eNavFit is the Navy’s interface for conducting evaluations and fitness reports. It is available for all Sailors (Reserve and Active Components). As a replacement for NAVFIT98A, eNavFit is the initial step in transforming the Navy’s performance evaluation process and is hosted on Navy Personnel Command Document Services via BUPERS Online (BOL).
NAVADMIN 279/23 announces the continuing availability of NAVFIT98A for use as an alternate to eNavFit for the completion of performance evaluations through 31 December 2025.
First Steps
1. Use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari for eNavFit. DO NOT USE Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer if working on NMCI.
2. Verify and update your email in BOL. To do this, login to BOL and select "Update Info" at the top. Notifications from eNavFit will go to that email, and it is also the email by which your command can find you in the eNavFit interface. BOL updates every Saturday, so changes will not be immediate.
3. Reporting Seniors (RS): Acknowledge your role. This step must be completed before using eNavFit. It is only required once per command/rank. Refer to Module 3 below. If this step is not completed, the reporting senior will not be found in the interface. ONLY reporting seniors can acknowledge their roles. Do not use the acknowledge tab if you are NOT the Reporting Senior as this will cause errors.
4. Familiarize yourself with all of the training materials on this page so that you can help your command with eNavFit.
5. The Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices document (below) provides some quick start steps for members (1a), reviewers (1b), and reporting seniors/trusted agents (1c).
NOTE: It is recommended to use DoDID rather than email addresses when using the eNavFit interface.
Remember – Only use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari with eNavFit. Anyone who accesses eNavFit with Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer on NMCI will break the report and summary group, forcing everyone back to step one in the process.
Several resources are available to answer questions while using eNavFit.
1. eNavFit overview brief (updated Apr 2024). This brief provides a general overview of eNavFit.
2. eNavFit Online Workflow and Best Practices Document (updated 28 June 2024). This document is intended to be a supplement to the User Guide and provide easy-to-follow pictures and instructions for the eNavFit Online Process.
3. eNavFit User Guide Version 3.0.1 (updated 20 Dec 2022). This is the comprehensive user guide for eNavFit that contains detailed, step-by-step instructions for every process within the system.
4. eNavFit FAQs (updated 8 Aug 2022). This document provides a list of commonly asked questions and answers.
5. eNavFit Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices (updated 18 Oct 2023). eNavFit, while providing a number of benefits to the legacy NAVFIT98A interface, is complex and sometimes tricky to use. This guide offers suggestions and workarounds to various issues users may experience.
6. Disconnected/Intermittent operations brief (updated 26 Oct 2022). If you anticipate using eNavFit in an area with intermittent or no Internet access, use this brief to understand the basics of eNavFit's intermittent and disconnected operations.
7. The Navy Performance Evaluation System BUPERSINST 1610.10F (updated 1 Dec 2021). This instruction outlines all current Navy policy for performance evaluation. eNavFit is designed with policy-driven error validation on the user end. Be sure to reference policy when creating summary groups, assessing performance, assigning promotion recommendations, and all other aspects of Navy performance evaluation.
8. BOL account request guidelines (updated 19 Jan 2023). All users of eNavFit must have a BOL account, and all reporting seniors, regardless of branch, must sign eNavFit reports. All military members of the Department of the Navy (DoN) should already have an account, but some civilians and non-DoN personnel such as supervisors in a Joint Command involved in the evaluation process may not have an account. Those personnel may request BOL access by submitting a SAAR-N form (OPNAV 5239/14) to the BOL Help Desk.
9. eNavFit informational handouts (updated 24 June 2024). eNavfit Use Handout, eNavFit Flyer-Best Practices, and eNavFit Flyer-FAQsResources.
10. eNavFit training tutorial videos. DO NOT use Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer on NMCI. Below are a series of videos, offered on DVIDS platforms, that walk users through the various parts of eNavFit. The best practice for learning eNavFit is to watch these videos after reviewing the resources listed above.
Module 1: Understanding the Essentials - DVIDS
Module 2: Accessing the Interface - DVIDS ​
Module 3: Reporting Senior Acknowledgement - DVIDS
Module 4: Appointing Trusted Agent - DVIDS
Module 5: Online Summary Group Creation - DVIDS
Module 6: Routing Reports and Reviewer Inputs - DVIDS
Module 7: Digital and Alternative Signature - DVIDS
Module 8: Submission to NPC - DVIDS
Module 9: Intermittent/Offline Operations-Appraisal Manager - DVIDS
Module 10: Intermittent/Offline Operations-Appraisal - DVIDS
Module 11: Printing/Saving Reports - DVIDS
Module 12: End-to-End Process Workflow Online - DVIDS
eNavFit features many benefits for Sailors. eNavFit supports real-time spell check, policy-driven error validation on the user end, general information auto-population, the ability to search for members by DODID number or e-mail address, digital signatures, electronic routing, electronic submission (with no summary sheets), reduction in the use of CUI/PII, and entry into Sailors' official records within 96 hours after submission. In contrast, NAVFIT98A results in a high rate of rejected reports (~27% of all reports submitted), requires manual entry into Sailors' official records (up to 180 days), and requires manual quality control for all reports.
eNavFit offers three capability options as described below:
Online: User has access to the internet and requisite browser. Can draft, route, validate, digitally sign, and submit to NPC for submission to OMPF.
- Intermittent: User has sporadic access to the internet/requisite browser. May be capable of drafting, digitally signing, and submitting an appraisal to NPC using the built-in tools of eNavFit, but are also capable of downloading blank .PDF reports for completion offline and uploading into eNavFit for electronic submission. May also download reports that are currently in development to work on offline to wet-sign and mail if unable to reconnect to the internet.
- ​Disconnected: User has no access to the internet and/or a recommended internet browser. Capable of drafting, wet-signing, and completing a dynamic .PDF form that has built-in error validation. User submits a wet-signed appraisal to NPC via the mail.
eNavFit Scheduled Training
Join the eNavFit Training Team every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 1200 CST/CDT for eNavFit overview training and/or troubleshooting. If you require additional training, please reach out to us via our Team's channel or askmncc@navy.mil.
Join on your computer Click here to join the meeting, for audio join of the Team's meeting, +1 410-874-6751,,991511000# United States, Odenton, Phone Conference ID: 991 511 000#
Engage and Learn More​
To learn more from fellow eNavFit users, ask questions, and participate in training, join the eNavFit Training Team on Flank Speed Teams. Here's how:
1. While logged into Flank Speed Teams, click on the "Teams" Icon on the left, then "Join or create a team" in the bottom left corner.
2. Then, enter the code mkxap2m (all lowercase) in the space provided and click "Join Team."
For additional help with eNavFit, please contact the MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) at 1-833-330-MNCC(6622), 901-874-MNCC (DSN 882-6622), or askmncc@navy.mil.
NOTE - For technical issues/questions, sending an email that contains screenshots with the full browser window and a clear description of the problem assists the eNavFit team in troubleshooting issues.