Review IndianSeismicCodeIS1893 (Part1) 2002

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The Indian Concrete Journal * November 2003 1414

Peview of |noion seismic

cooe, |S 183 (Porf 1} : 2002
1|c |n!icn scisnic cc!c |S 1893 |cs ncu |ccn splii inic c
nun|cr cj pcris cn! i|c jirsi pcri ccnicining gcncrcl prc.isicns
cn! i|csc pcricining ic |uil!ings |cs |ccn rclccsc! in 2002.
1|crc |cs |ccn c gcp cj 18 ccrs sincc i|c prc.icus c!iiicn in
1984. Ccnsi!cring i|c c!.cnccncnis in un!crsicn!ing cj
ccri|uc|c-rcsisicni !csign !uring i|csc ccrs, i|c ncu c!iiicn
is c ncjcr upgrc!ciicn cj i|c prc.icus .crsicn. 1|is pcpcr
rc.icus i|c ncu cc!c, ii ccnicins c !iscussicn cn Clcuscs i|ci
crc ccnjusing cr .cguc cn! ncc! clcrijicciicns innc!icicl.
1|c ipcgrcp|iccl cn! c!iicricl crrcrs crc pcinic! cui.
Suggcsiicns crc clsc inclu!c! jcr ncxi rc.isicn cj i|c cc!c.
Wilh rapid slridcs in carlhquakc cnginccring in lhc Iasl scvcraI
dccadcs, lhc scismic codcs arc bccoming incrcasingIy
sophislicalcd. Thc firsl Indian scismic codc (IS 1893) was
pubIishcd in 1962 and il has sincc bccn rcviscd in 1966, 1970,
1975 and 1984
. Morc rcccnlIy, il was dccidcd lo spIil lhis codc
inlo a numbcr of parls, and Iarl 1 of lhc codc conlaining
gcncraI provisions (appIicabIc lo aII slruclurcs) and spccific
provisions for buiIdings has bccn pubIishcd
ConsidcrabIc advanccs havc occurrcd in lhc knowIcdgc
rcIalcd lo carlhquakc rcsislanl dcsign of slruclurcs during
lhc 18 ycars inlcrvaI bclwccn lhc lwo cdilions of lhc codc
Somc of lhcsc ncw dcvcIopmcnls havc bccn incorporalcd in
lhc 2002 vcrsion of lhc codc, whiIc many olhcrs havc bccn
Icfl oul so lhal lhc impIcmcnlalion of lhc codc docs nol
bccomc loo lcdious for Indian profcssionaI cnginccrs. Ior
cxampIc, in lhc Unilcd Slalcs, lhc codcs arc rcviscd cvcry
lhrcc ycars, and hcncc, a lypicaI buiIding codc in lhc Unilcd
Slalcs has acquircd sophislicalion graduaIIy ovcr aboul six
rcvisions during lhcsc 18 ycars. Sincc lhc Indian codc has had
lo makc a quanlum jump wilh rcspccl lo many of lhc
provisions, il sliII rcquircs considcrabIc cfforl for an avcragc
profcssionaI cnginccr lo fuIIy apprccialc lhc ncw codc and lo
bc abIc lo impIcmcnl il corrcclIy.
In lhc abovc sccnario, lhc foIIowing slcps arc urgcnlIy
(i) carcfuI rcvicw of lhc ncw codc lo rcmovc any
dcficicncics, crrors, or scopc for misinlcrprclalion
(ii) dcvcIopmcnl of cxpIanalory handbook on lhc codc
lo cxpIain lhc ncw codc wilh soIvcd cxampIcs
Il is nol uncommon lo havc crrors or omissions in lhc
codcs. Howcvcr, il is imporlanl lo quickIy corrccl lhcsc crrors
or omissions. This papcr rcvicws lhc codc and lhc suggcslions
for changcs in lhc ncxl rcvision arc Iislcd. AIso Iislcd arc
CIauscs lhal arc confusing or vaguc and nccd cIarificalions
immcdialcIy. IinaIIy, lhc lypographicaI and cdiloriaI crrors
arc poinlcd oul.
Philosophical changes in the new code
As comparcd lo lhc prcvious vcrsion, scvcraI major
modificalions havc bccn incorporalcd in lhc ncw codc. Somc
of lhc imporlanl modificalions incIudc lhc foIIowing.
- Thc scismic zonc map now conlains onIy four zoncs
as comparcd lo lhc fivc zoncs carIicr, and lhc rcIalivc
vaIucs of zonc faclors arc now diffcrcnl.
- Thc codc now providcs rcaIislic vaIucs of acccIcralion
from which lhc dcsign forccs arc oblaincd by dividing
lhc cIaslic forccs by a rcsponsc rcduclion faclor, lhis
cnabIcs a cIcar slalcmcnl of inlcnl lo lhc dcsigncr lhal
lhc dcsign scismic forcc is much Iowcr lhan whal can
bc cxpcclcd in lhc cvcnl of a slrong shaking.
- Thc dcsign spcclrum shapc now dcpcnds on lhc lypc
of soiI and lhc foundalion-soiI faclor () has bccn
- Thc codc now rcquircs lhal lhcrc bc a minimum dcsign
forcc bascd on cmpiricaI fundamcnlaI pcriod of lhc
buiIding cvcn if lhc dynamic anaIysis givcs a vcry
SudIir K Jain SudIir K Jain SudIir K Jain SudIir K Jain SudIir K Jain
November 2003 * The Indian Concrete Journal 1415
high vaIuc of naluraI pcriod and lhus Iow scismic forcc.
Comments and suggestions
Other parts of IS 1893 (Foreword, page 2)
Thc fourlh rcvision of lhc codc (IS 1893 : 1984) covcrcd
buiIdings, walcr lanks, slackIikc slruclurcs, bridgcs, dams
and rclaining waIIs. Whcn carrying oul lhc fiflh rcvision, il
was dccidcd lo spIil lhc codc inlo fivc parls.
Iarl 1: GcncraI provisions and buiIdings
Iarl 2: Iiquid rclaining lanks cIcvalcd and ground
Iarl 3: Bridgcs and rclaining waIIs
Iarl 4: InduslriaI slruclurcs incIuding slack Iikc slruclurcs
Iarl 5: Dams and cmbankmcnls
WhiIc Iarl 1 of lhc codc has bccn rcIcascd, lhc olhcr
parls arc sliII in various slagcs of dcvcIopmcnl. To addrcss
lhc silualion lhal olhcr parls of lhc codc arc nol ycl rcIcascd,
Ncic on pagc 2 of lhc codc slalcs:
"Icnding finaIizalion of Iarls 2 lo 5 of IS 1893, provisions
of Iarl 1 wiII bc rcad aIong wilh lhc rcIcvanl CIauscs of IS
1893 : 1984 for slruclurcs olhcr lhan buiIdings.
This is probIcmalic in many silualions, for inslancc, Icl us
considcr lhc casc of ovcrhcad walcr lanks. In lhc 1984 codc
scismic dcsign forcc for walcr lanks dcpcnds on paramclcrs
, |, and
. In lhc ncw codc, lcrms and
do nol cxisl.
Inslcad, onc now nccds lhc rcsponsc rcduclion faclor (R) for
walcr lanks which is supposcd lo bc providcd in Iarl 2 of
codc. CIcarIy, lhcrc is no way onc can combinc Iarl 1 of lhc
2002 vcrsion wilh lhc 1984 codc for walcr lanks and lhcrc is
bound lo bc dispulc and possibIy Iiligalion in casc of Iump
sum conlracls for walcr lanks. SimiIarIy, il is nol possibIc lo
impIcmcnl lhc ncw provisions for bridgcs, slacks and dams.
