Abstract Art
Recent papers in Abstract Art
For work submitted up to 24 hours after the agreed submission deadline, a penalty of 10 marks out of 100 (or 3 marks out of 20) from the mark the student would have received applies; for work submitted after 24 hours and up to, and... more
La collection Arts & esthétique propose de remettre en circulation des textes courts - recueils d’articles, essais, entretiens, aphorismes ou fragments - qui éclairent des productions artistiques passées et présentes sans distinction de... more
Quels sont les rapports au paysage dans l’œuvre de Cy Twombly ? Comment le paysage est-il présent ? Peut-on parler d’un paysage abstrait ? Le but de cet article est d’étudier la notion du paysage et la manière dont elle se combine au... more
A transcript of a conversation (originally held live -on Zoom, on July 3, 2020 in The New Social Environment platform of The Brooklyn Rail) between artist Tom McGlynn and painter Odili Donald Odita concerning the latter's work in context... more
Nawoord bij de Nederlandse vertaling van Gilles Deleuzes Francis Bacon. Logique de la sensation (Amsterdam: Octavo, 2014) door Sjoerd van Tuinen, januari 2012, vantuinen@gmail.com.
Polskiego Instytutu Studiów nad Sztuką Świata 2019, nr 7-8 (82-83) lipiec -sierpień Pod redakcją: Jerzego Malinowskiego, Grażyny Raj i Marcina Teodorczyka (sekretarz) Strona2 Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata /
The lecture presents an overview and examples of a range of works drawn from two concurrent and related projects, collectively titled The Pictorial Bible series, which had been undertaken by John Harvey since 2000. The projects’ works... more
Review of major retrospective on artist Agnes Martin, on view at Tate Modern, 3 June - 11 October, 2015, at Kunstsammlung Nordrheim-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 7 November 2015 - 6 March, 2016, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles,... more
PhD dissertation: This dissertation examines how mass magazines framed American abstraction for a broad public during the years following the Second World War. While art historians have devoted much attention to Abstract Expressionism’s... more
Il paper è dedicato all'analisi delle vicende del Groupe de Grasse (1940-1942), variamente composto da perseguitati politici e artisti in esilio in attesa di un visto per emigrare negli Stati Uniti, trovatisi a condividere a stretto... more
editor's presentation of "Dossier Supports/Surfaces de Jacques Lepage"
Pour la philosophie des sciences, un paradigme est la matrice disciplinaire adoptée par une communauté scientifique. Il constitue et délimite le champ, la logique et la pratique à suivre de l’étude même : il identifie l’objet d’étude... more
Review of Kirk Varnedoe, Pictures of Nothing: Abstract Art Since Pollock.
This research intends to explore and understand the theoretical concepts of photographic abstraction to examine how a photographic object as a real object changes its meaning to become an abstract image. To achieve this, the signs of the... more
Indice; Premessa; Cronologia; Nota ai testi; Referenze; Nota bibliografica
“Quella di Rothko può essere annoverata tra la pittura del XX secolo più semplice da cogliere con un solo sguardo e da riconoscere, ma a patto che non ci si soffermi troppo, perché basta indugiare un poco per rendere l’esperienza di una... more
We trained generative models and decision tree classifiers with positive and negative examples of the neo-plastic works of Piet Mondrian to infer his compositional principles, to generate “faux ” works, and to explore the possibility of... more
Breve articolo con immagini per la rivista CIVILTÀ delle MACCHINE: una ricognizione critica delle istanze spiritualiste presenti nel Bauhaus.
