Unit 11 Thiermal Stresses: Structure

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11.1 Introduction
1 1.2 Effect of Temperature on Bodies
11.3 Thermal Stresses in Bodies
11.4 Thermal Stresses in Uniform Bars
11.4.1 Fully Restrained Bar
11.4.2 Partially Restrarned Bar
11.5 Thermal Stresses in Stepped Bar
1 1.5.1 Fully Restrained Stepped Bar
11.5.2 Partially Restrained Stepped Bar
11.6 Thermal Stresses in Tapered Bars
1 1.6.1 Fully Restriuned Tapered Bar
11.6.2 Partially Restrained Tapered Bar
11.7 Thermal Stresses in Composite or Compound Bars and Tubes
11.8 Summary
11.9 Answers to SAQs
This unit introduces you to the effect of temperature on materials and completely or
partially restrained bodies. It introduces the concept of thermal stresses and the method to
determine them in simple and compound bars.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
explain the effect of temperature on bodies,
understand how thermal stresses are developed in materials, and
determine thermal stresses in uniform, stepped, tapered and compound bars.
It is a common observation and experience that the size of a body increases as the
temperature increases while it decreases as the temperature decreases. Thus, temperature
rise results in expansion, i.e. increase in linear dimensions of the body, and temperature
fall results in contraction, i.e. reduction in the linear dimensions of the body. The
. magnitude of the changes brought in linear dimensions of the body by temperatur is
defined through an intrillsic property of the material, of which the body is made VI, called
coefficient of linear thermal expansions or contraction.
The coefficienl of linear thermal expansion or contraction of a material is defined as the
change in length per unit lenght per degree change in temperature of the body which is
made of the malerial. The values of this coefficient, a of some of the common
engineering materials are listed in Table 11. 1.
From the definition, a can be written as,
where, AL is the change in length over a total length L when the temperature is changcd
by AT. Thus.
Str. . irs in Shafts & Shells
and 'I'hennal Stresses
Table 11.1
a, Coeflicient of Linear
Thermal Expansion w')
Low carbon (mild) steel
Cast h n : Gray Malleable
11.7 X
12 x lo-6
Nickle-chrome steel
11.7 x
23 x 1
18.9 x
18 x lod6
' Magnesium
In the earlier section we had seen that if the temperature of a body is increased by AT,
there will be an expansion AZ, over a length L. However, this expansion occurs only if the
body is free to expand. During this free expansion, the body is not stressed. But, if this
free expansion is restrained either fully or partially, forces of restraint are generated and
the body develops internal strain resulting in internal stresses. These stresses are called
lfhermal stresses. A similar situation arises if the body is restrained against contraction
I nd the temperature is reduced. When expansion is restrained compressive stresses will
lie generated because the restraint is equivalent to applying a compressive force.
Similarly, when contraction is restrained tensile stresses will be generated.
2 8 . 8 ~ 1 0 - ~ '
11: l l i ~s section we shall discuss the problem of thermal stresses in bars of uniform
~ross-section when they are partially or totally restrained against change in length due to
temperature changes. Since the area of cross-section is the same over the entire length,
the stress will be the same on every cross-section.
. I 1.4.1 Fully Restrained Bar
Let us consider a bar of uniform cross-sectional area A and length L and at constrained
both ends as shown in Figure 11.1 (a) and (b).
Ngure 11.1 (a) Fi pm 11.1 (b)
Let us increase the temperature of the bar by AT. If the bar were free to expand, it would
have increased to a length L + AL, as in Figure 11.1 (b). However, this increase in length
AL is completely restrained. Hence, the restraining force P will be equivalent to a force
which would have produced the same change in length. Following these arguments
a L A T = - or P = AEa AT
Thermal Strain = - = a AT
Thermal Stress in the bar = Strain x E = E a AT
which is the same as - . Since the force P is compressive, the stresss developed is also
compressive in nature.
11.4.2 Partially Restrained Bar
Thennal st--
Now, let us assume that one of the supports of the bar in Figure 11.1 (a) can move by a
distance ALf(AL' c AL) while the bar is expanding. In this case the bar is free to expand
by an amount hL' but is restrained in expanding further by rest of the amount ( hL - hL').
Thus, the force of restraint P is now a force which would produce a change in length
( AL- M) in the bar.
