Topological Spaces: Space

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Chapter 2

Topological Spaces

A topological space (X, ) is a set X with a topology , i.e., a collection of subsets of X with the following properties: 1. X , . 2. If A, B , then A B . 3. For any collection {A } , if all A , then A . The sets in are called open sets, and their complements are called closed sets. A base of the topology is a collection of open sets such that every open set is a union of sets in the base. The coarsest topology has two open sets, the empty set and X , and is called the trivial topology (or indiscrete topology). The nest topology contains all subsets as open sets, and is called the discrete topology. In a metric space (X, d) dene the open ball as the set B (x, r) = {y X : d(x, y ) < r}, where x X (the center of the ball), and r R, r > 0 (the radius of the ball). A subset of X which is the union of (nitely or innitely many) open balls, is called an open set. Equivalently, a subset U of X is called open if, given any point x U , there exists a real number > 0 such that, for any point y X with d(x, y ) < , y U . Any metric space is a topological space, the topology (metric topology, topology induced by the metric d) being the set of all open sets. The metric topology is always T4 (see below a list of topological spaces). A topological space which can arise in this way from a metric space, is called a metrizable space. A quasi-pseudo-metric topology is a topology on X induced similarly by a quasi-semi-metric d on X , using the set of open d-balls B (x, r) as the base. In particular, quasi-metric topology and pseudo-metric topology are the terms used in Topology for the case of, respectively, quasi-metric and semi-metric d. In general, those topologies are not T0 . Given a topological space (X, ), a neighborhood of a point x X is a set containing an open set which in turn contains x. The closure of a subset of a topological space is the smallest closed set which contains it. An open cover of X is a collection L of open sets, the union of which is X ; its subcover is a cover K such that every member of K is a member of L; its renement
M.M. Deza and E. Deza, Encyclopedia of Distances, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-00234-2 2, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 59


Topological Spaces

is a cover K, where every member of K is a subset of some member of L. A collection of subsets of X is called locally nite if every point of X has a neighborhood which meets only nitely many of these subsets. A subset A X is called dense if it has non-empty intersection with every non-empty open set or, equivalently, if the only closed set containing it is X . In a metric space (X, d), a dense set is a subset A X such that, for any x X and any > 0, there exists y A, satisfying d(x, y ) < . A local base of a point x X is a collection U of neighborhoods of x such that every neighborhood of x contains some member of U . A function from one topological space to another is called continuous if the preimage of every open set is open. Roughly, given x X , all points close to x map to points close to f (x). A function f from one metric space (X, dX ) to another metric space (Y, dY ) is continuous at the point c X if, for any positive real number , there exists a positive real number such that all x X satisfying dX (x, c) < will also satisfy dY (f (x), f (c)) < ; the function is continuous on an interval I if it is continuous at any point of I . The following classes of topological spaces (up to T4 ) include any metric space: T0 -space A T0 -space (or Kolmogorov space) is a topological space (X, ) fullling the T0 -separation axiom: for every two points x, y X there exists an open set U such that x U and y U , or y U and x U (every two points are topologically distinguishable). T1 -space A T1 -space (or accessible space) is a topological space (X, ) fullling the T1 -separation axiom: for every two points x, y X there exist two open sets U and V such that x U , y U , and y V , x V (every two points are separated). T1 -spaces are always T0 . T2 -space A T2 -space (or Hausdor space, separated space) is a topological space (X, ) fullling the T2 -axiom: every two points x, y X have disjoint neighborhoods. Thus, (X, ) is Hausdor if and only if it is both T0 and preregular, i.e., any two topologically distinguishable points in it are separated by neighbourhoods. T2 -spaces are always T1 . Regular space A regular space is a topological space in which every neighborhood of a point contains a closed neighborhood of the same point. T3 -space A T3 -space (or Vietoris space, regular Hausdor space) is a topological space which is T1 and regular. Completely regular space A completely regular space (or Tychono space) is a Hausdor space (X, ) in which any closed set A and any x A are functionally separated.

