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A note on the decision of the House of Lords in Jolley v Sutton London Borough Council [2000] 1 WLR 1082.

Keywords: negligence, remoteness of damage, risk principle.
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      Law of ObligationsPrivate lawTortsTort Law
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      Medical LawChild LawBeginning Of Life (Medical Law)Wrongful Life
Il commento muove dalla decisione del Collegio di Coordinamento A.B.F. sulla sorte di un contratto di fideiussione omnibus che contempla le clausole dello schema contrattuale uniforme predisposto dall’A.B.I., qualificate come... more
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      Civil LawAntitrust (Law)European UnionPrivate law
Effettività della tutela e ruolo del giudice SOMMARIO: 1. La tutela interna dello straniero. -2. Il dovere per lo Stato territoriale di riconoscere allo straniero un rimedio effettivo. -3. Applicazioni: l'effettività del rimedio come... more
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      European LawContract LawHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
Pandemia, caso fortuito e imprevisão The Covid-19 pandemic, acts of God and hardship (under a Brazilian Private Law perspective
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      ContractsFamily LawLegal HistoryLegal Theory
Although damage is an essential component of negligence liability, important extensions of the categories of actionable damage occur with little or no analysis or even acknowledgement of the fact. In this article, consideration is given... more
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      Law of ObligationsPrivate lawTortsTort Law
The development of Italian civil liability rules since the 1865 Civil Code to the present day is clearly marked by the influence of foreign models. This article tries to detect these foreign influences, starting from those of the French... more
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      History of Italian LawItalian LawLaw of TortsCivil liability
The contention regarding insolvency and tangibles has kindled a fire in many a trust lawyer’s hearts due to the legal uncertainty it has promoted within certainty of subject matter. It will be analysed alongside two criteria – in this... more
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      International LawInsolvency LawTortsCourt Interpreting
El análisis económico del Derecho (AED) estudia los fenómenos jurídicos sirviéndose de las teorías y las herramientas metodológicas proporcionadas por la economía. El AED puede cumplir una función normativa (señalar qué decisiones... more
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      Law and EconomicsTort LawLaw of TortsDERECHO CIVIL
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    • Law of Torts
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      International LawLaw of Torts
LE FONTI DEL DIRITTO ITALIANO I testi fondamentali commentati con la dottrina e annotati con la giurisprudenza CODICE DELLA RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE a cura di Emanuela Navarretta 2021
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      Civil LawCivil LitigationPrivate lawTort Law
LE FONTI DEL DIRITTO ITALIANO I testi fondamentali commentati con la dottrina e annotati con la giurisprudenza CODICE DELLA RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE a cura di Emanuela Navarretta 2021.
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      Civil LawPrivate lawTort LawLaw of Torts
This article identifies the chief impediment to a tortious response to mischief of the kind seen in _Bhasin v. Hrynew_, and goes on to explain the nature of the impediment before then considering how the problem may be ultimately... more
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      Contract LawPolitical ScienceDamages lawLaw of Torts
O presente texto examina decisao proferida pelo STJ no REsp 1.581.505-SC, de relatoria do Ministro Antonio Carlos Ferreira, que negou a aplicacao da Doutrina do Adimplemento Substancial em caso de inadimplemento incontroverso de mais de... more
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      ContractsLaw of ObligationsDireitoDireito Constitucional
This table is part of the chapter in Landmark Cases, separately uploaded.
