Latest edition: August 2016 (in French with English subtitles)
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Original tape date: September 21, 2016. First aired: September 22, 2016."The After Revolution" at French Institute Alliance Francaise
In May 2013, French Institue Alliance Francaise launched an exhibit in New York called "The After Revolution". It featured Tunisian artists, their experimentation and response to the ongoing revolution and counter-revolution in their country.
Nuit Debout Paris
Just after the creation the feminist commission at Place de la République in Paris, a group of women decided to explain what would be the consequences of the new French labor law on women in France.
Jean-Christian Bourcart
French photographer Jean-Christian Bourcart searched online for the most dangerous place in the United States. He came across Camden, NJ, 2 hours from New York City. He started photographing the city in 2008.
Guest List
Jean-Christian Bourcart Photographer
Amine Landoulsi Photographer
Leila Souissi Curator
Rim Temimi photographer
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