrnrotd ION.tw \'odr .iJ hrl¡,rd
~ • • ~ 1& '«'or'J ••• 11 • 1hr 1toy.l a!IJ lnwn c.i,~,.. 10 Ol<t.liomt Cuy Doon. Aibu, •IIJ )b1.,.,o i.,..,¡ orpnu~ O.-
ONdita. Ait ~ and •n •lit U.S IAp,,11 A...,- A,t Arl111, • ;ard,1w ol nqrit,on A• ~. br ,,_..
l'ot(~, 111,rn, fflUo!,...I IO N'fW Yo,k ioworl;: (IOli,a fin1 ,\l:(;l;:,.J S\:\l)FR ,,s,6-,96,t) .-., bom •• f'RIIII o{ útll(OfW 0..n, ¡\fbv, l>llol(l¡tntbo ÍOI: liw
book fil r«- Tfr,, 1941 ,,./ d<t t...· (N"' Yod.. Hudcorf. (,u....,, , """'11 Wlfl,113 ,.ii. c..t o/ 197.l ~h•- ot .Wo&i. Aff 1nto1vro,"' -i ,laf
>knly Ho11 « VllllJ>llll',.,.,~ J~ publ,lólwJ pc,,,lfl\ Celotlflr-- 11.- br1:,n h,~ r"orot!nrhr on,a¡11,11; ,n I IJ96 A¡,rnarc-..:nrh 'flw ~ W...,., .... 1
• dw .~. C'\Wf' ,ns...- Jttr-,1hfn be(-..- wh,lr tCl"'"'IIJI ,n ,Jw ~n Allfl)', -5 J1« Wo,ld (n,m thf <ommtt!Ol c.itfl 11<' h,d h!Tn ~ J le
"*" \).
-- ..t,eo, f1i che: l,ttftl)' ~,nr f- 1.. \\/u 1 (IJ'HIIICI • pM!c,g,-...,. """'"' whldl ht (lf'tl· pro,v,,lfd tJ,10,,.I 1•oru,..,t 10 7othol',
1946 hf hq:an t,., 1~11\11 Ulttt • lb11l'lil- ••tdun,il 19" lnlht l?~k,n,c,.,rJ1-,...-. ,..,.,,_ <llld 71,,J,,'.., ,..... .n:
Collqc', dwn •- Y"" Wtt Ir(, 'ir ~- ~"1mnd, l*loo'\¡rp(ónra.11 •udr o( ,11 d.i.oa o( JHmor lt111h Aftd f..,..,.rwt
1,,. í11U-~ p¡locol
Col•• •bm- l.. DU$hl - -~In, flUffl 196') ~ ~n ilf ·M~.i... 20JWhunJm.,· or po,1, .... ni 7.l»p,rw 6rtlt'l.olllli.Jtb ~~ M!
-·' "'' cbdt ht ... Jdt~ l'«C. ~ "P"°!,k o( 1ht' T•fflOON,- Cme"'Y. AlthvuJ:h s.ndcl- 11-,- ~. allltll!r!f -..,. o,.hn,, .... ,. -'
OI WM,npim lt~r 1n ~ t-_ ,J.c,d ~ ttt•f\11 .,,, 1«.,K1 fu.llr ml.-.1, ... m.-¡. 111' ,hr n.rfrco moJ· I~
111 19'7 Srllut.k ~
M .,.n ..uJ.o ,.kff
.f,,,r"'"'""..........,.. .an,-1 ~
lor ttlfJ'(lnllr don1,.. 8y thr ,n,J. t'}al:(ll.
ul ..... ~~ of 1br Jtwiili ,-
Plul,okl)'bM but ht, ~ltt«ffl )Nh ,n Jo.trh A i:;.dJ. Miel JttOfflr o..Jon,,, -1)' T,h
)I011af111-. ÓII\IW(Uhfl Aft.-1 Stllrn ,:<ad,...,~ ('lll(\f 1othfat1 o(~
¡....,.J¡ 094)-46> '" 19'4~ k 111t11N ,o Loo
•• 19"1fromS•nh ... ._ e Col~ ,n ~,lit. L'r,an hll '"....., oo 9- ,n 190) Se~ knt ._ A11,1t,!ft Nld lot •-run-k"1 mr J-rh forkka
N...,.. Yotk, tlor _.cd 10 Sr• Y11rk C117 •n.l Nf'ft Yoil. owJio.oSl:,qc!,u i. Olll fflrtobol- lf*" Íciol
thr ~C"WCID- K""""' "ffiflr br ,._. . ..Jdl'l'III on
• d~ ..... dutt!11t •• f~,111(">1.,on s......... ...
btpn 10 wnct - In 19~ W mn Nw,, lot -,.) )'Nn .. 1.-kv,--. wrn ,11,11 ttl(,pl.e.7' ío,
8ro•n ;anJ ••l..tco -~ hn 'º "'"" ll.obC"n
!rxl'l!ls 011,w ..:1 AJ.L,in Alb,i
f,f(h A-. 2'91, dw ~ .,,nul-..Jy
Jll(f\l ~¡,by.:W modm> F'""'-h 9R 10 Amcnca
:..oc .:W .... "'"~1- ~'-· ,ntl<id,~
C"11',. > OIOI) •bnul , boy """ ttrd,r:d r-!,1. ind
liorUm., o,.,-,op1w._,_ .ond l)&anr Ait-
btumc- doik fiwnds ..nJ Sdkn
('"b., • th, lomt" 41d 1XM ~
dto-"11" Albu.
• dt1"'1 l b«Mr) 00
ll(lOII Sc~~oh,bot- Íúf ~hu t:idw-">
¡¿ Allf(IIICC" lto.J,n, Urnn MmJK, PMJI Ch>nar. m,J
~,n fltann11t.~ ,-r Olhm.
