Lot Transactions: This Chapter Covers The Following Topics

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Oracle Shop Floor Management User's Guide

Release 12.1
Part Number E13617-04
Cotets Pre!iou
Lot Transactions
#$is %$apter %o!ers t$e &ollo'i( topi%s)
*!er!ie' o& +ot #rasa%tios
Creati( a +ot ,ased -ob
*!er!ie' o& Sales *rder Reser!atio &or +ot ,ased -obs
*!er!ie' o& +ot .o!es
Per&ormi( +ot .o!e #rasa%tios
*peratio -umps
/ie'i( Status ad Resour%es
0te(ratio 'it$ *ra%le 1d!a%ed Suppl2 C$ai Plai( 31SCP4
Capturi( ad .odi&2i( 5etailed -ob +e!el Pla Re%ommedatios
C$a(i( t$e Re%ommeded Pat$ o& a -ob to a 0teded Pat$ &or 6uture
/ie'i( Pla Resour%e 5etails
7pdati( Pla Compoets
7pdati( Pla P$atom Compoets
.ass Re&res$ o& *pe -obs
Re&res$ ,*.8Routi( o& *pe +ot ,ased -obs 'it$ Re!isio 5ates
*!er!ie' o& 1d!a%ed +ot #rasa%tios
90P +ot #rasa%tios
Creati( 90P +ot #rasa%tios
0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios
Creati( 0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios
+ot 1ttributes i 0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios
Creati( +ots &or Ne' Se%tors
:aba Repleis$met o +ot ,ased -obs
+ot ,ased -ob Reporti(
+ot ,ased -ob Compoet Pi%k Release
Pedi( #rasa%tios Report
0te(ratio 'it$ *utside Pro%essi(
Overview of Lot Transactions
*ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet uses 90P lots ad 0!etor2 lots to %reate trasa%tios.
90P lot trasa%tios let 2ou per&orm !arious 'ork i pro%ess trasa%tios duri( t$e
produ%tio %2%le; su%$ as lot split; mer(e; part umber %$a(e; ad bous 3%reati( a
e' lot t$at is etirel2 e' or &rom s%rap4.
#$e pro%ess &lo' o& a lot be(is '$e a 90P lot based <ob is %reated &or t$e &irst se%tor=s
primar2 assembl2. #$e 90P lot is %reated ad released; mo!es t$rou($ a series o&
operatios; ad is %ompleted ito a i!etor2 lo%atio '$ere it is a i!etor2 lot. 7po
%ompletio; t$e 90P lot $as t$e se%tor e"tesio %ode appeded t$at is assi(ed to t$e
%orrespodi( item subi!etor2. >ou %a %otiue to use t$e same <ob ame or lot
ame t$rou($out t$e produ%tio pro%ess '$ere t$e part umber %$a(es 'it$ ea%$
se%tor. 6or t$e bill o& material; t$e part bei( %ompleted i a se%tor be%omes t$e primar2
%ompoet o& t$e part bei( made i t$e e"t se%tor.
#$e 0!etor2 lot t$e mo!es ito t$e e"t se%tor. #$is mo!e %osists o& %reati( a e'
90P lot &or t$e primar2 assembl2 o& t$e e"t bill le!el 3t$e e"t se%tor4; ad issui( t$e
primar2 assembl2 &rom t$e pre!ious se%tor to t$is e' 90P lot. 1&ter 90P lot %reatio
ad issue o& t$e primar2 %ompoet; t$e <ob mo!es t$rou($ a series o& operatios; ad
is %ompleted ito i!etor2 lo%atio. #$is pro%ess is repeated t$rou($ ea%$ se%tor util
t$e last se%tor is %omplete.
0& 2ou set t$e 9S.) Create -ob +e!el ,*. ad Routi( Copies pro&ile optio to >es
3*ptio 24; t$e *ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet stores detailed i&ormatio &or ea%$
ad e!er2 <ob. .aki( detailed <ob le!el %$a(es is a!ailable ol2 '$e 2ou %$oose
*ptio 2. 5uri( mau&a%turi( e"e%utio; *ptio 2 lets 2ou make <ob le!el %$a(es as
C$a(i( t$e re%ommeded pat$ o& a <ob to a2 ot$er !alid iteded pat$ &or
&uture operatios.
C$a(i( %ompoet re?uiremets or spe%i&2i( %ompoet substitutes &or
&uture operatios.
7si( alterate resour%es. #$is is doe t$rou($ t$e resour%e %etri% 'orkbe%$.
7si( t$e 'orkbe%$ to reassi( <ob operatios to di&&eret time periods.
1 e' $tml 7ser 0ter&a%e 3704 pro!ides detailed plai( re%ommedatios o
t$e %ompoets; resour%es; ad t$e et'ork pat$ o& a <ob. Similar %$a(es to t$e
<ob %a also be a%%omplis$ed t$rou($ ope iter&a%e tables.
Note: +ot based <obs are ot %osidered i t$e *ra%le .aster S%$eduli( ad .RP;
*ra%le *rder .aa(emet; or *ra%le Pro<e%t .aa(emet appli%atios.
Note: 0 *S6. or(ai@atios; ui?ue serial umbers s$ould be set 'it$i or(ai@atio
ad a%ross or(ai@atios.
euse of Lot Names
9it$ t$is e' &u%tioalit2 2ou $a!e t$e %$oi%e to %reate lots 'it$ t$e same ame as t$e
earlier se%tor.
!efault "o# Name in Lot $reation form
9$e 2ou %reate a lot i +ot Creatio &orm; 2ou $a!e t$e optio o& <ob ames bei(
de&aulted 'it$ t$e same ame as t$at o& t$e paret lot or di&&eret ame &rom t$at o& t$e
paret lot. 0& 2ou set Reuse -ob Name to No; t$e t$e e'l2 %reated <obs 'ill $a!e
ames 'it$ t$e <ob separator appeded to t$e paret lot ame. 0& Reuse -ob Name is
set to >es; t$e t$e e'l2 %reated <obs 'ill be de&aulted 'it$ t$e same ame as t$e
paret lot; pro!ided t$ere is ol2 oe resulti( <ob. 0& t$ere are multiple resulti( <obs;
t$e t$e &irst <ob 'ill $a!e t$e same ame as t$e paret lot ad t$e remaii( <obs 'ill
$a!e ames appeded 'it$ <ob separator.
Note: #$ere is o %$a(e i t$e !alidatio &or <ob %reatio i a2 ot$er &u%tioal &lo'.
"o# Name appended with Sector %&tension
9$e 2ou %a%el a <ob or per&orm 90P lot trasa%tios like split; mer(e; %omplete
s%rap; ad <ob %ompletio o a <ob; t$e <ob ame 'ill be appeded 'it$ se%tor
0& t$e parameter Reuse -ob Name is set to >es t$e <ob ame 'ill be appeded
'it$ se%tor e"tesio.
0& t$e parameter Reuse -ob Name is set to No; t$e t$e <ob ame 'ill ot be
appeded 'it$ se%tor e"tesio.
9$ile per&ormi( assembl2 returs or updati( status o& %a%elled <ob to
released8ureleased status; t$e se%tor e"tesio o& t$e <ob irrespe%ti!e o& t$e
!alue set &or t$e Reuse -ob Name parameter is trimmed. See) 5e&ii(
$reating a Lot 'ased "o#
1&ter 2ou $a!e %ompleted setup steps &or de&ii( 2our item umbers; assemblies; bills
o& material; ad et'ork routi(sAt$e e"t step is to %reate a lot based <ob &or t$e &irst
se%tor. #$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido' is used to de&ie lots &or t$e &irst se%tor o& t$e
mau&a%turi( pro%ess ad liks t$em to assemblies o t$e s$op &loor. #$e lots &or t$e
ot$er se%tors are %reated usi( t$e +ot Creatio 'ido'; see) Creati( +ots &or Ne'
>ou %aot %reate lot based <obs &or serial umber %otrolled assemblies. #$is
restri%tio applies to t$e <obs %reated usi( 'ido's ad iter&a%es.
Note: +ot based <obs support operatio pull; pus$; ad p$atom suppl2 t2pes. *t$er
suppl2 t2pes are ot %urretl2 supported.
Note: 1ssembl2 +ot Number &ield i +ot Etr2 ad Serial Etr2 'ido' i .aterial 0ssue
trasa%tios; is ot appli%able &or +ot ,ased -obs.
Non(standard Lot 'ased "o#s
>ou %a %reate o-stadard lot based <obs. Stadard <obs %otrol t$e material;
resour%es; ad operatios re?uired to build a assembl2 ad %olle%t %osts. NoB
stadard <obs %otrol material ad %olle%t %osts &or mis%ellaeous a%ti!it2. #$ese <obs
%a be used o e"pese 'ork orders &or testi(; protot2pes; ad re'ork '$ere
operatio 2ield %osti( is ot %osidered. >ou %a per&orm all trasa%tios o a o-
stadard lot based <ob like mo!es; s%raps; <umps; udos; %ompletios; returs; material
trasa%tiosC all 90P lot trasa%tios like bous; split; mer(e; update routi(; update
assembl2; update ?uatit2 ad update lot ame. No-stadard lot based <obs use 90P
a%%outi( %lass t2pe Expense Non-standard Lot Based. See) 90P 1%%outi(
Classes; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
6or o-stadard <obs; 2ou %a %$oose '$et$er to spe%i&2 a subi!etor2 or ot. #$us
subi!etor2 is de&aulted duri( <ob %reatio. 0& a subi!etor2 is spe%i&ied; 2ou %a
%omplete t$e <ob ito a i!etor2 lot.
>ou %a per&orm t$e update o& bom ad routi( re&ere%e id=s pro!ided t$e <ob i
ureleased. #o update a2 re&ere%e id; 2ou $a!e to pro!ide t$e re&ere%e id; re!isio
date ad t$e alterate desi(ator.
0& 2ou set t$e 9S.) Create -ob +e!el ,*. ad Routi( Copies pro&ile optio to >es
3*ptio 24; t$e <ob %opies are %reated. 0& 2ou set t$e 9S.) Create -ob +e!el ,*. ad
Routi( Copies pro&ile optio to No 3*ptio 14; t$e <ob %opies are ot %reated.
See )lso
*!er!ie' o& Setti( 7p; Oracle Inventory User's Guide
*!er!ie' o& Setti( 7p; Oracle Bills o !aterial User's Guide
Creati( a Net'ork Routi(
Closi( +ot ,ased -obs
To find lot #ased *o#s
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido'.
#$e 6id +ot ,ased -obs 'ido' displa2s.
2. Eter 2our sear%$ %riteria.
>ou %a ?uer2 b2 <ob ame; assembl2; a%%outi( %lass; a ra(e o& start dates;
a ra(e o& %ompletio dates; or <ob status. >ou %a %ombie or omit %riteria as
3. C$oose 6id to displa2 t$e +ot ,ased -obs Summar2 'ido'.
o Sele%t a lot based <ob ad %$oose oe o& t$e &ollo'i( a%tios.
o /ie' Deealo(2 to !ie' $istori%al i&ormatios i t$e +ot Deealo(2
'ido'; see) 5ispla2i( Deealo(2 ad 9$ere used /ie's.
o #$e *peratios 'ido' is used to !ie' t$e resour%e re?uiremet &or t$e
lot-based <ob.
o #$e lot-based <ob pro!ides t$e resour%e details &or t$e &irst operatio
duri( <ob %reatio ad t$e resour%e re?uiremet &or t$e ot$er operatios
are s$o' '$ee!er t$e <ob is mo!ed to t$is operatio.
o Compoets to a%%ess t$e .aterial Re?uiremets 'ido' displa2i( all
t$e %ompoets &or t$is <ob
o *pe to displa2 t$e details o& t$is <ob i t$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido'.
o 0& 2ou set t$e 9S.) Create -ob +e!el ,*. ad Routi( Copies pro&ile
optio to >es 3*ptio 24; t$e 2ou %a %$oose Pla 5etails &rom t$e #ools
meu to ope t$e 70 ad displa2 t$e plaed operatio details.
4. 0& 2ou are %reati( a e' lot; C$oose Ne' 314.
$reating Lot 'ased "o#s
To create lot #ased *o#s
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido'. #$e 6id +ot ,ased -obs 'ido'
2. 0& 2ou are %reati( a e' lot; C$oose Ne' 314. #$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido'
3. Eter t$e ame o& t$e <ob i t$e -ob &ield.
*ra%le 9ork i Pro%ess dis%rete <obs ad S$op 6loor .aa(emet lot based
<obs must ot use t$e same !alue &or -ob ame. 0 t$e -ob #2pe &ield; t$e !alue
de&aults to stadard. *ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet uses bot$ stadard ad
o-stadard <obs.
1s 2ou pro%eed 'it$ t$e mau&a%turi( pro%ess; t$e <ob ame %$a(es as lots
are %reated; split; reamed; ad %ompleted. 9$ile %reati( lots; t$e ame %aot
e"%eed E0 %$ara%ters.
