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Code : 4063
SECOND M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Paper III GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY Q. P. Code : 524063 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Define and classify oedema?. Discuss Aetio-Pathogenesis and pathology of various types of oedema with examples?. 2. 40 years male H/o chronic fatigue, weight loss since 6 months. O/E pallor, marked splenomegaly+, laboratory report shows Hb 10 GM%, TC 215000/CMM. Platelets 4 laks/cmm. Answer the following: a) What is your diagnosis? b) What is common genetic abnormality? c) Blood and Bone Marrow findings to confirm your diagnosis? d) Prognosis of the condition? II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Chemical mediators of acute inflammation. 2. Thrombo-embolism. 3. Pathological calcification. 4. Trisomy 21. 5. Immune complex hypersensitivity (Type III) reactions. 6. Laboratory diagnosis of cancer. 7. Von-Willebrands disease. 8. Haemolytic disease of newborn. 9. Grading and staging of tumors. 10. Automatic tissue processor. III. Short Answer Questions : 1. Difference between exudates and transudate. 2. Microscopic picture of acute appendicitis. 3. Mast cells. 4. Mention 4 neuclear changes in Necrosis. 5. Significance of casts in urine. 6. Anti-Coagulants. 7. Mention 4 indications of bone marrow aspiration. 8. Reticulocyte count. 9. Henoch Schonlein purpura. 10. Gross appearance of Mycetoma foot. ***** (10 x 2 = 20)
SECOND M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Paper III GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY Q. P. Code : 524063 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Define shock, enumerate types of shock and discuss pathogenesis and morphological changes in shock. 2. Mention Oncogenic viruses. Describe Oncogenesis by human papilloma virus. II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Tumor markers. 2. Amyloidosis. 3. Blood and bone marrow picture in B12 deficiency anaemia. 4. Types of embolism. Write on caisson disease. 5. Leprosy. 6. Evidences of haemolytic anaemia. 7. F A B classification of leukemia. 8. Mechanism of autoimmune diseases. 9. Chemical mediators. 10. Silicosis. III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20) 1. Fate of thrombus. 2. F.N.A.C. 3. Modes of spread of tumors. 4. Draw Megaloblast, Maxicanhat cell, Pessary cell, Macropolycyte. 5. Types of nectrosis with examples. 6. Ketone Bodies. 7. Tests for sickling. 8. Virchows triad. 9. Differences between benign and malignant tumors. 10. Bombay blood group. *****
SECOND M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Paper III GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY Q. P. Code : 524063 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Define Oedema. Disccuss the pathophysiology of oedema. Add a note on pulmonary oedema. 2. Define and classify Leukemias. Describe the blood and bone morrow findings in chronic myeloid leukemia. II. Write Short notes on : 1. Phagocytosis. 2. Haematocrit. 3. Sickle cell. 4. Tumour suppressor genes. 5. Anaphylactic reaction. 6. Downs syndrome. 7. Metaplasia. 8. Kwashiorkar. 9. Mycetoma. 10. Eosinophilia. (10 x 5 = 50)
III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20) 1. Name four causes of fatty liver. 2. State four differences between dry and wet gangrenes. 3. Define atrophy. Give two examples to physiological atrophy. 4. Describe four staining character of amyloid. 5. Microscopic appearance of lepromatous leprosy. 6. Name two opportunistic infections and two neoplasms seen in AIDS. 7. Name two human oncogenic viruses and tumours caused by them 8. Blood components prepared in a blood bank. 9. What is a Reticulocyte? Mention two causes of reticulocytosis. 10. What is cross matching? *****
August 2010 [KX 542] Sub. Code : 4063 SECOND M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Paper III GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY Q. P. Code : 524063 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions. Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Define inflammation. Describe the major events of acute inflammation with a note on defective Leukocyte function. 2. Enumerate the various carcinogenic agents. Classify the chemical carcinogens and describe the steps involved in chemical carcinogenesis. II. Write Short notes on : 1. Free Radical Injury. 2. Septic Shock. 3. Rickets. 4. Tertiary Syphilis. 5. Proteins in urine. 6. Cardiac edema. 7. Klinefelter syndrome. 8. Type I hypersensitivity reaction. 9. Factors affecting wound healing. 10. Apoptosis. III. Short Answers Questions: 1. Sago Spleen. 2. Paraneoplastic syndromes. 3. ESR. 4. Coombs Test. 5. Reed Sternberg Cell 6. Hemophilia. 7. Metaplasia. 8. CVC liver. 9. Blood picture in megaloblastic Anemia. 10. CSF in tuberculous meningitis. ***** (10 x 5 = 50)
(10 x 2 = 20)
