Pathology and Microbiology
Pathology and Microbiology
Pathology and Microbiology
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks: 70
Essay (10)
1. Define thrombosis. Describe the etiopathogenesis anl mention the fate of
thrombus. (2+4+4=10) Short essays (2x5=10}
2'. Classify bone tumors. Write in detail about osteosarcoma. (2+3=:S)
3. List the diseases transmitted by blood transfusion and discuss the opportunistic
infections in AIDS.
Short ncites
4; Pathogenesis of septic shock.
5. Mention the special stains used for amyloid.
6. Mention the types and discuss complications of Diabetes mellitus.
8. Urinary sediments.
Time: 3 hours
Essay: (10)
2. Define anemia. Describe the peripheral smear and bone marrow findings in
megaloblastic anemia. (1+4 =5)
3. Define pathologic calcification. Mention the two types and enumerate differences
between the two types with suitable examples. (1+ 2+2 =5)
Answer Briefly:
Short essays
Short notes
4. Bacterial flagella
5. Adjuvant
6. lmmunoglobulin M (lgM)
7. Robert Koch
Time: 3 hours
Short Notes:
(1+4 =5)
Short essays
7. Oral candidiasis
(2+3} (5x3=15}
Time: 3 hours
Essay: (10)
1. Define necrosis.Discuss the various types of necrosis with suitable examples.
(2+8 =10)
Short Notes:
2. Write briefly about vascular and cellular changes in inflammation.
3. Define gangrene and mention the types.Describe gas gangrene. (1+1+ 3 =5)
Answer Briefly:
1. Atrophy.
2. Vitamin C deficiency.
3. Granulomatous inflammation.
4. Pathologic calcification.
5. Secondary wound healing.
Essay: (10)
) 1. Uses of Virus Cultivation. Describe the methods of cultivation of viruses
and detection of viral growth in cell culture (2+4+4=10)
Short essays
2. Describe the lab diagnosis of HIV(5)3. Describe the lab diagnosis and
prophylaxis of Hepatitis B virus
Short notes(3+2)
8. MMR vaccine
Time: 3 hours
Mar Baselios Dental College Kothamangalam Second BOS Degree examinations 2022 -
2023 Model Examination
Max Marks: 70
Answer Briefly:
Essay: (10)
Short essays
Short notes(5)
7. Oral thrush
8. Delayed hypersensitivity
Mar Baselios Dental College Kothamangalam Second Year BDS Degree Examinations 2nd
Sessional IR Batch February 2023
Essay (10)
1. Define and classify anemia. Describe the peripheral blood and bone marrow
findings in megaloblastic anemia. (2+4+4=10)
Short essays (2x5=10)
2. Define atherosclerosis. Describe the morphology and complications. (1+4=5)
3. Classify salivary gland tumors. Mention the gross and microscopic features of
pleomorphic adenoma. (2+3=5)
Short notes (5x3=15)
4. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
5. Leukemoid reaction.
6. Mention the types and discuss complications of Diabetes mellitus.
7. Osteoclastoma.
8. Hemophilia
Essay (10)
1. Name the various classes of immunoglobulin. Describe the structure and functions
of lgG.
Short essays
2. Describe sterilization. Add a note on the principle and functioning of autoclave
3. Tabulate the differences between active and passive immunity
Short notes
4. Bacterial flagella
5. Anaerobic culture methods
6. Mechanism of drug resistance in bacteria.
7. Enriched media
8. Classical complement pathway
Essay: (10)
Short essays
4. VDRL test
5. Actinomycosis
6. Prophylaxis of tetanus
7. Nagler's reaction
a. Laboratory diagnosis of meningitis
Mar Baselios Dental College Kothamangalam Second BOS Degree examinations
1st session al 2022 - 2023(supplementary)
Essay: (10)
Short essays
Short notes
4. VDRL test
5. Actinomycosis
6. Prophylaxis of tetanus
7. Nagler's reaction
8. Laboratory diagnosis of meningitis
Essay: (10)
Short notes
4. Mumps
Time: 3 hours
Mar Baselios Dental College Kothamangalam Second BOS Degree examinations{IR batch)
Model 2021- 2022
Max Marks: 70
Short Notes:
