The document provides a rubric for evaluating a mechanical engineering student's major project at midterm. It evaluates several criteria on excellent, good, average, partially acceptable and unacceptable scales. The criteria include: data collection/design work, data analysis and experimentation, teamwork, project diary, attendance, demonstration of the project, project report, and performance in a viva-voce exam. An excellent evaluation requires things like choosing appropriate tools for data collection, clear application of research tools with results properly analyzed and discussed with the guide.
The document provides a rubric for evaluating a mechanical engineering student's major project at midterm. It evaluates several criteria on excellent, good, average, partially acceptable and unacceptable scales. The criteria include: data collection/design work, data analysis and experimentation, teamwork, project diary, attendance, demonstration of the project, project report, and performance in a viva-voce exam. An excellent evaluation requires things like choosing appropriate tools for data collection, clear application of research tools with results properly analyzed and discussed with the guide.
The document provides a rubric for evaluating a mechanical engineering student's major project at midterm. It evaluates several criteria on excellent, good, average, partially acceptable and unacceptable scales. The criteria include: data collection/design work, data analysis and experimentation, teamwork, project diary, attendance, demonstration of the project, project report, and performance in a viva-voce exam. An excellent evaluation requires things like choosing appropriate tools for data collection, clear application of research tools with results properly analyzed and discussed with the guide.
The document provides a rubric for evaluating a mechanical engineering student's major project at midterm. It evaluates several criteria on excellent, good, average, partially acceptable and unacceptable scales. The criteria include: data collection/design work, data analysis and experimentation, teamwork, project diary, attendance, demonstration of the project, project report, and performance in a viva-voce exam. An excellent evaluation requires things like choosing appropriate tools for data collection, clear application of research tools with results properly analyzed and discussed with the guide.
Data collection/Design/ Chooses appropriate Chooses appropriate Chooses appropriate No proper selection No Fabrication work etc. computational and computational and computational and of computational computational (10 marks) information tools for information tools for information tools for tools for Data tools for Data Data Data collection/design/ Data collection/design/ collection/design collection/design/ fabrication work obtains collection/design/ fabrication work. / fabrication fabrication work correct solution to fabrication work. Data was not work were used obtains correct model developed for the Partially collection of collected properly. and Incomplete solution to model project. data. work. developed for the project or uses tools effectively. Data analysis & Clear application of Clear application of Clear application of Research tools are No work has Experimentation research tools. Results research tools. Results research tools. not specified. Results been done (05 marks) are analyzed properly are analyzed to some Results were not were not analyzed related to and discussed with extent and discussed analyzed and hardly and not discussed analyze / guide. with guide. discussed with guide with guide. fabrication/ experimentation of the project. Teamwork The team worked well The team worked well The team worked The team worked The team did not (05 Marks) together to achieve together most of the together but with together very rarely collaborate or objectives. Each time, with only a few many instances of but some members communicate member contributed in occurrences occurrences work independently, well. Some a valuable way to the of communication of communication without regard to members work project. breakdown breakdown objectives or independently, or failure to collaborate or failure to collabora priorities. without regard to when necessary. te when necessary objectives or priorities.
Rubric#4: Overall Evaluation- Internal (80 Marks)
Rubric Excellent Good Average Partially Acceptable Unacceptable
% Weightage 81-100% 61-80% 41-60% 21-40% 0-20%
Project Diary It includes all of the It includes most of the It includes some of It includes a very few It includes none (15 Marks) following: following: the following: of the following: of the following: 1.Compilation of 1.Compilation of 1.Compilation of 1.Compilation of 1.Compilation of literature. literature. literature. literature. literature. 2.Rough sketches, 2.Rough sketches, 2.Rough sketches, 2.Rough sketches, 2.Rough calculations, calculations, calculations, calculations, sketches, observations etc. observations etc. observations etc. observations etc. calculations, 3.Rough chapters of 3.Rough chapters of 3.Rough chapters of 3.Rough chapters of observations etc. project report. project report. project report. project report. 3.Rough chapters of project report. Attendance/Regularity 90-100% attendance in 80-90% attendance in all 70-80% attendance in 70-60% Below 60% (15 Marks) all project classes project classes all project classes attendance in all attendance in all project classes project classes Demonstration of Full understanding and Full understanding and Partial understanding Demonstrates very No Project demonstration of demonstration of project and demonstration of little and some demonstration of (20 Marks) project with makes with makes links with project with makes understanding of project and no links with complete partial fulfillment of links with very few of objectives. understanding of fulfillment of objectives. objectives and does project objectives and also not make connections objectives. suggest new ideas. among ideas. Project Report Information in project Information in project Information in project Less Information is There is no (15 Marks) report is in logical report is in logical report is not in logical provided in the report Information sequence with sequence with diagrams, sequence with about the project, about the project diagrams, tables, tables, results and diagrams, tables, results and with no results results and discussion. discussion. The report is results and discussion. The and discussion. The report is complete partially complete and in discussion. The report is incomplete The report is and in proper format. proper format. report is incomplete and not in proper incomplete and but in proper format. format. not in proper format. Viva-voce Give complete and Give complete and Give incomplete and Give very few and Given no reply (15 Marks) logical reply to the logical reply to the illogical reply to the illogical reply to the to the questions questions asked by questions asked by questions asked by questions asked by asked by examiner. examiner with few examiner. examiner. examiner. errors.