Integral Theory
Recent papers in Integral Theory
In You Are the Universe, the contemplative endocrinologist Deepak Chopra and the MIT physicist Menas Kafatos offer a groundbreaking, lucid work on consciousness that is refreshingly accessible without relying upon mathematical language or... more
While the question of survival of bodily death is usually approached by focusing on the mind/body relation (and often with the idea of the soul as a special kind of substance), this paper explores the issue in the context of our... more
I am very pleased that my paper "The Blind Men and the Elephant: Towards an Organization of Epistemic Contexts" has found such a friendly response [see:], and I would like to take the opportunity to... more
Развитие — и осознанное саморазвитие — может проходить по вектору выработки у себя навыков (обычное, узкое понимание саморазвития). Но существует и более глубинное, трансформирующее развитие. Оно выражается в раскрытии более глубоких... more
Once natural dangers tied up human energies; now man-made problems – lifestyle diseases, pollution, racism, terrorism, etc. – take the lead and dictate agendas. Entrenchment in fundamental beliefs increases; economism rules, yet... more
Collective evolution is the nature of the universe. From the Big Bang to Purple Rain, all of existence has emerged in an unceasing, cosmically inspired dance. Strange attractors exert an inexorable pull, as the gravity of destiny shapes... more
A Best Academic Paper at the Integral European Conference, this paper presents an integrally‐informed, Wilber‐influenced approach to expanding the study of occupant behaviour beyond building science. Poorly understood occupants are a main... more
The couples relationship can be volatile and chaotic when it fails to regulate regression unique to the intimate dyad. One of the issues that distinguish the intimate relationship from all others is the influx of regression that... more
Aftab Omer, Ph.D. is a sociologist, psychologist, futurist and the president of Meridian University. Raised in Pakistan, India, Hawaii, and Turkey, he was educated at the universities of M.I.T, Harvard and Brandeis. His publications have... more
Or, taking the Red Pill and waking up to the coming of Winter: Reflections on meta-perspectival storytelling, The Matrix, Game of Thrones and our current global situation.
(2012). Poster presented at the Planet Under Pressure Conference, London, United Kingdom.
This book explores the impact on business leadership by the changes in the new world of work and the implications of the new sciences on the way in which social systems adapt and the rising levels of awareness. Adaptive intelligence in... more
""The Integral Cinema Studio series is a pioneering exploration of film and cinema through an integral lens, in which Mark Allan Kaplan shows how all the various elements of Integral theory have been expressed on the big screen through... more
«Эмбодимент» — это транслитерация англоязычного зонтичного термина embodiment, рассматривающего различные способы пребывания в теле и телесно ориентированные практики. По сути своей это общий стиль внимательного отношения к нашей... more
Creative Inquiry frames learning and education as a larger manifestation of the creative impulse rather than as the fundamentally instrumental acquisition, retention, and reproduction of information, or Reproductive Learning. Montuori, A.... more
Since the 1960s, there has been an increased interest in relationships between psychology, spirituality, and social action. The emergence of transpersonal psychology as an acknowledged field of study points to the interest in exploring... more
This paper explores various integrative frameworks that are contributing to anemerging transdisciplinary meta-perspective on sustainable development. It proposes a holistic/integral strategy based on scale-linking design for human and... more
Схема содержит набросок того, что такое счастье и какие существуют условия для счастья в 4-х квадрантах интегрального метаподхода AQAL Кена Уилбера. | This mindmap contains a first tentative draft of what happiness means from the... more
EXPLORING NEW TERRAINS:The Next Design School. Keynote lecture presented at the 2016 Architectural Education Forum, School of Architecture and Planning (SoAP) of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg, South Africa. Four... more
CJOM, VOLUME 18 NO. 1 • SPRING/SUMMER 2007 The following article is abstracted from Lonny’s new book in progress The Absolute Practice of Medicine. The only true medicine is consciousness awakening to its self. What a surprise when we... more
"The Ark of Consciousness" introduces a model for transformative spatial design using the example of the development of a transformative community and university with outreach, agency and enactment capacities. This model for spatial... more
The following is a summary of two works about to be published-volume 2 of the Kosmos Trilogy and The Many Faces of Terrorism-as they relate directly to the role of spirituality in the modern and postmodern world.