Thus, ,
Strain = dAT-hL' = faAT-g)
Thermal Stress = Strain x E = E a AT - -
Example 11.1
[ Y' ;
Two parallel walls are stayed together by a steel rod of 5 cm diameter passing
through metal plates and nuts at both ends. The nuts are tightened, when the rod is
at 150C, to keep the walls 10 m apart. Determine the stresses in the rod when the
temperature falls down to 50C, if
(a) the ends do not yield, and
(b) the ends yield by 1 cm.
so111 t'ion
Given Length of the rod, L = 10 m = lo4 mm
Diameter of the rod, d = 5 cm = 50 cm
Change in temperature, AT = 150 - 50 = 100' C
a = 12x l od~' - '
(a) When the ends do not yield (let the stress be ol )
Thermal stress, 01, in the rod = E a AT
= 2x105x12x10dx100 = 2 4 0 ~ 1 mm~
(b) When the ends yield by 1 cm (let the stress be 02)
Thermal Stress, 0 2 = a AT - - x E
r Y511
Two parallel walls h m apart, are slayed together by a steel rod 20 mm diameter,
passlng through ~netal plales and nuts at each end. The nuts are tightened, when the
rod is at a temperature of 100OC. Determine the stress in the rod, when the
lcnlperaturc falls down to 20C, if
(a) thc ends do not yield. and
(b) the ends yield by 1 mm.
4 -1
~a ke 1: ' =2~10%/ mm~ and a = 12x10 K .
Stn?sser rllShafts&@.lseUs 11.5 THERMAL STRESSES IN STEPPED BARS
Rnd The~?nd Stresses
In this section we shall discuss the determination of thermal stresses in bars whose
cross-sectional area changes in steps over the length.
11.5.1 Fully Restrained Stepped Bar
Consider a bar of length L which has a uniform cross-sectional area Al over length L1
while in the rest of the length Lq the cross-sectional area is A2. Let the Young's modulus
and the coefficient of linear expansion for the two parts be El Val and E2,a2 respectively.
The ends of the bar are fully restrained. The bar is shown in Figure 11.2. Let the
temperature of the bar be raised by AT.
Rgure 11.2
If the bar were free to expand, it would have extended by a length AL given by
AL = L1 al AT+L2a2AT
Since the bar is fully restrained, P , the compressive force developed would have to
produce a contraction equal to AL. Let this force produce a stress crl in part 1 and a;! in
part 2 (these are the thermal stresses).
( J l 0l Ll
a1 will produce a strain equal to - and a change in length AL1 equal to -.
El El
Similarly, q will produce a change in length equal to *. Thus. the total change in
length due to the application of force P will be equal to (AL1 + a),
we get,
But this should be equal to 4L.
~ l L 1 02L2
-- + ---- = AL = ( Ll al + L2a2) AT
El E2
Herein, we have assumed that the two parts of the bar are made of two different
materials. Instead, if the entire bar is of a single material of Young's rnodulus E and
coefficient of linear expansion a,
El = E2 = E and al = a2 = a
Then al and 0 2 reduce to
AT EA2 a L
01 =
A1 Lz+A2L1
Further, if the cross-section is uniform throughout (Al = A2 = A), both the above
expressions reduce to
ol = 6 2 = 0 = E a A T
a result which we have aIready derived for uniform bars.
11.5.2 Partially Restrained Stepped Bar
Let us now consider the case of a stepped bar as in Figure 11.2, but which is free to
extend by an amount AL' (AL' < AL) but restrained thereafter. In this case, during the free
expansion of AL' the bar remains unstressed but thereafter develops the stresses 0 1 and 0 2
whose values will now be different than those of Section 11.5.1. By a similar argument as
in the previous section, we obiain
& 02k!
+ - = (AL - AL') = [AT ( Ll al + L2a2) - AL']
El E2
From the above two expressions, the thermal stresses a1 and 0 2 can now be written as
E1E2A2 [AT ( Ll al + ha2) - AL']
a1 = '
AlElL2 + A2E2L1
EIE2Al [AT ( Ll al + L2a2) - AL']
0 2 =
A lElLz + A2E2L1
In the case of a single material bar
E A2 [AT 05 - AL']
( 31 =
A1L2 + A2Ll
EAI [AT a L - AL']
0 2 =
AIL2 + A2L1
For a uniform bar the stress expression reduces to
a result already observed.
Example 11.2
A stepped bar made of aluminium is held between two supports. The bar is
900 mm in length at 3g0C, 600 mm of which is having a diameter of 50 mm, while
the rest is of 25 mm diameter. Determine the L9ermal stress in the bar at a
temperature of 21 O C , if
(a) the supports are unyielding, and
(b) when the supports move towards each other by 0.: .nm.
