Langkawi..Full Story
Langkawi..Full Story
Langkawi..Full Story
Geology Engineering subject (BFC 3013) gives the exposure to the students
about the definition of engineering geology, background of the earth and its
physical properties, plate tectonic, formation and classification of minerals and
rocks, rock type, engineering problem in geology aspect and the list go on.
The mainstream of geology is about our earth its self. So, it is very important
for us, as a student in Civil Engineering field to get-to-know about geology. It is
vital for the student to understand the relationship between Civil Engineering, soil
mechanics and the complex geological process of earth, since initial Civil
Engineering works carried out involve ground investigation.
06.15 am Prepare solat subuh and self preparation at Hentian Gurun, Kedah.
-On the way, we visit to Pulau Beras Basah and Pulau Singa.
- Free activity
01.00 pm all students gathered at bus.
3.1 Introduction:
From the tentative of this programmed, site visit for engineering geology roam
have cover three location of four location that planned. First location or Site Visit 1 is in
Bukit Malut . These locations consist of rock type of mudstone and their formation is
Singa Formation. The age of this stone is 280 billion year. This mudstone had undergone
metamorphism due to the heat from granite intrusion, forming hornfels but still retaining
its original sediment structure. The mode of slope failures based on the discontinuity in
this site is a plane failure. The time we have on there been on 30 January 2009, Friday
at 11.30 am. In this site, the activities that covered are about Joint Survey Site Work,
where its objective are make sure students able to use the geological compass, know
how to measure the dip angle and dip direction of any planes and known how to plot
poles on site visited.
For the second site was at same day in Gunung Machinchang, on 30 January
2009, Friday but at 3.00 pm. We have visited Machinchang Cambrian Geoforest Park
( Site 2), where, this place is a hosts the olderst geological formation in Malaysia known
as the Machincang formation (550 million years old). The ripple structure in
Machinchang formation describe sediment deposition was at shallow sea. The
Machinchang peak exhibits peculiarly chopped sandstone that has often been related to
the old folk myth of the brawl between two giants, the Matchinchang and MatRaya. The
activities in this site covered surveyed the Sedimentary Rock, Sedimentary Structures &
The Application of Rocks in Civil Engineering Structures. Besides that, we also have
visited Gunung Machingchang Geological Exhibition. The purposes of this survey are we
can see many kind of Sedimentary Rock and know how it produced
The third or last site that visited was in Dayang Bunting Marble Geoforest Park.
The Dayang Bunting Marble Geoforest Park(Site 3 ) is mainly made of Permian marble
overt rusted by the older Setul formation limestone. These world finest marbles were
resulted from the baking of Chuping limestone by Triassic (220 – 200 m.y) granite
intrusion underneath. There are a number of caves within the park is the fresh water of
Tasik Dayang Bunting, formely a dry doline resulted from the collapse of a very large
underground limestone cave. The combination of landscapes from marble and granite
bedrocks formed a figure resembling a pregnant woman on her back, hence the name
Tasik Dayang Bunting. We have there on 1 January 2009, Saturday at 10.00 am.
The activities included visited Island Hooping for Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock.
Here, we can see surface rock before and after been Marble rock with clearly of real
The summaries of whole site visited for engineering geology roam have sevent (7)
objective conducted, that were:
The rocks comprising the crust respond to such stresses by undergoing changes
of shape (strain), therefore various geological structures are developed which provide a
record of type of deformation.
Compression, tensional and shearing forces acting on rocks may cause them to form:
(a) Fractures
(b) Joints FRACTURES
Fault is fractures which have had displacement of the rocks along them. The
adjacent rock masses slipped past one another in response to tension, compression or
shearing stress. Fault plane is the plane of dislocation along which movement occur
during faulting. Fault commonly create zones of broken ground – weaker and less stable
than the adjacent rock. Sudden movement along faults may cause earthquakes.
Types of fault:
1) Normal Faults
Are faults that result from horizontal tensional stresses in brittle rocks and where the
hanging-wall block has moved down relative to the footwall blo
Figure 1.0: Normal fault
Due to the tensional stress responsible for normal faults, they often occur in a series,
with adjacent faults dipping in opposite directions. In such a case the down-dropped
blocks form grabens and the uplifted blocks from horsts. In areas where tensional
stress has recently affected the crust, the grabens may form rift valleys and the
uplifted horst blocks may form linear mountain ranges.