T"'-" ,( $,1,..-. 09)·0. 1111 ¡-~,on
Am«,an &un IMl'IJf •hn aJoi111- • bm,)f of
rtluil'ft uytJ from thr coowu.,.,,.on <.mp ,n
o/ ..n
""''°"'" p,oc,ogt~ nq...d,uoM. Onr r,/ thnr ntl•· ~nchnl l~ ou Uld off 11, fr&ntlf" Ífom 190010 C..,. •""-h uurcJ thm ...b11-rly unk-11 ll(IIIW
"' fooJ, - J fi,11ui,t ~ ro Nr• Jffle'/ 10 find l.hr 191 J, lnA,ng r,,.,nu.n,sl •nd ~uir-~ .ond ...-,n. P.a11I Nf'ltmm. 'fhrr lbn,wJ t c1oi1c- ftltn.hhip 11\ai:
Jatkoon Whn.-.,. - onima, ,_n,I}" q( r,tq,I, ()/ n,61,1.._«>111 l!"llh,b11-•...-•r.,h Jn 1910hr p...- lt'J 10 .... ,. ~ po¡.,,:11, '""'""''VI ,..,
1111:tN .Jt.ctnc IAfnu,n, [ul'Cp"ffl,. ..nJ NMn"lf" up ,..,"e.n11 •h11intw, t0 d<"'llf< hil!'IM'II 1-0 plM;., 't'J,, ~.t (19"61-t R.W. R.,óJ fl9'61st Scttn "
.~lll(nnn) ¡¡.,,.,. i.. lW lun.opo M,gunu• - 1ht •'*'111>h1 •nd by l'>H he- ....., lr"IIJ( ;,. :'oónr l'ork 1*->thc--holoíN• T.. 4, ••,\IJ P•fd-f>.-1,~•
~ )..,.,,,..,_._ir-- YoAua bonlrt Coty mak,"',I fatll,ou Uld ,J,°'""m' rhol°"""h' ,,...,,n989i
111 1960. Sfllffl INtfWd kcbffl 8-n Mid l.itn' ü c•,rf 1~1111,htt lor <'.ondf Nut P11bfii;a1 -• Xu11 11.. ,.....,, .. oohr-r wnullJI <IW•u. ,nd.t,lllt
-' 10 Le,. A...«ln whnT !>( IMd bttn Jl"IWIIIIJI Hr q<1Kkl7 bK-MDt 1M «• • p,tkrrc,J ,-on•o.rcm 1>1.tttnpby. lol- Tk J- O...• J""1 09~1>, Tlw
tu. dwu,ul, kk-, .. 1o11, .ancl li!m toll.'fff. A.t.u. ~111<· 111 ISIJl>.11111" 111"'"' rt.a, S((t(hlf",i "'um.l &oca «-1• U1,IJ A'"'"'.,.. 119631. •nd S•- U, ....... 11, ...
td •htm .. MM,tw m ,11_.- 1'>62 ...,;! ,po,n .. mffl:tJ f,hulOl('••r, ,,,., ti.tu-.- M.. 1n1m of An o- U91H- In 196,? ...-lult Amll, - 1n LOt
196-1 !dlrn wcompiru,cd Art,,,,,,. wh,n • ~ prtW111,iJ ,he J«UÚ firn o( """Y mroi;p«t,•'I" A..-pln •ui11~ R.,b,e,r1 flrown .anJ h.,"'""'· Muy
1,:ip~ 1hr IOOll1w-1lf"ft:k.1 .... nt olk "'\l'b.c't N ...... u:h,bo1.on, U,ulor1.h S..U.-rl. Surn hrlpd hr-r , .. n 1(($ "' 111W
W."-h Pm.btn·. •k m¡tf¡,cumr pho!Q11ra1ih A (al(lt 0..,111, '«·'Qt$d \\"u U S...-,clwe 1N'nl m 1hc- LI.S b.-k lox .,¡ UIIMfld S.....!!Ol *
111ht, lldJ,....-oo,1
,11 D,""11.ond, -' J1mn11 ht, Nno:a Jw.,b,n .. ..,"',C N"l"""' • lot'U1-n1 ~ ..no! Wü r,b(tJ - Jor.ouon, fltu11;rh1 te'tttffW"f•(~ *'
dw L'no'"lf"hlf)'
.,,h llfthor fthfl l'~•<li'l'llitCati.Jnlddw thot.(r UÍ •II NI.,- _,.,t., ¡,lw><Of¡rca¡,l,y lll 1hf AIIW GlSo..1hun C..IJoni...i Stbool cJ Ci-·Td...-11-
c.n-_ ~,. lnt &lkn •nd 6n,,r.'R 11.o r,m,oJ Sko<hte~,iJ ..,...,..¡ IM)(rn!ub,,i- fo, •nd "' tbt L'n,~1.1,,ty d WMlbflS!'* ,n S...edr.
~ Albia 10 ,-,C,OS,,rf!, M• \\~QI fil lwt lu..- MoM.A o«-l<ld,IIJ" RMI,. \·".w'IW? U\1,12). ...-.e• 1n1t wlwttlw ¡,.,.....
.-.th&..,.,,", Mftlltt, J ~ J..t
t. lk ndy 1.,-:'0., •htt ....
&lkn - bKk'º ,c:hool ~
J..w,,n m.... a.m....
f\"«1.....t • ll'Wltt't
by C..I S,onJb;,,rJt. -.-1 ,-...~ "' • p,,.·,fid 19-111. llt
b.-pn 11;, llfW' tar...n • .l.m:,....,:/ 1hc- llrrp&""""'' of
PIIGcQ11nphy • l>l,oMA .n 1947. 1111 dw 11n1 M1mt
c-,hn u thr Sd!OOI el dw P-1í,c :,.,,,,nh_,
11,.a!llf",, IA ,1,,,- Ntllffl(:f
tid.,M'r •• 11111" icrrrt1•t1trn 1~
lw - M'IVf!I d <mlt1r
•t •be Svnd.anu
dr,:,tt 1n -..i -1,: (M.$ ',\,") ÍIOIIJ dlt" l,'n,'"lf"O,t)' o( ,....--., unul i.. ""1tt1w111 ¡._ 1,10,\(,\ •n 196.2. lnwtutt i-. lfub. Sccn,·, ppcn m houord ,n ,hf
Sovlhttnút.li>m,._Lor.Afl#ld,. l'jll). SrUtt1 na S...-ithnrl Oljt•lluftl - th..11- 1,¡,nJ,c,J la'll"lf" ~nd Sf,«111 Collr'("t- Oq,a"cnrnc •• 111,t l,b4"wy el llw
f")'[hochr!Jf'"" ....,.¡ ~ c1...~ s.x..i woo.c-r tllloáll "-h1tr.1-. ontl...l.n,i TI» F-,/J ,( ,\tu U.-•"11"n>17 ol 1-.
