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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropology
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      Case StudiesEthnopsychiatryMigration StudiesEthnopsychology
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      MultilingualismChild DevelopmentCulturePsychopathology
McGee, R. Jon; Warms, Richard L.
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      SociologyEthnographyEthnopsychologyCrosscultural studies
With cultural issues prominent in the United States today and with ongoing rapid changes in health care management and delivery, this paper discusses the shift from a generic-type psychiatry (i.e., assuming that humans the world over are... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryHealth CareCultural Diversity
The use of 'traditional' medicine, or a combination of biomedical treatment and 'traditional' medicine, is a common phenomenon all over Indonesia. In today’s Indonesian healthcare system 'traditional' and alternative medicine coexist with... more
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      Health PsychologyMedical AnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Modern globalisation processes, the rapid entry of Russia into the world community, have given more opportunities to interact with various ethnic groups ranging from short-term tourist and business contacts to complex processes of... more
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      AdaptationBologna ProcessEthnopsychologyExchange Students
В статье анализируются различные формы игрового поведения (подшучивания, розыгрыши, дразнилки) как способ презентации этнокультурного самосознания. Показана роль игровых форм поведения в снижении напряженности и разрешении конфликтов при... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyCross-Cultural PsychologyEthnopsychologyFolklore, Anthropology, Aesthetics, Theories of Play, Games, and Humor, Popular Culture, History of Media and Technology, Narrative Theory, Informal Networks
L’apport de la musique d’Anouer Brahem dans le film « Halfaouine»: Approche identitaire et représentation d’un patrimoine Abstract: This study focuses on the analysis of soundtrack film Halfaouine produced in 1990 and composed by Anouar... more
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      Film StudiesCultural HeritageFilm MusicEthnopsychology
Iran sends inconsistent messages to the world. Vehement factionalism and widespread disagreement in nearly everything from religion and politics to lifestyle and sexuality are evident inside the country. Drawing from the Freudian concept... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesPsychoanalysisAnthropology
Corações queimados: A dor da memória nas narrativas de pacientes Bijagós

Este artigo é dedicado à memória de Pedro Banca,
prezado amigo e interlocutor de rara sensibilidade antropológica.
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      Medical AnthropologyMental HealthPain ManagementAnthropology of Health and Illness
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The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
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      Developmental PsychopathologyChild and adolescent mental healthChild DevelopmentMigration
In his oft-cited discussion of the “culturally constituted behavioral environment,” Irving Hallowell argued that any given cultural ontology must be considered to be “real” insofar as people believe in it; and inasmuch as it exist as an... more
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      PsychoanalysisAnthropologyPsychological AnthropologyPhilosophy of Psychoanalysis
The idea of studying migration from an applied standpoint is certainly not new, but it brings to light the added value of considering daily practice as a source of new questions that challenge the common disciplinary views. This... more
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      EthnopsychiatryMigration StudiesEthnopsychologySubjectivity
*Winner of 2011 Boyer Prize for Contributions to Psychoanalytic Anthropology* "In this article, I examine the framing of personal agency in Tzotzil Maya dream narrative. Drawing on contemporary linguistic, psychodynamic, and... more
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      PsychoanalysisAnthropologyPhilosophy of AgencyLinguistic Anthropology
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismAngerCultural Psychology
Էթնոհոգեբանությունը գիտություն Է մարդկային հանրույթների մի հատուկ տեսակից Էթնոսի, նրա ներսում և այլ Էթնոսների հետ ունեցած փոխհարաբերություններում ծագող հոգեկան երևույթների և գործընթացների, ողջ Էթնոսի և նրա անդամների հոգեբանական... more
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    • Ethnopsychology
Le Fa est le lien entre la terre et le ciel, entre l'individu et les divinités plurielles ou singulières. Nous assistons aux évocations, nous soulevons le vent aux côtés de Francine Rosenbaum, qui à la fois nous dit l'intériorité et... more
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Non sempre gli operatori sociali dispongono di competenze e strumenti utili a costruire con persone di background migratorio una comunicazione effettivamente comprensiva, che dia luogo ad efficaci percorsi di intervento. Questa ricerca... more
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      Cultural CompetenceEthnopsychiatryMigration StudiesTranscultural Psychiatry
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      Clinical PsychologyEthnographyRace and RacismMigration Studies
La prof.ssa Marie Rose Moro è considerata l’attuale leader dell’etnopsicanalisi e della psichiatria transculturale in Francia. Il suo lavoro mostra l’importanza di una pratica psicoanalitica che includa diverse rappresentazioni del mondo... more
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      Family studiesMigrationEthnopsychology
This essay is an evaluation of Sherry B. Ortner's paper claiming that women are universally subordinate to men. Ortner unpacks the reasoning behind womens universal secondary status, taking this status as a given with little evidence. Her... more
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      Feminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesWomen and Gender StudiesEthnopsychologyFeminist Anthropology
Ethnopsychology is a part of psychology and studies the psychological characteristics of ethnos. The purpose of writing this article is to provide information on the ethnopsychology, about its history of origin, main aspects and... more
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      PsychologyEthnographyEthnopsychology Since the publication of The Wretched of the Earth in 1961, Fanon's work has been deeply significant for successive generations of intellectuals-for anti-colonial and... more
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      Theatre StudiesPostcolonial StudiesEthnopsychiatryAlgerian war
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      Native American ReligionsMythology And FolkloreNative American StudiesFolklore
Статья посвящена кросс-культурному анализу гендерно маркированных психоэмоциональных поведенческих реакций (слезы и плач), их презентациям в разные эпохи и в разных социокультурных средах, в том числе в массмедиа и кино. The article is... more
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      Gender StudiesCross-Cultural PsychologyEthnopsychology
Lycanthropy is an unusual belief or delusion that one has been transformed into an animal, or behaviors or feelings suggestive of such a belief. We report a case of lycanthropic delusions of becoming a snake in a 47-year-old woman who... more
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      MythologyLebanonCultureTreatment Outcome
Karnan In the beginning we are greeted by black crows awaiting to peck and a girl with froth from her mouth. While the other part of the world just zooms around as nothing had happened in that place. The girl transforms into a divine... more
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      EthnohistoryEthnomusicologyEthnographyHistorical Ethnomusicology
Jacques Mabit, Les médecines initiatiques amazoniennes : Accès au Soi à travers le corps ou l’incarnation de l’Esprit, 2001
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      AnthropologyEthnobotanyPsychotherapyExistential Phenomenological Psychotherapy
В диссертации предложен новый подход к изучению функционирования антропоморфных предметов и изображений в традиционной и современной культуре, выполнена их типология и сравнительный анализ на материале разных культур и социальных сред,... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEvolution and Human Behavior
While leadership scholars increasingly acknowledge the influence of followers in the leadership process, less attention has been paid to their role in the destructive leadership process. Specifically, the current debate lacks a... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBusiness EthicsChristianityNew Religious Movements
A theory of other minds, intentionality, and affect.