Howcvcr, lhc probIcm is mosl scrious for walcr lanks:
bridgcs arc dcsigncd as pcr lhc provisions of IRC or Indian
RaiIway codcs, and lhc dcsign of induslriaI slruclurcs is
usuaIIy donc by cslabIishcd slrucluraI consuIlanls.
To obvialc lhis silualion, lhc proccss for finaIisalion of
rcmaining parls of lhc codc musl bc compIclcd al lhc carIicsl.
In lhc mcanwhiIc, a nc!cl cc!c is urgcnlIy nccdcd for lhc
walcr lanks which couId bc adoplcd by lhc govcrnmcnl
dcparlmcnls for lhcir conlracls.
Earthquake intensity (Foreword, page 3, last para)
A numbcr of inlcnsily scaIcs arc uscd for quaIilalivcIy
dcscribing lhc inlcnsily of carlhquakc shaking. Mosl common
arc lhc modificd McrcaIIi scaIc, and lhc MSK (Mcdvcdcv-
Sponhcncr-Karnik) scaIc. In Iasl para of pagc 3, lhc codc
rcfcrs lo lhis scaIc as Comprchcnsivc Inlcnsily ScaIc
(MSK64) whiIc in CIausc 3.15 a mcnlion is madc of MSK
scaIc. Thc lcrm Comprchcnsivc Inlcnsily ScaIc is nol
common and lo avoid confusion il is morc approprialc lhal
lhc codc shouId simpIy usc MSK or MSK64 scaIc. Thc samc
aIso hoIds for lhc hcading of Anncxurc D of lhc codc.
Risk level
Iara 5 on pagc 3 of lhc codc slalcs
Thc scismic hazard IcvcI wilh rcspccl lo ZIA al 50 pcrccnl
risk IcvcI and 100 ycars scrvicc Iifc gocs on progrcssivcIy
incrcasing ..
This slalcmcnl is madc in lhc conlcxl of carlhquakc
gcoIogy of lhc counlry. Howcvcr, il may givc a faIsc
imprcssion lhal lhc vaIucs of ZIA (dcnolcd by Z) givcn in lhc
codc arc for 50 pcrccnl risk IcvcI and 100 ycars scrvicc Iifc.
Such a confusion nccds lo bc avoidcd by modifying lhis
slalcmcnl as Thc scismic hazard IcvcI gocs on progrcssivcIy
Peak ground acceleration
Ilcm (b) on pagc 2 of lhc codc uscs lhc lcrm Lffcclivc Icak
Ground AcccIcralion (LIGA). This lcrm is aIso dcfincd in
CIausc 3.11. Ior lhc purposcs of lhc codc il is nol imporlanl
lo diffcrcnlialc bclwccn LIGA and Icak Ground
AcccIcralion IGA. SimiIarIy, lhc codc aIso uscs lhc lcrm
Zcro Icriod AcccIcralion (ZIA) al scvcraI pIaccs. Sincc lhc
sliff slruclurcs (having naluraI pcriod of zcro) cxpcricncc
samc acccIcralion as lhc ground acccIcralion, lhc ZIA vaIuc
is samc as IGA. To avoid confusion, il is bcsl lo jusl usc lhc
lcrm Icak Ground AcccIcralion (IGA), and lhc lcrms ZIA
and LIGA shouId bc droppcd from lhc codc.
Service life of structure (Item (b) on page 2,
Clause 3.33, and Clause 6.4.2)
Ilcm (b) on pagc 2 slalcs lhal lhc vaIucs of scismic zonc
faclor rcfIccl morc rcaIislic vaIucs of LIGA considcring
Maximum Considcrcd Larlhquakc (MCL) and scrvicc Iifc
of slruclurc in cach scismic zonc. A simiIar mcnlion of lhc
scrvicc Iifc is madc whiIc dcfining Z in CIausc 6.4.2. This
confuscs lhc uscr sincc hc lhcn asks qucslions such as:
(i) whal vaIuc of scrvicc Iifc shouId bc considcrcd for
his slruclurc
(ii) if hc is wiIIing lo rcducc lhc scrvicc Iifc of his slruclurc
say from 100 ycars lo 50 ycars, how much rcduclion
in lhc scismic dcsign forcc wouId bc aIIowcd by lhc
Thc facl rcmains lhal lhc vaIucs of Z spccificd in lhc codc
wcrc arrivcd al cmpiricaIIy bascd on cnginccring judgmcnl
and no cxpIicil caIcuIalions wcrc donc or cnvisagcd for scrvicc
Iifc. Hcncc, il is bcsl lo drop lhc mcnlion of scrvicc Iifc.
This suggcslion is consislcnl wilh lhc facl lhal in lhc dcfinilion
of Z in CIausc 3.33 aIso, lhc codc makcs no mcnlion of scrvicc
References (page 4, Foreword)
A Iisl of four rcfcrcnccs is providcd on pagc 4 of lhc codc.
Howcvcr, lhcsc rcfcrcnccs arc obsoIclc and ncwcr vcrsions
of somc of lhcsc wcrc avaiIabIc and uscd in lhc dcvcIopmcnl
of lhc codc. Ior inslancc, Uniform BuiIding codc
has bccn
rcviscd in 1997 and Ialcr rcpIaccd by lhc InlcrnalionaI BuiIding
Codc 2000 and 2003
. NLHRI documcnls loo arc bcing
rcviscd cvcry lhrcc ycars and lhc 2000 vcrsion is avaiIabIc
The Indian Concrete Journal * November 2003 1416
Il is bcsl lo mcnlion Ialcr vcrsions of lhc rcfcrcnccs. Iurlhcr,
a considcrabIc parl of lhc codc is bascd on lwo pubIishcd
arlicIcs of lhc aulhors
. Thcsc lwo arlicIcs couId providc
addilionaI background malcriaIs lo lhc cnginccr and hcncc il
is approprialc lo add lhcsc lo lhc Iisl in lhc codc.
Response spectrum (Clauses 3.5, 3.27, 3.30, 6.4, )
In lhc codc, diffcrcnl lcrms arc uscd for rcsponsc spcclrum,
for cxampIc, "Dcsign AcccIcralion Spcclrum" (CIausc 3.5),
Rcsponsc Spcclrum" (CIausc 3.27), "AcccIcralion Rcsponsc
Spcclrum" (uscd in CIausc 3.30), "Dcsign Spcclrum" (lilIc of
CIausc 6.4), "SlrucluraI Rcsponsc Iaclor", "Avcragc rcsponsc
acccIcralion cocfficicnl" (scc lcrminoIogy of S
/g on p. 11),
clc. Il is bcsl lo usc onc singIc lcrm consislcnlIy lo avoid
confusion. Il is suggcslcd lhal lhc lcrm bc Dcsign
AcccIcralion Spcclrum for lhc pIol of rcsponsc spcclrum
wilh naluraI pcriod, and lhc lcrm bc Rcsponsc AcccIcralion
Cocfficicnl for lhc vaIuc of S
/g for a givcn vaIuc of naluraI
Maximum considered earthquake (MCE) and
design basis earthquake (DBE)
This cdilion of lhc codc inlroduccs lwo ncw lcrms:
Mcxinun Ccnsi!crc! |cri|uc|c (MC|): Dcfincd in
CIausc 3.19 as Thc mosl scvcrc carlhquakc cffccls
considcrcd by lhis slandard, and
Dcsign 8csis |cri|uc|c (D8|) : Dcfincd in CIausc
3.6 as Il is lhc carlhquakc which can rcasonabIy bc
cxpcclcd lo occur al Icasl oncc during lhc dcsign Iifc
of lhc slruclurc.