Essay from book catalog of 2015 international art echibition. While it was Jean Gebser, in his magisterial mid twentieth-century study The Ever-Present Origin, who perhaps first used the term integral in a systematic manner to... more
A collection of interfaith prayers and poems for personal and communal interfaith and integral spirituality practice.
The primary investigation of this paper is: How does one design to place people into rich and significant relationships with Nature? Architecture is a powerful mediator of the relationship between humans and Nature that we inhabit all the... more
The Culture of Victimhood The Hagar Complex In rejecting Hagar’s tears, biblical consciousness speaks with great power to the epidemic of victimhood that threatens to cripple much of what is great and good in Western society. Hagar is... more
Studies about aesthetic development reviewed with the metatheoretically view of Ken Wilber's integral approach.
This white paper is a preliminary mapping of how stages of human development and the structures of consciousness that make up each stage are embedded in moving image-based artifacts such as movies, television, online and mobile video,... more
This paper looks at the ongoing debate between perennialism and pluralism in religious studies and considers the category of the integral, as described by Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) in the context of this debate. After exploring the case... more
This paper introduces PatternDynamics (PD)-an Integral Sustainability pattern language. PD is a tool for enactingcultures of sustainability through communicating "Nature's" design principles. We now have an abundance of sustainability... more
A MYSTICAL PASSOVER: A TRANSFORMATIONAL PASSOVER HAGGADAH offers a powerful trans-denominational psycho-spiritual approach to the Passover experience that includes individual and group psycho-spiritual exercises to help transform the... more
This essay explores some of the issues around the notion of “teal” and “turquoise” organizations from the perspective of Ken Wilber’s AQAL Integral Theory as these ideas are applied to a Russian context.
This paper considers current concerns about resource depletion (" energy descent ") and the unsustainability of current economic structures, which may indicate we are entering a new era signaled by the end of growth. Using the systems... more
A short script read at the fourth international symposium on critical realism and integral theory in dialog. To wit, at some point the question whether or not Integral Theory (IT) commits the epistemic fallacy becomes tired on the one... more
This paper composes a formal constellation of distinct, but overlapping, philosophical, methodological, and theoretical commitments enactive within the integrative world-space. This approach is proposed as a basis for exploring a... more
“The Archetypal Lens” is a presentation exploring the preliminary application of an Integral approach to archetypes and archetypes in the cinematic arts. Presented at MetaIntegral Academy for the Advanced Meta‐Movieology Course on April... more
This article considers Freud's writings about the anal character type and its relevance to the metal element and its correspondences. The metal element is further examined in relationship to materialism, capitalism, Martin Luther's... more
"Student Learning Outcomes Students will be able to— • Discuss the relevance of Joseph Campbell’s monomyth, otherwise known as “The Hero's Journey,” to female protagonists • Summarize the similarities and differences between Campbell’s... more
This article considers the intersection of Chinese medicine, Freudian analysis, and integral thought respectively corresponding to pre-modern, modern, and post-modern ways of knowing. Both Chinese medicine and psychoanalysis are inductive... more
AQAL [pronunciation: ah-qwal] is a term coined by Ken Wilber and it stands for "all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, all types." It is a basis of Wilber's current version of Integral Metatheory and Practice. Wilber's work has... more
Tutkielmassa käyn läpi James W. Fowlerin uskonkehitysteoriaa, sekä sen yhtäläisyyksiä eri filosofian suuntauksiin.
Can academia be a place where engage our creativity and experience the joy of inquiry? I reflect on my educational experiences as a starting point for an exploration of the way that education can be a joyful process if framed as an... more