Probset 1 Solutions
Probset 1 Solutions
Probset 1 Solutions
These problems are taken from the text by J. Munkres: pg.83 #1, 3, 6, 7. pg.91 #1, 3, 4, 6, 9. pg. 100#2, 3, 6. (1) Suppose for each x A there is an open set Ux in X such that x Ux A. Then can write A = xA Ux , and so A is open since it is a union of open sets. (2) By denition, a set is countable if it is nite or countably innite. Let Tc be the collection of all subsets U of X such that X U is either countable or all of X. Then , X Tc . The relation X U = X U shows that Tc is closed under arbitrary unions, since an arbitrary intersection of countable sets is countable. The relation X n Un = n X Un shows Tc is closed under nite intersections, since a countable union of countable sets is countable. Let T be the collection of all subsets U of X such that X U is either innite, empty, or all of X. This contains and X. But T is not a tolopology since it is not closed under arbitrary unions. Note the proof above breaks down, since an intersection of innite sets may be nite. For example, take X = Z with the collection T . Then U = {k|k < 0} and V = {k|k > 0}. Then U, V T , but U V T . / (3) Let R be the topology on R whose basis is given by all {[a, b)|a < b} and let RK be the topology on R whose basis is all intervals (a, b) along sets of 1 the form (a, b) K where K = nN n . We show these topologies are not comparable. We use Lemma 13.3. Consider the basis element [0, 1) in R . There is no basis element U open in RK such that 0 U [0, 1), since any U containing 0 must contain some number less than zero. So RK is not ner than R . Similarly, consider the basis element (1, 1) K in RK . There is no basis element V open in R such that 0 V (1, 1) K, since any V 1 containing zero must contain some n . So R is not ner than RK . (4) Consider the following topologies on R.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
= = = = =
the standard topology, the topology of RK , the nite complement topology, the upper limit topology using {(a, b]}, the topology having basis {(, a)} .
No other containments hold. (5) Let A Y X. A subset U is open in A, as a subspace of Y , i U = V A, for some V open in Y . Since Y is a subspace of X this says V = W Y for some W open in X. So U = W A, which is precisely the condition that U be open in A as a subspace of X. (6) Let Y = [1, 1] R. A = (1/2, 1) is open in R and therefore Y . B = (1/2, 1) is not open in R but is open in Y since B = (1/2, 2)Y . C = [1/2, 1) is not open in R or in Y . D = [1/2, 1] is not open in R or in Y E = (0, 1)K 1 1 1 where K = { n |n N} is open in R. For example E = nN ( n+1 , n ). Therefore E is open in Y . (7) Let 1 : X Y X be 1 (x, y) = x. Let Z be open in X Y . Well show 1 (Z) is open. A similar argument applies for 2 . Since Z is open in X Y , for all z Z we can nd a basis element of X Y , i.e. a set U V with U open in X and V open in Y , such that z U V Z. We want to show 1 (Z) is open in X. Let x 1 (Z). We have to nd a basis element U of X such that x U 1 (Z). Choose z X Y such that 1 (z) = x. For this z, choose U V as above so that z U V Z. Then 1 (z) = x 1 (U V ) = U 1 (Z). (8) Consider the countable collection of rectangles in R2 that have rational corners: {(a, b) (c, d)|a < b, c < d, and a, b, c, d are rational}. First, this is a basis by the same argument for all rectangles, and it generates a topology ner than the standard topology on R2 since, given a point in an arbitrary rectangle, we can shrink the rectangle a bit (by rounding the coordinates up or down) so that it has rational corners and contains the same point. Secondly the standard topology is ner since the basis of rectangles with rational corners is contained in the basis of all rectangles. (9) We show the dictionary order topology on R2 is the same as the product topology Rd R where Rd is the discrete topology. Suppose U = (ab, cd) is aninterval in the dictionary order topology on R2 . Let (p, q) U , so that either p = a and q > b, or a < p < b, or p = b and q < d. For each of this cases we take the open set V in Rd R to be a (b, ), p R, c (, d), respectively so that (p, q) V U . Conversely, suppose (p, q) U (c, d) where U is open in Rd and V is open in R. We can take the open interval V = (p c, p d) in the dictionary order topology on R2 and we have (p, q) V U (c, d). (10) Suppose A is closed in Y and Y is closed in X. Then Y A is open in Y , and X Y is open is X. But X A = (X Y ) (Y A), so this is open. Therefore A is closed in X. (11) Suppose A is closed in X and B is closed in Y . Then X A is open in X and Y B is open in Y . So (X Y ) (A B) = ((X A) Y ) (X (Y B)) is open in X Y . Therefore A B is closed in X Y .
(12) Let A, B, and A be subsets of X. (a) If A B we show A B. If x A then every neighborhood U of x intersects A. Since A B, if x A then every neighborhood U of x intersects B. So x B. (b) We show A B A B. Let x A B. Then every neighborhood U of x intersections A B. So every neighborhood U of x intersects either A or B. Therefore x A or x B, so x A B. (c) We show A A . Let x A . So x A for some . For this , we have every neighborhood U of x intersects A . Therefore every neighborhood U of x intersects A , so x A . Here is an example to show equality can fail. For each real (0, 1) let A = {}. Then each A is closed, so A = (0, 1). But A = (0, 1), so A = [0, 1].