This paper takes Patrick Heron’s assertion as to the abstract nature of painting as a starting point for a phenomenological investigation into the way in which abstract works comport themselves. How do abstract paintings attain... more
Guglielmo Achille Cavellini (Brescia 1914 - 1990) costituì una delle più importanti collezioni italiane d'arte contemporanea; continuamente aggiornata ad iniziare dagli anni Cinquanta, dalle tendenze astratte europee fino alla New York... more
1914 44,8 x 57,9 cm carbonilla y lápiz sobre papel Tanto Armonia-movimento-spazio (disegno astratto) como Forze centripete pertenecieron a la colección de Alberto Sartoris (1901-1998, situación natural si pensamos que el arquitecto y... more
This paper explores how, on the one hand, the MoMA’s agenda on US cultural imperialism in Brazil triggered a war between aesthetic traditionalists and reformers on the occasions of ‘From Figurativism to Abstractionism’, the MAM-SP... more
The British artist Ralph Rumney never adhered to a fixed sense of self. Of the little documentation that exists of his life and work, most is comprised of his own disparately collected thoughts, letters, notes, interviews, images and... more
Conférence 30 novembre 2021 : "When New York looks at the School of Paris (1930-1950). Reception, Rereadings and Appropriations". On the occasion of the exhibition : "Chaïm Soutine / Willem De Kooning, painted embodied". Musée de... more
Ranadhir Roy based his compositions for the esraj on the principle that they should be received as autonomous works not dependent on verbal language and liberated from the traditional notion of privileging the human voice. This paper... more
This research focuses on Joan Miró's interest in Japanese Calligraphy and the works that belonged to his collection.
Poetry, Painting, and Abstraction HUSL7308 On January 15, 1951, American Modernist poet Wallace Stevens was invited to give a lecture on the subject of "Relations between Poetry and Painting" at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), which was... more
Esta publicación recoge el pensamiento de Miró sobre el arte, abordando temas como el dolor, el vacío, la función social del arte o el impulso creador. Cuenta además con la particularidad de estar maquetado por el artista Ignacio Llamas,... more
Puntos de discusión acerca del arte abstracto como movimiento, tendencia y constante.
"The exhibition, THE ARTIST MAGICIANS (LOS ARTISTAS MAGOS) James K-M (Canada), Joel Jover Llenderrosos (Cuba), Osmany Soler Mena (Cuba) was held December 18, 2009 – January 18, 2010 at Centro Provincial de Artes Plásticas, Camagüey,... more
Expressionism", and "Action Painting". These terms were first used to describe the New York School in the writings of Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg, who would go on to become the primary critics of Abstract Expressionist art.... more
Introduction 3-5 I. Dialoguer avec les artistes 3-4 1. Cultiver « l'art de vivre pour l'art ». 4-5 2. Yves Saint Laurent, un artiste ? 6-8 II. Dialoguer avec les institutions 6-7 1. Une nouvelle manière d'exposer la mode 7-8 2. Prendre... more
Today there is little serious interest in alchemy. It seems part of a past that no longer has much to tell us heirs of the Enlightenment. Even more than astrology it seems to have a place on the intellectually suspect fringes of our... more
Interview exploring abstraction's use as a resource for artists working from transgender and queer perspectives. Focus is placed on the resistance to compulsory self-disclosure and to protocols of surveillance and voyeurism. Also... more
L’antimateria è il soggetto ideale di una fisica per poeti. Persino nell’ineccepibile vocabolario Treccani si legge ad vocem, con una formulazione involontariamente ironica: “il motivo dell’assoluta prevalenza della materia... more
For the first time in the history of photography, digital photographers can now experiment with photographic effects and immediately review the results. This capability, which is crucial for experimentation, opens up a new world of... more
These Pixelscapes were found within a photograph of Kazimir Malevich (Ukranian-born artist, 1878-1935) via magnification, filter treatment (halftone) and isolation of the pixel(s) in Photoshop. Malevich founded the art movement,... more
In the extant fragment of "Elementa Rhythmica II", Aristoxenus makes the comparison between poetic rhythm (ρσθμος, and ρσθμιζομενον) and visual rhythm or schema (στημα, and στηματιζομενα). Aristoxenus" terminology is useful for analyzing... more
The rise of the Aboriginal Australian art movement in the early 1970s ushered in an artistic revolution. But like any important revolution, it did not stop there. As the twenty-first century approached, Aboriginal artists across the... more
This dissertation project investigates the transcultural encounters of Japanese avant-garde calligraphers of the 1950s and 60s with the contemporaneous Euroamerican abstract artists. It is based on the analysis of the activity and works... more
Research paper presented at the conference In Black and White: Photography, Race, and the Modern Impulse in Brazil at Midcentury, at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, May 3, 2017. In June 1950, Brazil became the only... more