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Choreographer George Balanchine was known for rejecting the premise that his ballets were abstract. Yet, a closer look into his comments on abstraction reveals a greater degree of ambivalence toward the concept than previously noticed.... more
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      Abstract ArtChoreographyAbstractionVisual Arts
Artigo publicado em 2018 no Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi - Ciências Humanas. Este artigo busca trazer informações sobre uma lacuna existente nos estudos historiográficos sobre arte em Belém, Brasil. Discute-se o papel da... more
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      Abstract ArtHistória da arteArte ModernaSexismo
Cet article a pour assise l’idée selon laquelle en revalorisant une certaine forme d’imagination, il est possible de trouver dans l’art moderne et contemporain une source et un refuge pour la spiritualité. Pour ce faire, l’auteur traite... more
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      SpiritualityAbstract ArtTransdisciplinarityImagination
Understanding visually presented stories requires intense effort from our visual imagination. Artists and theoreticians from the Renaissance onwards suggested various ways to depict stories, either to enhance their understanding and... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuropsychologyArt HistoryArt Theory
Social tags have become an important tool for improving access to online resources, particularly non-text media. With the dramatic growth of user-generated content, the importance of tags is likely to grow. However, while tagging behavior... more
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      Abstract ArtCultural LandscapesArt, Place And UtopiaSocial Tagging
This paper discusses the relationship between postwar Japanese avant-garde calligraphy and the abstract art of the 1950s, showing how calligraphy contributed to the international postwar discussion of materiality. Postwar Japanese art –... more
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      Abstract ArtJapanese ArtCalligraphyJapanese Art History
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      Art HistoryFilm StudiesDance StudiesContemporary Art
Az egymásnak látszólag ellentmondó kognitív metaforaelmélet és a relevanciaelmélet nemcsak kiegészít- hetik egymást, de találkozási pontjaik érdekes elemzési lehetőségeket nyújtanak. Egy szigorúbb és egy lazább elemzési példán keresztül... more
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      PragmaticsConcreteAbstract ArtRelevance Theory
art Semiology Integrational linguistics Art history Visual culture a b s t r a c t Roy Harris offers artists and the artworld an opportunity to renew and reexamine abstraction and modernism, freeing them from the fallacy of significant... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArt HistoryVisual CultureAbstract Art
Aunque no terminó sus estudios de arquitectura, la influencia ejercida por estos es evidente en la obra de Pablo Palazuelo, quien trató de elaborar un método de trabajo que le sirviera para desvelar los procesos formativos de la realidad... more
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      Threshold conceptsAbstract ArtArchitectural GeometryDesign Process (Architecture)
A discussion of queer formalism and the importance of attending to formal relations and their staging of social relations. Queer readings can take on form's insurgencies and capacities as a means of discussing how varied readers/viewers... more
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      Queer StudiesArt HistoryTransgender StudiesContemporary Art
This essay considers the contribution of Anneka Lenssen, Sarah Rogers, and Nada Shabout's Modern Art in the Arab World: Primary Documents to global art history. In particular, the essay addresses the archival turn, the challenges of... more
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      Art HistoryTranslation StudiesAbstract ArtRevolutions
6&5 xpressionis tUto PARADISE, METROPOLIS, MRM fflfc 1 he notion of Utopia exists in every culture, capturing shared dreams and common goals. Meaning paradoxically both "no place" and "a good place," utopia also challenges humanity to... more
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      German StudiesArt HistoryArchitectureFilm Studies
Painting: Fifty Years of Accomplishment, from Kandinsky to the Present Cubism and Abstract Art
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      Russian StudiesAbstract ArtModernismRussian avant-garde art
J’explore dans cet article le rôle joué par le système graphique dans la vie perceptuelle des Indiens cashinahua de l’Amazonie brésilienne, en montrant comment un dessin abstrait opère le passage entre le visible et l’invisible dans un... more
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      Abstract ArtAmerindian PerspectivismSouth American IndiansAmerindians
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      Art HistoryPerformance StudiesContemporary ArtQueer Theory
Most scholarship on Neo-concretism tends either to ignore Ferreira Gullar's early poetry or simply reiterate the poet's own account of his book A Luta Corporal (1954) as concerned solely with the implosion of language. However, Gullar's... more
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtAbstract ArtModern Art
artists exhibit di erent conceptual processes when they describe their work. Data from ekphrastic texts written by artists to accompany their artwork show that, although both kinds of painters refer metaphorically to their art using terms... more
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      GenreAbstract ArtConceptual MetaphorMetaphor
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      ConcreteLatin American ArtAbstract ArtContemporary Latin American Art
A detailed look at the retrospective accorded to J. A. D. Ingres at the 1905 Salon d'Automne - the 'Salon des Fauves' - in Paris. The article documents the impact of Ingres on avant-garde aesthetics and criticism up to 1921.
