Staff Benefit Fund

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Master Circular No.

Staff Benefit Fund

Government Of India Ministry of Railways

Developed by West Central Railway


Part I Introduction 1. Objectives of the Fund 2. Sources of Credit to the Fund 3. Per Capita Distribution in Regard to Various Activities 4. Management of the Fund 5. Tenure of Members 6. Other Salient Points 7. Accounts of the Fund 8. Annual Reports 9. 10. General Part III Original Orders/Circulars from which Consolidation has been made No. E55FU1-5 dated 13.08.1955 1. No. E(W)56FU1/12 dated 05.11.1956 2. No. E(W)54FU1/1 dated 26.09.1957 3. No. E(W)57FU1-2 dated 07.05. 1958 4. No. E(W)59FU11 dated 15.01.1959 5. No. E(W)59FU15 dated 27.12.1960 6. No. E(W)63FU13 dated 11.04.1963 7. No. E(W)62FU126 dated 07.08.1963 9. 10. No. E(W)63FU1-16 dated 10.04.1964 11. No. E(W)65FU111 dated 13.10.1965 12. No. E(W)65FU130 dated 17.01.1966 13. No. E(W)65FU111 dated 11.08.1966 14. No. E(W)67FU13 dated 09.08.1967 15. No. E(W)67FU123 dated 25.01.1968 16. No. E(W)68FU15 dated 30.04.1968 17. No. E(W)67FU1-23 dated 28.05.1968 18. No. E(W)69FU15 dated 17.02.1970 19. No. E(W)70FU1-5 dated 02.09.1972 20. No. E(W)70FU1-5 dated 16.02.1973 21. No. E(W)74FU15 dated 13.03.1975 22. No. E(W)74FU1-5 dated 21.05.1975 23. No. E(W)75Col 1-5 dated 12.12.1975 24. No. E(W)76FU1-4 dated 27.03.1976

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 35A. 36. 37. 38. 39.

No. E(W)74FU1-5 dated 26.06.1976 No. E(W)77FU1-6 dated 25.10.1978 No. E(W)82FU1 9 dated 17.08.1982 No. E(W)82FUl 9 dated 12.01.1983 No. E(W)75FU1 7 dated 17.01.1985 No. E(W)86FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987 No. E(W)88WE 1-16 dated 21.03.1989 RBE 82/89 No. E(W)87FU1-8 dated 16.11.1989 No. E(W)90FU1-1 dated 27/28.03.1990 No. E(W)90FU1-2 dated 5-10-90; RBE 171/90 Chapter 8 of I.R.E. Code Vol. 1. Para 1552 of I.R.E.M. (Edition 1968) No. E(W) 90 FU1-6, dated 23-1-1991; RBE 14/91 No. E(W) 91 FU1-1 dated 29.10.1991 No. E(W) 90 FU 1-8 dated 08.11.1991; RBE 192/91 S.C. No. I to M.C. No. 4 No. E(W) 93 FU1-3 dated 02/04.08.1993; RBE 116/93 S.C. No. 2 to M.C. No. 4 (with copy of the letters) No. E(W) 82 FU 1-4 dated 28.05.1983 No. E(W) 90 FU 1 -7 dated 09.11.1990 No. E(W) 88 WE 1-16 dated 10.07.1989 No. E(W) WE 1-24 dated 18.03.1991 No. 88/H/28/6 dated 20.07.1992

40. Other Railway Board Orders On the Subject 41. Chapter 8 of IREC Vol. I

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Master Circular No. 4 STAFF BENEFIT FUND

At present, the orders relating to Staff Benefit Fund are contained in a number of office circulars/orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing orders/circulars into one Master Circular has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways. They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the subject as below for the information and guidance of all concerned. 2. Staff Benefit Fund was established on the India Railways in 1931. Over the years, the Fund has grown in stature and on date, the following activities are financed out of the fund for the welfare of the Railway employees and their children:(i) General activities, viz., education, recreation, amusement, relief of distress, sickness and miscellaneous items; (ii) Sports activities; (iii) Scouts activities (iv) Recreational facilities to officers and supervisory staff. (v) Indigenous systems of medicines, including homeopathy. [No.E(W) 88WE1-16 dated 21.03.1989 and para 802-RI] 3. The Staff Benefit Fund is credited with: (a) Annual grant on the 1st of April of each financial year from the Railway Revenues on per capita basis based on the sanctioned strengthboth permanent and temporary postsas on 31st March, excluding the posts charged to capital on each Railway/ PU; (b) All receipts from fines; (c) all receipts from forfeited Provident Fund bonuses of non-gazetted employees; (d) 50% of the expenditure incurred by the respective railways on the grant of scholarships for technical education of children of Railway employees during the preceding year; and (e) Unpaid wages beyond three years. [No. E(W)62FU1-26 dated 01.01.1963 and No. E(W)62FU1-26 dated 07.08.1963, No. E(W)70FU1-5 dated 16.02.1973, No. E (W) 70FUI-5 dated 02.09.1972, No. E (W)86FUl-l dated 14.05.1987, No. E(LL)84-AT/PW/1-4 dated 14.03.1989 and Paras 804-805 of/RE Code Vol.1]

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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4. The per capita contribution on to the Staff Benefit Fund in regard to the various activities referred to in para 2 above is Rs. 14.50 and its distribution has been fixed as follows: Rs. (1) General activities (a) Education (b) Recreation either than sports (c) Relief of distress, sickness etc. (d) Misc. (e) Inter-Railway cultural competition TOTAL: Sports activities Scouts activities Recreational facilities to officers and supervisory staff Indigenous system of medicines including Homoeopathy TOTAL 2.50 2.00 3.25 0.50 0.05 8.25 2.50 1.00 2.00 0.75 14.50 Rs. 8.25

(2) (3) (4) (5)

[No. E 55FU1 -5 dated 13.08.1955, No. E(W)57FU1 -2 dated 07.05.1958, No. E(W): 59FU1-5 dated 27.12.1960, No. E(W) 56FU1-12, dated 05.11.1966, No. E(W) 70FU1-5 dated 16.02.1973, No. E(W) 74FU1-5 dated 13.03.1975, No. E(W)76FU1-4 dated 27.03.1976, No. E(W)74FUJ-5 dated, 26.06.1976, No. E(W)82FU1-9 dated 17.08.1982, No. E(W)82 FU1-9 dated 12.01.1983, No. E(W)84FUJ-7 dated 17.01.1985, No. E(W)86 FU1-1dated 14.05.1987, No. E(W) 87FU1-8 dated 16.11.1989, No. E(W) 88WEI-16 dated 21.03.1989 and No. E(W)90FU]-1 dated 27/28.03.1990] Note : (1) Based on the overall per capita contribution of Rs. 2.50 for promotion of Sports activities and Rs.1.00 for promotion of Scouts and Guides activities, allotment for promotion of these activities shall be made by the Ministry of Railways in consultation with the Railways Sports Control Board and Railway Scouts and Guides Board respectively. For financing Inter-Railway competitions allotment of funds set apart at the rate of Paisa five only on per capita basis will also be made by the Ministry of Railways. [No. E(W) 86FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987 and E(W) 90FU1-1 dated 27/28.03.1990] (2) For calculating the per capita contribution the Railway Administrations should not take into account the permanent / temporary staff of open e on transfer/deputation to Railway Electrification project and COFMOW. [No. E(W) 84FUl-7 dated 17.01.1985 and E(W)90FUl-2 dated 05.10.1990} (3) The amount at 4 (5) above should be used exclusively on promotion of indigenous system of medicines. No carry forward will be allowed against this item of expenditure from the Staff Benefit Fund.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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(4) In regard to item (4) viz. recreational -facilities to officers and (supervisory staff, the utilisation of the amount referred to will be decided by the General Manager of the Railway in consultation with his F.A. & C.A.O. Separate account should be maintained for this item. [Nos. E(W)77FU1-6 dated 25.10.1978, E(W)74FU1-5 dated 21.05.1975, E(W)74FU 1-5 dated 13.03.1975 & E(W) 74FU1-5 dated 26.06.1976] 5. The Staff Benefit Fund will be managed by a Committee comprising of official representatives and staff side represented by the two Recognised Unions. The Central Staff Benefit Fund Committee at the headquarters will be presided over by the Chief Personnel Officer of the Railway who will be the Chairman. Other members of the Committee will be: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Chief Medical Officer Chief Engineer Welfare officer to be nominated by the G.M. who will be the Secretary of the Committee. Six members equally to be selected from the two unions.

The Divisional SBF committees will be presided over by the Sr. Divisional Personnel. Officer/ Divisional Personnel Officer. Besides the' Chairman, the Committee shall consist of the following: (i) One officer to be nominated by the DRM; (ii) Two representatives from each Recognised Unions; and (iii) A Welfare Inspector nominated by the DRM who shall act as the Secretary. The Divisional SBF Committee shall have power to allot funds for the various activities specified, subject to the rules and limitations prescribed by the Central SBF committee at headquarters of the Railway. Similar Committees may also be formed by the Production units/ Metro Railway/Railway Electrification/COFMOW. [No. E(W)67FU!-23 dated 28.05.1968, Paras 807-808 of IRE code Vol.1] 6. Members to the SBF Committees should be elected in a manner considered suitable by the General Manager. A member of the Central SBF Committee or the Divisional SWi Committee will hold office for a period of one year unless he is removed by the General Manager or resigns himself. He is, however, eligible for re-nomination or election. [No. E (W) 67FUJ-23 dated 25.01.1968, No. E (W) 65FU1-11 dated 13.10.1965 No. E(W)65FU1-11 dated 11.08.1966, No. E(W)67FUJ-3 dated 4/9.08.1967 and Para 809 of IREC, Vol.-I]

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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7. Other salient points to be kept in view are as follows: (a) Where assistance is given under Educational Assistance Rules no further assistance from the SBF to be given. [No. E (W) 63FUI-16 dated 10.06.1964 (b) In deserving cases of distress of ex-members or their families relief may be sanctioned for the purpose of educational assistant but this cannot be as a regular measure as the serving employs have a prior claim. [No. E(W) 65 FU 1-30 dated I7.01.1966] (c) Retired Railway employees or persons dismissed/removed or outsiders cannot be nominated to the SBF Committees. [No. E(W) 68FU1-5 dated 30.04.1968 and No. E(W)75FU1-5 dated 12.12.1975. (d) Railway employees under suspension should not be allowed to attend the meetings of the SBF. However, there is no objection for a substitute taking his place. [No. E(W) 60NMI-31 dated 01.11.1960 and Para 808 of IREC, Vol. 1] (e) Expenditure on the maintenance of Maternity centres on the Railways are to be borne from 01.04.1955 from Railway revenues instead of contribution from SBF. [No. E55FU1-5 dated 13.08.1955 and No. E.55FU1-5 dated 19.10.1955)] (f) Railway employees serving on various Railway Recruitment Boards (Previously called Railway Service Commissions) will continue to derive the individual benefit from the SBF of their parent Railway. For collective benefit, such as recreation, sports, etc. they will be attached to the Railway who has the Administrative control of the Railway Recruitment Boards. [No. E(W)57FUJ-2 dated 07.05.1958 and No.E(W)59FU1-1 dated 15.01.1959] (g) The number of permanent staff of open line in the Railways on their transfer to construction projects except RE and COFMOW should be taken into. account for the purpose of working out per-capita contribution to SBF. [No. E (W) 69FU1-5 dated 17.02.1970, No. E(W)84FU1-7 dated 17.01.1985 and No. E(W) 90FU1-2 dated 05.10.1990] (h) The cost of stationery, printing charges of forms, postage charges and other contingent expenses relating to the Fund is met from the Railway Revenues. Expenditure on entertainment during SBF meeting should be met from the Fund itself. [No. E(W)59FU1-12 dated 10.05.1960, No. E(W)60FUI-3 dated 12.02.1960; and Para 806 of REC Vol. 1]

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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(i) Elected representatives when attending meetings of the SBF Committees will be issued passes of the class to which they are eligible on privilege account as Railway servants. [Para 1552 of I.R.E.M. of 1968] 8. The accounts of the SBF will be monitored and internally checked by the office of the FA&CAO and the Audit will make the checks. [No. E(W)63FUJ -3 dated 11.04.1963)] 9. Annual Reports on the working of the SBF should be submitted by each Railway Administration to the Railway Board. [Para 812 of I.R.E.G. Vol. I] 10. General (i) While referring to this Circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority. (ii) The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to ; and (iii) If any circular on the subject, which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration in preparing this consolidated letter, the said circular, which has been missed through oversight, should be treated as valid and operative. Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[1] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E55FU/-5, dated 13.08.1955] It may be recalled that in para 66 of his speech introducing the Railway Budget in the Lok Sabha for the year 1955-56 the Minister for Railways stated that he had under consideration a proposal to raise the contribution from Railway Revenues to the Staff Benefit Fund in order to afford greater scope to the Railway Administrations concerned to spend on the objectives of the Fund. The question has accordingly been examined and the President has been pleased to decide that the contribution from the revenues of the Railways to the Staff Benefit Fund should be increased from Re. 1 to Rs. 2 per head of the number of nongazetted staff other than those whose pay is charged to 'Capital' every year. 2. This increased rate of contribution will take effect from the 1st April 1955, and will be effective upto March 1958. 3. In the case of CLW and ICF, a similar contribution to the Fund should be made chargeable to 'Capital Suspense - Work-shop Suspense Account under Proforma-on-cost'. 4. It has been further decided that the expenditure on the maintenance of Maternity Centres on the Railways should, in future, be borne from Railway revenues instead of by contribution from the Staff Benefit Fund as hitherto.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[No. E(W)56 FUl-12.dated5.11.1956} In accordance with para 1208-R-I, the objectives of the Staff Benefit Fund are: (i) education of staff and their children; (ii) recreation and amusement for staff and their children; (iii) relief of distress among the members of the staff; (iv) schemes for sickness benefits to the families of the staff; and (v) miscellaneous. The Board have decided that the amount available in the Staff Benefit Fund of each railway might be spent in the following proportion in respect of the objectives mentioned above: -

