TEMPLA is a permanent workshop of Medieval Studies composed of specialists from universities, museums and archives from different parts of Spain, Europe and in particular Catalonia. The members of this team share common interests as well...
moreTEMPLA is a permanent workshop of Medieval Studies composed of specialists from universities, museums and archives from different parts of Spain, Europe and in particular Catalonia. The members of this team share common interests as well as complementary areas of expertise. The impact of its research and interactions with experts from other disciplines are reflected in its specific research projects and academic activities, which in turn are disseminated in annually organised scientific meetings and resulting publications. TEMPLA members actively seek to collaborate with different research groups and scientific institutions. They aim to facilitate exchanges among researchers and to stimulate scientific debates relating to visual programs and spatial organization from the Middle Ages. Particular attention is devoted to the liturgical influences and architectural scenery and to reflection on the social and academic status of research into Middle Ages art and culture.
TOPICS AND AIMS: TEMPLA invites national and international researchers into medieval art history and related disciplines to debate the concept and expression of "Cathedral Cities", which have boosted in European episcopal sees during the medieval period. The studies of Cathedral City Landscapes could reveal the historical and living memory they contain. This call aims to understand how the fragile historical centers of cathedral cities have become the bearers of European's identity, memory and their complex and plural intangible heritage. The medieval cathedral is widely seen as one of the most important contributions to European and global cultural history. Besides they often are the largest and oldest of all monuments in a city or town, cathedrals and their functioning influenced the way the city evolved. They are therefore essential to our understanding of local and regional history. Alongside their urban influence cathedrals are places for people-social congregation for secular and religious occurrence, where the memories of people and events were made and are now stored, where history and "invented traditions" intertwine. The progress about knowledge of this European heritage is a necessary measure to protect its visibility and understanding as well as to justify the survival and sustainability of their uses. This living heritage, condenser and referential framework of social and cultural pan-European principles, is at risk of depletion and irrelevance. Therefore the results of the II TSS will be transferred to the academic community, but also to policy makers and citizens in general.
SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE II TEMPLA SUMMER SCHOOL 2016: 1. To analyse the confluence of diverse resources and actors (institutional, economic, topographic, architectural...) activated to planning and building the place of cathedrals inside medieval cities and development of medieval cities around their cathedrals. 2. To propose new forms of contextualising historical building of European bishoprics in order to explain the results of artistic promotion underlining extra-artistic factors: e.g. liturgical, devotional,