(~WH• p,~ .«- P"*'-"c- 011 1..- A,yirln. 119))1. ,h,- m:, fflCllt f'Ol"'lit '""*°'nl)hr n;h,bo-,
11>( O.S l11íorm11,on Ni-r •nd
uon C'u-culil:"1 by ,\UlUJ) !'ITIII.I ITl 1,ll(,,i-19'AI., .._ly«lflWI!,
l.,\\Ulf" 1 ~H"\IU:RI, i• 1p~) a• -4,,.. _b)'_d __ ,,..,Uionr...c,pk,n1l"r11-P
21, nt'J lhf- (111ilff OÍ ~11 phOl~np,J 8«n IR
..r,u_ wn1n, .nd hufflOl'tlll llol'D ,n M.. 111¡,1,,,. Hobobn, Ntw }(ney, h,- mo,W w :,:,,. Yott C..y ,n
(O<lntrw. 11,, .i- '81..«J ffl0ft" 11W1 pMl'°ll·
ht ,,.._N ,n 19'8 ""h • B A 1• ~y fiom lfr?I Whilt- .cudy,llfl .i d'lor Trthnotc"' Hcd.l(hul,
nphm •nd pho,qfn~ i.d!.td,111: - by
Colut11bo• U.....-m.,ty. •hur ht 11.,.i*"I \md,1 C. o.- .,n,l Ali.MI Arbu, 111 llc.. ,u, ~l(J:liU llfllUliJN llá f.nt W,WU. SI..._¡..,,
~"PIMJI,. ~llfflll; mn Atbui .n tlw 1'}60.
et.nkf¡h '"""" m<1<1~I fu(nJ Ma,....,n lu~I. wKI
•• 196}, dw ftU •Íltt 11.. l'lf"t.•""-·
lw - ....,..lnj ,11 the- ~rum11: bol!•-
í- IIJ'» •
•..-iltdtJ thc- l'rn,dmeul .Mfli,I oi f,m:kwn by 1891. In 1"6 llt b«11nor ct>r lowdc-1 .nJ ...i,'* of
S..mbc-i¡ft nr,~hbon, Muy 1nd R~" f,-,,,_1;
$1>.inbc-tx " ,.h(, •uchor ql e11mt,... 1hor, -,-,,
""...._John f K~.t ,...bl!!lwd 11..-ot,,. e-~ s-. '"' ,-MI d dw N"' \-'odó: ~.
op-llf'h,, A Uf, •• P'-f,""'1 (ISl(iJ). The ~rd Cl\lb. 111 189# he- ,..t,1..11..i P,,;,_.,,. 8.itJ ,f Nrw
,ndlldin, "11111" Hol 1-hnd Su• i:a." • lf'Ol"I• ~m(n· 5'Mlw:n Phol.,_nphr <lf,,,eN" ~ 11 Mo.\1A ,n )•...t-'~S-u.1;., .• ~·Vllf"lf" po,dol,ocllla
'"'>' íor dw ~
Tlw L,Ui,,., R1t-
,_ d •hr q,..,.ottuly Trir¡,<(,:
((.U 1991). aad. ÍOf 1ht -
1964 * "' ,he- tti-•Ot)"lor .... «w<>¡>lnll",t,t(l,l"'"lf" -n -1,:, •"" ,he- klllow•n• 1"lf"'Wo,pnlud h,1 r.....
lt'l~ll'I" oilib11- lo, 11k C.intt. Chab.
1,uhbf•uoin ,11 .,,a,cn 19'}6, ""'Whcc-1, oft)Mrmf.." S 1 ["'-'IT ~TI R, ,._ 19u1 11 • lol'.lftll,.tout .-.,j att,,,.._
In 1902 Sl!lfAl,u _., ,~ ,ntluJ,n,
1 ''"''""*'- ~ fUIQIIIQbdt o,.-.,rih,p .. • 7..lf"fl •u•hol bN11--n IOtt hr1, ttittn¡,1..,- (o.- RJ.I 11¡"-t fdw-•I\J Scnt.hm, "'-W úw ~ ,hf
....- "- "- ,,_,,..,_ (lfl9}-%); RMfW#llU'Jlllh 19111l10 ,tw l'Uly 19~..t:-loo,l«ld."'"•-
( 11".r'· l'>Oll. (,J,, '"''"
,tw,'f,Slc,ly (..,-., _, •., ~.~ mn Aib.4 ,n 1%1 ,.... .i,... ,a1i,.,.. lllll) locwlrn,,, ai,cl \¡ffl!* f1rnJ1n htlj)td~ a mo,J.
eiC--' "'" cl'll>l-1'11'1. ~,...- 101 M ,- a, o\aoMA. 11.. b(.<,...,. ao ruly ..two..:•tt 1(,. "' ..,.__ .J.rn1"'r '""".-tJ! ""~"- ,11
U91'·16l; .nd C<iwnlint nhobouOII tM~ of l'an worl ~n.1 •• l961..:q ..,M'J WYH11>hal0$t~1.r .. fo. ~"' Y,;d; Cnr ~nd «hiN: <'CIIJflfflun,ur,. In 19N hr
p'lkfy .ho,nlw«Jt)N,llldflOM l'JOSw l<)i6 In 11.-1 ,...,_ --, r<"""'"""' rotl('{1"111 IP l'Xi~lw(JfJI;•· ~ e.ht Olfor..J ~ Íl)I: M- GuYcy
~ ht .... 11111) - to¡¡lldi.- •ndl:pro,)(,w n•lffl ,,,., o.--. m alaób,t""' that ~h,N'd , hr -.f 1lw l°ni•t'~ NftlfO lffl....-m,n, A<IOClollQI.
t.llJ IIC> -h•IIOIIOll'•~>..t .... -" .......
Gh,Ñl,IJIIII .,.,,,A o1 Affl,n, t« fntdl._.,,. an.1 Gwf)' v•..,...,._,.... bom ,n •-· M-1,.,.,.....,
~,...,.._ Th,- ..." ffll)OI nt,,b,._."""
