Peri Sriramamurthy Pallavi: Saamaja Vara Gamana Saadhu Hrut Saarasaabja Paala Kaalaateeta Vikhyaata Anupallavi: Saama Nigamaja Sudhaamaya Gaana Vichakshana Gunasheela Dayaalavaala Maam Paalaya Charanam: Veda Shiromaatruja Saptasvara Naadaachala Deepa Sveekruta Yaadavakula Murali Vaadana Vinoda Mohanakara Tyaagaraaja Vandaneeya Meaning: (From TK Govinda Raos book) O Lord, with the ("vara") majestic gait ("gamana") of a large elephant ("samaja")! O effulgent sun who causes the hearts ("hrut") of devotees ("saadhu") to blossom like the lotus ("saarasaabja")! Lord, your fame ("vikhyaata") transcends time ("kaalalitha")! Alternate meaning: O protector of the lotus-like hearts of the saintly! O Krishna, whose fame transcends time! O Expounder ("vichakshana") of the nectar-like ("sudhaamaya") music ("gaana") arising from Saama Veda ("nigamaja")! Thou of great ("sheela") qualities ("guna") and mercy ("dayaalavaala")! Care ("paalaya") for me ("maam"). You are ("sveekrutha") the divine flame ("deepa") illuminating the subtle and lofty heights of Omkaara, the essence ("shiromaatruja") of the Vedas, out of which emanated the seven ("sapta") notes ("svara") of music. You elevated to unsurpassable heights the Yaadava race ("kula") (by adopting it in your avatara as Krishna). You delighted in playing ("vaadana") on the flute ("murali") and fascinated ("vinoda") the Gopis by your bewitching form ("mohana kara") and mellifluous music. You are worshipped ("vandaneeya") by Tyaagaraaja! Pallavi: Saamaja Vara Gamana Saadhu Hrut Saarasaabja Paala Kaalaateeta Vikhyaata O Lord, with the ("vara") majestic gait ("gamana") of a large elephant ("samaja")! O effulgent sun who causes the hearts ("hrut") of devotees ("saadhu") to blossom like the lotus ("saarasaabja")! Lord, your fame ("vikhyaata") transcends time ("kaalalitha")! Alternate meaning: O protector of the lotus-like hearts of the saintly! O Krishna, whose fame transcends time! M; Saa mggm Saa S ; Saa G S ma ja mg S ma ja ndM ma ja ND Vara N N Gama | S; naa ; S - Saa ; S - Saa ; S - Saa S, n | MG M; - dhu Hrut ||
G , m D ,n
saa-bja Paa-la
Kaa- - -
G mg GM Dnd D N S , n d m d n Saa-- - ra saa- - bja Paa-la Kaa- - gssn nddm mggs ; dn | S; Saa- - - ma- ja- Va-ra- Ga- ma naa G mg GM Dnd D N S , n d m d n Saa-- - ra saa- - bja Paa-la Kaa- - Sgs ndD M g s g s Saa- - - ma- -ja Va-ra, dN | S; Gama naa
Anupallavi: Saama Nigamaja Sudhaamaya Gaana Vichakshana Gunasheela Dayaalavaala Maam Paalaya O Expounder ("vichakshana") of the nectar-like ("sudhaamaya") music ("gaana") arising from Saama Veda ("nigamaja")! Thou of great ("sheela") qualities ("guna") and mercy ("dayaalavaala")! Care ("paalaya") for me ("maam"). S; Saa S; Saa S; Saa M; cha S; Saa M-N ma Ni M-N ma Ni M-N ma Ni GM ga ma DN ga ma DN ga ma D-N ja Su S-N ja Su S-N ja Su | S; dhaa| S; dhaa| S,g dhaa;; -dn S -S N maya | ; ; -n d m g || --- -
d n s -g | S , n D , n | s n d m g m d n || shee-la Da yaa-la vaa-la Maam - Paa- laya S-N ja Su | S,g dhaaS N maya | DN S-G Gaa- na Vi ||
Charanam: Veda Shiromaatruja Saptasvara Naadaachala Deepa Sveekruta Yaadavakula Murali Vaadana Vinoda Mohanakara Tyaagaraaja Vandaneeya You are ("sveekrutha") the divine flame ("deepa") illuminating the subtle and lofty heights of Omkaara, the essence ("shiromaatruja") of the Vedas, out of which emanated the seven ("sapta") notes ("svara") of music. You elevated to unsurpassable heights the Yaadava race ("kula") (by adopting it in your avatara as Krishna). You delighted in playing ("vaadana") on the flute ("murali") and fascinated ("vinoda") the Gopis by your bewitching form ("mohana kara") and mellifluous music. You are worshipped ("vandaneeya") by Tyaagaraaja! S; M -G M; M; |DN dnsn |DM DN ||
Ve S; Naa S; Yaa
ro -
truja | S; pa|S; li -
Sa- - -
svara ||
S - G || na Vi
| sn d m g m d n || Van--da nee- - ya