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[1. Verb forming suffixes, 2. Prefixes, 3. Parasynthetic verbs, 4. Suffixoids, 5. Prefixoids, 6. Complementaty distribution and competition] Η μελέτη αυτή έχει ως στόχο την περιγραφή και ανάλυση των μορφολογικών μέσων που... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGrammaticalizationModern Greek LanguageLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.
The paper outlines an approach to the representation of lexical prefixes with a view to what is known as their argument-structure changing properties. The prefixes are treated as abstract frame-evoking predicates that interact with and... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceFrame SemanticsVerbal Prefixes
This paper discusses the possible contributions of construction grammar to second language instruc- tion and L2 curriculum design. Based on theories of construction grammar the paper examines the possibilities of their integration in L2... more
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      Construction GrammarTeaching Hungarian as a Foreign LanguageVerbal Prefixes
В статье обсуждается выбор основы СВ и НСВ при присоединении приставки. Например, почему мы говорим "задвинуть" (с основой СВ "двинуть"), но "затолкать" (с основой НСВ "толкать")? Почему мы не можем сказать "Он запрыгал в дом" в значении... more
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsAspectPrefixesVerbal Prefixes
A one-page summary of my PhD thesis (Preverb constructions in Hungarian).
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      Languages and LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsHungarian languageVerbal Prefixes
The Polish and French word-formation systems, as described from a synchronic point of view, were unsatisfactory. Suffixation, composition and prefixation were stressed as crucial techniques in both languages, as the morphological... more
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      Morphology (Languages And Linguistics)VerbsDerivational MorphologyVerbal Prefixes
A corpus-based study of the prefix ge- in Old and Middle English, with an interpretation of ge- as a linguistic meme, a "linguistic replicator". Includes a comprehensive account of the English and German literature (with some Russian and... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsMiddle EnglishAnglo-Saxon Studies
En català, una de les possibilitats de formar verbs causatius és per mitjà de la derivació, ja sigui per sufixació (amb els sufixos -ejar, -ificar o -itzar), per conversió, o fins i tot a través de la prefixació. Un cas especial dins dels... more
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      Catalan StudiesCatalan LanguageMorphologyFilologia Catalana
This dissertation is a contrastive study of verb morphology, semantics, valency, and phrasal patterns in modern German and Finnish, focusing on prefix and par-ticle verbs. The aims of this thesis are to define the phenomena prefix and... more
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      Argument StructureValencyWord formationVerb-Particle Constructions
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Germanic linguisticsEnglishPhrasal Verbs
Eine theoretische Zusammenfassung von morphosyntaktischen und semantischen Funktionen des Präfixes be- auf Grund der ausgewählten Kapitel aus Wortbildung der deutschen Sprache von Fleischer/Barz/Schröder 2012.
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      Languages and LinguisticsGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheDeutsche Sprache
Монография является первым обобщающим типологическим исследованием префиксальной перфективации — феномена, до сих пор получившего подробное освещение лишь в славянских языках. В книге на синхронном уровне рассматривается материал... more
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      Yiddish LanguageHistorical LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesMorphology
The subject of this work is word-formation elements which are essentially prefixes, but which are not recognized as such in the structure of the word. They can be isolated only by word-formation-etymological analysis. The literature... more
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      EtymologyVerbsSlavic EtymologyVerbal Prefixes
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      Spanish StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologySpanish
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      SemanticsYiddishVerbal Prefixes
The senses of the morpheme for in English -a cognitive account.
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      Cognitive LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Morphology and SyntaxPrepositions
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      SemanticsYiddishVerbal Prefixes
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      SemanticsYiddishVerbal Prefixes
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSyntax
A thorough description of the behaviour, functions, semantic content and the part of speech relatedness or identification of morphemes called verbal prefixes (or 'igekötők' in Hungarian) poses many problems for the analyst and that not... more
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      LinguisticsHungarian languageHungarian linguisticsNyelvészet
In this thesis we try to work out the crucial theoretical problem of the relation between Inflection and Derivation. In particular, we examine Greenberg’s Universal 28 which states that inflectional elements will be peripheral with... more
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      Derivational MorphologyVerbal PrefixesVerbal Inflectional Morphology
La prefissazione nei verbi ne modifica profondamente il significato e ciò influenza sia la struttura argomentale sia il tipo semantico degli argomenti richiesti dai verbi semplici. Nel presente studio si propone un'analisi che procede in... more
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      SemanticsLexical SemanticsArgument StructurePrefixation
A disszertációm célja a magyar nyelv igekötős szerkezeteinek minél teljesebb leírása adatközpontú szemlélettel. Három fő témája (1) az igekötők állomá­nyának meghatározása, (2) az igekötős szerkezetek szórendi mintázatainak leírása,... more
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      Computational LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsHungarian languageVerbal Prefixes
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      Computational LinguisticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceSyntax and semanticsVerbal Prefixes
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceEvent StructureVerbal Prefixes
De regulă, în limba rusă prefixul conferă verbului la care a fost ataşat valori semantice suplimentare, pe care limba română le exprimă, de obicei, prin mijloace lexicale (adverbe, locuţiuni adverbiale, verbe semiauxiliare aspectuale,... more
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      Romanian LanguageRussian LanguageAktionsartLimba Romana