2. Classify acute myeloblastic leukemia. Describe the lab diagnosis.
Answer Briefly:
4. Viral carcinogenesis
5. Hemophilia
6. Basal cell carcinoma
7. Hodgkins disease
8. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(ITP)
Short notes
6. Anaphylaxis
7. Bacterial capsule
Long Essay
1. Define neoplasia. Give 5 examples of benign and malignant tumours. Describe the
differences between benign &malignant tumours. Give in brief about spread of
malignant tumours. (1+2+5+2)
Short essays
2. What are the different types of hypersensitivity reaction? Write in detail about
Type 1
hypersensitivity reaction? {1+4)
Short notes
4. Rickets
5. Chemical carcinogesis
6. Malignant melanoma
7. Rodent Ulcer
8. Opportunistic infection in HIV
Section B - Microbiology
Long Essay:
1. Describe the pathogenesis, lab diagnosis and prophylaxis of Hepatitis B Virus.
Short Essays:
2. Describe the lab diagnosis of HIV
3. Cultivation of viruses and its uses
{2x5 = 10}
Short notes:
4. Entamoegba gingivalis
5. Nosocomial infection
6, Mumps
7. Life cycle of plasmodium vivax
8. Prophylaxis of poliomyelitis
{3x5 =15}
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 70
Short Essay:
2. Classify AML. (FAB classification). Describe the lab diagnosis of CML.
3. Classify salivary gland tumours. Describe pleomorphic adenoma.
Answer Briefly:
4. Wound healing
5. Leukemoid reaction
6. Leukoplakia
7. Artherosclerotic plaque
8. Complications of DM
(2x5=10) (2+3)
Short notes
4. Anaphylaxsis
5. Classical complement pathway
6. Artificial acquired immunity
7. tgG
8. Toxin mediated infections of S.aureus
Short notes
4. Vitamin D deficiency.
5. Difference between apoptosis and necrosis
6. Difference between lepromatous leprosy and tuberculoid leprosy
7. Fatty change
8. Pathologic calcification.
Section B - Microbiology
Long Essay:
1. Define and Classify sterilization. Describe the various dry heat methods of
sterilization. (2+2+6)
Short notes:
4. Enriched media
5. Anaerobic culture methods
6. Louis Pasteur
7. Exotoxins
8. Bacterial growth curve
(3x5 =15}
Essay: (10)
1. Define oedema. Describe the pathogenesis of oedema. Write in detail about
cardiac oedema.(2+4+4)
Short Notes: (2x5=10)
2. Define neoplasia. What are the differences between benign and malignant tumours.
3. Classify anemias. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency
anemias(Draw a peripheral smear)(3+2)
Answer Briefly:
4. Morphology and complications of atherosclerosis
5. Ameloblastoma
6. Opportunistic infections in HIV
7. Pathologic calcification
8. Types of diabetes mellitus and complications of diabetes mellitus
Essay: (10}
Essay: (10)
Short Notes:
Answer Briefly:
4. Actinomycosis
5. Fate of thrombus.
7. Pathological calcification
8. Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
Essay: (10)
Answer Briefly:
4. Moniliasis
8. Herpes zoster
1. Define thrombosis. Describe the mechanism of thrombosis. Write in short about
fate of thrombi. (1+6+3)
Short Essay: (2x5=10)
2. Define leukemias. Write the FAB classification of acute myeloid leukemias
3. Classify salivary gland tumours. Describe pleomorphic adenoma (2+3)
Answer Briefly:
4. Lab diagnosis of CML
5. Rodent ulcer
6. Leukoplakia
7. Leukemoid reaction
8. Septic shock
(5) (5x3=15)
Essay: (10)
Short notes
(3+2) (5x3=15)
Time: 3 hours
Essay: (10)
