Catholic Social Thought
Most downloaded papers in Catholic Social Thought
A history of the first 70 years of Vatican teaching on media and communications, tracing major themes and tensions through the four major periods of its life. ¶ For further reading, you might consider also reading the brief "“Two Things... more
Evangelii Gaudium es un auténtico programa del pontificado del papa Francisco. La dimensión social de la fe es clave en este documento por ser garantía de autenticidad de la evangelización. A la hora de formular la visión de Francisco de... more
Volume 6 (January 2017) of JMT, reflecting on Populorum Progressio 50 years after.
One of the great ironies of Western political history involves the term “social justice.” Although a core idea within liberalism and socialism for at least 175 years, the background and origin of “social justice” was a cultural and... more
Laudato si', with its articulation of a familial ecology reflecting Francis's Latin American context, expands the subject of solidarity in Catholic social teaching and thought. Yet, this ecological vision of family fails to attend to the... more
In Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict XVI describes the Christian vocation to overcome the obstacles that hinder the establishment of authentic fraternity in the world. Through the theme integral human development, the pope maps a... more
Widespread architectural and artistic changes to the interiors of Catholic churches in the United States, commonly attributed to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, are in fact traceable to the foundational principles of the... more
I discuss in this essay published in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Catholic social teaching on poverty and economic justice as reflected in the teachings of Pope Francis.
Rutilio Grande, S.J. was the first Jesuit assassinated in El Salvador on March 12, 1977. He was killed for having done the works which Jesus commands with regard to one's neighbor as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. This volume of... more
“Are there objective moral values which can unite human beings and bring them peace and happiness?” People seem to assume there are indeed such values when they recoil against genocide, rape, child abuse, slavery and human trafficking,... more
Benedict XVI in "Caritas in Veritate" advances a positive view of businesses that are hybrids between several traditional categories. He expects that the “logic of gift” that animates civil society infuses the market and the State with... more
This essay is an interreligious study of spirituality of work. It considers the normative/doctrinal teachings on work in Bhagavadgita and Catholic Social Teaching. It will begin by exploring a Hindu spirituality of work based on... more
This article examines the importance of strengthening virtue ethics approach in Catholic social teaching for a Chinese Christian community through putting the Catholic tradition and Confucian tradition into dialogue. Through examining the... more
La primera encíclica del papa Francisco, Lumen Fidei, es un texto escrito principalmente por Benedicto XVI que Francisco ha hecho suyo. Aunque es una encíclica sobre cuestiones de antropología teológica –la virtud teologal de la fe– el... more
Analyzing the roots of Catholic libertarian positions on the economy allows one to compare the foundational anthropological assumptions behind different economic perspectives today. Catholics have radically different ways of engaging... more
This article was first published in the in Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy, ed. Michael L. Coulter, Stephen M. Krason, Richard S. Myers, and Joseph A. Varacalli. (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman &... more
Katolicy-mężczyźni z niepełnosprawnością fizyczną o koncepcjach niepełnosprawności w kontekście praktyk religijnych. Wtórna analiza danych jakościowych Summary: The article presents a report on the secondary analysis of raw qualitative... more
En la actualidad se da una crisis de identidad en la vida consagrada provocada por una comprensión de la eclesiología del Vaticano II que la reduce al binomio ordenado-laico. Las respuestas a esta crisis van en la dirección de ver a la... more
This article was first published in the in Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy, ed. Michael L. Coulter, Stephen M. Krason, Richard S. Myers, and Joseph A. Varacalli. (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman &... more
RESUMEN: La corriente de la teología pública como proyecto para la participación de la teología en la construcción social es muy prometedora pero requiere una profundización en sus bases filosóficas. dentro de la teología pública... more
In a well-known essay written in 1988, the theologian Charles Curran argued that there was a significant split between the theological methods of official Catholic social teaching and official Catholic teaching on sexual matters, and by... more
This paper focus on the possibility of founding a political theology on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, according to Gaston Fessard’s (1897-1978) interpretation of St. Ignatius and Hegel. Following the Ignatian model,... more
Pese a la influencia del catolicismo en el mundo popular peruano, son pocos los estudios sobre su participación en los movimientos obreros. Basado en diversas fuentes documentales, en este artículo se exploran algunas facetas y aportes... more
The thesis includes a qualitative research of Hungarian entrepreneurs, who are committed towards Christian and Buddhist values. Christian and Buddhist value-orientations are investigated and compared by qualitative methods. It introduces... more
Defining the relationship between CST and corporate social responsibility (CSR) depends, of course, on what one views as the central themes and claims of CSR. This article will take a broad view of CSR, so as to discuss as comprehensively... more
The starting point for this analysis is based on two phenomena. The first one is Pope Francis' commitment to political issues, which is considerably stronger than that of any other post-Vaticanum II popes. The second one is the statement... more
Kérygma" es un anuncio o noticia proclamada por alguien con autoridad, de viva voz, con palabra confiable, fehaciente y definitiva, de un mensaje esperado y que nos incumbe. Tal, la función del "heraldo" ("kéryx") en la Antigüedad y el... more
The three social encyclicals on international development-Populorum Progressio, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, and Caritas in Veritate-propose "integral human development" as their central motif. The three encyclicals are insistent on the... more
Much had changed between the time of Aristotle (d. 322 BCE) and that of Aquinas (d. 1274 CE). Rather than foolishly trying to list all the many changes, we should focus in on three that seem especially relevant:
As Nigeria inches towards the next general elections, members of the Catholic Theological Association of Nigeria (CATHAN), at their annual Conference in April 2018, resolved to move beyond agonising about the current state of the nation.... more
Meaningful work is both a moral issue and an economic one. Studies show that workers’ experience of meaninglessness in their jobs contributes to job dissatisfaction which has negative effects to business. If having a meaningful work is... more
Some have noted ways in which Senator Bernie Sanders and Pope Francis sound alike, inferring that the Catholic Church is opening to Socialism. In this article, I sketch seven ways in which any robust understanding of socialism is... more
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century the Catholic "Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali e discipline ausiliarie" paid significant attention to Italian public debate about labour and social legislation,... more
This article assesses whether the contemporary consensus of just war thinking to allow only for defence as just cause for war between states should also be applied to the practice of targeted killing of non-state actors. It argues that it... more