W1>!f.. ,h Wu~l'Mlod. 1nd fdlfficJ ... 1111Jffluind,11¡t ni.. i),,f, - ol thc - o( thr ,o,,,,,·, Tnauy f~
bMri:,• ,f Pit,,,,.,4', "1 t\lfml !it,q_l,n 09'R!, ..-.. 14 1bt J>tC'I• ... O, ,1rir dot,,1tn(fl<,ey ..-.,J.,_ <.11.. f'<ch l l 1\ f'IIT"" hil,,J ÍOf9NtJ '- (11,r -.id Jlnd
kkl., ,._ N°•"'"'I C..lkry et An m '«'Mlh..,,oo, In Ir,o s.,u1,;.,..,.1,., h"cJ Ait- to Jet pt,linuf\ólty l11.11lu fliU)-. $ Gt-- '* Nr. Y('tk Cnr ,\n:,qn,
0.C. 1M IIN .,__ ~1111 on a,;,;Oil'5WIJ1CI,(f'llblio, 1••u11tr --~"'' '" •ht uth"" (IÍ tht •'*"
r.., D.ulJ 1 ')00 lor .-.¡uo,t,,J • l".....,Q -.t brii• I<> tnd~ huu·
UIIII .. u ~ 1.,- m.ny «hrtl. ffilM m:rndy N,., 10, • l'ii'l~~hol,,1-thu ......,,,..llyu""' ,nbt Joth '"' """~ d ¡.... , .... i>l-111:~
~ G~11h·, .\f~ t\01 .,..¡ "--..- t\lf,J ullf.l 1-,- dtr ,.,.,.,. P,,,.
Tlw o:11,bmO!I ··• o,p. V-tt'Nlt'f ~ 10 Ntw Yofk C.1,- ,n 190(,cd
tr,qJ.n ...,¡ U;, .,..,. y.,.;. CJlmn 1~0 • .....t
~b'1 ~"'Olumt ~um oi· iw ,i-, ""~ u•o -.i '°"''-
dtiiood bJ Vai'-U, ,cJ wocl(J .. t ~ .nJ rfn·o,:111_,. .. 11o1r ... ,......
Atbu. .,. L(,..moo,1et. l,(jllo(n.. DUib!tn. AlotWIH & uol,n a, 1ht C..t,on ÚMtn'oOIOll')o J ,\tus;,,: • N'tw
1,600 r'-1:,r,¡,I,, 411 ,llif ·'''"°""'
<en. ,Ufow/ .(r,q,/,tt.1lw l:.t) S., (2001~
c..tltry", cullN: • G,:,n...tn,.._ CooJ N~ & d"' e-....J l.,~. (-_ie,n
c:cc.t,,.,..,.,.,-.-t Ifrll)e f'(w U(tl ul dw 1>hl..
Vo,l llt brumr fo-1,1 .. 1111,11,oc w1th ,.hr }dra
~:.--1..f, ON-'-n. ,_, llk l lM!nn Cl.(fwv,..
ne .wr,~,-
M..cw1u,f An ,1 d11t~oJ ..... ct>jtflJ>bi S....iw.-1.k,o.llCI...W e~ n<•Jt•~ -,~ Md Wlthl 1•Ull<> arJ ,104,.. m 11..t.rffl M.-oe ,t.!
d .hs. ~ tolkttM)II ot .-..t..n ~n,,., -''*"111 .. ua- - Pf(l",Jr M~ - ...J t<t Wf'l'C'M h1, W!Ít
r'olllll'"ph)' Ym ._...,.ffl•f}' l'f'N'f'n hot J•I""' ,,. hi f'l'Ct'flt )'NI"\ s,.,k.,.,.,.., M ío,;vi,eJ rnow,t, cd fun,I)' hr cll(li¡ • ro,,,uon ,n 1'>11 ... tlw cbi\·
Tik Al1,rd Se~"" <"-a,.. O'K....1it t\to:11"• "" dw ,.,.. 1.,, q,,·n •n-11 .. ,1, llnN, ,r.,,.
119?7> J"Tll!'ft" _, 1nhn,.u11,,. (',..n, • drr>n-no ocON: ;11
\'de' CoUttt,on uf A,..r;un ümoa111n •• , ht 11,n ~'f'h,J (ti ch, lnlfl'onr -1 Gl<ftOI' d • n1llr· N.....-uk N,r... Jrrw, Mur• l""" lit~ l,;1 ¡¡,..
lkoncd;,- tt.an- 11(,,,::,k -.i M.1nlU«lf'I l.dw.i,-. fff'lllh .. '11111') "voidru Nm m [Jl'IC 0..ohom., Nt'I> pon,_,,. .110J..... c;...,_C'f l'hc,ioi..CIOI 1 \)1h~ ,n
Y«k $.zo,l.q,,,Ju I'- •l>e1, •• utl~ul l'f1>1t"mfll(, lwlrm \"•Jmtt -IJ ~- a poru>l4 ,.......,
JD\, ,\1..-\RKO\\\l\.lf11. 10J1'rt.O.m1Ql'Ell!llrhlu,, ,...., .. ,tQ ,.., «h_, ~ lhitt e( ... ta,.,,,~
ol thr Orpuun.11, ol f'hccoE.. rhY" Tl>t" M-,..
:, ¡,_,.
¡¡,f An (MoMA) ,mJ on,c, fi. 1-hr -1,1, lnd·
"'''º""' -n-al hncJl_._ Alfrt,J s,,.,,,,,
099)1, .\(tdf .'000.1,....tA_. t\.Ln.i "'- ,oo,UOOII
W!Jc1 '"""""' ""''" uoml 1969, ...t.'t'I hr m,tnl
°''""11 ll,1 '-lf «nwiy ,n 1~
1<00!0g.. ¡,1, • •- tttc- d IIM!f. n--i.rdeffi, lmm
..,_ •wld
.. ,...._..,,., ,nJ hon«- el J,hocq,:•"*' "-• S-r••l.n.-.lu hu f'f<<'•~td num«ou, bunut,ry oroit.-...i.i.,- ~"1'<'" .n.r ....... ,.... 11t" 10 fuch
19t',? unul 111,n '""'"'"" ,n 1?91. k 91J,t,-:I ckil""'1 .o=J h.. '"'*"he " ffllnf idlnols. 1111,;luJ,.. C'ridw"'"" a, 8ill "&11""kol. ltcb,IIIOII anJ Mai,,
- thln - ~ n.:tubouO.h -t 1'.,ortuw ,l,r 11.....,,,d Un,-y. Coli.,n1,,.. 1.,-..,,..n1ty, Wf'(II Úa)'IOII ......... IJ, ~
d-o< .......... Í!ln <iJ 1ht- -··
ccile,mon, ,11o:luJ""l8: thc"
1968 of ,,-
L't1.,n1,..-. -t ••111, .... -"° 0..•1idt of ltuk:11\. hc,<w,... n. V,nJr,..,.. - -
•rlJ 1- ,-,1 llw f>ktn.>l'.'ol•on.MOlóalnl d Ato
Abt>ocr·IA-y (-OC~ oft..,dno: Al¡ttt. Su"-lt ~l ·L\',:\I. \'UlCl!I lll,\lOfl' U• •tH•I- hmt, on Ífllt\llN .... l'OOI08'*ftlló ... ""''- • ... , ,',!,...( !lit
a.ru.c,d i-.t.nart.:, nwNIO$ ... rh10- ~ o( ~ rh,).