(i) education of staff and their children; (ii) recreation and amusement; (iii) relief of distress among families of employees; (iv) schemes of sickness; (v) miscellaneous Total

30% 30% 15% 10% 15% 100%

A quarterly review of the expenditure should be made and at the end of the third quarter if the expenditure under any one of the above heads does not come up to the percentage allotted, the amount thus available may be utilised to the extent necessary against other heads.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[3] Subject : Status and service conditions of the staff carryingout Staff Benefit Fund work on Indian Railways. [No.E(W)54FU1-1, dated 26.09.1957] After reviewing the practice obtaining on the different Railways regarding the status and service conditions of the staff carrying out Staff Benefit Fund work, the Railway Board have decided that on those Railways where there arc separate clerical staff employed by, and at the cost of, the Staff Benefit Fund, the work should, with effect from 01.10.1957 be handled by the staff in the normal Railway cadre, amongst other items of the work, since the quantum of the work is quite small and should not ordinarily require more than a senior clerk and a junior clerk. The clerical staff of the Staff Benefit Fund should be taken over into L regular Railway Service and treated as Railway servants with effect from 01.10.1957 on the same terms and conditions as recently notified for the staff j of the Maternity and Child Welfare Centres, in Board's letter E (W) 56WE1-14 dated 22.05.1957.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[4] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No.E(W)57 FUI-2, dated 07.05.1958] Reference paras 1 and 2 of Board's letter No.E55FU 1-5 dated 13.08.1955 wherein sanction was communicated to the increase in the per capita rate of annual contribution from the Railway Revenues to the Staff Benefit Fund from Re. 1 to Rs. 2 from 1st April, 1955 and the Railway Administrations were advised that the increased rate of contribution would be effective upto March 1958. 2. The Railway Board have reviewed the position of the Staff Benefit Fund in the light of the various welfare activities on the Railways to be financed from the Fund. With a view to afford greater scope for expansion of welfare activities within the objectives of the Fund and to enable the Railway administrations to meet the expenditure from the Fund for (i) grant of scholarships to the children of Railway employees for the prosecution of technical education; and (ii) vocational training for Railway employees and their children the Railway Board have decided that the per capita rate of annual contribution from the Railway Revenues to the Staff Benefit Fund of the Zonal Railways (except Southern Railway) should be increased from Rs. 2 to Rs. 4 with effect from 1st April, 1958. The increased contribution at the rate of Rs.4 will not apply to the Southern Railway for the present, there being a substantial surplus balance in the Staff Benefit Fund of that Railway. The position of the Southern Railway would be reviewed when the accumulated balance in the Staff Benefit Fund of that Railway has been utilised. 3. In regard to the Staff Benefit Fund of the Chittaranjan Loco Works, Integral Coach Factory and Railway Board's Office, the Railway Board feel that the per capita annual grant would not be sufficient and they have accordingly decided that following ad hoc annual allotments may be made to the Staff Benefit Fund of these Administrations from 1st April, 1958:C.L.W. I.C.F. Railway Office Rs. 40,000 Rs. 20,000 Board's Rs. 10,000 Chargeable to 'Capital Suspense-Workshop Suspense. Account under proforma-on-cost Chargeable to Railway Revenues

4. The Board have further decided that a separate Staff Benefit Fund should be created for the Research, Design and Standardisation Organisation.. They should arrange to form a Staff Benefit Fund Committee in accordance with the rules contained in Chapter XII of the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol.1, for the management of the Fund, with such i modifications as may be found necessary. 5. Provision for increased allotment to the Staff Benefit Fund may be included in the Revised Estimates for 1958-59 under the relevant Grant. 6. The Railway Board have also decided that the staff of the Railway Service Commission, Allahabad/Calcutta/Bombay/Madras should be attached to the Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern Rail' lively for the purpose of the privileges of the Staff Benefit Fund.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[5] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)59FUI-1, dated 15.01.1959] In para 7 of Railway Board's letter No. E (W) 57FUl -2dated 07.05.1958, it has been stated that staff of the Railway Service Commission, Allahabad, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras should be attached to the Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern Railways respectively for the purpose of privileges of the S.B. Fund. The Board have now decided that individual railway employees, employed in the different Service Commissions; who may be holding liens or have their liens only suspended on particular Railways and were hitherto eligible to derive certain individual benefits, such as reimbursement of tuition fees, scholarships, relief in the case of illness and consequent leave on loss of pay etc. from the SB Fund of their parent Railways, will continue to be eligible for receiving those individual benefits from the S.B. Fund of their parent Railways. In regard to the collective benefits, such as recreation, sports etc., the Staff of the Service Commissions may, however, be attached to the particular Railways as indicated in para 7 of Board's letter dated 07.05.1958.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)59FU1-5, dated 27.12. I960] The Railway Board have reviewed the position of the Staff Benefit Fund since 01.04.1958 when the per capita grant was raised from Rs. 2 to Rs. 4. They find that there are still some schemes and activities which it has not been possible to develop further due to limitations of finance. They have accordingly decided to add to the existing per capita grant, a special per capita annual grant of 50 np, from 01.04.1960. This special grant should be allotted specifically for sports activities. It may, however, be supplemented as necessary for stepping up the standard of sports on Railways. The additional contribution now made to the Staff Benefit Fund, should enable Railways to make substantially more provision for relief to staff suffering from T. B., who often remain on leave without pay for long periods. 2. Certain establishments like C.L.W., I.C.F., etc. receive ad hoc grants to the Staff Benefit Fund which are already in excess of the amount arrived at on a per capita basis. The ad hoc grants to the Fund of these Establishments may however be replaced by per capita grants (Rs. 4+50 np), if this would give a higher contribution. 4. As regards the percentage laid down for expenditure on the different objectives of the Fund in Board's letter No. E (W) 56FU 1-12 dated 05.01.1956 the Board have decided that the Railways should apportion the expenditure on the different objectives, as far as possible, in the proportions indicated below out of the total allotments to the SB Fund. in np 120 450 140 450 160 450 30 450 in percentage 27 31 36 6 100

(i) (ii)

Education of staff and their children Recreation and amusement.

(iii) Relief of distress among families of employees and schemes for sickness iv) Miscellaneous

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[7] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No. F(W)62FU1-26, dated 01.01.1963] Reference paras 1 & 2 of Board's letter No. E (W) 59FUl-5 dated 27.12.1960 wherein sanction was communicated to the increase in the per capita rate of annual contribution from the Railway Revenues to the Staff Benefit Fund from Rs. 4 to Rs. 4.50 np from 1st April, 1960. 2. The Railway Board have reviewed the position of the Staff Benefit Fund in the light of various Welfare activities on the Railways to be financed from the Staff Benefit Fund. With a view to giving some relief to the Fund to meet expenditure on the grant of scholarships to the children of Railway employees for the prosecution of technical education and consequently to afford greater scope for expansion of welfare activities within the objectives of the Fund, the Board have decided that with effect from the financial year 1963-64 and onward the annual grant to the Staff Benefit Fund on each Railway Administration at the existing rate (per capita basis or ad toe basis) may be augmented to the extent of 50 per cent of expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on grant of scholarships to the children if Railway employees for technical education during the preceding year. The additional grant for each Railway Administration for 1963-64 will be half the expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on grant of technical scholarships during 1962-63 and so on in subsequent years.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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Subject : Maintenance and Audit of the accounts of the Railway Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W) 63FU1-3, dated 11.04.1963] It has been brought to the notice of the Railway Board by the ADAT (Railways) that the position in regard to the submission and internal check of the accounts of expenditure incurred against amounts sanctioned from the Staff Benefit Fund is not uniform on different Railways. On some Railways no accounts are submitted to the FA&CAO for internal check. The Board in this connection would like to invite your attention to their letter No.61-L dated 22.07.1931 (copy enclosed) according to which accounts of Staff Benefit Fund should be maintained and internally checked by FA&CAOs. The ADAT (Railways) arranges such test check as he might consider necessary. The Board desire that these instructions should be followed in future. ___________________________________________________________________________

[9] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E (W) 62 FLU-26, dated 07.08.1966] Reference Board's letter No. E (W)62FU1-26 dated 1st January 1963, wherein Railway Administrations were advised that with effect from the financial year 1963-64 and onward the annual grant to the Staff Benefit Fund on each Railway Administration at the existing rate (per capita basis or ad hoc basis) may be augmented to the extent of 50% of expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on grant of scholarships to the children of Railway employees for technical education during the preceding year and that the additional grant for each Railway Administration for 1963-64 would be half the expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on gram of technical scholarships during 1962-63 and soon in the subsequent years. 2. The Board have decided that the relief afforded to the Staff Benefit Fund as a result of additional grant referred to above may be utilised equally under "Education" & "Schemes for sickness".

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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Subject: Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E (W) 63FUI-]6, dated 10.04.1964 The Board desire that it should be ensured that where Educational' Assistance is given to a child of a Railway employee under the Educational Assistance Rules or in the form of admission to a Subsidized Hostel or award of a scholarship from the Staff Benefit Fund for prosecution of technical education, no further assistance should be given for educational purposes from the Staff Benefit Fund in respect of that child.


[11] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund Committee. [No. E(W)65FU]-11, dated 13.10.1965] It has been brought to the notice of the Railway Board by a Railway Administration that the same representatives are re-nominated to the Staff Benefit Fund Committees year after year resulting in vested interests being created and no fresh blood being introduced into these Committees. The Railway Board have accordingly decided that one-third of the nominated members from the recognised Unions and half of the elected members from the Central Staff Councils should necessarily retire every year. In case of Sub-Committees, half of the members both from recognised unions and Divisional Staff Councils should necessarily retire every year. A member of the Central Staff Benefit Fund Committee or the Divisional/workshops Sub-Committees, should not hold office consecutively for more than three years and the members who retires, should not be eligible for re-nomination or re-election for a period of at least three years. An amendment to Rule 1204-RI will issue in due course.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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Subject : Grant of educational assistance from Staff Benefit Fund in respect of Children of ex-employees. [No. E( W)65FU1 -30, dated 17.01.1966] A question has been raised whether educational assistance may be granted from the Staff Benefit Fund to the children of ex-railway employees. The Board desire to clarify that Rule 1208 (l)(c)-RI envisages grants from Staff Benefit Fund for relief of distress amongst the members or ex-embers of the Staff or their families. In a deserving case the relief may be sectioned for the purpose of educational assistance also, but recurring educational assistance cannot be allowed from the Fund as a regular measure to the families of the retired, deceased or permanently incapacitated employees as the serving employees have a prior claim on the Fund, resources being limited. ___________________________________________________________________________ [13] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund Committee. [No. E(W)65FU 1-11. dated 11.08.1966] Reference Board's letter No. E(W) 65FU 1-11 dated 13.10.1965. As referees are being received in the Board's office for certain clarifications in regard to the correct interpretation of these orders, the Board desire to further clarify the intention of these orders as follows: (a) A certain number of elected representatives must necessarily be changed every year. This number is one-third of the nominated Members from the recognised Unions and half the elected Members from the Central Staff Council in the case of the Central Staff Benefit Fund Committee and half the Members from both the recognised Unions and Divisional Staff Councils in the case of Divisional Workshops Sub-Committees. There is no objection to more Members than covered by the above prescribed limit retiring every year but it would be desirable to follow the prescribed limits in order to ensure some continuity in the work of the Staff Benefit Fund Committees from year to year, (b) No Member from the recognised Unions or the Staff Councils should hold office consecutively for more than three years and after retirement such a Member should not be eligible for re-nomination or re-election for a period of at least three years. The only exception to this rule may be that if at the time of reconstitution of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee after the issue of Board's letter No. E (W) 65FU1-11 dated. 13.10.1965, all the members had completed three years. It is not necessary that all the three should retire in a lot. In a case of this type, it should meet requirements if one member is retired every year so that the orders are fully implemented in three years and after three years, there is no member holding office for more than three years. (c) The instructions contained in Board's letter of 13.10.65 w issued after informal consultation with the two Federations.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[14] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund Committee. [No. E(W)67FU]-3, dated 09.08.1997] The Board with the approval of the President, have decided that the instructions contained in their letters No. E (W) 65 FU 1-11 dated 13.10.1965 and 11.08.1966 on the above subject may be treated as cancelled. The advance correction slip No. 90 relating to para 1204-RI sent to the Railway Administrations under their letter No. E (W) 61FUl -14 dated 14.03.1962 will continue to operate.


Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[15] Subject : Abolition of Staff Councils. [No. E(W)67FU}-23, dated 25.01.1968] Reference Railway Board's letter No. E (W) 67FUl-3 dated 02.11.1967 and your replies thereto on the above subject. Consequent on the abolition of Staff Councils on the Zonal Railways either at the Headquarters level or at the Divisional and other lower levels, vide Railway Board's letter No. E (W)66001-4 dated 25.07.1967, the Board have had under consideration various points in this regard and they desire to clarify them as under: i) The manner in which representatives of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee, at present elected by the Central Staff Council, should be chosen. These representatives should, hereafter be elected in a manner considered suitable by the General Manager. ii) Committees other than Staff Benefit Fund Committees where members of the Staff Councils are represented. These Committees have been set up in pursuance of Railway Board's letter No. E50WE 1-5 dated 11/12.12.1950. Here after the members of the Staff Councils represented on these committees, if any, should be nominated by the General Manager. iii) Continuance or abolition of the Unit Staff Councils in the workshops. Station Staff Councils working at important stations and Joint Staff Councils at Yards and depots. The instructions contained in Railway Board's letter No. E (W) 66001 -4 dated 25.07.1967 would be applicable to the Unit Staff Councils in the Workshops, Station Staff Councils working at important stations and Joint Staff Councils at Yards and depots, formed in terms of their letter No. E (W) 57001 -2 dated 24.07.1958. iv) Revival of Station Committees, Colony committees etc. which advised the administration on matters relating to sanitation and drainage in the colonies, repairs and maintenance of quarters, street lighting, children's parks, and the functions of which were taken over by Staff Councils in accordance with Railway Board's letter No. E (W) 58001-l dated 31.10.1958. Joint Committees of Management and Staff have been set up on the various Railways, for association in various aspects of Railway working for purposes of improving efficiency, punctuality, maintenance of stock, improvement of staff amenities, in accordance with Railway Board's instructions contained in their letter No. E (L) 57LR1-30, dated 10.09.1959. These Joint Committees also look after maintenance, better sanitation in the Railway colonies and Station goods sheds on certain Railways. The Board desire that these Joint Committees should also look to the matters relating to drainage of the colony, repairs and maintenance of quarters, street lighting, children's park etc., referred to above.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[16] Subject : Travelling Allowance to members of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee attending meetings at Headquarters. [No. E(W)68FU1-5, dated 30.04.1968] A case has come to Railway Board's notice, wherein a retired employee was nominated by one of the recognised unions as a member of the Headquarters Staff Benefit Fund Committee and that member had claimed TA/DA for having attended the meetings of the Committee. In this connection the Board desire to point out that a retired employee is not a railway servant for the purposes of Rule 336-RI and therefore, no TA/DA is admissible to such a person. They also desire to reiterate that under Rule 1202-RI there is no scope for the nomination of a retired employee or an outsider on the Staff Benefit Fund Committee by the Recognised Unions. The Railways should not therefore, accept any such nominations to the Staff Benefit Fund Committee by the recognised Unions. This also disposes of GM., Central Railway's letter No. HPB/SBF/1 dated 18.01.1968.


[17] Subject: Abolition of Staff Councils. [No. E(W)67FU1-23, dated 28.05.1968] In supersession of Railway Board's letter No. E(W)56WEl-5 dated 07.08.1958, the Railway Board have decided that there should be a total number of 6 representatives of the staff on the Central Staff Benefit Fund Committee and four on the Divisional Staff Benefit Fund Committee from the recognised unions to be equally divided amongst the recognised unions of each Railway Administration. Necessary code correction will be issued in due course.


Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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Subject : Staff Benefit Fund Per capita contribution from Railway Revenues. [No. E(W)69FU1-5, dated 17.02.1970] A point has been raised whether the number of permanent open line staff deputed to Construction Projects should be taken into account for the purpose of calculating per capita grant in terms of Rule 1206-RI to Staff Benefit Funds from Railway Revenues. The Board, after careful examination of the case, have decided in relaxation of the above Rule that (a) the number of permanent staff of open line in the Railways on their transfer to Construction Projects should be taken into account for the purpose of working out per capita contribution to S.B.F. and (b) the additional expenditure on this account may be charged to "Revenue". 2. It may specially be noted that this contribution is admissible only to permanent Railway personnel deputed to the Construction Projects. 3. Necessary code correction will follow. These instructions would be effective from 01.04.1970.

Advance Correction Slip No. 309-RI.

Rule 1206 (1) may be substituted by the following:"1206 (1) In addition to the credits to the fund detailed in rule 1205, there shall be credited to the fund on the 1st April of each financial year an annual grant from the revenues of the railway at a per capita rate per non-gazetted railway servant, other than the one whose pay is charged to Capital, employed on the railway on the preceding 31st March less than amounts credited to the fund in the previous calendar year from the sources of income referred to in rule 1205(3). The Fund shall be credited provisionally on the 1st April each year with an amount equal to the contribution for the previous year, the necessary adjustment being made as soon as the correct amount of the contribution has been determined."


Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)70FUJ-5, dated 02.09. 1972] Rule 1205-R1, inter alia provides that all receipts from fines, and forfeited Provident Fund Bonuses of non-gazetted railway servants arc to be credited to the Staff Benefit Fund. In terms of Rule 1205-RI, the amounts credited to the Fund in terms of Rule 1206-RI in the previous calendar year are to be deducted while calculating the annual grant from the Railway Revenues to the Staff Benefit Fund at the beginning of each financial year, credits provided on account of fines and forfeited Provident Fund Bonus of non-gazetted Railway servants under Rule 1205-(1) and (2)-RI should not be deducted from the amount to be credited to the Fund in terms of Rule 1206-RI. These orders will take effect from the financial year 1972-73. In view of the above the Rule 1206 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume I may be amended as per Advance Correction Slip No.309-RI enclosed as Annexure "A". ___________________________________________________________________________

[20] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)70 FU1-5, dated 16.02.1973] Rule 1206 (l)-RI, substituted vide Advance Correction Slip No. 309-RI, circulated to the Railways under Board's letter of even number dated 02.09.1972, inter-alia provides that in addition to the credits to the Fund detailed in Rule 1205-RI. There shall be credited to the Fund on the first April of each financial year an annual grant from the revenues of the Railway at a per capita rate per non-gazetted Railway servant, other than the one whose pay is charged to capital, employed on the Railway on the preceding 3.1st March less the amounts credited to the Fund in the previous Calendar year from the sources of the income referred to in Rule 1205 (3)-RI. The Board have decided with the approval of the President that the annual grant should be based on sanctioned strength, permanent and temporary, as on the 31st March instead of on the number of employees, posts charged to capital being excluded. This will take effect from 01.04.1973 i.e. the beginning of the financial year 1973-74. Necessary amendments to the code provision will be issued in due course.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[21] Subject : Recreational facilities for supervisory staff and gazetted officers. [No. E(W)74FU1-5, dated 13.03.1975] The Board have had under consideration the question of providing separate funds for the purpose of recreational facilities to be afforded to the Railway supervisory staff and gazetted officers. After careful consideration, they have decided that a separate annual contribution of Re. one per capita should be made to the Staff Benefit Fund for recreational facilities of supervisors and officers, this annual contribution being calculated in the same manner as prescribed in Rule 1206 RI as amended from time to time. The amount of allotment so calculated should be as far as possible be distributed for provision of recreational facilities to officers and supervisors in the proportion of 3:1 respectively. 2. The Board have further decided that for the present only 1/3 of the annual grant may be spent by the railways in the proportion indicated and no part of it should be utilised for expenditure of capital nature. In regard to the remaining 2/3 of the grant, further orders from the Railway Board would follow. 3. These orders are in partial modification of provisions contained in para 1209-RI of Indian Railways Establishment Code, Vol. I, and have the sanction of the President.


[22] Subject : Recreational facilities for supervisory staff and gazetted officers. [No. E (W) 74FU1-5, dated 21.05.1975] In Board's letter No. E (W) 74FU 1-5 dated 13.03.1975, it was decided that a separate annual contribution should be made to the Staff Benefit Fund for recreational facilities of supervisors and officers and that as far as possible the amount should be distributed for provision of recreational facilities to officers and supervisors in the proportion of 3:1 respectively. The Board have further considered the matter and have now decided that no such proportion for officers and supervisors be fixed and that the utilisation of the grant should be left to the General Manager to decide. This is in partial modification of the instructions contained in Board's letter of even number dated 13.03.1975. The Board further desire that separate accounts should be kept for this grant made specially for recreation of officers and supervisors.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[23] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund Committee. [No. E(W)75Col-5, dated 12.12.1975] A point has been raised whether dismissed Railway employees who have been allowed to continue as office bearers in their respective branches of the recognised unions should be accepted as staff representatives on nomination to attend the Staff Benefit Fund Committee Meetings and allowed to draw travelling allowance at the rate they were drawing prior to their dismissal. The Board desire to make it clear that the intention vide para 1202-RI and 1203-RI is that only the serving Railway employees nominated by the recognised unions are eligible to attend the meetings of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. No outsiders including former Railway employees who were dismissed/removed from service should be permitted to attend Staff Benefit Fund Committee meetings. Attention in this connection is also invited to para1204-RI, which empowers General Managers to remove a member of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee before the expiry of the normal term. ___________________________________________________________________________

[24] Subject : Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)76FUI-4, dated 27.03.1976] In supersession of the instructions contained in para (1) of their letter No. E (W) 74FUl-5 dated 24.09.1975, the Ministry of Railways have decided that annual per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund which was fixed at Rs. 7.20 may be modified as Rs. 7.00 with effect from 01.04.1976. 2. The Ministry of Railways have further decided in modification of para 4 of their letter No. E(W)74FUl-5 dated 13.03.1975 that the Railways should apportion the expenditure on different objectives, as far as possible in the proportion indicated below out of the allotment to the Staff Benefit Fund: in np 220 700 150 700 285 700 45 700 in percentage 31 21 41 7

i) ii) iii) iv)

Education of staff and their children Recreation & Amusement Relief of distress among families of employees and schemes for sickness Miscellaneous

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[25] Subject : Recreational facilities for supervisory staff and gazetted officers. [No. E(W)74 FU1-5, dated 26.06.1976] Attention is invited to instructions contained in para (2) of Ministry of Railways letter No. E (W) 74FUl-5 dated 13.03.1975 wherein it has been decided that for the present, only 1/3 rd of the annual grant of rupee one per capita sanctioned for the recreational facilities of supervisors and officers should be spent by the Railways and that no part of the grant should be utilised for expenditure of capital nature. 2. The Ministry of Railways have further considered the matter and in partial modification of the instructions contained therein they have now decided that w.e.f. 01.04.1976 the remaining 2/3rd amount of the per capita grant sanctioned for providing recreational facilities to supervisors and gazetted officers may be utilised for improving and acquiring the recreational assets and not for day today expenditure. It should, further, be ensured that the full grant is spent each year and no amount is carried forward to the next year as far as possible. 3. Attention is also invited to para (2) of Ministry of Railways letter No. E(W)75FU 1-22 dated 12.01.1976 wherein it was decided that for the year 1975-76 the annual contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund for recreational facilities for supervisory staff and gazetted officers should be reduced to Re. 0.80 per capita instead of rupee one per-capita. The unspent balance of this grant for the year 1975-76 may be released to be utilised in the manner indicated in para 2 above, because of the removal of ban on construction of non-functional buildings etc. ___________________________________________________________________________ [26] Subject : Staff Benefit FundGrants set apart for Sports activities and for recreational facilities for supervisory staff and gazetted officers. Board's letter No.E(W)74FUl-5 dated 13.03.1975 and 21.05.1975. [No. E(W)77FUI-6, dated 25.10.1978] In terms of Ministry of Railways' letter quoted above amounts at Re. 1 per capita each are granted specifically for the purpose of sports activities on Railways and for recreational facilities for supervisory staff and gazetted officers. The Ministry of Railways have carefully considered the question of the modality of releasing the amounts earmarked for these specified welfare activities and have decided that while these specific amounts will be accounted for in the overall framework of the Staff Benefit Fund, the amounts are to be controlled, accounts maintained and audit ensured by the appropriate body charged with the responsibility for promoting sports activities and recreational activities for supervisory staff/gazetted officers, respectively under the general supervision of the General Manager and the financial guidance and counsel of the FA&CAO as necessary. It will, therefore, not be incumbent on the part of the Central Staff Benefit Fund Committee to concern itself in terms of para 1207-R1 with the releasing of expenditure from the said amounts granted specifically for sports activities/recreational facilities.

Refrence :

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[27] Subject : Increase in per capita contribution to Staff Benefit Fund. No. E(W)82 FU1-9, dated 17.08.1982] In partial modification of instructions contained in Board's letters No. E (W) 74FUl-5 dated 13.03.1975, it has been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the annual per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund may be raised from the existing Rs. 9 (including Re. 1 each for sports activities and for recreational facilities for supervisory staff and gazetted officers) to Rs. 10.25. 2. Out of the enhanced grant of Rs. 1.25, Re. 0.75 is exclusively for scouting activities and the balance of Re. 0.50 is for sports, thus increasing the existing allotment of Re. 1 for sports to Rs. 1.50. 3. With separate contribution at the rate of Re. 0.75 per capita exclusively for scouting activities, an amount of Rs. 11.25 lakhs (approximately) will become available for the Zonal Railways Scouting Organisations. The question of setting up of an apex body which will give proper guidance as to how these monies now made available should be spent specially in regard to procurement of equipment for the outdoor work and the development of existing as well as new camping sites/facilities is under consideration and further instructions will follow in this regard. In the meantime, the Railway Administrations will ensure proper use of the funds allotted. 4. These instructions will come into force from 01.04.1982. Additional allocation in this regard will be notified to the Railways in due course.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[28] Subject : Increase in per capita contribution to Staff Benefit Fund. Refrence : This Ministry's letter of even number dated 17.08.1982. [No. E(W)82FU1-9, dated 12.01.1983] With the issue of this Ministry's letter referred to above, advising enhancement in the per capita contribution to the SBF from Rs. 9 to Rs. 10.25, a number of references have been received from the Railways/ Production Units seeking clarifications, inter-alia, in regard to the revised per capita distribution for various objects of the Fund. It is again clarified that the revised per capita distribution of the SBF will be as under: -

Rs. (i) (ii) Sports Other than Sports & Scouting a) Education b) Recreation other than sports c) Family distress relief d) Misc Scouting Recreation of officers & Sr Subordinates

Present Rs. 1.00

Revised Rs. 1.50

2.20 1.50 2.85 0.45



iii) iv)