3) Half-Grabens
A normal fault that has a curved fault plane with the dip decreasing with depth can
cause the down-dropped block to rotate. In such a case a half-graben is produced,
called such because it is bounded by only one fault instead of the two that form a
normal graben.
Figure 1.2: Half-Graben
4) Reverse Fault
Are fault that result from horizontal compressional stresses in brittle rocks, where the
hanging- wall block has moved up relative the footwall block.
6) A Thrust Fault
Thrust fault is a special case of a reverse fault where the dip of the fault is less than
15o. Thrust faults can have considerable displacement, measuring hundreds of
kilometers, and can result in older strata overlying younger strata.
Figure 1.4: Thrust Fault
Strike slip fault are faults where the relative motion on the fault has taken place along
a horizontal direction. Such faults result from shear stresses acting in the crust. Strike
slip faults can be of two varieties, depending on the sense of displacement. To an
observer standing on one side of the fault and looking across the fault, if the block on
the other side has moved to the left, we say that the fault is a left-lateral strike-slip
fault. If the block on the other side has moved to the right, we say that the fault is a
right-lateral strike-slip fault.
8) Transform-Faults
Transform faults is a special class of strike-slip faults. These are plate boundaries
along which two plates slide past one another in a horizontal manner. The most
common type of transform faults occur where oceanic ridges are offset. Note that the
transform fault only occurs between the two segments of the ridge. Outside of this
area there is no relative movement because blocks are moving in the same direction.
These areas are called fracture zones.
9) Oblique-slip faults
Fault along the southern boundary of Makhtesh Ramon, Negev, Southern Israel.
Strike and dip is to describe the compass direction and the degree of inclination
of a rock mass. Outcrop is an exposure of rock at the surface (or the area of a rock lying
directly beneath a soil cover).
Strike: The line formed by the intersection of horizontal plane (the water surface) and an
inclined plane (the surface of the rock layer).
Dip or dip angle: The maximum angular deviation of the inclined layer from horizontal.
In other words, the maximal angle of slope of a tilted stratum measured directly
downward from the horizontal plane. The direction of dip is perpendicular to the strike. JOINTS
These are rock fractures with no movement along them and tend to break a rock
mass into a network of blocks. They are formed by tectonic stressing and are developed
in nearly all rocks.
Fractures within sedimentary rocks are usually the bedding planes. Many
bedding planes are very thin bands or partings of shale or clay between units of stronger
rocks. Massive rocks have less fractures, joints or structural weaknesses.
Figure 1.9: Jointing in a folded stratum
Figure 2.0: Location map of Bukit Lanjan Rock Slope Failure Bukit Lanjan
Discontinuity Dip/Dip direction Type
Table 2.1: Result of kinematics analysis of rock slope stability analysis of the
failed slope
The stability of the rock slope in Bukit Lanjan is controlled by the characteristics
andorientations of the discontinuity planes present in the rock mass. Depending on the
orientations of the relevant discontinuities, rock slopes could fail in these forms:
planar,wedge, toppling or the combination of these three modes. A kinematic rock slope
stability analysis was conducted using a stereographic projection technique. This
method is extremely useful, particularly to project three dimensional discontinuity planes
onto two-dimensional presentation.
Rock slope failure can occur when there exist several causal factors with a single
or multiple triggering factors. More often than not, the triggering factor is either man-
made or natural events that cannot be controlled or avoided. In the case of Bukit Lanjan,
the analysis shows that unusual prolonged rainfall prior to the failure event may have
been the triggering factor for the rock slope failure. Based on the analysis of failure as
discussed above, it appears that one of the major factors causing rock slope failure was
rock mass structure, i.e. an unfavourable discontinuity orientation toward failure.
The rock slope failure at Bukit Lanjan was due to a huge wedge block which was
formed along the intersection between a steeply dipping fault plane F1 (dip/dip direction:
80o/225o), and a more gently dipping major joint plane J1 (dip/dip direction: 60o/070o),
with a fault plane F2 (dip/dip direction: 78o/327o) as a release plane.
