Latest edition: From My Point Of View - Special
TweetEpisode Details
Original tape date: December 13, 2019. First aired: December 13, 2019.“From My Point of View” is the product of a journalism collaboration between CUNY TV and four young women from Manhattan's Hunter Science High School. Veteran CUNY TV journalists and editors shared the tools and techniques of broadcast journalism in order to help these students create and produce their individual stories and bring them to the small screen.
Natalia Rizzi features her two "amazing" moms, Isabella Zaldana examines how her teen peers are stepping up politically, Genna Zagoren asks student-athletes how they balance their education with competitive sports, and Odeta Zeka questions fellow students about what the "Me Too" movement means to them. Afterward, Mahogany Fox mentor Denise Harrell hosts a panel discussion with the students.
Guest List
Denise Harrell Host, CUNY TV
Natalia Rizzi Student, Hunter Science High School
Genna Zagoren Student, Hunter Science High School
Isabella Zaldana Student, Hunter Science High School
Odeta Zeka Student, Hunter Science High School