Rev. Kim Hornung-Marcy, chair
General Board of Church and Society
Massachusetts Council of Churches
"… let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like anever-failing stream!" – Amos 5:24
The New England Conference Board of Church & Society is active in many areas of social concern, working for peace and justice for all of God's people.
See the menu on the right for more information and resources on the board's various areas of focus.
Request for proposals
The New England Conference Board of Church and Society invites congregations and church leaders and conference agency leaders to submit proposals for grants in support of peace and justice ministries in the local congregation and community.
It welcomes proposals for grant amounts between $500 and $2,500.
Application deadline is Oct. 31, 2023.
Grants will be announced by email in late November 2023.
The United Methodist Social Principles originated 100 years ago when the Methodist Episcopal Church, North adopted what was then called a Social Creed at the General Conference of 1908. It contained a page of social positions on the economic ills of that time. Since then General Conferences have broaden the scope of these social statements into The Social Principles that encompasses 30 pages in the United Methodist Discipline (2000). The last section of the Social Principles is a summary statement, which is called the Social Creed, and is designed to be used in worship.
The Board of Church & Society offers a workshop for local churches on the Social Principles. The workshop reviews the principles’ history and the process by which they have changed. The current Social Principles are reviewed and participants explore specific issues.
For more information or schedule a workshop, contact Willard A. Robinson at or (978) 475-2055.