Note: 5o ot use t$e same %$ara%ter !alue &or bot$ t$e <ob %ompletio
separator; ad i a se(met o& t$e <ob ame. 9$e lots are %ompleted t$e
resulti( lot desi(atio is t$e ori(ial lot umber; &ollo'ed b2 t$e <ob separator
!alue; &ollo'ed b2 t$e lot se%tor e"tesio. 7si( t$e same %$ara%ter !alue
%reates a error i t$e resulti( lot ame.
4. Sele%t t$e assembl2 i t$e 1ssembl2 &ield.
F. Sele%t t$e <ob status i t$e Status &ield.
9$e 2ou de&ie a <ob; its status de&aults to 7released but %a be %$a(ed to
Release or * Hold.
6. 7se t$e 6irm idi%ator to &irm t$is <ob.
6irmi( a <ob pre!ets plai( su((estios &or res%$eduli(. Ho'e!er; lot
based <obs are ot %osidered i t$e *ra%le .aster S%$eduli( ad .RP; but
are plaed i *ra%le 1d!a%ed Suppl2 C$ai Plai(. #$is &ield is ot used b2
o-stadard <obs.
7. 0 t$e Guatities re(io; eter t$e -ob ?uatit2 o& t$e <ob or lot i t$e Start &ield.
9$e 2ou eter a -ob start ?uatit2 &or t$e +ob ,ased <ob usi( bills ad
routi(s; t$e %ompoet material re?uiremets ad resour%e e?uipmet &or t$e
6irst *peratio 'ill be e"ploded ito t$is -ob.
>ou %a %$a(e t$e ?uatit2 o <obs 'it$out trasa%tios.
E. 0 t$e .RP et &ield; t$e ?uatit2 is deri!ed &rom t$e <ob start ?uatit2.
*ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet does ot ite(rate 'it$ *ra%le .aster
S%$eduli(8.RP. #$is &ield supports *ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai( ad S%$eduli(;
H. 0 t$e 5ates re(io; eter a !alue i eit$er t$e Start or Completio &ield.
0& 2ou eter a start date; t$e %ompletio date is &or'ard s%$eduled. Similarl2; i&
2ou eter a %ompletio date; t$e start date is ba%k'ard s%$eduled.
10. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
Note: +ot based <obs %reate t$e material ad resour%e re?uiremet &or t$e &irst
operatio ol2. #$e material ad resour%e re?uiremet is e"ploded '$ee!er t$e
<ob is mo!ed to t$e %orrespodi( operatio; i%ludi( t$e last operatio.
0& 2ou are usi( *ptio 2 &u%tioalit2; t$e 2ou %a !ie' all plaed operatio
details b2 %$oosi( +au%$ Pla 5etails &rom t$e #ools meu.
To assign an alternate #ill of material or revision
1. * t$e ,ill tab i t$e 1lterate &ield; sele%t t$e alterate bill o& material.
2. >ou %a sele%t a alterate bill o& material i& a alterate $as bee de&ied. See)
Primar2 ad 1lterate Routi(s; Oracle Bills o !aterial User's Guide.
3. 0 t$e Re!isio &ield; sele%t t$e bill o& material re!isio.
4. Sele%t t$e bill o& material re!isio=s date ad time.
,ill re!isio ad date determie '$i%$ !ersio o& t$e bill; ad t$ere&ore '$i%$
%ompoets are o t$e bill o& material.
F. 0 t$e Suppl2 #2pe &ield; t$e !alue de&aults to *peratio Pull.
+ot based <obs support ol2 operatio pull; pus$; ad p$atom suppl2 t2pes.
6. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
To assign the appropriate routing if the *o# has multiple routings
1. * t$e Routi( tab; sele%t t$e routi( 2ou 'at to use i t$e Routi( &ield.
2. Routi(s must be de&ied &or t$is assembl2; see) Creati( a Net'ork Routi(.
3. 0 t$e Re!isio &ield; sele%t t$e re!isio umber o& t$is routi(.
#$e date o& t$e lot based <ob %a be used to deri!e t$e routi( re!isio.
4. 0 t$e Re!isio &ield; sele%t t$e date ad time i& 2ou 'at to update t$e !alues
deri!ed &rom t$e routi(.
F. 0 t$e Subi!etor2 &ield; t$e lo%atio 3ad lo%ator; i& e"isti(4 displa2 &or '$ere
t$is <ob %ompletes.
Subi!etor2 &ields de&ault &rom t$e routi(. #$e2 are ot re?uired &or o-
stadard <obsA2ou %a remo!e t$ese !alues i& t$is <ob 'ill ot be %ompleted ito
6. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
Scheduling Lot 'ased "o#s
To schedule lot #ased *o#s
Eter or sele%t eit$er t$e Start ad8or %ompletio date ad time. 0& 2ou eter oe date
ad time; t$e ot$er date is %al%ulated as per t$e routi( s%$edule i t$e primar2 pat$.
Note: +ead time is used &or s%$eduli( dis%rete <obs t$at $a!e o routi( de&ied. +ot
based <obs are ot s%$eduled usi( lead time. S%$eduli( i lot based <obs is al'a2s
doe based o t$e resour%es i t$e primar2 pat$ o& et'ork routi(.
+iewing $omponent e,uirements
To view component re,uirements
C$oose Compoets. #$e .aterial Re?uiremets 'ido' displa2s s$o'i( all t$e
%ompoets o& t$is <ob.
0& 2ou set t$e 9S.) Create -ob +e!el ,*. ad Routi( Copies pro&ile optio to No
3*ptio 14; t$e 2ou %a !ie' %ompoet re?uiremets &or %ompleted ad %urret
operatios ol2. 0& 2ou set t$e 9S.) Create -ob +e!el ,*. ad Routi( Copies pro&ile
optio to >es 3*ptio 24; t$e 2ou %a also !ie' %ompoet re?uiremets &or &uture
plaed operatios. #$e pro&ile !alue is set as >es b2 de&ault ad ot %$a(eable;
$e%e t$e *ptio 2 a%tio is al'a2s s$o'.
$alculating e,uired -uantit. for $omponents with Negative -uantit. /er
01 -uer.ing the %&isting $omponents of a "o#
0& t$e Suppl2 #2pe o& a %ompoet is Pus$; t$e ?uatit2 per assembl2 is
e(ati!e; ad t$e <ob is a +ot ,ased -ob; t$e t$e re?uired ?uatit2 is %al%ulated
as &ollo's)
o $ase 0
0& t$e operatio at '$i%$ t$e %ompoet used is Curret *peratio ad t$e
?uatit2 is i Gueue or Ru. 1lso; i& t$e %ompoet is at a operatio &or
'$i%$ t$e ?uatit2 is at Gueue or Ru; t$e re?uired ?uatit2 displa2ed is
%al%ulated as)
Quantity Per Assembly * Quantity in Queue or Run * Operation Yield
o $ase 2
0& t$e operatio is Curret *peratio ad t$e ?uatit2 is at #o .o!e.
0& t$e %ompoet is at a operatio &or '$i%$ t$e ?uatit2 is at #o .o!e;
t$e re?uired ?uatit2 displa2ed is %al%ulated as)
Quantity Per Assembly * (Quantity Completed Quantity Scrapped)
Note: #$e a%tual ?uatit2 output &rom t$e #o .o!e operatio is ol2
%osidered ad ot t$e 2ield &rom t$at operatio.
o $ase 3
0& t$e %ompoet is at a2 o& t$e pre!ious operatios; t$e t$e re?uired
?uatit2 is also %al%ulated i t$e same 'a2 as i Case 2
Quantity Per Assembly * (Quantity Completed Quantity Scrapped)
Note: #$e a%tual ?uatit2 output &rom t$e pre!ious operatio is ol2
%osidered ad ot t$e 2ield &rom t$at operatio.
21 Updating the %&isting ecords
>ou %a update t$e %ompoets at a2 operatioC &or e"ample; it ma2 be i
Ru8Gueue8#o .o!e.
$ase 0
0& 2ou %$a(e t$e Guatit2 Per 1ssembl2; t$e 2ou must proportioatel2 %$a(e
t$e displa2ed Re?uired Guatit2.
$aution: Note t$at 2ou are ol2 %$a(i( t$e displa2 !alue o& t$e Re?uired
Guatit2 ad ot t$e !alue i t$e s2stem.
$ase 2
>ou %a also update t$e re?uired ?uatit2 o& t$e %ompoet at a2 operatio.
Note: >ou %aot update t$e %ompoet details i t$e +ot ,ased -ob 'ido'.
+iewing4 %ntering4 and Updating Lot )ttri#utes
To view4 enter4 and update lot attri#utes
1. C$oose +ot 1ttributes. #$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido' appears ad displa2s t$e lot
umber ad attributes o& t$is <ob.
0& 2ou are eteri( or updati( lot attributes; t$e eter or update attributes 'it$
appropriate !alues &or 9$are$ouse .aa(emet ad 0!etor2 attributes based
o t$e lot attributes setup t$at 2ou or 2our s2stem admiistrator $a!e %ompleted.
2. C$oose *: to sa!e ad retur to t$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido'.
3. C$oose Ca%el i& 2ou do ot 'at to sa!e t$e lot attribute %$a(es.
0& 2ou are ol2 !ie'i( t$e lot attributes 'it$out maki( %$a(es; t$e 2ou %a
%$oose *: or Ca%el.
4. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
Note: 0& 2ou do ot eter a re?uired se(met !alue; t$e a error messa(e
appears. 0& 2ou 'is$ to !ie' detailed i&ormatio &or a error messa(e; t$e 2ou
must e"e%ute t$e %o%urret re?uest Det .essa(es usi( t$e parameter
5,I#*IR7N#0.E 'it$ a spe%i&i% +a(ua(e.
Overview of Sales Order eservation for Lot 'ased "o#s
*ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet reser!es a lot based <ob &or a ope sales order
%reated &or a assembl2 item. 0t also iitiates updati( o& reser!atios '$e a lot based
<ob is modi&ied.
To reserve a lot #ased *o# against a sales order
1. Create a +ot ,ased -ob.
2. Reser!e +ot ,ased -ob i t$e status 7released or Released or * Hold a(aist
a Sales *rder usi( 0tem Reser!atio &orm 30!etor2) *$ad J Reser!atio4.
3. Eter Sales *rder i&ormatio usi( t$e 5emad tab i t$e 0tem Reser!atio
4. Eter +ot ,ased -ob i&ormatio sele%ti( t$e Suppl2 tab i t$e 0tem Reser!atio
F. C$oose Suppl2 t2pe as -ob or S%$edule 3+ot ,ased -ob4 to reser!e a(aist a lot
based <ob.
1ll +ot ,ased -obs i 7released or Released or * $old status 'it$ et ?uatit2
(reater t$a @ero are eli(ible &or %reati( reser!atios.
6. Eter t$e +ot ,ased -ob i t$e Header Number &ield.
Reser!atios 'ill be tras&erred &rom t$e -ob 3+ot4 to 0!etor2 +ot duri(
assembl2 %ompletio. 0!etor2 +ot is reser!ed &or t$e Sales *rder.
7. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
To view lot #ased *o# reservations against sales order
C$oose Sales *rders butto i t$e +ot based -obs &orm. #$e Sales *rder 'ido'
displa2s Sales *rder i&ormatio o Reser!ed -obs. >ou %a reser!e oe <ob to oe
sales order or multiple sales order. Similarl2; 2ou %a reser!e multiple <obs to oe sales
order or multiple sales orders.
To initiate updation of reservations
9$e 2ou %$a(e t$e <ob status &rom Released to Ca%el; t$e reser!atio 'ill be
0& 2ou %$a(e t$e et ?uatit2 o& t$e <ob to be less t$a t$e reser!ed ?uatit2; t$e
reser!atio 'ill be updated.
To update reservations during move transactions
5uri( mo!es; i& a!ailable ?uatit2 &alls belo' t$e et ?uatit2; a 'ari( is
5uri( split ad mer(e trasa%tios; 2ou $a!e to mauall2 tras&er reser!atios
to e' %$ild <obs.
Reser!atio 'ill be tras&erred to i!etor2 &rom t$e lot based <ob o assembl2
%ompletio trasa%tio.
5uri( assembl2 retur trasa%tio; reser!atios tras&erred &rom <ob to i!etor2
o assembl2 %ompletio 'ill be re!ersed.
To update reservations during 56/ lot transactions
"plit) 0& oe o& t$e resulti( lots is same as t$e starti( lot; t$e Reser!atio
Guatit2 %$a(es 'it$ respe%t to <ob Net Plaed Guatit2 o& t$e resulti( lot.
0& all t$e resulti( lots are di&&eret &rom t$e starti( lots; t$e t$e reser!atio is
!er#e) 0& t$e starti( <obs are o& di&&eret assemblies; ol2 t$e represetati!e
<obKs reser!atios 'ill be tras&erred to t$e resulti( <ob.
0& t$e starti( <obs are o& same assembl2; all t$e starti( <ob reser!atios 'ill be
tras&erred to t$e resulti( <ob.
Update $sse%&ly) E"isti( reser!atios a(aist t$e lot based <ob are deleted
duri( 7pdate assembl2 trasa%tio.