1. What is a thrombus. Discuss its pathogenesis. Add a note on fate of thrombus.
Short Notes: (2x5=10)
2. Discuss pathogenesis and pathology of immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
3. Pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis
Answer Briefly: (5x3=15)
4. Mention cardiovascular changes in hypertension
5. What is chemotaxis. Name two chemotactic agents
6. Warthin tumor
7. Draw the microscopic features of osteosarcoma
8. Eosinophilia
Essay: (10)
4. Nosocomial infection
5. Prophylaxis of polio
6. Bacteriophages -,
7. Oral microflora
8. Cell cultures for growing viruses
Section A: General,Pathology
Essay: (10)
Essay: {10)
1. Classify spirochaetes. !Jescribe the var'ious stagfJS of syphilis and its
laboratory diagnosis
11' (2+4+4 =10)
2. List the organisms implicated in dental caries. Describe the role of cariogenic
3. Laboratory diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus infection
Essay: (10)
Answer Briefly:
4. Wound healing
5. Fatty change
6. Ghon's complex
7. Lab diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia
8. Stains used in amyloidosis
a. Section B: General Microbiology
1. Name the various classes of immunoglobulin. Describe the structure and functions
o.f lgG. (2+3+5=10)
Short essays
Short notes
4. Bacterial spore
5. Bacterial growth curve
6. Enriched media
7. Louis Pasteur
8. Tabulate differences between active and passive immunity
11 BDS 2nd
N\1cl (O c.
I Exam 2021
Long Essay
1. What is a thrombus? Discuss its pathogenesis .Describe the fate of thrombus.
Short essays
Section B - Microbiology
Long Essay:
1. Classify spirochaetes. Describe the various stages of syphilis and its
laboratory diagnosis
Short Essays: (2x5 = 10)
2. Classify streptococci. Enumerate the infections produced by streptococcus
3. Describe the morphology of clostridium tetani. Add a note on prophylaxis of
tetanus. (1+4)
Short notes: (3x5 =15)
4. Toxin mediated staphylococcal infections
5. Actinomycosis
6. Borrelia vincentii
7. BCG
8. Viridians streptococci
2020 - 2021
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 70
Essay: (10)
Short Notes:
Answer Brlefly:
1. Leukemoid reaction.
2. Hemophilia A
3. Peripheral blood picture of chronic myeloid leukemia
4. Chemical carcinogenesis
5. Differences between benign and malignant tumors
(2+ 3 =5)
Essay: (10)
Short essays
Short notes(5)
. 1. Define inflammation. Mention the types and discuss chemical mediators of acute
inflammation. (:l:+2+7)
Short essays �'
2. Define necrosis. List the different types of necrosis. Describe the morphology
of each type with examples. (1+1+3)
3. Classify anemias. Describe the lab diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia. {3+2)
Short notes
Vitamin D deficiency. Ghons complex Aplastic anemia Apo.ptosis
Fatty change
�. );
Long Essay:
Section B - Microbiology
Short notes:
4. Transport media
5. Anaerobic culture methods
6. lgG
7. CFT
8. Bacterial growth curve
(3x5 =15)
4. Oral thrush
5. Actinomycosis
6. Coagulase test
7. VDRL test
Essay: (10)
Essay: (10)
Time: 3hours
2nd sessionals 2019-20 Max marks
Section A Pathology
Short essay
2. Define shock. What are the different types of shock. Describe the pathogenesis
of septic shock (5 marks)
Short notes
(5 marks)
(3X5 marks)
Short essay
Short notes
4. Oral thrush
5. Actinomycosis
6. Non-sporing anaerobes
7. NK cells
8. Toxin mediated infections of S aureus
Short notes:
4. Pathologic calcification
5. Apoptosis
6. Type IV hypersensitivity
7. Warthin' s tumour
8. Ameloblastoma
(5x3 = 15)
(10 marks)
Time: 3 hours
Answer Briefly:
4. Pleomorphic adenoma
5. Hemophilia
6. Pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus.
7. Ameloblastoma.
8. Classify bone tumors and discuss the morphological features of osteosarcoma.
Short essays
Short notes
4. Non-sporing anaerobes
5. Anaerobic culture methods.
6. Lab diagnosis of Hepatitis B infection.
7. Oral thrush
8. lmmunoglobulin M
{1+4) (Sx3=15)
Time: 3 hours
� Answer all questions
� Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Max Marks: 70
1. Define and classify Leukemia's. Describe the peripheral smear findings of acute
lymphoblastic leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia with the help of diagrams.
