About the Energy Conservation and Management Division
The Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECAM) is the office leading the state’s charge toward clean energy adoption. ECAM is committed to developing and deploying solutions that will maximize New Mexico’s renewable energy resources and improve energy efficiency and transportation standards.
ECAM is the U.S. Department of Energy’s designated State Energy Office. ECAM receives funding through the federal State Energy Program to support many of its initiatives.
Our Mission
ECAM develops and implements effective clean energy programs — renewable energy, energy efficiency, alternative fuels, and safe transportation of radioactive waste — to promote economic growth, environmental sustainability, and wise stewardship of our natural resources while protecting public health and safety for New Mexico and its citizens.
What We Do
- We maintain – our new website to help New Mexicans save on energy costs.
- We research, collect, and analyze data and information to inform clean energy planning, regulation, program administration, and policy development.
- We convene productive conversations about New Mexico’s energy challenges and opportunities that consider a diverse range of perspectives, foster collaboration and innovative solutions, and facilitate the sharing of best practices with consumers and stakeholders.
- We provide technical assistance, educational resources, and advice to support policy makers, local governments, industry, energy stakeholders, and the general public in solving energy challenges and meeting New Mexico’s energy, economic, and climate goals.
- We maintain, update and test the New Mexico’s Energy Security Plan and are the state leads for Energy Support Function (ESF-#12), which is activated in the event of an energy emergency.
- We permit high temperature geothermal resource projects.
- We administer several renewable energy and energy efficiency tax credit programs.
- We review and approve energy savings performance contracts for public buildings.
- We administer the state Community Energy Efficiency Development (CEED) Program.
- We administer the Grid Modernization Grant Program; and the federally-funded Preventing Outages while Enhancing Resilience (POWER) program.
- We promote clean energy economic diversification and work with partners to develop clean energy workforce development training pathways.
- We work with stakeholders to articulate state climate actions to support the state’s decarbonization efforts, make communities more resilient, and position New Mexico to lead by example.
- We promote alternative transportation measures and report on the transition of government transportation fleets.
- We ensure the safe and uneventful transport of nuclear waste in and through the state.