(Among the Maya, inter alia.)
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      AnthropologyAnthropological LinguisticsPhilosophy of MindLanguages and Linguistics
Pussetti C. 2009. Psicologias Indígenas: da antropologia das emoções à etnopsiquiatria. In Lechner E. (eds.) Migrações, saúde e diversidade cultural, Lisbon: ICS, pp. 85-119. ISBN: 9789726712329.
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      Mental HealthEthnopsychiatryEthnopsychologyRefugee and Immigrant Mental Health; International Health, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
"Michel Weber and Will Desmond, (eds.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought X1 & X2, 2008. (695 p. + 726 p. ; ISBN 978-3-938793-92-3 ; 398 €) Gathering 115 entries written by 101... more
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В статье проведен кросскультурный анализ биосоциальных и историко-культурных оснований возникновения жеста «высовывания языка», его отражение в мифологии, фольклоре, искусстве разных народов в древности и в наши дни, исследованы его... more
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      Cross-Cultural PsychologyEthnopsychologyNon Verbal communicationsKinesics
Cultural competency is now a core requirement for mental health professionals working with culturally diverse patient groups. Cultural competency training may improve the quality of mental health care for ethnic groups. A systematic... more
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      Program EvaluationTeaching and LearningMental HealthCultural Competence
Bei der rituellen Chirurgie soll sich der Jüngling zur Frau verwandeln. Er soll menstruationsbluten wie eine Frau, sein Genital so beschneiden, dass es zum weiblichen Genital wird. Die Eliminierung seines Geschlechts ist die Voraussetzung... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityEthnopsychiatryEthnology
"Michel Weber et Pierfrancesco Basile (sous la direction de), Chromatikon II. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2006. (294 p. ; ISBN :... more
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essential text criticizing freud's concept of the oediphus-complex. you don't find this text on the web, so i made some effort to get and to present it to the public.
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      Archaeology of Ritual and MagicEthnopsychologyMatriarchy
Ce rite initiatique semble participer d’une forme autorégulatrice, par les effets cathartiques dont les retombées sur les personnes et sur le groupe d'humains s’accompagneraient de conséquences psychiques émancipatrices. Une mise à jour... more
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      Clinical PsychologySocial PsychologyEthnographyEthnopsychiatry
Некоторые особенности национального самосознания армян и его динамика в период постсоветских трансформаций С.С. Худоян Доктор психологических наук, доцент кафедры теории и истории психологии АГПУ им. Х. Абовяна В статье анализируются... more
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    • Ethnopsychology
Dans cet article, nous discutons la pertinence d’une interprétation psychosociale de la notion de « perspectivisme ». Nous nous focalisons sur l’hypothèse, formulée par Aparecida Vilaça dans le cadre d’un projet dirigé par Tanya Luhrmann,... more
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      Perspective TakingEduardo Viveiros de CastroEthnopsychologyAmerindian Perspectivism
Maria Sabina, Le Sage aux champignons sacrés. Propos recueillis en langue mazatèque par Alvaro Estrada. Traduit de l'espagnol par Michel Bibard, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1974. Alvaro Estrada, A Vida de Maria Sabina. A Sabia dos... more
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      EthnobotanyEthnographyPsychotherapyPsychotherapy and Counseling
The negative psychological impacts of working with traumatised people are well documented and include vicarious traumatisation (VT): the cumulative effect of identifying with clients' trauma stories that negatively impacts on service... more
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      HopeQualitative ResearchTranscultural PsychiatryRefugees
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      Social PsychologyCultural PsychologyRadicalizationSocial Influence
Miki Takasuna's paper on "Proliferation of Western Methodological Thought in Psychology in Japan: Ways of Objectification" offers many significant clues for reconsidering the history and unity of psychology. Its treatment of the reception... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental PsychologyCulture
The main purpose of this work is to introduce and encourage the scholars who intend to study topics from everyday life and social psychic centuries ago. Резюме Статията е част от проучване, извършено при написването на непубликувания... more
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      EthnopsychologyHistory of Mentalities
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