Bolh lhcsc dcfinilions arc quilc incompIclc and do nol
lcII anylhing spccific lo lhc uscr. Ior inslancc, whal is mcanl
by rcasonabIc cxpcclalion! AIso, lhc dcsign Iifc of diffcrcnl
slruclurcs may bc diffcrcnl and ycl lhc codc spccifics lhc
samc IGA vaIuc rcgardIcss of lhc dcsign Iifc of a slruclurc.
Icl us considcr lhc usc of lhcsc lcrms in lhc InlcrnalionaI
BuiIding Codc (IBC). Thc IBC 2003 dcfincs MCL as
corrcsponding lo 2 pcrccnl probabiIily of bcing cxcccdcd in
50 ycars (2,500 ycar rclurn pcriod), and lhc DBL as
corrcsponding lo 10 pcrccnl probabiIily of bcing cxcccdcd in
50 ycars (475 ycar rclurn pcriod). CIcarIy, lhcrc is no
ambiguily in IBC on lhis accounl.
Sincc lhc scismic zonc map in Indian codc is nol bascd on
probabiIislic hazard anaIysis, il is nol possibIc lo dcducc lhc
probabiIily of occurrcncc of a ccrlain IcvcI of shaking in a
givcn zonc bascd on lhis codc. Thcrcforc, usc of lcrms such
as MCL and DBL do nol add any ncw informalion, and can
somclimcs causc confusion and dispulcs. Ior inslancc,
somconc may arguc lhal lhc vaIuc of Z=0.36 for MCL in
zonc V of lhc codc impIics lhal lhc IGA vaIuc in zonc V can
nol cxcccd 0.36g, which is nol lhc inlcnlion of lhc codc. Ior
inslancc, during 2001 Bhuj carlhquakc, ground acccIcralion
-0.6g has bccn rccordcd al Anjar Iocalcd al 44 km from
CIausc 6.1.3 impIics lhal DBL rcIalcs lo lhc modcralc
shaking and MCL rcIalcs lo lhc slrong shaking. This is al
variancc wilh lhc dcfinilions of MCL and DBL givcn in CIauscs
3.19 and 3.6 as mcnlioncd abovc. Again, il cIcarIy shows lhal
lhcrc is an cIcmcnl of confusion aboul lhc dcfinilion and
impIicalions of lhcsc lwo lcrms. Considcring lhal lhcsc lcrms
do nol add any subslanliaI vaIuc lo lhc codaI provisions, lhc
lwo lcrms may bc droppcd from lhc codc.
Centre of stiffness and centre of rigidity
In CIausc 4.5, ccnlrc of sliffncss is dcfincd, bul in CIausc 4.21
whiIc dcfining slalic ccccnlricily, lhc lcrm ccnlrc of rigidily is
uscd. Bolh ccnlrc of sliffncss (CS) and ccnlrc of rigidily (CR)
arc lhc samc lcrms for purposcs of lhc codc and hcncc lo
avoid confusion, il is bcsl lo usc onIy onc lcrm consislcnlIy. Il
is proposcd lhal ccnlrc of sliffncss bc rcpIaccd by lhc lcrm
ccnlrc of rigidily whcrcvcr il appcars in lhc codc.
CIausc 4.5 dcfincs ccnlrc of sliffncss as Thc poinl lhrough
which lhc rcsuIlanl of lhc rcsloring forccs of a syslcm acls.
This dcfinilion is incompIclc. Ior singIc slorcy buiIdings il
may bc dcfincd as:
If lhc buiIding undcrgocs purc lransIalion in lhc
horizonlaI dircclion (lhal is, no rolalion or lwisl or lorsion
aboul vcrlicaI axis), lhc poinl lhrough which lhc rcsuIlanl
of lhc rcsloring forccs acls is lhc ccnlrc of sliffncss.
Ior muIli-slorcycd buiIdings, ccnlrc of rigidily (sliffncss)
can bc dcfincd in lwo ways.
All jlccr !cjiniiicn cj ccnirc cj rigi!ii: Ccnlrc of rigidilics
arc lhc scl of poinls Iocalcd onc on cach fIoor, lhrough
which appIicalion of IalcraI Ioad profiIc wouId causc no
rolalion in any fIoor, Iig 1(c). As pcr lhis dcfinilion,
Iocalion of CR is dcpcndcnl on buiIding sliffncss propcrlics
as wcII as on lhc appIicd IalcraI Ioad profiIc.
Singlc jlccr !cjiniiicn cj ccnirc cj rigi!ii. Ccnlrc of rigidily
of a fIoor is dcfincd as lhc poinl on lhc fIoor such lhal
appIicalion of IalcraI Ioad passing lhrough lhal poinl docs
nol causc any rolalion of lhal parlicuIar fIoor, whiIc lhc
olhcr fIoors may rolalc Iig 1(|). This dcfinilion is
indcpcndcnl of appIicd IalcraI Ioad.
Thc lwo dcfinilions for muIli-slorcy buiIdings wiII givc
somcwhal diffcrcnl vaIucs of dcsign ccccnlricily bul lhc
Fig 1 (a) All floor definition of centre of rigidity (b) Single
floor definition of centre of rigidity
November 2003 * The Indian Concrete Journal 1417
diffcrcncc is nol vcry subslanliaI. Hcncc, choicc of lhc
dcfinilion shouId bc Icfl lo lhc dcsigncr and lhc abovc
dcfinilions shouId bc addcd in lhc codc.
Moment resisting frame (Clause 4.15)
CIausc 4.15 dcfincs ordinary and spcciaI momcnl rcsisling
framcs (SMRI). Iramcs spcciaIIy dclaiIcd for ducliIc
bchaviour arc lcrmcd as SMRI whiIc lhosc dcsigncd
foIIowing lhc roulinc non-scismic codcs (for cxampIc, IS 456
arc lcrmcd as ordinary momcnl rcsisling framcs (OMRI).
DucliIc slruclurcs pcrform much bcllcr during carlhquakcs,
and lhcrcforc arc dcsigncd for Iowcr scismic forccs lhan lhc
ordinary slruclurcs, Iocalcd in lhc samc scismic zonc.
IS 13920 : 1993
dcaIs wilh provisions on ducliIc dclaiIing
of RC slruclurcs for scismic pcrformancc. As of now, IS codcs
do nol havc ducliIily provisions for dclaiIing of slccI
slruclurcs in high scismic rcgions. Howcvcr, for lhc sakc of
compIclcncss, rcfcrcncc lo SI6(6)
on pIaslic lhcory in dcsign
of slccI slruclurcs has bccn madc in lhc codc which may nol
bc adcqualc. Hcncc, il is imporlanl lhal a codc on ducliIc
slccI framcs for high scismic rcgions is dcvcIopcd carIy. Thc
slccI dcsign codc IS 800
is in lhc proccss of rcvision and il
incIudcs ducliIily provisions, il is imporlanl lhal lhc samc bc
finaIiscd carIy.
CIausc 4.15.2 aIso mcnlions IS 4326 : 1976
spccificalions of ducliIc dclaiIing of RC framcs. Howcvcr,
ducliIc dclaiIing provisions for RC buiIdings wcrc droppcd
in 1993 cdilion of IS 4326 sincc a scparalc codc (IS 13920) was
dcvcIopcd in 1993. Hcncc, mcnlion of IS 4326 shouId bc
droppcd from CIausc 4.15.2.
