Water, Air and Soil
From the bottomland hardwoods of the Mississippi Delta to the coldwater mountain streams of the Southern Appalachians, water shapes and defines the landscape. About 80% of freshwater in the U.S. originates on forest lands, and much of the nation’s surface drinking water supply comes from national forest lands.
When the National Forest System was established in 1905, one of its first mandates was to restore the watershed function of forests. This includes protecting watersheds that provide drinking water and minimizing erosion from forest roads to safeguard water quality.
The Southern Research Station provides resource managers with tools to measure water from forests, conserve groundwater, and manage forest lands and soils to ensure clean air and water for generations to come.
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- Stephen E. Peairs. 2022. First year height performance of planted loblolly pine following site preparation and herbaceous release treatments on a lower Coastal Plain site
- Cindi L. Brown, Chelcy F. Miniat, Jennifer D. Knoepp. 2021. Investigating the effect of lab bias on long-term stream chemistry data
- D.M. Amatya, A. Walega, T.J. Callahan, A. Morrison, V. Vulava, D.R. Hitchcock, T.M. Williams, T. Epps. 2022. Storm event analysis of four forested catchments on the Atlantic coastal plain using a modified SCS-CN rainfall-runoff model
- Devendra M. Amatya, Ssegane Herbert, Carl C. Trettin, Mohammad Daud. Hamidi. 2021. Evaluation of paired watershed runoff relationships since recovery from a major hurricane on a coastal forest-A basis for examining effects of Pinus palustris restoration on water yield
- Katherine J. Elliott, Chelcy Ford. Miniat. 2021. Removing riparian Rhododendron maximum in post-Tsuga canadensis riparian forests does not degrade water quality in southern Appalachian streams
- Peter V Caldwell, Katherine J. Elliott, Ning Liu, James M. Vose, David R. Zietlow, Jennifer D. Knoepp. 2020. Watershed‐scale vegetation, water quantity, and water quality responses to wildfire in the southern Appalachian mountain region, United States
- Rafael Poyatos, Victor Granda, Victor Flo, Mark A. Adams, Balazs Adorjan, David Aguade, Marcos P. M. Aidar, Scott Allen, M. Susana Alvarado-Barrientos, Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira, Luiza Maria Aparecido, M. Altaf Arain, ismael Aranda, Heidi Asbjornsen, Robert Baxter, Eric Beamesderfer, Z. Carter Berry, Daniel Berveiller, Bethany Blakely, Johnny Boggs, Gil Bohrer, Paul V Bolstad, Damien Bonal, Rosvel Bracho, Patricia Brito, Jason Brodeur, Fernando Casanoves, Jerome Chave, Hui Chen, Cesar Cisneros, Kenneth Clark, Edoardo Cremonese, Hongzhong Dang, Jorge S. David, Teresa S. David, Nicolas Delpierre, Ankur R. Desai, Frederic C. Do, Michal Dohnal, Jean-Christophe Domec, Sebinasi Dzikiti, Colin Edgar, Rebekka Eichstaedt, Tarek S. El-Madany, Jan Elbers, Cleiton B. Eller, Eugenie S. Euskirchen, Brent Ewers, Patrick Fonti, Alicia Forner, et al., A. Christopher Oishi, al. et, Ge Sun, al et. 2021. Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database
- John T. Walker, Xi Chen, Zhiyong Wu, Donna Schwede, Ryan Daly, Aleksandra Djurkovic, A. Christopher Oishi, Eric Edgerton, Jesse Bash, Jennifer Knoepp, Melissa Puchalski, John Iiames, Chelcy F. Miniat. 2023. Atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen to a deciduous forest in the southern Appalachian Mountains
- S.S. Panda, D.M. Amatya, J.M. Grace, P. Caldwell, D.A. Marion. 2022. Extreme precipitation-based vulnerability assessment of road-crossing drainage structures in forested watersheds using an integrated environmental modeling approach