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      Historical LinguisticsDiachronic SyntaxDitransitivesResultative Construction
Кожанов Кирилл Александрович -аспирант Института славяноведения РАН. © 2013 г. К.А. КОЖАНОВ ИСТОРИЯ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ГЛАГОЛЬНЫХ ПРЕФИКСОВ В ЛИТОВСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. I В обзоре рассматриваются научные работы, опубликованные в течение последних двух... more
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      History of LinguisticsLithuanian languageVerbal Prefixes
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      AnthropologyFolkloreLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
Обзор продолжает анализ исследований, посвященных глагольным приставкам в литовском языке. Рассматриваются работы о диалектных особенностях литовских приставок, о влиянии на литовские приставки других языков, а также работы, касающиеся... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguage contactLithuanian languageVerbal Prefixes
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      SemanticsCognitive LinguisticsLinguisticsPrepositions
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      SemanticsModalityMorphologyTense and Aspect Systems
This paper provides a novel syntactic analysis of the Dutch prefix be-. This prefix can derive new verbs by attaching to verbs (be-vindV-en ‘to be located’), nouns (be-dijkN-en ‘to dam up’) or adjectives (be-grootA-en ‘to economize’). It... more
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      SyntaxPredicationGenerative linguisticsMorpho-Syntax
Das Verbalpräfix po-expandiert in verschiedenen slavischen Sprachen zunehmend und festigt seine dominierende Rolle als aspektuelles Perfektivierungspräfix. Wie DICKEY / HUTCHESON (i.Dr.) darlegen, ist hiervon insbesondere auch das... more
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      Verbal Aspect TheoryPolish LanguageVerbal Prefixes
Slavic verbal prefixes form two classes, lexical prefixes, which are base-generated below the verb and superlexical prefixes, which are base-generated in the verb's functional projection (e.g. Svenonius 2004). On any principled syntactic... more
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      Slavic LanguagesMorphologyDistributed MorphologyVerbal Morphology
Les messagers bibliques sont investis de missions qui mettent en rapport deux mondes différents, l'un, le monde divin ; l'autre, le monde terrestre, celui des hommes. La finalité de leur mission touche à l'extrême : il faut d'une part... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPredicationGothic LanguageVerbal Aspect Theory
We provide a constructional account of unselected objects in Polish with special focus on valence augmentation and valence creation processes (Michaelis and Ruppenhofer 2001a, 2001b) involved in prze-prefixed predications. Unselected... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsConstruction GrammarPolish LanguageVerbal Prefixes
This paper describes the possible changes affecting a verb's argument structure when a prefix is added. The analyzed data show that most often attachment of a prefix adds a new slot to a verb's valency, namely a peripheral adjunct becomes... more
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      MorphologyBaltic languagesArgument StructureArgument alternations
The theory of situation-type aspect based on scales (e.g. Tenny 1994; Jackendoff 1996; Rappaport Hovav 2008; Rappaport Hovav and Levin 2010) is applied in the present study to aspectual English verb particles and Slovak verbal prefixes. I... more
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      Slavic LanguagesPhrasal VerbsTense and Aspect SystemsSlavic Linguistics
"Tanárnő, kérem, mit jelent pontosan az, hogy megjön? És az, hogy eljön? Melyiket mikor használjuk? Mi a különbség közöttük?" A nyelvtanulók a tanulási folyamat során rendre szembesítenek bennünket olyan kérdésekkel, amelyekre nehéz... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsSecond Language Teacher Education
OSLa, volume 5(1), 2013 (113 pages) comprises four refereed and revised papers presented in the thematic session Space in South Slavic at the 2012 Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Zagreb. The thematic session and this special... more
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      Slavic LanguagesLanguage, Space and PlaceCognitive LinguisticsPrepositions
This paper examines the meaning of the Croatian verbal prefix na– ’onto’ in a cognitive linguistic framework. Based on the analysis of a comprehensive inventory of contemporary verbs and corpora examples, the analysis identifies a few... more
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      SemanticsSlavic LanguagesMetaphorCognitive Linguistics
Abstract Over the last few years, researchers have discussed the prime importance of semantic factors when it comes to defining the possibilities of combination and selection between derivational bases and affixes with respect to... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologySpanish
U radu se raspravlja o glagolima kretanja prefigiranim prefiksom po-. Slijedeći kognitivnolingvističke teorijske postavke te uzimajući u obzir rezultate pretraživanja korpusa, pokušava se dokazati da su svi glagoli kretanja prefigirani... more
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      CroatianCognitive LinguisticsSpatial LanguagePrefixation
This paper aims to analyze the interaction between prefixes, verbs, and abstract argument structure constructions, using as a testing ground the locative alternation. It has been assumed that in order to participate in the locative... more
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      Construction GrammarVerbal Prefixes
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      LatinRomance LinguisticsArgument StructureMorphology and Syntax
Reservados todos los derechos de edición. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier método o procedimiento.
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      PolysemyMotion EventsVerbal PrefixesLexical Conceptual Structure
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama priešdėlio da- semantika lietuvių kalboje. Nors vengiamas bendrinėje kalboje, šis priešdėlis plačiai vartojamas sakytinėje kalboje bei tarmėse. Analizė atliekama remiantis Lietuvių kalbos... more
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      Baltic languagesLanguage contactLithuanian languageBalto-Slavic Linguistics
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      ClassicsGreek LanguageCognitive LinguisticsGreek Linguistics
This study will examine the prefixed derivates from the verb of motion (VoM) ходить and analyse their translations to German by focusing on the problem of determining the correct meaning of individual forms and possible irregularities in... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsRussian LanguageTense and Aspect Systems
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