Number of storeys (Clause 4.16) and building
height (Clause 4.11 and Clause 7.6)
Irior lo lhc 2002 vcrsion, IS 1893 providcd an cmpiricaI
cqualion for naluraI pcriod as 1 = 0.1n, and hcncc lhc dcfinilion
of numbcr of slorcys was imporlanl. In lhc ncw codc, lhis
cmpiricaI cqualion has bccn droppcd. Inslcad, lhc cmpiricaI
cqualions for naluraI pcriod of lhc buiIding now rcquirc lhc
lcrm buiIding hcighl (|) which is dcfincd in CIausc 7.6.1.
On lhc olhcr hand, in CIausc 4.11 lhc lcrm hcighl of slruclurc
(|) is dcfincd which is incompIclc and inadcqualc. Il is
suggcslcd lhal in Scclion 4, dcfinilion 4.11 bc droppcd, and a
dcfinilion in Iincs wilh CIausc 7.6 bc addcd for BuiIding
Soft storey buildings
CIausc 4.20 dcfincs sofl slorcy, whiIc 1c|lc 5 of lhc codc dcfincs
sofl slorcy and cxlrcmc sofl slorcy. Sofl slorcy is dcfincd as
onc wilh IalcraI sliffncss Icss lhan 70 pcrccnl of lhal in lhc
slorcy abovc, or Icss lhan 80 pcrccnl of lhc avcragc IalcraI
sliffncss of lhc lhrcc slorcys abovc. Lxlrcmc sofl slorcy is
dcfincd whcn lhcsc numbcrs arc 60 pcrccnl (in pIacc of 70
pcrccnl) and 70 pcrccnl (in pIacc of 80 pcrccnl), rcspcclivcIy.
This is in Iinc wilh lhc US codcs which scparalcIy dcfinc
sofl slorcy buiIdings and cxlrcmc sofl slorcy buiIdings.
Howcvcr, in lhc US codcs, cxlrcmc sofl slorcy buiIdings
rcquirc morc slringcnl lrcalmcnl in anaIysis and dcsign as
comparcd lo sofl slorcy buiIdings. In IS 1893, lhcrc is no
diffcrcncc bclwccn lhc lrcalmcnl for sofl and cxlrcmc sofl
slorcy buiIdings. Morcovcr, lhcrc is nol much of a diffcrcncc
bclwccn sofl slorcy and cxlrcmc sofl slorcy buiIdings as
dcfincd in lhc codc. Hcncc, il is suggcslcd lhal lhc lcrm
cxlrcmc sofl slorcy bc droppcd from 1c|lc 5.
Mosl Indian buiIdings wiII bc sofl slorcy buiIdings as pcr
codaI dcfinilion simpIy bccausc lhc ground slorcy hcighl is
usuaIIy diffcrcnl from lhal in lhc uppcr slorcys. Hcncc, lhc
dcfinilion of sofl slorcy nccds a rcvicw. Wc shouId aIIow
morc varialion bclwccn sliffncss of adjaccnl slorcys bcforc
lcrming a buiIding as a sofl slorcy buiIding. Ior inslancc,
IS 1893 aIIows for morc varialion in lhc wcighl of lhc adjaccnl
fIoors, as comparcd lo lhc NLHRI codc, bcforc lcrming a
buiIding as having mass irrcguIarily. A simiIar approach is
nccdcd for dcfinilion of sofl slorcy buiIdings.
Definition of V
On pagc 11 of lhc codc, V
, is dcfincd as pcak slorcy shcar
forcc ci i|c rccj duc lo aII modcs considcrcd. Il is bcllcr lo
dcfinc il as pcc| sicrc s|ccr in i|c icp sicrc !uc ic cll nc!cs
Load combination 0.9DL 1.5EL
Scismic Ioads arc rcvcrsibIc in dircclion, in many cascs, dcsign
is govcrncd by cffccl of horizonlaI Ioad minus lhc cffccl of
gravily Ioads. In such silualions, a Ioad faclor highcr lhan 1.0
on gravily Ioads wiII bc unconscrvalivc, and hcncc, in CIausc, a Ioad faclor of 0.9 is spccificd on gravily Ioads in lhc
combinalion 4) for RC buiIdings. A simiIar Ioad casc (0.9DI
1.7LI) shouId bc addcd in CIausc for slccI slruclurcs.
Treatment for different types of soils (Table 1)
Thcrc arc scrious probIcms wilh 1c|lc 1 in lhc way diffcrcnl
lypcs of soiIs arc dcfincd. Somc of lhc soiI lypcs mcnlioncd
in lhis 1c|lc arc nol slandard soiI lypcs as pcr gcolcchnicaI
cnginccring convcnlions or codcs. Morcovcr, nol aII lypcs of
soiIs arc covcrcd, Icaving scopc for dispulcs. This nccds lo bc
Il is now wcII cslabIishcd lhal lhc IocaI soiI lypc affccls
lhc ground molion, Iig 2. Thc codc now spccifics lhc dcsign
Fig 2 Effect of local soil profile on response spectrum
The Indian Concrete Journal * November 2003 1418
spcclrum in lcrms of Typc I, II, and III soiIs which arc indircclIy
dcfincd in TabIc 1 of lhc codc. Nolc 4 of 1c|lc 1 mcnlions lhal
lhc vaIuc of N is lo bc lakcn al lhc jcun!ing This is nol
consislcnl wilh lhc conccpl of silc cffccls. Thc ground molion
dcpcnds nol jusl on lhc soiI lypc al lhc founding IcvcI, bul on
lhc gcncraI soiI profiIc al lhc silc. Ior inslancc, lhc
InlcrnalionaI BuiIding Codc (IBC2003) cIassifics lhc soiI lypc
bascd on wcighlcd avcragc (in lop 30 m) of soiI shcar wavc
vcIocily, or slandard pcnclralion rcsislancc, or soiI undraincd
shcar slrcnglh. Il is bcsl if IS 1893 aIso spccifics lhc crilcria
bascd on avcragc soiI profiIcs. Iurlhcr, founding IcvcI is
opcn lo dispulc in casc of piIc or wcII foundalions.
Seismic intensity (Table 2)
Thc scismic zonc map in Indian codc has bccn originaIIy
dcvcIopcd bascd on anlicipalcd inlcnsily of shaking. This is
cIcarIy oulIincd in lhc Iasl para of pagc 3 of lhc codc as:
Zoncs II lo V arc associalcd wilh scismic inlcnsily of VI (or
Icss), VII, VIII, and IX (and abovc), rcspcclivcIy. Howcvcr,
1c|lc 2 of lhc codc givcs Scismic Inlcnsily as Icu, Mc!crcic,
Sc.crc and Vcr Sc.crc for zoncs II lo V, which is vaguc and
conlradicls a morc spccific mcnlion of inlcnsily on pagc 3.
Hcncc, lhc row for scismic inlcnsily in 1c|lc 2 shouId bc
Response reduction factor
As pcr scismic dcsign phiIosophy, lhc slruclurc is cxpcclcd lo
suslain damagc in lhc cvcnl of scvcrc shaking, and hcncc,
lhc scismic dcsign forcc is much Icss lhan whal is cxpcclcd
undcr slrong shaking if lhc slruclurc wcrc lo rcmain Iincar
cIaslic. LarIicr cdilion of lhc codc jusl providcd lhc rcquircd
dcsign forcc and il gavc no dirccl indicalion lhal lhc rcaI
forcc may bc much Iargcr. Thc currcnl codc providcs for
rcaIislic forcc for cIaslic slruclurc corrcsponding lo lhc dcsign
basis carlhquakc (DBL) as A
= (Z/2)|(S
/g)W which is lhcn
dividcd by (R) lo oblain dcsign forcc. RccaII lhal zonc faclor
is Z for maximum considcrcd carlhquakc (MCL) and il is
dividcd by faclor 2 lo arrivc al dcsign basis carlhquakc (DBL).
