Mid-Term Exam: Geometry/Topology I
Mid-Term Exam: Geometry/Topology I
Mid-Term Exam: Geometry/Topology I
Given some w A, let R = d(x, w), and observe that C = A BR (x) Rn is closed and bounded. Thus C is compact by the Heine-Borel theorem, and it is also non-empty, since w C. The continuous function f : C R dened by f (z) = d(x, z) therefore achieves its minimum value at some y C A, and this is the desired closest point. 4. Let X be a compact topological space, and let A1 A2 Aj be a nested sequence of closed, non-empty subsets of X. Prove that Aj = . j=1 Suppose not. Then the open sets Uj = X Aj cover X. Since X is compact, only nitely many are needed, so X = U1 Un for some n. But since Uj Uj+1 , this implies that X = Un . However, X Un = An = , so this is a contradiction. 5. Let U R be an open set. Prove that U is a countable union of disjoint open intervals. (Hint: put o the issue of countability until the very end.) Let I U , J, be the connected components of U . Then each I is open in U , because U is locally (path) connected. Since U is open in R, this means that each I is a connected open subset of R, and so is an open interval. Thus, U = J I is a disjoint union of open intervals. To show that the index set J must be countable, now observe that each I must meet the rationals Q, since Q R is dense. Choose one rational number q from each I . Since the intervals I are disjoint, the numbers q are all dierent, and the function J Q given by q is therefore injective. Thus J is bijectively equivalent to a subset of a countable set, and is therefore countable. 6. Let X and Y be topological spaces, and assume that Y is Hausdor. Let f, g : X Y be two continuous functions. Prove that {x X | f (x) = g(x)} is a closed subset of X. Set A = {x X | f (x) = g(x)} X. Method #1 (Elementary). Suppose x A. Then f (x) = g(x). Since Y is Hausdor, U, V Y disjoint open sets with f (x) U , g(x) V . Set W = f 1 (U ) g 1 (V ). Then W is open, with x W (X A). Hence X A is open, and A is therefore closed. 2
Method #2 (Sophisticated). Let Y Y be the diagonal {(y, y) | y Y }. Since Y is Hausdor, is closed. However, f g : X Y Y is continuous. Thus A = (f g)1 () is also closed, exactly as claimed. 7. Let X be a compact Hausdor space. Prove that X is normal (T4 ). See Munkres, page 202. 8. Let X and Y be regular (T3 ) topological spaces. Prove that X Y is regular, too. (Hint: recall that the T3 axiom can be reformulated in terms of open sets.) If W X Y is open, and if (x, y) W is any point, we need to show that (x, y) has an open neighborhood U with U W . However, any such W is a union of basis open sets. So there exist open sets W1 X and W2 Y with (x, y) W1 W2 W . But since X is regular, we can nd open neighborhoods V1 of x and V2 of y such that V j Wj , j = 1, 2. Moreover, V 1 V 2 is closed in X Y , since its complement [(X V 1 )Y ][X (Y V 2 )] is open. Hence (x, y) V1 V2 V1 V2 V 1 V 2 W1 W2 W and so U = V1 V2 fullls our requirement, and X Y is regular, as claimed. Remark. In fact, V1 V2 = V 1 V 2 , but you do not need this here. 9. Let (X, d) be a metric space, and let A and B be disjoint closed sets. Using d, construct an explicit continuous function f : X [0, 1] such that A = f 1 (0) and B = f 1 (1). Then relate and compare this to the Urysohn lemma. One such function is dA (x) dA (x) + dB (X) where dA (x) = inf{d(x, y) | y A} and dB (x) = inf{d(x, y) | y B}. In par1 3 ticular, X is T4 , since U = f 1 ((, 4 )) and V = f 1 (( 4 , )) are disjoint open sets which contain A and B, respectively. However, the constructed f is better than the one promised by the Urysohn Lemma for an arbitrary T4 space, since we actually have A = f 1 (0) and B = f 1 (1), rather than just A f 1 (0) and B f 1 (1). f (x) = 3