1.00. 9.00

0.75 1.00 10.25

2. So far as allotment of Funds for sports, based on the overall per capita contribution of Rs. 1.50, the sports allotment will continue to be made by this Ministry in consultation with the Railway Sports Control Board to various zonal railways/production units. Accordingly with the enhancement of per capita contribution for sports activities to Rs. 1.50, the railways have been advised of the revised annual grant made to their railway/unit Staff Benefit Fund for promotion of sports activities for the year 1982-83 Board's letter No. E (W) 82FU 1-5 dated 30.10.1982. 3. It may, therefore, be noted that the annual contribution to the staff Benefit Fund by the Railways will be at the rate of Rs. 8.75 per capita Rs. 10.25 minus Rs. 1.50 for sports) which will include separate Rs. 0.75 per capita contribution for scouting activities Re. 1.00 per capita for recreational facilities of gazetted officers and supervisory staff and Rs. 7.00 for other objects like education, recreation and distress relief etc., as stated in para 1 above. The Railways may, as hitherto, however, augment their SBF by equivalent to 50% of the expenditure on technical scholarships during the previous year in terms of Board's letter No. E (W) 62FU1-26 dated 01.01.1963.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[29] Subject : Per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)75FU1-7, dated 17.01.1985] In terms of Rule 1206 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol. I, the per capita contribution to the SBF is based on the sanctioned strength of non-gazetted Railway employees, both permanent and temporary, as on the preceding 31st March, posts charged to capital being excluded. 2. Vide this office letter No. E (W) 69FUl-5 dated 17.02.1970, the Railways were advised that in relaxation of Rule 1206-RI the number of permanent staff of open line in the Railways on their transfer to construction projects, should be taken into account for the purpose of working out per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund and that the additional expenditure on this account may be charged to Revenue. It was also stated that this contribution is admissible only to permanent Railway personnel, deputed to the construction projects. This relaxation was -made on the specific understanding that the SBF needs of such staff would continue to be met by the Open Line Railways. 3. The Railway Electrification Project, Allahabad has been approaching this Ministry for sanctioning ad hoc grants for the provision of recreational and other facilities to the staff working in that Project, and accordingly, grants are being sanctioned for the purpose. Railway Electrification being a Construction Organisation, do not have a regular cadre of their own and it is seen that most of the staff are on deputation with them, from the Zonal Railways. In view of the fact that ad hoc grants are being sanctioned by this Ministry for the provision of SBF activities based on the existing per capita contribution, the Ministry of Railways desire that the zonal Railways should not draw contribution in respect of their staff who are on deputation to the Railway Electrification as it would lead to the drawal of per capita contribution at both the organisation in respect of the same employee.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[30] Subject : Increase in per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)86FU1-1, dated 14.05.1987] Further to this Office letters No. E(W)82FU1-9 dated 17.08.1982 and 12.01.1983, it has been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the annual per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund may be raised from Rs. 10.25 per capita to Rs. 14 per capita w.e.f. the financial year 1987-88, to be distributed as follows: Present 7.00 1.50 0.75 1.00 Revised 8.50 2.50 1.00 2.00

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

General activities, viz Education, recreation amusement, relief of distress, sickness and miscellaneous items Sports activities Scouts activities Recreational facilities to officers & supervisory Staff

2. Allotment of funds to various Zonal Railways/Production Units etc. for promotion of sports and scout activities, based on the revised overall per capita contribution @ Rs. 2.50 and Re. 1 respectively [para 1 items (ii) & (iii) above] will continue to be made by this Ministry in consultation with the Apex Bodies concerned, viz.. Railway Sports Control Board and Railway Scouts & Guides Board. 3. The revised break-up of amount for distribution to general activities other than sports, scouts etc. shall, as far as possible, be broadly .as under: Purpose (a) (b) (c) (d) Education Recreation other than sports Relief of distress, sickness etc. Miscellaneous Present Rs. 2.20 1.50 2.85 0.45 7.00 Revised Rs. 2.50 2.00 3.50 0.50 8.50

3.1 The Staff Benefit Fund Committees may be advised to adhere to he above guidelines while distributing funds for various activities covered under this Head. The Railways may, as hitherto, however, augment their SBF by equivalent to 50% of the expenditure on technical scholarships during the previous year in terms of Board's letter No. E (W) 82FUl-2A. dated 01.01.1963.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[31] Subject : Increase in per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund - Promoting Indigenous System of medicines including Homeopathy. [No. E(W) 88 WE 1-16 dated 21.03.1989; RBE 82/89] The question of earmarking specific amount for being spent on promotion of indigenous system of medicine including Homeopathy from the Staff Benefit Fund has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways for some time past. It is noted that in terms of extant instruction as contained in this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 82WE1-5 dated 09.09.1983 read with their letters No. E (W) 87WE1-5 dated 26.05.1987, No. E (W) 87WE15 dated 15.06.1987 , No. E (W) 87WE1-5 dated 31.07.1987, No. E (W) 87WE1-5 dated 06.08.1987 a certain amount of expenditure is already being incurred on promotion of indigenous system of medicine from the Staff Benefit Fund. Keeping these factors in view it has been decided that the existing contribution of Rs. 14 per capita of the Staff Benefit Fund as advised in this Ministry 's letter No. E (W) 86 FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987 may be increased by Rs. 0.50 so that more amount becomes available for being spent on promotion of indigenous system of medicine. It has also been decided that in the list of activities being financed from the Staff Benefit Fund and as shown in para 1 of this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 86 FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987 "item (v) Indigenous System of medicine including Homeopathy....... Rs. 0.75" may be added. Consequently the distribution of amount amongst the various activities as shown in paras 1 and 3 of this Ministry's letter dated 14.05.1987 just referred to may be revised as under: Existing Rs. (i) General activities viz.. Education, recreation, amusement, relief of distress, sickness and miscellaneous items :(a) Education (b) Recreation other than sports. (c) Relief of distress, sickness etc. (d) Miscellaneous (h) Sports activities Scouts activities Recreational facilities to Officers & Supervisory staff Indigenous system of medicines including Homeopathy Revised Rs.

(iii) (iv) (v)

2.50 2.00 3.50 0.50 2.50 1.00 200

2.50 2.00 3.25 0.50 2.50 1.00 2.00 0.75 14.50

2. Following further decisions have been taken: -


(i) The amount earmarked at 1 (v) above should be used exclusively on promotion of Indigenous System of medicines. (ii) No carry forward will be allowed against this item of expenditure from the Staff Benefit Fund.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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(iii) The rate of monthly consolidated honorarium to Physicians engaged by the SBF Committees will be as under: (a) Physicians engaged on Full time basis....................Rs. 1,000/(b) Physicians engaged on Part time basis .......................Rs. 500/(iv) While the Dispensers/Helpers engaged in these Dispensaries may be paid honorarium as may be fixed by the respective SBF Committees, the Physicians may be paid only at the rates prescribed in (iii) above. 3. These instructions will be effective from 01.04.1989. 4. Paras I and 3 above have the sanction of the President and the letter issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[32] Subject : Per capita contribution to the SBFPromoting indigenous system of medicine including Homoeopathy. [No. E(W)87FU1-8, dated 16.11.1989] Reference correspondence resting with your letter No.E/0/46 Pt. III dated 07.08.1989 on the above subject. 2. Sanction of the President is hereby communicated to the creation of a Staff Benefit Fund in the Railway Electrification, Central Organisation at Allahabad from the financial year 198990. Necessary allotment will be drawn annually at the rate of Rs. 14.50 (less allotment earmarked for promotion of Scouts & Guides and Sports activities @ Re. 1.00 and Rs. 2.50 respectively) per capita, calculated on the basis of the sanctioned strength of the non-gazetted staff, permanent and temporary exclusive of casual labour as on the 31st March of the preceding financial year. 3. The per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund may be distributed amongst the various activities in terms of instructions contained in this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 88 WE1-16 dated 21.03.1989 copy enclosed for ready reference). 4. A Staff Benefit Fund Committee, in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 8 of Indian Establishment Code, Vol. 11985-Edition), be formed for the management of the Fund under advice to the ; Board in due course. 5. The expenditure is chargeable to Demand No. 16-Assets-Acquisition, Construction and Replacement. The expenditure for the current year viz. 1989-90 should be met from within the existing allotment made for the year. 6. Post facto sanction of the President is also communicated to the operation of the Staff Benefit Fund, on the above basis during the year 1988-89.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[33] Subject : Inter-Railway Cultural competition allotment of funds from the Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)90FUJ-J, dated 27128.3. /990] Reference Adviser (S), Railway Board's D.O. letters No. E (W) 89 WE6-2 dated 15.03.1989 and 25.05.1989 inter-alia laying down guideline for holding Inter-Railway Cultural Competitions. 2. The question of financing the annual Inter-Railway Cultural Competitions has been considered by the Board. It has been decided that the Inter-Railway Cultural Competition should be financed from the Staff Benefit Fund. For this purpose, from out of the Head "Recreation Other than Sports" for which an amount of Rs. 2 per capita has been earmarked vide para 3 (b) of Ministry of Railways letter No. E (W) 86 FUl-l dated 14.05.1987,1 per capita contribution of 5 p. (paise five only) will be earmarked for being spent on Inter-Railway Cultural Competitions every year. Allotment of this part of the Fund to the various organising railways as may be decided by the Board will be made centrally by the Board. These orders will be effective from 01.04.1990.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[34] Subject : Operation of Staff Benefit Fund (SBF) [No. E(W) 90 FU1-2, dated 05.10.1990; RBE 171/90] Reference your letter No. COFMOW/IR/P-081, dated 06.04.1990 on the above subject. 2. Sanction of the President is hereby communicated to the creation of a Staff Benefit Fund in the Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops at New Delhi from the financial year 1990-91. Necessary allotment will be drawn annually at the rate of Rs. 14.50 (less allotment earmarked for promotion of Scouts and Guides and sports activities @ Re. 1.00 and Rs. 2.50 respectively and paisa 5 (five) only for Inter-Railway Cultural Competition") per capita, calculated on the basis of the sanctioned strength of the non-gazetted staff, permanent and temporary, exclusive of casual labour as on the 31st March of the preceding financial year. 4. The per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund may be distributed amongst the various activities in terms of instructions contained this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 88WE116, dated 21.03.1989 as modified vide this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 1990 FU1-1, dated 28.03.1990. 5. A Staff Benefit Fund Committee, in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 8 of Indian Establishment Code, Volume-I (1985-Edilion) be formed for the management of the Fund under advice to the Board in due course. 6. The expenditure is chargeable to Demand No. 19Assets Acquisition, Construction and Replacement. The expenditure for the Current year viz. 1990-91 should be met from within the existing allotment made for the year. 7. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

COPY Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the General Managers, All Zonal Railways, Production Units, Metro Railway/Calcutta, DG/RDSO, Lucknow, Principal, RSC, Vadodara. They are requested not to draw per capita contribution in respect of their employees on deputation/ transfer to COFMOW. Credit if already drawn for the current year may be passed on to COFMOW at the rate indicated above. Compliance of this may please be ensured The receipt of this may also be acknowledged.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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[35] Subject : Railway Staff Benefit Fund. [Chapter 8.I.R.E. Code Vol. I] 801. A Railway Staff Benefit Fund shall be maintained for each Indian Railway. 802. (1) Objects of the Fund: (a) Education of the staff and of their children when no assistance is admissible under the rules in Section B provided that no grant shall be made to a school which is not in accordance with any general or special orders issued by the President in this behalf; (b) Recreation, sports, scouting and amusement for the staff and their) children (c) Relief of distress amongst the members or ex-members of the staff or their families not provided for under the regulation in force on the railway; and (d) Such schemes for sickness or maternity benefits to the families of the staff as are not covered by the Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules. (2) If the Committee desire to incur expenditure on any other object, which in their opinion is for the benefit of the staff, they shall refer the matter to the General Manager whose decision shall be final. 803. No part of the fund shall be used for the benefit of any gazetted railway servant, except as provided in Note 3 under Rule 805(2). Note : A scholarship for study granted to the child/ward of a non-gazetted railway servant will not be withdrawn merely because the railway servant is subsequently promoted to officiate in a gazetted post, provided the student remains otherwise eligible for the same When, however, the railway servant is confirmed in the gazetted post, the scholarship should merely he-discontinued and no recovery should be made in respect of the period from the date of confirmation to the date of issue of the Notification of confirmation. 804. Credits to the Fund. To the fund shall be credited (1) all receipts from fines; and (2) all receipts from forfeited Provident Fund bonuses, except forfeited bonuses of gazetted railway servants.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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(1) In addition to the credits to the Fund detailed in Rule 804, there shall be credited to the Fund on the 1 st April of each financial year an annual grant from the revenues of the Railway at a per capita rate of Rs. 10.25 (including Rs. 1.50 per capita for sports activities. Re. 1.00 per capita for recreational facilities of supervisory staff and gazetted officers and Re. 0.75 per capita exclusively for promotion of scouting activities) based on the sanctioned strength of non-gazetted railway employees, permanent and, temporary as on the 31st March, posts charged to capital being excluded The Fund shall be credited provisionally on the 1st April each year with an amount equal to the contribution for the previous year, the necessary adjustment being made as soon as the correct amount of the contribution has been determined. (2) The Fund shall also be augmented to the extent of 50% of expenditure incurred by the respective railways on grant of scholarships to the children of railway employees for technical education of their children during the preceding year.

Notes: 1. Interest at 2 per cent per annum shall be credited on the balance at the credit of the Fund lying with the Government and will be taken in reduction of the annual contribution from the revenues of the railway. 2. In the case of Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. Diesel Locomotive Works. Integral Coach Factory, a similar contribution to this fund shall be made chargeable to "Capital SuspenseWorkshop Suspense Accounts under Proforma on Cost". In the case of wheel and Axle Plant, the contribution shall be chargeable to Demand No. 16Assets, Acquisition, Construction and Replacement. 3. Based on the overall per capita contribution of Rs. 1.50 for sports activities, sports allotments shall continue to be male by the Ministry of Railways in consultation with the Railway Sports Control Board to the Railways/Production Units. Thus augmentation to the SBF by the Railways will be at the rate of Rs.8.75 per capita (Rs.10.25 minus Rs. 1.50 for sports) which will include separate 0.75 per capita contribution for scouting activities, Re. 1 per capita for recreational facilities of gazetted officers and supervisory staff and Rs. 7 for other objects mentioned in Rule 802. The expenditure on objects other than the sports, scouting and recreational facilities for officers and supervisory staff shall be in the following proportion as far as possible: Other than Sports & Scouting. (a) Education (b) Recreation other than sports (c) Family distress relief (d) Misc. 2.20 1.50 2.85 0.45 . 7.00

806. Expenditure/row the fund. Subject to the general supervision of the General Manager, all expenditure from the Staff Benefit Fund shall be authorised by the Committee or by a Sub-Committee duly appointed under the provisions of Rules 808.