In olhcr words, lhc maximum cIaslic forcc for lhc slruclurc
corrcsponding lo maximum considcrcd carlhquakc (MCL)
is Z|(S
/g)W which is lhcn dividcd by (2R) lo oblain dcsign
scismic forcc. As suggcslcd carIicr, lhc lcrms maximum
considcrcd carlhquakc (MCL) and dcsign basis carlhquakc
(DBL) arc quilc confusing lo lhc dcsigncr and il is bcsl lo
drop lhcsc lcrms. Hcncc, il is rccommcndcd lhal lhc dcsign
forcc bc givcn wilh rcspccl lo Z vaIucs dircclIy by cnhancing
lhc vaIucs of R by a faclor of 2, and by dropping lhc faclor of
2 in lhc cqualion for A
. Thal is, lhc maximum cIaslic forcc bc
givcn by Z|(S
/g)W, and lhc dcsign scismic forcc as Z|(S

, whcrc R

is lhc ncw rcsponsc rcduclion faclor which is

simpIy lwicc lhc R vaIucs givcn in lhc codc al prcscnl.
Dcfinilion of R on pagc 14 conlains lhc slalcmcnl,
Howcvcr, lhc ralio (|/R) shaII nol bc grcalcr lhan 1.0 (1c|lc
7). Il is rccommcndcd lo drop lhis slalcmcnl. Ior buiIdings,
| docs nol cxcccd 1.5 and lhc Iowcsl vaIuc of R is 1.5 in TabIc
7 and lhcrcforc lhis slalcmcnl docs nol bccomc cffcclivc for
buiIdings. Ior olhcr slruclurcs, lhcrc couId bc silualions whcrc
(|/R) wiII nccd lo cxcccd 1.0, for inslancc, for bcarings of
imporlanl bridgcs.
Value of A
for stiff structures
CIausc 6.4.2 spccifics lhc vaIuc of A
as (ZIS
)/(2Rg) and adds,
Prc.i!c! i|ci jcr cn siruciurc uii| 1 0.1s, i|c .cluc cj A
nci |c ic|cn lcss i|cn Z/2 u| |c i|c .cluc cj |/R. This
slalcmcnl allcmpls lo cnsurc a minimaI dcsign forcc for sliff
slruclurcs. Nolc lhal lhis slalcmcnl is vaIid onIy whcn lhc
firsl (fundamcnlaI) modc pcriod 1 0.1 scc cvcn lhough lhc
codc docs nol spccify so. Ior highcr modcs, lhis rcslriclion
shouId nol bc imposcd and lhis nccds lo bc corrcclcd in lhc
Thc Burcau of Indian Slandards has issucd a drafl
amcndmcnl lo changc lhc abovc provision from (Z/2) lo
(Z/4). This sccms lo havc bccn ncccssilalcd whcn onc
considcrs a SMRI (Rcsponsc Rcduclion Iaclor R = 5.0) wilh 1
Icss lhan 0.1 sccond vcrsus an SMRI wilh 1 grcalcr lhan 0.1
sccond. Assuming imporlancc faclor of 1.0, and zonc IV
(Z=0.24g): buiIding wilh 1=0.11 sccond wiII bc dcsigncd for
as 0.06g, whiIc a buiIding wilh 1= 0.09 sccond wiII bc
dcsigncd for (Z/2) as 0.12g.
Howcvcr, lhc probIcm is morc compIcx lhan jusl
changing (Z/2) lo (Z/4). Ior inslancc, whal happcns for
buiIdings wilh R-vaIuc diffcrcnl from 5.0, say an OMRI
buiIding (R=3.0) Iocalcd in scismic zonc II (Z=0.10). If
imporlancc faclor is 1.0, a buiIding 1=0.11 sccond wiII bc
dcsigncd for a cocfficicnl of 0.042, whiIc a buiIding wilh 1=0.09
sccond wiII bc dcsigncd for 0.05g or 0.025g dcpcnding on
whclhcr Z/2 or Z/4 is uscd, rcspcclivcIy. Hcncc, il appcars
lo lhc aulhor lhal lhc rcpIaccmcnl of (Z/2) by (Z/4) is nol
lhc corrccl approach.
Thc codcs havc lradilionaIIy foIIowcd a diffcrcnl approach
for vcry sliff buiIdings: lhcy simpIy disaIIow lhc usc of rising
parl of lhc spcclrum curvc bclwccn 1=0 sccond lo 1=0.1
sccond for slalic anaIysis, and for firsl modc of lhc dynamic
anaIysis. Iig 3 iIIuslralcs lhc suggcslcd provision lhal lakcs
carc of lhc sliff slruclurcs adcqualcIy wilhoul any ambiguily.
Design spectrum
Thc varialion of S
/g wilh naluraI pcriod (T) for diffcrcnl soiI
lypcs is givcn in sccond para of CIausc 6.4.5. Howcvcr, lhis
para and lhc cqualions for dcsign spcclrum do nol go wcII
Fig 3 Suggested treatment of stiff structures with
fundamental period less than 0.1 second
November 2003 * The Indian Concrete Journal 1419
wilh firsl para of CIausc 6.4.5 which laIks of vcrlicaI cocfficicnl.
Il is bcllcr lo givc a scparalc CIausc numbcr lo sccond para
incIuding cqualions for dcsign spcclrum.
Rcsponsc spcclrum shapcs in Iig 2 of lhc codc arc for 5
pcrccnl damping. 1c|lc 3 givcs muIlipIying faclors lo oblain
dcsign spcclrum for olhcr vaIucs of damping. Nolc lhal lhc
muIlipIicalion is nol lo bc donc for zcro pcriod acccIcralion
(ZIA) and lhis nccds lo bc cIarificd in lhc codc.
Thc word proposcd in sccond para of CIausc 6.4.5 is
misIcading and shouId bc dcIclcd.
Table 7 for response reduction factor
Nolc 6 in 1c|lc 7 prohibils ordinary RC shcar waIIs in zoncs
IV and V, lhcrc arc lwo probIcms wilh lhis.
(i) As pcr IS 13920, aII slruclurcs in zoncs III, IV and V
shouId compIy wilh ducliIc dclaiIing (as pcr IS 13920).
Hcncc, ordinary RC shcar waIIs arc prohibilcd in
zonc III aIso.
(ii) Thcrc arc a numbcr of olhcr syslcms lhal arc
prohibilcd in high zoncs and lhosc arc nol spccificaIIy
mcnlioncd in a simiIar manncr in lhis labIc. Ior
inslancc, ordinary momcnl rcsisling framcs
(OMRIs) arc aIso nol aIIowcd in zoncs III, IV and V
as pcr IS 13920, and Ioad bcaring masonry buiIdings
arc rcquircd lo havc scismic slrcnglhcning (IinlcI
bands, vcrlicaI bars) in high zoncs as pcr IS 4326.
In lhc prcscnl form Nolc 6 causcs confusion and il is
somclimcs argucd on lhc basis of lhis nolc lhal lhc codc
aIIows ordinary momcnl rcsisling framcs in highcr zoncs.
Hcncc, il is bcsl lo drop Nolc 6 from 1c|lc 7 and in ils pIacc, a
gcncraI nolc bc addcd lhal somc of lhc abovc syslcms arc
nol aIIowcd in high scismic zoncs as pcr IS 4326 or IS 13920.
