Long history of traditional use of medicinal plants & health practices e.g., Ayurveda (5,000 B.C.) Codified documented systems like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani & Yoga
Following Systems are recognized by the Government under Indian Systems of Medicine & Homeopathy AYURVEDA SIDDHA UNANI YOGA NATUROPATHY HOMOEOPATHY Yoga & Naturopathy are drugless therapies.
A. Ayurveda Y. Yoga & Naturopathy U. Unani S. Siddha H. Homoeopathy
I.S.M. Indian System of Medicine
Holistic Approach
The people can adequately educate themselves to take care of their own health Teaches that people are their own best healers Ancient Sages healers developed for balancing ones habits to heal, prevent illness and develop longevity Paralleled. Paralleled to the onset of the industrial revolution came to rise not because it was better but because of more money was available for its propagation
Symptomative approach
Institutional Education is necessary Anti symptoms aid is necessary for healing Paralleled to the onset of the industrial revolution came to rise not because it was better but because of more money was available for its propagation No long ago chief developer of allopathic medicine was Andrew Carnegie, who saw a better financial future for himself in investing huge sum of money to develop allopathic research and diagnostic machineries instead of encouraging natural medicine research.
3. 4.
S. No. 6.
Heals Physical, mental, Consider physical and mental social and spiritual aspects aspects of individual as per sign, with considering Dosa, symptoms available. Kal, Prakriti and constitutions of individual. Believe that there is an inextricable link between human and Universe. The very elements of human life exist outside in the cosmos as well. Believe in compounding anti-dotes if there is any unpleasant action of any ingredient. Believe in single individual unit.
Believe in bracking the alkaloid and removing the chemical if there is any Unpleasantness.
Introduction of AYURVEDA
The term Ayurveda combines two Sanskrit words-ayur, which means life, and veda, which means science or knowledge. Ayurveda means "the science of life. Ayurveda is the primary health care system in India keeping its 1.13 billion citizens in good health and Ayurvedic medicine has an excellent world wide reputation with Ayurvedic doctors now being trained in many countries.
1. Life : Science (Science of Life) 2. Ayurveda : I, yoor, Vay-da) - Said to be the first world medicines. 3. Before arrival of writing, the ancient wisdom of healing, prevention and longevity was a part of the spiritual tradition of a universal religion 4. It is said that Sages/Seers received their training of Ayurveda through direct cognition during meditation. 5. Various methods of healing prevention longevity and surgery came through Devine revelation guessing or animal testing was unnecessary.
Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world's oldest medical systems that is steadily increasing in value today as it recognizes and treats not only the symptoms of illness, but the whole person and the relationships between the person and the world around them. The philosophy or goal is to restore health and natural harmony, a concept missing in modern medical science.
Philosophy of Ayurveda
In Ayurvedic philosophy, people, their health, and the universe are all thought to be related. It is believed that illnesses result when these relationships are out of balance. In Ayurveda, herbs, metals, massage, exercise and other techniques are used with the intent of cleansing and strengthening the body to restore balance. When balance is achieved, health and vitality is optimized.
Aims of Ayurveda
The aim of Ayurveda is to restore the natural harmony in the human structure and between human and environmental relationships to help prevent illness and promote wellness. Ayurveda aims to integrate and balance the body, mind, and spirit (thus, some view it as "holistic"). This balance is believed to lead to contentment and health, and to help prevent illness. A chief aim of Ayurvedic practices is to cleanse the body of substances that can cause disease, and this is believed to help re-establish harmony and balance.
Treatment of the disease generally consists in avoiding factors responsible for causing loss of equilibrium. It is restored through regulating diet, correcting the life routine and administration of drugs. For the promotion, prolongation and maintenance of positive health and prevention of diseases, Ayurveda prescribes the observation of certain principles e.g., regulated diet, sleep, sex etc. Treatment aims at not only curing the disease but also increasing the strength of the body to fight against the diseases and minimize the chances of relapse.
Gradual improvement Lack of diagnostic investigations by modern scientific research methods Not suitable for emergencies.
YOGA Addition or union for Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual Well being SPIRITUAL YOGA Union of individual soul (Bhutatma) to divine soul (Paramatma) MENTAL YOGA Union of Pran (Vital force) with central force PHYSICAL YOGA Union of vital energy with cellular energy SOCIAL YOGA Astang Yoga provides environmental & social union
KUNDALINI YOGA Teaches postures, Pranayam and regulation of vital energy through Chakras
ASTANG YOGA Deal with social, physical, mental and spiritual aspect through eight steps of Yoga
The aim of the Yogic breath is realization of self or absolute or realization of Brahma
Karma YogaPath of Action Bhakti YogaPath of Devotion Raja Yoga ---Science of Mental Concentration
PRANAYAM LIFE BREATH - PRAN OR SOUL Save the mind from Anxiety, nervousness, worry, fear, anger, impatience, hot tempers, lethargy, agitation and dullness abnormal emotions. Improves concentration, memory, mental peace and delight of a silent clear mind. Development of higher mental spiritual status. Self at eternity or divine peace and bliss can be achieved by stopping vibration created by thoughts. Mental peace occurs when the life breath
Pranayam- Life-Breath
1-Save the mind from Anxiety, Nervousness, Worry, fear, Anger, Impatience, Hot tempers, Lethergy, Agitation and Dullness, (abnormal emotions). 2- Improves Concentration, Memory, Mental peace and Delight of a silent clear mind. 3-Develops higher mental and spiritual power. 4-Self of eternity or Divine peace and bliss can be achieved by arresting vibration created by thoughts. 5- Mental peace occurs when the life breath ceases to flow in the EDA and PINGALA and begins to flow in the SUSHUMNA resulting Stillness.