Update 'uantity) 0& t$e et ?uatit2 o& t$e starti( <ob is modi&ied to be less t$a
t$e starti( <obKs reser!ed ?uatit2; t$e reser!ed ?uatit2 is updated
a%%ordi(l2. 0& t$e starti( <ob et ?uatit2 be%omes @ero; t$e reser!atio is
Overview of Lot Moves
+ot based <obs support et'ork routi(. ,ased o t$e results o& a operatio; 2ou %a
de&ie di&&eret pat$s &or t$e e"t operatio. #$ere&ore; t'o disti%t lot based <obs &or a
parti%ular assembl2 'it$ t$e same routi(; %ould mo!e t$rou($ di&&eret mau&a%turi(
operatios i t$at routi(.
0 %ompariso to t$e .o!e #rasa%tio 'ido' &or dis%rete <obs i *ra%le 9ork i
Pro%ess; t$e .o!e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido' is more restri%ti!e i t$e optios '$e
mo!i( t$e lot t$rou($ t$e routi(. 9it$ t$e e"%eptio o& s%rap trasa%tios; all mo!e
trasa%tios are &or t$e etire lot ?uatit2. 9$e a <ob is %ompleted; t$e <ob ame is
automati%all2 reamed usi( t$e lot se%tor e"tesio; see) 5e&ii( ad /ie'i( +ot
Se%tor E"tesios.
/erforming Lot Move Transactions
>ou %a mo!e assemblies 'it$i a operatio or &rom oe operatio to t$e e"t usi(
t$e .o!e +ot ,ased -ob 'ido'. #$is 'ido' is modeled a&ter t$e .o!e #rasa%tios
'ido' i *ra%le 9ork i Pro%ess. See) .o!e #rasa%tios; Oracle Work in Process
User's Guide.
>ou %a e"e%ute all mo!e trasa%tios 'it$ s%rap simultaeousl2 duri( <ob e"e%utio
&rom t$e mo!e trasa%tios user iter&a%e i t$e .o!e +ot ,ased -ob 'ido'. #$is
redu%es t$e umber o& trasa%tios; ad %aptures (ood ad bad ?uatit2 i t$e
Guidelines for $om#ined Move and Scrap Transactions:
Deerall2; mo!e ad s%rap 'ill ot 'ork i& t$e ba%k&lus$ &la( i t$e Routi(
'ido' o t$e 6rom operatio or t$e #o operatio is tured o&&.
0& t$e -ump 6rom S%rap parameter i t$e *S6. Parameters 'ido' is set to
i(ore operatio; t$e 2ou %aot s%rap at t$e 6rom operatio '$e e"e%uti( a
-ump ad S%rap.
0& t$e <ob is at t$e Gueue o& a operatio ad Ru is a madator2 itra operatio
step; t$e 2ou %aot e"e%ute a .o!e ad S%rap i t$at operatio. >ou must &irst
mo!e to Ru; ad t$e .o!e ad S%rap 'ill 'ork.
0& ru o& t$e e"t operatio is madator2; t$e 2ou %aot mo!e ad s%rap i t$e
e"t operatio. .o!e ad s%rap is possible i t$e 6rom operatio i& t$e Ru i
t$e 6rom operatio is ot madator2.
0& 2ou set t$e 9S.) Create -ob +e!el ,*. ad Routi( Copies pro&ile optio to >es
3*ptio 24; ad 2ou are usi( *ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai(; t$e t$e #o *peratios &ield
i t$e .o!e +ot ,ased -ob 'ido' pro!ides (uida%e o t$e e"t re%ommeded
operatio based o *ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai( iputs; or t$e user re%ommedatios;
'$i%$e!er is t$e most re%et.
To perform lot move transactions
1. Na!i(ate to t$e .o!e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido'.
2. 0 t$e 1ssembl2 or -ob &ield; sele%t eit$er a item assembl2 umber or lot <ob
5epedi( o '$i%$ !alue 2ou eter; t$e de&aulti( i&ormatio &or t$e
%orrespodi( &ield displa2s.
3. .o!e displa2s i t$e #rasa%tio #2pe re(io.
.o!e trasa%tio t2pe idi%ates mo!i( &rom oe operatio to aot$er. Complete
trasa%tio t2pe is a%ti!e ol2 '$e t$e <ob is mo!i( to t$e last operatio ad
last itra-operatio step. See) .o!e #rasa%tio #2pes; *ra%le 9ork i Pro%ess
7ser=s Duide.
Sele%t t$e 7do +ast .o!e %$e%k bo" i& 2ou 'at t$e optio o& %a%elli( t$e last
mo!e trasa%tio. #$e 7do +ast .o!e idi%ator o t$e S$op 6loor Parameter
'ido' must be sele%ted to eable t$is &u%tioalit2.
4. Sele%t t$e Partial %$e%kbo" i& 2ou 'at to mo!e a <ob partiall2 to t$e e"t
operatio i se?ue%e; '$e re?uired; or 'it$i a operatio &rom oe
itraoperatio step to aot$er. Partial %$e%kbo" is %lear b2 de&ault.
Eter t$e ?uatit2 3&rom t$e 1!ailable ?uatit24 2ou 'at to partiall2 mo!e to t$e
e"t operatio i t$e .o!e Guatit2 &ield.
#$e ori(ial <ob 'it$ t$e partial ?uatit2 mo!es to t$e spe%i&ied e"t operatio;
t$e split part 3%$ild <ob4 o& t$e ori(ial <ob 'ill remai at t$e same operatio le!el
'it$ t$e di&&ere%e i t$e ori(ial ?uatit2.
#$e remaii( ?uatit2 is displa2ed i t$e Remaii( Gt2 &ield. #$e %$e%kbo" is
de&aulted &or t$e e"t mo!e trasa%tio. 0& t$e Partial %$e%kbo" is %$e%ked; t$e
.o!e Guatit2 ad Remaii( Guatit2 %aot be @ero.
>ou %a mo!e a partial ?uatit2 o& a <ob duri( a .o!e trasa%tio. 1 e' <ob is
%reated &or t$e remaii( ?uatit2; '$ile t$e partial ?uatit2 is mo!ed 'it$ t$e
paret <ob. 0t is e?ui!alet to a %ombiatio o& a 90P Split trasa%tio i t$e
ba%k(roud ad a .o!e trasa%tio.
Partial .o!e is ot supported 'it$ t$e .o!e ad S%rap trasa%tio. 0t is also ot
supported &or <obs at Ru iteroperatio step.
F. 0 t$e *peratios re(io; eter operatio se?ue%e !alues i t$e #o ro'.
/alues i t$e 6rom ro' are de&aulted based o t$e %urret status o& t$e lot <ob.
#$e i&ormatio &or *peratio Code; 5epartmet; ad *peratio Step
automati%all2 displa2s; see) *peratios; Oracle Bills o !aterial User's Guide.
#$e #o ro' permits mo!es ol2 to t$ose operatios '$i%$ are !alid; based o
et'ork. Ho'e!er; 2ou %a <ump to a2 operatio ot de&ied i t$e et'ork
routi(. See) *peratio -umps.
6. 0& t$ere is ?uatit2 to s%rap; eter S%rap Guatit2 i t$e #rasa%tio re(io.
7. Eter t$e S%rap 1t -ob Se? to de&ie t$e operatio '$erei t$e ?uatit2 s$ould
be s%rapped. >ou %a s%rap at t$e 6rom operatio or t$e #o operatio.
S%rap 1t -ob Se? is eabled ol2 &or itraoperatio mo!es 3&rom oe operatio to
aot$er.4 6rom ad #o re&er to t$e operatio se?ue%e umber; ot t$e
itraoperatio step.
9$e e"e%uti( a mo!e ad s%rap trasa%tio at t$e &irst operatio; 2ou %aot
s%rap ad mo!e i oe step. #$is must be %ompleted i t'o steps; ad +ot
Deealo(2 'ill displa2 as a s%rap trasa%tio &ollo'ed b2 a mo!e trasa%tio.
See) *peratios; Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
0& t$e estimated s%rap a%%outi( is eabled; ad 2ou are mo!i( material to
s%rap i t$is trasa%tio; t$e 1lias i&ormatio displa2s i t$e S%rap 1%%out
re(io. *t$er'ise; it 'ill be a blak &ield t$at 2ou %a update.
#$e s%rap a%%out alias umber is a easil2 re%o(i@ed ame or label
represeti( a a%%out %$ar(ed o mis%ellaeous trasa%tios. #$is is used &or
!ie'i(; reporti(; ad reser!i(. #$e s%rap a%%out umber displa2s. See)
5e&ii( 1%%out 1liases; Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
E. 0& maual resour%es e"ist &or t$e %ompleted operatio; t$e t$e .aual Resour%e
E"ist idi%ator is sele%ted. 0& t$ere are .aual resour%es at t$e operatio t$at is
bei( %ompleted; t$e t$e appli%atio oti&ies 2ou t$at maual resour%es e"ist at
t$e operatio so t$at 2ou %a mauall2 %$ar(e t$em. See) C$ar(i( Resour%es
'it$ .o!e #rasa%tios; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
H. 0 t$e Reaso &ield; sele%t a trasa%tio reaso. See) 5e&ii( #rasa%tio
Reasos; Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
10. 0 t$e Re&ere%e &ield; eter a2 des%ripti!e i&ormatio to ideti&2 trasa%tios;
used o stadard reports.
11. C$oose Sa!e to sa!e t$e trasa%tio.
12. 0& t$e suppl2 t2pe o& t$e %ompoet at t$e operatio is *peratio Pull; t$e t$e
,a%k&lus$ 'ido' displa2s a2 %osolidated %ompoet re?uiremets &or t$e
mo!e ad s%rap 3i& s%rap is appli%able4 as a si(le trasa%tio; . 0& t$e item
?uatities; ad t$e lot ad serial umbers are %orre%t; t$e %$oose 5oe to
%omplete t$e mo!e ad s%rap trasa%tio.
Note: >ou %a update t$e material re?uiremets &or t$e %urret operatio usi(
t$e 7pdate .aterial Re?uiremets 'ido'. Ho'e!er; i& 2ou udo t$e trasa%tio
ad e"e%ute a &or'ard mo!e to t$e same operatio; t$e t$e appli%atio
ba%k&lus$es t$e %ompoets a%%ordi( to t$e ,*. optio 1; ad %op2 tables i
optio 1. 12 %$a(e i material re?uiremets doe be&ore t$at operatio 'ill be
lost. >ou %a %$a(e material re?uiremets &or &uture operatios usi( t$e $tml
70. #$ese material re?uiremet %$a(es 'ill be re&ere%ed ad e!er deleted.
To view4 enter4 and update lot attri#utes:
C$oose +ot 1ttributes. #$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido' appears ad displa2s t$e lot
umber ad attributes o& t$is <ob.
13. C$oose 1ttributes i t$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido'. 1 e' +ot 1ttributes 'ido'
14. Sele%t a 1ttribute &rom t$e list o& !alues.
1F. Eter parameter ad se(met !alues.
16. C$oose *:.
17. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
Operation "umps
#$e operatio <ump &u%tioalit2 eables 2ou to skip operatios i a routi(; or <ump to
a2 operatio ot de&ied i t$e et'ork routi(. #o use t$is &u%tioalit2; set t$e
&ollo'i( parameters)
*ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet pro&ile optio; 1llo' *peratio -umps is set to
>es. See) Pro&ile *ptios
9ork i Pro%ess Parameters 'ido'; set t$e .o!e #rasa%tio ParameterA
1llo' Creatio o& Ne' *peratiosAto >es
*ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet Parameters 'ido'; set t$e parameter -ump
6rom Gueue a%%ordi( to 2our eed. See) 5e&ii( Parameters.
To perform an operation *ump
1. Na!i(ate to t$e .o!e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido'.
2. 0 t$e 1ssembl2 or -ob &ield; sele%t eit$er a item assembl2 umber or lot <ob
5epedi( o '$i%$ !alue 2ou eter; t$e de&aulti( i&ormatio &or t$e 6rom t$e
#rasa%tio #2pe re(io; %$e%k t$e -ump %$e%k bo".
3. 0 t$e #o ro'; eter a2 operatio se?ue%e umber '$i%$ is (reater t$a t$e
6rom operatio se?ue%e umber.
4. Sele%t a operatio %ode ad t$e step &or t$e operatio to '$i%$ 2ou 'at to
5. Create remaii( trasa%tios as des%ribed i Creati( +ot .o!e #rasa%tios.
1&ter %ompleti( t$e <ump operatio; 2ou %a mo!e to a2 o& t$e operatios
de&ied i t$e ori(ial routi( to %omplete t$e bala%e o& operatios.
6. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
+iewing Status and esources
elated Topics
To view shop floor statuses:
C$oose Statuses. See) 1ssi(i( ad /ie'i( S$op 6loor Statuses; Oracle Work in
Process User's Guide.
To view shop floor resources:
C$oose Resour%es. See) C$ar(i( Resour%es 'it$ .o!e #rasa%tios; Oracle Work in
Process User's Guide.
6ntegration with Oracle )dvanced Suppl. $hain /lanning 7)S$/8
*ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet ite(rates 'it$ *ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai( ad
S%$eduli(. *ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai( %olle%ts data &or lot based <obs o t$e s$op &loor
ad per&orms $i($ le!el plai(; ad su((ests %reatio o& e' lot based <obs; i&
re?uired. +ot based <obs %otai pla i&ormatio. #$is pla i&ormatio %omes &rom t$e
&ollo'i( t$ree sour%es)
*ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai( modi&ies plas &or e"isti( <obs; or spe%i&ies plas &or
t$e e'l2 %reated <obs.