February 2011 Sub. Code : 4063 SECOND M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Paper III GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY Q. P. Code : 524063 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions. Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Define Necrosis. Name the different types of necrosis. Discuss in detail with examples the different types of necrosis. Differentiate between Necrosis and Apoptosis. 2. A 70 year old women admitted with worsening anemia and pathological fracture of the Humerus had an ESR of 120mm in 1 hour. Her peripheral smear showed increased rouleaux formation. Xray of skull showed multiple punched out osteolytic lesions. a. What is the most probable diagnosis? Write briefly on the etiopathogenesis of this disease. b. Describe the Bone Marrow Changes in this disease. c. Enumerate the common laboratory investigations for this disease. d. Enlist the complications of this disease. II. Write Short notes on : 1. Role of Arachidonic Metabolites in inflammation. 2. Pathogenesis of Septic Shock. 3. Tumour Metastasis. 4. Mitochondrial Inheritance. 5. Etiopathogenesis of Cystic Fibrosis. 6. Anemia of Chronic Disease. 7. FAB classification of Acute Leukemia. 8. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura. 9. Transfusion Reaction. 10. Hematocrit. III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20) 1. Give four examples for pathological calcification. 2. Give four examples for Metaplasia. 3. Mention two differences between exudates and transudate. 4. Mention two renal changes in SLE. 5. Give two examples for trace elements and their deficiency states. 6. Give four causes for iron deficiency anaemia. 7. Mention two important marrow changes in B12 deficiency. 8. Two characteristic difference between Myeloblasts and Lymphoblasts. 9. Mention two pathognomonic features of Hairy cell leukemia. 10. Mention four applications of reticulocyte count. ***** (10 x 5 = 50) [KY 542]
August 2011 [KZ 542] SECOND M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Paper III GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY Q.P. Code: 524063 Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Define inflammation. Write in detail about the vascular and cellular changes in inflammation. 2. 40 yrs female c/o loss of weight, huge splenomegaly with peripheral blood white blood cell count of more than 1 lakh cells/cc a. What is the probable diagnosis? b. What are the characteristic peripheral smear findings? c. What is the course of the disease? d. What is the chromosomal abnormality involved? II. Write Short notes on : 1. Classify pigments and write about Lipofuschin. 2. Write about outcomes of acute inflammation. 3. Growth factors. 4. Hybridisation techniques to detect genomic alterations. 5. Antibody mediated hypersensitivity. 6. Molecular basis of cancer. 7. Immunology of Leprosy. 8. Primary myelofibrosis. 9. Hemophilia A. 10. Peripheral smear and Bone marrow findings in Multiple Myeloma. III. Short Answers Questions: 1. Define metaplasia and give two examples. 2. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. 3. Mention four X linked recessive disorders. 4. Mention four special stains for Amyloid. 5. Lead and blood and marrow changes. 6. Four infections associated with AIDS. 7. Hamartoma. 8. Prions. 9. Four Systemic effects of inflammation. 10. Hyper IGM syndrome. ******* (10 x 2 = 20) (10 x 5 = 50) Sub. Code: 4063
February 2012
[LA 542] Sub. Code: 4063
SECOND MBBS DEGREE EXAMINATION Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations PAPER I-GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY Q.P. Code: 524063 Time: Three hours Maximum: 40 Marks Answer ALL questions in the same order Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Elaborate on: 1. Define shock. Discuss in detail the pathogenesis of septic shock. Describe the morphology of kidneys and lungs affected by shock. (10x1=10) 2. 60 yrs male presented with normocytic normochromic anaemia,pathological fracture femur and proteinura. X ray skull revealed punched out lesions in the calvarium and peripheral smear studied show rouleaux formation. a) What is your probable diagnosis. b) Discuss in detail the molecular pathogenesis, morphology and clinical features of above said disorder. (5x1=5) II. Write notes on: (10X1.5=15) 1. Turner syndrome. 2. Immune complex mediated hypersensitivity. 3. Differentiation and anaplasia. 4. Viral haemorrhagic fevers. 5. Morphology of leprosy. 6. Morphology of primary myelo fibrosis. 7. Pathogenesis of sickle cell disease. 8. Chronic immune thrombocytopaenic purpura. 9. Free radicals 10. Defects in leucocyte function. III. Short Answers 1. Fat necrosis. 2. Heart failure cells. 3. Lines of zahn. 4. Warburg effect. 5. Mott cells. 6. 4 tumors associated with AIDS. 7. Cross matching. 8. Anticoagulants. 9. PSEDO PELGER HUET ANOMALY. 10. Black water fever. ******* (10x1=10)