Short Essays:
2. Classify anemias. Describe the lab diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia.
3. Describe wound healing. (5)
Short Notes:
4. Difference between Tuberculoid leprosy and Lepromatous leprosy.
5. Aplastic anemia.
6. Ghon's complex.
7. Morphology of atherosclerosis.
8. Primary healing.
1. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Add a note on BCG vaccination. (4+4+2=10)
Short Essays:
2. Describe the lab diagnosis of Corynebacterium diphtheriae
3. Describe in detail type I hypersensitivity reaction
Short Notes:
4. Toxin-mediated staphylococcal infections
5. CFT
6. Non-suppurative complications of Streptococcus pyogenes
7. Trench mouth
8. NK cells
.'f -..,,,,-- ,
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.,. '-;� Mar Baselios Dental College
II BDS 1st Sessional Exam 2018-19 (Supplementary)
1. Define and classify Leukemia's. Describe the peripheral smear findings of acute
lymphoblastic leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia wlth the help of diagrams.
. .
Short Essays:
2. Define necrosis. What are the different types of necrosis? Describe with the
help of suitable diagrams and examples. � (1+4=5)
3. Describe Apoptosis. (5)
Short Notes:
4. Pathologic calcification.
5. Leukemoid reaction.
6. Polycythemia.
7. Diagnosis of myocardial infarction.
8. Free radical mediated cell injury.
1. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Short Essays:
2. Describe the lab diagnosis of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. (5)
3. Classify streptococci. Enumerate the infections produced by Streptococcus
pyogenes. (5)
Short Notes:
4. Toxin-mediated staphylococcal infections
5. BCG
6. Laboratory diagnosis ofmeningiococcal meningitis
7. Trench mouth 8.DPT
Long Essay:
1. Define Neoplasia. What are the differences between benign and malignant
neoplasms? Describe the spread of malignant tumours. What are the different types
of neoplasms and give examples. (1+5+3+1).
Short Notes:
4. Viral carcinogenesis
5. Morphology of Atherosclerosis.
6. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
7. Hemophilia
8. Leukemoid reaction
Long Essay:
1. Describe the structure of HIV with diagram. Write in detail about the
pathogenesis. Laboratory diagnosis of HIV. Enlist the preventive measures of HIV
infection. (2+3+3+2)
Short Essays:
2. Describe cultivation of viruses and uses of virus culture
3. Oral candidiasis
Short Notes:
4. HSY-I
5. Serological markers of Hepatitis B Virus
6. Mumps
7. Inclusion bodies
8. Prophylaxis of Polio.
(2x5= 10)
1. Define inflammation. What is the difference between acute and chronic
inflammation. Describe vascular and cellular events of inflammation. (1+2+7=10)
Short Essays:
2. Define necrosis. What are the different types of necrosis? Describe with the
help of suitable diagrams and examples. (1+4=5)
3. De'scribe chemical mediators of inflammation. (SMarks)
Short Notes;
4. Granulomatous inflammation.
5. Fatty change in liver.
6. Rickets.
7. Pathologic calcification.
8. Apoptosis.
(Sx3=15 marks)
1. Define and classify Immunity. Write in detail about Passive immunity.
) (2+3+5=1Q marks)
Short Essays:
2. Describe the structure iflmmunoglobulins. Add a note on IgG. (3+2= 5 marks)
3. Classical complement pathway and its biological effects.(3+2= 5 marks)
Short Notes:
4. Koch's postulates
5. Bacterial growth curve
6. Enriched media
7. Haptens
8. Capsule
(5x3=15 marks)
Mar Baselios Dental College, Kothan1angalam
,- II BDS MODEL Exam 2018 (Supplementary)
Paper - I General Pathology & Microbiology
Time: 3 hours
Long Essay: ;
Short Essays:-
2. Classify aneamias. Describe lad diagnosis of megaloblastic aneamias.
Short Notes:
4. Aplastic anemia
5. Thrombosis.
6. Viral carcinogenesis.
7. Cardiac oedema.
8. Sickle cell syndrome.
Essay (14)
Short notes
4. Actinomycosis
5 Bacterial plasmids
6. Oral manifestations of herpes virus infections
7. Candida albicans
8. Universal precautions.
Time: 3 hrs
Long Essays:
Max marks: 35
1. Define Neoplasia. What are the differences between benign and malignant
neoplasms? Describe the spread of malignant tumours. (1+6+3)
Short Essays:
2. Define thrombosis. Describe the mechanism of thrombi formation. What are the
fates of
thrombi?(1+3+1)3. Describe leukoplakia& oral squamous cell carcinoma.(2+3)Short
Notes:4. Viral carcinogenesis.