Thennal Stresses
Stresses in Shafts & Shells
and Thennal Stresses
E for aluminium = 74 kN/rnm2
a for aluminium = 23.4 x 1 o4 K-'
When the Supports are Unyielding
We have, L1 = 600 mm; diameter dl = 50 mm
; . Al =- n ( 50) ~ -2
, Also, & = 300 mm; diameter, d2 = 25 mm ,
and AT = 38 - 21 = 17OC
Therefore, free contraction AT = L a AT = 900 x 23.4 x
x 17 = 0.358 mm
Let 01 be the stress in 50 rnm I$ part and 02 be the stress in 25 mm I$ part
These stresses are tensile in nature.
When the Supports Move rowards Each Other by 0.1 mm
Here, AL' = 0.1 rnm.
Both these stresses are tensile.
A hi-metallic rod c ~ f Icngrh 450 mm is mounted horizontally between rigid
abutments. The rod has a uniform circular cross-sectio11 and is made up of a
150 p ~ n length of steel and a 300 mm lcilgth of copper coaxial with each other. I t
the rod is initially stress-free, determine the stress in the rod caused by a
ttb,mperature rise of 100 K.
Given E, copper = 105 G N ~ - "
a, copper = I x x 10-' K-'
Tkennd Stresses
In this section we shall study the problem of thermal stresses in gradually tapering bars.
Because the cross-sectional area is varying along the length of the bar, so does the stress.
Herein, we shall derive expression for thermal stress in bars with circular cross-section.
For other cross.-sections,'like square etc., expressions for stresses can be derived in a
similar fashion.
11.6.1 Fully Restrained Tapered Bar
Consider the bar shown in Figure 11.3, which is circular in cross-section but tapering
from a diameter d2 to dl over the length L. The bar is completely restrained at its ends.
Now, let the temperature of the bar increased by AT.
Figure 113
If the bar were not restrained but free to expand it would have extended by an amount AL,
given by
AL = a LAT
Due to the restraint, a compressive force P would have developed in the bar whose effect
is to produce a contraction equal to AL. Under this force, a cross-section at a distance x
from the larger end would have developed a stress ax equal to - where Ax is the are2 of
The strain at that cross-section, ex can be w'ritten as
\ 1
Under this strain, a small element of the bar of length dx would have changed its length
by d(AL) given by
d(AL) = ex dx =
The total change in length AL can then be obtained by integrating the above expression.
Stresses in Shafts & Shells
and Thermal Stresses
Now, on writing (a - bx) = t, we get dx = - -
Substituting these,
So the compressive force generated in the bar due to restraining the free expansion for an
increase in temperature AT is
nEd 1d2a AT
P =
Hence, the thermal stress a, at a cross-section with an area of A, is given as
where x is measured from the end with diameter dl which is the larger end.
The maximum stress am,, in the bar occurs at the smaller end with diameter d2 .
For cross-sections o&& than circular, the derivation can be proceeded in a similar way.
11.6.2 Partially ~estrained Tapered Bar
Let us consider the bar of Figure 11.3, but now let it be free to extend by an amount
AL'(AL' < AL). By following similar arguments as in the previous section, now the
compressive load P developed in the bar will be given by
%Ed id2 (AL - AL')
P =
and hence,
Edld2 (La AT- AL')
Ox =
(dl - d2)
d - x )
and the maximum stress,
Ed (kt AT - AL')
Omax =
L d2
Example 11.3
A circular bar rigidly fixed at both ends is 1 m long and tapers uniformly from
20 cm diameter at one end to 10 cm diameter at the other. Find the maximum stress
in the bar, if its temperature is raised through 50C. E = 2 x 10' N/mrn2 and
a = 12 x IO-~K-~.
dl = 20cm = 200mm
d;! = 10cm = 100 mm
= 240 N/mm2
SiIQ 3
A straight bar has a circular cross-section, the radius of which varies linearly from
30 mm at one end A to 15 mrn at the other end B. The bar is 1 m lorlg and is fixed
rigidly at A, but longitudinal movement is possible at B against a spring which
opposes movement with a constant sttffness of 20 kN/mn. Initially, Lhere is 110
longitudinal stress in the bar. The temperature of the bar then falls by 100K.
Determine the change in the bar length if
E = 69-.G~/n1~, and
Thermal Stresses
In Section 11.5 on stepped bars, we have seen one type of composite bar where bars of
different materials are joined serially. In this section, we shall consider another lype of
compound bar, a bar constructed from two different materials rigidly joined together a
shown in Figure 11.4 (a), or two bars of different materials but of equal length held
between two rigid plates as in Figure 11.4 (b).