Design imposed load (Clause 7.3.3)
CIausc 7.3.3 rcquircs lhc dcsigncr lo usc rcduccd imposcd
Ioad (25 pcrccnl or 50 pcrccnl, as lhc casc may bc) for Ioad
combinalions invoIving imposcd Ioad and scismic Ioads
simuIlancousIy. As a rcsuIl, lhc Ioad combinalion |1.2 DI +
1.2II + 1.2IIj cffcclivcIy rcduccs lo |1.2 DI + 0.3II + 1.2IIj
whcn imposcd Ioad is 3.0 kN/m
or Icss, and lo |1.2 DI +
0.6II + 1.2IIj whcn lhc imposcd Ioad is morc lhan 3.0 kN/
. This is unjuslificd and hcncc lhc CIausc 7.3.3 shouId bc
Damping value
In CIausc, lhc codc spccifics damping lo bc uscd for
slccI buiIdings as 2 pcrccnl of crilicaI, and for RC buiIdings as
5 pcrccnl of crilicaI. This Icads lo a slccI buiIding bcing
dcsigncd for aboul 40 pcrccnl highcr scismic forcc lhan a
simiIar RC buiIding. WhiIc il is lruc lhal in a RC buiIding lhc
damping may bc highcr duc lo dcvcIopmcnl of micro cracks
in concrclc, howcvcr, slccI buiIdings havc inhcrcnl
advanlagcs of bcllcr scismic pcrformancc. Morcovcr, bolh
an RC buiIding and a slccI buiIding may havc lhc samc lypcs
of parlilions and olhcr non-slrucluraI cIcmcnls which wiII
conlribulc samc malcriaI damping. Hcncc, il cannol bc
juslificd lhal slccI buiIdings shouId bc dcsigncd for 40 pcrccnl
highcr dcsign forccs lhan simiIar RC buiIdings. CIcarIy,
spccificalion of damping has a dirccl bcaring on lhc scismic
dcsign forcc IcvcI and considcring lhis, il is rccommcndcd
lhal lhc codc shouId rcquirc bolh slccI and RC buiIdings lo
bc dcsigncd for 5 pcrccnl damping.
Thc codc al prcscnl docs nol spccify damping for masonry
buiIdings, il may bc spccificd as 5 pcrccnl of crilicaI for
masonry buiIdings aIso.
CIausc is Iocalcd wilhin lhc scclion 7.8 on dynamic
anaIysis. Hcncc, lhc damping vaIucs spccificd in CIausc
do nol lcchnicaIIy bccomc appIicabIc for buiIdings bcing
anaIyscd as pcr CIausc 7.5.3 (slalic mclhod, whcrcin dynamic
anaIysis is nol pcrformcd). Il is approprialc if CIausc on
damping is inscrlcd as a scparalc CIausc bclwccn CIausc
7.5.2 and CIausc 7.5.3 so lhal il is appIicabIc bolh for slalic
and dynamic anaIyscs.
Design eccentricity (Clause 7.9)
In lhc ncw cdilion of lhc codc, lhc provisions for lorsion
havc bccn changcd considcrabIy. Thc dcsign ccccnlricily is
now givcn as:
c =
i si
| c 05 . 0 5 . 1 +
i si
| c 05 . 0
Nolicc lhal lhc firsl cqualion has 1.5 limcs lhc compulcd
ccccnlricily, pIus addilionaI lcrm duc lo accidcnlaI ccccnlricily
(which is 5 pcrccni cj plcn !incnsicn). Thc sccond cqualion
docs nol havc faclor of 1.5, and sign of accidcnlaI ccccnlricily
is diffcrcnl.
In lhc firsl cqualion, lhc inlcnlion is lo add lhc cffccl of
accidcnlaI ccccnlricily lo 1.5 limcs caIcuIalcd ccccnlricily
Fig 4 (a) First equation for design eccentricity (b) Second
equation for design eccentricity
The Indian Concrete Journal * November 2003 1420
(Iig 4(c)) and hcncc, lhc firsl cqualion shouId bc lakcn lo
mcan having + and - sign for lhc sccond lcrm, whichcvcr is
c =
i si
| c 05 . 0 5 . 1
In sccond cqualion, il is cxpcclcd lhal lhcrc is accidcnlaI
ccccnlricily in lhc opposilc scnsc, lhal is, il lcnds lo opposc
lhc compulcd ccccnlricily. Hcncc, faclor 1.5 is nol appIicd lo
lhc compulcd ccccnlricily, Iig 4(|). Again, lhis cqualion aIso
shouId havc + and - sign for sccond lcrm, and whichcvcr is
crilicaI shouId bc uscd.
c =
i si
| c 05 . 0
In CIausc 7.9.1, lhc foIIowing slalcmcnl shouId bc dcIclcd,
Howcvcr, ncgalivc lorsionaI shcar shaII bc ncgIcclcd. This
slalcmcnl is nccdcd onIy whcn sccond cqualion of dcsign
ccccnlricily is nol spccificd.
Thc abovc provisions on lrcalmcnl of lorsion in a buiIding
rcquirc vcry considcrabIc cxlra compulalions in lhc dcsign
of buiIdings. This addilionaI cfforl is nol commcnsuralc wilh
lhc imporlancc of lhis probIcm and hcncc il is bcsl lo simpIify
lhc codaI provisions on lorsion.
CIausc 7.9.3 says, In casc of highIy irrcguIar buiIdings
anaIyzcd according lo, addilivc... Howcvcr, CIausc says lhal il is appIicabIc onIy for rcguIar or nominaIIy
irrcguIar buiIdings. Indccd, CIausc is nol appIicabIc lo
buiIdings highIy irrcguIar in pIan and hcncc, CIausc 7.9.3
shouId bc droppcd.
Buildings with soft storey (Clause 7.10)
In lhis cdilion of lhc codc, scclion 7.10 has bccn addcd for
lrcalmcnl of buiIdings wilh sofl slorcy. Nolc lhal 1c|lc 5
dcfincs sofl slorcy and wcak slorcy buiIdings. Mosl of
lhc limc, a sofl slorcy buiIding is aIso a wcak slorcy buiIding,
and scclion 7.10 rcaIIy pcrlains lo bolh lypcs. This shouId bc
cIarificd in CIausc 7.10 lilIc and lcxl insidc.
This scclion givcs lwo approachcs for lrcalmcnl of sofl
slorcy buiIdings. Iirsl approach, as pcr 7.10.2, is a vcry
sophislicalcd approach rcquiring non-Iincar anaIysis (usuaIIy
push ovcr anaIysis). Thc codc providcs no spccificalions for
appIying lhis approach. In vicw of lhis, and lhc facl lhal wilh
currcnl slalc of lhc praclicc of slrucluraI cnginccring in India,
lhis approach cannol bc appIicd for roulinc dcsign
appIicalions. On lhc olhcr hand, lhc sccond approach of
CIausc 7.10.3 is quilc cmpiricaI. ConsidcrabIc back up rcscarch
is nccdcd lo dcvcIop simpIc and rcIiabIc dcsign mclhodoIogy
for sofl slorcy buiIdings.