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Railway Ministry's decision. The cost of stationery, printing charges forms, postage charge and other contingent expenses relating to the Fund should be met from the Railway Revenues. Expenditure on entertainment during the meetings of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee should be met from the fund itself. [No. E(W)59FU1-12 dated 10.05.1960 & No. E (W) 60FU 1-3 dated 12.02.1960] 807. Management of the Fund. The fund shall be managed by a Committee at the headquarters of the Railway presided over by the Chief Personnel Officer. Besides Chairman, the Committee shall consist of the following: (i) The Chief Personnel Officer; (ii) The Chief Medical Officer; (iii) The Additional Chief Engineer; (iv) A welfare Officer to be nominated by the General Manager who shall act as the Secretary of the Committee; and (v) Six members shall be from recognised unions, to be equally divided amongst the recognised unions. Note: In the production units like CLW, DLW, ICF and W&AP where staff councils are functioning, members elected by the Central Staff Councils will be represented on the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. 808. (i) There shall be a Divisional Staff Benefit Fund Committee on each Division, which shall be presided over by the Divisional Personnel Officer. Besides the Chairman, the Committee shall consist of the following: (a) One officer to be nominated by the Divisional Rail way Manager, (b) Two representatives from each recognised union; and (c) A Welfare Inspector nominated by the Divisional Manager w! shall act as Secretary. (ii) Each workshop will also have a Workshop Staff Benefit Fund Committee, being the same as the prescribed above for the Division. If there is no Senior Scale Personnel Officer in a workshop, his place shall be taken by the Works Manager, or if there is no Works Manager, by the Assistant Works Manager. In the event of disagreement with the decision of the Division/ Workshop SubCommittee, the matter shall be referred to the Divisional Railway Manger/Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer-in-charge of the workshop, as the case may be, whose decision in the matter shall be final,

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The Divisional/Workshop Staff Benefit Fund Committees shall have powers to allot funds for the objects specified in these rule within the rules and limitations prescribed by the Headquarters Committee. Railway Ministry's decision 1. No retired employee, or an outsider shall be nominated by the Recognised unions to serve on the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. [No. E(W) 68FU1-5, dated 30.04.1968] Railway Ministry's decision 2. Railway employees under suspension shall not be allowed to participate in the meetings of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. There is no objection to substitutes taking their place for the period the sitting members remain disqualified. [No. E(W)60NM1-31, dated 1.11.1960} 809. A member of the Committee or Sub-Committee shall hold office for one year unless he is removed by the General Manager or resigns but shall be eligible for renomination or reelection. 810. If the Chairman disagrees with a majority of the Committee as regards (1) Financial proprietary of an expenditure from the Fund. (2) Whether the grant comes within the objects mentioned in rule 802. (3) Whether it conflicts with the recognised policy of the Government or the Railway, he shall refer the matter to the General Manager whose decision in the m alter shall be final. 811. Accounts of the Fund. The General Manager shall make such arrangements as may be necessary for keeping the accounts of the fund; and audit shall be carried out in such manner as the President may direct. 812. Annual report on the working of the Fund. The General Manager shall submit annually a report to the Railway Board on the working of the fund during the previous financial year.

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[35A] Subject : Passes to Members of Staff Benefit Fund Committee etc. [Para 1552 of IREM (Edition 1968)} Elected representatives when attending meetings of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee will be issued II class passes irrespective of their status as Railway servants. However, a first class pass may be issued to an elected representative if he is eligible for a I class pass on privilege account.

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[36] Subject : Grants of financial assistance from Railway Minister's Welfare & Relief Fund. [No. E(W) 90 FU4-6, dated 23.01.1991; RBE 14/91] Cases of individual employees in distress are being referred by the Railways to the Board, recommending grant of financial assistance to such employees from Railway Minister's Welfare & Relief Fund. In respect of many of these cases, it is not clear whether grant of assistance from Staff Benefit Fund had been considered and if so, the extent of relief granted to the employees from this source. With a view to enable the Managing Committee of the Railway Minister's Welfare & Relief Fund to properly appreciate the cases and consider grant of assistance from the Minster's Fund, the following points may please be kept in view while recommending the cases for assistance from the Fund: (i) In all cases of distress requiring financial assistance, the Railway Administration may first consider grant of relief from the Staff Benefit Fund and in case any assistance or adequate assistance could not be provided from Staff Benefit Fund, the case may be forwarded to the Board for consideration of grant of assistance from the Minister's Relief Fund, specifically indicating the reasons why no assistance could be granted from Staff Benefit Fund. (ii) While recommending cases for assistance from the Minister's Fund, priority may be given to cases requiring assistance in life-saving cases, especially those of younger age. (iii) The full details of the case may be furnished to the Board in the prescribed proforma. In cases where assistance has been sought on account of illness of the employee, it may be specifically mentioned whether the employee has been on leave without pay on this account and if so, the period for which he had been on such leave. Also, in such cases, details of the expenditure stated to be incurred by the employee on medical treatment may be furnished alongwith receipts/bills wherever possible. This would be necessary as, in most of these case, the employee avails of free medical treatment in Railway hospitals and yet, substantial amount is quoted as having been incurred in connection with the medical treatment. (iv) In respect of cases where assistance is granted from the Minster's Fund to handicapped employees for purchase of motorised tricycle, the necessary documents serving as proof of the employee having utilised the amount for purchase of the tricycle may be sent to the Board's office within one or two months after the amount is handed over to the employee. This would require effective monitoring to avoid misuse of the amount sanctioned. The above points may please be kept in view while recommending deserving cases for grant of financial assistance from the Railway Minister's Welfare & Relief Fund.

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[37] Subject : Grant of Scholarships for technical education from Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)91FU1-1 dated 29.10.1991] Reference correspondence resting with Railway Board's letter No. E (W) 85 FUl-4 dated l 9.11.1985. The Railway Board have decided that the children of the Railway employees studying for ICWA, CA and MBA in a recognised Institution/ University, may be treated at par with degree or diploma courses in medicine and various branches of Engineering, for the grant of technical scholarship from the Staff Benefit Fund. 2. This issues with the approval of Financial Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

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Subject : Staff Benefit Fund - Supplementary Circular No. 1 to M.C. No. 4 [No. EfW) 90 FU1-8, dated 08.11.1991; RBE 192/91] Reference Railway Board's letter of even Number dated 07.12.1990 circulating the Master Circular No. 4 regarding Staff Benefit Fund. 2. Railway Ministry desire that their letter No. E (W) 1FU1-1 dated 29.10.1991 vide which studies in ICWA, CA and MBA in a recognised Institution/University were treated at par with degree or diploma courses in Medicine and various branches of engineering for the grant of technical scholarship from the Staff Benefit Fund, may be treated as Supplementary Circular (S.C. No. 1) to Master Circular No. 4 issued vide letter No. E (W) 90 FUl-8.dated 12.11.1990.

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[39] Subject: Increase in the per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund Supplementary Circular No. 2. to M.C. No. 1 [No. E(W)93FU1-3 dated 02/04.08.1993, RBE 116/93] Reference this Office Circular No. E (W) 86FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987 and E (W) 88 WE-16 dated 21.03.1989, relating to the above subject. 2. There has been persistent demand for enhancement of the annual per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund to meet the increasing needs and requirements in certain sphere of activities financed by the S.B.F. The matter had been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways and it has since been decided to raise the per capita contribution of Rs. 14.50 P. to Rs. 20.00 P. w.e.f. the current financial year 1993-94. Consequently the distribution of amount amongst the various activities is revised as under: Existing Rs. Revised Rs.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

General activities viz. Education, recreation, amusement, cultural, relief of distress, sickness and miscellaneous items :Education* Recreation other than sports Inter-Railway Cultural Competition Relief of distress, sickness, etc.** Miscellaneous (ii). Sports activities*** (iii). Scout activities (iv). Recreational facilities to Officers and Supervisory staff (v). Indigenous system of medicine including Homeopathy**** Total

2.50 1.95 0.05 3.25 0.50 2.50 1.00 2.00 0.75 14.50

4.00 1.95 0.05 5.00 0.50 4.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 20.00

3.1 Education* - It will be seen from the above that the per capita contribution under this head has been revised from Rs. 2.50 to Rs. 4.00 per capita per annum. This enhancement has been made specifically to meet the demand for increasing the number of technical scholarships and providing facilities for promotion, encouragement and development of cocurricular activities including sports in Railway schools. 3.2 As regards the grant of technical scholarships, the extant scale prescribed by the Board relating to the number of scholarships allotted to each Railway, (Railway Board's letter No. E(W)82FU 1-4 dated 28.05.1983 refers Annexure-1, the value of scholarship ranging from Rs. 15 to Rs. 50, which may be increased to Rs. 70 in deserving cases in respect of students prosecuting Degree Courses in Medicine or Engineering (Para 2206 (iv)) of IREM -1990 Vol-II refers Annexure-2) and augmentation to the extent of 50% of expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on grant of scholarships during the preceding year (Rule 805 (2) R-1 1985 refers Annexure-3) from Railway revenue, stand withdrawn. Consequently the Railway Administration may, therefore, decide the number as well as the value of scholarship subject

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to a maximum of Rs. 100 (stands revised from Rs. 70 p.m.) per student to the eligible students prosecuting prescribed courses under the term 'Technical education' in conformity with the extant instructions of the Board. It may be reiterated that with the enhancement of per capita contribution, the Railway Administration shall not augment 50% of the expenditure incurred by them on the grant of technical scholarship during the preceding year from the Railway revenue. The prescribed percentage of scholarship reserved for being granted to SC/ST employees will continue to be in force. [Board's Circular No. E(W)90FU17 dated 9.11.1991 refers Annexure-4] 3.3 As regards promotion and development of co-curricular activities including sports in Railway schools, the Railway Administration may after taking into account various relevant factors like the existing facilities, students strength requirement of the school etc. decide the allocation of suitable amount to each school right from the Primary, including Austerity Type, to High/Higher Secondary Schools and Inter/Degree Colleges etc. For material assistance in the shape of sports gear, equipments etc., if any, required for furtherance of sports activities in Schools/Colleges the Railway Administrations may approach their respective Railway Sports Associations. 4. **Relief of distress, sickness etc.With the enhancement of per la contribution under this head from Rs. 3.25 to Rs. 5.00 per capita, it is hopped that the Railway Administration will be able to enlarge the scope of relief of distress and sickness benefits amongst railway employed their families. 5. ***Sports 5.1 The allotment of funds to various Zonal Railways/Production Units for promotion of sports activities under this head based on the revised contribution from Rs. 2.50 to Rs. 4.00 per capita will continue to be made by the Board in consultation with Railway Sports Control Board, as hitherto. 5.2 The Railway Sports Control Board have also been requested to give necessary instructions to the Railway Sports Associations affiliated to them to extend material assistance in the shape of sports gear and equipment etc. to the Railway Schools/Colleges functioning in their respective jurisdiction and lend the services of qualified and competent coaches in various sports disciplines to impart coaching to students studying in Railway Schools/Colleges to give a fillip to sports activities, spot out talent and improve the overall standard of sports in the educational institutions. 6. **** Indigenous System of MedicineWith the enhancement of per capita contribution under this head from Re. 0.75 P to Rs. 1.50P, the Railway Administrations may ensure that necessary relief is provided mainly towards cost of medicines, apart from meeting the expenditure on payment of honorarium to the Physicians/Dispensers, as per yardstick, already prescribed by the Board. (Board's letter No. E (W) 88 WE 1-16 dated 10.07.1989 refers Annexure-5) No part of this amount shall be spent on payment of arrears of honorarium to Physicians/Dispensers. Additional financial assistance, if any, required by the Rly. Admn. on this account should be worked out well in advance and projected for necessary reappropriation of the requisite amount from the head "Medical Services" for this purpose in pursuance of Board's letter No. E (W) 90WE1-24 dated 18.03.1991 and 88/H/ 28/6 dated 20.07.1992 (Refers Annexures 7 & 8).