5 .Air embolism.
6. Tumour markers.7. Chemical carcinogenesis.8. Effects of hypertension on
different organs.(5X3=15)
Short Notes:
4. Actinomycosis
5. Trench mouth
6. Toxin-mediated staphylococcal infections
Long Essays:
Short Essays:
2. Define necrosis. What are the different types of necrosis? Describe with the
help of diagrams.
3. Describe wound healing with the help of diagrams. (8)
Short Notes:
4. Gangrene.
5 .Ghon's Complex
6. Difference between apoptosis & necrosis
7. Difference between tuberculoid leprosy , :epromatous lcprnsy.
8. Actinomycosis. (20)
Essay: l
1. Describe the morphology o}Cmynebacterium diphtheriae. Discuss the mode of
transmission, clinical manifestations and lab diagnosis of Diphtheria. Add a note
on prophylaxis of the disease.
Short Essays: (2x8= 16)
2. Describe the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis of tetanus.
3. Describe the various infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Add a note on
Streptococcus viridans in infective endocarditis (5+3=8)
Short Notes:
4. Actinomycosis
5. Trench mouth
6. Toxin-mediated staphylococcal infections
1. Define inflammation. What are the types of inflammation & mention the difference
between them. Describe cellular & vascular events of inflammation. (2+4+8=14
Short Essays:
2. Define Necrosis. Describe different types of necrosis with examples and suitable
(2+6= 8 marks)
3. Describe fracture healing with suitable diagrams. (8 marks)
Short Notes:
4. Differences between tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy.
5. Pathologic calcification.
6. Ghon's Complex.
7. Free radical mediated cell injury.
8. Actinomycosis.
(5X4=20 marks)
Short Essays:
2. Describe the structure iflmmunoglobulins. Add a note on IgG. (4+4= 8 marks)
3. Classical complement pathway and its biological effects.(4+4= 8 marks)
Short Notes:
4. Koch's postulates
5. Bacterial growth curve
6. Enriched media
7. Haptens
8. Capsule
(5x4=20 marks)
Long Essay:
1. Define Neoplasfa. What are the differences between benign & malignant neoplasms?
Describe spread of malignant tumor. (2+8+4=14)
Short Essays:
2. What are the premalignant lesions of oral cavity? Describe leukoplakia &oral
squamous cell carcinoma. (2+3+3=8)
3. Classify Diabetic Mellitus. Describe etiopathogenesis & complications ofD.M.
Short Notes:
4. Viral carcinogenesis.
5. Rodent ulcer.
6. Pathologic changes in Atherosclerosis.
7. Oncogenes &Cancer.
8. Dysplasia &Metaplasia.
(4 marks each)
Long Essay:
1. Draw a neat labeled bacterial cell. Describe the cell wall in detail and write a
note on cell wall deficient bacteria. (4+6+4=14 marks)
Short Essays:
2. Describe the structure oflmmunoglobulins. Add a note on IgG. (4+4= 8 marks)
3. Define and classify Sterilization. Add a note on principle and functioning of
(1+2+2+3= 8 marks)
Short Notes:
4. Koch's postulates
5. Bacterial growth curve
6. Enriched media
7. Haptens
8. Capsule
(5x4=20 marks)
Short Notes: b
4. Aplastjc anemia
S. Thrombosis @
6. Air embolism l CS) (
7. Lab diagnosis of sickle cell syndrome
8. Virchow's triad in thrombosis
(4 marks each)
Long Essay:
I. Describe the structure of HIV. Clinical features, lab diagnosis and prophylaxis
of HIV
Short Essays:
2. Describe the lab diagnosis and prophylaxis of Hepatitis B virus
3. Describe the cultivation of virus and uses of viral culture.
Short Notes:
4. Oral thrush
5. Inclusion bodies
6. Oral manifestation of Herpes Simplex Virus.
7. Prophylaxis of Polio.
8. Mumps virus
(4 marks each)
Long Essays:
1. Define Inflammation. What are the differences between acute and chronic
inflammation. Describe the chemical mediators of inflammation. (2+4+8=14 Marks).
