Application Form For Re-Constitution of The Commissioned Dealership
Application Form For Re-Constitution of The Commissioned Dealership
Application Form For Re-Constitution of The Commissioned Dealership
S. No 1 $ . 0 1 3 4 6 5 12 11 1$ 1. 10 PARTICULARS Name of the dealersh ! Address of Sho%room of dealersh ! D str /t State P , /ode La,dl ,e Tele!ho,e No Date of Comm ss o, ,' Cate'or* of the dealersh ! +T /7 the a!!ro!r ateE8 st ,' /o,st t&t o, of o%,ersh ! +T /7 the a!!ro!r ate s 9hether the Sole !ro!r etor s a)o:e 32 *ears. 9hether the Sole !ro!r etor s a % do% of No Deta ls of the !rese,t Pro!r etor " Part,ers Name of O&t'o ,' Part,er( f a!!l /a)le Co,f rm %hether O&t'o ,' Part,er"s s , dealersh ! for more tha, 12 *ears +e8/e!t for death a,d ,/a!a/ tat o, /asesName of Ne% Part,er !ro!osed to )e ,d&/ted 9hether re-/o,st t&t o, /arr ed o&t earl er If *es( Date of the last re-/o,st t&t o, Prese,t Share hold ,' Pro!osed Share hold ,' Ar ef Reaso,s for the !ro!osed ReDETAILS M"s #erma O l Traders D&r'a Na'ar( H ssar Road( Am)ala C t* +Har*a,aAm)ala Har*a,a 1.022. 10-25-1556 S/ "ST"Other Sole Pro!r etor"!art,ersh !"Other O&t'o ,' Part,er Sh. A;a* #erma s 30 *ears old No Name< - Sh. A;a* #erma A'e<30 =ears Name< Sh.>a&ra: Ra; #erma A'e<.1 =ears Sh. A;a* #erma =es
11 13 14 16 15 $2
Sh. Ro) , Da%ar No N"A Name< - Sh. A;a* #erma Name< - Sh. >a&ra: Ra; #erma
? 12@ ?12@
Deta ls of Re-Co,st t&t o, Fee +DD for Rs.$1222"- , fa:o&r of BI,d a, O l Cor!orat o, L m ted(( a,d !a*a)le DO " lo/at o,( f a!!l /a)le-
Name< - Sh. >a&ra: Ra; #erma ? 11 @ Name< - Sh. Ro) , Da%ar ? 05 @ I. Ret reme,t of Sh.A;a* #erma II. I,d&/t o, of Sh Ro) , Da%ar III. To Im!ro:e !erforma,/e of R.O. DD No 22$$4. dated $1-11-$21. for Rs $1222"ss&ed )* HDFC Aa,7 ( Am)ala Ca,tt+Har*a,a- , fa:o&r of BI,d a, O l Cor!orat o, L m ted( a,d !a*a)le at Pa, !at(