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7. It is reported that on certain Railways, the Institutes/Clubs set up at different places are not functioning effectively. The Rly. administrations may conduct a survey and revamp the working of such Institutes/Cubs to provide recreational facilities to the Railway employees and their families. 8. Allotment of funds to the Railway Administrations for organisation of cultural competitions at the Inter-Railway level (item (i)(c) of para 2 supra) and promotion of Scout Activities (item (i) (iii) of para 2 ibid) will continue to be made by the Board as hitherto. 9. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

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ANNEXURE-1 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W) 82FU14 da/ted 28.05.1983 Subject : Grant of scholarships for technical education from Staff Benefit Fund. It has been represented by some Railways and the AIRF that in view of the increase in the staff strength, the number of scholarships for technical education from the Staff Benefit Fund as also the amount of the scholarships should be increased. |2. The matter has been considered by the Ministry of Railways in all its aspects and in supersession of the instructions contained in this Office letter No. E (W) 66 WE 8-7 date. 09.08.1966, it has been decided that the total number of technical scholarships should be increased from the existing 1150 to 1420 w.e.f. the financial year 1983-84 and distributed as follows :Railways Central Eastern Northern N.E. N.F. Southern S.E. South Central Western C.L.W. D.L.W. I.C.F. Railway Board R.D.S.O. R.S.C., Baroda RISET Metro Railway, Calcutta Wheel & Axle Plant, Bangalore Total No. of Scholarships Allotted 193 202 211 92 83 120 175 110 184 15 6 | 12 7 4 2 2 1 1 1420

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18

3. In view of the present ways and means position of the staff Benefit Fund, it has not been found feasible to agree to any change in the ceiling limit of Rs. 50/- per scholarship (Rs. 70/- in the case of degree courses in Medicine and Engineering). 4. The expenditure on these scholarships should be met from the Staff Benefit Fund. With a view, however, to giving some relief to the Fund, to meet expenditure on the grant of the scholarships, instructions issued vide Board's letter No. E(W)62FU1-26 dated 01.01.1963 and 07.08.1963 may be followed. 5. This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

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6. Please acknowledge receipt. [This disposes of N.E. Railway's letter No. E/260/0 (1) dated. 02.01.1982 and Western Railway's letter No., E/ 1075/14 Vol. II dated 17.09.1982]

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ANNEXURE-2 Excerpts from Indian Railways Establishment Manual-1990 Vol. II Para 2206 (IV) The value of scholarship will vary from Rs. 15 to Rs. 50 per month which may be increased to Rs. 70/- in deserving cases but only in respect of students of degree courses in Medicine or Engineering. The actual amount of scholarship to be awarded for the various courses of technical education will be determined by the staff Benefit Fund Committee. Note 1. A "deserving case" is one wherein the Railway servant, whose child or dependant goes in for a degree course in Medicine or Engineering is not in a position to meet the expenditure involved even after the grant of the usual limit of Rs. 50/- per month and the student himself is promising.

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ANNEXURE-3 Rule 805/(2) Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol I-1985 The Fund shall also be augmented to the extent of 50% of expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on grant of scholarships to the children of Railway employees for technical education of their children during the preceding year.

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ANNEXURE-4 Copy of Board's letter No. E (W) 90 FU1-7, dated 09.11.1990


Grant of scholarships for technical education from Staff Benefit Fundraising of the scale of reservation for the children of SC/ST Railway employees.

Reference Ministry of Railway's letter No. E (W) 58WE8-1 dated 08.02.1958 on the above subject. 2. In the context of celebrating Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Centenary Year, the question of increasing the quantum of Scholarship payable to the wards of SC/ST Railway employees was under consideration f the Railway Board and it has now been decided that the scale of reservation may be revised as under: Existing Revised Scheduled Castes 12% 15% Scheduled Tribes 5% 7%

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ANNEXURE-5 Copy of Board's letter No. E (W) 88/WE I -16, dated 10.07.1989; RBE 177/89 Subject: Strengthening of Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic Dispensaries functioning under the aegis of Staff Benefit Fund.

Reference this Ministry's letter of even number dated 21.03.1989 on the above subject. 2.1 The question of adopting measures to attract physicians of eminence for Homoeopathic & Ayurvedic Dispensaries functioning in the Railways under the aegis of the Staff Benefit Fund has been under consideration for sometime. This was also considered in the General Managers Conference held on 26/27.4.89. It has now been decided that with a view to attracting eminent practitioners and improving the quality of service from the Homoeopathic and Ayurvedic systems the rate of monthly consolidated honorarium to Physicians engaged by the SBF Committees may be as under:. . (a) Physicians engaged on full time basis ...... Rs. 2,0001(b) Physicians engaged on part time basis ...... Rs. 1,500/2.2 The payment of enhanced rate of honorarium as indicated above will be subject to the following guidelines: (a) The physicians so engaged should be in possession of degree in the respective system of medicines with 10 years standing. (b) In the case of part time dispensaries the same should, as far as possible, be kept open daily for a minimum of 3 to 4 hrs., after reviewing the demand. 3. Expenditure on subsidy of medicines and payment of honorarium to Dispensers/Helpers, if any, may be incurred as follows: (a) Ayurvedic Dispensaries .... about Rs. 2,000/- p.m. (b) Homoeopathic Dispensaries ........ about Rs. 500/- p.m. 4. The above is in partial modification of items (iii) & (iv) of para 2 of this Ministry's letter of even number dated 21.03.1989. 5.1 In order to meet the additional expenditure on account of above decisions, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the following additional ad hoc grant to your Railway's Staff Benefit Fund, over and above the per capita contribution of 75 paise earmarked for promotion of Indigenous System of Medicines, being made :

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Railway Central Eastern Northern N.E. N.F. Southern S.C. S.E. Western Total :

Amount of additional adhoc grant (in Rupees) 19,000 23,000 1,55,000 2,50,000 95,000 7,000 1,06,000 1,45,000 NIL 8,00,000

5.2 The additional amounts as indicated above are being made available by reappropriation for which orders will issue separately. 6. It is reiterated that there should not be any diversion of funds from the Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic system of medicines to any alternative activity under the Staff Benefit Fund. 7. Board, with reference to their instruction contained in their letters No. E (W) 87 WE 1-5 dated 15.06.1987 and 31.07.1987 regarding setting up of new dispensaries also desire that the Chief Personnel Officers should launch a drive for opening additional centres. A quarterly report on the progress made in this regard may be sent to Board regularly. 8. The requirement of additional funds from the year 1990-91, if required, may be foreseen and assessed in time and the Board approached suitably. 9. This issues with concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

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ANNEXURE-6 Copy of Boards letter No. E (W) 89WE1-15 dated 03.l0.1989; RBE 250/89 Subject: Engagement/appointment of Homeopathic/ Ayurvedic Doctors in the Dispensaries functioning under the aegis of the SBF Qualificatious for.

Reference this Ministry's letter No.E (W) 88WEl-16dated 10.07.1989. 2. The Ministry of Railways, in modification of stipulation made in Para 2.2 (a) of their letter dated 10.7.89 referred to, have decided that qualifications for appointment as Homeopathic/Ayurvedic physicians in the dispensaries functioning under the aegis of the Staff Benefit Fund will be a Diploma of hot less than four years duration plus five years experience alter acquiring the four-year Diploma/Degree course in the respective system of medicines. 29. Subject: Per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)75FU1-7, dated 17.01.1985] In terms of Rule 1206 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol. I, the per capita contribution to the SBF is based on the sanctioned strength of non-gazetted Railway employees, both permanent and temporary, as on the preceding 31st March, posts charged to capital being excluded. 2. Vide this office letter No.E (W) 69FUl-5 dated 17.02.1970, the Railways were advised that in relaxation of Rule 1206-RI the number of permanent staff of open line in the Railways on their transfer to construction projects, should be taken into account for the purpose of working out per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund and that the additional expenditure on this account may be charged to Revenue. It was also stated that this contribution is admissible only to permanent Railway personnel, deputed to the construction projects. This relaxation was -made on the specific understanding that the SBF needs of such staff would continue to be met by the Open Line Railways. 3. The Railway Electrification Project, Allahabad has been approaching this Ministry for sanctioning ad hoc grants for the provision of recreational and other facilities to the staff working in that Project, and accordingly, grants are being sanctioned for the purpose. Railway Electrification being a Construction Organisation, do not have a regular cadre of their own and it is seen that most of the staff are on deputation with them, from the Zonal Railways. In view of the fact that ad hoc grants are being sanctioned by this Ministry for the provision of SBF activities based on the existing per capita contribution, the Ministry of Railways desire that the zonal Railways should not draw contribution in respect of their staff who are on deputation to the Railway Electrification as it would lead to the drawal of per capita contribution at both the organisation in respect of the same employee. 30. Subject: Increase in per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)86FU1-1, dated 14.05.1987]

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Further to this Office letters No. E(W)82FU1-9 dated 17.08.1982 and 12.01.1983, it has been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the annual per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund may be raised from Rs. 10.25 per capita to Rs. 14 per capita w.e.f. the financial year 1987-88, to be distributed as follows: Present 7.00 1.50 0.75 1.00 Revised 8.50 2.50 1.00 2.00

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

General activities, viz Education, recreation amusement, relief of distress, sickness and miscellaneous items Sports activities Scouts activities Recreational facilities to officers & supervisory Staff

2. Allotment of funds to various Zonal Railways/Production Units etc. for promotion of sports and scout activities, based on the revised overall per capita contribution @ Rs. 2.50 and Re. 1 respectively [para 1 items (ii) & (iii) above] will continue to be made by this Ministry in consultation with the Apex Bodies concerned, viz.. Railway Sports Control Board and Railway Scouts & Guides Board. 3. The revised break-up of amount for distribution to general activities other than sports, scouts etc. shall, as far as possible, be broadly .as under:Purpose (a) (b) (c) (d) Education Recreation other than sports Relief of distress, sickness etc. Miscellaneous Present Rs. 2.20 1.50 2.85 0.45 7.00 Revised Rs. 2.50 2.00 3.50 0.50 8.50

3.1 The Staff Benefit Fund Committees may be advised to adhere to he above guidelines while distributing funds for various activities covered under this Head. The Railways may, as hitherto, however, augment their SBF by equivalent to 50% of the expenditure on technical scholarships during the previous year in terms of Board's letter No.E (W) 82FUl-2A. dated 01.01.1963. 31. Subject: Increase in per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund Promoting Indigenous System of medicines including Homoeopathy. [No. E(W) 88 WE 1-16 dated 21.03.1989; RBE 82/89] The question of earmarking specific amount for being spent on promotion of indigenous system of medicine including Homoeopathy from the Staff Benefit Fund has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways for some time past. It is noted that in terms of extant instruction as contained in this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 82WE1-5 dated 09.09.1983 read with their letters No. E (W) 87WE1-5 dated 26.05.1987, 15.06.1987 and 31.07.1987, 06.08.1987 a certain amount of expenditure is already being incurred on promotion of indigenous system of medicine from the Staff Benefit Fund. Keeping these factors in view it has been decided that the existing contribution of Rs. 14 per capita of the Staff Benefit Fund as advised in this Ministry 's letter No. E (W) 86 FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987

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may be increased by Rs. 0.50 so that more amount becomes available for being spent on promotion of indigenous system of medicine. It has also been decided that in the list of activities being financed from the Staff Benefit Fund and as shown in para 1 of this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 86 FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987 "item (v) Indigenous System of medicine including Homoeopathy....... Rs. 0.75" may be added. Consequently the distribution of amount amongst the various activities as shown in paras 1 and 3 of this Ministry's letter dated 14.05.1987 just referred to may be revised as under:

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Existing Rs. (i) General activities viz.. Education, recreation, amusement, relief of distress, sickness and miscellaneous items :(a) Education (b) Recreation other than sports. (c) Relief of distress, sickness etc. (d) Miscellaneous (h) Sports activities Scouts activities Recreational facilities to Officers & Supervisory staff Indigenous system of medicines including Homoeopathy

Revised Rs.

(iii) (iv) (v)

2.50 2.00 3.50 0.50 2.50 1.00 200

2.50 2.00 3.25 0.50 2.50 1.00 2.00 0.75

2. Following further decisions have been taken: -



(i) The amount earmarked at 1 (v) above should be used exclusively on promotion of Indigenous System of medicines. (ii) No carry forward will be allowed against this item of expenditure from the Staff Benefit Fund. (iii) The rate of monthly consolidated honorarium to Physicians engaged by the SBF Committees will be as under: (a) Physicians engaged on Full time basis....................Rs. 1,000/(b) Physicians engaged on Part time basis .......................Rs. 500/(iv) While the Dispensers/Helpers engaged in these Dispensaries may be paid honorarium as may be fixed by the respective SBF Commitees, the Physicians may be paid only at the rates prescribed in (iii) above. 3. These instructions will be effective from 01.04.1989. 4. Paras I and 3 above have the sanction of the President and the letter issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

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Per capita contribution to the SBFPromoting indigenous system of medicine including Homoeopathy. [No. E(W)87FU1-8, dated 16.11.1989]

Reference correspondence resting with your letter No.E/0/46 Pt.III dated 07.08.1989 on the above subject. 2. Sanction of the President is hereby communicated to the creation of a Staff Benefit Fund in the Railway Electrification, Central Organisation at Allahabad from the financial year 1989-90. Necessary allotment will be drawn annually at the rate of Rs. 14.50 (less allotment earmarked for promotion of Scouts & Guides and Sports activities @ Re. 1.00 and Rs. 2.50 respectively) per capita, calculated on the basis of the sanctioned strength of the non-gazetted staff, permanent and temporary. exclusive of casual labour as on the 31st March of the preceding financial year. 3. The per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund may be distributed amongst the various activities in terms of instructions contained in this Ministry's letter No.E (W) 88 WE1-16 dated 21.03.1989 copy enclosed for ready reference). 4. A Staff Benefit Fund Committee, in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 8 of Indian Establishment Code, Vol. 11985-Edition), be formed for the management of the Fund under advice to the ; Board in due course. 5. The expenditure is chargeable to Demand No. 16-Assets-Acquis-tion. Construction and Replacement. The expenditure for the current year viz. 1989-90 should be met from within the existing allotment made for the year. 6. Post facto sanction of the President is also communicated to the operation of the Staff Benefit Fund, on the above basis during the year 1988-89.



Inter-Railway Cultural competition allotment of funds from the Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)90FUJ-J, dated 27128.3. /990]

Reference Adviser (S), Railway Board's D.O. letters No.E (W) 89 WE6-2 dated 15.03.1989 and 25.05.1989 inter-alia laying down guideline for holding Inter-Railway Cultural Competitions. 2. The question of financing the annual Inter-Railway Cultural Competitions has been considered by the Board. It has been decided that the Inter-Railway Cultural Competition should be financed from the Staff Benefit Fund. For this purpose, from out of the Head "Recreation Other than Sports" for which an amount of Rs. 2 per capita has been earmarked vide para 3 (b) of Ministry of Railways letter No.E (W) 86 FUl-l dated 14.05.1987,1 per capita contribution of 5 p. (paise five only) will be earmarked for being spent on InterRailway Cultural Competitions every year. Allotment of this part of the Fund to the various organising railways as may be decided by the Board will be made centrally by the Board. These orders will be effective from 01.04.1990.