Topological Spaces


Two subsets A and B of X are functionally separated if there exists a continuous function f : X [0, 1] such that f (x) = 0 for any x A, and f (y ) = 1 for any y B . Perfectly normal space A perfectly normal space is a topological space (X, ) in which any two disjoint closed subsets of X are functionally separated. Normal space A normal space is a topological space in which, for any two disjoint closed sets A and B , there exist two disjoint open sets U and V such that A U , and B V . T4 -space A T4 -space (or Tietze space, normal Hausdor space) is a topological space which is T1 and normal. Any metric space (X, d) is a T4 -space. Completely normal space A completely normal space is a topological space in which any two separated sets have disjoint neighborhoods. Sets A and B are separated in X if each is disjoint from the others closure. T5 -space A T5 -space (or completely normal Hausdor space) is a topological space which is completely normal and T1 . T5 -spaces are always T4 . T6 -space A T6 -space (or perfectly normal Hausdor space) is a topological space which is T1 and perfectly normal. T6 -spaces are always T5 . Moore space A Moore space is a regular space with a development. A development is a sequence {Un }n of open covers such that, for every x X and every open set A containing x, there exists n such that St(x, Un ) = {U Un : x U } A, i.e., {St(x, Un )}n is a neighborhood base at x. Separable space A separable space is a topological space which has a countable dense subset. Lindel of space A Lindel of space is a topological space in which every open cover has a countable subcover. First-countable space A topological space is called rst-countable if every point has a countable local base. Any metric space is rst-countable. Second-countable space A topological space is called second-countable if its topology has a countable base. Second-countable spaces are always separable, rstcountable, and Lindel of. For metric spaces the properties of being second-countable, separable, and Lindel of are all equivalent. The Euclidean space En with its usual topology is second-countable.


Topological Spaces

Baire space A Baire space is a topological space in which every intersection of countably many dense open sets is dense. Every complete metric space is a Baire space. Every locally compact T2 -space (hence, every manifold) is a Baire space. Alexandrov space An Alexandrov space is a topological space in which every intersection of arbitrarily many open sets is open. A topological space is called a P -space if every G -set (i.e., the intersection of countably many open sets) is open. A topological space (X, ) is called a Q-space if every subset A X is a G -set. Connected space A topological space (X, ) is called connected if it is not the union of a pair of disjoint non-empty open sets. In this case the set X is called a connected set. A topological space (X, ) is called locally connected if every point x X has a local base consisting of connected sets. A topological space (X, ) is called path-connected (or 0-connected) if for every points x, y X there is a path from x to y , i.e., a continuous function : [0, 1] X with (x) = 0, (y ) = 1. A topological space (X, ) is called simply connected (or 1-connected) if it consists of one piece, and has no circle-shaped holes or handles or, equivalently, if every continuous curve of X is contractible, i.e., can be reduced to one of its points by a continuous deformation. Paracompact space A topological space is called paracompact if every open cover of it has an open locally nite renement. Every metric (moreover, metrizable) space is paracompact. Totally bounded space A topological space (X, ) is called totally bounded (or pre-compact) if it can be covered by nitely many subsets of any xed size. A metric space (X, d) is a totally bounded metric space if, for every real number r > 0, there exist nitely many open balls of radius r, whose union is equal to X . Compact space A topological space (X, ) is called compact if every open cover of X has a nite subcover. Compact spaces are always Lindel of, totally bounded, and paracompact. A metric space is compact if and only if it is complete and totally bounded. A subset of a Euclidean space En is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded. There exist a number of topological properties which are equivalent to compactness in metric spaces, but are nonequivalent in general topological spaces. Thus, a metric space is compact if and only if it is a sequentially

