Human Rights Theory
Recent papers in Human Rights Theory
The forced transfer of children from one group to another is considered an element of the crime of genocide, yet this subject has attracted little scholarly attention. Using the history of the mass transfer of Armenian children during the... more
Bu kitap; duygusal ve davranışsal bozukluklara sahip öğrenciler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen sınıf öğretmenleri, özel eğitim öğretmenleri ve alanda çalışan uzmanlar için hazırlanmış giriş niteliğinde bir uygulama kitabıdır. Her bir... more
Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
Unlike their counterparts in Asia and Africa, many Latin American human rights scholars have passively accepted the supposed cultural relevance of the liberal discourse of human rights and have limited academic studiehs to the sphere of... more
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more
The fundamental question addressed is whether there is any compelling or convincing argument (s) vis-à-vis to changing our Human Rights Act 1998 and replacing it with a distinctively British Bill of Rights. The overarching theme of this... more
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
Published at Human Rights & International Legal Discourse (HR&ILD), 12 (2), 2018
SUMARIO: 1. ¿Suspensión o limitación suspensiva? a) ¿Desconstitucionalización o desfundamentalización? b) ¿Suspensión formal o suspensión material? 2. La suspensión de los derechos fundamentales como mecanismo inmunitario para la... more
Publicado en O. Pérez de la Fuente y D. Oliva Martínez (eds.), Una discusión sobre identidad, minorías y solidaridad, Dykinson, Madrid, 2010, pp. 113-132).
Fully updated, the sixth edition of International Human Rights examines the ways in which states and other international actors have addressed human rights since the end of World War II. This unique textbook features substantial... more
In 'The Contentious History of the International Bill of Human Rights', Christopher Roberts offers critical insight into the beginnings of international human rights law, with particular reference to the late 1940s and early 1950s. It was... more
P.Naskou-Perraki, The case law of the European Court of Human Rights on Child protection issues.
This thesis focuses on the post of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) and its Office (OHCHR). The purpose is to reconstruct the political process leading to the creation and institutional development of the... more
Co-edited collection by Marcia H. Rioux, Paula C. Pinto, and Gillian Parekh. Disability, Rights Monitoring, and Social Change is a timely collection that addresses the current theoretical, methodological, and practical issues... more
under the leadership of Secretary General Ban Kimoon, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared that clean drinking water and sanitation are human rights. 4 This has prompted a moral/political debate. Is this a new human right... more
Apart from joining a joyful costumes and salsa party, in the last days of the Bonn 2015 carnival I visited ›Atticus‹, the antiquarian bookshop in Reuter Street. I was going through rare books of all sorts when, just next to the odd pile... more
As many as 40,000 people may have died in Venezuela as a result of USA sanctions that made it harder for ordinary citizens to access food, medicine, and medical equipment. Turkey provides food aid to Venezuela by its development agency... more
Uzmanlar, klinisyenler ve araştırmacılar, yeme bozukluklarının duygusal düzensizliklerden kaynaklandığı vakalarda Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin etkin olacağı konusunda hemfikirdi. Alanda yapılan pek çok adaptasyon çalışması olmasına... more
Classical Confucianism as a vision for the exemplary treatment of persons---a contribution to the East-West discourse on human rights Dissertation Author: William Keli'i Akina Classical Confucianism, through its repository of... more
Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük... more
- by David Jefferess
- Human Rights, Human Rights Theory, ethnography, comparative visual media, humanitarianism, human rights, biopolitics, Marxist critique, postcolonial studies, documentary studies, critical theory and cultural studies, posthumanism, animal studies, discourses of the child, Child Rights
This text sets some landmarks for constructing an alternative history of human rights in modernity. This narrative supplements and destabilises the standard history, which usually takes into consideration events that ocurred within the... more
P.Naskou-Perraki, The implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Greece, Romania Social Work Review (2/2012) pp.39-50 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter CRC) was adopted... more
Análisis de los elementos normativos que integran los derechos humanos para intentar definir si, contrario a lo establecido normativamente, los particulares pueden violar derechos humanos.
This paper identifies and analyzes some of the basic structural flaws of utilitarian economic analysis and provides an alternative way of analyzing economic and moral problems.
Toplumsal etkileşimin olduğu her yerde, anlaşmazlıkların olması doğal ve kaçınılmazdır. Kişiler, gruplar ve toplumlar arası anlaşmazlıklar; doğru bir biçimde yönetildiğinde gelişimin, ilerlemenin, dönüşümün, barışın ve bütünleşmenin hem... more
Abstract: Th is essay examines three aspects of the beheading of king Louis XVI to show how it symbolized the transformation of the legiti- macy principle of the body politic, and the development of modern for- mal and substantive... more
A blog post for Stanford University Press about the gap between theory and practice among those who care about human rights, and how it shaped the research and conclusions of my book about the forensic investigation of mass graves,... more
Tüm yaşamımız duygu ve düşüncelerimiz tarafından yönetilmektedir. Çoğumuz ağırlıkla gerçeğin farkına varmadan yaşadığımızdan düşünce becerilerimizi geliştirmeyi önemsemeyiz. Ancak düşünme, eğitim, psikoloji ve daha birçok alandaki bilim... more
Liberal political theorists often argue that justice requires limits on policy outcomes, limits delineated by substantive rights. Distinct from this project is a body of literature dedicated to elaborating on the meaning of democracy in... more
Με την συμβολή των Ν. Ζάικος, Μ. Βάγιας, Β. Γραμματίκας, Μ. Σαρηγιαννίδης, Ι. Πέρβου
An argument is made in this article for the need to take into account in political science analyses of the Chilean contemporary art of memory that critically invokes matters, and issues connected to the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet... more
A presente pesquisa investiga se existe um dever de cooperação internacional no âmbito da fundamentação dos direitos humanos ou se a colaboração é apenas um ato de cortesia entre os Estados. Este trabalho analisa a teoria dos direitos... more
The dislocations of the worldwide economic crisis, the necessity of a system of global justice to address crimes against humanity, and the notorious “democratic deficit” of international institutions highlight the need for an innovative... more
Enclosed is a philosophically oriented impassioned plea for a revolution in the way we think about the future in light of climate change. It was composed as a university and public presentation for the Institute for Culture and... more
It is now widely understood that neoliberalism came to be entrenched in the legal systems of many states after the effective collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary order in the early 1970s. What is not widely understood, though, are the... more