>ou %a %$a(e t$e pla i&ormatio o t$e lot based <ob.
>ou %a spe%i&2 or %$a(e t$e &ollo'i( o a lot based <ob; oe <ob at a time)
Spe%i&2 or %$a(e t$e pat$ t$at is plaed to be tra!ersed o t$e et'ork
routi(. #$is i!ol!es operatios t$at 2ou ited to per&orm &or t$is <ob t$at &orm a
pat$ o t$e et'ork routi(.
Spe%i&2 or %$a(e t$e %ompoet t$at is used &or t$e operatios. >ou %a spe%i&2
substitute %ompoets o t$e routi(. >ou %a idi%ate 2our pre&ere%e o& '$i%$
%ompoet to use amo( t$e alterates t$at are a!ailable.
Spe%i&2 or %$a(e t$e resour%es used &or t$e operatios. >ou %a spe%i&2
alterate resour%es o a et'ork routi( ad %a idi%ate 2our pre&ere%e o&
'$i%$ resour%e to use. 0& t$e resour%e $as ista%es; t$e 2ou %a spe%i&2 t$e
spe%i&i% ista%e t$at 'ould be used &or t$e spe%i&i% lot based <ob.
#$e *ra%le S$op 6loor 7ser 0ter&a%e 3704 &or %apturi( ad alteri( plai(
pre&ere%es is a e$a%emet to t$e s$op &loor s%$eduli( pro%ess. #$e 70 &or
%apturi( ad alteri( plai( pre&ere%es streamlies t$e s$op &loor s%$eduli(
pro%ess. >ou %a a%%ess t$e 70 &or %apturi( ad alteri( plai( pre&ere%es t$rou($
a ,+16-%ompliat 'eb iter&a%e.
$apturing and Modif.ing !etailed "o# Level /lan
>ou %a %apture ad modi&2 detailed *ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai( re%ommedatios &or
<ob ad operatio start dates; %ompletio dates; %ompoet details; ad resour%e
details. >ou must also %$oose t$e primar2 pat$ plai( optio i t$e plai(
parameters o& *ra%le 1PS. #$e appli%atio uses re%ommedatios o %ompoet
substitutes ad alterate resour%es re%ei!ed &rom plai( ad s%$eduli( s2stems; or
2ou %a eter t$ese mauall2.
*ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai( plas materials ad resour%es &or a <ob based o t$e
primar2 pat$ o& t$e routi(. 5uri( e"e%utio; 2ou %a %$a(e t$e plaed e"e%utio as
C$a(i( t$e re%ommeded pat$ o& a <ob to a2 ot$er iteded pat$ &or &uture
C$a(i( %ompoet re?uiremets or spe%i&2i( %ompoet substitutes &or
&uture operatios.
7si( alterate resour%es. #$is is doe t$rou($ t$e resour%e %etri% 'orkbe%$.
C$a(e plaed operatio 2ield.
1 H#.+ 7ser 0ter&a%e 3704 pro!ides detailed plai( re%ommedatios o t$e
%ompoets; resour%es; ad t$e et'ork pat$ o& a <ob. >ou %a use t$is 70 to make a2
<ob le!el %$a(es des%ribed abo!e; e"%ept %$a(i( to alterate resour%es.
See) Res%$eduli( -obs; *peratios; ad Resour%es i t$e Datt C$art
>ou %a also implemet all *ra%le 1d!a%ed Plai( re%ommedatios ad %$a(es
usi( ope iter&a%e tables. 0ter&a%es %a be used to populate data &rom t$ird part2
plai( appli%atios.
$hanging the ecommended /ath of a "o# to an 6ntended /ath
for Future Operations
>ou %a %$a(e t$e re%ommeded pat$ o& a <ob to a2 ot$er iteded pat$ &or &uture
operatios usi( t$e 7pdate Pla Re%ommeded Pat$ 70 'ido'.
To update the plan recommended path
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot ,ased <obs 'ido' ad ope a <ob.
2. Sele%t Pla 5etails &rom t$e tools meu.
#$e *ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet H#.+ Pla 5etails 70 'ido' appears. #$e
Header re(io displa2s <ob details ad t$e *peratios re(io displa2s operatios
&or t$e <ob. 0 t$e *peratios re(io; t$e de&ault !ie' s$o's t$e re%ommeded
operatios i t$eir order o t$e re%ommeded pat$. #$e !ie' %a be %$a(ed to
s$o' all operatios.
3. C$oose 7pdate Re%ommeded Pat$ i t$e operatios re(io to make %$a(es
to t$e re%ommeded %ompoets ad ?uatities. #$e 7pdate Re%ommeded
Pat$ 70 'ido' appears. Sele%t or %lear t$e re%ommedatios to %reate a e'
re%ommeded pat$.
4. C$oose 1ppl2 to sa!e 2our %$a(es ad retur to t$e Pla 5etails 70 'ido'; or
%$oose %a%el to dis%ard a2 %$a(es.
+iewing /lan esource !etails
>ou %a !ie' details &or a re%ommeded resour%e; ad !ie' alterate resour%es usi(
t$e Pla Resour%e 5etails 'ido' &rom t$e H#.+ 70.
To view plan resource details for a recommended resource
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido' ad ope a <ob.
2. Sele%t Pla 5etails &rom t$e tools meu. #$e Pla 5etails 70 'ido' appears.
3. C$oose 5etails &rom a Routi( *peratio Se?ue%e. #$e Pla *peratio 5etails
70 displa2s.
4. C$oose 5etails.
#$e Pla Resour%e 5etails 'ido' appears.
Updating /lan $omponents
>ou %a !ie' ad %$a(e t$e re%ommeded pla %ompoets usi( t$e 7pdate
Compoets 70 'ido'.
To update the recommended plan components
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido' ad ope a <ob.
2. Sele%t Pla 5etails &rom t$e tools meu. #$e Pla 5etails 70 'ido' appears.
3. C$oose t$e 5etails i%o &or a Routi( *peratio Se?ue%e. #$e Pla Resour%es
ad Compoets 5etails 70 'ido' appears.
4. C$oose Compoets to displa2 %ompoet i&ormatio.
F. Sele%t a Compoet ad %$oose 7pdate.
6. Sele%t a %ompoet lie ad %$oose Re%ommed. #$e 7pdate Compoets 70
'ido' appears.
7. Eter a2 %$a(es to Re?uired Guatit2 ad %$oose 1ppl2 to sa!e 2our
%$a(es. C$oose Ca%el to dis%ard a2 %$a(es ad retur to t$e Pla
Resour%es ad Compoets 'ido'.
Note: 0& 2ou make %$a(es to t$e pla details o& a operatio t$rou($ t$e H#.+
70; t$e %$a(es are e&&e%ti!e t$e e"t time 2ou %ome to t$at operatio. #o make
%$a(es to t$e %urret operatio i real-time; use 90P 'ido's.
Updating /lan /hantom $omponents
>ou %a use t$e 7pdate P$atom Compoet 70 'ido' to !ie' ad %$a(e t$e
re%ommeded p$atom %ompoets. 0& 2ou $a!e a ,*. 'it$ t$e p$atom suppl2 t2pe
&or oe o& t$e %ompoets; t$e 2ou %a !ie' p$atom details i t$e 70. 0& 2ou $a!e
substitutes &or a item; t$e 2ou %a also %$oose substitutes.
See) P$atoms ad P$atom Routi(s.
See also) P$atoms i +ot ,ased -obs; Oracle Bills o !aterial User's Guide.
To update plan phantom components
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot ,ased -obs 'ido' ad ope a <ob.
2. C$oose Pla 5etails &rom t$e #ools meu. #$e Pla 5etails 70 'ido' appears.
3. C$oose t$e 5etails i%o &or a Routi( *peratio Se?ue%e. #$e Pla Resour%e
ad Compoets 70 'ido' appears.
4. C$oose Compoets to displa2 %ompoet i&ormatio.
F. Sele%t t$e P$atom %ompoet t$at 2ou 'at to make %$a(es to; ad %$oose
6. Sele%t a p$atom %ompoet ad %$oose Re%ommed. #$e 7pdate P$atoms
70 'ido' appears.
7. Sele%t t$e P$atom ad eter a2 Re?uired Guatit2 %$a(es. C$oose 1ppl2 to
sa!e %$a(es; or %$oose %a%el to dis%ard a2 %$a(es ad retur to t$e Pla
Resour%es ad Compoets 70 'ido'.
Mass efresh of Open "o#s
C$a(es i ,ills o& .aterial 3,*.4 ad Routi(s are ot %urretl2 distributed to ope
<obs at t$e s$op &loor. ,2 de&ault; t$is %o%urret pro(ram does ot re&res$ %opies o&
a2 ope lot based <obs. #$ese %$a(es %ome ito e&&e%t ol2 '$e e' <obs are
%reated. 0& 2ou set t$e 9S.) Create -ob +e!el ,*. ad Routi( Copies pro&ile optio
to >es 3*ptio 24; t$e 2ou %a update %$a(es i all ope lot based <obs; or a user
de&ied subset o& t$ese <obs b2 usi( t$e Re&res$ *pe -ob Copies %o%urret
pro(ram. ,2 de&ault; %$a(es are ot sa!ed to t$e ope <obs; ad 2ou must set t$e
&ollo'i( parameters.
To update open lot #ased *o#s
1. Na!i(ate to t$e 9S.IRE6RESHI-*,S Parameters 'ido'.
2. Eter >es or No to Re&res$ 1ll *pe -obs. 3Re?uired4
>ou %a re&res$ all ope <obs 'it$ a2 status e"%ept Closed b2 eteri( >es &or
Re&res$ 1ll *pe -obs. 0& t$is !alue is >es; t$e t$e appli%atio i(ores all ot$er
sear%$ parameters; ad re&res$es ,*. ad Routi( %opies &or all ope lot based
<obs i t$e %urret or(ai@atio. 0& t$is !alue is No; t$e additioal <ob sele%tio
%riteria are re?uired.
3. Eter a ra(e o& <obs to re&res$ i t$e 6rom -ob Name ad #o -ob Name &ields
4. Eter a -ob 1ssembl2 3*ptioal4.
F. Eter t$e -ob #2pe 3*ptioal4.
6. Eter a Commo ,ill 0tem ad 1lterate ,ill 5esi(ator 3*ptioal4.
7. Eter a Commo Routi( 0tem ad 1lterate Routi( 5esi(ator 3*ptioal4.
E. Eter >es or No to Sele%t -obs b2 Status.
0& 2ou sele%t No; t$e t$e appli%atio re&res$es t$e spe%i&ied <obs ad does ot
%osider <ob status. 0& 2ou sele%t >es; t$e t$e appli%atio %osiders ea%$ o& t$e
<ob status !alues t$at 2ou sele%t.
H. C$oose *:.
#$e 9S.IRE6RESHI-*,S 'ido' displa2s t$e re?uest i&ormatio.
10. C$oose Submit.
Note: 0& t$e Re&res$ *pe -ob Copies %o%urret pro(ram rus; ad t$e 0&iite
S%$eduler pro(ram rus to assi( dates o t$e <obs. 0& s%$eduled dates are ot
a!ailable; t$e Resour%e Cetri% 9ork be%$ 'ill ot s$o' t$ese <obs or
operatios i t$e 9orkbe%$ user iter&a%e.
Re&res$ *pe -ob Copies updates %op2 tables; but does ot re&res$ %urret
operatio i&ormatio. Re&res$i( %op2 tables is iteded to update &uture
operatios 'it$ %$a(es. 12 %$a(es made to t$e %urret operatio &rom t$e
7ser 0ter&a%e are ot %aptured b2 t$e Resour%e S%$eduli( 9orkbe%$ or lot
based <ob. 0& 2ou ited to make %$a(es to %urret operatios; t$e 2ou must
use 90P 'ido's.
efresh 'OM9outing of Open Lot 'ased "o#s with evision
Re&res$ ,*.8Routi( o& *pe +ot ,ased -obs &u%tioalit2 is used to propa(ate t$e
%$a(es made to bills o& material ad routi( o& a assembl2 to t$e <obs t$at 'ere
%reated &or t$e assembl2 prior to t$e %$a(es. #$is eables t$e <obs to (et t$e e' 3or
%$a(ed4 details o& t$e ,*.8Routi( t$at are re&res$ed based o t$e routi( re!isio
Pre!iousl2; t$e %$a(es made to ,*.8Routi( 'ere e&&e%ti!e as o Routi( Re!isio
5ate. #o update t$e routi( re!isio date o t$e <ob ad i%orporate t$e %$a(es; 2ou
$a!e to do 7pdate Routi( trasa%tio t$rou($ t$e *S6. 90P +ot #rasa%tio. ,ut i&
t$e %$a(es made to ,*.8Routi( are ot e&&e%ti!e as o t$e Routi( Re!isio 5ate;
t$e t$e %$a(es 'ill ot be updated o t$e <ob.