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      Art HistoryAbstract ArtArt CriticismPablo Picasso
A review of artist Torkwase Dyson's spring 2018 exhibition, Dear Henry
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesArchitecturePerformance StudiesContemporary Art
We present Pollite (Pollock-lite), an artificial abstract artist with the capability to evaluate, augment, and generate video game visual elements. Our system is based on a cognitive model of abstract artists built from self-reports and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCognitive ModelingAbstract ArtGenerative Art
In the aftermath of World War II, South American artists and critics saw color as a key to liberation from the crisis of the art object and the related crisis of modernity. In so doing, they resisted an entrenched postwar suspicion of... more
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      Contemporary ArtLatin American ArtAbstract ArtContemporary Latin American Art
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      New Religious MovementsMusicCreativityColour Science
Artworks can be said to metaphorically " speak " to their viewers (Sullivan 2006, 2009) in a form of fictive interaction (Pascual 2002). The current study examines the fictive speech of different types of artworks in a corpus of 1,105... more
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      Abstract ArtVisual metaphorFigurative PaintingFictive Interaction
Book Review: María  Amalia  García.  El  arte  abstracto.  Intercambios  culturales  entre  Argentina y Brasil. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2011.
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      Abstract ArtArgentinaBrasilCross-cultural exchanges
The bulk of this document is the Introduction to a book called 'What Drawing and Painting Really Mean: The Phenomenology of Image and Gesture' . The book was published by Routledge in its 'Advances in Art and Visual Studies' series on... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyAestheticsVisual Studies
Barnett Newman’s narrow, vertical canvas of 1950 entitled The Wild (with dimensions of 243 x 4.1 cm) is an unprecedented painting in which the thin vertical painted stripe is only slightly narrower than the canvas itself. The painting is... more
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      Art HistoryAbstract ArtModern ArtModernism (Art History)
This paper discusses several aspects of the “art des masses” concept that flourished in Paris during the Popular Front years (1936–1938) and the contribution of three of the most important Parisian art magazines to the establishment of a... more
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      Art HistoryPublishingCultural HeritageVisual Culture
A review of the New York Guggenheim Museum's 2018-2019 exhibition on the artist Hilma af Klint, and its accompanying catalog.
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesAbstract ArtMuseums and Exhibition Design
This project aims to produce new material and understandings about audio/visual installation art and immanence. Immanence describes a subjective state that emphasises an embodied sense in time and space. It is explored in the project... more
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      Art TheoryInstallation ArtExperimental Media ArtsAbstract Art
The artist] says to himself, thinking of life around him: this world at one time looked different and, in the future, will look different again.