Short Essays:
2. Define necrosis. What are the different types of necrosis? Describe with the
help of diagram
3. Define Shock. What are the different types of shock? Describe the pathogenesis
of septic shock. (1+2+5=8)
Short Notes:
4. Pathologic calcification.
5. Thrombosis.
6. Ghon's complex.
7. Gangrene.
8. Difference between apoptosis and necrosis.
(5x4=20 marks)
1 Essay:
Long Essay:
1. Define thrombosis. Desc.ribe the mechanism of thrombi formation & types of
thrombi. What are the fates of thrombi? (2+8+4)
Short Essays:
2. What are the different types of shock? Describe the pathogenesis of septic
shock. (8 Mark)
3. Classify leukemias.Describe the laboratory diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia
with suitable diagram. (8Mark)
Short Notes:
4. Cardiac oedema
5. Osteosarcoma
6. Air embolism
7. Hodgkin's Lymphoma
8. Haemophilia.
Long Essay:
(4 marks each)
Short Notes:
4. Actinomycosis
5. Non suppurative complications of St. pyogenes
6. Laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria.
7. Chemical disinfectants.
8. Vincents angina
(4 marks each)
Long Essays:
Short Essays:
2. Define Neoplasia. Describe the difference between benign and malignant
(2+6=8 Mar )
3. Describe wound healing in a surgical wound. What are factors influencing wound
(5+3=8 Marks)
Shprt Notes:
4. Viral carcinogenesis.
5. Leukoplakia.
6. Aplastic anemia.
7. Vit D deficiency states.
8. Thalassemia.
(5x4=20 marks)
1. Define and classify Immunity. Write in detail about Innate immunity.
(2+3+9=14 marks)
Short Essays:
2. Describe the mechanism and function of cell-mediated immune response. (5+3= 8
, 3. Classical complement pathway and its biological effects. (4+4= 8 marks)
Short Notes:
4. NK.cells
6. Delayed hypersensitivity
7. Adjuvants
� :8. Carriers
(5x4=20 marks)
Mar )3aselios Dental College Kothamangalam
Long Essays:
1. Define shock. What are the different types of shock? Describe the pathogenesis
of septic shock. Write in short about the stages of shock. (2+2+8+2=14)
Short Essays:
2. Classify anemias. Describe the laboratory diagnosis ofMegaloblastic anemias.
3. Define inflammation. Describe the chemical mediators of inflammation. �
Short Notes:
4. Air embolism
5. Pathogenesis of thrombosis.
6. Sickle cell anemias.
7. Aplastic Anemia.
8. Differences between tuberculoid leprosy & lepromatous leprosy.
1. Define and classify sterilization. Add a note on moist heat method of
Short Essays:
2. Draw a neat labeled diagram of bacterial cell. Add a note on bacterial cell
wall. (5+3=8)
3. Describe the structure and function of lgG molecule. (4+4=8)
Short Notes:
4. Bacterial growth curve.
5. Bacterial flagella.
6. Haptens.
7. Louis Pasteur.
8. Anaerobic methods of cultivation.
Long Essays:
1. Define inflammation. What are the differences between acute and chronic
inflammation. Describe the chemical mediators of inflammation. (1+3+10=14)
Short Essays:
2. Define necrosis. What are the different types of Necrosis? Explain with examples
and suitable diagrams. (2+6=8)
3. Describe the types of Tuberculosis and its laboratory investigations.
{4+4=8) Short Notes: (Sx4=20)
4. Free radical mediated cell injury.
5. Pathologic Calcification.
6. Phagocytosis.
7. Apoptosis.
8. Differences between tuberculoid leprosy & lepromatous leprosy.
Short Essays:
2. Draw a neat labeled diagram of bacterial cell. Add a note on bacterial cell
3. Describe the structure and function oflgG molecule.
Short Notes:
4. Bacterial growth curve.
5. Bacterial flagella.
6. Haptens.
7. Louis Pasteur.
8. Anaerobic methods of cultivation.
Long Essays:
1. Define shock. What are the different types of shock? Describe the pathogenesis
of septic shock. Describe the stages of shock and morphology of shock in different
organs. (3+7+4=14)
Short ssays:
2. Define and classify neoplasia with examples. List oncogenic viruses and
neoplasms caused by then. Describe the process of viral carcinogenesis.