Re&res$ ,*.8Routi( o& *pe +ot ,ased -obs 'it$ Re!isio 5ates re&res$es all
sele%ted <obs based o Ne' Re!isio 5ates or Curret -ob Re!isio 5ates; depedi(
o t$e parameters 2ou sele%t. 0& 2ou update t$e <ob=s ,*. or Routi(; t$e Re&res$ -ob
Copies %o%urret re?uest rus to su%%ess&ull2 update pla details o& t$e <ob.
6our parameters are added to Re&res$ ,*.8Routi( o& *pe +ot ,ased -obs
%o%urret re?uest; so t$at 2ou %a re&res$ all sele%ted <obs eit$er as per -ob Re!isio
5ate or Ne' Re!isio 5ate. #$ese parameters 3t'o &or ,*. ad t'o &or Routi(4 are)
1. efresh outing 'ased On)
#$is $as t$ree !alues.
o (o& )evision *ate) 0& 2ou sele%t t$is optio; t$e t$e <ob is re&res$ed
based o t$e <ob=s %urret Re!isio 5ate.
o Ne+ )evision *ate-$ll (o&s) 0& 2ou sele%t t$is optio; t$e eter a e'
date &or t$e Ne' Routi( Re!isio 5ate parameter. -ob=s pla details are
updated based o t$e e' date.
o Ne+ )evision *ate-(o& )evision *ate less t,an ne+ date) 0& 2ou sele%t
t$is optio; t$e eter a e' date &or t$e Ne' Routi( Re!isio 5ate
parameter. 0 t$is %ase; t$e <ob is re&res$ed i t$e &ollo'i( 'a2s)
a. 0& t$e <ob=s %urret re!isio date is less t$a Ne' Routi( Re!isio
5ate; t$e t$e appli%atio updates t$e <ob=s pla details based o
t$e Ne' Routi( Re!isio 5ate.
b. 0& t$e <ob=s %urret re!isio date is (reater t$a Ne' Routi(
Re!isio 5ate; t$e t$e appli%atio updates t$e <ob=s pla details
based o t$e <ob=s %urret Re!isio date.
2. New outing evision !ate) Eter a Ne' Routi( Re!isio 5ate to re&res$
'$ee!er re?uired as des%ribed i t$e pre!ious optio.
#$e t'o similar parameters &or ,*. are Re&res$ ,*. ,ased * ad Ne' ,*.
Re!isio 5ate. #$e pre%edi( des%riptios appl2 &or ,*. as it is &or Routi(.
Overview of )dvanced Lot Transactions
*ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet pro!ides t$e abilit2 to split lots; mer(e lots; ad per&orm
additioal ot$er ad!a%ed lot trasa%tios. +ots e"ist at di&&eret produ%tio poits as
eit$er 90P lots or 0!etor2 lots. #'o 'ido's; oe &or t$e 90P lot ad t$e ot$er &or
0!etor2 lot; (i!e 2ou t$e abilit2 to per&orm !arious 'ork i pro%ess ad i!etor2
trasa%tios so 2ou %a di!ide; %ombie; reame e"isti( lots; or %reate e' lots &rom
s%rapped material. #$ese 'ido's eable 2ou to do t$e &ollo'i( a%tios)
56/ Lot Transactions
Lot "plittin#) di!ide a lot ito t'o or more resulti( lots) split a released lot ito
t'o or more resulti( lots t$at %a $a!e di&&eret resour%e; material
re?uiremets; ad di&&eret operatios.
Lot !er#in#) %ombie multiple lots o& t$e same item ito oe resulti( lot. #$e
<obs to be mer(ed must be at t$e same operatio; departmet ad itraoperatio
step. 0deti%al assemblies are ot re?uired.
Update $sse%&ly- %$a(e t$e item; ?uatit2; or re!isio o& a e"isti( lot ad
mo!e it to aot$er assembl2. #$e lot umber is reamed i t$ese trasa%tios.
Bonus) re%o!er s%rap ?uatities to %reate a e' lot; or %reate a etirel2 e' lot.
7se t$e 90P +ot #rasa%tios 'ido' &or t$ese trasa%tios.
6nventor. Lot Transactions
"u&inventory .ranser) mo!e a lot &rom oe subi!etor28lo%ator to aot$er
7se t$e 0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios 'ido' &or t$is trasa%tio.
56/ Lot Transactions
90P Split ad .er(e &u%tioalit2 pro!ides busiess solutios o t$e s$op &loor so 2ou
%a do t$e &ollo'i( tasks)
Lot "plittin#) >ou %a di!ide a lot ito a2 umber o& %$ild lots. #$e paret lot %a be at
a2 operatio i t$e routi( ad ma2 $a!e %reated material; resour%e ad %ost
trasa%tios. #$e split lots $a!e a !alue proportioal to t$e umber o& uits bei( split
a'a2. S%rap ad !aria%e due to s%rap are asso%iated 'it$ t$e lot umber i t$e s%rap
trasa%tio. C$ild lots $a!e t$eir o' routi(s ad bills o& material; ad 2ou %a %reate
trasa%tios a(aist di&&eret %$ild lots immediatel2 a&ter a split. ,a%k'ard mo!emet
&or a split trasa%tio is ot allo'ed. #$e trasa%tio pro%essi( &or splits is ot liked to
t$e %ost pro%essi( &or splits; as trasa%tios ma2 be etered ito t$e s2stem !ia t$e
iter&a%e at a2 time. 9$e a lot is split ito multiple %$ildre; t$e stadard %osts
%olle%ted at t$e starti( <ob are redistributed to t$e resulti( <obs.
Ne' lot umbers are automati%all2 assi(ed to t$e %$ild lots o& a split trasa%tio; but
%a be %$a(ed. Ne' lots are idepedet etities liked b2 a trasa%tio $istor2
asso%iati( t$eir (eealo(2.
#$e split trasa%tio %a update t$e assembl2 o& t$e %$ild <ob '$ile per&ormi( t$e split
trasa%tio. #$is pro!ides (reater &le"ibilit2 ad redu%es t$e umber o& trasa%tios.
Support &or %ombied split ad update assembl2 trasa%tios are also a!ailable t$rou($
ope iter&a%es.
Lot !er#in#) .ultiple lots 'it$ ideti%al assemblies %a be %ombied to %reate a si(le
paret lot. *l2 lots at t$e same itra-operatio step are mer(ed. #$e e' <ob is o' at
t$e operatio '$ere t$e lots 'ere mer(ed.
Lot Bonus) >ou %a i%rease t$e 'ork order ?uatit2; ad %redit a bous a%%out &or t$e
trasa%tio. >ou %a also simulate a re%o!er trasa%tio to start a lot o a (i!e routi(
at a (i!e step; ad %redit a bous &or t$e trasa%tio.
Update $sse%&ly) *e produ%t %a be traslated ito aot$er produ%tAt$at isA%$a(e
t$e item; ?uatit2; re!isio; or routi( o& a e"isti( lot ad mo!e it to aot$er assembl2.
#$ere are o %osti( impli%atios i t$is trasa%tio. >ou %a also s'it%$ to a alterate
routi( o t$e same operatio step.
0& t$e traslatio is updati( t$e routi(; t$e t$e 90P lot is updated 'it$ a alterate
et'ork routi( de&ied &or t$e assembl2. 9$e t$is t2pe o& traslatio is per&ormed at
t$e ?ueue itraoperatio step; t$e operatio %$ara%teristi%s %orrespod to t$e same
operatio; i& e"isti(; i t$e e' routi(. >ou %a also update t$e routi( re!isio; or
routi( re!isio date 'it$out %$a(i( t$e alterate desi(ator. 0t is madator2 to
pro!ide t$e starti( operatio i& t$e <ob is at a #o .o!e itraoperatio step.
0& t$e user spe%i&ies a e' ,*. re!isio or ,*. re!isio date duri( a update routi(
trasa%tio t$rou($ t$e 90P lot trasa%tio iter&a%e; t$e it 'ould be $oored ad t$e
<ob 'ould $a!e t$e re!ised ,*. re!isio ad ,*. re!isio date a&ter t$e trasa%tio.
#$e <ob pla operatios ad %ompoets 'ould be based o t$e e' routi( re!isio
date ad t$e e' ,*. re!isio date. #$e re!isio date 'ould be $oored bot$ &or
stadard <obs as 'ell as &or o-stadard <obs. Note t$at t$is &eature is ot supported
t$rou($ &orms. 7pdate o& ,*. alterate is ot allo'ed '$e %arr2i( out a update
routi( trasa%tio.
$ssi#nin# "tartin# Operation or /,ild Lots) 1 lot %a be split ito se!eral %$ild lots ad
pro%essed o di&&eret routi(s; potetiall2 %reati( ot$er assemblies. Starti( operatio
&or t$e %$ild lots is t$e same as t$e paret lot operatio at t$e time o& t$e split. 6or
bous lots; 2ou %a start a %$ild lot at a2 operatio se?ue%e umber o a (i!e
routi(; ot$er'ise it de&aults to t$e ?ueue step at t$e &irst operatio. #$e operatio
$istor2 be&ore t$e split is sa!ed &or all lots; used &or s%rap ad stadard %ost update
Note: 90P lot trasa%tios pro%eed '$e re?uisitios $a!e bee %reated &or t$e %urret
operatio. 1 'ari( messa(e appears prompti( 2ou to pro%eed 'it$ t$e trasa%tio;
or %a%el. 0& 2ou e"e%ute t$e trasa%tio; t$e 2ou must %a%el t$e re?uisitios
0 *ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet; .o!e ad %ompletio are a <ob le!el trasa%tio
ad user s$ould ot allo' 90P %ompletio at a Serial le!el.
$reating 56/ Lot Transactions
To enter 56/ lot transactions
1. Na!i(ate to t$e 90P +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'.
2. Sele%t a trasa%tio t2pe.
>our %$oi%es are ,ous; .er(e; Split; 7pdate 1ssembl2; 7pdate +ot Name;
7pdate Guatit2; or 7pdate Routi(. See) 90P +ot #rasa%tios.
Status de&aults to Pedi(; ad is updated to Completed '$e t$e trasa%tio is
sa!ed. #$e database does ot store a2 re%ords 'it$ a status o& Pedi(.
Sele%t t$e <ob t2pe 3stadard or o stadard4 &or t$e t2pe o& <obs t$e trasa%tio
is to be per&ormed o.
Note: 90P lot trasa%tios %aot be per&ormed a%ross <ob t2pes.
#$e Costed &ield is updated a&ter %osti( pro(ram is e"e%uted.
3. 0 t$e Re&ere%e &ield; 2ou %a eter a2 des%ripti!e i&ormatio re(ardi( t$is
4. *ptioall2; 2ou %a sele%t t$e purpose o& t$is trasa%tio i t$e Reaso &ield.
F. 6ollo' t$e pro%edures &or t$e trasa%tio 2ou 'at to %reate; >our %$oi%es are
,ous; .er(e; Split; 7pdate 1ssembl2; 7pdate +ot Name; 7pdate Guatit2; or
7pdate Routi(.
Note: 90P lot trasa%tios pro%eed '$e re?uisitios $a!e bee %reated &or t$e
%urret operatio. 1 'ari( messa(e appears prompti( 2ou to pro%eed 'it$
t$e trasa%tio; or %a%el. 0& 2ou e"e%ute t$e trasa%tio; t$e 2ou must %a%el
t$e re?uisitios mauall2.
+iewing4 %ntering4 and Updating Lot )ttri#utes
To view lot attri#utes for the starting lots
1. C$oose +ot 1ttributes. 0& t$e starti( lot $as lot attributes; t$e t$e lot attributes
'ido' appears 'it$ attributes.
2. C$oose 9.S or 0N/ attribute to !ie' t$e idi!idual se(mets o& t$e respe%ti!e
3. C$oose *: '$e 2ou are &iis$ed !ie'i( t$e attributes.
To view4 enter4 and update lot attri#utes for the resulting lot
1. C$oose +ot 1ttributes.
2. 0& 2ou are eteri( or updati( lot attributes; t$e eter ad update attributes 'it$
appropriate !alues &or 9.S ad 0N/ attributes based o t$e lot attributes setup
t$at 2ou or 2our s2stem admiistrator %ompleted. #$e 9.S attributes &or t$e
resulti( lot are i$erited &rom t$e starti( lot ol2 i& t$e sour%e ad resulti( lotKs
assemblies $a!e t$e same %ote"t. 0 %ase o& a mer(e trasa%tio; t$e 9.S
attributes are i$erited &rom t$e represetati!e lot o& t$e starti( lot. #$e 0N/
attributes are al'a2s i$erited &rom t$e sour%e lot '$et$er t$e %ote"t o& t$e
sour%e ad resulti( lot is same or ot. 0 %ase o& a mer(e trasa%tio; t$e 9.S
attributes are i$erited &rom t$e represetati!e lot.
3. C$oose *: to sa!e ad retur to t$e 90P +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'.
4. C$oose Ca%el i& 2ou do ot 'at to sa!e t$e lot attribute %$a(es.
To create 56/ lot #onus transactions
Sele%t t$e bous trasa%tio t2pe.
1. 0 t$e Resulti( -ob re(io; i t$e -ob 0&ormatio tab; eter t$e e' lot umber.