This option required re-profiling the rock slopes to a gentler angle. The safe
overall slopeangle was determined based on detailed geological and discontinuity
mapping, and subsurface investigations. Based on the analysis of available data, an
overall rock slope profile of 48o was considered appropriate for the anticipated in situ
instability condition. Slope re-profiling usually reduces the possibility of large scale
wedge and/or planar type
To contain localized minor rock and debris falls, the design would have to
incorporateappropriately designed catch berms, protection screens, rock trap ditches
and fencing. Localized stabilization measures such as rock bolts, rock anchors, dowels,
shotcrete and concrete buttress were also anticipated to support kinematically unstable
blocks that would become exposed during the construction works. Drainage works were
also incorporated in the form of surface and horizontal drains; the latter were designed in
excess of 20 metres to 30 metres in depth.
Figure 2.1: Pictuce of rock
slope at Bukit Lanjan re-
profiling in progress
Large scale rock slope failure along highways is a dramatic event, creating high
nationalimpact and influencing public perception toward the safety of rock slopes. This
event triggered public inquiry regarding the safety of rock slopes along roads and
Large scale rock slope failure involves major discontinuities such as fault planes,
shearzones, dykes and major joints. A separate analysis to determine rock stability
based on major discontinuities is crucial in assessing the risk of large-scale rock slope
failure. Minor joints sets analysis is not sufficient since it only addresses issues related to
small and medium-sized failure.
Large scale rock slope failure is difficult to predict, particularly with regard to
whenfailure may occur, size of the failure and degree of risk to life and property. Many
factors can contribute toward rock slope failure and all it requires is a triggering agent to
initiate failure
Machinchang Formation is conformably overlain by Setul Formation which is
consists of mainly limestone (marble) and characterized by karst topography. Towards
the top of the sequence of the formation, two detritus strata are present and known as
the Lower and the Upper Detrital member. This formation outcrops in the east of
Machinchang Formation near Teluk Kuban Badak and the eastern parts of Langkawi
Islands including Pulau Dayang Bunting (eastern part), in the south, Pulau Tuba, Pulau
Timun, Pulau Tg. Dendang and Pulau Langgun in the north. The age of the formation is
interpreted as Ordovician to Early Devonian. This limestone area froms karstic
topography, characterized by isolated, steep slope and very rugged topography
surrounded by alluvium. The area is covered by thin soil and barren to slightly covered
by vegetation especially in dry season.
2.5: Dayang Bunting Lake
Langkawi Geopark
Rock testing is divided into two types namely, laboratory and in situ test. The
tests are undertaken to measure the basic properties, index properties and engineering
properties of rock. Field or in situ test include plate bearing test, full-scale shear test,
creep test and stress distribution by means of instrumentations. Laboratory tests include
compression tests (uniaxial & triaxial), shear test, creep test, fatigue/dynamic loading
test. Testing methods or procedures are divided into:
A simple and fast to estimate the uniaxial compressive strength of rock. Sample
can be in the form of core or irregular shape. Equipment is portable and test can be
undertaken in the field. Point-load index strength obtained (Is) can be used to estimate
the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock tested using the following formula (after
Broch & Franklin, 1972):
correction is necessary)
Can be conducted using Schmidt's hammer (L-type). Test is simple and fast and
equipments are portable. Test can be undertaken on the surface of block or core
samples and does not involve destruction of sample. Index value obtained is rebound
number (R) which is a measure of the degree of hardness of rock surface. Value of R
can be used to estimate the compressive strength of rock using the following equation:
➢ Log10 JCS = 0.00088(y) (R) + 1.01 (Franklin, 1989)
Where, JCS (MPa) is the compressive strength of rock surface; y (kN/m3) is unit
weight of rock. For fresh rock (weathering grade I), JCS is approximately equals to the
UCS of the rock material.
Side Survey
• Choose the suitable rock sample (siltstone and mudstone) for Point Load Test.
L = Distance between the contact conical points and the nearest free end (mm)
Ten (10) irregular lump samples should be tested from the same original type of
rock. Mark the desire test orientation on the sample with lines along the surface. These
lines are used for centering the sample before the test and checking the proper stress
orientation along the compression to failure. Close the valve of the hydraulic circuit of the
hand pump. Insert the extension rod the jacket lever and zero set the digital readout unit.