Topological Spaces


compact space (every sequence has a convergent subsequence), or a countably compact space (every countable open cover has a nite subcover), or a pseudo-compact space (every real-valued continuous function on the space is bounded), or a weakly countably compact space (i.e., every innite subset has an accumulation point). Continuum A continuum is a compact connected T2 -space. Locally compact space A topological space is called locally compact if every point has a local base consisting of compact neighborhoods. The Euclidean spaces En and the spaces Qp of p-adic numbers are locally compact. A topological space (X, ) is called a k -space if, for any compact set Y X and A X , the set A is closed whenever A Y is closed. The k -spaces are precisely quotient images of locally compact spaces. Locally convex space A topological vector space is a real (complex) vector space V which is a T2 -space with continuous vector addition and scalar multiplication. It is a uniform space (cf. Chap. 3). A locally convex space is a topological vector space whose topology has a base, where each member is a convex balanced absorbent set. A subset A of V is called convex if, for all x, y A and all t [0, 1], the point tx + (1 t)y A, i.e., every point on the line segment connecting x and y belongs to A. A subset A is balanced if it contains the line segment between x and x for every x A; A is absorbent if, for every x V , there exist t > 0 such that tx A. The locally convex spaces are precisely vector spaces with topology induced by a family {||.|| } of semi-norms such that x = 0 if ||x|| = 0 for every . Any metric space (V, ||x y ||) on a real (complex) vector space V with a norm metric ||x y || is a locally convex space; each point of V has a local base consisting of convex sets. Every Lp with 0 < p < 1 is an example of a vector space which is not locally convex. Fr echet space A Fr echet space is a locally convex space (V, ) which is complete as a uniform space and whose topology is dened using a countable set of semi-norms ||.||1 , . . . , ||.||n , . . . , i.e., a subset U V is open in (V, ) if, for every u U , there exist > 0 and N 1 with {v V : ||u v ||i < if i N} U. A Fr echet space is precisely a locally convex F-space (cf. Chap. 5). Its topology can be induced by a translation invariant metric and it is a complete and metrizable space with respect to this topology. But this topology may be induced by many such metrics; so, there is no natural notion of distance between points of a Fr echet space. Every Banach space is a Fr echet space.


Topological Spaces

Countably-normed space A countably-normed space is a locally convex space (V, ) whose topology is dened using a countable set of compatible norms ||.||1 , . . . , ||.||n , . . . . It means that, if a sequence {xn }n of elements of V that is fundamental in the norms ||.||i and ||.||j converges to zero in one of these norms, then it also converges in the other. A countably-normed space is a metrizable space, and its metric can be dened by 1 ||x y ||n . n 1 + ||x y || 2 n n=1 Metrizable space A topological space is called metrizable if it is homeomorphic to a metric space, i.e., X admits a metric d such that the set of open d-balls {B (x, r) : r > 0} forms a neighborhood base at each point x X . Metrizable spaces are always paracompact T2 -spaces (hence, normal and completely regular), and rst-countable. A topological space is called locally metrizable if every point in it has a metrizable neighborhood. A topological space (X, ) is called submetrizable if there exists a metrizable topology on X which is coarser than . A topological space (X, ) is called protometrizable if it is paracompact and has an orthobase, i.e., a base B such that, for B B , either B is open, or B is a local base at the unique point in B . Some examples of other direct generalizations of metrizable spaces follow. A sequential space is a quotient image of a metrizable space. Moritas M -space is a topological space (X, ) from which there exists a continuous map f onto a metrizable topological space (Y, ) such that f is closed and f 1 (y ) is countably compact for each y Y . Ceders M1 -space is a topological space (X, ) having a -closurepreserving base (metrizable spaces have -locally nite bases). Okuyamas -space is a topological space (X, ) having a -locally nite net, i.e., a collection U of subsets of X such that, given of a point x U with U open, there exists U U with x U U (a base is a net consisting of open sets). Every compact subset of a -space is metrizable. Michaels cosmic space is a topological space (X, ) having a countable net (equivalently, a Lindel of -space). It is exactly a continuous image of a separable metric space. A T2 -space is called analytic if it is a continuous image of a complete separable metric space; it is called a Lusin space if, moreover, the image is one-to-one. Quasi-metrizable space A topological space (X, ) is called a quasi-metrizable space if X admits a quasi-metric d such that the set of open d-balls {B (x, r) : r > 0} forms a neighborhood base at each point x X .