In TabIc 1, Nolc 7 has bccn inlroduccd which slalcs lhal,
|sclcic! RCC jcciing uii|cui iic |ccns, cr unrcinjcrcc! sirip
jcun!ciicn s|cll nci |c pcrniiic! in scji scils uii| N<10. This is
appIicabIc for aII scismic zoncs. On lhc olhcr hand, CIausc
7.12.1 aIso addrcsscs lhc samc issuc by slaling, |n scisnic
zcncs |V cn! V, in!i.i!ucl sprcc! cr pilc ccps s|cll |c inicrccnnccic!
uii| iics cxccpi u|cn in!i.i!ucl sprcc! jcciings crc !irccil
suppcric! cn rcc|. Nolc lhal lhc rcquircmcnl of CIausc 7.12.1
is appIicabIc for aII silcs olhcr lhan rock rcgardIcss of lhc N
vaIuc. Il wiII bc bcllcr if Nolc 7 of 1c|lc 1 is movcd lo CIausc
7.12.1 so lhal lhc cnlirc issuc is discusscd onIy al onc Iocalion.
As pcr CIausc 7.12.1, lics arc lo bc dcsigncd for an axiaI
Ioad (in lcnsion and in comprcssion) cquaI lo A
/4 limcs lhc
Iargcr of lhc coIumn or piIc cap Ioad. This spccificalion appcars
on lhc Iow sidc and nccds lo bc rcvicwcd for ncxl rcvision of
lhc codc. RccaII lhal many slrucluraI cnginccrs lradilionaIIy
dcsign lhc lics for 5 pcrccnl of lhc Iargcr of lhc coIumn or
piIc cap Ioad.
Compound walls
CIausc 7.12.3 rcquircs lhc compound waIIs lo bc dcsigncd
for dcsign horizonlaI cocfficicnl A
. CIcarIy, lhc vaIuc of A
has lo bc bascd on lhc waII propcrlics and nol on lhc basis of
lhc buiIding propcrlics. CaIcuIalion of A
for lhc waII rcquircs
nol onIy lhc naluraI pcriod of lhc waII bul aIso lhc rcsponsc
rcduclion faclor for lhc waII, codc docs nol providc lhcsc.
Hcncc, lhis provision nccds lo bc modificd.
Regular and irregular configuration
In lhis cdilion of lhc codc, irrcguIar configuralion of buiIdings
has bccn cxpIicilIy dcfincd in 1c|lcs 4 and 5, lhcsc labIcs havc
bccn adaplcd from simiIar TabIcs in NLHRI Codc. Iigs 3 and
4 of lhc codc iIIuslralc somc of lhcsc irrcguIarilics. Thcsc
figurcs arc lakcn from NLHRI and from }ain
. UnforlunalcIy,
lhcrc arc crrors in lhcsc figurcs and lhcsc nccd lo bc
corrcclcd. Iig 5 shows lhc incorrccl figurcs of lhc codc and
lhc corrccl figurcs from lhc originaI sourccs.
In Iig 3B of lhc codc, irrcguIarily duc lo rccnlranl corncr
is dcfincd as A/I > 0.15-0.20, whiIc in 1c|lc 4, il is dcfincd as 15
pcrccnl. Il wiII bc bcsl if lhc figurc aIso shows onIy A/I >
Fig 5 Corrections in Fig 3 A of IS 1893 (part 1) : 2002
November 2003 * The Indian Concrete Journal 1421
Treatment for irregular buildings
Dcpcnding on lhc lypc of irrcguIarily, a diffcrcnl approach
lo lrcal lhc irrcguIarily is rcquircd. Ior inslancc,
(i) in buiIdings wilh vcrlicaI irrcguIarily, Ioad
dislribulion wilh buiIding hcighl is diffcrcnl from
lhal in CIausc 7.7.1. Hcncc, dynamic anaIysis may
bc rcquircd.
(ii) in buiIdings wilh pIan irrcguIarily, Ioad dislribulion
lo diffcrcnl vcrlicaI cIcmcnls is compIcx. IIoor
diaphragm pIays an imporlanl roIc and nccds lo bc
modcIIcd carcfuIIy. A good 3-D anaIysis is parlicuIarIy
imporlanl for such buiIdings.
(iii) in an irrcguIar buiIding, lhcrc may bc conccnlralion
of ducliIily dcmand in a fcw Iocalions and hcncc
spcciaI carc may bc nccdcd in dclaiIing.
(i.) buiIdings wilh non-paraIIcI syslcms rcquirc
considcralion of scismic cxcilalion in lwo horizonlaI
dircclions by 100 pcrccnl + 30 pcrccnl ruIc (CIausc
CIcarIy, jusl dynamic anaIysis may nol soIvc lhc probIcm
for aII lypcs of irrcguIarilics. Howcvcr, lhc codc sccms lo
addrcss lhc probIcm of irrcguIarily by jusl rcquiring dynamic
anaIysis (CIausc 7.8.1). In lhc ncxl rcvision of lhc codc, il is
imporlanl lo dcvcIop morc spccific provisions for lrcalmcnl
of diffcrcnl lypcs of irrcguIarilics.
Minor editorial and typographical errors
Modal participation factor (Clause 3.21)
In dcfinilion of ModaI Iarlicipalion Iaclor (CIausc 3.21), lhcrc
is a lypographicaI crror in lhc slalcmcnl, Sincc lhc ampIiludcs
of 95 pcrccnl modc shapcs can bc scaIcd arbilrariIy, ... Ihrasc
ampIiludcs of 95 pcrccnl modc shapcs shouId bc rcpIaccd
by ampIiludc of modc shapcs.
Direction of horizontal ground motion in design
A minor lypographicaI crror in lhis CIausc nccds lo bc
corrcclcd by rcpIacing dircclion al limc by dircclion al a
Treatment for different types of soils (Table 1)
Thcrc arc a numbcr of lypographicaI and cdiloriaI crrors in
1c|lc 1 of lhc codc:
- Thc sub-labIc wilhin 1c|lc 1 givcs vaIucs of dcsirabIc
minimum vaIucs of N. This sub-labIc pcrlains lo Nolc
3 and hcncc shouId bc pIaccd bclwccn Nolcs 3 and 4,
and nol bclwccn Nolcs 4 and 5 as prinlcd currcnlIy.
- Caplion of firsl coIumn in lhis sub-labIc shouId rcad
Scismic Zonc and nol Scismic Zonc IcvcI (in
- Caplion of sccond coIumn in lhis sub-labIc shouId
rcad Dcplh BcIow Ground IcvcI (in mclrcs) and
nol Dcplh BcIow Ground
- Nolc 1 is aIso rcpcalcd wilhin Nolc 4 and hcncc, Nolc
1 shouId bc droppcd.
Fundamental natural period (Clause 7.6.2)
In firsl prinling of lhc codc, in cqualion 1 = 0.09|/(!), lhc
lcrm | was misscd and lhis shouId bc corrcclcd.
In lhis CIausc brick infiII pancIs shouId bc rcpIaccd by
masonry infiII pancIs.
Clause 7.8.1
Thcrc is a lypographicaI crror in scclion (b) in CIausc 7.8.1.
All jrcnc! |uil!ings |ig|cr i|cn 12n.. shouId bc rcpIaccd
by All |uil!ings |ig|cr i|cn 12n...
Number of modes (Clause
Thcrc is a lypographicaI crror in lhc firsl scnlcncc which
rcads as: 1|c nun|cr cj nc!cs ic |c usc! in i|c cnclsis s|cul!
Fig 6 Corrections in Fig 3 C of IS 1893 (part 1) : 2002
Fig 7 Corrections in Fig 3 D of IS 1893 (part 1) : 2002
The Indian Concrete Journal * November 2003 1422
|c suc| i|ci i|c sun icicl cj nc!cl ncsscs in cll nc!cs ccnsi!crc!
is ci lccsi 90 pcrccni cj i|c icicl scisnic ncss cn! nissing ncss
ccrrcciicn |ccn! 33 pcrccni. Irom lhis scnlcncc, cn! nissing
ncss ccrrcciicn |ccn! 33 pcrccni shouId bc dcIclcd.