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Operation of Staff Benefit Fund (SBF) [No. E(W) 90 FU1-2, dated 05.10.1990; RBE 171/90]

Reference your letter No. COFMOW/IR/P-081, dated 06.04.1990 on the above subject. 2. Sanction of the President is hereby communicated to the creation of a Staff Benefit Fund in the Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops at New Delhi from the financial year 1990-91. Necessary allotment will be drawn annually at the rate of Rs. 14.50 (less allotment earmarked for promotion of Scouts and Guides and sports activities @ Re. 1.00 and Rs. 2.50 respectively and paisa 5 (five) only for Inter-Railway Cultural Competition") per capita, calculated on the basis of the sanctioned strength of the non-gazetted staff, permanent and temporary, exclusive of casual labour as on the 31st March of the preceding financial year. 4. The per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund may be distributed amongst the various activities in terms of instructions contained this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 88WE1-16, dated 21.03.1989 as modified vide this Ministry's letter No. E (W) 1990 FU1-1, dated 28.03.1990. 5. A Staff Benefit Fund Committee, in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 8 of Indian Establishment Code, Volume-1 (1985-Edilion) be formed for the management of the Fund under advice to the Board in due course. 6. The expenditure is chargeable to Demand No. 19Assets Acquisition, Construction and Replacement. The expenditure for the Current year viz. 1990-91 should be met from within the existing allotment made for the year. 7. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. COPY Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the General Managers, All Zonal Railways, Production Units, Metro Railway/Calcutta, DG/RDSO, Lucknow, Principal, RSC, Vadodara. They are requested not to draw per capita contribution in respect of their employees on deputation/ transfer to COFMOW. Credit if already drawn for the current year may be passed on to COFMOW at the rate indicated above. Compliance of this may please be ensured The receipt of this may also be acknowledged.

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Railway Staff Benefit Fund. [Chapter 8.I.R.E. Code Vol. I]

801. A Railway Staff Benefit Fund shall be maintained for each Indian Railway. 802. (1) Objects of the Fund: (a) Education of the staff and of their children when no assistance is admissible under the rules in Section B provided that no grant shall be made to a school which is not in accordance with any general or special orders issued by the President in this behalf; (b) Recreation, sports, scouting and amusement for the staff and their) children; . (c) Relief of distress amongst the members or ex-members of the staff or their families not provided for under the regulation in force on the railway; and (d) Such schemes for sickness or maternity benefits to the families of the staff as are not covered by the Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules. (2) If the Committee desire to incur expenditure on any other object which in their opinion is for the benefit of the staff, they shall refer the matter to the General Manager whose decision shall be final. 803. No part of the fund shall be used for the benefit of any gazetted railway servant, except as provided in Note 3 under Rule 805(2). Note : A scholarship for study granted to the child/ward of a non-gazetted railway servant will not be withdrawn merely because the railway servant is subsequently promoted to officiate in a gazetted post, provided the student remains otherwise eligible for the same When, however, the railway servant is confirmed in the gazetted post, the scholarship should merely he-discontinued and no recovery should be made in respect of the period from the date of confirmation to the date of issue of the Notification of confirmation. 804. Credits to the Fund. To the fund shall be credited (1) all receipts from fines; and (2) all receipts from forfeited Provident Fund bonuses, except forfeited bonuses of gazetted railway servants. 805. (1) In addition to the credits to the Fund detailed in Rule 804, there shall be credited to the Fund on the 1 st April of each financial year an annual grant from the revenues of the Railway at a per capita rate of Rs. 10.25 (including Rs. 1.50 per capita for sports activities. Re. 1.00 per capita for recreational facilities of supervisory staff and gazetted officers and Re. 0.75 per capita exclusively for promotion of scouting activities) based on the sanctioned strength of non-gazetted railway employees, permanent and, temporary as on the 31st March, posts charged to capital being excluded The Fund shall be credited provisionally on the 1st April each year with an amount equal to the contribution for the previous year, the necessary adjustment being made as soon as the correct amount of the contribution has been determined.

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(2) The Fund shall also be augmented to the extent of 50% of expenditure incurred by the respective railways on grant of scholarships to the children of railway employees for technical education of their children during the preceding year. Notes: 1. Interest at 2 per cent per annum shall be credited on the balance at the credit of the Fund lying with the Government and will be taken in reduction of the annual contribution from the revenues of the railway. 2. In the case of Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. Diesel Locomotive Works. Integral Coach Factory, a similar contribution to this fund shall be made chargeable to "Capital SuspenseWorkshop Suspense Accounts under Proforma on Cost". In the case of wheel and Axle Plant, the contribution shall be chargeable to Demand No. 16Assets, Acquisition, Construction and Replacement. 3. Based on the overall per capita contribution of Rs. 1.50 for sports activities, sports allotments shall continue to be male by the Ministry of Railways in consultation with the Railway Sports Control Board to the Railways/Production Units. Thus augmentation to the SBF by the Railways will be at the rate of Rs.8.75 per capita (Rs.10.25 minus Rs. 1.50 for sports) which will include separate 0.75 per capita contribution for scouting activities, Re. 1 per capita for recreational facilities of gazetted officers and supervisory staff and Rs. 7 for other objects mentioned in Rule 802. The expenditure on objects other than the sports, scouting and recreational facilities for officers and supervisory staff shall be in the following proportion as far as possible: Other than Sports & Scouting. (a) Education (b) Recreation other than sports (c) Family distress relief (d) Misc. 2.20 1.50 2.85 0.45 .


806. Expenditure/row the fund. Subject to the general supervision of the General Manager, all expenditure from the Staff Benefit Fund shall be authorised by the Committee or by a Sub-Committe duly appointed under the provisions of Rules 808. Railway Ministry's decision. The cost of stationery, printing charges forms, postage charge and other contingent expenses relating to the Fund should be met from the Railway Revenues. Expenditure on entertainment during the meetings of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee should be met from the fund itself. [No. E(W)59FU1-12 dated 10.05.1960 & No. E (W) 60FU 1-3 dated 12.02.1960] 807. Management of the Fund. The fund shall be managed by a Committee at the headquarters of the Railway presided over by the Chief Personnel Officer. Besides Chairman, the Committee shall consist of the following:

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(i) The Chief Personnel Officer; (ii) The Chief Medical Officer; (iii) The Additional Chief Engineer; (iv) A welfare Officer to be nominated by the General Manager who shall act as the Secretary of the Committee; and (v) Six members shall be from recognised unions, to be equally divided amongst the recognised unions. Note: In the production units like CLW, DLW, ICF and W&AP where staff councils are functioning, members elected by the Central Staff Councils will be represented on the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. 808. (i) There shall be a Divisional Staff Benefit Fund Committee on each Division, which shall be presided over by the Divisional Personnel Officer. Besides the Chairman, the Committee shall consist of the following: (a) One officer to be nominated by the Divisional Rail way Manager, (b) Two representatives from each recognised union; and (c) A Welfare Inspector nominated by the Divisional Manager w! shall act as Secretary. (ii) Each workshop will also have a Workshop Staff Benefit Fund Committee, being the same as the prescribed above for the Division. If there is no Senior Scale Personnel Officer in a workshop, his place shall be taken by the Works Manager, or if there is no Works Manager, by the Assistant Works Manager. In the event of disagreement with the decision of the Division/ Workshop SubCommittee, the matter shall be referred to the Divisional Railway Manger/Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer-in-charge of the workshop, as the case may be, whose decision in the matter shall be final, The Divisional/Workshop Staff Benefit Fund Committees shall have powers to allot funds for the objects specified in these rule within the rules and limitations prescribed by the Headquarters Committee. Railway Ministry's decision 1. No retired employee, or an outsider shall be nominated by the Recognised unions to serve on the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. [No. E(W) 68FU1-5, dated 30.04.1968]

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Railway Ministry's decision 2. Railway employees under suspension shall not be allowed to participate in the meetings of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. There is no objection to substitutes taking their place for the period the sitting members remain disqualified. [No. E(W)60NM1-31, dated 1.11.1960} 809. A member of the Committee or Sub-Committee shall hold office for one year unless he is removed by the General Manager or resigns but shall be eligible for renomination or reelection. 810. If the Chairman disagrees with a majority of the Committee as regards (1) Financial proprietry of an expenditure from the Fund. (2) Whether the grant comes within the objects mentioned in rule 802. (3) Whether it conflicts with the recognised policy of the Government or the Railway, he shall refer the matter to the General Manager whose decision in the m alter shall be final. 811. Accounts of the Fund. The General Manager shall make such arrangements as may be necessary for keeping the accounts of the fund; and audit shall be carried out in such manner as the President may direct. 812. Annual report on the working of the Fund. The General Manager shall submit annually a report to the Railway Board on the working of the fund during the previous financial year. 35A. Passes to Members of Staff Benefit Fund Committee etc. [Para 1552 ofIREM (Edition 1968)} Elected representatives when attending meetings of the Staff Benefit Fund Committee will be issued II class passes irrespective of their status as Railway servants. However, a first class pass may be issued to an elected representative if he is eligible for a I class pass on privilege account. 36. Subject: Grants of financial assistance from Railway Minister's Welfare & Relief Fund. [No. E(W) 90 FU4-6, dated 23.01.1991; RBE 14/91] Cases of individual employees in distress are being referred by the Railways to the Board, recommending grant of financial assistance to such employees from Railway Minister's Welfare & Relief Fund. In respect of many of these cases, it is not clear whether grant of assistance from Staff Benefit Fund had been considered and if so, the extent of relief granted to the employees from this source. With a view to enable the Managing Committee of the Railway Minister's Welfare &

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Relief Fund to properly appreciate the cases and consider grant of assistance from the Minster's Fund, the following points may please be kept in view while recommending the cases for assistance from the Fund: (i) In all cases of distress requiring financial assistance, the Railway Administration may first consider grant of relief from the Staff Benefit Fund and in case any assistance or adequate assistance could not be provided from Staff Benefit Fund, the case may be forwarded to the Board for consideration of grant of assistance from the Minister's Relief Fund, specifically indicating the reasons why no assistance could be granted from Staff Benefit Fund. (ii) While recommending cases for assistance from the Minister's Fund, priority may be given to cases requiring assistance in life-saving cases, especially those of younger age. (iii) The full details of the case may be furnished to the Board in the prescribed proforma. In cases where assistance has been sought on account of illness of the employee, it may be specifically mentioned whether the employee has been on leave without pay on this account and if so, the period for which he had been on such leave. Also, in such cases, details of the expenditure stated to be incurred by the employee on medical treatement may be furnished alongwith receipts/bills wherever possible. This would be necessary as, in most of these case, the employee avails of free medical treatment in Railway hospitals and yet, substantial amount is quoted as having been incurred in connection with the medical treatment. (iv) In respect of cases where assistance is granted from the Minster's Fund to handicapped employees for purchase of motorised tricycle, the necessary documents serving as proof of the employee having utilised the amount for purchase of the tri-cyde may be sent to the Board's office within one or two months after the amount is handed over to the employee. This would require effective monitoring to avoid misuse of the amount sanctioned. The above points may please be kept in view while recommending deserving cases for grant of financial assistance from the Railway Minister's Welfare & Relief Fund. 37. Subject: Grant of Scholarships for technical education from Staff Benefit Fund. [No. E(W)91FU1-1 dated 29.10.1991] Reference correspondence resting with Railway Board's letter No. E (W) 85 FUl-4 dated l 9.11.1985. The Railway Board have decided that the children of the Railway employees studying for ICWA, CA and MBA in a recognised Institution/ University, may be treated at par with degree or diploma courses in medicine and various branches of Engineering, for the grant of technical scholarship from the Staff Benefit Fund. 2. This issues with the approval of Financial Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

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StafT Benefit FundSupplementary Circular No. 1 to M.C. No. 4 [No. EfW) 90 FU1-8, dated 08.11.1991; RBE 192/91]

Reference Railway Board's letter of even Number dated 07.12.1990 circulating the Master Circular No. 4 regarding Staff Benefit Fund. 2. Railway Ministry desire that their letter No. E (W) 1FU1-1 dated 29.10.1991 vide which studies in ICWA, CA and MBA in a recognised Institution/University were treated at par with degree or diploma courses in Medicine and various branches of engineering for the grant of technical scholarship from the Staff Benefit Fund, may be treated as Supplementary Circular (S.C. No. 1) to Master Circular No. 4 issued vide letter No. E (W) 90 FUl-8.dated 12.11.1990. 39. Subject: Increase in the per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund Supplementary Circular No. 2. to M.C. No. 1 [No. E(W)93FU1-3 dated 02/04.08.1993, RBE 116/93] Reference this Office Circular No. E (W) 86FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987 and E (W) 88 WE-16 dated 21.03.1989, relating to the above subject. 2. There has been persistent demand for enhancement of the annual per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund to meet the increasing needs and requirements in certain sphere of activities financed by the S.B.F. The matter had been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways and it has since been decided to raise the per capita contribution of Rs. 14.50 P. to Rs. 20.00 P. w.e.f. the current financial year 1993-94. Consequently the distribution of amount amongst the various activities is revised as under: Existing General activities viz. Education, recreation, Rs. amusement, cultural, relief of distress, sickness and miscellaneous items :Education* 2.50 Recreation other than sports 1.95 Inter-Railway Cultural Competition 0.05 Relief of distress, sickness, etc.** 3.25 Miscellaneous 0.50 (ii) Sports activities*** 2.50 (iii). Scout activities 1.00 (iv) Recreational facilities to Officers and Supervisory 2.00 staff (v) Indigenous system of medicine including 0.75 Homoeopathy**** Total 14.50 Revised Rs.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

4.00 1.95 0.05 5.00 0.50 4.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 20.00