Insert the sample between the conical points along a direction perpendicular to the end
faces of the core, far from the ends or edges: act on the jack to close the platens to the
core. Check that the digital manometer records a small load and operate with the pump
to increase the load steadily such that the failure occurs within 10 to 60 sec. record the
maximum force displayed by the digital manometer (the peak load value is frozen on the
display) and measure again the distance D of the points.
a) Compass
• Procedure
The method we use to collect datas for dip direction is by using the left hand
technique where the skin facing our face. The thumb as the dip and index fingers as the
strike. Besides that, we can also use rock or water to find the dip direction by pouring
water or dropping the rock onto rock surface. When we know the dip direction, we can
find the strike by using the `Left Hand Technique`
The Brunton Compass is used to find the North direction. There are a few steps to
determine the north such as below:
i.The compass is placed on the surface of the rock horizontally. From here we will
know the North direction by red mark which points to the North.
iv.On the compass, there are two calibrations. But, we have to take the bigger and
logical reading.
v.If we cannot see the reading on the compass, we can look at the small binocular
beside the compass.
To find the strike, other than the left hand technique, we can also take reading by
looking at the red mark line ( North ) on the compass. The method to read the value of
dip direction from North that was marked on the rock is by looking at the red line on the
compass. For example, let’s say the value is 65o. This value is added with 90 o to get the
dip direction.
Using Brunton Compass to set up North direction, strike and dip
Describing TheOriental of layer of rock
1. The angle at which the rock "dips" (with respect to the horizontal) - called dip.
2. The compass direction along which the bed of rock trends (with respect to north)
- called strike.
The direction in which the imaginary horizontal line trends (with respect to north)
is measured with a compass. In addition to the strike, the dip angle (and general
direction) is also noted. Dip angle and direction are written such as "45oE" or "5oW".
Note that a 5o dip is nearly horizontal, and an 85o dip is nearly vertical. When the
orientation of a layer of rock is plotted on a map, the strike direction is perpendicular to
the dip direction. If the rock dips due East, its strike will be due North (may also be
described as north-south).
Dip and strike are recorded on maps using special symbols that resemble a "T"
with an elongated top bar. The top bar of the "T" is oriented on the map in the precise
orientation of the strike of the rock unit. The short vertical bar of the "T" points in the
direction of dip. There is almost always a number accompanying these strike and dip
symbols, and that number refers to the angle of dip.
Rebound Hammer
i. After determine the scanline survey, our group must setup number of point
from point 1 until point 15 each slope.
ii. Then, we rebound the schmidt’s hammer at each points to get the value of
rebound number.
iii. Record the data on the lab sheet and calculate the data.
1 Joint 130 40 30 1.2 narrow Clean Rough Dry
2 Joint 120 30 30 1 narrow Clean Rough Dry
3 Joint 140 50 50 2 - Clean Rough Dry
J1 131 30
J2 121 30
J3 140 48
Slope 130 37
P 126 34
Mode of failure Criteria Stability
i. Dip direction lie within + 200 from the “design slope” dip
1260 + 200= ( 1460 until 1060) 1300 exist for this range
Planar unstable
ii. ψf > ψi > fj (slope angle> plane angle>friction angle)
A =
(H - Z).cosec β
= (40 - 1).cosec34
= 38.21
½ γ r . H² [(1 - (Z/H) ²)cot β - cot α ]
1 1 2
= × 2.414 × 10 × 40 × 1 − cot 34 − cot 37
2 40
= 2985.43
½ γ w .Zw .(H - Z).cosec β
= × 9.81× 1 × ( 40 − 1) cos ec34
= 342.09
½ γ w .Z w
= × 9.81× 1
= 4.905
Sample Mudstone
Surface No. 1
Total 861
Average value, R 57.40
Compressive Strength (MPa) 169.67
• Sample of calculation:
Where = 2.414 x 10
JCS = 169.57MPa
Sample Mudstone
Surface No. 1
Rebound Number (R) 40
Total 815
Average value, R 54.33
Compressive Strength (MPa) 145.29
Where = 2.414 x 10
JCS = 145.29MPa
Sample Mudstone
Surface No. 1
Total 722
Average value, R 48.13
Compressive Strength (MPa) 107.75
Where = 2.414 x 10
Log10 JCS = 0.00088(2.414 × 10)(48.13)+ 1.01
JCS = 107.75MPa
The data’s that we get from the places that we visit at Bukit Malut which we
applied in the lab 4B is to determine the discontinuities sets and modes of failure of
structural geology data to slope, and lab 4C is to calculate the plane and wedge of
Based on the data we look the form discontinuities that place is joint. We analysis
the data, we get the modes of failure of structural geology based on discontinuities is
planar which that occur along slip plane.