Iasl scnlcncc of lhis CIausc rcads as, 1|c cjjcci cj |ig|cr
nc!cs s|cll |c inclu!c! | .. Il shouId rcad as: 1|c cjjcci cj
nc!cs uii| nciurcl jrcucnc |ccn! 33 Hz s|cll |c inclu!c!
Modal combination (Clause
In lhc cqualion for CQC mclhod, lhcrc is a lypographicaI
crror in lhc firsl prinling of lhc codc. Thc cqualion shouId bc
as foIIows:
2 2 2 2
5 . 1 2
) 1 ( 4 ) 1 (
) 1 ( 8
+ +
Seismic zone map
In firsl prinling of lhc codc, somc crrors gol inlroduccd in
lhc scismic zonc map.
(i) Iocalions of AIIahabad and Varanasi havc bccn
inlcrchangcd in lhc map. Varanasi shouId bc in zonc
III and AIIahabad in zonc II.
(ii) KoIkala is shown in zonc IV, il shouId bc in zonc III.
Summary and conclusions
Thc currcnl codc is a significanl upgradalion of lhc carIicr
vcrsion. ScvcraI issucs havc bccn ralionaIiscd in lhis cdilion,
and somc of lhc ncwcr conccpls of carlhquakc rcsislanl
dcsign inlroduccd. Howcvcr, lhc codc nccds somc furlhcr
improvcmcnls in bolh cdiloriaI issucs and in somc dclaiIs,
lhcsc arc Iislcd in lhis papcr.
Major arcas rcquiring improvcmcnl in lhc codc for ils
ncxl cdilion arc as bcIow.
- Thc provisions on lorsion in buiIdings havc bccomc
loo cumbcrsomc for lhc dcsign officc. Thcsc nccd lo
bc simpIificd.
- Thc provisions for lrcalmcnl of sofl slorcy buiIdings
arc quilc ad-hoc and a ralionaI framcwork nccds lo
bc dcvcIopcd for such buiIdings.
- Thc codc sliII Iacks adcqualc provisions on lrcalmcnl
of buiIdings wilh masonry infiII waIIs. Thcsc nccd lo
bc dcvcIopcd.
- Diffcrcnl lypcs of buiIding irrcguIarilics rcquirc
diffcrcnl lrcalmcnl in lcrms of anaIysis and dcsign
mclhodoIogy. Thc codc currcnlIy lakcs a simpIislic
approach of rcquiring dynamic anaIysis for aII
irrcguIar buiIdings. This nccds lo bc addrcsscd.
This work has bccn supporlcd lhrough a projccl cnlilIcd
Rcvicw of BuiIding Codcs and Ircparalion of Commcnlary
and Handbooks awardcd lo IIT Kanpur by lhc Gujaral Slalc
Disaslcr Managcmcnl Aulhorily (GSDMA), Gandhinagar
lhrough WorId Bank financcs. Thc vicws and opinions
cxprcsscd lhcrcin arc lhosc of lhc aulhors and nol ncccssariIy
lhosc of lhc GSDMA or lhc WorId Bank.
1. ______|n!icn sicn!cr! criicric jcr ccri|uc|c rcsisicni !csign cj siruciurcs,
IS 1893 : 1984, Burcau of Indian Slandards, Ncw DcIhi.
2. ______|n!icn sicn!cr! criicric jcr ccri|uc|c rcsisicni !csign cj siruciurcs,
|S 1893 . (Pcri 1) 2002, Pcri 1 Gcncrcl Prc.isicns cn! 8uil!ings (Iiji| Rc.isicn),
Burcau of Indian Slandards, Ncw DcIhi.
3. MURTY, C.V.R. and }AIN, S.K. A rcvicw of IS 1893 Irovisions on scismic dcsign
of buiIdings, 1|c |n!icn Ccncrcic jcurncl, Novcmbcr 1994, VoI 68, No 11,
pp 619-632.
4. ______Unijcrn |uil!ing cc!c, UBC 1997, InlcrnalionaI Confcrcncc on BuiIding
OfficiaIs, Whillicr, CaIifornia, USA.
5. ______|nicrnciicncl |uil!ing cc!c, IBC2003, InlcrnalionaI Codc CounciI, USA.
6. ______N|HRP Rcccnncn!c! Prc.isicns jcr Scisnic Rcgulciicns jcr Ncu
8uil!ings,NLHRI2000, BuiIding Scismic Safcly CounciI, IcdcraI Lmcrgcncy
Managcmcnl Agcncy, USA, (avaiIabIc al hllp://
7. MURTY, C.V.R. and }AIN, S.K. A proposcd drafl for IS 1893 - Irovisions on
scismic dcsign of buiIdings, Iarl I: Codc, jcurncl cj Siruciurcl |nginccring,
SLRC Chcnnai, VoI 22, No 1, ApriI 1995, pp. 21-29.
8. }AIN, S.K. A proposcd drafl for IS 1893 - Irovisions on scismic dcsign of
buiIdings, Iarl II: Commcnlary and LxampIcs, jcurncl cj Siruciurcl |nginccring,
SLRC Chcnnai, VoI 22, No 2, }uIy 1995, pp. 73-90.
9. ______|n!icn sicn!cr! cc!c cj prcciicc jcr plcin cn! rcinjcrcc! ccncrcic (Icuri|
Rc.isicn), IS 456 : 2000, Burcau of Indian Slandards, Ncw DcIhi.
10. ______|n!icn sicn!cr! cc!c cj prcciicc jcr !uciilc !ciciling cj rcinjcrcc! ccncrcic
siruciurcs su|jccic! ic scisnic jcrccs, IS 13920 : 1993, Burcau of Indian
Slandards, Ncw DcIhi.
11. ______Hcn!|cc| jcr siruciurcl cnginccrs. Applicciicn cj plcsiic i|ccr in !csign
cj siccl siruciurcs, SI6(6)-1972, Burcau of Indian Slandards, Ncw DcIhi.
12. ______|n!icn sicn!cr! cc!c cj prcciicc jcr gcncrcl ccnsiruciicn in siccl,
IS 800 : 1984, Burcau of Indian Slandards, Ncw DcIhi.
13. ______|n!icn sicn!cr! cc!c cj prcciicc jcr ccri|uc|c rcsisicni !csign cn!
ccnsiruciicn cj |uil!ings, IS 4326 : 1993, Burcau of Indian Slandards, Ncw
14. KRAMLR, S.I. Gccicc|niccl |cri|uc|c |nginccring, Icarson Lducalion, 1996
(Indian rcprinl 2003).
Dr 5udhir K. Jain is currcnlIy profcssor in lhc
dcparlmcnl of civiI cnginccring al lhc Indian Inslilulc
of TcchnoIogy (IIT), Kanpur. His arcas of inlcrcsl
incIudc carlhquakc-rcsislanl dcsign, scismic dcsign
codcs, and dynamics of buiIdings wilh fIcxibIc fIoor
diaphragms. Hc is a mcmbcr of lhc Burcau of Indian
Slandards ScclionaI Commillcc on Larlhquakc
Lnginccring and is lhc co-ordinalor of lhc NalionaI Informalion
Ccnlrc of Larlhquakc Lnginccring (NICLL) hoslcd al IIT Kanpur
( Dr }ain is lhc nalionaI co-ordinalor of NalionaI
Irogrammc on Larlhquakc Lnginccring Lducalion
( Hc is a dircclor of lhc InlcrnalionaI
Associalion for Larlhquakc Lnginccring, and of lhc WorId Scismic
Safcly Inilialivc.

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