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Faculty, administrators, and professional staff on our campus consider advising both a responsibility and an opportunity for enriching and enhancing each student’s pattern of learning and personal development. Central to the mission of academic advising at the university is teaching students to understand the purpose of the curriculum and fostering their intellectual and personal development toward academic success and lifelong learning. Through individual, collaborative relationships with academic advisors, students are best able to define and implement sound educational plans that are consistent with their personal values, goals, and career plans.

Students are encouraged to reach out to their ISE advisor Rachel Duncan at any time with questions about the curriculum, course planning, adding a minor or concentration, and petitioning courses. She can connect students to faculty mentors and help navigate students to campus resources and offices while assisting with career and graduate school planning and preparation.

Advising Policy

All engineering students are required to be advised by the Office of Engineering Advising every semester until they have earned thirty credits.

After earning thirty credits, industrial engineering students in good standing are required to meet yearly with their ISE advisor, Rachel Duncan. Students are to be advised in either the fall or spring semesters, depending on their student ID number. Even ID numbers are advised in the fall, before spring registration, and odd ID numbers are advised in the spring, before summer or fall registration. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule these meetings, when prompted by e-mail from the advisor.

Instructions for Advising Appointments

  • Select and follow the curriculum plan based on your catalog year. Curriculum plans can be found by visiting the college’s Curricula website and navigating to the Industrial Engineering section.
  • Use the information from your DARS Report and write required courses on the Academic Plan Sheet for the next two semesters. Indicate any classes which you received a grade of C- or lower.
  • Make an appointment with your advisor through Vol Academic Connect (Navigate), available by logging into your MyUTK account. Bring your academic plan and curriculum plan with you to the meeting.

If no appointments are available, please call Rachel Duncan at 865-974-7651 or send an email to [email protected]. If you leave a voicemail, be sure to leave your name, student ID, phone number, email, and your reason for calling.

Additionally, you can reach the main Engineering Advising Office by calling 865-974-4008 or by email at [email protected].


Current undergraduate ISE students who have completed EF 151/157-152/158 or Physics 135/137-136/138 and Math 141/147 -142/148 in the Tickle College of Engineering will be advised every semester before their scheduled registration times. Students will receive a Vol Academic Connect email inviting them to schedule an individual advising appointment with the ISE Academic Advisor, Rachel Duncan (525F Tickle). Students on academic probation will see their academic advisor more frequently.
Students who have not completed the above courses will be advised in the Engineering Advising Office.
Be prepared to speak about your academic plan, performance, and career goals. Your academic advisor can also speak to you about career exploration, co-ops and internships, study abroad, joining a club, tutoring, and many other resources on campus.

The role of the academic advisor is to help you co-create your experience and support you along the way. We are an excellent resource!

Student and Advisor Expectations

DARS stands for Degree Audit Reporting System. This system shows all the classes and requirements you have met, are meeting, and will need to meet in order to graduate with a degree from UT. It is the main tool that advisors will use when reviewing your academic history. You also have access to it on your My UTK account. If you want to learn more about how to access your DARS report, check out this video from CEE advisor Jenai Davis.

How to Access Your DARS

There are many opportunities to get involved with Industrial and Systems Engineering outside the classroom. Co-ops, internships, study abroad, clubs, and research are just a few things to think about. Your advisor can provide you with more detail during your appointments.
Yes, you must have completed three “semesters” (summer counts as a semester) at the co-op to attain class credit for EF 333. EF 333 counts as a technical elective in Industrial and Systems Engineering. Please talk to the Engineering Professional Practice Office for more information on this.
Inform your advisor if you intend to withdraw from the university. You should complete a simple online form before leaving campus. Student who do choose to withdraw will need to apply for readmission prior to their next term of anticipated enrollment.

Students on a temporary leave due to a co-op opportunity arranged through the Office of Engineering Professional Practice or a study abroad opportunity arranged through the Office of Programs Abroad do NOT need to complete this form since the university is already aware of their plans and systems are in place to handle them.