After we know the modes of failure at Bukit Malut is plane failure, we were
applied lab 4C to estimate the plane of safety. Then, we get the factor of safety (FOS) for
Planar mode is 1.9, that show the FOS at this place is safe because that more than 1.5
Besides that, the sample of the rocks that we took from the Bukit Malut is also
used in the lab 3, with is for the Point Load Test. Based on the I50 from Point Load Test
Index show that the typical static mechanical properties of some rock types show that
Bukit Malut may have the Mudstone (sedimentary rock ).
Rebound Hammer is simple and fast and equipments are portable. Index value is
rebound number (R) which is measure of the degree of hardness of rock surface. Based
on the analysis data Rebound Hammer Test, we get the degree of hardness of rock
surface around range (107.75 – 169.57 )MPa. That show the rock is slightly weathered
rock (grade II).
This site visit really will bring us a lot of opportunity to explore the world of
geology in Civil Engineering. Thus, through this site visit, its also will increase our
interest in study of geology. Besides that, what we had learnt in class theorically now we
can practice it on site. This is parallel with UTHM Mission to produce graduate students
or Engineer not only good in academic but also better in hands-on job assessment.
From the Point - Load Index Test that we did in the laboratory, we use the rock
that we get from site at Bukit Malut is classified in Sedimentary Rock. The name of rock
we get from site is Mudstone. The Average Point Load Index, Is(50) (MPa) for this rock is
3.584 MPa.
Rebound Hammer Test is simple and fast in result. Other benefits is equipments
is portable. Index value is rebound number (R) which is measure of the degree of
hardness of rock surface. Based on the analysis data Rebound Hammer Test, we get the
degree of hardness of rock surface around range (107.75 – 169.57 ) MPa. That show
the rock is slightly weathered rock (grade II).
From site visit that we have done, we got some problem there during collecting
the data such as, we are not manage our time properly. So we suggest to extend the
time limit for every checkpoint to give more information to student. The time constrain
may cause lack of attention among the student.
Perhaps, UTHM will provide more tools for student to make a research smoothly
and also the tools must in good condition. For example to test roughness of rock
(Rebound Hammer).
Student need the detail of explanation when the lecture convey the message to
make the work faster. The lecture need to give an explanation to the student earlier.
Every lecturer must in each bus to explain to the student what should they do while
collecting the data at the site.
Site research is one of the good learning method where every student has
directly involve during the site visit. Student will exposed in real situation how data
collected. Student can apply the theory that they have learn in the lecture at the real site
from there. Also, each student will get the experience after the site visit.
Other than experience, we also can see the nature view. We are not just learn
about geology only, but we also have learn about structure of the construction along the
journey that we can see many things in a reality situation concerning with a geologies
like retaining wall, anchor bolt, rock bolt, igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and etc from
the lecturer. Then the lecturer has test us from the quiz that he had made.
From the trip that we have done, we can see the great teamwork among the
group members where every group members has given the high commitment when they
need to complete the task given.
Disediakan oleh :
................................... ................................
Disemak / Disahkan oleh :
Ulasan / Sokongan :
Tarikh : .................................
Kelulusan :
............................................. Tarikh : .................................
The mainstream of geology is about our earth its self. So, it is very
important for us, as a student in Civil Engineering field to get-to-know about
geology. It is vital for the student to understand the relationship between Civil
Engineering, soil mechanics and the complex geological process of earth, since
initial Civil Engineering works carried out involve ground investigation.
The main purpose of this site visit is to expose the students about the real
life situation at the geological site and our interest for this site visit is to learn
more about the study of rocks thus the problems occur related with rocks and
engineering works will be advantages for us. Through this site visit, we will have
more knowledge and better understanding about what we called ENGINEERING
GEOLOGY and its will useful for our future especially in our career in civil
engineering field.
This site visit was conducted to guide the student in order to:
4.3 Tentative
The tentative of the visit as per Appendix C.
4.4 Location
The visit would be held at
• Bukit Malut – Rock Slope Site Work
• Langkawi Development Authority – LADA
• Machinchang Cambrian Geoforest Park
• Dayang Bunting Marble Geoforest Park
4.5 Committee
The committee of the visit as per Appendix D.
The estimation of the budget for this programme include food and beverage,
hotel/lodging is RM 11,700.00. All the students will spent their own money/budget
for the whole programme and only claimed for RM 10.00 per day as stated in the
university rules and regulations which RM RM 1,380.00 as stated in Appendix E.