2. Eter a lot umber; des%riptio; assembl2 umber; ?uatit2; ad bous a%%out
3. 0 t$e *t$ers tab; t$e a%%outi( %lass is de&aulted but 2ou %a sele%t aot$er
oe &rom t$e list o& !alues. >ou %a start a bous lot at a2 operatio o t$e
primar2 pat$; $o'e!er; t$e de&ault is t$e ?ueue step at t$e &irst operatio.
4. *ptioall2; 2ou %a %$a(e t$e Start ad Completio dates.
F. >ou %a also eter routi( ad bill o& material i&ormatio i t$e Routi(
0&ormatio ad t$e ,*. ad .ore tabs.
6. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
To create 56/ lot merge transactions
Sele%t t$e mer(e trasa%tio t2pe.
1. 0 t$e Starti( -ob re(io; i t$e +ot Number &ield; sele%t t$e lot umbers o& t$e
paret lots 2ou 'at to mer(e.
#$e lot details displa2) assembl2 umber; operatio se?ue%e umber; itra-
operatio step; operatio %ode; ?uatit2 remaii( i t$e lot; alterate routi(;
ad start date.
2. C$e%k t$e Represetati!e +ot %$e%k bo" &or oe lot i t$is (roup '$ose
%$ara%teristi%s 'ill represet t$e mer(ed lot.
#$e attributes o& t$e represetati!e lot are used &or t$e resulti( mer(ed lot.
3. 0 t$e Resulti( -ob re(io; i t$e -ob tab; eter t$e e' lot umber.
>ou %a also sele%t t$e ame o& a2 o& t$e starti( lots 2ou are mer(i(. #$e
paret assembl2 umber is tras&erred &rom t$e ori(ial lot umber. #$e ?uatit2
i t$e Resulti( Guatit2 &ield is t$e sum o& all t$e ori(ial lots.
>ou %aot update 1%%outi( Class &or o-bous 90P +ot trasa%tios. >ou
%aot update Start ad Completio 5ates e"%ept &or a2 90P trasa%tio ot$er
t$a bous '$ere 2ou %a pro!ide t$e start date ad %ompletio dates.
4. >ou %a also eter routi( ad bill o& material i&ormatio i t$e Routi(
0&ormatio ad t$e ,*. ad .ore tabs.
F. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
To create 56/ lot split transactions
Sele%t t$e split trasa%tio t2pe.
1. 0 t$e Starti( -ob re(io; i t$e +ot Number &ield; sele%t t$e lot umber o& t$e
paret lot to split.
#$e lot details displa2) assembl2 umber; operatio se?ue%e umber; itra-
operatio step; operatio %ode; ?uatit2 remaii( i t$e lot; alterate routi(;
ad start date.
2. 0 t$e Resulti( -ob re(io; i t$e -ob tab; t$e e' lot umber displa2s.
#$e s2stem automati%all2 assi(s a e' lot umber a%%ordi( to 2our setup i
t$e S$op 6loor .aa(emet Parameters 'ido'; see) 5e&ii( Parameters.
9$e a lot is split; t$e e' resulti( lot desi(atio is t$e ori(ial lot umber;
&ollo'ed b2 t$e lot separator !alue set i t$e parameter; &ollo'ed b2 se?uetial
#$e represetati!e lot is tras&erred &rom t$e ori(ial lot umber. Eter t$e
?uatit2 i t$e Resulti( Guatit2 &ield.
3. Sele%t t$e C$a(e 1ssembl2 idi%ator to e"e%ute a split ad update trasa%tio.
#$e C$a(e 1ssembl2 idi%ator is a%ti!e ol2 '$e 2ou sele%t t$e split
trasa%tio t2pe. #$e split trasa%tio %a o' update t$e assembl2 o& t$e %$ild
<ob '$ile per&ormi( t$e split trasa%tio. >ou %aot %lear 3u%$e%k4 t$is
idi%ator; t$ere&ore; 2ou must e"it ad ope t$e 'ido'.
4. 0& 2ou sele%t t$e C$a(e 1ssembl2 idi%ator; t$e eter a e' 1ssembl2 ad
Resulti( Guatit2.
>ou %aot update 1%%outi( Class &or o-bous 90P +ot trasa%tios. >ou
%aot update Start ad Completio 5ates e"%ept &or a2 90P trasa%tio ot$er
t$a bous '$ere 2ou %a pro!ide t$e start date ad %ompletio dates.
F. >ou %a also eter routi( ad bill o& material i&ormatio i t$e Routi(
0&ormatio ad t$e ,*. ad .ore tabs.
6. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
To create 56/ lot update transactions
Sele%t t$e update trasa%tio t2pe 2ou 'at to per&orm.
>our %$oi%es are 7pdate 1ssembl2; 7pdate +ot Name; 7pdate Guatit2; or 7pdate
1. 0 t$e Starti( +ot re(io; i t$e +ot Number &ield; sele%t t$e lot umber to
#$e lot details displa2) assembl2 umber; operatio se?ue%e umber; itra-
operatio stop; stadard operatio %ode; ?uatit2 remaii( i t$e lot; alterate
routi(; ad start date.
2. 5i&&eret &ields i t$e Resulti( +ot re(io eed to be updated; depedi( o
'$i%$ trasa%tio 2ou are %reati(.
6or 7pdate 1ssembl2; i t$e -ob 0&ormatio tab; sele%t t$e e' assembl2
umber i t$e 1ssembl2 &ield.
6or 7pdate +ot Name; i t$e -ob 0&ormatio tab; eter t$e e' lot ame i t$e
+ot Number &ield.
6or 7pdate Guatit2; i t$e -ob 0&ormatio tab; eter t$e e' ?uatit2 i t$e
Resulti( ?uatit2 &ield.
Eter t$e bous a%%out umber i t$e *t$ers tab.
6or 7pdate Routi(; add routi( data i t$e Routi( 0&ormatio tab.
>ou %aot update 1%%outi( Class &or o-bous 90P +ot trasa%tios. >ou
%aot update Start ad Completio 5ates e"%ept &or a2 90P trasa%tio ot$er
t$a bous '$ere 2ou %a pro!ide t$e start date ad %ompletio dates.
3. >ou %a also eter routi( ad bill o& material i&ormatio i t$e Routi(
0&ormatio ad t$e ,*. ad .ore tabs.
4. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
Note: 9$ile per&ormi( 7pdate Routi( or 7pdate 1ssembl2 trasa%tios at t$e
Gueue itraoperatio step; i& 2ou $a!e p$atom e"ploded %ompoets at t$e
%urret operatioA2ou must mauall2 re!erse t$e %$ar(es.
6nventor. Lot Transactions
0!etor2 +ot trasa%tios eable 2ou to split; mer(e; traslate; ad tras&er
i!etor2 lots i *ra%le S$op 6loor .aa(emet. >ou %aot e"e%ute i!etor2
lot trasa%tios &or lot ad serial %otrolled items. >ou $a!e t'o met$ods o&
per&ormi( i!etor2 lot trasa%tios)
Per&orm i!etor2 lot trasa%tios usi( *S6. 'ido's.
Per&orm i!etor2 lot trasa%tios t$rou($ t$e *ra%le 9are$ouse .aa(emet
mobile iter&a%e. See) .obile 0ter&a%e; Oracle Ware,ouse !ana#e%ent.
$aution: 5i&&eret t2pes o& attributes; su%$ as 0!etor2 30N/4 0tem +ot ad 9are$ouse
.aa(emet 39.S4 0tem +ot; are ot !alidated '$e per&ormi( i!etor2 lot
trasa%tios usi( t$e *S6. 'ido's. 0tem le!el attributes su%$ as +ot Split Eabled
ad +ot .er(e Eabled are ot !alidated usi( *S6. 'ido's; alt$ou($ t$e2 are
eabled &or 9are$ouse .aa(emet .obile 0ter&a%e.
0!etor2 lot trasa%tios are ot supported &or serial %otrolled assemblies.
9$e importi( usi( a iter&a%e; t$e import &ails ad t$e lo( &ile %otais a error
Lot "plittin#) >ou %a di!ide a lot ito a2 umber o& %$ild lots. #$e split lots $a!e a
!alue proportioal to t$e umber o& uits bei( split a'a2. 9$e a lot is split ito
multiple %$ildre; t$e %osts allo%ated to t$e starti( lot are reallo%ated to t$e resulti(
Ne' lot umbers are automati%all2 assi(ed to t$e %$ild lots o& a split trasa%tio; ad
%a be %$a(ed. Ne' lots are idepedet etities liked b2 a trasa%tio $istor2
asso%iati( t$eir (eealo(2.
Lot !er#in#) .ultiple lots 'it$ ideti%al assemblies %a be %ombied to %reate a si(le
mer(ed lot.
#$e assemblies &or t$e lot is automati%all2 mo!ed to t$e %urret operatio.
Lot .ranslatin#) Eables users to eit$er %$a(e t$e ame o& a i!etor2 lot to aot$er
ame; or %o!ert oe produ%t to aot$er produ%t. 6or e"ample; 2ou %a %$a(e t$e lot
ame; item; re!isio; or subi!etor2 o& a e"isti( lot ad mo!e it to aot$er assembl2.
+ot (eealo(2 %aptures all trasa%tios.
Lot .ranserrin#) 1 lot %a be mo!ed &rom oe subi!etor2 lo%atio to aot$er.
$reating 6nventor. Lot Transactions
To create inventor. lot transactions
1. Na!i(ate to t$e 0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'.
2. Sele%t a trasa%tio t2pe.
>our %$oi%es are Split; .er(e; #raslate; #ras&er. See) 0!etor2 +ot
3. #$e #rasa%tio 5ate displa2s t$e %urret date; ad 2ou %a %$a(e t$is date.
4. *ptioall2; 2ou %a sele%t t$e purpose o& t$is trasa%tio i t$e Reaso &ield.
F. 0 t$e Re&ere%e &ield; eter a2 des%ripti!e i&ormatio to ideti&2 trasa%tios;
used o stadard reports.
6. 0 t$e Starti( +ot re(io; sele%t a lot i t$e +ot Number &ield.
#$e lot details displa2) item umber; ?uatit2; subi!etor2 lo%atio; ad lo%ator.
0 t$e Resulti( +ot re(io; depedi( o t$e t2pe o& trasa%tio 2ou are
%reati(; di&&eret i&ormatio is eeded to %omplete t$e trasa%tio.
7. 6or split trasa%tios; sele%t t$e lot to split i t$e Starti( +ot re(io.
0 t$e Resulti( +ot re(ioAt$e s2stem automati%all2 assi(s e' lot umbers
a%%ordi( to 2our setup i t$e S$op 6loor .aa(emet Parameters 'ido';
see) 5e&ii( Parameters. 9$e e' lots are %reated; t$e resulti( lot
desi(atio is t$e ori(ial lot umber; &ollo'ed b2 t$e lot separator !alue set i
t$e parameter; &ollo'ed b2 se?uetial umberi(.
#$e lot details are tras&erred &rom t$e ori(ial lot umber) item umber; ?uatit2;
subi!etor2 lo%atio; ad lo%ator. Eter t$e ?uatit2 o& t$e e' lot i t$e
Guatit2 &ield. >ou %a also %$a(e t$e subi!etor2 lo%atio.
0& a %o-produ%t de&iitio is de&ied; t$e t$ere s$ould be o date i t$e &uture
'$ere t$e split per%eta(es remai ude&ied. 6or t$is reaso; 2ou %aot
%$a(e e"isti( date ra(es. 0& 2ou 'at to %$a(e date ra(es; t$e de&ie e'
dates t$at o!erlap 'it$ e"isti( dates.
E. 6or mer(e trasa%tios; sele%t t$e lots to %ombie i t$e Starti( +ot re(io.
0 t$e Resulti( +ot re(io; t$e last lot umber 2ou sele%t is t$e lot umber used
&or all t$e mer(ed lots. #$e resulti( lot ame de&aults &rom t$e represetati!e lot
ame o& t$e Starti( +ots re(io. >ou %a idi%ate t$e represetati!e lot b2
sele%ti( t$e Represetati!e +ot %$e%k bo" o& a lot umber i t$e Starti( +ots
#$e lot details are tras&erred &rom t$e ori(ial lot umber) item umber; routi(
re!isio le!el; ?uatit2; subi!etor2 lo%atio; ad lo%ator. #$e ?uatit2 o& t$e all
t$e %ombied lots is t$e !alue i t$e Guatit2 &ield. >ou %a %$a(e t$e
subi!etor2 lo%atio.
H. 6or lot traslati( trasa%tios; sele%t t$e lot 2ou 'at to reame i t$e Starti(
+ot re(io.
0 t$e Resulti( +ot re(ioAsele%t t$e e' ame &or t$e lot. >ou %a %$a(e t$e
item umber i t$e 0tem &ield ad t$e subi!etor2 lo%atio; i& re?uired.
10. 6or lot tras&erri( trasa%tios; sele%t t$e lot to mo!e i t$e Starti( +ot re(io.
0 t$e Resulti( +ot re(ioA2ou %a %$a(e t$e subi!etor2 lo%atio.