,..,.,rt,,n • 11..W Kntfu 096,0, Dotnllin L,np
L.,..,., W,oWU.,n, 1..-d 111 Wdlllf'lb, lllmOrt., ,nd (-l'O'l'(riatl 1969 •11lu, fflNM nllob,_
w"h ~ ll A m Í.fl,lh,Jo ÚOln
.o;r.JM1,i,,:I 111 1%) by t\lb S.::bornrt d..i: ,-ncc,,I ,hlo luocor, ol
0966.\,, lkanaiU%t:O.'«'~r r;,._(19'.'I). O.- llli!loMCcil~tNll ll<Mollch, \'01)1~11 ~t,- llarlrm from 1900 ro 1%8 TIM- .io.,. l,rwp,c
A1bvi 119'11, W..tham fjJP'Won Cl'T'6!, An.MI lrir, •tathtf Uo--·.uol N-.M lhr wn.- el,c<o<hx>I'• Jrni... ,...._.... 1.,,.. ro ,1w ff#l•r·1~...a.1
..W- (l~".'\I). (....:fnt A111n U'Jl!II-S2•. lt,ollf """""·•it·laldmtc-. TBf!Qffmoo,J ,os~ Yod ,__,,,1 J«•<I ,1fld .,_ phoc0$:rlif"h' trrlT - kwul'N 1n
.._(1~1, -ICo&ny W'i-,r,1111 (19881 lltaho -.f ro...... _.. r.1..........1 ..._ r<Jll-11- n 11...nJnm -niu• lnOl>Oll"r-1nd..io1U1: kf11-5d M(Ch(,r '1
O(llnoffJ J'f(l'OOU>'f """'" n.h,t,,,,.._ chol on,c, llauv. ~h ~me-* mt1 IMnf Atba and TJ., llf#fJ ,f J- \I• ""' 7..11r A \j....,/ fl_.,¡ ,f
1•••td rhooiot1"1'h1 t,,- A\UI- .S....J«. lfrn11 ,l"'"ly ch«tah" '™1'"Ñ i.cn kf ~ 10 lrirlp uL- 81.,... 11- .. .,.,..c
1969'). #1/JJ.,;- \:.,•Dtr Zt.U9Tj)_
Gin,u,11-. ..id l.tt h"""l,.Jr, w,ih .._ t.t«ol Amy Albut.. wbc, • .,, 1hrn """' 1"'!~ciW W11h • ... ..-.1 bJ' T- Mnmso:n. 11. 11,,,_ &.i
h.lnc1oon.ai. __,._ IIIW,l:ft 1h,,1 n-,.....J d,.. Mrr, t>n.rlly ~ Mii 1.1,ir """'"' 1',164 •~ ,.,..., ,{Jilil-'-'1(19'11)~ '"" \'mdtrllt'f·, luntra,I J.«·
lllffl;um·, •n-..s., ,.,..¡,.,...,,
ffOffl 1111 fir,c i.,,.- c,,y co .-oll •• lhr m...,- ... f'IO,Ctaffl "' en-,<''t ·-· IA......, l'O"'motl(III rhot08...,.... \'~
111- .tl09 ffld rubl.cahM, 7# Pbttop-i(J,n, F.tt nu:o1Tlffutllld ...td,,l ~i.. b,bi,. .a tipa.,
,.,..,.,,...., i,.,,1,,,,., u·~,.
"T"'"IC a, 1hr tlllfl-'C'nlll' oí~. 1C1 .mJ l1ín.un,-~ ol
.S.....ko--.l, lwl¡MJ dtfuw ,IIJ tc)J.11, , '"' l~u,.,cc-
Ncw York C,cy ,n Sq,,:rmt>n ,o l,~.nd -.'Orl.: ,1111111t chf, ~ «,i,f'fth,1 °"'• ...,,..., .,... ..,,>. •hk:b
Atbo.ol hol.a\fhoW ~ dio -.t,mJ cbt ..._,,., tk.1 111,.. 'I""" ..,.., d!f CIJ""' «diM. tlwv &Mt
e( ~o,¡:Q(>h) '"-• l'I M,~ wt.o wa 1ht..- IIIIJJool ~ ·dwbl,· po,nu.u ,.,,...u.t Atbu,, ..._. nt.olÑ
V•ndm«-, KUdlO fin 11.,,.. A"'nur • 1"'6~ • ..,. llt • •IK> 1iit 111b¡r« « lhttt J,x~ (...itm, í.--1 ctadmon, ol......d by ,l>t •llmr "'11U"- N..:ban
jW111 bfflitT lw UIIW a> pubt.c •tn111011 A,bu,. •lud,11$Th N.-mJr-:,. Cl9)6,)by l,,,,lu) Siou"WG LJ"l)Rl,. (IIO(Of .. , thc G«iQr (.,,nm,n •'-" ,n
•qullÑ • fc.., pt,llu. lo, htr pmc..w ,oll«t- -.1 Dn11o1 (C'U. 'l).'n-!ff -·hot a ... iw..~,. :,.....,. y,.1.;, d10 In"""'
W,,qcµnd ,11
m ......,.....,...t,.,,..,,.J,•....i,Nff·, -a.. t.'- p~
~•«I •• tht mJ .., lu, wlvn Ad,.,.. ~ W\"('fdt"'<h1N1-. Ul(~ 6J U'6!1
~ '" '·"
l'),11 U'«.ffl' h..t •- _.l'ofN:lll o:1>,b11ion,,
P,,,_r.S,.,,,, l~.-1R ...... .-.dc..f!IC"rotlw-
•n<11"on d Edw..,J &~i<h11t. duttt(K o( l~
J'N'ffl™"« ~.tfWn o( tht ~,-. Aíwr 1hr
p,l,11,1,,, H.....,,"il'('fl Honfonl tOk1 S'*' 10 11~,:h
bodt,dll•lcJ ••- .~ ,, ,\1, ,a....., .. ,,-. Phc,i,ig,...>1,y l>tJ,m-." •• Thr M........m J ~11).ko,. l&ri,w,r • 1%). '«'olí l"'1 ro~ ...1""11,.. ,.,