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      Abstract ArtWalter BenjaminAbstract PaintingBenjamin
Review of the exhibition "Sol LeWitt – Structures 1962-1993" at Villa Stuck, Munich. In this exhibition of the sculptural oeuvre, as it was developed by LeWitt within 30 years, the spectrum ranged from serial grid structures to the... more
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      Abstract ArtHistory of SculptureMinimalismSculpture
Amid the ongoing spate of anniversaries of tumultuous world-historical events of the second decade of the twentieth century, it is perhaps unsurprising that Adventures of the Black Square: Abstract Art and Society 1915-2015 should not be... more
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      ConstructivismAbstract ArtMinimalismModernism (Art History)
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      Art HistoryAbstract ArtComunismoArte argentino
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      Theodor AdornoAbstract ArtSamuel BeckettModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
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      Applied MathematicsSet TheoryAlgorithmsHuman Computer Interaction
Resumen: A partir de una serie de pinturas murales que el artista estadounidense Mark Rothko realizó en los años 1963-66 para una capilla que lleva su nombre en la ciudad de Houston (Texas), se establece un recorrido por la teología... more
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      Abstract ArtMark RothkoAd ReinhardtArte Abstracto
This book uncovers how we make meaning of abstraction, both historically and in present times, and examines abstract images as a visual language. The contributors demonstrate that abstraction is not primarily an artistic phenomenon, but... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesPhilosophyAesthetics
This article is about women artists who created abstract art in the early decades of the twentieth century. Within the broad context of exclusion of women from the history of art, and particularly from modern art, its case has some... more
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      Abstract ArtWomen Artists
En la primera parte de este escrito presento una aproximación a Galáxias de Haroldo de Campos como un proyecto en prosa que explora nuevas posibilidades en un campo artístico paradojal, surgido en los años 60, que he denominado... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureAbstract ArtModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Literatura brasileira
En el presente artículo se estudia una nueva serie del artista extremeño afincado en Sevilla, Joaquín González “Quino”. Varias han sido las muestras en las que ha participado, y no menos los premios que atesora, que lo certifican como uno... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryContemporary ArtAbstract Art
Despite sustained scholarly interest in the politics of modernism, astonishingly little attention has been paid to its relationship to Conservatism. Yet modernist writing was imbricated with Tory rhetoric and ideology from when it emerged... more
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      PhilosophyAbstract ArtPoliticsVorticism
Where is art in the digital era? This essay identifies the digital as an abstract, formal system. Since art has always relied on formal, abstract systems to carry and deliver itself, what are the implications for art in the digital era?... more
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      Digital MediaAbstract ArtDigital ArtsDigital Art
The essay concerns 15 Polish Painters, the now slightly forgotten, but once famous exhibition of Polish contemporary art that took place at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1961. Initially, the exhibition was conceived as an... more
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      Abstract ArtModern ArtAbstract ExpressionismTadeusz Kantor
nell'estate del 1954, nell'ambito degli Incontri Internazionali della Ceramica ad Albisola Marina sulla costa ligure. L'intenso sperimentalismo e le evoluzioni incentrate su un grafismo intricato e complesso che l'artista indaga in questi... more
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      Abstract ArtPoésie Et Arts Plastiques : Interactions, éChanges
Ceramics had a far-reaching impact in the second half of the twentieth century, as its artists worked through the same ideas regarding abstraction and form as those for other creative mediums. Live Form shines new light on the relation of... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbstract ArtCeramics (Art History)Modern and contemporary crafts (Art)
A pesar de su imposibilidad de culminar sus estudios de arquitectura, el legado de los conocimientos adquiridos en Oxford influye de tal manera que parece llegar a condicionar el proceso de trabajo de Pablo Palazuelo. Con el empleo de las... more
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      ArchitectureAbstract ArtDesign Process (Architecture)Architecture Design
"Camaradas, alzáos, escapad a la tiranía de las cosas" 1 A pesar de su aparente serenidad, sin duda Cuadrado negro sobre fondo blanco (1915) (figura 1) y Cuadrado blanco sobre fondo blanco (1918) (figura 2), de Kassimir Malevich, son de... more
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      Abstract ArtAbstractionFilosofíaFenomenología
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