11. Sa!e 2our 'ork.
Lot )ttri#utes in 6nventor. Lot Transactions
>ou %a do trasa%tios like split; mer(e; update lot ame ad update assembl2 ad is
supported ol2 i 6orms. >ou %a do 0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios ol2 &or +ot Cotrolled
0tems ad not &or +ot8Serial Cotrolled 0tems.
>ou %a ?uer2 t$e lot ad %$e%k t$e details t$rou($ t$e Deealo(2 'ido's. See) +ot
+ot attributes spe%i&ied duri( -ob Creatio; E"e%utio; or Completio (et tras&erred
&rom t$e <ob 390P lot4 to t$e i!etor2 lot.
+ot attributes o& t$e Starti( +ot de&aults to t$e Resulti( +ots ad 2ou %a update t$em;
i& re?uired.
1. Na!i(ate to 0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'.
2. Sele%t Split as #rasa%tio #2pe.
3. Eter +ot Number i t$e Starti( +ots re(io to ?uer2.
4. Cli%k +ot 1ttributes i t$e Starti( +ots re(io.
#$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido' appears displa2i( t$e +ot Number ad t$e 9.S ad
0!etor2 lot attributes.
F. Cli%k *:.
6. Eter split lot details.
7. Cli%k +ot 1ttributes i t$e Resulti( +ots re(io.
0!etor2 lot attributes de&ault ad update t$em i& re?uired.
+ot attributes o& t$e Represetati!e +ot are tras&erred to t$e Resulti( +ot ad 2ou %a
update t$em i& re?uired.
1. Na!i(ate to 0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'.
2. Sele%t .er(e as #rasa%tio #2pe.
3. Eter +ot Number i t$e Starti( +ots re(io.
4. #o %$e%k t$e lot attributes; %li%k +ot 1ttributes i t$e Starti( +ots re(io.
#$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido' appears displa2i( t$e lot umber ad t$e 9.S ad
i!etor2 lot attributes.
F. Cli%k *:.
6. Cli%k +ot 1ttributes o& t$e Resulti( +ots re(io.
#$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido' o& t$e resulti( lot appears.
7. C$e%k ad update t$e 0!etor2 +ot 1ttributes.
E. Cli%k *:.
Update Lot Name
+ot attributes are tras&erred to t$e Resulti( +ot ad 2ou %a update t$em i& re?uired.
1. Na!i(ate to 0!etor2 +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'.
2. Sele%t #raslate as #rasa%tio #2pe.
3. Eter +ot Number i t$e Starti( +ots re(io.
4. #o %$e%k t$e lot attributes; %li%k +ot 1ttributes i t$e Starti( +ots re(io.
#$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido' appears displa2i( t$e lot umber ad t$e 9.S ad
i!etor2 lot attributes.
F. Cli%k *:.
6. 7pdate t$e +ot Name o& t$e resulti( lot i t$e Resulti( +ots re(io.
7. Cli%k +ot 1ttributes.
#$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido' appears.
E. 7pdate t$e i!etor2 lot attributes &or t$e updated lot ame.
Update )ssem#l.
0!etor2 lot attributes (et tras&erred to t$e Resulti( +ot ad %a be updated; i&
H. 7pdate t$e assembl2 o& t$e resulti( lot i t$e 0tem %olum o& t$e Resulti( +ots
10. Cli%k +ot 1ttributes.
#$e +ot 1ttributes 'ido' appears.
11. 7pdate i!etor2 lot attributes.
$reating Lots for New Sectors
#$e 1ssemblies mau&a%tured i t$e &irst se%tor are (etti( %ompleted ito t$e
respe%ti!e subi!etories. No' t$is lot is read2 &or t$e subse?uet use i t$e e"t
se%tor. #$e e"t step is to de&ie t$e <obs i t$e subse?uet se%tors usi( t$e +ot
Creatio 'ido'. 9$e a lot based <ob is %reated usi( lot t$e %reatio &eature; it is
assumed t$at t$e starti( %ompoet is issued to t$is <ob. #$ere&ore; t$e starti(
%ompoet is pus$ed ito t$is <ob i(ori( t$e suppl2 t2pe de&ied &or t$e %ompoet i
t$e &irst operatio.
To create lots on the shop floor
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot Creatio 'ido'.
2. Sele%t a 0!etor2 lot umber i t$e Starti( +ot &ield.
0&ormatio displa2s &or subi!etor2 lo%atio; lo%ator umber; item umber ad
des%riptio; re!isio umber; ?uatit2 o $ad; ad ?uatit2 a!ailable to trasa%t.
3. 0 t$e -ob 0&ormatio tab; t$e resulti( <ob ame 'ill be de&aulted based o t$e
Reuse -ob Name parameter. 9$e multiple <obs are %reated; t$e &irst <ob ame
'ill be de&aulted based o t$e Reuse -ob Name parameter ad t$e remaii(
<obs 'ill be de&aulted 'it$ t$e starti( lot umber; &ollo'ed b2 t$e Ne' +ot
Separator !alue; &ollo'ed b2 se?uetial umberi(. >ou %a also de&ie t$e
re!isio umber ad re!isio date &or bill o& material ad routi( i order to use
t$e %ompoet ad operatios e&&e%ti!it2.
0&ormatio displa2s i t$e &ollo'i( &ields ad %a be %$a(ed) 1%%outi(
Class; Completio Subi!etor2 ad +o%ator.
Note: Please ote t$at t$e starti( %ompoet 'it$ p$atom suppl2 t2pe i t$e
&irst operatio o& t$e subse?uet se%tor assembl2 bill o& material is ot allo'ed.
#$ere&ore; t$e +ot Creatio 'ido' does ot permit 2ou to %reate t$e lot based
<ob 'it$ p$atom suppl2 t2pe material i t$e &irst operatio.
0& 2ou de&ie t'o %ompoets i t$e &irst operatio; t$e ol2 oe is pus$ed ito
t$is <ob based o t$e starti( lot sele%ted.
Using Su#stitutes during Lot $reation
>ou %a also %reate a lot based <ob &rom a substitute item. 6or e"ample; 0tem 1
is a assembl2 item ad 0tem , is t$e %ompoet &or 0tem 1. 0 t$e e!et o&
oa!ailabilit2 o& 0tem ,; 2ou %a ideti&2 a alterate item or a substitute item &or
0tem , &rom ,ills o& .aterial o& 0tem 1. >ou %a eter a i!etor2 lot umber &or
t$is alterate or substitute item ad %reate a lot based <ob &or 0tem 1.
9$e 2ou eter a lot umber i t$e lot %reatio &orm; all ot$er i&ormatio o& t$at
starti( lot de&ault. 0 t$e resulti( lot assembl2; 2ou %a sele%t t$e assembl2 o&
t$e substitute %ompoet &or '$i%$ t$e lot based <ob is bei( %reated.
a. Substitute %ompoet s$ould be at t$e &irst operatio ad it s$ould ot be
a p$atom %ompoet; i.e.; Suppl2 #2pe o& primar2 %ompoet o& t$e
substitute %ompoet s$ould ot be p$atom i bills o& material.
b. 0& t$e same %ompoet is preset as substitute ad primar2 %ompoet at
t$e &irst operatio; t$e it is treated as primar2 %ompoet.
%. 0& t$e same %ompoet is a substitute o& t'o primar2 %ompoets i t$e
same bills o& material; t$e it is treated as a substitute o& primar2
%ompoet 'it$ miimum se?ue%e umber i bills o& material.
15S7,C.P1 is a primar2 %ompoet i ,*. o& 1SS>2 ad C.61000.
15S7,C.P1 is a susbstitute %ompoet i ,*. o& 1SS>1.
>ou %a o' %reate a lot b2 issui( primar2 as 'ell as substitute %ompoets.
4. 0 t$e Guatit2 tabA#$e -ob Guatit2 &or t$is <ob is deri!ed based o starti( lot
?uatit2 a!ailable uder t$is lot umber; ad 2ou %a %$a(e t$e <ob ?uatit2.
>ou %a also %reate multiple <obs &or di&&eret assemblies ad ?uatities. #$e
appli%atio %reates multiple <obs ad pus$es t$is lot ito t$e <obs. >ou %a also
%reate a <ob 'it$ less t$a t$e de&aulted ?uatit2. 0& 2ou %reate a <ob usi( less
t$a t$e starti( lot ?uatit2 i t$e subi!etor2; t$e t$e remaii( ?uatit2 o&
t$e starti( lot remais i t$e subi!etor2; ad 2ou %a use t$is &or subse?uet
<ob %reatio. >ou %a also issue a starti( %ompoet &or t$e ?uatit2 more t$a
or less t$a t$e %ompoet re?uired ?uatit2 su((ested b2 t$e appli%atio. 0 t$is
%ase; 2ou %a eter t$e re?uired !alue i t$e Compoet Guatit2 0ssued &ield. 0
additio; t$e &ollo'i( i&ormatio is a!ailable i t$is tab)
o Compoet usa(e per assembl2
o Compoet re?uiremet &or t$e <ob ?uatit2
o Start -ob Guatit2
o .RP Net
>ou %a %$a(e some o& t$eses !alues depedi( o t$e trasa%tios per&ormed
&or t$is lot.
2. 0 t$e Plai( tab; Start 5ate ad Completio 5ate !alues displa2 ad %a be
%$a(ed. C$oose t$e Co-Produ%ts Suppl2 %$e%k bo" to idi%ate t$at resulti(
lots are used as %o-produ%t suppl2.
0& t$e i!etor2 lot &rom '$i%$ t$e e' 90P lot is %reated; ad t$e e' 90P lot
$a!e t$e same attribute %ote"t; t$e lot attributes 'ill be %opied to t$e e' 90P
lot. 0& t$e2 $a!e di&&eret %ote"t; t$e eter lot attributes as &ollo's.
To view lot attri#utes for starting lots
1. C$oose 1ttributes.
0& t$e starti( lot %otais attributes; t$e t$e lot attributes 'ido' appears.
2. C$oose 9.S or 0N/ attributes to !ie' idi!idual se(mets o& t$e attribute.
3. C$oose *: '$e 2ou are &iis$ed !ie'i( t$e attribute.
To view4 enter4 and update lot attri#utes for the resulting lot
1. Na!i(ate to t$e 90P +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'.
2. C$oose +ot 1ttributes.
Note: 0& 2ou are eteri( or updati( lot attributes; t$e eter ad update
attributes 'it$ appropriate !alues &or 9.S ad 0N/ attributes based o t$e lot
attributes setup t$at 2ou or 2our s2stem admiistrator $a!e per&ormed. #$e 9.S
attributes &or t$e resulti( lot are i$erited &rom t$e starti( lot ol2 i& t$e sour%e
ad resulti( lotKs assemblies $a!e t$e same %ote"t. 0 %ase o& a mer(e
trasa%tio; t$e 9.S attributes are i$erited &rom t$e represetati!e lot o& t$e
starti( lot. #$e 0N/ attributes are al'a2s i$erited &rom t$e sour%e lot '$et$er
t$e %ote"t o& t$e sour%e ad resulti( lot is same or ot. 0 %ase o& a mer(e
trasa%tio; t$e 9.S attributes are i$erited &rom t$e represetati!e lot.
3. C$oose *: to sa!e 2our 'ork ad retur to t$e 90P +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'; or
%$oose %a%el to dis%ard %$a(es.
Note: 0& 2ou are ol2 !ie'i( lot attributes ad are ot maki( %$a(es; t$e 2ou
%a %$oose *: or Ca%el to retur to t$e 90P +ot #rasa%tios 'ido'.
:an#an eplenishment on Lot 'ased "o#s
:aba is a pull based repleis$met pro%ess i a mau&a%turi( s2stem. >ou %a
%reate lot based ad dis%rete <obs to repleis$ empt2 kabas. 0 additio; :aba
supports %reatio o& lot based <obs b2 sele%ti( t$e starti( i!etor2 lot duri( :aba
repleis$met pro%ess.
#$e &ollo'i( are ma<or &eatures o& :aba support o lot-based <obs)
5uri( :aba repleis$met pro%ess; 2ou %a %$oose t$e starti( i!etor2 lot
&or t$e item atta%$ed to &irst operatio. #$is is similar to lot-based <ob %reatio
usi( t$e +ot Creatio 'ido'.
7se t$e Hoor :aba Si@e parameter to %reate a lot based <ob ?uatit2 e?ual to
kaba si@e '$e %ompoets are pus$ed &rom a i!etor2 lot duri( kaba
repleis$met. 0& t$is %$e%k bo" is ot sele%ted; lot based <obs are %reated &or t$e
ma"imum umber o& assemblies '$i%$ %a be built usi( t$e sele%ted
%ompoet lot. 0& t$e %$e%k bo" is sele%ted; t$e appli%atio 'ill $oor t$e kaba
lot si@e.
1&ter a <ob is %reated usi( :aba repleis$met; 2ou %a ?uer2 t$e +ot ,ased
-ob 'ido' to !ie' :aba i&ormatio.
0& t$e assembl2 &rom repleis$met lot based <ob is %ompleted; t$e t$e suppl2
status o& a produ%tio :aba is updated to 6ull.
