District Disaster Response and UMVIM Coordinators
UMCOR provides guidelines on how to assemble the kits and a list of contents for each.
UMCOR Relief Supply Dropoff Locations
Please contact the site prior to delivering buckets/kits to confirm drop-off hours.
When disaster strikes within the New England Conference and elsewhere, trained Early Response Teams (ERTs) together with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) stand ready to provide relief, resources and caring Christian support.
How can we in New England help?
Create relief supply kits (see below)
The New England Conference has been awarded a $399,450 grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). The funds are being used to support recovery and direct assistance to survivors impacted in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Learn more
UMCOR responds to natural or civil disasters of such magnitude that they overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on its own. When disaster strikes, it is local churches that provide the first response to their communities. This basic understanding — that disaster response is local — forms the foundation for UMCOR’s U.S. disaster training and response.
When responding to a disaster in the United States, UMCOR provides training, financial assistance, expertise, community collaboration to churches and partners making them more resilient to disasters. Through UMCOR, United Methodists extend loving care to people within the United States. UMCOR receives no mission share dollars.
Please continue to be present to survivors in disaster areas through the gift of your prayers.