The budget for this progrmme would be claim under Vot 21000 (FKAAS Staff)
and Vot 52000 (Students) from Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia as per Appendix E.
This site visit really will bring us a lot of opportunity to explore the world of
geology in Civil Engineering. Thus, through this site visit, its also will increase our
interest in study of geology. Besides that, we can practice on site what we had
learnt in class theoretically. Our soft skills / generic skills also will be apply and
performed in order to conduct the entire job as given by the lecturer. This is
parallel with UTHM Mission to produce graduate students or Engineer not only
good in academics but also better in hands - on job assessment and also with
some additional value added which is generic skills. We hope our proposal for
“Engineering Geology Roam” will be approved and support by the entire
Department in UTHM that related with our intensive effort to make this site visit
as a dream comes true.
Staff :
1 AGILARAJAN A/L SELVARAJAH 871010055587 CF080284
2 AMIR FIRDAUS BIN ABU BAKAR 820617065511 CF080155
3 B. GEVANSRI A/L BASAKRAN 870810015749 CF080186
4 CHANG KENT CHIN 870401105225 CF080128
5 FAISAL BIN SHEIKH KHALID 870122235385 CF080290
6 FERNANDEZ AU 880104125173 CF080297
7 HAWA HAIDAR BINTI ATEMIN 870412465154 CF080081
8 ISMAIL BIN AHMAD 870105085987 CF080267
9 MELVIN SAMUEL A/L PAKINATHAN 870605055477 CF080053
YACOB 871212015153 CF080233
11 MOHD JAFNI BIN MOHD JAMIL 871014095367 CF080279
12 MOHD NAZRUL AZWAN BIN AZMI 871124236351 CF080111
13 MOHD RIZAL BIN KHATIB 800801035613 CF080154
14 MOHD SHAHIR BIN DZULKAPLI 821113055429 CF080068
15 SINGH 871003146261 CF080028
16 NIK NUR DINA BINTI NIK AZMI 821110035414 CF080217
17 NIK NUR NAZIRA BINTI NIK YUSOFF 850708115200 CF080192
18 NOOR AMIRA BT SARANI 870528086500 CF080286
19 NOOR ASYIKIN BTE ABD RAHMAN 870213235620 CF080089
20 NOOR SUHAILA BINTI SULAIMAN 871120085496 CF080066
21 NOR DIANA BT ABDULLAH 870801085892 CF080113
22 NORAINI BINTI CHE HUSIN 860815295074 CF080220
25 NUR FAEZAH BINTI YAHYA 870527045096 CF080127
26 NUR SHUHADAH BINTI AZMAN 870801465174 CF080110
27 NURAZZILAH BINTI SULAIMAN 870224015332 CF080034
28 NURNADIAH BINTI MADON 841121016524 CF080098
29 NURUL HIDAYAH BINTI AB RAHMAN 871019295296 CF080049
30 NURUL IZZATI BINTI AB RAHMAN 870101115210 CF080147
31 NURUL SYIFAA' BINTI AHMAD 870527016068 CF080047
32 RAZANITA BINTI RAHMAN 870430015640 CF080048
33 RAZIANA BINTI BAHARIM 870606295034 CF080197
34 REEZA HILMEE BIN AZME 870909065607 CF080242
35 ROSLAN BIN TOLEK 850122035019 CF060052
NOR 870606035240 CF080170
37 MOHD MAZLAN BIN MAMAT 851221115203 CF060063
38 SITI NOR AISHAH BINTI SOID 871010065910 CF080193
ABDULLAH 820503065062 CF080223
40 MOHD FAIZAL BIN JANTAN 850815145229 CF060050
41 FAIZAL BIN PAKIR 851208105107 CF060066
42 ANANDAN A/L ARUMUGAM 860205055129 CF080142
43 NAZLEENA BINTI DAUD 811011015750 CF080163
44 JULIA BINTI MOHAMED UYOB 810807015700 CF080160
45 AZLAN 850101116063 CF060044
46 AHMAD FIRDAUS BIN MD NOH 870225105225 CF080281
- Quizzes
(i) DS 52:-
= RM 180.00
(ii) DS 45:-
= RM 540.00
ii. Hotel Allowance : RM 180.00 x 3 persons x 2 nights
= RM 1,080.00
= RM 240.00
= RM 400.00
= RM 1,380.00
i. Mohd Hazreek bin Zainal Abidin. (2008). Engineering Geology.Penerbit
UTHM. Batu Pahat.