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3.1 Education* - It will be seen from the above that the per capita contribution under this head has been revised from Rs. 2.50 to Rs. 4.00 per capita per annum. This enhancement has been made specifically to meet the demand for increasing the number of technical scholarships and providing facilities for promotion, encouragement and development of cocurricular activities including sports in Railway schools. 3.2 As regards the grant of technical scholarships, the extant scale prescribed by the Board relating to the number of scholarships allotted to each Railway, (Railway Board's letter No. E(W)82FU 1-4 dated 28.5.1983 refers Annexure-1, the value of scholarship ranging from Rs. 15 to Rs. 50, which may be increased to Rs. 70 in deserving cases in respect of students prosecuting Degree Courses in Medicine or Engineering (Para 2206 (iv)) of IREM -1990 Vol-II refers Annexure-2) and augmentation to the extent of 50% of expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on grant of scholarships during the preceding year (Rule 805 (2) R-1 1985 refers Annexure-3) from Railway revenue, stand withdrawn. Consequently the Railway Administration may, therefore, decide the number as well as the value of scholarship subject to a maximum of Rs. 100 (stands revised from Rs. 70 p.m.) per student to the eligible students prosecuting prescribed courses under the term 'Technical education' in conformity with the extant instructions of the Board. It may be reiterated that with the enhancement of per capita contribution, the Railway Administration shall not augment 50% of the expenditure incurred by them on the grant of technical scholarship during the preceding year from the Railway revenue. The prescribed percentage of scholarship reserved for being granted to SC/ST employees will continue to be in force. [Board's Circular No. E(W)90FU17 dated 9.11.1991 refers Annexure-4] 3.3 As regards promotion and development of co-curricular activities including sports in Railway schools, the Railway Administration may after taking into account various relevant factors like the existing facilities, students strength requirement of the school etc. decide the allocation of suitable amount to each school right from the Primary, including Austerity Type, to High/Higher Secondary Schools and Inter/Degree Colleges etc. For material assistance in the shape of sports gear, equipments etc., if any, required for furtherance of sports activities in Schools/Colleges the Railway Administrations may approach their respective Railway Sports Associations. 4. **Relief of distress, sickness etc.With the enhancement of per la contribution under this head from Rs. 3.25 to Rs. 5.00 per capita, it is hopped that the Railway Administration will be able to enlarge the scope of relief of distress and sickness benefits amongst railway employed their families. 5. ***Sports 5.1 The allotment of funds to various Zonal Railways/Production Units for promotion of sports activities under this head based on the revised contribution from Rs. 2.50 to Rs. 4.00 per capita will continue to be made by the Board in consultation with Railway Sports Control Board, as hitherto. 5.2 The Railway Sports Control Board have also been requested to give necessary instructions to the Railway Sports Associations affiliated to them to extend material assistance in the shape of sports gear and equipment etc. to the Railway Schools/Colleges functioning in their respective jurisdiction and lend the services of qualified and competent

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coaches in various sports disciplines to impart coaching to students studying in Railway Schools/Colleges to give a fillip to sports activities, spot out talent and improve the overall standard of sports in the educational institutions. 6. **** Indigenous System of MedicineWith the enhancement of per capita contribution under this head from Re. 0.75 P to Rs. 1.50P, the Railway Administrations may ensure that necessary relief is provided mainly towards cost of medicines, apart from meeting the expenditure on payment of honorarium to the Physicians/Dispensers, as per yardstick, already prescribed by the Board. (Board's letter No. E (W) 88 WE 1-16 dated 10.07.1989 refers Annexure-5) No part of this amount shall be spent on payment of arrears of honorarium to Physicians/Dispensers. Additional financial assistance, if any, required by the Rly. Admn. on this account should be worked out well in advance and projected for necessary reappropriation of the requisite amount from the head "Medical Services" for this purpose in pursuance of Board's letter No. E (W) 90WE1-24 dated 18.03.1991 and 88/H/ 28/6 dated 20.07.1992 (Refers Annexures 7 & 8). 7. It is reported that on certain Railways, the Institutes/Clubs set up at different places are not functioning effectively. The Rly. administrations may conduct a survey and revamp the working of such Institutes/Cubs to provide recreational facilities to the Railway employees and their families. 8. Allotment of funds to the Railway Administrations for organisation of cultural competitions at the Inter-Railway level (item (i)(c) of para 2 supra) and promotion of Scout Activities (item (i) (iii) of para 2 ibid) will continue to be made by the Board as hitherto. 9. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

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ANNEXURE-1 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W) 82FU14 da/ted 28.05.1983 Subject: Grant of scholarships for technical education from Staff Benefit Fund.

It has been represented by some Railways and the AIRF that in view of the increase in the staff strength, the number of scholarships for technical education from the Staff Benefit Fund as also the amount of the scholarships should be increased. | 2. The matter has been considered by the Ministry of Railways in all its aspects and in supersession of the instructions contained in this Office letter No. E (W) 66 WE 8-7 date. 09.08.1966, it has been decided that the total number of technical scholarships should be increased from the existing 1150 to 1420 w.e.f. the financial year 1983-84 and distributed as follows :Railways Central Eastern Northern N.E. N.F. Southern S.E. South Central Western C.L.W. D.L.W. I.C.F. Railway Board R.D.S.O. R.S.C., Baroda RISET Metro Railway, Calcutta Wheel & Axle Plant, Bangalore Total No. of Scholarships Allotted 193 202 211 92 83 120 175 110 184 15 6 | 12 7 4 2 2 1 1 1420

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18

3. In view of the present ways and means position of the staff Benefit Fund, it has not been found feasible to agree to any change in the ceiling limit of Rs. 50/- per scholarship (Rs. 70/- in the case of degree courses in Medicine and Engineering). 4. The expenditure on these scholarships should be met from the Staff Benefit Fund. With a view, however, to giving some relief to the Fund, to meet expenditure on the grant of the scholarships, instructions issued vide Board's letter No. E(W)62FU1-26 dated 01.01.1963 and 07.08.1963 may be followed. 5. This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

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6. Please acknowledge receipt. [This disposes of N.E. Railway's letter No. E/260/0 (1) dated. 02.01.1982 and Western Railway's letter No., E/ 1075/14 Vol. II dated 17.09.1982] ANNEXURE-2 Excerpts from Indian Railways Establishment Manual-1990 Vol. II Para 2206 (IV) The value of scholarship will vary from Rs. 15 to Rs. 50 per month which may be increased to Rs. 70/- in deserving cases but only in respect of students of degree courses in Medicine or Engineering. The actual amount of scholarship to be awarded for the various courses of technical education will be determined by the staff Benefit Fund Committee. Note 1. A "deserving case" is one wherein the Railway servant, whose child or dependant goes in for a degree course in Medicine or Engineering is not in a position to meet the expenditure involved even after the grant of the usual limit of Rs. 50/- per month and the student himself is promising. ANNEXURE-3 Rule 805/(2) Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol I-1985 The Fund shall also be augmented to the extent of 50% of expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on grant of scholarships to the children of Railway employees for technical education of their children during the preceding year.

ANNEXURE-4 Copy of Board's letter No. E (W) 90 FU1-7, dated 09.11.1990


Grant of scholarships for technical education from Staff Benefit Fundraising of the scale of reservation for the children of SC/ST Railway employees.

Reference Ministry of Railway's letter No. E (W) 58WE8-1 dated 08.02.1958 on the above subject. 2. In the context of celebrating Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Centenary Year, the question of increasing the quantum of Scholarship payable to the wards of SC/ST Railway employees was under consideration f the Railway Board and it has now been decided that the scale of reservation may be revised as under: Existing Revised Scheduled Castes 12% 15% Scheduled Tribes 5% 7%

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ANNEXURE-5 Copy of Board's letter No. E (W) 88/WE I -16, dated 10.07.1989; RBE 177/89 Subject: Strengthening of Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic Dispensaries functioning under the aegis of Staff Benefit Fund.

Reference this Ministry's letter of even number dated 21.03.1989 on the above subject. 2.1 The question of adopting measures to attract physicians of eminence for Homoeopathic & Ayurvedic Dispensaries functioning in the Railways under the aegis of the Staff Benefit Fund has been under consideration for sometime. This was also considered in the General Managers Conference held on 26/27.4.89. It has now been decided that with a view to attracting eminent practitioners and improving the quality of service from the Homoeopathic and Ayurvedic systems the rate of monthly consolidated honorarium to Physicians engaged by the SBF Committees may be as under:. . (a) Physicians engaged on full time basis ...... Rs. 2,0001(b) Physicians engaged on part time basis ...... Rs. 1,500/2.2 The payment of enhanced rate of honorarium as indicated above will be subject to the following guidelines: (a) The physicians so engaged should be in possession of degree in the respective system of medicines with 10 years standing. (b) In the case of part time dispensaries the same should, as far as possible, be kept open daily for a minimum of 3 to 4 hrs., after reviewing the demand. 3. Expenditure on subsidy of medicines and payment of honorarium to Dispensers/Helpers, if any, may be incurred as follows: (a) Ayurvedic Dispensaries .... about Rs. 2,000/- p.m. (b) Homoeopathic Dispensaries ........ about Rs. 500/- p.m. 4. The above is in partial modification of items (iii) & (iv) of para 2 of this Ministry's letter of even number dated 21.03.1989. 5.1 In order to meet the additional expenditure on account of above decisions, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the following additional ad hoc grant to your Railway's Staff Benefit Fund, over and above the per capita contribution of 75 paise earmarked for promotion of Indigenous System of Medicines, being made :

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Railway Central Eastern Northern N.E. N.F. Southern S.C. S.E. Western Total :

Amount of additional adhoc grant (in Rupees) 19,000 23,000 1,55,000 2,50,000 95,000 7,000 1,06,000 1,45,000 NIL 8,00,000

5.2 The additional amounts as indicated above are being made available by reappropriation for which orders will issue separately. 6. It is reiterated that there should not be any diversion of funds from the Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic system of medicines to any alternative activity under the Staff Benefit Fund. 7. Board, with reference to their instruction contained in their letters No. E (W) 87 WE 1-5 dated 15.06.1987 and 31.07.1987 regarding setting up of new dispensaries also desire that the Chief Personnel Officers should launch a drive for opening additional centres. A quarterly report on the progress made in this regard may be sent to Board regularly. 8. The requirement of additional funds from the year 1990-91, if required, may be foreseen and assessed in time and the Board approached suitably. 9. This issues with concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. ANNEXURE-6 Copy of Boards letter No. E (W) 89WE1-15 dated 03.l0.1989; RBE 250/89 Subject: Engagement/appointment of Homoeopathic/ Ayur-vedic Doctors in the Dispensaries functioning under the aegis of the SBF Qualificatious for.

Reference this Ministry's letter No.E (W) 88WEl-16dated 10.07.1989. 2. The Ministry of Railways, in modification of stipulation made in Para 2.2 (a) of their letter dated 10.7.89 referred to, have decided that qualifications for appointment as Homocopathic/Ayurvedic physicians in the dispensaries functioning under the aegis of the Staff Benefit Fund will be a Diploma of hot less than four years duration plus five years experience alter acquiring the four-year Diploma/Degree course in the respective system of medicines.

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ANNEXURE-7 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W) 90 WE 1-24 dated 18.03.1991 Subject: Strengthening of Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic Dispensaries functioning under the aegis of the Staff Benefit Fund.

Attention is invited to Railway Board's letter No. 89 B-211 dated 25.10.89 vide which President's sanction was conveyed to the adhoc grant ofRs. 8 lakhs being re-appropriated from Minor Head "Medical Services" Revenue Demand No. 11-Staff Welfare and Amenities during the year 1989-90. It was also desired in Para 8 of Board's letter No. E(W)88 WE1-16 dated 10.7.89 that the requirement of additional funds from the year 1990-91, if any, may be foreseen and assessed in time and the Board approached suitably. The requirement of the funds has since been received from most of the Railways and it is seen that there is a shortfall of varying degrees in the funds available with the Railways on account of contribution of the Staff Benefit Fund and the actual expenditure incurred on running the dispensaries as per the prescribed yardsticks for payment of honorarium to the Physicians and procurement of the medicines etc. 2. It has been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the Railways should manage the expenditure incurred on account of Homoeopathic/ Ayurvedic dispensaries by suitable reappropriation, as additional adhoc contribution to Staff Benefit Fund, from the budget allotted to them under the head "Medical Services", to the extent that the allotment under Staff Benefit Fund for this purpose is found insufficient in the current year. 3. Necessary action may be taken at your end accordingly and requirement of additional funds for the year 1991-92 may be foreseen and assessed in time and reflected in Revised/Budget estimates to be submitted to the Board. 4. There should not be any case of complaint for non-payment of due salary to any Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic doctor. 5. This issues in consultation with Budget Branch of Railway Board. ANNEXURE-8 Copy of Board's letter No. 88/H/28/6. dated 20.07.1992 Subject: Strengthening of Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic dispensaries functioning under the aegis of the Staff Benefit Fund and Reappropriation of Funds from Budget earmarked for 'Medical Services'.

Reference Railway Board's letter No. E(W)90 WE 1-24 dated 18.03.1991 vide which it was decided that the Railway should manage the expenditure incurred on account of the Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic Dispensaries by suitable re-appropriation, as additional adhoc contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund from the Budget allotted to them under the Head 'Medical Services', to the extent that allotment under Staff Benefit Fund is found insufficient in the current year.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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' The matter came up for discussion further in the meeting of the PNM/ AIRF held on 11th and 12th of February, 1992, in which Federation pointed out that the GMs are not willing for re-appropriation of fund and some CMOs had stated that no fund is available for re-appropriation. Ministry of Railways desire that necessary action may please be taken by GM/CMO's of Railways to ensure availablility of funds for Homoeopathic/Ayurvedic dispensaries if required, as per instruction contained vide Railway Board's letter dated 18.03.1991, quoted above.

Master Circular No. 4 on Staff Benefit Fund

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