Figure 11.4 (a) Figure 11.4 (b)
If the individual bars were free to expand (or contract) due to temperature changes, they
would do so to different amounts (for the same change in temperature), as in
stresses Shdh Sheas
Figure 11.4 (c) and Figure 11.4 (d), due to the difference in the coefficients of linear
and Thermal Stresses
expansion of the two materials.
Figure 11.4 ( c)
Fig- 11.4 (d)
Fig- 11.4 (e) Figure 11.4 (f)
However, since the two materials are rigidly joined as a compound bar and subjected to
the same temperature rise, each material will attempt to expand to its free length position
but each will be affected by the movement of the other. The higher coefficient of
expansion material will try to pull the lower expansion material to its free length, but will
be held back by the latter to its own free length position. In practice, a compromise will
be reached with both extending to a common position in between the individual free
length positions. This, in effect, is equivalent to a contraction in bar 2 from its free length
position and an expansion of bar 1 from its free position. Thus, the higher coefficient of
expansion material develops compressive stress and the lower coefficient of expansion
material develops tensile stresses, when the temperature of the compound bar increases. It
will be vice-versa when the temperature decreases. From Figure 11.4 (c) to 11.4 (f) it is
clear that
extension of bar 1 + contraction of bar 2 = difference in free lengths
Let the stresses in bars 1 and 2 be a1 and 02due to the temperature change. Then the
above nlle can be written as
Since there are no external forces acting on the compound bar, for equilibrium, the
compressive force in bar 2 should be equal to the tensile force in bar 1. This means that
From the above two expressions, a1 and 0 2 can be written as
Thermal Stresses
6 1 =
A2ElE2 (a2 - a1) AT
AlEl+ A2E2
. and
The extension of the compound bar, i.e., AL is given as
A2E2 (a;! - al ) L AT
= La l AT+
A 1El+ A2E2
Example 11.4
A compound bar is constructed from three bars 50 mm wide by 12 rnm thick
fastened together to form a bar 50 mm wide by 36 mm thick. The middle bar is of
aluminium alloy for which E = 70 GN/rn2 and the outside bars are of brass with
E = 100 GN/m2. If the bars are initially fastened at 18OC and the.temperature of
the whole assembly is then raised to 50C, determine the stresses sel up in the
brass and the aluminium.
For computation purposes, take following values :
adUmiium = 22 x K-'
Let the stress in aluminium bar be a, and that in each brass bar be ab. Then for
Force in brass = Force in aluminium
0 ~ ~ 5 0 ~ 1 2 x 2 = 0 ~ ~ 1 2 x 5 0
or 2 a b = a,
and from extension considerations
or a b = 3.32 ~ / m m ~ (tensile)
and a, = 6.64 N/mm2 (compressive)
. Example 11.5
A hollow steel cylinder of cross-sectional area 2000 mm2 concentrically surrounds
a solid aluminium cylinder of cross-sectional area 6000 mm2. Both cylinders have
the same length of 500 mm before a rigid block weighing 200 kN is applied at
20C as shown in Figures11.5. Determine
(a) the load carried by each cylinder at 60C.
(b) the temperature rise required for the entire load to be carried by the aluminium
cylinder alone.
stresses in sh& & shells
For computation purposes, take following values :
and Thermal Stresses
Estml = 210 GNIm and Edumiiu, = 70 G N / ~ ~
-6 -1 -6 -1
= 12 x 10 K and adUmi ~, , = 23 x 10 K
500 rnrn
Figure 11s
Figure 11.6 shows the free thermal expansions A, and A, together with the
common expansion A under the load of 200 kN (the subscripts a and s standing for
aluminium and steel respectively).
For a temperature rise of AT K.
3 r-7
Figure 11.6
we have, A, = 500 x 23 x x AT = 11.5 x AT mm
' A, = 5 0 0 ~ 1 2 ~ 1 0 - ~ x ~ ~ = 6 ~ 1 0 - ~ ~ T m m
Under load, the strains are
Ea = - and
/ 500
and the corresponding stresses are as follows :
6, =
OX id
(A, - A) = 140 (A, - A) N
For equilibrium of vertical forces,
oax6000+o, x2000 = 2 0 0 x 1 0 ~ ~ .
Substituting for o, , o, , A, and A, we get,
A = 8.75 x AT - -
The loads taken by the aluminium and the steel are therefore,
Pa = oa x 6000 N
These equations will be valid as long as A is less th& A,. The load will be
completely carried by aluminium when A, becomes equal to A.
