Matrices and Determinants
Matrices and Determinants
Matrices and Determinants
16.1 Introduction
0 bjectives
16.2 Matrices
16.2.1 Equality of Matrices
16.2.2 Sum of Matrices
16.2.3 Scalar Multiplication
16.2.4 Transpose and Conjugate of a Matrix
16.2.5 Special Matrices
16.2.6 Partitioning of Matrices
16.2.7 Submatrices
16.3 Matrix Multiplication
16.4 Matrices and Linear Transformations
16.5 Rank of Matrix
16.6 Inverse of a ~ a t r i x
16.7 Determinants
16.7.1 Properties of Determinants
16.7.2 Laplace Expansion of Determinants
16.8 Determinants and Matrices
16.8.1 Cramer 's Rule
16.9 Summary
16.10 Solutions/Answers
In Unit 14, you have seen the role that linear tra~lsformatio~ls play in uiiderstanding the
structure of the solutiolls set of a systeiil of linear equations. The con~putational aspects
of linear t ~a~~f onnat i ons can be understood by using matrices. We introduce matices
and various operations involvilig matrices in this unit. The notions of rank and inverse
of a matrix are also introduced. After introducing the notion of determinant of a square
matrix, some important properties of determinants are observed. These properties are
useful in co~nputing the determinants more efficiently. Finally, determinants are used to
understand certain aspects of matrices.
The nlain objectives of this uuit are
* To introduce the notioli of matrices and operations involving matrices.
To understand the relation between matrices and linear transformations and thus 1
i~ltroduce the concepts of rank and inverse of a matrix,
* To introduce determinants of order 11and give some useful properties of
determinants, and
* To understa~~d certai~l~aspects of matrices in terms of detenninads.
We know that linear transformations are very inti~nately coaaected with systenls of
linear equations. The linear transfonnations are also related to certain objects called