S$op 6loor .aa(emet allo's <obs 'it$ a :aba re&ere%e to be mer(ed 'it$
aot$er <ob 'it$ a di&&eret kaba re&ere%e 3%ase 14; or a <ob 'it$ a kaba
re&ere%e 'it$ a <ob 'it$out a2 re&ere%e 3%ase 24. 0 t$e &irst %ase; oe o& t$e
<obs is t$e represetati!e lot; &or t$at 'ip lot t$e et e&&e%t &rom a kaba
stadpoit is t$e same as a ?uatit2 update. ,ut &or a o-represetati!e lot; t$e
?uatit2 be%ome @ero ad t$e %orrespodi( :aba %ard status is set to Empt2;
ad t$e <ob s$ould ot be re&ere%ed. 0 t$e se%od %ase; i& t$e :aba
re&ere%e <ob is t$e represetati!e lot; t$e t$e et e&&e%t &rom a :aba
stadpoit is t$e same as a ?uatit2 update &or t$at <ob. *t$er'ise; t$e ?uatit2
be%omes @ero; t$e %orrespodi( :aba %ard status is set to Empt2; ad t$e
<ob s$ould ot be re&ere%ed. See) 5e&ii( :aba Pull Se?ue%es; Oracle
Inventory User's Guide.
Lot 'ased "o# eporting
#$e &ollo'i( *ra%le 9ork i Pro%ess reports support lot based <ob reporti()
5is%rete -ob 5ata Report; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
5is%rete -ob +isti( Report; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
5is%rete -ob Routi( S$eet; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
90P 1%%outi( Classes Report; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
90P *utside Pro%essi( Report; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
5is%rete -ob S$orta(e Report; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
-ob lot Compositio Report; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
5is%rete -ob /alue Report; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
90P /alue Report; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
Lot 'ased "o# $omponent /ic; elease
To run the Lot 'ased "o# $omponent /ic; elease 7SS8 report
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot ,ased -ob Reports 'ido'.
2. Sele%t t$e +ot ,ased -ob Compoet Pi%k Release 3SRS4 report &rom t$e Name
list o& !alues.
3. Eter 5a2s 6or'ard.
4. Eter t$e Pi%k Slip Droupi( Rule &rom t$e list o& !alues.
F. *ptioall2; eter Prit Pi%k Slips &or t$e list o& !alues.
6. *ptioall2; eter Pla #asks &rom t$e list o& !alues.
7. C$oose *:.
E. C$oose Submit to ru t$e report.
/ending Transactions eport
0& t$ere are pedi( trasa%tios asso%iated 'it$ a lot based <ob; t$e t$e lot based <ob
%aot be %losed. >ou %a report o all pedi( trasa%tios &or a (i!e set o& <obs ad
re!ie' to take appropriate a%tio be&ore lau%$i( t$e %lose <ob pro(ram. #$e %lose <ob
pro(ram pro!ides sele%tio %riteria 'it$ a optio to elimiate <obs 'it$ pedi(
trasa%tios. #$e Pedi( trasa%tio report %a be used duri( period %losi(.
To run the /ending Transactions eport
1. Na!i(ate to t$e +ot ,ased -ob Reports 'ido'.
2. Sele%t t$e Pedi( #rasa%tios Report &rom t$e Name list o& !alues. #$e
Parameters 'ido' appears.
3. Eter report parameters.
4. C$oose *:.
F. C$oose Submit to ru t$e report.
6ntegration with Outside /rocessing
*utside Pro%essi( eables 2ou to i%lude supplier-sour%ed %ompoets ad resour%es
i t$e mau&a%turi( pro%ess. :e2 &eatures o& outside pro%essi( &or lot based <obs
i%lude t$e &ollo'i()
Setup is eeded &or 0!etor2; ,ills o& .aterial ad Cost .aa(emet; Pur%$asi(; ad
9ork i Pro%ess. See) *utside Pro%essi(; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
e,uisition $reation Time) #o eable outside pro%essi( 3*SP4; 2ou eed to set
re?uisitio %reatio time i t$e 90P parameters 'ido'. 0 90P dis%rete <obs; t$e 1t -ob
ad S%$edule Release setti( %reates pur%$ase re?uisitios &or all *SP operatios i
t$e routi(; '$ile t$e 1t *peratio setti( %reates pur%$ase re?uisitios ol2 '$e a <ob
rea%$es t$e ?ueue o& a *SP operatio. 0 S$op 6loor .aa(emet; 2ou ma2 ot ko'
t$e e"t operatio i ad!a%e 3i.e. due to et'ork routi( ad <ump trasa%tios4;
t$ere&ore; pur%$ase re?uisitios are ol2 %reated at t$e ?ueue o& a outside pro%essi(
operatio. #o support t$is; 1t -ob ad S%$edule Release ad 1t *peratio be$a!e
ideti%all2 &or S$op 6loor .aa(emet. #$e re%ommeded setup &or t$e parameter is 1t
Note: 6or .aual setti(; all pur%$ase re?uisitios must be %reated mauall2. See)
*utside Pro%essi(; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
OS/ esource4 !epartment4 6tem) 1 *SP operatio re?uires oe or more *SP
resour%es; '$i%$ i tur must be asso%iated 'it$ departmets 'it$ a lo%atio. 0
additio; a separate *SP item must be %reated to re%ei!e ad %$ar(e t$e outside 'ork
3t$is item is asso%iated 'it$ t$e resour%e4. 9$e %reati( t$e *SP item; t$e Pur%$asi(
#abs o& t$e 0tem 'ido' must $a!e *SP-related setti(s 3i.e. Pur%$ased; Pur%$asable;
*utside Pro%essi( 0tem must be %$e%ked.4 #$e list pri%e must be spe%i&ied i t$e
pur%$asi( master or(ai@atio &or (eerati( pur%$ase orders. See) *utside
Pro%essi(; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
outing) #o asso%iate a *SP resour%e 'it$ a routi( 3eit$er dire%tl2 or usi( stadard
operatios4; 2ou must spe%i&2 a %$ar(e t2pe 3eit$er at t$e resour%e; t$e stadard
operatio or t$e routi( le!el4. 6or S$op 6loor .aa(emet; %$ar(e t2pe P* Re%eipt
s$ould be used &or *SP operatios. P* .o!e; '$i%$ mo!es a2 re%ei!ed ?uatit2 to
t$e ?ueue o& t$e e"t operatio i 90P dis%rete <obs; is ot supported 3i.e. error
messa(e appears i <obs 'it$ t$is setti(4. 9it$lot based <obs; t$e e"t operatio is ot
predetermied ad partial re%eipts s$ould ot be mo!ed util t$e etire ?uatit2 is
re%ei!ed. See) *utside Pro%essi(; Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.
Outside /rocessing Scenarios
1utomati% %reatio o& pur%$ase re?uisitios (eerall2 o%%urs '$e a <ob mo!es &or'ard
to or starts at t$e ?ueue o& a *SP operatio 3t$ere are e"%eptios; su%$ as 7do ba%k
to a *SP operatio ?ueue4.
>ou s$ould e"pe%t a 'ari( messa(e at t$e ?ueue o& a *SP operatio '$e
per&ormi( a trasa%tio t$at 'ould i!alidate oe or more pur%$ase re?uisitios. >ou
s$ould mauall2 %a%el or update pur%$ase re?uisitios &or su%$ trasa%tios. Note t$at
t$ese 'ari( messa(es appear e!e &or pur%$ase re?uisitios t$at $a!e ot 2et bee
%ompletel2 pro%essed b2 t$e pur%$asi( trasa%tio maa(er3i.e. are still i pur%$ase
re?uisitio iter&a%e tables4 as 'ell as &or pur%$ase orders.
1s dis%ussed i routi(s setup; %$ar(e t2pe P* .o!e is de-supported. >ou are allo'ed
to %reate operatios i a routi( 'it$ %$ar(e t2pe P* .o!e; but are ot able to start at
or mo!e to P* .o!e *SP operatios.
"o# $reation9Update
Lot 'ased "o# $reation9Lot $reation) Starti( a <ob at a *SP results i
automati% pur%$ase re?uisitio %reatio. 6or t$e de&ie +ot ,ased -ob ad +ot
Creatio 'ido's; t$e starti( operatio; '$i%$ is al'a2s t$e &irst operatio o&
t$e routi(; 'ould eed to $a!e a *SP resour%es &or t$is to o%%ur. Creati( a
lot based <ob to start at a P* .o!e *SP operatio (i!es a error ad ot allo'
t$e trasa%tio to be sa!ed 3applies &or bot$ released ad ureleased status4.
Lot 'ased "o# Update) Creati( a <ob as ureleased status 'ill ot result i
pur%$ase re?uisitio %reatio; but upo %$a(i( t$e status to released; a
pur%$ase re?uisitio is %reated i& t$e starti( operatio is *SP. 0%reasi( <ob
?uatit2 t$rou($ t$e +ot ,ased -ob 'ido' at a *SP operatio %auses a e'
pur%$ase re?uisitio to be %reated &or t$e additioal ?uatit2. C$a(i( <ob status
&rom released to ureleased '$ere t$e &irst operatio is *SP 'ould mea t$at a
pur%$ase re?uisitio s$ould o lo(er e"ist ad 'ill result i 'ari(.
Note: Doi( &or'ard &or lot-based <ob; &or t$e &irst operatio; t$e eed b2 date 'ould be
same as t$e s%$eduled %ompletio date o& t$e &irst operatio. 6or lot based <ob &irst uit
%ompletio date is same as last uit %ompletio date o& a2 operatio. 6or subse?uet
*SP operatios 3ot &irst i t$e routi(4 too; eed b2 date 'ould be %al%ulated based o
t$e s%$eduled %ompletio date o& t$e operatio. Curretl2 it is bei( %al%ulated b2
addi( lead times to S>S51#E.
56/ Lot Transactions
Split9Merge) Per&ormi( 90P lot trasa%tios t$at $a!e e' resulti( <obs; su%$
as split or mer(e; 'ould mea t$at pur%$ase re?uisitios or pur%$ase orders &or
t$e starti( <obs 'ould eed to %a%elled mauall2. Note t$at istead o&
%a%eli( all pur%$ase re?uisitios or pur%$ase orders &or starti( <obs ad
%reati( e' pur%$ase re?uisitios &or resulti( <obs; 2ou %a keep e"isti(
pur%$ase re?uisitios or pur%$ase orders b2 updati( t$eir distributio. 1lso ote
i& a pur%$ase re?uisitio; pur%$ase order is kept be%ause a starti( <ob retaied
?uatit2 ad be%ame a resulti( <ob; t$e t$e ?uatit2 listed o t$at pur%$ase
re?uisitio or pur%$ase order 'ould eed to be updated mauall2.
Update outing9)ssem#l.) 7pdati( t$e routi( or assembl2 &or a <ob to start
at a *SP results i pur%$ase re?uisitio %reatio. 0& 2ou are lea!i( t$e ?ueue o&
a *SP operatio; t$is 'ould impl2 a pur%$ase re?uisitio is bei( abadoed i
t$e old routi( ad 'ould eed to be mauall2 %a%elled. 1ttempti( to update
routi( or assembl2 to start at a P* .o!e *SP operatio 'ill result i a error
messa(e ad 'ill ot sa!e.
Update -uantit.) 0%reasi( <ob ?uatit2 t$rou($ t$e 90P +ot #rasa%tios
'ido' at a *SP operatio %auses a e' pur%$ase re?uisitio to be %reated &or
t$e additioal ?uatit2.
'onus) 6or a bous 90P lot trasa%tio; 'e %a start at a2 operatio ?ueue
ad e"pe%t automati% %reatio o& a pur%$ase re?uisitio i& a *SP resour%e is
preset. Starti( a bous <ob at a2 operatio '$i%$ $as a resour%e o& %$ar(e
t2pe P* .o!e result i a error.
Move Transactions
Move) .o!i( a <ob to t$e ?ueue o& a2 *SP operatio results i t$e automati%
%reatio o& pur%$ase re?uisitios. .o!i( to a P* .o!e *SP operatio results i
a error. >ou %a mo!e &rom a *SP operatio 'it$out &ormall2 re%ei!i( t$e
*SP item.
"ump) -umpi( to t$e ?ueue o& a *SP operatio; bot$ iside ad outside t$e
routi(; results i t$e %reatio o& a pur%$ase re?uisitio. 1 <ump &rom a *SP
operatio ?ueue 3'it$ C$ar(e -ump 6rom Gueue set to *664 results i a
'ari( to mauall2 %a%el pur%$ase re?uisitios. -umpi( to a P* .o!e *SP
operatio results i a error.
Undo) Per&ormi( a udo ba%k to a *SP operatio ?ueue does ot result i
pur%$ase re?uisitio %reatio. 1 udo at a *SP operatio result i a 'ari(;
si%e a pur%$ase re?uisitio ma2 be abadoed.
!efining Networ; outings
1 'ari( is (i!e i& a outside pro%essi( resour%e o& %$ar(e t2pe P* .o!e is
asso%iated 'it$ a operatio i t$e Net'ork Routi( 'ido'.
Cotets L Pre!ious L #op o& Pa(e L Ne"t
Cop2ri($t M 1HH6; 2010; *ra%le ad8or its a&&iliates. 1ll ri($ts reser!ed.

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