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      Medical LawMedical EthicsNegligence (Medical Law)Medical Negligence
Les systèmes d’intelligence artificielle sont susceptibles de générer d’importants dommages matériels et immatériels, résultant notamment de décisions individuelles automatisées. Selon leur degré d’autonomie et l’intensité du risque... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLaw of Torts
The author develop and briefly distinguish the principles of prevention and precaution, in particular reference to the current Argentine Civil Liability Law, verifying the possibility of application of both principles in the new Argentine... more
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      TortsPrecautionary PrincipleLaw of TortsDireito Civil
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesTalmudRabbinics
Sumario: I. Breve aproXimación del tema; II. Marco normativo. l. El convenio bilateral argentino-uruguayo sobre accidentes de tránsito de 1991. 2. Los Tratados de Montevideo de Derecho Civil de 1889 V 1940. 3. Las normas de dimensión... more
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      Private International LawMercosur/MercosulLaw of TortsDerecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado
This paper analyzes which liability may arise from the publication of a retweet, if at all. (...) Сборникът съдържа статии от международна научна конференция в памет на доц. д-р Кристиан Таков (1965–2017), организирана от катедра... more
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      TwitterTortsDefamation LawTort Law
The present work refers to homogeneous judicial practice from 2010 to August 2017 regarding “medical tort,” under Article 1007 of the Civil Code of Georgia (hereinafter–CCG). Since the problem is related to the general grounds of tort... more
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      Medical LawNegligence (Medical Law)Tort LawLaw of Torts
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      Administrative Law and Bureaucratic LegalismTort LawAdministrative LawLaw of Torts
Companies form a very significant pillar for our country's growth and development. However, companies are not a physical or natural entity but a legal entity run by natural persons. In such cases, there are certain duties, liabilities and... more
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      JurisprudenceCorporate LawTortsCompany Law
Mi objetivo en este trabajo es defender la idea según la cual el principio de justicia correctiva contiene una dimensión restaurativa que permite acomodar la existencia de remedios no-compensatorios en la práctica de la responsabilidad... more
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      Philosophy of Private LawPrivate lawLaw of TortsPhilosophy of Tort Law
Você está recebendo, GRATUITAMENTE, um fragmento da obra da Editora Foco, para dar início aos seus estudos.
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      Private lawLaw of TortsResponsabilidade CivilCivil liability
The advent of transportation network companies (TNC) — such as Uber and Lyft — has presented the TNCs with tremendous legal issues. These companies face civil actions in numerous jurisdictions across the nation. Most significant are the... more
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      ContractsEmployment LawContract LawSocial Justice
Nhận thấy có nhiều anh chị thắc mắc về giải pháp cải thiện độ sáng cho đèn pha xe Toyota Innova quá nên em viết bài này mong đem đến cho những cụ cái nhìn tổng quan về phương pháp nâng cấp độ sáng cho đèn pha led ô tô, xe hơi. Nội dung... more
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    • Law of Torts
The EU Product Liability Directive (Directive 85/374/EEC-PLD) provides for strict liability of producers for defective products. This paper examines its applicability de lege lata and de lege ferenda to software updates of automated... more
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      EU LawConsumer Protection (Law)Artificial Intelligence and LawProduct liability
The UPSA African International & Comparative Law Journal is calling for articles for the maiden issue of its peer-reviewed journal to be published in 2021. Papers for publication on any issue of law, must meet the formatting guidelines in... more
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      JurisprudenceLaw of TortsConstituionalism and Constitutional LawInternational Law and Comparative Law
Sin duda, la Responsabilidad Civil al día de hoy sigue siendo la <<niña bonita>> del Derecho Civil en Chile. Hemos querido crear un pequeño aporte a la cuestión, pero desde una perspectiva nueva: La del Common Law. En efecto, ante la... more
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      Comparative LawLaw of Torts
Discute a aplicação dos direitos da personalidade às pessoas jurídicas, quais direitos seriam aplicáveis e a hipótese de responsabilidade civil no caso de ofensa a esses direitos da personalidade.