Physiological Postural corrections Muscular strengthening. Controls the overall (NS activities (Working, sleeping and clarity), influences the Thalamus and Hypothalamus. Thalamus - Relays senses and connect many brain area senses pains and is related to emotions and memory Hypothalamus - A. Affects behaviour B. Affects physical functions i.e. Temperature, weight, BP, Metabolism, CVS, GI, Eyes, Sexual drive urinary, Reproductive system.
Non Pharmacological therapy Non invasive therapy Uses of natural material as per Prakriti Based on the theories of vitality and Toxiemia Uses of Self healing capacity of body by providing of harmony with constructive principles. It has great promotive, preventive, curative as well as restorative potential
By healing, stimulating the inherent power of body to regain health with the help of 5 great elements. It is a call to Return to Nature Resort to a simple way of living in harmony Teaches harmony with self, society and environment Advocating better Health without Medicines Pay particular attention to eating and living habits Adoptation of purificatory measures, use of hydrotherapy, Cold pack, mud packs, Baths massages and fasting etc.
Originated from Greece By Fusion of the traditional knowledge of ancient from Egypt, Arabiya, Iran, China, Syria and India documented in Al-Qanoon (A medical Bible) by Sheikh Ber Ali Sina (980-1037 AD).
Bile (Pitta)
Bile (Vata)
Diagnosis is carried out in following manner; Body heat is measured by pulse, palpation and thermometer. Urine examination to find out disorders in kidney, liver and digestion. Examination of stool. Internal organs are assessed by observation, palpation and percussion. Tongue gives indication of the conditions of the blood and digestion. Eyes, lips, teeth, throat, tonsils are examined. History about sleep, fear, grief, anger or happiness provides information of emotional and mental status of the person.
The Treatment is both curative and preventive in nature and is effective. Medicinal plants, metals, mineral and animal origin are used as polypharmacy. The drugs can be used in tablets, mixtures, infusions, powders, syrups and aqueous. These drugs are safe. Pharmaco Therapy Diet Therapy Regimental Therapy (Ilaz Bid adbir) Surgery
Develop parallel to Ayurveda Isolated in the Tamil speaking area Siddha means ACHIEVEMENT Develop by Eighteen Saintly persons who achieved result in Medicines Siddha literature are in Tamil. Therapeutic in Nature
Siddha emphasizes more on preventive, promotive, restorative than curative. It accounts patients nature, Environment, age. sex, diet, race, habits, mental and physical frame, habitat, appetite, Physical and Physiological conditions and constitutions etc. The treatment has to be individualized, ensure a low probability of incorrect diagnosis or treatment.. Involves identifying its causes through the Examination of Pulse, Urine, Eye, Study of voice, Colour of the body, Tongue and status of Digestive System. Has developed rich and unique Drug Knowledge. Uses Herbs, Minerals, Animal Products and also aquatic products as effective combination of medicines.
ORIENTATION Certain substance could produce symptoms of a disease in healthy people similar to those suffering from disease. German Physicians scientifically examined this Phenomenon and condifided fundamental. Homoeopathy was brought in India in the year 1810 by European Missionaries. Received recognition by a resolution passed by the Constituent Assembly in 1948
Homeopathy is a system of treatment of diseases by drugs usually prescribed in minute doses which in a healthy person would reduce symptoms like those of the disease. The homeopathic way of healing was devised by the great German physician Dr. Samuel in the last 18th century. It has progressed steadily and has spread in almost all parts of India and world over.
Homeopathic laws
The law of similar: states that any substance which is capable of inducing the symptoms of a disease in a healthy person will be able to cure a sick person suffering from that very disease. Law of Direction of cure: Symptoms are the means through which the organism tries to regain its lost balance or its homeostasis. Law of single remedy: In order to help the individual to reestablish order, the physician should assist and strengthen these reactions rather than suppress them. Law of minimum dose: The medicines are given in very small doses by potentiation for effective cure. Once the initial micro dose has acted , it will bring about a curative response through a sequence of predictable internal events, then the second dose is continued.
PRINCIPLE Similar Similibus Currenture Single Medicine Minimum Dose Causation of a disease mainly depends upon the susceptibility or proneness of an individual
METHOD OF TREATING Administering drugs which have been experimentally proved to possess the power to produce similar symptoms in healthy human beings. Focuses on an individual, response to a specific environment. Prepared mainly from Natural substances Do not have any toxic, poisonous or side effect. Economical and public acceptances
AREA OF STRENGTH Useful in the treatment for allergies, auto immune disorders and viral infections Many surgical, Gynaecological and Paediatric conditions Ailments affecting Eyes, Nose, Ears, Teeth, Skin, Sexual Organs, etc. Behavioural disorders, Neurological and Metabolic disorders Useful for De-addiction from drugs Used in preventive and promotive health care. An emergent of interest in the use in Veterinary Care,