3. Classify anemias. Describe the laboratory diagnosis ofMegaloblastic anemias.With
the help of diagrams. (4+4=8)
Short Notes:
4. Primary wound healing.
5. Type IV hypersensitivity reaction.
6. HLA system.
7. Oral lesions in syphilis.
8. Nutmeg liver.
Short Essays:
2. Describe acquired immunity in detail. _
3. Describe the lab diagnosis and prophylaxis of Hepatitis B viruses.
Short Notes:
4. Bacterial spore.
5. Oral thrush.
6. IgM
7. Prevention of HIV
8. Inclusion bodies.
(2x8= 16 marks)
(5x4=20 marks)
Mar Baselios Dental College, Kothamangalam II BDS Model Exam 2014 (Supplementary)
Long Essay:
1. Define shock. What are the different types of shock? Describe pathogenesis of
septic shock and add a note on different stages of shock. (2+3+6+3_:=14)
Short Essays:
2. Classify anemias.Describe the lad diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia.
3. Define inflammation. Describe the vascular & cellular events of inflammation.
Short Notes:
4. C:ML
5. Complications ofDM.
6. Necrosis.
7. Gangrene.
8. Ghon's Complex.
Long Essay:
(4 marks each)
Short Notes:
4. Normal flora of mouth.
5. Classical _complement pathway.
6. Laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria.
7. Candidiasis.
8. Chemical disinfectants.
(4 marks each)
Long Essays:
1. Define thrombosis. Describe etiopathogenesis of thrombi & fate of thrombi.
Discuss difference between arterial & venous thrombi. (2+8+4=14)
Short Essays:
2. Classify Hemolytic anemia. Describe etiopathogenesis &lab diagnosis of sickle
cell anemia.
3. What are the different types of shock? Describe pathogenesis of septic shock.
Short Notes:
4. Leukoplakia.
5. Giant cell tumor.
6. Air embolism.
7. Cardiac oedema.
8. Aplastic anemia (5X4=20)
1. Define and classify sterilization. Add a note on moist heat method of
sterilization. (2+4+8=14)
Short Notes:
4. Complement Fixation Test
5. Drug Resistance
6. NK Cells
7. Delayed hypersensitivity
8. Adjuvants
(5x4=20 marks)
Second BDS Degree Examinations
Model Exam 2012-13
Paper - I General Pathology & Microbiology
Long Essays:
1. Define thrombosis. Describe factors influencing thrombosis and morphologic types
of thrombi. Mention the fate of thrombi. (2+10+2=14)
Short Essays:
2. Describe the vascular and cellular events of inflammation. (4+4)
3. Mention the risk factors of a$therosclerosis.Discuss the morphology of atheroma
and complications in athermanous plaques. (8)
Short Notes:
4. Laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency Anemia.
5. Acute myeloblastic leukemia.
6. Sickle cell syndrome.
7. Chemical Carcinogenesis.
8. Rodent Ulcer (Basal Cell Carcinoma)
Short Essays:
2. Autoclave
3. Lab diagnosis of malaria.
Short Notes:
4. Bacterial flagella.
5. Natural killer cells.
6. Prophylaxis of tetanus.
7. Morphology &mode of transmission of HIV
8. Herpes Simplex Virus.
(2x8= 16 marks)
(5x4=20 marks)
1. Define Inflammation. What are the differences between acute and chronic
inflammation. Describe the chemical mediators of inflammation. (14 Marks)
Short Notes:
4. Necrosis.
5. Pathologic calcification.
6. Miliary tuberculosis.
7. Tuberculoid leprosy. .
8. Wound healing by primary intention.
(5x4=20 marks)
) Essay:
1. Draw a neat labeled bacterial cell. Describe the cell wall in detail and write a
note on cell wall deficient bacteria. (4+6+4=14 marks)
Short Essays:
2. Describe the structure iflmmunoglobulins. Add a note on IgG. (4+4= 8 marks)
3. Classical complement pathway and its biological effects.(4+4= 8 marks)
Short Notes:
4. Koch's postulates
5. Bacterial growth curve
6. Enriched media
7. Haptens
8. Capsule
(5x4=20 marks)
Time: 3 hrs
�Draw diagrams wherever necessary
1. Define Inflammation. What are the differences between acute and chronic
inflammation. Describe the chemical mediators of inflammation. (14 Marks)
Short Notes:
4. Ghon's Complex.
5. Lepromatous leprosy.
6. Actinomycosis.
7. Viral carcinogenesis.
8. Granulomatous inflammation.
(5x4=20 marks)
1. Draw a neat labeled bacterial cell. Describe the cell wall in detail and write a
note on cell wall deficient bacteria. (4+6+4=14 marks)
Short Essays:
2. Describe the structure iflmmunoglobulins. Add a note on IgG. (4+4= 8 marks)
3. Classical complement pathway and its biological effects.(4+4= 8 marks)
Short Notes:
4. Koch's postulates
5. Bacterial growth curve
6. Enriched media
7. Haptens
8. Capsule
(5x4=20 marks)
1. Classify diabetes mellitus. Describe its pathogenesis & complications.
Short Notes:
4. Hodgkin's Lymphoma .
.>-5. Giant cell tumor.
- Atherosclerotic plaque.
7. Type 1 hypersensitivity.
8. Effects of hypertension on different organs.
(5x4=20 marks)
1. Classify spirochetes. Describe the source, mode of transmission and clinical
features of syphilis. Write in detail about lab diagnosis of syphilis.
(2+1+3+4+4=14 marks)
Short Essays:
2. Lab diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
3. Lab diagnosis of HIV.
Short Notes:
4. Prophylaxis of Hepatitis B Virus
5. Oral candidiasis
6. Actinomycosis
7. Trench mouth
8. Oropharyngeal herpes
(2x8::::: 16 marks)
(5x4=20 marks)
3. Describe wound healing by primary & secondary retention with the help of
diagram. (4+4)
5. Viral carcinogenesis.
6. Rodent Ulcer.
1. Define inflammation.
4. Hodgkin Lymphoma.
6. Necrosis.
7. Viral Carcinogenesis.
1. Define neoplasia.
2. Define thrombosis.
(8 Marks)
(8 Marks)
4. Cardiac oedema.
5. Air embolism.
. )
5. Apoptosis.
6. Cardiac oedema
1. Describe the vascular & cellular events of inflammation.
Short Essays:
2. What are the different types of necrosis? Explain with suitable diagrams &
3. Describe the chemical mediators of inflammation.
Short Notes:
) 4. Apoptosis.
) S. Gangrene.
6. Granulomatous inflammation.
7. Stages of Syphilis.
8. Difference between tuberculoid leprosy & lepromatous leprosy.
(5+8+2= 14)
Mar Baselios Dental College Kothamangalam 2"dBDS 1" Sessional Exam 2011-2012 (KUHS)
Sub: Pathology
Section: A
1. a) Define shock1
b) Mention the stages of shock.
c) Discus the pathogenesis of septic shock.
d) Mention four major organs affected in shock.
Short Essays
1. Classification of anemias.
2. Haemophilia
3. Hodgkin Lymphoma.
4. Platelet disorders.
5. Aplastic anaemia.
Short Answers
( 10 marks)
J Essay
1. Define Acute inflammation.,Descbibe the vascular and cellular events of
inflammation. Mention the outcome of acute inflammation. (1+7+2=10)
Short Essays
3. Ghon 's complex.
4. Tuberculoid and lepromatas leprosy.
5. Granulomatous inflammation.
6. Apoptosis . (Sx5=25)
Short Answers
1. Define leukemia. Classify acute leukemias. What are the peripheral smear and
bone marrow findings in chronic myeloid leukemia & acute lymphatic leukemia.
Short Essays:
4. Haemophilia.
7. Polycythemia.
1. Define neoplasia. Describe the differences between benign and malignant
neoplasm. Discus in short spread of malignant tumours. (2+8+4=14)
Short Essays:
2. What are the premalignant lesions of oral cavity? Describe squamous cell
carcinoma of oral cavity. (8Marks)
3. Describe different types of carcinogenesis. (8 Marks)
Short Notes:-
5. Rodent ulcer.
6. Osteoclastoma.
7. Leukoplakia.