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      TortsTort LawLaw of TortsDireito Civil
The United States Supreme Court has heard oral arguments in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, No. 19-1392 (cert. granted May 17, 2021). During said arguments, by many accounts, the majority of the justices seemed to... more
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      HistoryConstitutional LawProperty LawFederalism
Las plataformas de economía colaborativa actúan en general poniendo en contacto a usuarios para que intercambien servicios u otras prestaciones entre ellos. En el caso de Uber, por ejemplo, el usuario que quiere un servicio de transporte... more
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      Law of TortsResponsabilidad Civil ExtracontractualResponsabilidad CivilCollaborative Economy
El progresivo endurecimiento del sistema de responsabilidad de los administradores societarios hace del contrato de seguro un mecanismo cada vez más atractivo a fin de aminorar los importantes riesgos patrimoniales que acechan a los... more
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      Criminal LawInsurance LawCorporate GovernanceCommercial Law
Fruto das pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo autor durante o curso de mestrado em Direito Civil junto à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo no Largo de São Francisco, sob a orientação do Professor Doutor Marco Fábio Morsello, a... more
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      Private lawLaw of TortsResponsabilidade CivilCivil liability
On a l'habitude d'aller directement aux solutions indiquées par nos anciens juristes. On a moins celle d'interroger leur manière de les présenter, c'est-à-dire de parler du droit, notamment du droit de la responsabilité. Tel sera l'objet... more
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      Legal HistoryLegal TheoryLaw of Torts
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      Civil LawMedical LawCausationTort Law
Eind januari vierde privaatrechtelijk Nederland drie verjaardagen: op 25 januari was het negentig jaar geleden dat de Hoge Raad het arrest Bos/Heineken (ook bekend als Brouwerij I) wees, op 30 januari vierde Quint/Te Poel zijn zestigste... more
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      Legal HistoryLaw of TortsDutch Civil LawDutch law
Presentation of the Spanish reform of the Civil and Criminal Codes on the civil liability of people with mental disabilities.
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      Disability StudiesLaw of Torts
Dados bibliográficos: MORAIS, Ezequiel. A boa-fé objetiva pré-contratual-Deveres anexos de conduta. São Paulo: Ed. RT, 2019. Sumário: I. Visão geral da obra. II. Crítica. 1. Dirigismo contratual. 2. Justiça contratual. 3. Princípios. 4.... more
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      ContractsFamily LawLegal HistoryLegal Theory
In this article we report the results of an empirical study of 368 first instance decisions on the contributory negligence doctrine handed down in England and Wales between 2000 and 2014. The two central questions at which we looked were:... more
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      Law of ObligationsEmpirical Legal ResearchPrivate lawTorts
Ante las dificultades probatorias del nexo causal en supuestos de responsabilidad civil o patrimonial el Derecho obliga a que el peso de la incertidumbre recaiga en su conjunto sobre uno solo de los sujetos implicados: sobre el agente... more
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      CausationEvidenceProof and ReasoningLaw of Torts
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IL TRIBUNALE DI VASTO IL TRIBUNALE DI VASTO in composizione monocratica, nella persona del dott. Fabrizio... more
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      Law of TortsResponsabilità CivileRisarcimento Del DannoResponsabilità Da Cose In Custodia
The tort of misfeasance in public office was designed to target "the deliberate and dishonest abuse of power". Public officers are not liable merely because a bona fide administrative act is later found to be unlawful. However, there is a... more
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      Constitutional LawLaw of Torts
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      TortsTort LawLaw of TortsVicarious Liability
The article describes the problem of tortious liability for failure to render assistance. There are no legal systems that establish a duty to render assistance in the provisions of civil law. This stems from the fact that in most of them,... more
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      Criminal LawComparative Private LawLaw of ObligationsPrivate law
Udžbenik je nastavak udžbenika Europsko privatno pravo – opći dio. Jedinstven je i prvi udžbenik o europskome privatnom pravu u našoj zemlji i regiji koji na sustavan i cjelovit način objašnjava pojam i način djelovanja europskoga... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawConsumer BehaviorCompetition
This paper analyses whether and under which conditions the State ought to compensate for the losses caused when managing the COVID-19 crisis. It focuses, firstly, on instances where public authorities have accidentally caused the damage... more
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      Comparative LawLaw and EconomicsComparative administrative lawTort Law
Hong Kong courts currently use the double actionability rule to determine whether a party has an international tort claim-the double actionability rule is lagging behind many common law jurisdictions. The purpose of this article is to... more
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      Private International LawConflicts of LawTortsConflict of Laws
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