~ ~. ,n-,¡on,u,_ ,W,arfd10 jll)(PI s.! "" I.MoMA)...1io.-1....WtwoolW1no$fW'• 1• d,l"ttlor (or )á<k Tinhc ~ P'•nwl'l, M(C.llft,
doountne,ty ,- ••,,..,.. n.- Mw.n,m ui .\6cJrm ....,..tn '" 11.. ,..11,1,,,_ n. ,,_,,.(·"'-• 119))> J!hdt-. .aj uk.-•d> 11"*"t "\l'olí Aclv.rn•"IIII·
At1 ,nthJrd l,a wulo • 19-H oll 11,,r JIIOUP lnl)'á' ll,cn(tw., ~IJf "'"""""'"'1ft0$t•nd""'!onnl) J k ""'"nf .. Vl(f f'!t'..J,rai o/ tlw ~ °"t¡lft
•""- l'"-i,4',,, h.. fu., - nh,booun. M-, r~,..... .,, ,.,.., y,..iu,n,-5$1 Con(-t. Pfd~ d. dw AMr1o(M lnMltu..- o(
mc-t i,1..., ~, MoM/1wwJd '°"'""· Jobn S,.ui:o....1,, Smtllnh W(u~- • MOMA, (;,;aph .. An-,. (AfGM, ...t .. "" !o"llon v ... ulllt
l~IIJI i\,1 ~
J>r-,,. c1,u1, •httt 1,,. WOl°l •• rnrnud fin thr •lwÑ •n ......_ ·~ .itn>up fl~ oi '°'" •t Coor,t t.t,-,,1111 S.,hc,,>I o( A1t
- ..., ...... lowc,t Uc,Jrf,. ....t ,.,. ,,.,_,,,..,. ,, ...iiot..t- ,n l.hr 19t'.Oi., ,nd~ Fn~f1"""""11 Ail'IOll,s 1,,. ,...,.,. dn,¡tn mn;I,. a •hf Cokl M~
;10 ,.._,....,._, U')411). '«'...gtt dom ~I ,,...,...~ ft96l> w,th Ktfl lft)'fftlll. G..ot,i:t uom thr '°'IG'°' 1''16.. \)tc.11, -11or J \~....J
(11111(' ~
-i 10 ~c&<tt
MJd ~ lu, tolfnB 11) i«>ny,
--roo:,..,.. pl,o.
woit., • 1 Sollp'OW. Mvnl(IL •nJ ,_
Kr.uw, ~ .......hl!l\t, -S M;...., Wl'to,r; Th
P'-,..-lf'l,t,I, f)t (11)6.i):. .,.J ,,,., o.,......,, 1196"t>
.... ti Ltt f.....il.-Jr, .J ,. ...... 1lw t. .... _
119811), "aamndr ~ °' •".,
7/>rd,.-,: ,\tn.6ro,J¡, ¡..... ,1,1~1,., , ... .,,. ¡',1,-.,,..f
P,non., S.-hot,,I
ul 0...11n, ,tw Nt-w St,hoc;il, wht"' hr lw uuflbll -~
u~ 11 dw -hot d ••• P-,1, (1'>-Wi\ ,~ b«,,mt' • lqcttldl11 nti.bt..- d rtio,to,:.-.plll.- l 'IH llf "-1l Umty ',);-'otí 1'ro.lun...n1, ...d ;,
U.U,..-'119Hl,-.i ••}C.""1N•'-4CI"')") fut.-.1 ~,...iy... "' , lv ~ ..... 1 ,,,_.._ ....el i........ b t,.,, rt,oco¡i:r,,.._" ..J um~
'1;11111,1 IICN'1
1". 1 OMII MU.
,,.\ 1 llu>. 4. .1
lhHa l 11 !'
.. ,(.,
n••• h
... ¡u,.-.. ).h M u....n t
J ~t,( ••111 l.
o, ,u, 1 u
,M ._,
4. 1 , M , 1 T 11 , lh " ' 1 ... 1 ~
~1 n1t M •.&I.A!';V.1 .,,., PM " 1 1 " r "''°"' J.. 11 k1 1 1.1 "''4 "~ • 11 111 !11 ... u ... ,. ..
1 1n\' h41
Los A,Gicu,, Ccffvn· M1·s1 l '.\I or A1n
FrnRl ARY .iy-MAY -~: ..!C: > 1
Mt::-.n ,1 for.i,;,,x.:A.,t., E.-.si:;,.;, C.,1 l(MAr-;Y
Jt·:,..;¡- 17 $1 PlT.\IHI H r8, lCC'\
Tf-11 Vtc ·rnRII\ .c-;u A1 fHiln M1·s1 1 :.1, Loxoox
Oc TOHl'U 1 -\, 10(.)5 ).\'.'.lURY 15, 2006
'"'"- \ 111[••""'')11~.o.•1~111111,, .. ,
Al 1 ,1,1 .... ,11 .. 1 "' u, 111,,tlu1_,.,,, 1,1{., ... t~I"-' 1 .11"' 4"'01'<. lt\!! 1-°U'l,1 1 4... t>I'" .... ,
r ••• 1 ,, , "' •· 1,, lha\ , , "'"" \11111 , k, "
~""' .. YIII~ lli ~\llllUI ,._,, 1 1, Oi, 1, 1111• IIU l..<
f " "'"
11 1.S w,th ¿ttc,,ir prtdt 1ha, Charln Sd1w;,ib ,u,in.s die Su1 frJ1K1S<O Mus«,m ol ~fod<'rn An in
ptt$(1lhn.f¡ tl1it work ol l~nr Afflus, 11 pteinttr m phtx()l;roif>l,l wll(l, •'1lh 1~ :11nJ mctg.·
nt)·, pursut'd ,n art1ill( vuaoo tlu.r ~ 1mmt"ll,uably cnnthed A1'1'1ct1(at1 cuhu~. Th,s <"Xh1·
bu,on, 1hc lirst m;;i,¡or inctffllc1on:d mr1X1,prc:m-e oí 1hc- ani:sú wotk 1n evee th1n}' yutS. ot'l'C'tS
"'K"'TI!. 111 Sin Pr.1.~i)(O and a.N:k1nd rhc- .,.,'C)fld che- oppnnunuy co wu1wn lirsd1:i1id her bold
npWllll.uun oi ,he- hum.u, l"ll.ll't"htllCt.
