Law of Contract
Recent papers in Law of Contract
¿El fracaso del derecho de contratos? ¿El fracaso del derecho de contratos? Pandemia y sus nuevos desafíos en el mundo * The failure of contract law? The failure of contract law? Pandemic and its new challenges in the world Sergio García... more
Under Venezuelan law, as in other jurisdictions, an arbitration agreement imposes to parties the obligation to refer present or future disputes to arbitration. Since an arbitration agreement is a legally binding agreement, the study of... more
nous associons qu'avec nos égaux » 1. L'affirmation semble aujourd'hui quelque peu surannée. En effet, à l'heure où l'inégalité économique est consubstantielle au marché 2 , il n'est pas rare de voir le pot de fer s'associer avec le pot... more
Against the backdrop of the predominant legal positivism, this book strives to depict private law as a complex social phenomenon interacting with human culture as a whole and its history. The author sketches the national jurisdictions... more
A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law... more
(with Cătălin-Gabriel Stănescu, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz,
Felipe Rodrigues Caldas Feres, Waniss Almashri Otman)
Felipe Rodrigues Caldas Feres, Waniss Almashri Otman)
La voluntad, para bien o para mal, fue erigida durante buena parte de los siglos XVIII y XIX como el sustento de la juridicidad de los negocios jurídicos e incluso se utilizó como noción básica para trazar las diferencias con los actos... more
From the above mentioned admitted facts, it is evident that the petitioner needs sufficient amount of money for the treatment of breast cancer. Hence, it cannot be ruled out that in order to save her life by getting money, she agreed for... more
El presente trabajo tiene por propósito abordar lo que algunas sentencias de nuestros tribunales han denominado publicidad errónea con el objetivo de dilucidar si, efectivamente, nos encontramos ante una nueva categoría publicitaria o,... more
Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from... more
The strict liability principle has been applied in doping disciplinary rules for decades. This principle is specifically applied where an athlete’s blood or urine sample has returned a positive test result for the presence of substances... more
On March 13, 2013 the comission of the European Union has issued its draft for a revision of the air passengers rights regulation (EC) 261/2004. This draft formally adopts a number of clarifications and adjustments which had been... more
This paper assesses the issue of alea in the Italian juridical system through the lens of case law on derivative contracts. After having shed light on the role of derivatives in the current economic system and on the fundamental legal... more
نقش متعهدله در پیشبرد قراردادها اغلب نادیده انگاشته میشود و تقریرات حقوقی غالبا در مقام تبیین نقش متعهد و وظایف او در اجرای قرارداد بودهاند. این درحالی است که متعهدله نیز برای تسهیل اجرای تعهدات قراردادی وظایفی برعهده دارد که شایسته... more
The book is a complete treatise on single contracts
Il lavoro ripercorre l'attuale quadro giuridico dell'acquisto di un edificio in costruzione, concentrandosi sulle protezioni a favore dell'acquirente in relazione ai rischi in particolare, il fallimento del costruttore che possono... more
Formation of contract is one of the crucial topics that have been governed uniformly by United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and even a compromise area between Common Law and Continental European Law... more
The judgment of November 11, 2020 interprets both the exclusive ground of jurisdiction in proceedings which have as their object rights in rem in immovable property and the ground of jurisdiction in matter relating to a contract of art.... more
This paper argues that, contrary to recent scholarly accounts, at common law there is no ‘right to performance’ and that, at most, there is a ‘right to damages substituting for performance’, or a defeasible right to performance where... more
El objetivo que se persigue en las contribuciones aquí reunidas es, en efecto, iluminar y subrayar, por medio de un recorrido ideal unitario, la utilidad sistemática e interpretativa del concepto de “operación económica”, no solamente por... more
Till 1903 the agreement with a minor is voidable, In case of Mohri Bibi vs Dhurniodas Ghose it was held that minor agreement is void ab initio.Child may show poor judgment in making a particular contract and it is a protection against his... more
dottrina e giurisprudenza commentata Rivista NORME PER LA VALUTAZIONE E LA PUBBLICAZIONE La Rivista di Diritto Bancario seleziona i contributi oggetto di pubblicazione sulla base delle norme seguenti. I contributi proposti alla Rivista... more
The legal treatment of agreements to negotiate is of great importance in a modern commercial context, and strikes to the heart of two fundamental values in the law of contract: the freedom to contract, and the freedom from contract. Very... more
In dit artikel wordt verduidelijkt hoe de zorgplicht van de hypotheekadviseur in de praktijk wordt toegepast. Daarvoor wordt eerst de ontwikkeling van zorgplichten in het fnanciële consumentenrecht uiteengezet. Die ontwikkeling heeft... more
The right selection of implementation system for projects in the construction industry is critical to achieve success. Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), is a comprehensive implementation system which has in recent years been seen to play... more
Paraguay ratified in 2005 the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Convention on the International Sales of Goods (CISG). For this reason, and others advanced on the paper, the country can proudly enjoin others... more
El derecho a reparar se trata de una cuestión distinta a la “reparación e indemnización” del artículo 3 letra e) de la Ley 19.496, y de la reparación derivada de la garantía legal. La cuestión que se propone es un derecho distinto, y que... more
This paper draws on the author’s research as a member of JSW Law’s Legal Needs Assessment, supplemented by an analysis of 43 ‘elder interviews’ that students in the JSW Law classes of 2022 and 2023 completed as part of their first-year... more
UTET GIURIDICA 1 è un marchio registrato e concesso in licenza da De Agostini Editore S.p.A. a Wolters Kluwer Italia S.r.L. I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale, con... more
Illegality, Voidness and Voidability in relation to contract are terms which speak on the extent to which contracts are enforceable at law. For purpose of clarification however, this paper stands to look at the reins of these terms and... more
In this article, the author reveals the features and consequences of the impact of the pandemic on foreign economic and foreign trade relations, as well as on foreign economic transactions. In turn, the basis for exemption from liability... more
Los derechos de adquisición constituye una de las materias en las que la práctica jurídica va por delante de la ley. La frecuencia con la que se convienen los denominados precontratos, o en que se concede un derecho de opción, contrasta... more
El fenómeno de la modernización del Derecho de contratos en el que estamos inmersos se produce en diferentes ámbitos, entre los que destaca la cuestión del contenido del contrato o, si se prefiere, de la vinculación contractual. El libro... more
Notas dispersas sobre la buena fe en el Derecho venezolano, casos paradigmáticos y "nuevas" dimensiones Jorge I. González Carvajal Sumario. Introducción. 1. La buena en el Derecho. 1.1. La buena como principio general de(l) Derecho... more
Η έννοια του καταναλωτή μετά τον ν. 4512/2018 Ανάτυπο από το περιοδικό Χρονικά Ιδιωτικού Δικαίου Τόμος IH΄ (2018), τεύχος 10ο, σ. 721-729 ΙH/2018 721 ΑΡΘΡΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ Η έννοια του καταναλωτή μετά τον ν. 4512/2018* ΖΑΦΕΙΡΙΟΥ Ν. ΤΣΟΛΑΚΙΔΗ... more
La complessa disciplina del mercato wholesale e del mercato retail dei servizi telefonici, come risultante anche dalle più recenti direttive europee (da ultima la direttiva UE dell'11 dicembre 2018 n. 1972 istitutiva del c.d. codice... more
La primera entrega de las lecciones sobre Contrato en general que publicaremos en nuestra columna en Ius360.