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All appointments for the 2025-2026 appointment year are set by Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton at the Annual Conference session. During this season of appointment-making, we will announce those appointments the bishop intends to make. These are pending final review and may be changed at any time.
In 2025, we will publish intended appointment changes once a month at the beginning of the month starting in February. The final report will be the end of May. After that, announcements will be made at Annual Conference.
Clear Openings
The bishop and Cabinet have also announced the appointments that are clearly open as part of this year’s discernment process for assignments. That list can be found at
Intended appointments are listed below
Benjamin Daggett
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: St. Luke’s UMC, Derry NH; Pleasant St. UMC, Salem NH
District: Granite District
To: Gray Memorial UMC, Caribou ME
District: Katahdin District
Hyuk Seonwoo
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Swift Memorial UMC, Sagamore Beach
District: Seacoast District
To: St. James UMC, Merrimack
District: Granite District
Joyce Kang
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Coordinating Pastor at Hodgdon UMC, Hodgdon, ME, and Mars Hill UMC, Mars Hill, ME
District: Katahdin District
To: Stetson Memorial UMC, Patten, ME
District: Katahdin District
Richard Rego
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Gray Memorial UMC, Caribou, ME
District: Katahdin District
To: Retirement
Victor Han
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: ¾ time at Houlton UMC, Houlton ME; ¼ time Hodgdon UMC, Hodgdon, ME; CP Mars Hill UMC, Mars Hill ME
District: Katahdin District
To: ½ time Houlton UMC, Houlton ME; ¼ time Hodgdon UMC, Hodgdon, ME; ¼ time Mars Hill UMC, Mars Hill, ME
District: Katahdin District
Eleanor Collinsworth
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Union Church of Belgrade Lakes
District: Many Waters District
To: Retirement
Kathleen Decker Szakas
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Cape Elizabeth UMC
District: Many Waters District
To: Union Church of Belgrade Lakes
District: Many Waters District
Lynn Briggs
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Buxton UMC and Preachers' Aid Society
District: Many Waters District
To: Preachers' Aid Society
District: Many Waters District
Sharon Lovejoy
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Brunswick UMC
District: Many Waters District
To: Retirement
Tom Frey
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Peoples UMC, South Portland
District: Many Waters District
To: Retirement
Paul O'Neil
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Retirement
To: Tuftonboro UMC, Melvin Village, NH/ South Tamworth UMC, South Tamworth, NH / Ashland UMC, Ashland, NH
District: Granite District
Alicia Velez Stewart
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Weston UMC, Weston, MA
District: Commonwealth East District
To: Brunswick UMC, Brunswick, ME
District: Many Waters District
Myungso Lee
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: East Middlebury UMC and Middlebury UMC in Vermont
District: Green Mountain District
To: Readfield UMC in Readfield, ME
District: Many Waters District
Sunjae Lee
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: North Ferrisburgh UMC, North Ferrisburgh, VT
District: Green Mountain District
To: Pleasant Street UMC, Waterville, ME
District: Many Waters District
Perez, Nicholas
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Church Hill UMC, Norwell, MA
District: Commonwealth East District
To: Grant Memorial UMC, Presque Isle, ME
District: Katahdin District
Reeves, Tracey
Date of Move: 07-01-2025
From: Grant Memorial, Presque Isle, ME
District: Katahdin District
To: Retired