At ChlrlN Xh-b. we unckrS.t.100tlut p.00«1ing s¡,irit :i.nd firml>· bel1(''t 1h11, whtd1u
,n ti~ uns • in lin;mcc. n " •mf'(ln.a.m ro cx¡•for-r ~ ..,.-¡)'S t;/ rhuilons 11t1d eew 11~
-..'Ofld. M a NIC'mbtt o/ cl't CQmmunit)',OOt ,:oo.1 is m cndorw art11.1~ llJi<l ans org.an,..::u,ons b)·
s,1ppon111g atld boootu)g boch ind1vidu:::r.l ('ffons und IO("il) programs.
Our IW>pe' ii that boch cnikJivors ('Jtt h(lp or,w ,he doc.w to new oppOnunuld for long·1tm'I
R'Wl:tnh.amm<all)', ,oc. iJ.Jly. .t.nd «ooo,,~t(';all)',
IA aprunng dlC' ur11qu,e IWlWC' ol nch ind,..-.iu.aJ tlut pclM'I ~,~ h« aod l05W11t'.II wppon YOUnda Cuorno. ai.,.1)t<'d by Kmo NOJ.PW!. <'ff'-
(llffiff&, file phofo,:nph\ o( Di.111lC' Atbw. dulkn,st '" lO ff'(QCISidc-t ...ho sted tlw tkpnc ,nd sc,nuuvt dc1.ig.n, Íot 1lw o:lnbttion and l('(Offlrmf·
wt ~ dlti how ._'C' Jot,:WIU oun,,rhTI 10 fhl' 1ll'Odcl 11 ll OUt hof,r I h.\1 thit. in, publ.iocion. KNlt Robtns., nh1bmon dtsi.s" ffilNgtt, -~ ,n
bis·••·aued aJ,,b,ullft a,,J publtt~1,on Wn'(' 10 ,loeu.mcn-1 •nd crlrbt1uc· rn111ulaht1Jt dw,r v,o;,on ío1 rtw ~ in10 rNl,ty
dw J.Copt"olbt, O,t•-™ Su.eh m amh.uo-.as Wldrnaluns m¡,;s,m thc" Olll("r ffl('rnb\'"rt ()( thc'. SfMO~IA uh.ibwoo «am who,<iac':l""t n.w¡nii•
loffl(', díot1, and wppon ol numtrour. PfOJ!k. •nd wt •~Id t,kt, to m:• 1100 111d JJn«n' dW1b lncll.ldf 11itm.1 Andrtw,. ~lt ClOCIM'Mltor:
otttut(" 1brot e«"f)C•on.11 conmbuc.wwn htrr-. O( counco, no txh1b1uon i, ubb)• G¡t,tmon., IIM1$1alft1 ('Offlmun1c:.cooo,~r; Kt:1ko Ha)'WU, ÍOffl'ltf
~bk wuflw,i ,lic kcidfn(ln(~ oti ~"'" }n-1U) ..... ~ l~vul'IUIIU· •"='•t!I tlUl'U!\'"t; Polly \'V~ l'l:Ol'-lrl\, X"htlJ, d,rtttat of ~Al(ll•
ed u, w a« Íot dwu anwurb as,.~~~(' 1hcm .,.,.,,uW,I( 10 ll1t w,dn,4 e,QM,; ~ Kult, ÍMM('f d,r«1or oi ~blK!Mtl)Clj; Tttt1I ~«ty. M:111ot
~lt pubh,c:. Equ.dly ~·1u.l " tbr fi:n,1n('i,1I JUPflll" lh•I ha) Wffit U> thc: l!t"ªph,tcln,~o«: Ri<v Stllu-w, MIMllfflrl'ff'lmor; Lrnda ~nJurp,Ruittn',
Mu1cu111 ÍKolft • utwty uf .ourcn. 1lit lhtl7n D Jtau. lixtubi1iioo fimd 1WOC1ait du«1or o( dl'"'~lorfflmt ior md1viduial ¡1..,,113; Stletf Sdvn, -
M:(N>fd ill t• J'fO'"•lk tyllw)tdiNnly ~11 fund,n~ al ,1 cr,1tnll CÍl(C' dutttot "ffl'Yt'loprntnc Mt Co,potlllt pltfllC'DhtJ"; Pflrt Se~.
momrn1 1n the: C"'Ol11110I\ ol ll1t ¡lf(),<'(1, .alld Chlrki S(hw,'1> & Co., lnr. INN~ o( adub ,nurptth\C' Jlf'Oj:ft.m•; C.N Swrm, t(lollg du'((ror (i
'~ dw ltllttnJUOIUI (()1,11 .,,h & m•)OI' , ....m In ,di.110011. ,1 nl,M'II•· MUt«.rn~; and Gtt,tt Wtli,OI\, t<fl•Of "'UKl,li1'1 pf('p,INtOf. Wc ,.'OUld alJO
btt oi 1ndiv.iwk (mm ffit' SfMOMA <OCIUl!Un.tty rtt0gnittd dlC' impc,1, hkt co otJe.r- gi-aucuck col~uoe, from tlw '""uutionsdi,1 «il·
10 out
Utl(t -OÍ 1h,l unckn,aL,nJ: aftd m•dt u,¡:nifiQIII (IO(ltrihuuons 10.111td u. laboniÑ .. ,~h us to M.ltmblt r.ht Ul("111,.UOfal IOUf ditt'Xbibu-.