(a) at 60C,
AT = 60-20 = 40K
= 192.4 kN
P, = 200 - 192.4 = 7.6 kN
(b) The load will be carried completely by aluminium when
6 x x AT = 8.75 x low3 x AT- -
i.e., at a temperature of (20 + 43.3) = 63.3 OC.
Example 11.6
A steel bolt of diameter 12 mm and length 175 mm is used to clamp a brass sleeve
of length 150 mm to a rigid base plate as in Figure 11.7. The sleeve has an internal
diameter of 25 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm. The thickness of the base plate is
25 mm. Initially, the nut is tightened until there is tensile force of 5 kN in the bolt.
The temperature is now increased by 100' C. Determine the final stresses in the
bolt and the sleeve.
For computation purposes, take following values :
Figure 11.7
Let the free thermal expansions of steel and brass be As and Ab and A be the
common expansion. Then
Thennal Stresses
. Stresses in Shaffs & Shells
and Thennal Stresaes
If the initial stresses in steel and brass due to the 5 W load are asl and a bl
asl = + lo3 = + 44.21 N/mm2 (Tensile)
x (1212
abl = - lo3 = - 18.95 Nhnm2 (Compressive)
n (312 - 252)
Equilibrium of thermal stresses an and ab2 requires that
or 3as2+7ab2 = 0
The thermal strains are given by
A- As
ES = -
(A- Ab)
and Eb = -
Thus, the thermal stresses are as follows :
= - (A - Ab) X ld N/-~
Substituting these in the equilibrium equation,
3 x m ( ~ - 0 . 2 1 ) ~ 175 ~ o ~ + ~ x - - ( A- o . ~ o ) x 150 lo3 = 0
Hence, A = 0.262-
os2 =
(0.262 - 0.21) x id = + 62.26 N/mm2 (tensile)
- (0.262 - 0.3) x lo3 = - 26.28 N/mrn2 (compressive)
Ob2 = 150
Total stressess are therefore as follows :
as = o,l + 6,2 = - 106.5 Nlmm (tensile)
a b = abl .t 662 = - 4.56 N/mm (compressive)
A steel rod of cross-sectional yea 600 mm2 and a coaxial copper tube of
clc?ss-sectional area 1OOO mm- are firmly attached at their ends to form a
compound bar. Determine the stress in the steel and in copper when the
tenlperamre of the bar is raised by 80C and an axial tensile force of 60 kN is
For steel E = 200 G N ~ ~ and a = 11 x K-'
4 -1
For copper E = 100 G N ~ ~ and a = 16.5 x 10 . K
;,\a) 5
,t ~ t e c i rot1 of 20 n1n.r il~mit.tcr passe.; cerltially through a tight fitting copper bhe
1.t :xltrnal d~amctt'r 40 nnn. The tube 1s closed wilh the help of rigid washcrs of
iiatgl~plh!? thickness ar~tl nuts thteadcltf on the rod. ?'he nuts art1 tightened tiil the
rvc )mpr?\\lve load on the tube 1s 50 kN Lhterniine the stresses in the rctrj imd the
!?rb~. whcbil the temperature of tho assemb!) l dl s by 50C.
For copper I.: - 100 GNIT-? i~nd n - 1 X x 1 O4 K-'
SAQ t b
.I z- i c. ; . l
. . . ,,,I :;l;i!, \vt;ighing 600 kN i:: placed ilpon twr! bronze rcid and one steel rod
each iil Oj! c ~ I . ~ C T OS S - S ~ I : ~ ~ ~ I ; ~ : area si r r temperature of 15C The bronze rods are
_'5 cr:] \vhlli. lhc. sl eel rot! is 3s) c n ~ long. 8 ~ i . 0 ~ ~ . the slab was placed, the top of all
r i i i : rhrce rods are ievcl. t-'i~,i! the tcmporarme, 31 which the stress in the steel roti
will hc zero.
E ,~,1 steel z: 'z3f)(> ~ ~ n l ' a~rt R of bronze = 80 GNI~-'
In this unit, we have studied
the effect of temperature on ixx~terials and bodies,
(is) the concept of thermalktresses, and
(iii) the method of determination of thermal stresses in uniform, stepped, tapered
and compound bars.
(a) 9.192 N/mm2 (b) 158.7 N/mm2
201.6 MPa
SAQ 3.
-1.26 mrn
94.6 N/mm2, 3.3 ~ / m m ~
o, = 123. 15~/ mm~ *

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