Topological Spaces


A more general -space is a topological space admitting a -metric d (i.e., a function d : X X R0 with d(x, zn ) 0 whenever d(x, yn ) 0 and d(yn , zn ) 0) such that the set of open forward d-balls {B (x, r) : r > 0} forms a neighborhood base at each point x X . The Sorgenfrey line is the topological space (R, ) dened by the base {[a, b) : a, b R, a < b}. It is not metrizable but it is a rst-countable separable and paracompact T5 -space; neither it is second-countable, nor locally compact or locally connected. However, the Sorgenfrey line is quasimetrizable by the Sorgenfrey quasi-metric (cf. Chap. 12) dened as y x if y x, and 1 otherwise. Symmetrizable space A topological space (X, ) is called symmetrizable (and is called the distance topology) if there is a symmetric d on X (i.e., a distance d : X X R0 with d(x, y ) = 0 implying x = y ) such that a subset U X is open if and only if, for each x U , there exists > 0 with B (x, ) = {y X : d(x, y ) < } U . In other words, a subset H X is closed if and only if d(x, H ) = inf y {d(x, y ) : y H } > 0 for each x X \U . A symmetrizable space is metrizable if and only if it is a Moritas M -space. In Topology, the term semi-metrizable space refers to a topological space (X, ) admitting a symmetric d such that, for each x X , the family {B (x, ) : > 0} of balls forms a (not necessarily open) neighborhood base at x. In other words, a point x is in the closure of a set H if and only if d(x, H ) = 0. A topological space is semi-metrizable if and only if it is symmetrizable and rst-countable. Also, a symmetrizable space is semimetrizable if and only if it is a Fr echetUrysohn space (or E -space), i.e., for any subset A and for any point x of its closure, there is a sequence in A converging to x. Hyperspace A hyperspace of a topological space (X, ) is a topological space on the set CL(X ) of all non-empty closed (or, moreover, compact) subsets of X . The topology of a hyperspace of X is called a hypertopology. Examples of such a hit-and-miss topology are the Vietoris topology, and the Fell topology. Examples of such a weak hyperspace topology are the Hausdor metric topology, and the Wijsman topology. Discrete topological space A topological space (X, ) is discrete if is the discrete topology (the nest topology on X ), i.e., containing all subsets of X as open sets. Equivalently, it does not contain any limit point, i.e., it consists only of isolated points. Indiscrete topological space A topological space (X, ) is indiscrete if is the indiscrete topology (the coarsest topology on X ), i.e., having only two open sets, and X . It can be considered as the semi-metric space (X, d) with the indiscrete semi-metric: d(x, y ) = 0 for any x, y X .


Topological Spaces

Extended topology Consider a set X and a map cl : P (X ) P (X ), where P (X ) is the set of all subsets of X . The set cl(A) (for A X ), its dual set int(A) = X \cl(X \A) and the map N : X P (X ) with N (x) = {A X : x int(A)} are called the closure, interior and neighborhood map, respectively. So, x cl(A) is equivalent to X \A P (X )\N (x). A subset A X is closed if A = cl(A) and open if A = int(A). Consider the following possible properties of cl; they are meant to hold for all A, B P (X ): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. cl() = . A B implies cl(A) cl(B ) (isotony). A cl(A)(enlarging). cl(A B ) = cl(A) cl(B ) (linearity, and, in fact, 4 implies 2). cl(cl(A)) = cl(A) (idempotency).

The pair (X, cl) satisfying 1 is called an extended topology if 2 holds, a Brissaud space (Brissaud 1974) if 3 holds, a neighborhood space (Hammer 1964) if 2 and 3 hold, a Smyth space (Smyth 1995) if 4 holds, 1966) if 3 and 4 hold, and a closure space (Soltan a pretopology (Cech 1984) if 2, 3 and 5 hold. (X, cl) is the usual topology, in closure terms, if 1, 3, 4 and 5 hold.

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