Thcy mt!U<k <:;.ut,, ~nul a11d k,th S.l,Tnu:,ft, R..u11l, .11111 Bob F.. lier, ""'" JI(' ,wy ,,1-i i.1.. , ·nw r~alC'oí 0..IIC' Afbus hM J»Rnffld ..rih
!>miutt and P•1.d SN:k. Lu,cla ,nd Jon Grllkr, CArok ~ncl Robctt ~. R.mckitn Houw atlli SfMQMA co pr«I~ .1; ¡,ul,lota1.ot1 1ba, w,ll corn,nut
Jbney S. Sh,pl,ry M,tltr. and Robu, Wngi. Suppon &,, the t:da1bu10Q to - ., MI inVDIYl,k lctnJ; :alitr d1t shov,· 11- <'«11'.luckd. 1 would
puhf1t~..n ..-11 prO'l'odtd by dw Kottc Foo.:mdu.On.. bkt to ~k 111 000Glndu1g tCllm d wnun lor ~·ns -•-. tme 1llu·
ütub1o(W1J ~ by ll-"11•1T «1lldwll".U1\T, but ch,~ 4fW ,, W'lmn.·hat tnoNI<' rhr u,uc·1 tcrotnplilbmniu. M:uy lhhr, afüor at luA.iom l-lo.w,
un,qut in dat 11• w«mful plTK~•uOQ Jrffl&lldc.,J tbe ¡:-<,1ul(tp;i,Uon ol .mc1 0-, ~. dllt(tor oi p.ibhca1.on,..i SfMOMA.~litdior oon·
n"wlly "'~'Ysu.tr nwmber of tht MI.Dtum. 1 ,.'OUSJ 1,M" 10 clwlk uch ,l<knhk- thp&óf'Nt,t ~1U• and ,~h1 e,> dlC' t4k oi rrq:,an'll thir -·
on,t o( clwrn fot c~,r lw.tJ -.•od:UICl profieu,omlwn, Mld cbc,ta to r«~· KTIJ!C (.,. p:ablinuo,i, 1ñt coc:npln pnxn, J. prodlX•IEIS a .-olu1111t ol wdl
Altt a ft,.. u,d1,·1du&IJ who ff'l("r" ,pc<uJ mt11uo,i 11 •J .lf'r'IOp'Ule- 1a unbicious tcalr anJ b1gh pn:duie1ion. YJfucs ....u unc!C"rt1J.:M by a numbtt d
btg;ln b7"at.knovdt:dg1~ 1-..-0 fr,~. ~•tdr\, Roa, fiorll'ltt cl,r«tOt, and ,t1ficd ,ncbviJ1uh, wl'IOlll' IWlltCI an be íoutlcl on p,,,;¡t }27. 11r rc,sub, (}(
lon fog¡rry, l0tmc-f ""uc,r ck~t)' dntt1or. (or 1hc-,r ('..rly ach«-r óÍ I IIC" dlC'•f U(('lknl 'A'Otk a« On cllSfll~y l~hour thi• put,11('.11..on
P")j«I aftd ÍOJ 1ht-., cat'f' lO ,lwphetd111¡¡; 11 l~ iis muu,I plwn. r\ p,i,no(ulari)' w¡rm QOI(' d gr.au1U<k tJ a.tl'"ndtd w 0oon and /uny
llt,llott,·1~ 1t.c,r <le-p,tflutt, 1l111h fk.non, Jtpuryd,ttnot fo, prognm1s1nd Atbw, 'llilow ~,o,:i to, anJ dttp k~ J, cMr machtff •uk ha
wlk«tOOI-, .and M.LJ«k>lt" Tt\1Jill1>,, ~>)l:IM nhibm(llli d, l"l'CWI, wurotJ bcui r1,dM1 1e ""ff7 ~~ in 1hi1 p,occu. l I woold bt - ~·-
R:JpoMlbilny líor-0•"t"Ott1ns •11 •p«u o( ti• c:11lub11,on. and ,tq,.,.ttVt· to ta'}' 1 l,;11 111(",r .... ,, .. Tl'l>('IIC h&\ tlll'l(hfd ~ adnnt~I thr- oh1b.1 l()n .iJ
td dwu ffla")' duue. •'1tb g11Ct, wndom. aOO uníl~,n.g dN1a.uOfl. publ,cac,on 1n «.untkn, íundltn(nul Wl')'l f"uu.ily, ·~ ui: pcdl,a¡,J llltllM
Pa1rl(ia Mcl.t«I, d,ttt"corOÍ drofflopmm1,and 1hc- mcotn,btrsot'her dC'p,,n• tndthlcd 10 d1t toon1U1on d OU!IIA,_.. IUnl,m-.Sandn. S. J>billips..
m('m •'Orktd t1"'1('!,1ly ec> ~"'<' 1ht fünd,ni lltt('t.w.ty ta uagc, lhC' w1uot t\lt.Uoroí photos.nphy ae S!'MOMr\,-.! E.l,~h Su.unan, Jl.ldl
o:lubmon. Olp Clu,f)·lhfn. c:11hal»u~ IT,!:11.crar, rnolvtd dllr mytud C\ltal(lt. Thttr'"'*' "''1Y"""'1 l1.1rd work h.&,"ttn:i.ih(J 11\ .ao n.h,biuoo tJIJc
romJ*xu,C'$ ~ by dw: ~in Íor lhd Show ,..,tl'I p;a1nn.aku1g eeee. d ;a fot,~. ~T•~ p0t1,t, c11bu1" 10 sr,,M oi ftll'Lttlc:ablt ''"'°""
Süut1nt f'tld, rur..a1oru.l;M.t«1¡11t iot s1lttW ub,bit-., and ,IIUC'!o( <'Un• -Ncml~
torul I.Sl•M•nn kob,n Oarl: Uld l!l,ub«h Gl'.iy (ll'IW,df:d vm1I tt,1a11tdi Outt1or. SMI Fnnasco M\dlrufflo( Mocltm An
Thc \·,1r,1lu!:m· hc:low 1s 1rrJn1,:c·J 1.hronolo!'.,, allv .unl n·n1rds only rhow works t:xhih111.:d ;U rfw \,m h·.1nu"'lo
Muwum 01 Modem An. rhc pn·•,t:nt.i.t mns H >ll her vcrun-c m,l)' , ,lí)'· l nlcss 111 haw1M.· 1ndK;1H.'i.l, .111 photo~r.,phs
111t ¿:cl,1t1n .. d\'t·r prmrs m.1dc h} rhc ut1,r .\h.,1sun:mt·nts rd1·r tu rhc s11t· ni rbc l'hotogr.1ph11 p;,1¡l\.'r 111 111d1t'>
followl',J h~· cennmerers, ht·1!,:hl bc:lort· wuhh. Thruuchont 1IH book an .1,;.rt·ri,;.k follm,rn,i.: cht tuk ind1t.1tt:§
1m.1,gt·s 1i,...-,1 pnmcd h)' '.\t·1I ~dkirk. '.\uml)('rs cu rhc ld1 ni rlu- rult•s rctct ro p.1~t·s 111 rfu- l,uuk
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